Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 12, 1894, Image 3

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    Notice to Advertisers.
rpHOSE desiring the insertion of display gilt.,
1. or change nfBame, must Ret their copy in
not later than Monday evening for Tuesday's
edition, or Thursday evening for Friday's edi
tion. The Pattkbson Fubuhhinu Co.
Take Notice.
1, The mm of five cent per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding present! and donors,
nd obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose,
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a Hue. These rules will be strictly adher
d to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable a&d made known
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for hiB or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writers real name is signed as an evidence of
good faith.
ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
8au Francisco, is onr authorized agent. This
paper is kept on tile in his office.
Give your business to Heppner peoplet
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Stage for Hardm.au, Monument, Long Creek,
John Iay and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
Every day at 6 a. m except Sunday.
A rrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country,
Phlll Cohn. Agent.
Removal Notice.
0. B. TeUrowo desires to inform the public
that he has removed to the City Hotel stHiul,
where he will still keep the bent brands of
Liquors and Cigars.
GambrimiB Beer on tap. .Served in largest
Used mugs. Ci. B. TEDROWK, Prop.
The regular subscription prioe of the
bemi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and the
regular price of the Weekly Oregonian
is 81.50. Anyone subscribing for the
Gazette and paying for oue year iu
advance can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for $3. All old sub
scribers paying their subscriptions for
one year in advanoe will be entitled to
the name,
Mrs. N. J. and Mrs. Ellen Warmoth,
daughters of Urandma Clark, sisters of
Mrs. Geo. Bwaggart and the former the
mother of J. O. Warmoth. of Ella, arriv
ed from the East Tuesday morning and
are now visiting with relatives in this
county. A family reunion of the
children of Grandma Clark will be held
in the near future.
J. B. Tedrowe s favorite pug dog, Tuts,
Land For Sale. 480 aores over in
Wilson prairie. A good stock ranoh ani
will be sold cheap. Cull at Gazette
office for particulars and terms W.
Gkakd Lodqb Knights. The grand
lodge session of Kuights which was held
this week in Portland has been s very
interesting one. Portland Knights en
tertained tbe visitors iu royal style,
Tuesday night a Pythian ball whs given
at the Portland Hotel and proved a very
pleasant affair. Wednesday evening tbe
grand lodge and uniform rank divisions
paraded the city. Wednesday afternoon
tbe following grand office rB were elected:
J. L. Hill, of Albany, grand chancellor;
died last evening. There seemed to be ' Dr. E. P. Geary, of AsbUnd, grand vice-
Here and There.
Twenty cords
Of good pine wood
Are needed at theGazette
Offloe on subscription at onoe.
N. A. Leach was up from Lexington
Many loads of wheat Bre now being
hauled in every day.
0. G. Fuqua and son, of Eight Mile,
were in town yesterday.
Van Winkle's steam saw bus been run
ning in full blast tor several days past,
Oonnty Commissioner J. L. Howard
wus seen on our streets Wednesday.
For choice coal, very cheap, see the
Heppner Transfer Company. F.
We call onr reader's attention to tbe
statement of the National bank in this
A. G. Bartholomew of Alpine was in
attendance at the H. 8. convention yes
terday. An open letter to our county assessor
will appear in the next issue of the
Fossil Journal : Miss Ada Khea came
in from Portland Thursday evening for
short visit here.
. V
Mrs. D A. Hardman, of Hardman, is
visiting with her sister, Mtb. James
Depuy, of Heppner.
Photographs 81.50 pel dozen at Sben
pard'fl gallery, near opera bouse, north
I . . , . Tt m',
Main St., Heppner, Ore. 2btf.
George Duran exhibited some very fl' e
talks of corn yesterday whioh were
raised out in the Blaok horse seotion.
Cbas. Jones lias charge of Green
Mathews' shaving parlors during the
letter's sojourn in the oountry. Call on
Rev. Potwine arrived from Pendleton
Ibis morning and will bold Episcopal
service at the M. E. ohurch this evening.
All are invited.
Stephen Hendrickson, who has been
looking after Penland's sheep up in tbe
mountains daring the past summer,
eame down yesterday.
Onr readers will please notice that Ed.
Pay's band of fine Spanish-Merino bnol-s
are soon to be on sale down at Tbes.
Morgan's. See ad.
We will take wheat at the market
price on subscription, Bnd if our patrons
have as nmoh as a load will pay the
balanoe in hard cash .
W. L. Marshall and liobt. Kennedy,
two knights of tbe grip from Portland,
were in the city interviewing our busi
ness men Wednesday.
Otis Patterson, of this paper, was
eleoted grand maater-ot-Brms, at tbe re
oent grand lodge session of Knights of
Pythias, in Portland.
The Gazette it in receipt of a welcome
note from E. L. Brobst, ofCbehaliB,
Wash. Mr. Brobst was formerly a res
ident of the Douglas section.
Doug. Belts will not be at Heppner as
advertised, owing to the fact that an un
expected demand for his Oxford grade
rams has exhausted his band. tf.
Stage leaves for Eoho Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays, returning on
Tmuilii. Thnrsdavs and Saturdays.
. ii- .1 u.,.n T U7 avara.T. acrpnt.
JL. ,1 bub, iui .'- i -n
The family ot Till Glaze, the man wbo
was recently murderea over in narney
r.nnnt. have received 2.000 from the
A. O. U. W. of which be was a member.
Elder J. W. Jenkins, of The Dalles,
will preach at the opera house on Sun
day next, both morning and evening.
You are cordially invited to attend these
' Any person who desires to trade good
unincumbered farm lands, suitable and
in condition for raising wheat, for
property in Portland, should call at the
Gszette office.
H. W. Wells, of The Dalles, came np
on Thursday morning's train end is now
looking around with the intention of
bnyiDg tome sheep if he oan get them at
suitable figures.
Borne one Informed the Gazette Wed
nesday night that Fred Knighten.of
Eight Mile, was in town with a load of
wheat. As our informant did not make
himself known we cannot vonoh for tbe
Gid Hatt has purchased tbe barber
shop on tbe Matlock comer from A. C.
Carle, where his old friends and ouBtom
era will find biro. Bbaves, shampoos
and haircuts on short notice and in tbe
highest style of tbe art.
The Webfoot Planter, a Portland peri
odical devoted to the interests of farm
ers, etockraiters, orchard iats, bee-keepers
and poultry raisers, will be sent free of
charge for one year to all those who pay
nn All arrearage, ana one year in a
vance. or to all new
a diversity of opinion as to the cause nf
the death, however, the coroner's verdict
was that the dog died as a result of an
over dose of poisoning, administered by
unknown hands. Interment oocured at
9 a. m. this morning. Sympathies and
eto extended to Ted.
On Bocount of the falling off of tbe
business in the U. S. Marshal's office
caused by Judge Bellinger's wbiskey-to-iudinnB
decision, Marshal Grady has
made a request to all but three of hiB
deputies to surrender their commissions.
John W. Kasmus, of this city, was
among tbe list who bunded over their
Tbe formula of Ayer's Sargaparilla is
well known to the medical profession,
and universally approved. The repu
tation of tbe firm guarantees excellence
and uniformity in the medicine, and tbe
world's experience for nearly half a
century has fully demonstrated its value.
W. . Fisher, the enterprising fruit
mau from Wagner, met with bad luok a
few miles out of town on bis way home
Tuesday, bis wagon breaking down
with him. However, he managed to get
back to town when all necessary repairs
were made. He started out again yes
terday morning.
Obas. Guuningbam will have at the
James Jones ranoh a band of bis French
and American Merino and Oxford
graded Books. All wool growers wbo are
interested in improving their bands will
have a ouauoe to see a spleadid band of
bucks after tbe 1st of October. 60 tf.
Jim Shaw, of Galloway, was in town
Wednesdny. He informed our reporter
that be hud tbe misfortune to loose his
pocket book, containing quite a sum ot
money, on Sundnv Inst on the road be
tween his borne and J. L. Howard's plaoe.
As yet be has not been able to find it.
Mr. T. E. Wiley, 146 Chambers St.,
New York City, says that Ayer's Sarsu
parilla cured bim ot n dry and eoaly
humor, from which he had suffered
intolerably. He adds: "I have not now
a blemish on my body, aud my core is
wholly due to Ayer's aarsapurilla.
Geo. W. Wells and J. S. Buseick,
under tbe firm name of Wells & Co., are
buying and selling grain of all kinds
nest door to the Gazette office. They
pay the highest market price, ond will
buy in any quantities. 6'J-tf.
Sol Wood and wife arrived yesterduy
and visited until this morning with Nels
and Jim Jones, old friends whom they
bad not seen for 20 years. They left
today for the Wilauiette valley where
they expect to remain for some time.
Billy Hilderbrnnd, wbo has resided in
Morrow oounty for a number of years,
departed last evening for bis old home
in Iowa, lie says be does not expect to
return to Oregon, however, we predict
that he will be back by spring.
Dr. B. F. Vaugban, tbe resident
dentist has purchased a first cluss
remedy for the painless extraction of
teeth. ' Those desiring first class work
in bis line should give bim a oall.
The Jewish festival, Yom Kippur, or
Dav of Atonement, commencing lues
day evening at 6 p. m, and ending
6 p. m. Wednesday was uot observed by
the Hebrew contingonoy of the city.
After oompai lug prices with Pendle
ton and The Dalles, John F. Spray will
Bell and deliver meat at the residenoe
of Heppner people as cbeap as either
town above mentioned.
If von owe the Gazette you must ex
pect that pay will be demanded. We
need our money, and don't extent to
borrow under tbe ciroiimstunoea. Come,
give us a lift.
Do uot wear impermable and tight-
fitting bats that constrict the blood
vessels of tbe scalp. Use Hall's Hair
Kenewer occasionally, aud ynu will Dot
be bald.
J. B, Natter has reopened tbe Brewery
Saloon, keeping on tap at all times the
best beer on the Paoific ooast. Also on
bands the best brands of liquors, wines
and cigars. B6if,
Improper and deficient care of tbe
scalp will cause grayneasof the hair and
baldness. Escape both by tbe use of
that reliable specifics Hall's Hair Kenew
er. Hood's Pills cure constipation by re
storing peristaltic notion of tbe ali
mentary canal.
ohanoellor; Turner Olliver, of Union,
grand prelate; Otis Patterson, of Hepp
ner, grand master-at-arms; E, M. Bar
gent, of East Portland, grand master of
exobequer; G- F. MoOonnell, grand keep
er ot records and seal; R. H. Groyer, of
Hillsboro, grand inside guard and Cbas,
Fellows, of Portland, grand outside
guard. The next session of tbe grand
lodge will be held in Salem,
Whkck Nkab Tan Dalles The west
bound O. R. & N. train No. 1, wa badly
wrecked four miles east of Tbe Dalles at
420 yesterday morning. Tbe traiu was
running at ordinary speed when a flange
on the forward truoe of tbe engine broke,
throwing tbe engine off the track.- Tbe
mall and baggage oars and smoker fol
lowed, the baggage car crashing into the
engine. Tbe mail oar was thrown on its
side in a ditch on one s de ot the track,
while the tender, locomotive, baggage
oar and smoker landed on tbe other side.
Tbe engine is completely wrecked, being
"busted wide open," as an eye witness
puts it, and the oars are iu no better
condition. Engineer Morgan esoaped
with slight scalds and bruises, but
Fireman Crofton's iujuries are more
serious, several of his ribs being broken,
and be is injured internally. A tramp
riding on the mail oar bad big shoulder
broken. Tbe injured men were taken
to The Dulles and put under care of the
company's surgeon. The passengers
were plaoed on a stub train and sent to
Portland. Tbe track was cleared yester
day. A Wonderful Conqneror.
No disesse is more common Rmong tbe
people than scrofula. Handed down
from generation to generation, it is fonnd
in nearly every family, in some form. It
may make its appearance iu dreadful
ruuning sores, in swellings iu tbe neck
or goitre, or in eruptions of various
forms. Attacking themuoons membrane
it may be kuown as catarrh, or develop
ing in the lungs it may be, and otteu is,
the prime cause of consumption.
In whatever form scrofula uiay mani
fest itself, Hood's Sarsaparilla is its iu
veterat foe and conqueror. This medi
cine has such powerful alterative Bud
vitalizing effects upon the blood that
every trace of impurity is expelled, aud
tbe blood is made rich, pure and heal I lily.
A Very
late renting
iSession in
Co nveutiou
this City
Pres. Bloss bus been on tho sick list
to' several days.
There will be 10 or 12 students in the
photography olass this year.
The literary societies have met to elect
efiicers and divide the new students
among tbe different ohapters.
Military drill began Monday, Sept. 21
Tb9 oompanies have been organized, tbe
officers selected, and the drill begun
where it left off last June.
Prof. Pernot has been preparing some
work for the bulletins, but is at present
making some micrographs of adulterated
food, by request of tbe food commission
er. This involves much more work than
is supposed, us the professor bus to pre
pare tbe slides, etc, himself.
Tbe present enrollment of the O. A. C.
is larger than ever before at the opening
of tbe fall term. On the first Monday of
last year tbe enrollment was 181, and on
tbe corresponding day ot this year it
187, showing an increase ot six over tbe I
best previous record.
Tbe printing department received s
handsome stitcher from Palmer & Rey,
of Portland. The machine is adjusted
to three sizes of stitches sod uses any
size of wire between 28 and 20. This
machine will save much time and labor
and will cost about one-sixtb as much to
operate as the old band machine. -
C06VAM.13, Or., Oct 8, 1894.
The Morrow county S. S. convention
oonveued yerterday nfternoou at 2 p. m.,
aud was opened with devotional service
bv Rev. J. M. Deuison. L. W. Briggs
in a few appropiute words welcomed the
convention to the oity, whioh was fitting
ly responded to by Pres. J. J. Adkins.
The topio assigned to T. W. Ayers wus
continued until luter as he was uot pres
ent. "The superintendent His duty" was
to have been presented by John Harri
son, of Hardman. but as he waB absent,
S. 8. Hornor; of this city, presented the
subjeot in a very oredi'able manner.
He was followed by Mrs. O. Spray, W.
A. Kirk, J. G. Young, J. Sorivner, H. C.
Gay, Mrs. M. A. Fuqua and Rev. Pow
ell, all of whom offered some practical
suggestions for the superintendent's
Miss Ida Fell next read a very int
eresting paper on "Best methods of
teaohing the bible class" which was at
tentively listened tq and further discuss
ed by Kev. Denisou .
The convention then adjourned for
evening session at tho M. E. church
Tbe evening session was opened by
song, prayer by J. G. Young and praise
service led by Rev. F. C. Adkins.
T. W. Ayers being present, he pre
sented the subject of "Origin of the
Sunday school its work in Morrow
oounty" and was followed by Rev.
The next subject presented was"The
Sunday school an auxiliary to the
cburoh" by M. D. L. French, followed
by J. G. Toung.
"Duties of Pareuts to (Sunday School
How to get their Atteudauoe,1' was tbe
next topic, whioh was presented iu u
very interesting manner by A. G. Bar
tholomew, of Alpiue, aud iurtherdisoiiHS
ed by others present.
After song by choir the convention
adjourned to meet ut 0 oYlockthis morn
ing at the Baptist chuiou.
Tbe morning section opened with song j
and devotional service led bv Rev. J. F. I
Moore, t
Grover U Wright and Wire are Badly
Injured by Being Thrown From
a Wagou In a Runaway.
Yesterday morning about 10 a. m
O. N. Peok drove into Heppner with
Grover L. Wright and wife who were
badly bruised aud seriously injured
oaused by a ruuaway whioh they met
with down near his home lute Wednes
day evening. The following is the
statement of the terrible accident as we
get it from Mr. Wright and Mr. Peok:
Mr. and Mrs. Grover L. Wright, who
live out in what is known as the Adkins
house on C. A. Rhea's plaoe, accompan
ied by their five year old boy, were in
the oity Wednesday for a few provisions.
Tbey started home in tha afternoon and
were about 10 miles out. Ou approach
ing a steep hill near Clark's Cauyon,
Mr. Wright says he noticed that one of
the bridles was not very seoure and be
stopped and repaired it in a manner
that be thought was all right. He then
started to drive down the bill, but bad
not proceeded fur until he saw the bridle
was giving uway. At this point tbe lit
tle boy jumped out, and escaped with
but a few bruises. After the bridle bad
slipped from the horse's head, the team,
whioh was ordinarily considered gentle,
started down tbe hill at a rupid gait and
ran some 30 or 40 rods when the wagon
upset throwing Mr. Wright and wife
and the contents dut upon a rocky bank,
breaking Mr. Wright's leg, and
rendering both for a time unconscious.
The team continued to run until tbey
had almost entirely demolished tbe wagon
Iu this semi-oonsoious Bnd horrible
condition without food or drink thes
people lay there with nothing but a thin
cover over them, which the little fellow
got out of the wreck. He also remained
over night with bis parents administer
ing to their wants as best he could,
As soon as daylight came the little
boy started out to bunt Bomeone end
finally came to the borne of O. N. Feck,
where be rusbed in without knocking,
but Bt first was too budly excited and
too exhausted to tell them what had
happened. However, after considerable
questioning tbey learned that his parents
bad been badly hurt while coming home
from Heppner. Mr. Feck at onoe start
ed out in the direction the boy had come,
stopping for Mr. J. F. Willis, who ao
oompanied him. They had not proceed
ed far until tboy began to find evidenoe
of the wreok, first u singletree, next
the front wheels and soon they found
the demolished wagon and badly injured
couple near by. With great difficulty
they were plaoed in the back as care
fully as possible, and Mr. Peok brought
them to town, when they were placed in
the vacant barroom bt the Palace Hotel.
Drs. Shipley and McSwords were at
once summoned and tbey, with the
assistance of many willing bunds, bath
ed their faces and administered to their
wants. On examination it was fouud
that tbe lady hud received a oonoussion
of tbe brain and lungs from whioh she
was unconscious. Her bodv and bead
were badly bruised, also ajdeep cut in
ber left cheek. At first it was thought
that Mr. Wright's left leg was dislocated
and broken, lint on examination it was
fouud that it was uot dislocated, but
broken ubout four inches above the
ankle. He wus also badly bruised about
tbe beud and face. After setting bmleg
aid doing everything possible for both
of them they were oared fur at the hotel
last night. This morning they were re
ported to be getting aloug as nicely us
could be expeoted. In all this was a
very serious accident, however, we ure
pleasad to announce that both will re
cover, ut least this is the d color's opin
ion this morning.
m m
Sarsaparilla is carefully
prepared by experienced
pharmacists from Sarsa
parilla, Dandelion, Man
drake, Doek.ripsslsew a,
Juniper Berries, and other well known
vegetable remedies. The Combination, Pro
portion and Process are Peculiar to Hood's
Sarsaparilla, giving it strength and curative
power I'ecullar to Itself, not pos
sessed by other medicines. Hood's
Cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Sores, Bolls,
Pimples and all other affections caused bj
impure blood; Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick
Headache, Indigestion, Debility, Catarrh,
Rheumatism. Kidney and Liver Com
plaints. It Is Not Whai
we Say, but what Hood'i
Sarsaparilla Does, tha'
Tells the Story Hood'i
Has the reputation of beiug the
Lightest Running,
Least Wear,
Fewer Repairs,
of any machine iu the market.
Hood's Pills are sentle, mild and ett"ctir
A Gikii's Essay, Boys are meu that
have not got as big as their papas, and
girls are women that will be ladies by
and by. Mau was made before woman.
When God looked at Adam he said to
himself: "Well, I think I can do better
if I try again." And He made Eve,
God liked Eve so much better than
Adam that there have been more women
thau men. Boys are a trouble. They
wear out everything but soap. If I had
my way half the world would be girls
and tbe rest dolls. My papa is so nice
that I think be must have been a little
girl when he was a little boy. Man was
made, and on the seventh day he rested,
woman was then made and she bus never
rested since.
FOR .ft.X9
Gilliam & J3isbee,
Will have-
400 Head
Spanish-Merino Bucks
For Bale at Thos. Morgan's place,
Heppner, Oregon, October, 1, 1894.
w-to nov. 1.
When persons are weak and languid,
from sickness or overwork, feel delapi-
duted and depressed, it is an indication
that tbe blood is out of order, and they
need help to throw off tbe miserable
feeling. Tbe best remedy for this pur
pose is Dr. J. H. MoLean's Strengthen
ing Cordial and Blood Puntier. It re
stores lost strength, gives vigor to cir
culation, promotes good appetite and a
flow of oheerful spirits. Price $1.00 per
Stabbing at Mitchkll The Price-
ville Review gives the following acoount
of a stubbing affray that happened at
Mitchell recently: "It Bcems that W.
L. Campbell, a ourpenter, was engaged
at work on a new building near tbe
residenoe of Dr. Hnuck. Henry Brown
rode in and dismounting left bis horse
standing near where Campbell was at
work and entered the physician's resi
dence on an errand. For some reason
Campbell chirruped to Brown's horse
aud tbe animal started us it to move
away. From this the meu engaged in a
quarrel that led to a fight. Campbell
run at Browu to clinch him, aud tbe lat
ter used hiB pocket knife with such effect
that Campbell received u wound about
two inches deep and nine inches loug
below oue shoulder, a cut down the
breast and a gash through the upper lip.
Campbell bled pr.ifusely, but his wouuds
reaoiving prompt attention will hardly
result fatally. Browu furnished bonds
in the sum of $26(1, bnd wus released.
Campbell wusu resident nf Grautoonnty.
Land Patents
Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time.
Contested Cases
Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
Between individuals having conflicting claims under the agricultural land
laws, and those between claimants under tbe Mineral Laws and agricultural
claimants; and also between claimants under any of tbe pnblio land laws and the
Unilroad oompanies and their grantees, and the Btutes and their grantees, under
the Swamp-Land and School-Land Grants.
Specinlty made ot securing pateuts in the shortest possible time for settlers
who have complied with tbe laws under whioh their entries were made, and who
are annoyed aud worried by delayB in the issue of their patonts, oaUBed by Trifling
Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed.
Advioe also given iu all matters relatiug ta the public lands, especially on
points arising under the new laws whioh have been recently passed providing fur
the disposal of tbe public domain.
If you wont vour land patent iu a hurry if you want your luud business, of
any character, attended to by skillful and competent attorneys, aud promptly dis
posed of, write to
John Wedderhurn, Gen. Man.,
Wheat Hacks. The Morrow County
Land & Trust Co. are putting out wheat
sucks at their warehouses at Douglas,
Ioiih and Ueppner. All those wishing
saoks should see tlioin. 57tf.
Tub Sncjii Makxk. Joe Dubois bus
' moved his shoe-making and repair shop
from the old May street stand to the
room formerly occupied by Oreen
Mathews, barber shop, next door to
Noble's burnous shop. Joe also bus a
good workman with him aud guuruuteea
satisfaction. Don't overlook bim for
Brat class work. H6 tf.
We offer Oue Hundred Dollars Ho
ward for uny case ot Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J- CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo,
We the undersigned have known F.
J. Cheney for tbe laot IS years, aud
believe him perfectly honorable iu all
hntmivse transaction and financially able i Hioiiuouh Liver Kugiilutur is invulu
to oarry out any obligation made bv j able in the nursery, t is a gentle
their firm. j laxative, and hurmlena.
Wkkt & Tuoax, Wholesale Druggists, !
Toledo, O.
Waluinm, KiNXiN & Mahvin, Wholcsule
Druggist", Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is token internally
noting directly upon tbe blood and
mucous surfaaes of tbe system. Price
75o. per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Testimonials tree.
P. O. Boi, 385.
Washington, D. 0.
State Normal School,
f"HK FIKHT TERM BECIINB THE :(RD OF SEPT. WA. Tuition per terra in Elementary
J Course, $1.50; Regular Courao, $1.50; Business Connie, $5.00; to those in the Senior Class
pledged to teiush, frue.
-- , -t Hood board and lodsrlim in private Iamillos,:t 50perweek or looms
Xt J iiril X at- a very reaaoimlile rent (or those who may desire to board them,
selves, hut nil students, no matter how they hoard, will be under the immeUiat cure of the (acuity.
Graduates of the Normal receive Htate Diplomas. V. A. WOKTHINU ION,
Nov 1. Hec'y of KeKUlUs.
For Sale
Coal, and Post Foit Sale. The Hepp
ner Trancfer Co., now huve on hnuil a
carload of the beat lnmb coal ever sold
in Heppner, which they will dispose of
at a lower price than ever before quoted
inthis oily. Also a choice lot of oedar
posts for sale or trade very cheap. F.
AcertBinonre for malarial fevers
fouud in Simmons Liver Regulator.
TK will mh1 you by mail i,0d(-iiM one Bmali
YV evergreen tree adaptea to your climate,
with liiHtructlotiH for plmittiiK aud curinpr; for It,
tofffthur with our coinplftf lint of Nurwry
Stock. If you will cut out this advertlHemeiit,
mark on It the name of thin paper, and tell how
many and what kind of trees and plantn you
would Ilk? to purchase, and wheu you wlnh to
Dlunt them.
We willuif'tH you lowr prices on thostm-k
J vou want than have ever been ottered you.
1 Vrite at once.
' MHiov& KveiKieen, Door Co., Win.
for Infants and Children.
Tired, Weak, Nervous,
Means impure blood, and overwork or
too mncu strain on brain and ooay
The ooly way to cure is to feea
nerves on nure blood. Tbonsan
tbe best biooa
Those assigned subjects for 11 . i a m.irn i
ing's discussion were not present, how- i
ever, tbe various topics were taken up :
and thoroughly discusued by those prw
It might be itated in this connection
that Pres. J. J. Adkins, Vioe I'rts. J. G.
Youotf and Sec. Walter Hill, were prei-
eut during tbe entire session. It was
decided by unauimous vote lhat in ad-
ditiou ta the annual convention aod pic j
nio which is held regularly at Petteya'
grove, a convention similar to tbe one '
just oloeed be held in Heppner some ;
time daring tbe month of October, 1895
" CMtorIa Is sowelladairted tochild n that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Archer, M. P..
Ill So. Oxford SL, Brooklyn, Jt. Y.
"The um of 4C'&storia is so universal aod
I'.s meriu so well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
Intelligent faro I lien who do not kip Csxtoria
wit tun easy reach."
Carlos Marttn. J). I).,
New York Cily.
Th Cwrrara Co-imr, T! Mtur Bnutrr, Nr Yorx Citt,
fl;astori cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kilta Worau, glres sleep, and promotes di
gestion. Without injurious medication.
1 200 QH'
uarter and
Hheepmen will Snd it to their interest to inspect my lianas bofore buying
elsewhere. I eusure them to be sound aud in exceptional flue condition for
I have taken great pains aud went to much eipense to meet the growing
demand for this class ot sheep, and will sell them to
Come and See Them and be Convinced.
For further particulars address me at PILOT HOOK, OKE., or call at my
farm nil miles south of Pilot Rock, Ore.
"Tor sereral years I hvo recommended
your CRStoria,' and shall always continue to
do so as it bus lnvartRbly produced beneficial
Kuwix f. I'iRnic, M. I).
llll Street and 7th Are., New York City.
nhanriheni to the ' people oertify that
-.'. . . ,nr . limj, j Dun6er. the best nerve
timT Thnse who desire the paper must ! strength builder is Boorr. Ftra.pi
.beyte their j h-fc(.j
paint.. i
ib After the report of the oommittee on '1-,t- T ...cntur KicttoAvrr
tf i rcolulions, whioh wa. unanimously ' 1 HE LANCASHIRE INSURANCE VO.
ronio aod adopted, .on wutcn win appear iu ine
nanlla. (isseite later on. loa ooovention, wmoo
r V ! I I . ,.Ll. . i ... .. -
also uau ueeu a piuutnoiv su'i ifier":iu
one, tdjourolKl. ,
Ilis Kecley Institute
For tho Ouro oi
Liquor, Opium nod Tobacco Habits
it Is locate! st Halem, Oiegou,
The Moat Beautiful Town on the Count.
! Call at tka OirtTTlt office tor particulars.
Htrl,itlycauMuuttal. Treatment prlvatouid sure
, cure.
Otis I'iiitw