Notice to Advertisers. THOSE desiring the Insertion of display ails or change of amo, must net their cony In not later than Monday evening for Tuesday's edition, or Thursday evening for Friday's edi tion. Tiik l'vrrEawin Publishing Co. Take Notice. 1. The Bum of Ave cents per line will be eharged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding preseuts and donors and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notlcesof special meetings for wbateverpurpose Notices of church and society and all oilier entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a Hue. These rules will be strictly adher ed to In every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer's real name is signed as an evidence of good faith. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8- lng Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange, Han Francisco, 1b onr authorized agent, This paper Is kept on die In his office. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. TIME TABLE, Wage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek, John Day and Can you City, leaves as follows : Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. Arrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior country. B. A. HUNfcSAKER, Prop. VhlU Cohn, Agent. ' Removal Notice. G. B. Tedrowe desires to inform the public that he has removed to the City Hotel stand, where he will still keep the best brands of Liquors and Cigars. Gambrlnus Beer on tap. Served in largest Sized mugs. U. B. TEUROWE, Prop. A very successful entertainment was Riven by the Epworth League at the M. h. church Wednesday evening. The whistling of A. Abrahamsick and the smKing of his daughter, Honey, were among the interesting features of the evening's entertainment. We learn with regret that Borne of tbe young men of our city oreated quite a disturbance during the rendition of the program. Such conduot is very ungentlemsnly, and will not be long tolerated. R- R. Duran, who purohased 480 aores in the Black Horse country a few monthB ago, is not only adding many valuable improvements to his ranch, but has en tered into a little diversified farming. One orop worthy of notice is 100 bushels of Little White Dent ooro, raised from two acres of land. The bin filled with this oorn, every ear of which is in good shape, presents a Sue sight. J. B. Mnllay, traveling deputy under Collector Blaokmsn, tells a good joke on a dealer at Corvallis who had stamped 416 packs of playing cards with two-oent postage stamps, thinking, of course, that he had oomplied with the law which re quires every paok to be stamped with a two-oent revenue Btamp. It is unneces sary to say that he loet his DOBtage Here and There. About Twenty oords Of good pine wood Are needed at the Gazette Office on subscription at once. For choice coal, very cheap, see the Heppner Transfer Company. F. The organization of a Chautauqua circle in Heppner is mooh talked of. Ike Large is making preparations to move to Portland in tbe near luture. No doctor's bills presented to the families who use Simmons Liver Regu lator. The slight fall of rain yesterday will undoubtedly settle tbe dust for a short time at least. Union Republican : Mr. A. Mallnry visited relatives in La (iraode Saturday and Sunday. jBok Frost put in his appearanoe in this locality last night, following the rain of yesterday. Photographs $1.50 pei dozen at Sbep pard's gallery, near opera bonee, north Main St., Heppner, Ore. 26tf. Billy Crank is over from Ritter where he has been caring for a band of ebeep during tbe past season. W. J. Clarke, representing a Portland hardware house, was interviewing our merchants Wednesday. Quite a number of teams heavily laden with freight pulled out for the interior country this morning. Johnny Chriaman arrived from Long Creek for freight the first of the week, lie started out this morning well loaded. Chas. Jones has obarge of Green Mathews' shaving parlors during the latter's sojourn in the country. Call on him. Our readers will please notioe that Ed. Day's band of fine Spanish-Merino buol'S are soon to be on sale down atTbos. Morgan's. See ad. Geo. Thornton was in the oity a Bhorl time Tuesday morning. He cBme up as brakeman on the pay oar which was out on its mopthly tour. We will take wheat at the market nrino on oiiliBnri ntion. and if our patrons have as much as a load will pay the balanoe in bard cash. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Wright, the Tintima nf the recent runaway, are fast recovering. Tbey are being oared for at tbe home of Wm, Warren. Doug. Belts will not be at Heppner as advertised, owing to the fact that an un expected demand for bis Oxford grade ramB nas exnausieo ui uauu. Mr. .Tnhnsnn. nf The Dalles, came up Wednesday morning to visit his wife, who bas been ill for several weeks past at the home of ber father, W. 0. Gentry. 8tage leaves for Eoho Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, returning oq Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. H. Wade, Prop. T. W. AyersJr., agent. Mrs. Mollis Crawford, who bas for everal weeks past been visiting her parentB, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Steven aon, bas returned to ber home in Pendle ton. Any person who desires to trade good ; arm lands, suitable and in condition for raising wheat, for nrnnertv in Portland, should call at tbe Gazette office . Mrs. Homer Gray was more seriouslv hurt than reported to be at the time of tbe acoident last Tuesday. She is now very sick as a result of injuries received in the runaway. -.: D...nn ad wife and Mies Ella Orabtres returned from Portland ik. flr.t nf this week. The editor-in- M,if rlenarted on the same morning s tage for Long Creek. Gid Hatt has purohased the barber shop on the Matlock oorner irom a. n..i. .hon his o d friends ana oub.uu. ers will find him. Shaves, poo. IQU UHIIUUIB uu ' v highest style of the art. Viz French returned from Wyoming Wednesday morning . Cb spring with one of Sam Palme s crews but left bim Bd joined ' over in Idaho, continuing with the same as far as Wyoming. Married-At the court bouse, Wednes day Oct. 17th, by Judge Keitbly, Mr. Chart 8. Lirk and Mrs. EmHy Gaunt, both of Rhea oreek. Uncle Charley a. be is familiarly fa J""drf. and Mrs. Kirk 66. A happy and I pros Mrani married life is the wish of the Gazette. The Webfoot Flanter. a Fortland peri edical devoted to the of .rs. stockraisers, orohsrdists, bee-kpe and poultry raisers, will be sent free ot win mi 'irr rni oscl" " - H FOX'S F1IIE sale at the following Is for prices : 1 Chamber set, ti pieces, hardwood $17.00 1 " 1H.00 1 " " 4 " " 15.00 1 Parlor set, 5 pieces, walnut uphol stered 1H-00 1 Extension dining table, walnut. 8 ft.. 5.00 1 " " " oak, 8 ft 4.00 1 Easy rocker 1.50 These articles are in good order, nearly new most of thein. Apply to C. E. Fell. Rocky Mountain Smith, the well known tramp printer, bas located at Mitobell, where we understand he will start a paper with a view of agitating the question of establishing anewoounty over there with Mitchell as the oounty seat. It bas been suggested that Rocky call his paper tbe Mitobell Christian Herald. Elder J. W. Jenkins, who bas been conducting revival servioes in the opera house during the week, will oontinne tbe meetings over Sunday. Subjects Sunday morning and evening: "The Holy Spirit; His Ministry and Work," "Baptism; ItB Action, Subject and Design." Don't oommit suicide on account of your "incurable" blood disease. The Beusible thiDg fur you to do is to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It that fails, why, then keep on trying, and it will not fail. The trouble is, people get discour aged too soon. "Try, try, try again." Union Republican : Uncle Jack Mor row, of Heppner, after whom Morrow oounty was named, is stopping at Craig's lie pot hotel, taking hatha m tbe water of Craig's famous medical springs for his health. About 32 years ago Mr. Morrow was oountv treasurer of Union county. Between disease and the many oheap preparations which are palmed off under tbe name of blood purifiers, take your obances with disease, until you can pro oure Ayer's Sarsaparilla the only re liable blond purifier. Sold by all drug gists and dealers in medioine. The railroad commissioners, accom panied by their clerk, came up the branch line Monday night, leaving Tuesday morning at 6 o'clock on their tour of in spection. On reaching tbe main line tbey prooeeded east, iuspeoting the O. R. & N. Chas. Cunningham will have at the James Jones ranch a band of bis Frenob and American Merino aud Oxford graded Bucks. All wool growers who are interested in improving their bands will have a cbanoe to see a spleidid band of bucks after the 1st of October. 60 tf. Mrs. T. J. Black, wife of Collector Black, of Portland, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Hulda, came up on Tues day moraine's train, leaving on the same day's stage for Monument, where tbey go to visit Mrs. Black's brother, Pry Wilson. Geo. W. Wells and- J. S Buseiek, UDder the firm name of Wells & Co., are buying aud slliug grain nf nil kinds neutdoor to the Gazette office. They pay the highest market price, and will buy in any quantities. 6U tf. B. A. Hunsaker runs stage between Heppner aud Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every day exoept Sunday. Shortest and cheap est route to the interior. P. (John agent. J. B. Natter has reopened the Brewery Saloon, keeping on tap at all times tbe best beer on the Paoifio coast. Also on hands the best brands of liquors, wines and cigars. 56tf, E. O. : O. H. Smith and A. B. Grov er, of lone, Morrow county, are in the oity visiting Mrs. Rose Campbell and Mrs. J. H. Farkes, daughters of Mr. Smith. The Gazette would be pleased to re oeive the name of tbe person who uses tbe brand C. R on oattle. Also informed us as to where brand is located, 5-7 When tbe scalp is atrophied, or Bbiny bald, no preparation will restore tbe hair; in all other oases, Hall's Hair Re newer will start a growth. C. W. Conger, a Long Creek merchant passed through last evening on bis way to Portland to lay in bis winter biook. Bowels irregolar end constipated, re sult in piles, avoid it by tukiug Simmons Liver Regulator. Conductor Duou is taking a few days vacation. W. H. towler, of Tbe Dalles, is on in bis place. L. R. Fairchild, tbe genial traveling man from 'Frisoo, oame npjoo this morn ing's train. Hood's Pills become the favorite oathartic with every one who tries them. S. S. Hornor returned yesterday from a brief business trip to the metropolis. Hon. W. F. Matlock, of Tendlet'in, is in the city. HER HEART Ofi HER SLEEVE. The Coster Olrl Never Hides Her Emo tions, as FIda Ladles Do. It is an interesting sight to see the real coster girl, not her stage present ment, enjoying herself on a bank holi day. First of all, she is very smart ac cording to her own ideas, which, to do her justice, are original and not pale copies of the West End ladies. Her hair, especially, engages her at tention, and in this she prefers a dis tinctive style of her own. The hair is parted at each side, cut short and very much curled and crimped, and sur mounted by a large hat and ostrich feathers coming well over the eyes, in some cases almost hiding them. She is musical, too, and easily breaks into singing and dancing. It is sad to note this unsatisned longing to indulge in rhythmical move ment as exemplified in a slow valse danced by two of the same sex, or a wild sort of jig partaking of the can can and the breakdown shared in by both men and women, says the London Graphic. A crowd of admiring and en couraging bystanders gathers round quickly, applauding or criticising in their own peculiar manner. The belle is arrayed in a brown dress with pink bow at the neck, a large green velvet hat and feathers, a large white shawl and white gloves. She is as salf-con-scious as the beauty of a ltelgrave Square hall, and dances with an enjoy ment and an unction unknown to the languid lady. There is no sitting out here, '.no useless dancing men, fop both sexes seem equally delighted to revolve with each other. There is an evident love of bright colors in the dress of boys and girls, and there is a hearty, bois terous flow of high spirits and of some what rough good-nature, coupled with a laudable determination to be happy, which is as refreshing as it Is unforced. RESOLUTIONS Adopted by the semi-annual convention ol the Morrow County Sunday School Association. Whereas, Tbe session of the Morrow County Sunday School convention, which is now drawing to a close, has been a decided success and an instru ment in God's bauds of doing much good, and further recognising that cer tain causes have had much to do with making it such, Resolved, By the delegates that the thanks of the Convention are due the citisSens of Heppner generally for their cordial welcome and also for their at tendance at its session, and especially are the thanks of the delegates from out side the city due thecitizenB of Heppner for the hospitable manner in which they were entertained during their stay here. Resolved, That the thanks of the con vention are due the editor of the Record for printing our programs free of charge, and other favors shown. Resolved, That we recognise all efforts in the cause of temperance as an import ant factor in Sunday School work and heartily commend all efforts of the W. C. T. U. in that direction as worty of our unqualified endorsement. Resolved. That it is the sentiment of the convention that the holding of sucl conventions are instrumental in doing much good in Sunday School work, and recommend that thev be continued. Resolved. That a copy of these resolu tions be spread upon the records of this association, also that a copy he presented to each of the city papers with a request that they publish the same, A. G. Bartholomew, H. C. Gay, J. H. Inoraiiam, Committee The Mad Dog. There are a great many mistakes cur rent as to the nature and symptoms ot hydrophobia. It does not occur most frequently in the summer, but in the spring, nor has the rabid dog, as a rule, a dread of water, nor does he refuse to drink. On the contrary, even after the disease is fully established, the mad dog often tries his best to drink, sometimes plunging his nose deeply under water in his effort to swallow, but is unable to do so on account of spasms which affect his throat. Rab ies is a disease the course and symp toms of which are as well known as any other. The first symptoms are a restlessness and uneasiness on the part of the dog; then he begins to have hal lucinations; he will run to a particu lar spot as though he saw some one there; he will turn his head and snap and bark in one direction at an invisi ble enemy. A well-marked symptom is his tendency to gnaw and swallow hard objects, bits of wood, stones and such like. Hut the bark of a rabid dog is a thing which once heard can never be forgotten; it is impossible to mis take it, and if the dog gives no other symptom than a hoarse, muffled bark, followed by three or four gurgling efforts from the bottom of his throat, there can be no uncertainty after that. Land Fob Sale. 4H0 acres over in Wilson prairie. A good stock ranoh unJ will be sold cheap. Call at Oaette office for particulars and terms ' Lite or Death? It is of vital importance that it should be understood by persons whose kidney are inaotive, that tbisoonditlonof thing is finally inductive of a state of the organs where life hangs in tbe balance Bright s disease, diabetes, albuminuria are all diseases of a very obstinate character in their mature stage, and all have a fatal tendenoy. They often baffle the most practiced medioal skill, and the moat approved remedies of materia medioa. But opposed at tbe outset that is to sap, when tbe kidneys begin to uisoharge their (unctions in actively with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, the dangerous tendenoy is ohecked- Very useful, also, is this household medioine for those ailments of common occurrence oonstipation, biliousness, dyspepsia and nervousness. It is a safeguard against malaria and averts ohronic rheumatism. That Tired Feeling So common at this season, Is a serious condition, liable to lead to disastrous results. It is a sure sign erf declining Valth tone, and that the blood is im poverished and impure. The best and most successful remedy is found in HOOD'S Sarsaparilla Which makes rich, healthy blood, and thus gives strength to the nerves, elas ticity to the muscles, vigor to the brain and health to the whole body. In truth, Hood's Sarsaparilla Makes the Weak Strong Be sure to get Hood's aud only Hood's m Hbs the reputation of being the Lightest Running, Least Wear, Fewer Repairs, of auy machine in the market. TOE SXiE BTT Gilliam & Bisbee, HEPPNER On. Hood's Pills re purely vegetable, per ectly navuiless. always reliable aud beneficial. the bank, where they found evidenoes that tbe robbers hid been there, bat nothing was missing. Officers are oat hunting tbe men, but up to noou noth ing has been seen of them. The regular subscription price of tbe Semi-Weekly Gazette is 82.50 and tbe regular price of the Weekly Oregonian is 1. 50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year in advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for 93. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advance will be entitled to tbe same. If vou owe the Gazette you must ex peot that pBy will be demanded. We need our money, and don't expect to borrow under the circumstances. Come, give us a lift. ATTEMPTED BANK KOHHKUY. Four Masked Men Captnre the President of the Hillsboro National Bank. Hillsboko, Or., Oct. 26. A desperate attempt was made to rob the First National bank of Ibis oity last night, which was frustrated by the coolness of J. W. Shute, president of the bank. Mr, Shute was riding bis bicyole along the road to the farm of John Seivull. When about 314 milea from town, at a lonely spot, four masked meu stepped out into the road in trout of him and ordered him to halt. Tbey took bim iu a clump of dense brush by the roadside, and, having bound him, searched bis pockets and took tbe keys of the bank. They tben, under penalty of death, compelled bim to give the combination to tbe vault. Two of the men started for town to tbe bank, while the others remaiued as a guard over Mr. Shuto. After atimethey returned and reported they could uotget into the vault, and that Shute had given them the wrong combination. After con siderable parleying aud mauy threats they started toward town with Mr. Shute, but when tbe outskirts nf the city were reached they turned him loose aud went off. By this time it was after 3 o'clock, and Mr. Shute went to tbe residence of J. D. Merriman, the cashier of the bank, and, arousing him, told his story. They found the oity marshal uud proceeded to D BUSINESS WOMAN A RETIRE I'l'e: "I ii A Page From Her History. 'i: i!i:ir, fvpcrlpnce or oincrs ED. DAY Will have 400 Head -OF- Spanish-Merino Bucks For Bali) at Thos. Morgan's place, Heppner, Oregon, October, 1, 1894. w-to nov. 1. THOS. MOKG AN, AGENT. ii re W liiT rt 1''mi)li'd Willi lu:i rt tJlyntst? 25 !i of (hut limn very srrloiiMy. For w ;- r. iv ; i M'.-tw.U'fl by oiui physic !;tn ron lii'i'iu ily. 1 wiis in husiucsH, lint, obliwd to r) in tv.i ii ,v:i'iti of my ht'iiltli. A jthy-i-it -.t lulu my friends th:it 1 ouM not live a hit ir.' i. Vy i'.-A !. mid limbs wrro badly nwoI I -n. ii.i 1 I ::s indeed in n . ter!oun condition v , ;t ii i:i:iu directed my attention lo l'i . ..1 ile.s' ,Ver I leurl t'ure. and said that Ids sV'-; vim h.vl been a Hi let ed wil h heart flls ( i -', h en ctii'ed by the remedy, and whh ui ill a si ninT, he, lit hv Ionian. 1 pure limed e I'M! . " of tin' He ,i i l ine, and in Jess than V- !.:; a Her t iKIhjr the first dose I conld i h ...-Miied i'lemn etnent in thcelreulalion i t i v m mi..i. Wnen I tuul t alien three dose 1 t -vil.i eove mv ankle:-, Hmiel hite; i:id not i-'j'.e 'n - fiom'i.s.HTid my limbs had been swol !"n ..oh. e.r i ' i ll. 1 iit'v seined ii linost put rl fieri. H: f.r I had tnie'n one bottle of Iho New Jit M ' are tho ve!linir liar) all trnno down, er : 1 -, v mich Iiciut that I did my own we, i, t n mv t e::iiiniiiendat Ion id ot hers ore hi.' i i- ids vt.inable lemedv." Mrs., M . i!;uvh n S1.,('hiciio, 111. i' . M.iA-' N ;v HearM'ure, h discovery of an c ii:ii"nl , .specialist in heart disease, Issold by n'i di -ie.i'!:ir-Ts ;i. positive Kiinraniee, or stint ,t h l.r. Mils Medical (o..Kilihiirt, I ml., on r i ei l ofnricc.-H per bottle, six bottles fot ft , cv press prepaid. If is positively free from b. J M: ia,.L-i or duuuruiib drugs. For 8nle by T. W. Ayern, jr. Land Patents Laud patents secured for settlers iu tbe shortest possible time. Contested Cases Contested oases intelligently and skillfully bandied. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims aud disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individuals baviutz ooDtlieting claims under the agricultural land laws. BDd those between claimants under tbe Mineral Laws and agricultural claimants; and also between claimants under any of tbe pnbliolaud laws and the Hailroad companies and their grantees, and the Btatee and their grantees, under the 8wnmp-Land and School-Land Grants. Specialty made of sflcuring patents in the shortest' possible time for settlers who have oomplied with the laws under which their entries were made, and wbo are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue of their patents, caused by Trifling Irregularities which can be easily and speedily removed. Advice also given iu all matters relating ta the public lands, especially ou points arising under the new laws which have been recently passed providing for the disposal of tbe public domain. If you want vour land patent in a hurry if you want your land business, or apy character, attended to by skillful aud oompetent attorneys, uud promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, Gen. Man., Wheat Sacks. The Morrow County Land & Trust Co. are putting out wheat saoks at their warehouses at DouuIsb, lone BDd Heppner. All those wishing saoks should see them. 57tf. Poor Digestion Leads to nervousness, fretfulness, peevishness, chronic Dyspepsia and great mieerv. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the remedy. It tones the stomach, oreates an appetite, and gives a relish to food. It makes pare blood and gives healthy action to all the organs of the body. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla ourea. The Suok Makkk. Joe Dubois has moved his shoe-making and repair shop from the old May street stand to the room formerly occupied by Oreen Mathews, barber Bhop. Deit door to Soble's harness shop. Joe also has a guod workman with him and guarantees satisfaction. Don't overlook him for first class work. 68 tf. Choice Apples for Sale. Wm, Du ran has 700 bushels, more or Icbs, of Ben Davis apples, free from worms, for sale at bis place, six miles north of Heppner, on Black Horse, first choice, I'jota. uer pound, seooud cboioe, let. per pound. 5-7 Coal, and Poht Fob 8ai,k. The Hepp ner Transfer Co., now have on baud a carload of tbe best lump coal ever sold in Heppner, which they will dispose of at a lower price than ever before quoted inthis city. Also a choice lot ol cedar posts for sale or trade very cheap. F. P. O. Boi, 385. Washington, D. C. EASTERN OREGON State Normal School, WESTON, v rplIK FIKBT TERM BKOINH THK 3RD OF BEIT. 18M. Tuition per term ill Elementary I Course, ll.flOj Regular Course, 14.50; Businem Course, .'i.00; to those Iu the Belllor Class pledged to tench, frae. -.- . (loodbourd and Inilgtug in private families, IHBOpor week or rooms J iOf .ll CI I iitavory reasonnhle rent for those who may duslre to board them Helves, hut all students, no mutter how they board, wllllMludertlieluimedUt'eareot th faculty. Graduates of tho Normal reeelvo Htat Diplomas. 1'. A. WOlirHIhU ION, f0Vt i Hee y of KeKents. For Sale for Infants and Children. Sdddkn Death. Word was brought in this morning of the sudden death of Grandma Hannegan, mother of Johnnv Elder, last night. The death occurred out at Mr. Elder's farm about five miles above town, where bis mother bad been visiting him for a few weeks past. Mrs. Hannegan, wbo was over 80 years of age, bad been enjoying fairly good health, and waa only taken ill but a short time before ber death, caused by heart failure. Funeral services were belli at tbe cemetery at 4 o'clook this afternoon. " Cantoris is so well adapted tochlldren that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Annum, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castoria is wi universal and its merits so well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endonw it. Few are tho Intelligent families who do not keep Cofltoria within easy reach." Caalok Maktyk, D. D., New York City. Thk f.'KKTArR CoMPAJrr, 77 Mi rhay Stkkkt, Nkw Yout; CrrT, Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Dlarrhuea, KruetMion, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dl- gestlon, Without injurious medication. "For several years I havo recommended your 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so as It has invariably produced beneficial results," KOWIN F. I'AKOEK, M. I. 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. The Cunninoham Hhest. Cunningbam was interviewed EBt Oregonian reporter recently on prospects for tbe fall sheep feed. He stated that be was beginning to worry on account of tbe small amouut of ram which bas fallen this fall. Tbe past season bas been so extremely favorable In every particular, excepting iu prices, that it will be tbe greater diseppoiut- Pcblio Sale E. i- itooa, auminis-; ment it me coming year ooes not oriDg trator for tbe Jobosou eBtate, will sell at j a dnplioate of tboee conditions. Hheep ; nnblic auction at Jacob Johnson's old j are in splendid shape and good feed will J !r8Dcb out in the Gooseberry seotion, ou I make for next year as good fleeces as; Thursday, October 2otb, beginntng a!were sheared in 1W. So aisease io 1 p. tn., the following property .Five speak ot bas been detected among Mr. j bead of horses, two cows, one calf, ( Cunningham's 20,000 wool producers, iu I Baldwin feed cutter, back, harrow, , fact oan say that there is abaoln'ely sleigh, saddle and two pack saddles, j none. One vear a time wun approved xcuroj When persona are weak and languid, from sickness or overwork, feel delapi duted and depressed, it is an judication that the blood is out of order, and they need help to throw off the miserable feeling. Tbe best remedy for this pur- i pof e is Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthen j iug Cordial aud Blood Purifier. It re CharlHH Btreg )()t strength, gives vigor to cir- by an : CiiBti0n. nrnmoteH good appetite and a flow ol cheerful pint. Price 1 llfl per bottle. Unfailing in fffects, always reliable, pure and harmless, is Simmons Liver Regulator. subscribers to tbe ; at 10 per cent, wm oe ..,-.. ..u ... r . . .::. J O' tV. oil ma o. nnflar thin ' ' it.... mariP rnr h iioiu :anmB over rime. iuw . ., .l.:. i oujv ance, or to all new meet too it 1,6 WOO UCBIi v r- . gmQUUb wb tbey eUle tbeir M- the dty ind di((. 5 7 After compsi lng prices with Peii'ile ! ton and The Dalles, John F. Horsy will , sell and deliver meat at tbe residence of Heppner people as cbesp as either town boe mentioned, u mum TREE ! WITHOUT COST. VfE will fea-i you bv wnV ) pi'done tnmlt t vr,?r!;n h?r. t'UpuA to your i:Unnu . wub itiitructtoiii for planting and cariiiK for it, t;(rether with our cotnplPtp lint oi Numery htfipk. If you will rut out thii advirTiwm nt, mark on tt the nam of thin pnir, hii'I t-l! how injiity ur.'i whnt kir-fj ol trt-t-f ami plant) you woiiH like to purchase, ani wheu you wieli to pl&nt them. y e will ujjote you lower fri'- on the utork you want than have ever h.-en otfert-'l you. Writ a" once. W. L. Douclas CUnE1 ISTHCaUT. Wt dnUL NOmOUIAKINO. 5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH ENAMELLED CALT 4.3.yFlrtECALF&lftN6AH 3.1? P0LICE.3 Sous. BOYSSCH0HLSH0E3L LADIES' SEND P08 CATALOG Ufi WL.-DOUSl.AS, BROCKTON, MASS. Yon cod save money hr porckalnt W. I. lloDSlaa rthttes, -Because, we are the largest manufacturers of adverused shoes In the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protects yon against n'S8 nrices and the middleman's profits. Our snoej equal custom work In tyle, ea.y filling and wearing Dualities. We have them sold every. ,.r. for ihe value a ven than any olher muKe. ia w , dealer cannot supply you, we ca. sold by Dealer whose name will shortly ap pear here. Agent wanted. Apply it oooe i3S 14 jnr-'-i jr., -aw 1 QAA Quarter and I &JJ Half-Blood OXFORD RAMS. Hbeepmeo will find it to their interest to inapoot my Kama before buying elsewhere. I ensure them to be sound and in exceptional line oonditinn for service. 1 bave taken great paiue and went to much expimae to meet the growiuK demand for thin olaaa of sheep, sod will noil them to SXJIT AniJ2 HARD TIAIKJS. Come and See Them and be Convinced. For further parlioulara addreas meat HIOT HOCK, OKK., or call at my farm an mile aouth of Pilot Hook, Ore. nor i Evtrwtra, Uoorl'o., Wis. i m A r i m ELECTRIC TELEPHONE X M flrtM Oitrlg-ht, L ItoClljr. VHlf( bo ptnt. no royal tr. AdADtM or Omnf rv. SwtdM In hoi.. Htora ind office, (irtoftUMtcouvvtv anH Imi ul lr nn ttf rth. Ayfttu mnlif from loftftA pi day. ( )nt tu ft i-irtrjnoi njnini M.ti ui alt th nufi'.r"ni. J-'itia )artriiTifit, ti" toj, work amn inir'iw ran oa pi' op PT aj oo. crut of orrfnT, do ri'in7i. arraTjrv; Hirrlson A WarraTjiwl A tpcnra mwr W'rita Co-.iem iu, i-o'umoui.v k Keeley Idiiut. -or- j Foi" tho Ouro oi i Liquor, Opium toil Tobacco Habits It Is located at Sulein, Orrson, i Tlit Moot Beautiful Town on the Count. i fall at tho litlKTTI office for particulars. I Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure i cure. CALL NOTARY PUBLIC '.CONVEYANCER 1-YTODtB.