Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 23, 1894, Image 2

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    Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
We hold each and every corre.pondenl re
innn.it. In for hi or her communication. No
' 1 ...ill ... n..K!laVw.H lltllull
cm the
COrrOpOI)(iei!CtJ "a mm."!..-.
writer i real uame 1h Bigtica as an evidouce of
good faith.
Did you ever
Road about tuo KIT
Man who
Hid his
LittUt uudur
A bushel? JtZ
Yes? well
That is like
Doing buHiness
Without advertising. -iK
All the
Hrjide schemes
In the country
Will not acoompliah JH
Half as much
As a good ad.
In a Rood, live,
Legitimate newspaper, Jl
One that
Is read
By the people,
And that owns -JH
Its own
Soul; that
Duet its space
Like merchandise, -atJ
Worth dollar
For dollar.
While in San FranciBco recently
on bis way to visit relatives in the
East, Governor Lord was interview
ed on the silver question, when he
"There is a growing sentimont
in favor of free coinage of silver,"
said Judge Lord in speaking of
the political situation in Oregon.
"That is only among the masses,
however, and not among the com
mercial classes. The way in which
that subject was handled on our
platform had considerable to do
with the success of our ticket.
find that the people of Oregon at.
tribute the industrial dilliculties,
the docline in the price of products,
and the depreciation of property
values to the demonetization of
silver, and they believe there will
be no return of prosperity until
silver is re-monetized and placed
on au equality with gold. How
that is to bo brought about is a
subject of dispute betweon the
political parties. They are all
practically, bi-metallists, but the
question of whetiior silver should
be restored through national legis
lation or by an international agree
ment, is the question on which the
argument hinges. Populists are
after the free and unlimited cniu
ago of silver. The commercial
classes aro bi-metallists, but only
in tho soubo that they believe sil
ver should bo restored through nn
international Agreement That will
nover oomo, in my opinion. Eng
land would never agree to it. Tho
republicans declared themselves in
favor of the restoration of silver
through national legislation. That
plank in our platform was one of
the causes of the big republican
victory in Oregon."
The following excerpt from tho
editorial welcome accorded the
visitors by tho EaBt Oregoninu dur
ing the recout session of tho
Oregon Tress Association at Pen
dleton, is worthy of reproduction:
"Tho press boys are tho friends
of tho people, tho great common
people, sympathizers with tho
strugglors and the burden-carriers,
and ever willing to do their share
in upbuilding and uplifting toward
better conditions, bettor times, bet
ter men. They aro men w ho lovo
their country, their couutrymen
and their work. They aro toilers,
workers who earn their living by
tho sweat of their fnces; men who
battle for the rights of the masses.
God bless 'em I for they are damn
ed by almost everybody else, who
are prone to misunderstand them.
They are not members of tho
classes, nor interested in the trusts
and combines, nor beneficiaries of
special legislation, but common,
onliunry. l'luiu men of the people, ;
Kpokesmen , of the people, advance i
couriers of thought, progress find i
enlightenment." (
.. '
Is Illinois there are ten partiei.of s,ilt u,ukr fl"wIot,ur "fertile
in the political field, all with state T. J petitions, county
. , . ... , huaueial exhibit, county and pro
tickets to be voted for at tho elec l)Rt priWtHinW cJmt,
Hon next month. I hey aro as fob . clerk to furnish copy ; publication
lows: Democratic party, republic- of laws after the manner of New!
au party, prohibition party, pw-; York and publication of city ordi
ple's party, independent republican nH,u'es-
party, the people's silver party. Mistake.
populist party, independent party, I umn bo needs power tor nutuning, i
. , . . , , 'swing or lathes, surely makes a miMtnke
independent democratic party, and , tt, p,,rihses hd inferior make of ;
independent people's party. With n-,t'ine because it is cheap. Why not !
this list the voter hoalJ experience b,,v b ""' J ,
uo diihculty in famhng a ticket and ( xlMUtL iuy Typi fotsokY, Front
plntfoim to suit hie politkel tat6. Airier Si., tVmUo., Oregon.
Everett P. Wheeler has accept
ed tho independent democratic
iiomiimfinti fnr rmviirnnr itf N'fiiv
Y,.rt Tl, fll,..;,, m t.; Intrm- of
acceptance: "I accept the nomi-1 '
nation because I believe the prin
ciples of the party are at stake, ;
and that if Senator Hill should be
elected governor the state admiui- j
stration might bo democratic in
form, but would not be so in
fact. Senator Hill has opposed
our democratic admiiiistrntiou
from the beginning in every way ;
that his familiarity with political ;
intrigue could suggest He has
- j . , , i a ;
combined with republicans to de
feat DOniinatioDS for the United ,
. 4 11 .
buijiciuc ram nun.11, uu , heliliBe and purauve powers are possoss
every ground of personal chai acter i by no other remedy. Ask vonrdrng-
or party allegiance, he ought to
have supported. He opposed the
Wilson bill from the first to the
last, and in violation of his re
peated pledges, joined with the
republicans in voting against it.
His conduct at this critical junct
ure evinced the basest treachery.
It would have been better for the
party if a republican had filled his
place in the senate."
The Sun, the new Portland
daily, continues to shine. It
improves with every issue.
The Pacific Express Company
has offered $11)00 for the recovery
of the money stolon at The Dalles.
As yet the robbers have not
"divied up." Better increase the
Comuett has now doclared him
self, and is willing to meet all the
fighters. An eastern paper sug
gests that since he wants to fight
wholesale, we might hire him out
to fight China.
Stuaus, the tammany candidate
for mayor of New York City, has
withdrawn from tho race. Ex
Mayor Grant, who had previously
docliued tho nomination, has beon
nominated for the position.
An exchange says that au editor
once applied at tho door of Hades
for admission. "Well," replied
his sablo majesty, "we let one of
your profession in hero many years
ago, and ho kept up a continual
row with his delinquent subscrib
ers; and as wo have more of that
class of poi sons than any other, w
passed u law prohibiting the ad
mission of editors."
Thank Dkki'm, one of tho pio
neers, in fact 0110 of the landmarks
of Portland, died lust Friday even
ing. Mr. Dekum camo to Port
laud iu 'o.'l a poor man, but by
judicious business management he
amassed a fortune of over $1,000,
000. Durinc his residence in
Portland his every effort has been
for the upbuilding au advance
ment of the city. In his death
1 ortland loses a valuable citizen.
One of our exchanges gives the
following: Abraham Lincoln was
undoubtedly tho tallest president;
ho was six feet four inches in
height. Tho shortest was probably
Benjamin Harrison, although Van
Buren and John Adams were very
short men. The oldest president
was illiain Henry Harrison, who
was fiM years and 1 month old
when inaugurated. The youngest
was Grant, who was not quite -17
years old.
The federal grand jury at
Chicago has returi.ed indictments
against Debs and other officers of
the A. H. U., and a large number
of persons charged with partici
pating in violence and obstruction
of mails and commerce on different
roads last summer. It is reported
that iu all 00 were included iu the
blanket indictment. To those rail,
road employes, who lost their po
sition because they joined Hobs'
strike through sympathy, this will
be welcome news. Debs has very
few sympathizers now.
The legislative committee of tho
Oregon Cross Association, w hicb puyed; I just went to the middle of the
met nt I Yiulleton recently, reeoin- . tak'e, before Hie curtain rose and de
momW nml the same was mloutoil ! "landed my money; I got it. This was
Unit laws lo enacted ly the legis. :
Mm(t ,inivitillg f(U t)10 publicntiou I
. .. ,,. . , , ., ,
iu the olhclal papers of the county (
as follows: Election uotici-s, notices ;
At the recent election down iu ;
Georgia the democratic plurality
was cut down about oae half. It '
will be remembered that d'.'.nr.j; ,
tllis campaign Speaker Crisp
a number of deinoeraiic- j;v-fckers ;
advocated the free coinage of Wc-t
at 16 to 1, while SocretAi v Hoke
mith and some other prominent
Georgians vigorously vmihsti I
that policy. Hut now the pivr.li&r ;
feature of it is that each faction is
charging the other with the great '
lots of democratic votes. Maybe;
they are all guilty.
"How to cnr au sub Dimm." i
pimply apply "Swatsk's Ointmkxt."
.'U luieiuai uitfuiciur it'uunru. vuir,p
ttU eczem&t lk.h. an eruptions on tb f
f. bftodR, nose, Ac, leaving the ekin
I'irni, nunc null ufMiiuv. aid jirHi ,
gist (or S-watxh'b Oistmkxt.
There is nothing further concerning
the express robbery, except that the
company has 0 He re J a reward of 31,500
fo' the recovery of the money, or ten
per cent, of any portion of the amount
recovered. Besides this a reward of
$250 apiece is offered for the arrest and
oonviction of the robbers. The de
tectives have discovered that the job of
ferreting out the perpretators of the
robbery is a large sized one. There
seems to be a general impression that
the money was taken by local talent,
though quite a number are of tbeopinion
the work was that of a professional, who
probably oame up from Portland on the
same train with the box. One peculiar
feature of the affair, which shows the
confidence and respeot we have for eacb
other, is, that nearly every one suspeotB
nearly every one else, and insinuates
tbat any man in town would have taken
the money if he bad a chanoe. As a
matter of taot there has been more
senseless suspicions and absurd theories
concerning this robbery, than over any
other affair of the kind that ever happen
ed here. Nobody knows anything and
so the whole matter is left to the
imninatiuu with somewhat startling
results. We Hughs' that the whole
matter be turned over to the yoang
Obarr boy, as be is the only pesron who
has made a sucaess of the detective
business here, for some time. The
Uulle8 Chronicle.
When Others Kail
Hood's Harsaparilla builds up the shat
tered system by giving vigorous action
to the digestive organs, oreating an
appetite and purifying the blood. It is
prepared by modern methods, possesses
the greatest curutive powers, and has
the most wonderful ' record of actual
cures of any medicine iu existauce.
Take ouly Hood's.
Kcoeutly au attorney wrote to County
Clark Kelaay, says Tbe Dulles Chrouioie,
ii 'siring to know which was tbe leading
democratic paper of Tbe Daliea. Tbe
letter was turned over to A. G. John
son, deputy, to reply, and we quote a
small portion of the answer, as showing
tho present condition of democratic
newspapers in The Dalles. Mr. John
sou said:
"There was a democratic paper pub
lished here iu the days koda by, but the
'change it labored ho hard for, brought
not a harvest of p'euty, and it met the
fate of the Frenchman's whisky, it lasted
soon. Like many another industry
under the new 'conditions tbat confront
uh' it withered and died. Tbe old plant
has beeu moved across tbe river, and tbe
faithful type that whooped it up for
democracy's uncrowned king, Grover tbe
First, and tar ill" reform, is now doing
good service in expounding republican
principles to tbe political sinners in the
evergreeu state.'
Tbe fmcuens that has attended the use
of Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil
Linimeut iu the relief of pain and in
curiui; diseases which seemed beyond
tbe reach of medicine, has been truly
remarkable. Hundreds supposed to be
crippled for life with arms and legs
drawn up crooked or distorted their
muscles withered or contracted by
disease have been cured through the
ine of this remedy. Price 125o, 50 and
81.00 per bottle.
Kva Kraii Aj;nin with a Stratuled Theat
rical Troupe. Thix Time iu California.
Y mm the Wood lawn Mail,
Eva Kvans, daughter of the noted out
law, and tbe leading lady iu the stranded
Knox combination, was interviewed by a
Mail reporter at her hotel Saturday.
"Yes," said Miss Kvans. "I am
stranded auain; this is tbe third time;
I am disgusted with the sbow business.
Mr. Kinley got the best of me, but I got
the beet of tbe last manager for whom I
iu tlio Mission, Shu Francisoo. 1 gave
up another piny I whij rebearsing to go
8lTd5tllC.) O
will frequently prove O
Q as effective as a doe- O
g tor's prescription. q
O Worth a Guinea a B x. Q
q A trilling dose from Q
i Blood Diseases
t n-rt Ss-rofnl v-i X
.VM ' Aim
Scott A Bne, K.
ith the "Groat Rxilr.M.1 St.r.Vw." li
looks as it 1 m doomed to distr,
wherever I go. No, 1 will rot try tbf
etape any more for hi)f ; 1 am c.iin
to Vieaha to my mother. t tbe oiA
home. She has been there ever nine
e came from onr northern trip. That
was a disastrous venture, as yon know.
We were stranded np there at a place
called Heppner, in northeastern Oregon
for three months. Ob, this is nothing
here to what it was up there. Wood
land people are very kind. I do not
think I will ever be an actress; "things
do not seem to come my way; three
failures well, I may succeed yet; times
are too hard now. May be I'll try
again in the spring. Yes, we wanted to
keep my identity secret, but they 'got
onto me.' We thought Knox would be
a drawing card.
"Mr. Finley said he was going to
ignore the papers entirely not going to
advertise; I warned him that it was bad
policy. I told him a little printer's ink
was better than all the guady posters in
tbe world, and I guess he wishes he had
taken my advice and patronzed tbe
papers now.
"You ask about my husbaud. Well I
guess be is all right; he's a good fellow;
but he is a gambler, and I don't like that
business. We have agreed to separate
just simply quit. I'll get a divorce
pretty soon. Yes, I was just sixteen
when he married me; yon see 1 was
young and giddy then; I'm eighteen
now. Yes, it was a seoret oontraot mar
riage. When my parents found it out
they kicked; well it is all over now; but
I have been through a whole lot of
trouble in the last two years.
"Yes, I'm going to San Francisoo in
the morning, but I'm going to mamma
pretty soon. My heart and soul is with
tbe stage, but one must have a 'sack'
these times to follow tbe theatrioal
"Well, we are rehearsing for our
varieties to night good bye;" and Eva
Evans tripped as lightly to her room as
a school girl whose heart was aa free
from oare as a bluejay's.
Gilhouseu has put out the finest dis
play of photo views ever seen in Hepp
ner. Your chance, for getting this
work will end Xmtts, as be is going baok
East. 8 tf.
Hayes & Mathews, proprietors of the
City Meat Market, deliver meat to any
part of the city. Full wieght and good
meat guaranteed. Leave them your
orders. tf.
Tiles! Tilt's! Itching Piles.
bymptomB Moisture; intense itching
and Rtingiug; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue
tumors form, which often bleed and
ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swayne's
Ointment stops tbe itching and bleed-
me. heals ulceration, and in most cases
removes the tumors, At druggists, or
by mail, for 50 cents. Dr.SwByne& Son,
1J Or., Oct. .J, IBM
Allen Hurvy
Einmett Win
Howland J P
Minor Mrs M M
Jarrell J M
Harman Mr. A E
Morioka Mr
1'otler Fred
lor these letters please Kay
J. P. Williams, P. M.
When calling
Administratrix Notice.
tera of Administration on the estate of
Samuel N. Morgan deceased, were granted to
the undersigned on the '2.Mh day of September
ISiM, by the Connty Court of Morrow County.
All persons having claims against the Estate
are required to exhibit them to me for allowance
at my noni in Sand Hollow within six months
alter the date of this notice or they shall be
forever barred. This wth day of Sept. ls!H.
JT1 SI Administratrix.
Notice of Intention.
1 Sept. L'ti, 1S;4. Notice is hereby given that
the following named settler has tiled notice of
her intention to make linal proof in support of
her claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. YV. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on November 3,
Legatee of the estate of Sarllda A. Beckett
deceased, and by will the owner of tho de
scribed Hd. claim. No. '.NS6 for the NV Sec.
J7, Tp. SS, R. a K. N. M.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz :
A.S.Haines, Peter Brenner, Clirt Jones and
Jaa. Jonoa, ail of Elht Mile, Oregon.
J. K. MOOR",
270-S3. Register.
Notice of Intention.
i-i IV t. 17, 1. Notu-e is ht'tx'by Kiven thai
; the foiUnvini; nanuvl svttltT Iihs tilivt notice ct
1 11h intention to mke tittal pro. in upirt of
ihis claim, ami that oiii pnvf will he made
Ihmoh ,l.'eph K tiit'son, I. S. Comnuef ioner, at
, Lexington, Orcson, ou November , 1.H, vit :
: H-l. No jt, for the NU'V section lo, township
j 1 south, ranpe -M-a-.t, W. M.
He names the toltnwini; witneusc to prove
i hi continuous restdeuce upouaii-i cultivation
i of u1 land, vii :
t Charley SunrleM. W. C. Metier. Wm. Ferpinon
; and John McMillan, alt of Leingtoa. Oregon,
j Tb-JSd. J as. F. MaoRK. Kegister.
yonci: OF COSTEST.
r. s. Land Oi ru i. The Duiv, Or .
Oct. 17. 1V4
thm OtBce byKniii C. T. Grotkopp affaina:
K. O. Ha relay tor failure to comply with law ai
to Timber Culture Fntrr No. .NIT, atU Fe. J7.
upon tb N E1-, and E'i NWl4 taction
. Towi-ship s South, Ranee East iu Morrow
County. Orvson. with a view t the caiicllaUon
of said entry, contestant alletrnj that the d.
. indant has wholly abandoued. and haa oM
cared for the same, for the past four yra or
The d parti et are hereby summoned to np-.-cnrat
thisorhte on the -isi day of November
Ht 10 o'cloH A. M., to reptnd aud furn
ish testimony c jut rn;tii: saiil aileted failure.
.1. W. Morrow cvutitv eierk, is authoried lo
; t.tke tr.e tcatr.auuy al Hcpuer, Or., ov. l-t,
, l-H,tU'A. M.
J. F. MXRF..
Skin Kniptions and Palo or
Vht sfirin if 0.Mr Oil. Xo other rem
p,' jo Hi.llr Hi., t flVvtm'ir enriches and
purifies ihe M.vj pivv nourishiuout
to in Wftem. It 1 plo.-is&nt to tako
H.TI.1 fX on flip .1,mvia.-1v
Thin, En--.ialed IVrsons ' all
.frcr,r, from Wasl.inc Pisftisrs '
stored to lio!i.l Vt Jvotl's Emulsion.
V pure v.ni pci t.iie lvtl' with out A
p-mnrV on its l-Aiso ohes) nKstituts!
A);.' S.V,'' ' mu hhk .C.,'".,'
Y. All lrusit. SO cents and SI. k
Order far Publication.
"ir.-r.il Oor.rl ,M Iho SiU' ot OrosMI,
In the
f.r V.-.T-TVK Oounty.
The SlAtt- ,-.1 Orrp-on.
.1. W V.trron r.'mnty
Olrrk of Kftiil Monvu
trip Nfir it Chario
atiA. lVcoavtM,
IVfrndanU 1
W hftvas it ha Ixvn Htisitoniv mlo to
apivnr tv. the court that on Hit 1 1 h dsy ol
January, 1W. in sai1 Morrow County. Oroiron.
on? Charles l.ina .InM intestate, that at the
time of hm death Mid Oaries Umt vun
iiiarhe.lsn.Uett no children or other heirs at
law. tiid that np to the time of the commence
ment of this proceeding no pnson persons
have appeared elainiinc to ho an heir or heirs
of mud deceased. That at the time of his deith
as aioresa.d said deceased was seized of certain
real estate in said Morrow Cont.ty besides a
eousiderahlu amount of personal properly;
that afterward the Conntv Court of Morrow
Coontv dulv appointed administrators of the
estate of Raid deceased, who duly qualified and
entered upon such trust, and proceeded to ad- '
minister said estate, nnaer me mreeuon 01 ;
Raid County Court: That on the J4th day of;
Dee. lMi' such admin stration wsb completed. I
and Raid administrator tiled in said Comity i
Court their supplemental final account, by
which it was shown that there remained in; ne
hands of such administrators, after such ad
ministration was fully completed, as the
property nf said estate, the sum of $f&)6.01,
which said sum of money was on said day,
nmUir tho nrHnr tinri dirni'tinn nf Kniil Ctinntv
Court, paid by such administrator to J. V
Morrow, iierK 01 sui county vamiit, uie uuuve
named defendant, subject o the further order
of said County Court: That sidd sum of money
has ever since said 21th day of December w2
heenand now is, in the hands of said J. W.
Morrow, and that said County Court has not
made anv further order in relation thereto, and
that hv reason of such facta aid sum of llWt.Ul
should escheat to and become the property of
the state ami tue Mate ot urejjon has a nnt oy
law to said s' in of money now in the DossessiuQ
of said defendant, J. W. Morrow as aforesaid:
Audit is further satisfactorily appeariiiirto
the court that a summons has issued in this
proceeding directed to said defendant J. W.
Morrow requiring him and the heirs of Faid
ClmrleB Und, deceased, to appear and answer
the Information filed herein, within the time
limited by law in civil cases and that said
summons In beeu duly Berved on said defend
ant J. W, Morrow, personally, in said Morrow
County Oregon, and that no heir or heirs of
said diaries Und, deceased, can be found In
said County anil State:
It is therefore hereby ordered that all persons
interested in the said estate of Charles Und,
deceased, appear at Heppner iu said Morrow
''ounty, on or before the fourth Monday in
March, iwt.i, towit: the itfth day thereo'" the
same being the first day of the next regular
term of this court in said County, and show
cause, if anv they have, why tho title to said
estate now in the han 's of said defendant J. W.
Morrow, being the sum of $4'.'t'.01 Blinuld not
vest iu the plaintill' herein, the Htate of Oregon.
It is further ordered that this notice be
published once each week for six consecutive
weeks in the Heppner Gazette, a newspaper of
general circulation published at Heppner, in
said Morrow County, Oregon.
Witness my hand, this 21st day of Sept., 18M.
W. L. Bbadshaw,
tiD-HO Judge.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Morrow County.
W. F. Matlock,
Mart Drificoll, and Mary I
Dr'iscoll.adininiBtratrix of
theesta'e of C, Drinroll, j
Deceased, Maud DrlBcoll,
Minnie Driricoll and John !
Driscoll, J
To Mary Drificoll, andJMaryl Driscoll, Ad
ministratrix of the estate of O. Driscoll,
deceased Maud Driscoll, Minnie Driscoll and
John Driscoll.
In the name ol the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear ami answer the com
plaint filed HEainst you bv the above named
plaintiff, in the above entitled suit, in the
above entitled Court, upon the first day of the
term ot tne anovc entitled court, next loiiow
ing the expiration of the time described in the
onier ior tne punncauou oi mis summons,
towit: on or before the fourth Monday of
March, iv.ti. and if you fail sn to appearand
answer Bald complaint the said plaintiff will,
ior want thereof, Uike ueiault aerainst you ana
apply to the Court for the relief demanded in
said complaint, town:
For judgments against defendants upon two
certain promipory notes, one dated, Pendleton.
Oregon. November li'th, lvs7, for the sura of
JVM, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per
eent per annum from the date: aud one note
dated, Pendleton, Oregon, November. 1Mb, 1S7,
for the sum of -Vsi, with interest thereon at the
rate of ten percent per annum from the date,
le the sum of $Vio paid on said note, on or
about June 1, lhUl, and to forclose a certain
mortgage given lo Becurethe payment of said
notes; said mortgage dated the 19th day of
April, inn., and whs given upon the following
real property situate in Umatilla County,
State of Oregon, described as follows, town:
West half of Northeast quarter, the East half of
the Northwest quarter. Section thirty-one CM)
Township two (3) South of Range twenty-nine
(291 E. W. M. Shich mortgage was on the 3rd
day ol May, lv8, duly recorded in the office of
the County Clerk of the County of Morrow,
State of Oreaon ; and for the Bale of the real
property described in said mortgage, and the
application of the proceeds thereof to the pay
ment of the costs and disbursementsof this
suit, the costs, charges and expenseB of telling
the property, and the payment of the said sum
found due plain tit) upon said notes. The de
fendants ami all persons claiming by, through,
or under them, or either of them subsequent to
the beginning of this suit be barred and fore
closed of all equity of redemption, right, title
and interest or Hen in or to the above deserited
property, and for such other ami further relief
as to the "ourt shall seem equitable.
This summons is published pursuant to the
order ol Hon. . I. Bradshaw, one of the
judges of th above entitled Court iu this suit,
made at Cham tiers at Tbe Italics. Wasco
Oouutv, State of Oregon, on the 27th day of
Bailey, Balijcray iV. Rkhfiklo,
Attorney for Flaintiff.
l 0. Address, Pendleton, Oregon. ty-is2
Sheriff's Sale.
der and ty virtue of a writ of execution
isstivHi out of the Circuit Court of the State of
Orecor. for the rourity of Tillamook, and to me
directed and delivered upon a judfrment rend
ervd and entered iu aaid court on the -rth day
ol tH'toher, in favor of T. J Lucy, defend
ant and airainst Husan M. Findley. rda'ntift.
tifty-d aud live one hundredth i..!) dd
lara. tth intereM thereon at the ratt of s j-r
cent per minum fnni the wild 2rih dayof cvt"b
er. Ivt'i svhu'h nidument wa- enridled ml
do-V;eted in the Clerk office nf cfiirt in
Mid I iHTTWk county, on the "th day nf
ctolH r. and there b-'ine new due on said
uidcment the num of rtfty jit and five "lie
bundrvtlit ifo.S) dollarv, with intereft there
on at the rate of per rent per annum from the
JAthdayof iVtobejJISi, and alto the cost ol
and iovx thli writ.
1 have levied upon and will tell at pnb!ie
auction to the hiEhet bidder f r rash in hand
on Wediuidav, the 3lt day uf lrtoter. at
J o eloclt, V M., of tid dav, at the court house
door in Heppuwr, Morrow count r, Oreon, all
the risht. title and intCMt whicT the ait id
(4in M. Kindley had on or after the aaid 2Mb
dav of Oi-tobtT. lW. in and to the followiugd-cri!-el
real property, tvwit :
Tbe foutbweat quarter of fcertion twenty, aud
the uortbweat quarter of section tweuty-Din.
all in tcwiwhip two sontb, rmns twotyc"e
eaat ot WtUametre ruendian. in Morrow coniity.
Oregon, contamm three bundreti and tweiity
acrea, rooiv or lea.
ttd tbJfe -4 day "f tW-ber.
71-s Slnff of Morrow County. Oregon.
For ft mil J tonir, irentl laxative and
invigorate tajie Simmon Liver Regula
tor. To ear constipation, tick bttJftt-he
and dvaptpait SitDtttODi LiTerRegnlator
bu do equal.
After a thorough test of the
credit system, we have conclud
ed to change to net cash. On
and after Aug. i, '94, we will Jj
sell to one and all for
Of what heretofore had to be charged
retteotion on yon, but is a plain
to sell at lower
ro lfrv-oritess
:o lltnl lolt
THIS Popular Hostelry h&s again
1 been re-opened and will be run
in first class style.
Alofils oriel Rooms ot loiixlfir
Owiiig to the advautages gained tbrouyb .
being a member of tbe ....
P. C. Thompson Co.
Are in position to make prices fur oaeb an
low as tbe lowest.
Complete Stock of Groceries, Hardware, Gent's Furnishing Goods.
Sewing Machines. A Car Load of Rushford Wagons
just received. Odd Combination Sign.
Corner Main and Willow Streets,
Mill WJIll.lJl,UPBWrWIIlTOiJUJ Will, ViW f WPS.W1W
Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government Is
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli.
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney.
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys,
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to
gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once
advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by
others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the
p. o. box 63 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
43- Cut this out and send it with your inauiar. JU
I i Minimi
JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney,
P.O. Box 463. Washington. D. C.
. ., ! -V 55, f,nla,p ' smlors who servrd n nrly days, or over id the late .
" l'".L'J.lZ P"rtl,17r "holly disabled for ordinary maLaflahorl whether dlb
., - "j " uuny uisttiiini i or orai nary manual labor, whether rlluhditv
"wVoow'Vr f"1 !!9t' d frdleM of eir pecuniary circuSSnce?. di"bUUv
WIDOW S of such soldiers and! sailorsareent tied f if not rmarr, v.. ui
due to array service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for suDDOrt WidM
dependent upon their own abc-r arf fntitit if iL A 111 1. lor.suPP". Wir
rHiinRifv r- .rv:7 . ueain wm aue to service.
wido.or.heh... ,n 'm"'l'wheryherewnu
por. It m.k no derence whether '1
Soldiersof the tatewar, pensioned under one law m,u.nni..rn.i.i .
Uw.. without loainc ny riitht.. ' ay "PP for hi nude other
Thousand. of wldiera drawing from fjtojio per month under the old lsv ar, ,n.t
hither rate under Dew Uw, not only on account of diahilit. f- ,i,i ? to
al w for ot her., whether d ue U, aervion or not. """'""M 'or which now pcn.ioned, bnt
Soldiera and sailors disabled in line of duty in rernlararni.n. .1
entitled, whether discharged for disability or not. 7 inc. the war re also
Survivors, and their widow., of the Hl'ak Hawk riwV rhMi.. - 1 . .
Id. Id..n W.r. of 1U u 1M2, .re, entUl JSrTdeV.nt ct " 8emlno'
tld claims romnleted and stltltmrnt nV,(a;n..I 1 t .
Jatcr laws or not
Have lort their or,s,nal paper.
btna lot law. and information. No charge
tLjb- 00- "?'or,d"- Nofeenl5s,ucc.fu!. Addre-L
JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney,
P.O. Box 463.
AU batiDM nu,oM in , rompt d
mD0r. .Notr Foblu: ad Collector.
Htf r tK, ;
Of Plun!
for uuuollectable accounts. TbiB is no
business statement. We onn afford
prices iu this way.
Tom Bradley, Prop.
vcauoo au Dna
granted under
mproperor illeral.
"-"-"aco lor aoldiera and
aailors of the late war who
for advice.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office.