Give your business to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize n We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for hla or her communication. No correspondunce will be published unless the writer b real name in signed as an evidence of good faith. Did yon ever Read about tQe Man who Uid bis Light under A bushel J Yes? well Thai is like Doing business Without advertising. All the Bnide schemes In the country Will not aooomplish Half as, much Ab a good ad. In a good, live, Legitimate newspaper, One that Is read By the people, And that owns Its own Soul; that Dues its space Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. 4 CAN'T SWALLOW HILL. The nomination of Mr. Hill wrecks all plant: of party harmony, uinco he ia the leader and creator of the faction that is responHible for inharmony. but that is by no means the most serious or the most alarming aspect of Mr. Hill's nomination. In the last days of the year a groat public crime was committed, in this state. Mr. Hill was the arch-conspirator three years ago, and last year Mr. Lock wood presided over the convention that nominated the doomed May nurd. Are these nominations an intentional defiance of public vir tue? Is it assumed that the peo ple have forgotten the theft of the senate? Where does the Hill lead ership lead and what are its fruits? Last year it led to the defeat of all the democratic candidates for state offices and to the eloction of a re publican assembly. Moio than that, the wave of angry popular protest - swept the republicans into unexpected control in the consti tulional convention. Thatoouven- tion has prepared and will submit at the polls an abominably unfair and partisan legislative apportion ment scheme that will bocome a part of the constitution if ratiliod, and will for the next twenty years put it out of the power of the democrats to gain full control of the state legislature. Should the resentment of Mr. HHI'b part in the steuliug of the senate prove lasting enough and stern enough to defeat him this year, his leader ship would bechargoable with the piactical destruction of the demo. cratio party iu the state. This is not politics, it is madness. The Times would not do its duty to the democracy if it failod to denounce the work of this convention, bugnn in unusual hopefulness aud ending in this act of incrediblo folly, Tho democratic party has lost a trreat opportunity. New York Times ( Dem). Wilson was recently toasted in England, but now he is being roy ally roasted in Amerioa. Col. "W. C. T. U." Bueckkn kidoe is being boomed by his friends for senator. Better lot the old gentleman have a rest. In his speech accepting tho nomination for governor of Massa chusetts Kussel admits defeat. Another sacrifice on the altar of democracy. The editor of a neighboring paper, says an exchange, has gone crazy. In his delirium he chewed up half tho type in the office, lie had written tho "ladies of the bi cycle club now wear divided Bkirts," and tho fool compositor got an "h" in the last word. Down iu Texas when two editors fall out, they pull their six-shooters aud pump lead into each other. In Klamath Falls they work a more fatal plan. They go to the noarost bar and shoot pizeu at each J other's "good health". Klamath Star. McKlKLEX btatod in a recent speech that Wilson had to go to a foreign country to get congratu- lations for tho passage of the tariff law which bears his name. How different with McKinley. He is showered with congratulations ro evory part of his native land. An exchange says Major Ma gone, who is now at Ogdenburg, N. Y., is meeting with the endorse ment of educators all over tho state in his announced determina tion to write a book giving the ex periences of his life. The old Ma jor will not forget the people of Grant county when he comes into the possession of wealth from the sale of his book. The last number of the Oregon Knight edited and published by II. O. Mathies, of Portland, is a very neat ana creditable issue. Bro. Mathies is making the O. K. a fraternal paper that all K. Ps. of Oregon should be proud of, and the grand lodge would certainly make no mistake by selecting it as the official organ. The anti-Hill democrats of New York have put an independent ticket in the field headed by Everet P. Wheeler for governor. The regular democratic nominees for lieutenant governor and judge were endorsed. Their platform is anything to beat Hill. Let the good work go on, as such moveB as this insures the election of Morton. Ji'DGii GaYNOit has positively declined the nomination for judge of the court of appoals on the dem ocratic ticket f'f New York. The news wbb received with much re gret by Hill and Lockwood but of course was accepted. Judge Chan. N. Brown, of Novvberg, wus at once nominated for the position which he accepted. "lirjNCo" Kelly and X. N. Steeves, a Portland attorney, have been indicted for the murder of Sayres, whose body was recently found iu the river. Gatthorue, who was also arrested with Kelly has been proven innocent, and is now only held as a witness. The grand commandery of the Knights Templar of Oregon huve just held a very successful session at Salem. The next session will bo held at Albany. The Sun, an independent morn ing daily, is one of the new news- paper ventures in Portland. The first number will be issued Oct ober 15 th. ('ONGiiEHHiKAN Ellis has kindly consented to lond some assistance to tho republicans up in Washing ton later on in tho campaign. I'rooiikhh, prosperity aud pro tection is the battle cry of the re publicans through all tho eastern states just at present. Anotheu great victory is record ed for the Japanese The "Johny get your guus" are apparently not in it. Life or Death? It is of vital importance that it should be understood by persons whose kidneys are inautive, that tuwonuditlnn of thiuus is Dually inductive of a state of the organs where life Iiiiuks in the balnuoe. Uright's diHease, diabetes, albuminuria are all diseases of a very obstinnte character in their mature stutfe, and all have a fatal tendency. They often bailie the most practiced medical skill, and the most approved remedies of materia median. But opposed at the outset that is to sap, when the kidneys begin to discharge their functions in actively with llostetter's Stomach Hitters, the dangerons tendency is Ohecked. Very useful, also, is this household medioiue for those ailments of oonimou occurrence oonstipation, biliousness, dyspepsia and nervousness. It is a safeguard against malaria and averts chronic rheumatism. How dear to onr hearts ia Cash on subscription, When theijenerous suharrllipr Presents It to view; Hut the man who won't pay We refrain from doscrlptune, For perhaps, enUo render, That man might he you. For the many accidents that occur about the farm or household, such as burns, scalds, bruises, cuts, ragged wounds, bites of animals, imisquitos or other insects galls or dialled spots, frost bites, aches or pains on any part of the body, or I he ailments resulting from exposure, as neuralgia, iheuina tisni, etc. Ilr. J. II. McLean's Vulcau io Oil Liniment hus proved itself a sovereign remedy, l'rioe 25o, 50c and SI 00 per bottle. Birthday Pahty. A pleasant little party was given by Anna McUride last Monday evening, the oocasioit being her Hth birthday. The following list of those present was kindly handed the Gazette: Belle llornor, Lillie MoNay, Mary Farusworth, Emma Faruswortb, Bessie Sutton, Elsie Ayers, Alta Rash, Gertrude Bishop, Ethel Walbridge, Dollie Rush, Alma Tuompaou, Lizzie Howard, Ida Howard, Annie Smith, Lena Glasscock, Essie Hevland and I'eurl Wells. t'lk.l Piles! lulling Piles. Symptoms Moisture; intense itching and stinging; meet at uigbt; worse by scratching. If allowed to contiuue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swaysu'S Ointmknt stops the itching and bleed- j log, heals ulceration, and in most oases 1 removes tbe tnmors. At druggists, or I by mail, (or 50 cents. Pr. 8wayne ,v Hon, I Philadelphia " j HUB ItlVKH SCHOOL. The closing exercises of the school in District No. 5:1 were held at the school house, Oct. 9tb, The room was tasteful ly decorated with evergreen boughs and the children wore faoes expectant of a j holiday. At noun most of the patrons of tbe school gathered, bringing with them well Qilled baskets, Rustic tables "ere soon prepared, on which were spread tne luxuries from the several baskets. Any one that bad tbe privilege of enjoying this basket dinner would hardly be con vinced that this community had even heard tbe oommom cry, "hard times," or if it had, it was forgotten for several hours which were Sftut in a social wny, everyone enjoying themselves. About two o'clock the school was oall- ed to order, when e were treated to a very good program, consisting of songs, reoitatiocs, dialogues and remarks from the audience. All the children did well, doing credit to themselves and also to the efforts of their teacher, Miss Maud Hush. About four o'clock all bid fi rewell to each otUer aud to the pleasures of the afternoon; but felt as we parted that these few social hours would long be re membered by all present. A VisiTon. lie Economical. Hpeud every dollar judiciously and to tbe best advuntage. Bo considerate. Study every questioti of economy ou all sides. Do not jump at conclusions, but investigate. If you want power for pnmpiDg, sawing or printing, send for catalogue of tbe Hercules Gas Engines. Palmeh ite Hkv Tyi'b Poonuuv, Front & Alder Sts., Portland, Oregon. THB OFFICIAL LIST Expenditures of Morrow County, ramenf claimants, Services Rendered. ALLOWED XN FULL. J. V. Morrow, county expense ac count $ 5 U7 Glass & rrudhomme, stationery ucoount y 00 G. W. Harrington, county expense aocouut 4 85 fatterson Tub. Co., printing Bcot. . 11 80 G. W. Wells, deputy clerk bill. . . . 9 00 ALLOWED IN PAHT. G. 8. Gray, countable fees, state vs. Penman, 88 00; allowed 4 00 G. W. Harrington, jailers acconnt, $112 63; allowed 36 63 STATE OF OREGON, ) County of Mohkow. ga. I, J. VV. Morrow, Clerk of Morrow County, hereby certify to the foregoing list of expenditures of the county, with the names of respective claimants, the arti cles or services for whiob payment is made, together with those continued, rejected oriu part paid, is true and oorreot asBuown by tbe records of said county. Witness iny baud and seal of the said County Court, this 6th day of Oct., A. V., 1HSH. (uT) J- W. Mohkow, Oouuty Clerk iiy G. W. Wells, Deputy. REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of the National Hank of Heppner at Heppner, in the State of Oregon, tit the eloxe of bmtinetts, Oct ?), 18IU. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $ 88,084.17 Overdrafts secured and unse cured 2,800.72 U. 8. bonds to secure circula tion 12,500.00 Premiums on U. 8. Bonds SKHI.OO Stock securities, etc 5,73!) 4-' linukingliotiNe, furniture, & tlx. 2,509.30 Due from National Banks (not Reserve Agents) 1,455.57 Due from stale banks and bankers 2,504.95 Duo from upproved reserve agents 2,615 89 Checks and other cash items. . 08.25 Notes of other National Banks 90.00 Fractional paper curreucy, uickles, and cents 10.00 I.AWKCI. MONKV 1U..-F.KVK IN HANK, VIZ; Specie $4,827 00 Legal-tender notes. . . 110.00 4,437.00 Redemption fuud with U. S. Treasurer (o per oeut. of cir culation) 562.50 Total $124,307.77 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 8 50,000 00 Surplus fuud 9,000.00 Undivided profits, less expen ses aud taxes paid 3,441.43 Nat. Bant notes outstanding.. 11,250.00 Due to other Nat. banks 321 68 Due to State banks and bank ers 812 05 Dividends unpaid 1,925.00 Individual deposits subject to check 34,613.57 Demand certificates of deposit 10,444 14 Bills payable 3,(00.00 Total $124,307.77 Statu ok Ohkuon, I Cocntv of Monnow, j s 1, Ed. R. Bishop, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the abn-e statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ed. It. BisHor, Cashier. Subscribed and sworu to before me this 11th day of October, 18n4. E. Ij Erkbi.asd, Notary Public. Correct Attest: Wm. Penland. O. E. Eiirnswortb, P. C. Thompson, Direc tors. L. lllnuienthul returned this morning from nu extended vi it iu 'Fri-o and with home folks in Portland. He has also put iu alarae stock of goods which he would be pleased to thow customers' ooooocooooe A Clock out of order shows it on the face. When the hu man machine goes wrong, the physiogno- f my lens taies. ii you f g do not Lvl- well, take Beecham's Pills 6 Wonh ) Guinea iloa (TafteicssJ t eftut box OOOOOOO'O xss0080 iabies and Children ! thrive on Scott's Emulsion when all the rest of their food seems to go to waste. Thin Babies and Weak Children grow strong, plump and healthy by taking it. Scott's Emulsion J t overcomes inherited weakness and all the tendencies toward v Emaciation or Consumption. Thin, weak babies and growing children and all persons suffering from Loss of Flesh, Weak 6 Lungs, Chronic Coughs, and Wasting Diseases will receive untold benefits from this great nourishment. The formula $ for making Scott's Emulsion has been endorsed by the med- A ical world for twenty years. No secret about it. a Send for pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. FREE. Scott V Bowne, N. Y. All The sucoess that has attended the use of Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment in the relief of pain and in curing diseases whioh seemed beyond tbe reaoh of medicine, baa been truly remarkable. Hundreds supposed to be crippled for life with arms and legs drawn up orooked or distorted their muscles withered or contracted by disease have been oared through tbe use of this remedy. Price 25o, 50 and $1.00 per bottle. h. A. Hunsnker runs stage between Heopner and Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every day except Sunday. Shortest and cheap est route to the interior. P. Onhn, agent. "How to Care All Skin Diseases." Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No internal mediciue required. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, ke., leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are possess ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug gist for Swayne's Ointment. Strayed or Stolen. A bright bay horse, shod all round, branded 7 on left stifle, saddle marked and star In forehead. Weight about 1,100 pounds. To nny person who will recover and hold same, I will pay 85.00 reward. Or if tbey will return said horse to my rauoh, I will pay $10 re ward. The horse was last seen at the upper orossiug of Rock Creek about two weeks ago. T. A. Rhea. 72-3. Gilhouseu has put out the finest dis play of photo views ever seen in Hepp ner. Your ohanoe for getting this work will end Xmas, as be is going back East. 8 tf. (i. A. It- MOTICE. We take this opportunity of inform ing our subscribers that the new com missioner of pensions has been appoint ed. He is an old soldier, and we believe that soldiers and their heirs will receive juetioe at his bauds. Wed i not antici pate that there will be any radical changes in the administration of pension affairs under the new regime. We would advise, however, that U. S. soldiers, sailors and their heirs, take steps to make application at once, if tbey have not aleady done so, in order to seonre the benefit of the early filing of their claims in case there should be any future pension legislation. Such legislation is seldom retroactive. There fore it is of great importance that ap plications be tiled in the department at the earliest possible date. If tbo U. H. soldiers, sailors, or their widows, children or parents desire in formation in regard to pension matters, they should write to tbe Press Claims Company, at Washington, D. 0., and they will prepare Bnd seud the necessary application, if they find them entitled under tbe numerous laws euacted for their benefit. Address PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY Jonn Wkddehuuhn, Managing Attor ney, Washington, U. O., P. O. Box 385. Administratrix Notice. ESTATE OF SAMUEL H. MORGAN, DECEASED. MOTim IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT LET li tern of AilminiHtrAtioH on the estate of Samuel N. Morgan deceased, were pranted to toe unnersignea on the &,tn uay ol September lvH, by the County Court of Morrow County. All Demons liavitiit claims nsaiuet the Eatate are required to exhibit them to me for allowance at my home In Saud Hollow within tlx months after tho date oi this notice or they shall be torever burred. 1 his ai'th day ot Sept. l?il. SARAH E. MORGAN. 371-st Administratrix. SOT WE OF CONTEST. U.S. Land Office, The Dalles. Or., Sept. 37. lS'.X. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED AT V; tlilH Office byEmil C. T. Grotkopp amiliis-. R. ('. Harelav for failure to complv with law as M Ttmlier Culture Entry No. 2917, dated Feb. 17, lass, upon the WijNKband K'i NW' Kwllon is. Township ; South, nature 2ii East in Morrow County, Oreeon, w ith a view to tho cancellation oi paid entry, the said parties are herein summoned toappear at this ottiee on the Sth day oi Novemlier 1S!H, at 10 o'clock A. M., to rescind aud furnish testimony concerning said alleited failure, alwndomnent. J. W. Morrow couu.y clerk, is authorized to take the testimony ot Heppner, Or., Nov. 1X14, at 10 A. M. J. P. MOORK, W9-S0 KcKlster. Notice of Intention. 1ANP OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, 4 Sept. '.V. IS'.U. Notice is hereby Riven that the following named settler tiled notice of her intention to make final priaf in suport of her claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, eountv clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on November ;I. lS'.M. M RTHA E. ROHKRTS, Le-'atee of the estate of Sarllda A. Beckett deceased, aud by will the owner of the de scribed Hd. claim. No. 'JSSi) lor the MWW Ce. .'7, Tp. 3S. R. H E. tt. M. she names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation oi said laud, viz: A. H. Halm's, Peter Brenner. CMS. Jones and Jaa. Jones, all oi Eight Mite, Oregon. .1. K.MOORE, at. Register. UST OF LETTERS. IETTERfl ADVKKTISEU AT HEPPNER, j Or. Oct 12, ISM. Brvmteali?, W H Torinn, Robert IVnitiliertr, J Knjrelke, Herman HyM, Hurrr K MuiU.y. J tMlr, Perry Vrisht. tieorse Robiuaou, K V Smith, Hiram eiyler, K When rtUliaijrr thwe lottern pleat y duTtiW;l, p. vtuiwus, p. M. Druggists. SO cents and Order for Publication. Iu the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon, tor Morrow bounty. The State of OrtiRou, Plaintiff VB. J. W. Morrow, County Clt-rk of said Morrow County, Oregon, nml the HeirB of Charles hind, Deceased, Defendants, j Whereas It has been satisfactorily made to appear to the court ttiat on tlin i:itlt day of Jauuarv. lfcOO. in said Morrow County. Oreeon. one Churles Liud died intentate, that at the time of his death said Oarles Mud was un married and left no children or other heirs ut law, and that up to the time of the commence ment of thin proceeding no person or persons have appeared claiming to beau heir or heirs of said deceased. That at the time of his deth as aforesa d said deceased was seized of certain real estate in said Morrow Coui.ty, besides a considerable amount of personal property; that afterwards the County Court of Morrow County dulv appointed administrators of the estate of said deceased, who duly qualified ami entered upon such trust, and proceeded to ad minister Baid estate, under the direction of said County Court: Thaton Che 24th day of Dec. 1WI2 such administration was completed, and Baid administrators tiled iu said County Court their supplemental final aeeonrt, by which it was shown that there remained in", he hands of such administrators, after such ad ministration was fully completed, as the property nf aid estate, the sum of $4956. 01, which said sum of money was on said day, under the order and direction of Baid County Court, paid by Buch administrators to J. W. Morrow, Clerk of sa id County Court, the above named defendant, subject -o the further order of said County Court: That s.dd sum of money has ever since said 24th day of December been and now is. in the hands of said J. W . Morrow, and that said County Court haB not maoe any inrtner orner in relation tnereto, ann that by reason of such fa-ts said sum of $1956.01 should escheat to and become the property of cue .-cace ana ine siace oi ureon nas a ngni oy law to said s m of money now in the possession of Baid defendant, J. W. Morrow as aforesaid: And it is further satisfactorily appearing; to the court that a summons has issued in this proceeding directed to said defendant J, W. Morrow requiring him and the heirs of faid Charles Und, deceased, to appear and answer the information filed herein, within the time limited by law in ci il cases and that said summons Iris been duly served on said defend ant J. W. Morrow, personally, in said Morrow County Oregon, and that no heir or heirs of said Charles Litid, deceased, can be found iu said County and State: It is therefore hereby ordered that all persons interested in the said estate of Charles Lind, deceased, appear at Heppner in said Morrow County, on or before the fourth Monday in March, 18.5r towit: the 2oUi day thereo the same being the first day of the next regular term of this cotut In said County, an show cause, if any they have, why the title to said estate now in the han s of said defendant J. W. Morrow, being the sum of $l9fi.0t should not vest in the plaintill' herein, the state of Oregon. It is fuither ordered that this notice be published once each weelt for six consecutive weeks in the Heppner Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation published at Heppner, in said Morrow County, Oregon. Witness my hand, this 2lst day of Sept., 1S94. A. L. Braushaw, fi9-8( Judge. Summons. Tn the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County. W. F. Matlock, ) Pltiintitr. vs. I Mary Priscoll, and Mary Driscoll, administratrix of the esta e of C. Priscoll, Deceased, Maud Priscoll, Minnie Driscoll and John Driscoll, J Defendants. To Marv Driscoll. and!Marvi Driscoll. Ad ministratrix of the eBtate of C. Driscoll, deceased Maud Driscoll, Minnie Driscoll and jonn Driscoll. In the name oi the Htate of Oregon, you Rre hereby required to appear and answer the com tdalnt filed airainst you bv the above named plain till, in the above entitled suit, in the aoove entitled i;ourt, upon the nrsc day ot tne term ot tne aoove entitled court, next follow ing the expiration of the time described iu the order for the publication of this summons, towit: on or before the fourth Monday of March, IS1.).), and if you fail so to appearand answer sain complaint tne said planum win for want thereof, take default against you and apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint, towit: For judgments against defendants upon two certain prominory uoces, oneuaiea, renuieton, Oreaon. November lyth. IKK", for the sum of f VW, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per eenr per annum irom me date; ana on note dated, Pendleton, Oregon, November. r.tth, 1S7. for the sum of fMK), with interest thereon at the rate of ten percent per annum from the date, less the sum of $'00 paid on said note, on or about June 1, inyl, and to fordone a certain morteaee elven to secure th navmeut of said notes; said mortgage dated the 19th day of April. inb, ana was given upon tne following real property situate in Pmatilla County, State of Oreiron, described as follows, towit: West half of Northeast quarter, the East half of mo nonnwcsi quarter, section miny-onc irfi) Township two ril South of Range twenty-nine (29) E. W. M. Which mortgage was on the 3rd day of May, 18S8, duly recorded in the ofliee of me uouniy uierit or me county oi Morrow. State of Oreeon: and for the sale of the real property described in said mortgage, and the application of tlie proceeds thereof to the pay ment of the costs and disbursements of this suit, the costs, charges mid expenses of selling tne properry, ana tne payment oi tne said sum found due plalntitl upon said notes. The de fendants and all persons rlaimine bv. through. or under them, or either of them subsequent to me oeKinmugoi hub huh oe narreasno rore cloBedofall equity of redemption, right, title and interest or lieu in or to the above described property, and for such other and further relief as to the ' ourt shall seem equitable. This summons is published pursuant to the order ot Hon. . L. Bra'ishaw. one of the judges of th above entitled Court in this suit, made at Chambers at Tbo I'alles. Whsco County, State of Oregon, on tho 27tli day of AUgllOl, iW. Baicky, Bau.kray .V Rsi)FKI.n, Attorney for Plain till'. P. O. Address, Pendleton, Oregon. tV.i-M. Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE IS HEKKBY OIVEN THAT I N der aud by virtue of a writ of execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Tillamook, and to me directed and delivered upon a judgment rend ered and entered in said court on the iith day of October, isi, in favor of T. J Lucy, defend ant and against Susan M. Kind ley. pla ntift, fifty-sit and five one hundredths ($.t.u.) dol lars, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from tht said 2Mh day of Octob er, lM;i; which judgment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk's oitlceof said court in said Tillamook county, on the 2Mh day of October, Ik;i;i, and there being now due on said judgment the sum of tifty-six and five one hundredths ($." tvj dollars, with interest there on at the rate of S per cent per annum from the 2yth day of tVtuber, 193, and also the costs of and upon this writ. I have levied upon and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand on Wednesday, the 31t day of October, l$y4, at 2 o'clock, P. M., of said day, at the court house door iu Heppner, Morrow county, Oreirou, alt the right, title and interest which the said Susan M. Kind ley had on or after the said dav of October, ImW, in aud to the following des cribed TtM property, to wit : The southwest quarter of section twenty, and the northwest quarter of section twenty-nine, all in township two south, ranee tweiity-tsve east of Willamette mehdiau, in Morrow county, Oregon, containing three hundred and twenty acres, more or le-a. Dated this 2d day of October, m. G. W. HARRINGTON. 71-8 Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. To insure a hearty uppetite hu) in creased ditfeation tttk Simmona Liver Regulator. To preveut fevere, kep the liver active aoi bowels regular wito imiiiooi Livr KegnUtor, CASK After a thorough test of the credit system, we have conclud ed to change to net cash. On and after Aug. i, '94, we will sell to one and all for CASH ONLY ! GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT Of what horctofore hud to be obred fur uuiiollrotuble acooiints. This is no reflection on you, but in a plain business statement. We oan afford to sell at lower prices in this way. IV o Favorites :To Bad OeljtJ City ; THIS Popular Hostelry ht.s again 1 been re-opened and will be run in first class style. IVIof il niicl Kooms at PoinUfir Prices. Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. OwinK to tbe advautuKes ifuiuej through . being a member of the .... P. C. Thompson Co. Are iu position to make prioes for cash ax low as tbe lowest. Complete Stock of Groceries, Hardware, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Sewing Machines. A Car Load of Rushford Wagons just received. Odd Combinations Sign. Corner Muin aud Willow Streets, "I"WI'W,IMI,! 1 - FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of tliose having claims against the government is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli. able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, aud therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to. gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course tt. pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY. 618 F STREET. NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, O.C p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. 43- Cut this out and send It with your lniiahM IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ADDRESS A LETTER OB POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P. 0. Box 463. Washington, D. C. Honorably discharge A soldiers and sailors who served nlnely days, br over, In the late war. re entitled, if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability was caused by service or not, and repardless of their pecuniary circumstances. WIDOW S of such soldiers and sailors are entitled (if not remarried) whether aoldler'sdea'h was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Wi"" not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death was due to service. CHILDREN are entitled (if under sixteen years) tn almost all cases where there wis m. wtdow, or she has since died or remarried. PARENTS are entitled if soldier left neit heir widow nor child, provided soldier died la service, or from effect of service, and thev are now dependent upon their own labor for sap. port. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or navy. Soldiers of the late war, pensioned under one law, may apply for higher rate under ether laws, without loalnK any rights. Thousands of soldiers drawing from Jitojio per north under the old lav are entitled l higher ratea under new law, not on ly on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, bat also for others, whether due to service or not. Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty in regular army or navy loco the war are also entitled, whether discharged for disabilitvor not. Survivors, and their widows, of the Black Hawk, Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or Iter, ida Indian War of 1833 to 1843, are entitled under a recent act. Mexican War soldier and their widows alaoenutled, if sixty-two years of age or disabled r dependent. ' ' Old claims completed and settlement obtained, whether pension has been granted under later laws or not. Rejected claims reopened and settlement secured, if rejection improper or illegal. Certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers snd sailors of the late war Who aave lost their original papers. Send for lawa and information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address, THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P.O. Box 463. WASHINGTON, D, O llliis, Dfvvvsori & Lyons, A.TTOKN EYS AT LAW. All business attended tn in a prompt aud satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL HANK BDILDING. HEPPNEB, LY4 BLANKS I Of JLMfin ! T HO ii YS 15 Hotel. HEPPNER, OHEUON. OREGON MINOR (I CO. Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . , , ,