Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 16, 1894, Image 3

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    Noi'm to-Advertisers.
rMIOSi; desiring thi' insertion of display aile.,
initiator then Mi.mW ...... ,';:.. . h.. 1 ' '," !
edition, or Thsrwlay evening (,ir Kridny 'a i-i'ip
. Xkk iwaiw.il ium4hik co.
Take Notice.
1. The Bum of five cent per liue will be
SllS''?1.. ft". """"i" ?' anks," "resolutions of
ll 1Wl 0'wM,nii; presents and douors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the eilit
or ?haUMinclf.giveaii a matter of uewtu and
notices of special uuunlugs for whatevermirnose.
I. Notices of churcli and soc'etv and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, snaj be chanted tor at the rat of five
ee-nts a liue. Tiieao rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and madeknown
upon appltcatiou.- ;
Vi e hold eaoh and every correspondent re
uponsinle for hiB or her comimiuicatlnn. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer 8 real name is signed agau evidence of
good faith. ..... ,::
ins: Age-uVUl.. Merchants' iixchanKe,
ha u i rancisco, is oeir authorized agent. This
paper is kept ou tile in hi office. : :
Give, your business tq Ueppner people,
and therefore, mist to build up Uepp
ner. Patronize, thone: toto patronize
-k m It IBUSI J - 'J
Staifo for Fianlinan, Monument, T)im Creek,
John J)ny and iMnjotf ty HtdWus atufnuowfi : :
livery day jit u.m., exH'pt uih1rv.
ArrlvMvry rftryatp. ffi., except Mofulfty !
Tho chiiprjRt, qnicUeKt and best lino to or
from tlie interior country,
Willi Colin, Ageut.
Removal Notice.
ti. It. Tedrnwc desires to inform tho public
that he has removed to the t'ltv ITotel stiuid,
where ho will still keep the best brands of
Liquors and Clears. ,
GambrtntiB lteer on tup. Served In largest
sized mugs. . G. 1). TKDKOWli, Prop.
Here and There!
Twenty cords
Of good pine wood
Are needed nt the Gazette
Oflioe on subscription lit once.
Mra. Jerry Cebn returned from Port
Innd Saturday morning. .
l.n aud . Andy Tillurd were in from
Butter oreek yesterday.
Cbarley Armstrong was up from tbe
Alpine country yesterday.
Sheriff Harrington returned from Tbe
Dalles Sunday morning.
For choice coal, very cbeap, Bee tbe
Huppner Transfer Company. F.
Mrs. Jerry Cohu will open a bakery
on ny street in the near future.
John LueUiug and sou, Beu, were in
from tbe Hardpiun country yesterday.
No doctor's bills, prep-ented to. .tlie
families who use Simmons Liver Jlegu
lator. ... . , v ...
F. H. Kberman ia doing some good
for the city on
tho streets and
Hood's Pills euro all liver ills, bilious
ness, jaundice, indigestion"?1 sickbead
aohe. 2,")C.
I. K. Hngnn, brotiier of tbe bi(i' Port
land wholesale harness man, C. L.
Uuguii, is in town.
Photographs $1.50 pet dozen at Sbep
pard's gallery, near opera bouse, north
Main St., Ueppner, Ore. 26tf.
Come out to t!e opera bouse tonight
and bear Elder Jenkins, of 'lhe Dalles,
preach. Sony service at 7 u'mVck, sharp.
Chas. Jones has oiuii'ge of Green
Mathews' shaving parlors during the
latter's sojourn in the country. Cull ou
Kip VanWiukle now ourries his band
in a sling as a resid' of coming in oon
tact witb the buz, saw, or rather his
wood saw.
K:igle: The road from Grant county
to Horjpner' is lined with wool teams, t
Nineteen were reported on the road
early this week.
Our readers will please uotioa thatEd.
Day's band of flue Spanish-Merino 11001-s
are soon to be ou a. lie down at Ttios.
Morgan's. See sd.
Tbe master wheel on Thompson & Os
mins nuiohiue broke while threshing
up at Johnny Woodard'a, vvbioh will de
lay them a tev duys.
We will take wheat at the market
price ou subscription, and if our patrons
baveus much as a load will pay the
balance iu hard ca?h.
J. D. Eickey, who has been hording
bis sheep ove'i1 in the Austin Station
country, psssed tbromrb Heppner with
them jeslerday moruiriK.-
Born I'o the wife of Charley Johnson,
of Lexington, on Friday last, an eight
pound b iy. They say, Cbarley is still
able to bii Milo a wheat sacs.
Doug. Belts will not be at Heppuer as
advertised, owing to the fact that an un
expected demand for'.hia Oxford grade
rams has exhausted Lis baud. tf.
H. Alexander, who was for a short
time fireman oj the. branch liDS, Snn
dByed with friends in the city. He now
has a position on the main line.
Hfngo leaves for ' Echo Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays, returning on
Tueedavs," Thuredave and Saturdays,
il. Wade, Prop. T. W. AyersJr., agent.
15. F. Kibbins, .of Fox Valley, a son-iu-law
of W. 0. Gentry, of this city,
died at bis home last Friday iiiKbt, of
consumption. Portland papers please
Any pcrsotrn'uo deslfifi to trade good
unincumbered (arm lands, suitable and
in condition for raising wbar. for
t.mnertv in Portland, should call at tbe
Gazette efUafl. .
Frank Rogers cjine up on Sunday
tuoroirig'a train spend a few days j
witb bomi' folks. I ranK nas oeu worn-
ing witb tin t R. t N-brirk-o cr.-wsinee j
the .Tunc wash-mt. ,
Old Hatt has purchased ti'" liar"',' l
phop ou the .Vat lock corner from A. C.
Carle, where his old friends and custom- j
ere will find htm. Shaves, suampooi ,
.? VL 1 l,orl notice and in the '
higbest style of the art.
H. K Ii;n.s. D D.. of. forllar.ii, will
Wtiira in Henra.ff ou hatnrday, uci.
'J7 th Snbi-ict: "Pioneers and pio- !
neeriug." Mr. times ia r ignbtad a ;
one of tbe orators pftb-iioittiwest, and;
bis lecture will be well wrth besnng. ,
Tbe Webfoot Planter, a PoiUbimI t-eri- ,
. j: i iia ti.rcroQtD nf ffirm-i
ouicai "V" - ;
"""Tl,,, V ' " , frJa -.f i
barge for one year to all those who pay ;
up all arrearages and one ve:,r "
vance. or ti all new so...? crih; r-i ,n ;"
Gazette. Tbi. off-r is marie f..r a I m,, ;
ttme. Those wiis desire t n 1
kr-.rittrun it iciiOu I It" v St'lilU v-
I Hon. T. E. F'.ll spsnt Sunday with
, borne folks, returning to Pendleton ou
last niuht's train. nctompauied by his
"on, hueluoo. luereu is now nursing
' so'e broken ribs which were fractured
(by a fll trbile working on th mtioiiiti-
I ery of the scouring mill last spring.
the time he thought he hud reomved a
severe sprain, but us be could not work
it off, consulted a physician recently,
who informed him of the breaks. Theo.
expects to spend the winter in California,
where be hopes for improvement, or as
he puts it,"get more flesh on bis bones."
The regular subscription price of tbe
Semi-Weekly Gazette is 62.50 and the
regular price of tba Weekly Oregonian
is 81.50. , Any oue subscribing for tho
Gra.ette aud paying for one year in
advance can get both tbe Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for S3. All old sub-;
senbers paying their subscriptions for '1
one year in adyance will be entitled to !
tbe Bame I
Tbe cry of tire last Snuday evening
created considerable excitement and
brought out the file boys m due form.
Ou inquiring it was found to be at J. B.
Sperry's main Btreet residence, aud was
oansed by dropping n burning match in
the lace curtains. However, it was ex
tinguished before any grtnt dumage was
done, in fact bsfore either of thttfire
compauies arrived.
T. M : Mrs.Tiios. Q.iaid, of Ileppaer,
who has heen a representative of tbe
Pythian Sisters fit the supreme couucil !
in Wasljingtou City ai d is now in at
tendance at the grand council in session
at Portland, will be in the city Saturday
and visit her sister, Mrs. Forwood Bud
daughter, Miss Katie w ho is a pupil at
the Sister's academy.
Don't commit suicide on account of
your "incurable" blood disease. Tbe
sensible thitig for you to do is to take
Ayei's Hareaparilla. If thnt fails, why,
theu keep on trjing. and it will not
fail. Tbe trouble is, people gt discour
aged too soon. "Try, try, try again."
Salem Jo'irual : Daniel Wolf, proprie
tor of the Oregon City opera house, aud
manager of the Swedish Ladies Quartet,
soon to appear at this place, was intowu
yesterday completing arrangements for
their performance here. They are billed
for Salem tho Kith of October.
Between disease and the many cheap
preparations which are palmed off under
the name of blood purifiers, take your
chances with disease, until you can pro
cure Ayer'a Sarsapariila the only re
liivble bimd purifier. Sold by all drug
gists aud dealers in medicine.
Heury Blnckwell and Fred Staddon
arrived from Pendleton ou Sunday
morning's train, where Henry recently
made a delivery of :i50 head of Grant
eouuty cattle to E. Mays, of the Union
Dress Meat Co., of Portland. They loft
for Long Creel; this morning.
Chas. Cunningham will have at the
James Jones ranch a band of his Frenob
and American Merino and Oxford
ijraded Bucks. AH wool growers who are
interested in improving I heir bnnds will
have a chance to see a p!eidid band of
bucks after the 1st of October.- 61) tf.
'Johnny Kirk had quite eu encounter
wiih a buck down at Tom Morgan's cor
ral last Saturday in which he cone out
with a badly disBvured car and bruised
faros. Six atitoii"a were neciesK.iry to
put bis ear back in shape aain.
Geo. W. Wells and J S Bnsciok,
under the firm mime of Wells & Co., are
buying and s-liinj; ij.'ai:i of nil kinds
ne?;t doer to the Ga.ei'e i-iv.;t-. They
pay the hiybeet market pr.:;-, ned will
buy in any qunutuies. t') !f.
B, A. Kunsnkei rnn f-lt:e ht'tweeu
Ilenpuer and Monument, 'iniviny (.very
day except Monday aud leaving every
(day exoept Sunday. Shortest and cheap
est route to the interior. P. Colin,
agent. ,.-
Cbnd'ii Globe: Hon. Wm. Hughes
and Miles Molvelvey of Ueppner were
over to Condon eeverl days this week
ou business. Mr. Mclvelvey formerly
was in the sheep business in this section.
Green Mathews, who h !s been sewing
sacks with Thompson & Osniin's thresh
er this season, eaaie in Sunday morning
with a prolific beard of ac-veral week's
growth 011 his face.
10. P. Vomz and wj?,., J.J. Huberts
and wife, Mis. Tbos. Quairi and 1 . J.
Hallock, the greater portion of the Hepp
ner K, V. delegation, returned home
Sunday morning.
Canyon City News: Attorney J.N.
Brown, of Heppuer, came over to attend
to some business in court, fie reports
the roadb across th-. mountains in excel
lent condition.
. If you owe the Gaaette you must ex
pect that pay, will be demanded. We
need our money, and dou't ex -ect to
borrow under the circumstances. Come,
give us a lift.
J. B. Natter has reopened theBrewt ry
Saloon, keeping on tap at all timeB the
best beer on the Pacific coast. Also on
bands tbf brfst brands of liquors, wince
and cigars. , . , ' fl.f. .
The G)iii ifo wnufd be pls-aiscd lo re
ceive the "'ni'uie of the person who uses
the brand C 1! 0-1 catrle. Alao informed
us es to where brand is located. 5 7
D. vV. Uortior i.uu ll-tnry Wade had
a sl'teh msuuderstHuiilutt out nt thelat
tei'e place las; S".iiir-ii,',;'. Judge Free
land will hear Vu'r ibis evi-nieg.
' J. fr. Kaw'-of.-, who bus been visiting
relatives up in eound country, returned
home .Sunday tcoratatf. He alao visited
the Ticonin fair whiie auove;
' , , , . . . , .a,.,,
When tbe scalp h ntroje led, or shiny-
lid, no nri-parslioo will restore the
hairi in all oititr oases. Hall's Hi-.ir He-
newer v-ill start it gn-ivih.
liarry Phillip's and f imdy rat ii .,a 1
from the Yakima caunlry Suturday,
where they have been picking hop3 for
the past two months.
E. Ii Matlock's p . polar resort pre
sents quite h neat nppeerane'1, as a re
sult nt having come in contact witb H.
A. Fold's paint b; tish
tii-i-if. tWak. Ni'ivini. :
I Mean impure blond, ami overwutk "r
itoo-mnou strain on brain and bodv.i
lha only way t. cote is to fe -i1 (bet
u.rw; ..Ii pore bhe-d. Tl:rm.-t-i:if oft
peopie re-r .oy ut me o-' i nioou
puriSer", the !.( nerve tonic and
streiig.U buibl-r is Hood's Sarsnrsrilla.
WIih' it bas done for others it will also
- ief - it vo --""-'''n '-taw
y Co.veLKf loN.-Tbe LoLg
. , .... .
Creek Eag! Mis toe enm!,,a!ion Ihat-
I ciier trUfii .nda Ik iug constructed
across the North Fork river at Monu
ment by ti e P'Ul'ein Bridge Co , of
Pueblo, Oji.t i ". now near.ng com-
pinion, aud w t nn'y rirjuire a few
h t , , u,ier the stt uctnre
b). ,be trSTeliu( piib.
yxc e-.racUire i a gnod one, "ell
built, and if it win omy stanu against
.o,-li flccla ns last epring. it ll render
fleods ns last eprin
valuable ervie to th pe-ple of Grant j
county- - - -
' : ".'
.nd Pitistitatr-J. ra -
in n kra;.id it by tskm, himmoiis
r - - .
. . : .a
1;. r. o.
Jitt'ue vitd Jauylttcr
lie Can't Live
Ri i ! mv fri 'mis aii-1 i.H;-IU'ors. I Jnd !
I'f-.i 11; i-:ir; i!iiyi(;j:iiis find fluinye of
t:jjj..::.i' il; i :...t Ut'Ip tu-. Uut llnoU'si S.'irs;ipa-
flood's Sarsa
" " "ri!"--- fill 2
I can ?i!rv e;!t, s't i".uiM 1 KK, J
and wo, 1 y.yiU.ivr
wlso !i;ni di:-li fas ;:ud rheum;: t lain. lUtoi'.'ii rt.a-
sr:p;ai!Ia ina.lo. h or stout, well uitil henlLliy. 1!.
F. O. Koiiii, l';iirv!o.v, Kansas.
E!ocl"3 P:It3 arc purely vcivribie, J'g'I do
not purt; , p;u;ior ripo. K.M I y jul flinLjists.
SI. FOX'S til
Is for
sain tit the folluwiiig
prices : . ...
1 Chain her set, ll pieces, luinhviiixl, . IT.li',1 ,
1 " " 1 " " ... i. ..IX I
l'aiior set, o pieces, walnut up'uil-
stercl . . . Km
1 Extension iliiihiLt tiilde, walnut. ;t.. , -i en
1 " " ' mill, s ft ' l.nu
1 Hasy rocker -.- . . . l.'-'i
These articles are 111 good u jiw,
nearly new most of thorn. Apply
to ( 1j. I''Ef.i,.
Land Fok Sale. 480 acres over in
Wilson prairie. A good slock rauc!i; ab.
will be sold cheap. Call at ' GbvtcMe
oflice for particulars and terms '!.
Wheat Hacks. The Morrow County
Land & Trust Co. nro puttitig out. wheat
fucks nt their warehouses at , Duuulas,
foue aud Heppner. All those . wishing
nacks should see them. . . -D7'. f.
Cui.idB Ai'PbEs Foil 8Al.tS.Wtn. Du
ran bus 700 binhels, more or lees, o Tieij
Davis apples, fre; from worms, for sale
at his place, six mi lea unrlli of Jieiipiior,
ou Ijle.ok Hoise. Fust choice, l'u.iit?.
per pound, i;eoond .choice, let. -ir
pouiH'. , - ..... 5 7
Coal and Post Fob Sali;. Tie' Hejtp
ner Transfer Co., now have oh hi-n.'i a
carload of the beet lump coal pf t so'il
in Heppuer, wliicii thev will disp.jse of
i t a lower price than ever before quoted
inthis city. Also a choice lot of oednr
ioels for sale or trade very cheap. F.
The Siiou Maksk. Joe Dub da ha?
moved bis shoe-making and repair shop
from the old May street stand to the
room formerly occupied by Green
oVatiiews, barber shop, titxtdonr to
Coble's harness shop. Joe also has a
good workman with him and qnarnntees
satisfaction. Don't overlook him for
first class work. tf.
Appointbu Chief Clukk. C. -K. Dus
tin departed for Portland this week with
Ins family, where be goes to accept the
office of chief clerk in the olliee of John
C. Arnold, surveyor general of Oregon.
Mr. Dunlin's Grunt ooenty friends wil
be pleased to learn of bis good fortune.
He wjil make an tiiicii-nt clerk after be
ban gained a knowledge of tho duties en
cumbent upon him . E igle.
Stuonq Fpiinixa Auainsi' YocKo. J.
J. Murphy, who was recently shot ever
iu tbe Ea.;le Vulley country, was in,
Heppner Saturday for ft eight for Long
Creek merchants. Murphy will iu time
recover as the wound was only a flesh
one. Mrs. Murphy was struck by two
balls from which she die-i in a few hours
nfter-vard. Mr. Murphy says tbe fei !
iag is pretty strong against Young, liie
VUirdcrer. His tri d coiuc- . lip utzt
ruoolb, when It is safe to sa he will gu
lo fhe pen for u lung twin. Young i
now under .r'.HJK'-n horile. - '
Puniiio Sai.b E. D. Hood, minimis
tiator for the Johnsoo (:.-,Ute, will sell nt
public auction at Jacob Jolms.-m'a.nld
ranch out in the Gooseberry eeciioii, on
Thursday, Oedober '25:h. begi'iuing at
1 p. m., the iollowmg properly:Vive
head of hoines,. two oaws, 'i.iio 'u'aff'
Baldwin feed cntier, buck, harraw,
leleigu, saddle and two pack saddles.
' . .
Oue yeai s tune witn a:n,roved senunly
at 10 p3r cent will b allowed 'oil :i:i
sums over .r?5. For uli .al-ri unff'-r t!o
amount cta'.i will be itq-oied ll'iii'Mii-b-r
Hie d iy a'ni dn u. 5 7 .
Ox a To I'll K. Y. Judd 1 f- last Fri
day tvei;ii;g fir S..n Ft arc: ". After
transacting h"t;:i:i-.-s r.-latiu I last sea
son's np';rat:eh& jo wool end vi.ilitig for
a fe.v da;, ttith frieuiltt, l.i tvtli to
Hartf' rd, Conn , to join Ins l.iiher, wdb
Ahoin he will go on a foreign tour. The
!t ijet.tleuian go fir.-t to England,
! where tbi y take s'er.iiier for the far Eat
i via the Suez teute. Auckland, Ne
;'.a!and, end (.aleuti a, Italia, ato both
otjeetive poiute. If Calcutta n visit.!
' first Ct.ritmii4 mil be upttt tL-re. 'lhe
! Auc'ila'jd irip d! include a stay of f.t
! least a month, the titue beirm devoted to
i iuvestigKin;r the wool md istry, and
; various Ausrrahe.a ci! i- s are i n thy li.
also. One particular point will bog v -.i
close attention -the pti-am aiiear'ng m i
; chine'-:, and if hnjiid r tlttain'-, one will
t be purchased foi use Hi Im-.tiil i c.-nnty,
to be fi'llowe l bv others loter. He l -pec's
to land in ban Franoisc in April,
stopping on the wiy at the Ssndii'b
( WmJ,
an 1 return to Pendleton by Apiil
lo. Hard Oreottian.
' xhrt c-impailt.a prie- with lYi.-Si.-
"ton aa-J Tne D.llrs, Jb h Hprav .ii)
; 11 aad d-iiv-r taeut at tbe r.s.'iei.c-
of Heppuw pcipis as cheap ai either
Will rei'n supreme among tbe residents of Morrow and adjoining Co's
Thev catch outu a few important facts, one of which they must and will know
on reading this Ad. When they leara of tbe
Of General Merchandise taking place at
McFarlancl Mercantile Co.'s Mammoth
Retail Store!
They will make a "bee line" for it at a "Nancy Hanks" gait.
MeFnrland Mercantile Co, of Heppner, selling out at cost ? Yes, we offer onr
whole stock at lowest wbolesule prices, for CASH ONLY, in order to
be ready for onr Fall purchases. These goods are all New,
CleBii, Fitst-Class Articles and bought in tbe
beat markets iu the United States.
We wish to exchnuge them for your money.
lance or a Lire
At Cost
llres? Goods, While Goods, Linens, Fnibroderies, Handkerchiefs, Towels,
Infunts Cans. Bonnets snd Clonks, Corsets, Kid Gloves, Silk Gloves Bnd Mitts,
Flannels, blankets, Ladies' Mueliu Underwear, Knit Goods, Silks Satins, Velvets,
Riding Gloves, Black and Colored Hose, Dress Linings, Stays, Silk Thread and
Twist, Knitting Yarns, Saxony Yarns, FanoyOoode, etc.
Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slippers,
At prices never thought of, Call and see.
One hundred pairs child's heavy lace shoes way down. Men's Bud Boy's Clothing,
Overshirts. Gloves, etc., Boots, Shoes, llnbbers, Hats, Caps, Underwear, White
Shirts, Silk Neckwear, Hosiery, Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Razors, Table and Pocket
Cutlery, Silver Plated WBre (knives, forks and spoons) Oarving Sets, Trunks, Va
lises, etc.
Our whole store will be a Big Bargain
. Counter During the coming Fall
'A Full Stock ot Hardware, Cook and Heating Stoves, Tinware, Buokets, Milk
Pails, Pans, Cooking Utensils, Gotten Pots, Tea Pots, Stove Boilers, Wash Tabs,
Brooms, Brushes, Graniteware, Bolts and Washers, Plow Single Trees, Carpenter
Tools, (all kinds) Garden Tools, Roof Plates, Stove Pipe NBils, Horse Shoes. Bar
Iron, Blasting Powder, Hanging and Stand Lamps, Glassware, Crookery, Tr.ilet
Sets, Stone Jars, Lamp Chimneys, Lantern Olohles, Lanterns, Wicks, Oliver
Chilled Plows, Gang Plows? Hay Rakes Mowers, Mit-ohell Wsgons, Hacks, Buck
Boards, Carts, Harrows, Seed Drills, at oost until ptesent Stock; is. sold. i Saddles
and Harness, Rifles and Shot Guns, etc , - .
Come iu und make your selections before the assortment is broken. Save your
money by buying at our store, A fall line of Groceries at cut prioes, nntil close
of this sale. . - '
Country trade solioited. It will pay you to travel hundreds of miles to lay in
your supplies at our prices. Don't let friendship for any firm cause you to tax
yourself these bard times. Mail orders carefully filled. Call aud be oonvinoed ;
No trouble to show goods.
This Clearance Sale is now in full blast.
It is the Headquarters !
I li t? lrul.a Ollfri, I 1 1 1 H M , Ti1
1 lt Artloers, I'Hteiit Meillclnen,
OjHca of ail xlwjes running out of Hepmer.
liliji-JlllSTl SS8S OOPIPffly...,.;.
for Infants
" ''ustorialsHowetlailaptMtoiThii'iren that
I n-iioxinend it. assuiienurtaany pnweription
Jtnuva to naM t. A. Aiu-J.oat, SL P..
, , IU :-;u. Osl'orU ::il., Iiruuklyii, N. X. ..
. "The u.-e of '('aiitoria 1 i ii ualvi-rsal and
;tK pu-rits .so vi'i'll known that It wajin a work
- f KnperWKaUuli to endorwj it. J'ewarethe
'inteJIitrieit families who t!o not ki'up Castolia
"wfthln ea.sy r-aeh."
C.uiu.s ?'aiixv.v, II, I.,
'vr York City.
The ('KSTit-B
When persona are weak end languid,
jfrotn sickness or overwork, feel delapi
I diifi.-d aud depressed, it ts an judication
: that the blood is out of order, aud they
iUeui helu to throw off tbe miserable
i feeling. The best icniedy for this pnr
, pose is Dr. J. Jl. Mof.enn's Strengthen
ing Cordial and Blond Purifier. It re
store:! Jifct elr.-ngib. g;vi i viv'i.r t- cir
culation, promotes gao l api.eti', and a
. Hi of cheerful spirit-. l'rh-e ,)).) per
'''.ailing in ell'ecl'i
nura and bariulei'S,
Iti'gulat' ir.
a, a; s reliai'lH,
Simmons Liv. r
r i
viiU"ii'J v-i'i l,y m".i fffl ii'int nitL' iiL!jli
I! tv -rsfrfMi ret plKitii to your (ihriHtf.
with Initr'i' tloti for pUiitintr and cnrinK ft-r Jt,
tofriher vifn our cofiipit'fj lint of Nurhiry
"it'-ol:. If yon wlil rat out this advertipcjiient,
ifiurt uii It the mtrnt'of t.'iin ,ttipT, n'l t how
iiuitiv i'u h Ira kind of tr.-ri' Hi:d pl8iiB jon
wiiiifd Kki; to jiu.'VitkHe, and wlicu joti w mil to
pluftt tfi-in.
wfiitjuot j'tHj lower rrlffli on ih-Htok
vcti tr!i,it lltE.I fiVC i;.ft ti'.-ii Ollf-rrl )'Oll.
r!tc u: ni;';i-
t, V I- KfiUELN MiiSfc-HJ
KvriKfifH. Pour tii., Win.
lime to Jbuv Vjooqs
or Lower !
PHIL. rOHN, Proprietor.
and Children.
Castorla euros frolic, ConRtiiiattoti,
Sour Ktoiuaeh, liiarrhipa, ifnirtatlon, '
Kills Worms, gives Bleep, ami iiromotes dl--
Without Injtirioua tneilleatlua.
"For several years I Imvo rocouimendi.il
your ' Ciwtorla,' anil shall always continue to
do no as it haa invariably produced beneficial
r.ownc k. pardm, m. n.
lOtb fsinwt and Uli Ave., Nw York City.
Cokmnv, 7T JIi bray Strkbt, Sew York Cirr.
.L. Douglas
is thc taT.
r KtNUH0i trwfltux.u wmj.
3.U P0UCE.3 Sous.
Vol con lave moa.T lr urcbl W. 1m
llougla. Hhoe., .
because, we re the largest manufacturer! of
advertised! shoes in the world, od guarintea
the value by stamping the name ana price on
the bottom, which protect, yon against high
prices and the middleman's ptofita. Our ihoej
equal custom work in style, easy fitting ana
wearing qualities. We have them told every
where at lower prices for the value given tha
any o'aer m.ike. 'fake no substitute. If your
dealer cannot tunply you, we can. Sola by
Dealer ubose name will shortly ap
pear here. Agent wanted. Apply it once
l Rfilrf out riutit. no nmt. no roltr. AAnttA
It, i n. Villnun or (Aiutur. Tsxii in tivmrw
rtc.Z-' li'im'1, ho(, ftorn und Wn . (inuiml cubviv
( (i ' i ' riu tnukt from M lOtVVO pri dv.
irn.trumorjij', no Utyn, wort
iAjapirtr. nwlf lor
l HJl.'.V-.Ml'lrjBiwl .
I T-Jf.KU-iitMT-. fin
U -l ! una wuy hwXl KBM
i rm9 q.rl nf nr-lrt an mi
fi-i(ir "rl'
k 10, Cofumtotfft
Has the reputation of being the
Lightest Running,
Least Wear,
Fewer Repairs,
of any machiue in the market.
Spanish-Merino Bucks
For sale at Thos. Morgan's place,
Heppner, Oregon, October, 1, 1894.
w-to nov. 1.
Land Patents
Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time.
Contested Cases
Contested cases intelligently ami skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
Between individuals having contlicting claims under the agricultural laud
laws, and those between claimants under tbe Mineral Laws and agricultural
claimants; aud also between claimants under any of the pnblio land laws and the
Railroad companies and their grantees, and tbe states and their grantees, under
the Swamp-Laud and School-Land Grants.
Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for eettlera
who have complied with the laws nnder which their entries were made, aud who
nre annoyed and worried by delays in the issue of their patents, caused by Trifling
Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed.
Advice also given iu all matters relating to- the public lands, especially ou
points arising undor the new laws whioh have been recently passed providing for
the disposal of the public domain.
If you waut your land patent in a hurry if you want your land business, of
any character, attended to by skillful and competent attorneys, and promptly dis
posed of, write to
John Wedderburn, Gen. Man.,
P. O. Box, 385. Wasbiugtou, D. C.
State Normal School,
MM Mi K'RfT TKBM I1K01N8 THK 3RD OK SEPT. 1HIM. Tuition per term in KlemeoUry .
J Coune, fl.riO; RcKtilar Course, 4.50; Business Couro, 15.00; to those In the Bculor Class
pledged to tench, free.
1- . dood board and lodging In private families, W.fiO per week or roomi
-BsBMfll 9 ... .. l.l- ...t ln. l..u Mhn muu mIm In hnn them.
jeh es, but all students, no matter how ttiey board,
iirailuates of the Normal receive Htate Diplomas.
.nov. I.
For Sale
i -
1 O.TIO Quarter and
.JJ Uaf.Rorid
Sheepmen will find it to their interest to inspect my Kama before buying
elsewhere. I ensure them to be sound and iu exceptional fine oondition for
mr vice.
I have taken great pains and went to muob expense to meet tbe growing
demand for this olass of sheep, and will sell them. to
Come and See Them and be Convinced.
Fur further particulars address me at PILOT HOCK, OKK., or call at my
farm six miles south of Pilot .'lock, Ore.
Otis Patterson
Gilliam & Bisbee,
UEPrNHn, on.
Will have-
400 Head
will be under tliulmtnedlat" care of tho faculty.
1 1. A. IIUMIlinillon,
Soo'ynl Kegenta.
Vor the Cure Oi
Liquor. Opium and Tobacco Habits
It la totaled at haletu, Oregon,
The Mont Beautiful Toxen on the Coast.
Call at the Oajiktts offlee for particulars.
; Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure
LiVfcr B'-iulat.ir.
tOnU ttbiiVC UllurtouVil.