Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 16, 1894, Image 2

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    Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp-
ner. Patronize those who patronize
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
cnrrRMnnndanoe will be Dubllsbed unless the
writer's real name is signed as an evidence of
good laun.
Did yon ever
Bead about toe
Man who
Hid bis
Light under
A bushel T
Yes? well
That is like
Doing business
Without advertising.
All the
Snide schemes -In
the country
Will not accomplish
Half as much
As a good ad.
In a good, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Is read
By the people,
And that owns
Its own
Soul; that
Cues its space
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
The gamblers of New York city,
who can generally size up the
situation, Lave offered $20,000 to
$10,000 that Levi V. Morton will
be the next governor of New York
state. This, of course, is a ques
tion that directly concerns that
state, however, the result is some
thing of great importance to the
nation. It is not only that Morton
or Hill will bo the next governor
of New York, but that the actions
of Tammany ring will be either
indorsed by the election of Hill, or
annihilated by an overwhelming
republican victory. And the result
of this state campaign will also be
anxiously looked for by everyone,
as it is generally understood that
as goes New York so goos tho na.
Iu this New York campaign we
feel a great pity for David D. Hill.
He is smart enough to be aware
that if he cannot be an occupant of
the White House after Cleveland,
he never will bo. Yes, Senator
J lill knows that he must capture
the people in '90, as he will never
have another opportunity. He:
it i i j i i i t .
inrougu uniortuuate political cir
cumstances, has been compelled to
cast his die. The man is really
deserving of the sympathy of every
citizon of this land, but like the
Wandoring Jew, ho "goes on."
While it is hardly possible that
Mr. Morton, on the accomplish
ment of his gubernatorial aspira
tions, will hope for a higher posi
tion than the people of the United
Ktates have ouce accorded him, yet
his nomination for governor leads
one to think that Mr. Harrison's
New York visit was 'nut time wast
ed. In fact it begins to look as if
it would be a repetition of Harri
son and Morton as republican
standard bearers in 1800. So from
this time until after the November
election all eyes will bo turned
toward Now York.
Ouk neighbor across the street,
tho Kecord, attempts to call Con
gressman Ellis down by asserting
that wool has been steadily advanc
ing in price since the repeal of the
McICiuley law. Now the Rocord
editor may be authority on "how
to raiso 'puukius,' or when to plant
potatoes," but when it comos to
tariff and its effects, ho must sub
stantiate his statomeuts. Woo)
may have sold higher since, than
it did before tho repoal of tho Mo
Kinloy bill, but it is gradually do
cliniug iu price. This is not an
empty statement, but is based on a
rocent roport fiom au eastern woo)
commission firm, and such reports
are usually accepted as accurate.
According to this roport wool has
declined more thsu 35 per cent
siuco Cleveland took hold of the
government reins, and somothiug
over 10 pur cent since wool was put
on tho free list Does this look
like wool was advancing iu price as
a result of the passago of the Wil
. son bill?
Tue United States has been in
vited by the quadruple alliance,
composed of Groat Britain, France,
Germany and Russia, to join it in
a friendly intervention in the war
between China and Japan. The
invitation will be declined. The
declination is based on the time
honored policy of this government
to avoid any entangling alliance
with foreign powers. Ackcowledg.
bsttiit is Hindu rf whut tho imitation
has to say about the desirability of
the restoration of pence, etc., but,
in the polite language of diplomacy,
it is pointed out that this country
has so far managed very well by
attending to its own business and
that, so long as it continues to pros
per by this policy, it will not depart
from it.
Ex-President Harhison is now
campaigning in Indiana. He spoke
last Friday night to a large and en
thusiastic audience at Evansville.
At different points along the line
going down and returning, a dis
tance of about 450 miles, he made
2G platform addresses, and at each
place was given an enthusiastic
ovation. As a campaigner Harri
son is hard to equal, and for polit
ical heat Indiana takes the lead.
Gov. Pennoyeii once telegraph
ed to Gresham to attend to his
business and Oregon would attend
to hers. Of course Gresham
doesii't like Pennoyer, but he stole
this original saying from the gov
ernor when he recently replied to
the quadruple alliance, "Attend to
your business and America will
attend to hers." Gresham is a
The imports of wool from the
Argentine republic last year
amounted to $2,000,000. Under
the new law this year they will
reach $0,000,000. This is the way
democrats help foreign producers
along. Ex. The democratic wool
growers of this section will please
paste this in their hats.
Next year the Knights of Py
thias of Oregon will hold their an
nual conclave at Salem. The Capi
tal City promises the boys royal
entertainment, for as a convention
city, Salem acknowledges no super
ior. Statesman.
The first number of tho Sun, tho
independent morning daily pub
lished at Portland, is on our desk.
Itis a neat, newsy and well edited
paper, and is deserving of its share
of the patronage.
For the many accidents that ooour
about the (arm or household, such us
burns, scalds, bruises, cuts, rngi?od
wounds, bites of auiiniils, nuiaquiioa or
other insects gallB or chaired spots,
frost bites, aohes or pains ou any part
of tho body, or the ailments resulting
from exposure, as neuralgia, lhenma
tisra, cto. Dr. 3. U. McLean's Voloau
io Oil Liniment bus proved itself a
sovereign remedy. Prion U0o, 50o and
1.00 per bottle.
To Assessor Willis.
My 1)eah Sin: On tho 4th day
of J une last by the unbiased suff
rages of tho electors of Morrow
county, you were duly elected
assessor of said oounty for tho term
of two years. You have taken tho
oath as prescribed by law and will
soon enter upon the duties of your
ollioe. In view of this fact I have
addressed this letter to you, to call
your attention to tho manner in
which some of the business of the
assessor's ollice has beon conducted
in tho past, with a request that you
inform me, as well as others inter
ested, whether you consider it your
luty undor your oath of ollice to
continue the practice iu the future.
If you will refer to tho assossor's
roll for the year 18911 you will find
that 3 quarters of section 23, town-
iliip 2 north, of range 2(5 east, is
assossod at $000 or $200 per quar
ter, the remaining quarter not be
ing deoded. The west half of this
sectiou was patented under the
homestead law by two honest set
tlers who occupied tho laud with
their families for five years, haul
ing water 2J aud 3 miles, liually
tbaudoniug their claims, selling
their improvements for almost'
nothing. For two years past as
agent for this land I have endeavor
ed to have the deputy assessor, who
called upon me, assess this land
at what, as such agent I was author
ized to sell and convey the same.
lust as often, however. I was in
formed that he (tho deputy) could
not 88S0K8 the laud at less than the
government price, or $200 per
quarter. Within the past ten days
I have disposed of ouo quarter of
this laud for a consideration of
niuty-tive dollars. Adjoining this
laud is sectiou 2D, same town
ship aud range, owned by the N. P.
R. It Co., given to them by the U.
government ou a oontract they
never fulfilled and consequently
never earned. This sectiou is held
at $2.50 per acre, or $400 per quar
ter by the said company, aud iu
every respect is as gixvl or hotter
than the land first mentioned.
Now if you will again refer to the
the roll you will Hud (but lhi
section is assessed at $180, or 75
cents per acre. I could call your
attention to a dozen instances where
the same course 'has been pursued
$1.25 per acre for the buueh
grasser, 75 cents per acre for the
R. R. company.
Let me further call your atten
tion to the fact that you are the
first assessor elected iu this county
from the republican party, and
while legislation in favor of trusts
and monopolies has occupied al
most the entire time of a democrat
ic congress during the year past,
let me, as a member of the party
to whicl you belong, suggest that
in this matter of assessment of
property you are iu a position to
show to the world that the claims
of our party are not hollow pre
tenses when we say that we are on
the side of the oppressed and
against monopolies, trusts and
monied corporations.
Will you do it ?
Yours truly,
A. G. Bartholomew.
Anotiibk Kunaway. While ooming to
town this morning Mrs. Homer Gray,
wife of liev. Gray, met with a runaway,
but esoaped uninjured other than a few
bruises and a sprained ankle. The
horses were frightened by one of the
single trees ooming loose and dropping
to the ground while approaching the
May street bridge. The team ran to
Chase street when they turned south,
and in turning, upset the hack and land
ed Airs. Oray and the contents of the
wagon with considerable foroe on the
ground near by. The team oontinued
up the street, almost colliding with
Jones' milk wagon, but finally ran into
an electric lieht pole which brought
them to a sudden stop, when they were
caught and returned by JeS Hayes.
The back was considerably damaged.
Lateb: Hiuoe writing the above we
learu that Mrs. Gray's ankle was badly
lo Not Wastt' Honey, Time or Putii'iicp.
If you need power for any purpose
whatever, send at ouce for OHtalogue of
Hercules Ous and Oasohue felicities.
They are simple, Htrong, sate and sub
stantial. Their economy, reliability,
strength and superior worknuiuship are
beyond question, and we defy tests to
the oontrary. Falmek&Kbv Fodnduy,
r rout iv Alder Sis., Portland, Or.
Death op J. E. Hcmvnkk. Everyone
was very muoh surprised and also much
pained to learn of the sudden death of
J. E Sorivuer, of Hard man, father of
Wm. Sorivner, of this city, which ooour-
ed at Ilardman sometime last Saturday
night. Mr. Bcrivner was in Heppner
attending the 8. H. convention last week.
At this time be appeared to be as well
as usual, though he remarked that be
had been troubled consideiably of late
with smotheriug spells He returned to
Hardman Saturday, nod feeling tired
retired early. At what time he died is
not known as it was not discovered until
he was called for breakfast the follow
ing morning. The cause is attributed
to heart failure. The interment occur
red yesterday at Hardman. J. E. Scriv
ner was well aud favorably known in
this country, having lived within its
borders for a number nf years, and the
report of his death will be painful news
to his many friends.
Keyond Coniiinrimm.
Are the good qualities possessed by
Hood's SarHapurilla. Above all it puri
ties the liloii t th in strengthening the
uerv6s;if regnlaUiR tue digestive organs,
invigorates the kidneys aud liver, tones
aud builds up tue entire system, cures
Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Oaturrh and Rheu
matism, (ift Hood's aud only li nod's
Bio RonaaUY at ThbDallbm Satur
day uiulit at midnight robbers entered
the oflice of the Pact Ho express at The
Dalles. Thoy relieved the strong box of
about $11,000 in cash. For some time
the bunks there have obliged to obtain
large amnuuts of silver from Foi'tland to
pay the tUihurniun aud farm bands wages.
This money alwas oaiue on the 11
o'clock night train. The robbers evi
dently kuew this, f not iiinl made their
pluus accoidiiU'ly. Agent F. N. Hill,
after hauling the ttrong box from the
train to the ollice, went nut on the street
tor a short while nud when be returned
20 minutes later found the contents of
tbe box gone with the exception of
about $1,000 in silver. Tho authorities
were nolitied at onoe and the matter
kept a perfect secret, but up to the pres.
Hiit time no clew to the perpetrators baa
been obtained. Deteotives have come
from Portland and are watching every
avenue of owapu. The most plausible
theory advam i'd is that the robbers sii
creted themuelvej iu t tie back room of
the express olHue aud waited for the
ageut to leave the building, as no doors
nor locks were forced open. Thev must
have known also that the express mes
senger who sleeps in the office was at
tending a dance. Hml tbe agent return
ed a few minutes sooner h would un
doubtedly have been killed. The roli
Ivrs being unable to curry all the silve r,
left tM.OOO of the silver consignment to
French & Oo. iu the box.
rimples, blotches O
aud eruptions com- O
pletcly vanish before Q
Q a steady use of q
Q and health again
ylovt's in the pure skin
and dear Complexion,
i cents a box.
and all women who are nursing babies, derive almost incon
ceivable benefits from the nourishing properties of
Scott's Emulsion
J. his is the most nourishing
riches the mothers milk and
makes babies fat and gives
J children than all the rest of the
Scott's Emulsion has been
twenty years for Eickete, Marasmus, Wasting Diseases of Children,
J uonghs, Oolds, Weak Lungs, Emaciation and Consumption.
Send for pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. FREE.
I ocott & uowne, ri. r. All
Rockland Boy's Leg Bbokkn. J. P.
Molnery's fine horse, Bookland Boy,
well known to Heppner horsemen, bad
its leg broken in a race at The Dalles
last Thursday. The Chronicle says the
damage was done on the turn into the
homestretch, but just bow it ocoarred is
a mystery. Some think the horse's hoof
struok a small stone and turned, but an
examination of tbe track found no stones
that wonld eause snob, an ocourence.
Tbe jockey's explanation was that tbe
foot was twisted by being placed too
much at an angle in turning. Bookland
Boy was far in tbe lead as the horse
swung into the last stretch and everyone
thought it was his raoe. As it was the
animal showed tine grit in running a
quarter of a mile iu such a damaged
oondition. As soon as possible he was
taken to the Btable and an examination
made by Dr. Long, the owner of Mon
tana aud a v eteriny surgeon of merit'
He pronouLoed the break to be between
tbe ankle and the boot and believed that
it oould be set. With the help of some of
the attendants lie quickly brought the
horse iuto position and plaoed the leg in
bandages. The horse never Hinohed
during the operation and this morning
seems free from pain. Kocklaud Boy
was a great favorite, but it is not likely
that he will ever pass under the wire in
another contest.
The success that has attended the use
of Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil
Liniment in the relief of pain and in
curing diseases whiob seemed beyond
the reaoh of medicine, has been trnly
remarkable. Hundreds supposed to be
crippled for life with armB and legs
drawn up crooked or distorted their
muscles withered or contracted by
disease have been oured through the
use of this remedy. Price 25o, 60 and
81.00 per bottle.
G. W. Ison, who has been herding
sheep for Ed Day for some six yeara
past, departed on Saturday evening s
train for his old home at Gossan, Vir,
He says he expects to remain permanent
ly in that country.
"How to Car All Skin Diseases."
Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment."
Mo internal medicine required. Cures
tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on tbe
faoe, hands, nose, .vo., leaving the skin
clear, white and healthy. Its great
healing and curative powers are possess'
ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug
Gilliousen has put out the finest dis
play of photo views ever seen in Hepp
ner. Your chance for getting this
work will end Xmiie, as be is going back
East. 8 tf.
Hayes Sc Mathews, proprietors of the
Gity Meat Market, deliver meat to any
part of tne oily. Full wiegbt and good
meat guaranteed. Leave them your
orders u.
Piles! Flies! Itching Piles.
hymptoms Moisture; intense Hohing
aud stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If ; allowed to continue
tumors form, which often bleed and
ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swaynb's
Oistmknt stops tbe itching and bleed'
ing, heals ulceration, and in most cases
removes tbe tnmors, At druggists, or
by mail, for 60 cents. Dr. Hwayne & Son,
r hiladelphin,
Simmons Liver Regulator never fails
to relieve tba worst aotacks of indigest
ion Simmons Liver Regulator always
cures and prevents indigestion or dys
pepsin. Administratrix Notice.
il lers ol Administration on Hie estate, of
Samnt'l N. Morgan dei-ettaed, were granted to
tlit' undersigned on I he i,th day of September
l.vU, by tin1 County Court of Morrow County.
All ihtkoiih having claims against the Kstate
imi rt'o lured to exhibit them to mo for allowance
lit my bourn In iand Hollow within six months
alter the ilHto of thin notice or thoy shall be
revel- barred. I bis fclth (lav of Sept. 1H;i4.
-7I-M AilmintHtratrix,
Land (H kicr, The IHli.es, Or..
this Otnt'e bvKinll T. IJrotkoi'p ttKHinsv
U. UfirrWiY for futture to eomnlv with law hb
to Timi-tT rultnn.' Kntry No. .1U7, ohUM VcK
IH-vS, npitn the NK1 ami K1-, NV4 section
IS. Tnv iirilili' ;i South, Kaiice -V rRt in Morrow
Vunt . OtvRon, with a view to tho caiu'elltttiou
of Mid imi try, the mu imrtics tiro hereby
MimmmuHt to npnr Ht this otrw-e on the sth
tU of Novemher lvH, at U o'clock A. M.. to
rt'spon.l aiui furnish tehtimony eoiK-erning Haiti
ttlU'pett failure, aitamiomnent.
J. W. Morrow, eoun.y clerk, it authorized to
take the testimony ot Heppuer, Or., Nov. J,
lhit!,at 10 A. M.
-V'S-SO , Register.
Notice of Intention.
J Sept. -V. ImH. Notice ii hereby Riven that
the following uamed nettler ha filed nottc of
her intention to make final proof in tmpport of
her claim, and that said proof will be inatle
leiore J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppuor,
Ureifou, on November lSM.
I eratce of the estate of Sarilda A. Beekctt
deceased, ami hv will the owuer of the de
feritiod Hd. claim. No. '.SvSij for the NWV Hoc,
r, Tp. SS. K. l K. v. M.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upoa and cultivation
of ald land, viz:
A. d. Hainee, Petr Brenner. Ci.lt Jonei and
J a. Jonee, all of Klcht Mile, Oregon.
J, K.MrtORE,
'0 o. Kf&U.tr.
food known to science. It en
gives her strength. It also
more nourishment, to growing
food they eat.
prescribed by physicians for
Druggists. SO cents and $1.
Order for Publication,
In the circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Morrow. Countv. '
The .State of Oregon, .
Plaintiff t 1
vi. . ).-,
J. V. Morrow, County
Clerk of suid Morroif i ;Jt, ' v -
County, Oregon, and
the Heirs af Charlus - I
Lind, Deceased, ,!
Whoreas It has been satisfactorily made to
appear to the' coifrt that on the Wth day of
January, lnW, in wild Morrow County, Oregon,
one Charles Lind died intestate, that ut the
time ui n uwuxii nam diaries l.inu was tin
married aud left no children or other heirs at
law, and that irp to the time of the commence
ment of this procdediiiK no person or persoun
liave appeared .claim lit sr to beau heir or heirs
oi satu uecewiect; 'That at the time of his death
asaforesa.d said deceased was seized of certain
real estate" in mid -Morrow Cnut.ty, besides u
considerable amount of personal property;
that afterwnrdsJtheLConiity' Court ot Morrow
County duly appointed administrators of the
estate of said deceased, who duly qualified and
entered Ufion such trust, and proceeded to ad
minister said- eatHtet under the direction of
said County Court: That on the1 21th dav of
Deo.lWti Bucb administration was completed,
atid said administrators tiled in said County
Court their supylementnl tiuaj account, by
which it was shown that there remained in', he
hands of sycli administrators, al'Jer su.;U ad
ministration 'Was fully completed, as the
property nf said estate, the sum of $l!irrti.01,
which said sum of money was on said day,
under the order and direction of said County
Court, paid bv such administrators to J. W.
Morrow, Clerk of st Id Countv Court, the above
named defendant, eiibject o tho further order
of said County Court: Thatseid sum of monev
has ever since Baid i!ith day of December mx
been and now Is, in tho hands of said J. V.
Morrow, and that said County Court has not
made any further order in relation thereto, and
that by reason of such facts said sum of liMi.01
should escheat to and become the property of
the State and the Htate of OreROit has a right by
law to said rm of money now in the posse ssio'u
of said defendant, J. W. Morrow us aforesaid:."
Audit is further satisfactorily appearing to
the court that a summons has 'issued in this
proceeding directed .to-said defendant J. Wv
Morrow requiring him aud the, heirs of Mud
Charles Lind, deceased, to appear and answer
the information filed herein,-, within the time
limited by law in ci'dl hascs and that said
summons h-is been duly served ou said defend
ant J. W. Morrow, personally, in said Morrow
County Oregon, and that no heir or heirs of
said Charles Lind, deceased, can be found in
said County and State:
It is therefore hereby ordered that all persons
Interested in the said estate of Charles Lind,
deceased, appear at Heppner iu said Morrow
County, on or before the fourth Monday in
March, W.ft, towit: the liftth day thereof the
same being the llrst day of the next regular
term of this coit't in said County, au i show
cause, if any they have, why the "title to Baid
estate now In the han is of said defendant J. W.
Morrow, being the sum of ?l!i."ni.01 should not
vest in the plaint in" herein, the State of Oregon.
If, is further ordered that this notice be
published once each week for six consecutive
weeks in the Heppner Gflzctte. a newspaper of
general circulation published at Heppner, in
said Morrow County, Oregon,
Witness my hand, this 21st day of Sept., J!4.
, W. L. Bkaushaw,
(W HO I Judge.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Morrow Countv.
W. F. Matlock,
i Plaiutiir,
Mury Driscoll, and Murv
Driscoll, administratrix of !-
thecKta e of C. Driscoll, j
Decesed, Maud Driscoll.
Minnie Driscoll and John I
Driscoll, J
l Defendants.
To Mary Driscoll, andMary1. Driscoll, Ad
ministratrix of the estate of C. Driscoll,
deceased Maud Driscoll, Minnie Driscoll ami
John Driscoll.
In the name ot the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against you by the above named
plalutitt, in the above entitled suit, in the
above entitled Court, upon the first dHV of the
term of the above entitled Court, next follow
ing the expiration of the time described in the
order for the publication of this summons,
towit: An or before the fourth Monday of
March, 1 (!-", and If you fail so to appearand
answer atid complaint the said plaintiff will,
for wnnt-thereo!, take default against you and
apply to the Court for the relief demanded in
said complaint, towit:
For judgments agiunst defendants upon two
certain protnisory notes, one dated, Pendleton.
Oregon, November 19th, 1SN7, for the sum of
$.V)u, with intercut thereon at the rate of ten per
cent per annum from the date: and one note
dtited, Pendleton, Oregon, November, pith, 1SS7,
for the sum of fHiO, with interest thereon at the
rate of tci per cent per annum from the date,
less the sum of gH) paid on said note, ou or
about June 1, lSid, and to forclose a certain
mortgage given to secure th" payment of said
notes; said mortgage dntcd the 19th day of
April, issh, and was given upon the following
real property situate in Cmntilia County,
State of Oregon, described as follows, towit:
West half of Northeast quarter, the East half of
tho Northwest quarter. Section thirty-one (31)
Township two (2) South of Range twentv-nine
(.".) E. W. M. Which mortgage was on the 3rd
day of May, ISs, duly recorded in the office of
the County Clerk of the County of Morrow,
State ot Oreon: and for the sale of the real
nraruirrv ilj.snrih.xl ill u1,l niAt r.r.irro onrl Mm
application of the proceeds thereof to the pay
ment of the coRts aud disbursements of this
suit, the costs, charges and expenses of selling
the property, and the payment of the said sum
lound one piHiutin upon said notes, i tie de
fendants and all persons claiming by, through,
or under them, or either of them subseiuent to
the beginning of this suit be barred and fore-
loHcuoiau enimy ot redemption, right, title
imd interest or lien in or tn the above described
property, and for such other and further relief
as to the 'ourt shall seem equitable.
This sntpmous is published pursuant to the
order ot Hon. L. Rradshaw, one of tho
.indues of th' above entitled Court in this suit,
tn tide at Chambers Ht The Dalles. Wasco
County, State of Oregon, ou tho 27th day of
August, I'.i4.
Attorney for IMaiirtitT.
1'. O. Address, I'endletnu, Oregon. t,',i-.v
Sheriff's Sale.
dr and bv virtue of a writ of execution
issued out of the Circuit Court of the state of
orejrni:, for the county ot Tillamook, and to me
H tec ted and delivered upon a judgment rend
ered and entered in said court on the i'-th dav
of October, !:;, iu favor of T. J Lucy, defend
put and agttinst Susan M. Findley, pi an till.
ftv-six and five one hundredths i?Y.0M dol
1 irs, w 1th interest thereuu Ht th rate of s per
ut P"r annum from the said 'JMh da of Ot-tob-.
li'': which iudirinenf was enrolled and
doi'ketM in the Clerk's office of said court in
Fnid Tillamook county, on the 2-tlt day oi
i -eii!ei lv?t. and there being now due on said
judgment the 'ir.i of litiy-six and five one
hundredths (S' n.) dol la re, with interest there
on at the rate of S per cent ier annum from the
th day of October, lM--i, aud nho the osta of
and up hi this writ.
l nave jevicti upon aun win sen ai punuc
auction to the highest bidder (or cash in hand
on Wednesday, the :ilst day of October, ftt
o'clock, r. M., of said day, at the court house
ioor in Heppner, Morrow countv. Oreiron, hII
the right, title and interest whieft the said
Suan M. Fiudley had ou or after the said -Mh
lav oi October, lvw. m aud to the following des
cribed real property, to wit :
me souinweai Quarter oi seouon iweniv. ana
the northwest miarter of section tweutv-nine.
all in township two south, range twenty-five
east of Willamette meridian. In Morrow county.
Oregon, containing three hundred and twenty
aerps. more or leR.
Dated this :M day of October, ism.
71-8 fhenff of Morrow County, Oregon.
To insure n hearty unpetite ami in-
cretweti diRvatioa take Simmons Livor
To prevent fevers, keep the liver
native and bowels renlur rrirn Simmons
Mver ItiiiatDr,
After a th
lorough test of the m)nn
l. wehaveconclud- "1 U .
I i 1 1
rmrlit ccPm
ed to chancre to net
and after Aug. i, '94, we will
sell to one and all for
Of wliKt heretofore bud to be ohnrged tor unoollectable accor.iilH. Thin is
retieotion on yon, but is plain buginees statement. We oim ntfotd
to eell at lower prices in this way.
fo Favorites
THIS Popular Hostelry has again
1 been re-opened and will be run
in first class style. , ;
Algols oixcl Moonis at Popular
. Priees.
Owing to the advantages trained tlwiuiih..
being a member of tbe . . . .
P. C. Thompson Co.
Are iu position to make prices forcnsli
low as the lowest.
Complete Stock of Groceries, Hardware, Gent's Furnishing Goods,
Sewing Machines. A Car load of Rushford Wagons
just received. Odd Combinations Sign.
Corner Mnin aud Willow Streets,
Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Too much care canuot be exercised in employing competent aud reli.
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not
entirely, upon the care aud skill of the attorney.
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys,
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to
gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once
advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. I
others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by
others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the
p. o. box 4e3 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
3- Cut this out and send It with your Inouira. JBr
, JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney,
P.O. Box 463. Washington, D. C.
.lI.'!.0,r jbldi',chr5f.' ,s,n,lii"5 "! sailors who served ninety days, or over, in the late war
are entitled now partially or whollyd.sablc-d lor ordinary manual" labor, whether diaabililv
w..!;..... S rm"ied) whether soMler'sdCT"'
noi !derVndenT unnr .nTo -, "h""" A"P1 T r'.l"" l,heir 0W" labr for support. WW"""1
r n i i upwk ... .. j Vr' r j . ." ueain wns aue to service.
"StfS'ZSSr yMrS) ln a'mSt CaS" Wh"e th"e was
PARENTS are entitled if soldier Mn.mrwM....i.ii si.i .. . .
.eryloe. or from effect, of service, and they are now dependent upon their wnlaboV oraurT
port. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died in lai war inTS Jf.,.?!"."
law.:;i.huUo.Vn, lay'rVhU. " "nQ" 0ne 'aW' may B for hIhw rat" "cr ther
Thousands of soldiers drawing from to to $10 per raortth under the old lav are entitled to
en.i?fetwe8tbe regolaxarmyor navy .iocthe war are also
r dp"'ntW" tolaieI and wid0" I.onitll, if siity-two years cf age or disabled
Jate?Uwl,aornnoCt0mp,:ted "nd 5elt!emct obUined. whether pension ha, been granted nnder
XrHfi'i.'.'nf"! "fvntii settlement seenred. If rejection Improper or ill
.avel?hneIrn;CP.aprSCharf0bUined for SOldi
bena lor laws and Information. No cLarge for advice. No fee unless snccessfnl. Address.
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
IllHs, Dawson 'Ss Ivoms,
All tmiues atteoded to iu t i-toatpt duel naN'-f t-.rv
manner. NoUrics Ful.lic i;d CoiiscUira. '
A. ClionKe!''
cash. On OAIS
Tom Bradley, Prop.
m 1 im
ved or died ia late war or in regular army or
et?al. -
and sailors of the late war Who
111 p.
Plenty of. them at the
Gazttte Office. . . . .