Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 05, 1894, Image 3

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    Notice to Advertisers.
TMI08K desiring the insertion of display ails.,
X or change of B&me, must et their copy in
not later than Monday evening for TnemUy's
edition, or Thursday evening for Fridny'a edi
tiou. The Patterson Publish imj Co.
Take Notice.
1. The sum of five cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
reHpect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
ii. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to iu every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer s real name is signed as an evidence of
good faith.
Ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
Ban Francisco, is onr authorized agent. This
paper Is kept on file in his office.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Htage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and Canyon City, leaves an follows :
Every day at t a. m., except Sunday.
A rrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
Phill Conn, Agent.
Removal Notice.
O. B. Tedrowe desireB to inform the public
that he has removed to the City Hotel stand,
where he will still koep the best brands of
Liquors and Cigars.
Gambrlnug Beer on tap. Served in largest
sized mugs. G. B. TEDKOWE, Prop.
T. M.: Not far from The Dalles a
minister of the gospel was met by a boy,
who loquirea where he was going. The
On Monday, Oct. 1, 1894, county oourt
clerioal gentleman was riding a decrepit met in adjourned session from the Sept.
Here and There.
Twenty ooida
Of good pine wood
Are needed at the Gazette 1
Oflioe on subscription at once.
The Dalles is getting ready for the
diBtriot fair.
J. O. Warmoth was in from Ella early
this week.
Leon BrigKS has a slight ottnok of
J. Q. Crafts, of lone, was in Tuesday
on business.
Tom Crle and Torn Woolery visited
town Tuesday.
Miss Alice Douahoo returned Wednes
day from a visit below.
Miss Euuioe Shipley has returned
from Willows Junction.
Marion Evana was iu from Lexington
Tuesday with some wheat.
Mrs. (ieo. Thornton and child are
visiting relatives at Heppner.
For thoroughbred Brown Leghorn
chickens cull on W. VV. Smead.
Asa Oumminga, of Dayville, is uiite
ill at the Grand Central hotel.
Mrs. J. J. Roberts has been quite ill
with quinsy, but at present is improving.
- T. W. Ayers; Jr., sells school books at
a great reduction in price, far cash
only. 62-tf.
Nathan Moliee has gone out to guide
the destinies of a band of sheep till
Wright Saliug was in town Tuesday
with a load of wheat for the Heppner
Herbert L. Gill, formerly editor and
manager of the Osweeo Iron Works, is
in town.
Hood's Pills arc hand made, and
perfect in proportion and appearanoe.
26o. per box.
The new president of the Oregon
Press Association is J. R. Beegle, of
St. Helen's Mist.
The boys of Pendleton are having a
big time, trip to Milton being one of
the prinoipal features.
Photographs 81.50 pel dozen at Sbep
pard's gallpry, near opera house, north
Main St., Heppner, Ore. 26tf.
Born In Juniper cauyon, near Lex
ington, Sep. 30, 1894, to the wife of
Austin Yocum, a girl.
Clerk J. W. Morrow returned early
this week from Portland where be had
been on a business trip.
Jas. Wyland came iu this week to
enjoy a visit with his sisters, Mesdames
Donohoe and Crichton, of Portland.
Chas, Jones has ouarge of Green
Mathews' shaving parlors during the
latter's sojourn in the country. Call on
We want a good rustler, and want him
right away. The Gazette can give a
live man a job that will make him
Ben Swaggart harvested 6,000 bushels
of grain off his ranoh this year. He
also reports bis fruit prop as being
cayuse that could not make over three
miles an hour, and to the question asked
answered that he was a follower of the
Lord Jesus ChriBt. To this the boy,
with a broad grin on his face replied,
well yon will never overtake him on that
The Wobfoot Planter, a Portland peri
odical devoted to the interests of farm
ers, stock raisers, orchardists, bee-keepers
and poultry misers, will be sent free of
charge for one year to all those who pay
up all arrearages and one year in ad
vance, or to all new subscribers to the
Gazette. This offer is made for a limited
time. Those wbo desire the paper must
mention it when they settle their ac
counts. Owing to "brief" and infrequent re
mittances these times, a newspaper can
not afford to hire very mnoh help, con
sequently there is a briefness of live
news. However, this issue is probably
more than the average short, which is
occasioned by the editor being eiuht or
ten persons in about that many minutes.
In other words, we are putting in a
large power press.
At the conclusion of an impassioned
address down in Kentucky not long
sinoe. Col. W. 0. P. Breckinridge an
nounces that be was weary, and that as
soon as his campaign was ended he
would visit England. Whereupon the
leader of the band, who happened to be
an Englishman, struok up, Uod save
the Queen."
The regular subscription price of the
Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and the
regular price of the Weekly Oregonian
is $1.50. Any one subscribing for the
Gazette and paying for one year in
advance can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for $3. All old sub
scribers paying their subscriptions for
one year in advanoe will be entitled to
the same
The Advance, of Lebannon, proposes
henceforth to publish the names of the
dead bents who, after taking the paper
for years and never paying a cent, have
their postmaster notify them that it is
"refused." They will not ouly expose
the bilks, but propose to stand some of
them a law suit.
Chas. Cunningham will have at the
James Jones ranch a band of his Frenob
and American Merino and Oxford
graded Bucks. All wool growers who are
interested in improving their bands will
have a ohanoe to see a splendid band of
bucks after the 1st of October, 60 tf.
Eagle: The Peudleton-TJkinh stage
was held up by a lone highwayman
MoDday Sept. 21. near Nye. The
driver, Lewis Gault, coolly thrust a pistol
iu the face of the robber, whioh caused
him to slink aw By, when the stBge pro
ceeded on its way unmolested.
The lectures of Mrs. Ada W. Uuruh,
at the M. E. church Sunday and Mon
day niflitp, were well attended. Her
subjects were "Social Puriti" and
Woman a Sutlmge. lue laay wbb in
Heppner about a year ago and made
many friends here.
Word was brought to town this morn
ing announcing the death of E. A.
Morgan. Tbe old mtm had a stroke of
paralyBis two or three years ago, and
this was the prinoipal cause of his
death, though he has been able to get
around for some time.
In an age of fraud and adulteration,
it is certainlv gratifying to know that
such an extensively used preparation as
Ayer's Sarsaparilla may be implicitly
relied npon. It, never varies either in
quality, appearance or efftiot, but is al
ways up to the standard.
A case of scarlet (ever is reported in
the family of Mrs. Doonan. but us the
place is quarantined the disease will
not spread. We are informed that tie
child came in ooutact with the disease
before her arrival at Heppner.
term. Preseut, Judge Keitbly, Corns.
Baker and Howard, Clerk J. W. Morrow
and Sheriff G. W. Harrington.
Bond of T. J. Carle, as jnstice of the
peace, approved.
Bills allowed: J. W. Morrow. 8200;
J. L. Howaid, 87; J. M. Baker, 87.
Other bills will appear in the official.
S. P. Garrigues awarded contraot to
constiHOt bridge aorosi Rhea creek, near
Lutu Rhea's place, at $317.
Affidavit of the publication of The
Pattersou Pub. Co. accepted.
Proposition of Paul A. Ozanne to
furnish oouoty maps continued for term.
Deputies' salaries not allowed. Peti
tion for same plaoe on file.
How's TliM
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall s Catarrh Uure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo,
We the undersigned have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transaction and financially able
to oarry out any obligation made bv
their firm.
West & Trcax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
W aiding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale
Drugitist", Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
aoting direotly upon the blood and
mncoue surfaoes of the system. Pnoe
75o. per bottle. Sold by all drnggists.
Testimonials free.
A little rain is at band.
Tbe new steam thresher Is in
The lone warehouse and platform is
piled with grain.
Misses Lena and Eva Rhea are at
tending school at The Dalles.
Miss Josie Fisher returned from San
Francisco. She was iu attendance at
tbe Mid-winter Fair.
The lone Sunday school numbers
forty. A. W. Balsiger has be re-elected
superintendent of tbe same.
Several shippers of grain from this
vioinity are supposed to have lost their
shipments iu the Portlaud Are.
Our Sunday sohool is increasing iu
attendance. Mrs. Keub Sperry and Miss
Anna Balsiger were elected as delegates
to the Morrow Co. Sunday Bchool convention.
Our new store, opposite the post oflioe
is having its stock of goods enlarged.
There is no reason why it should not do
a prosperous business, if goods can be
bought at reasonable rates.
Oct. 1, 1894.
Land Fok Saus. 480 aores over in
Wilson prairie. A good stock ranoh uni
will be sold cheap. Call at Ghzerte
office for particulars and terms tJ.
airs, jjavid nigger
Chills and Fever
Left me eraaelatrd, with distressing cough, no
aupetilf, pain In chest, shoulder, back and
Hood's? Cures
stomach. Four buttles ot Hood's tirapartlla
giive me stri-mrUi, ki;oiI appetite and health.
Sins. David Hiukkk, Wikox, Nebraska.
Has the reputation of being the
Lightest Running,
Least Wear,
Fewer Repairs,
cif tiny machine iu the market.
Fkiday, Oct. 5. The local market
so far as produoe is ooncerned, remains
about the same.
Butter is plentiful but the best is quot
ed 50 ceuts per roll.
Ebbs are quoted at, 12U cents and chick
ens from 9'i to $2.75 per dozen, accord
ing to size.
Potatoes are worth 50 cents per 100
pounds. Fruit is plentiful and prioes
Wool is quoted at from 6 to 84.
Wheat is worth 2314 Per bu.. top prioe,
best quality. Rye, 50o per 100; barley,
4L'c per 100; oats, 50o per 100.
The Shoe Makeh. Joe Dubois has
moved his shoe-making and repair shop
from the old May street stand to the
room formerly occupied by Green
Mathews, barber shop, next door to
Noble's harness shop. Joe also has a
good wofknian with him and guarantees
satisfaction. Don't overlook him for
first class work. 66 tf.
HoGd's Pillo win new friends daily.
Sing a song of penitence,
An agent full of ryo !
Four and twenty serpents
Danced before his eye.
When his eye was opened
He shouted for his lite.
Wasn't he a pretty chump
To get before his wile?
His hat was in the parlor
Underneath a chair,
His boots were in the hallway
His coat was on the stair,
His trousers in the kitchen,
His collar on the shelf,
But he hadn't any notion
Where he was himself.
When the mom was breaking
Borne one heard him call;
His head was in the ice-box,
And that was beBt of all.
Miss Deos, daughter of J. F. Deos,
and Miss MandGlassoook were up from
the lower end of the county the first of
this week.
Our readers will please notioe that Ed.
Day's band of fine Spanish-Merino boos
are soon to be on sale down nt Tims.
Morgan's. See ad.
TJ. S. Harer is over from Long
Creek to get the Eagle's power press,
and will get started homeward about
tomorrow morning.
We will take wheat at the market
price on subscription, and if our patrons
have as much as a load will pay the
balanoe in bard cash.
Johnny Hughes, of Susanville, has
discovered a new and a very rioh ledge
over in the Greenhorn district.
Doug. Belts will not be at Heppner as
advertised, owing to tbe faot that an un
expected demand for bis Oxford grade
rams has exhausted his band. tf.
A ntplonfi Herald: E. J. Gliaan, who
has been residing at Portland for a few
years past, arrived here last Sunday,
nri will visit bis folks for a short time.
Any person who desires to trade good
unincumbered farm lands, suitable and
in condition for raising wheat, for
property in Portland, should call at the
Qszette office
Eagle : Henry Welch and Mies Louise
Allen, of Monument, were united in tbe
holy bonds of matrimony last week.
The Eagle congratulates.
Old Hatt has purchased the barber I
hop on ue iuaiiocn curnw in'ui n. v.
Carle, where his old friends and custom
ers will find bim. Shaves, shampoos
and haircut on short notk t aud in tbe
Ayer's Hair Vigor promotes the growth
and improves the beauty of tbe hair.
This preparation stimulates the roots
of the hair, cleanses the soalp, prevents
the accumulation of dandruff, and re
stores to faded and gray bBir its origio
nal color.
Eagle: John J. Murphy returned last
week from Union county and is now
with relatives in Fox valley. He had
sufficiently recovered from wounds re
ceived in a fight with one Young to
make the trip.
Geo. W. Wells and J. 8. Bnseick.
under the firm name of Wells & Co., are
buying and s lliug grain of nil kinds
next door to the Gazette office. They
pay the highest market price, and will
buy in Buy quantities. 60-tf.
Ellis Minor aud wile arrived home
from Fairhuven on last Hunday. They
report a ileljfibtful visit with their
relatives. Mr. Minor thinks for trout
fishing tbe Bound streams greatly sur
pass those of t b is section.
The sons of T. J. Merrill, of Eight
Mile have taken np thir residence in
the btiildini; opposite the Gazette's
boms ranch, on August street. They
oouie m to ttr.e aJvautae of our fine
school .
Dr. 13. V. Vaiioft", I he resident
dentist ba.s iuroiiKoil a first class
remedy for In? pin'MHs extraction of
teeth. 'I hoH' desirinc first class work
in his line should give him a call.
Dick Clark, bioihtr nf Mrs Geo.
Swaggarl, of l.'ili1., arrived here yester
day, and other iui ntlirrs of the family
are pxpwted sum. It ic the intention to
hold a tamily reunion.
After computing prirj"B with Pendle
ton and The Dulles, John F. Spray will
sell aud deliver meat at the residence
of Heppner people as cheap as either
town above mentioned.
Eagle: A. Hirohberg, formerly a
merohanl ( ( this city, writes from Inde
pendence, Or,, that he will soon return
to Long Creek aod re-embark in tbe
mercantile business.
If you owe the Gazette you must ex
pect that pay will be demanded. We
oeed our money, and don't expert to
borrow under th circumstances. Come,
give us a lift.
J. B. Natter has reopened the Brewery
Saloon, keepii'g on top at all limes the
best Iver o 1 ih I'umfia coast. Alao on
bands tbe b-t br.itili of liquors, wines
and cigars. 5Htf.
Improper m: .1 deficient care of tbe
scalp will cans' rayneHS of tbe hair and
baldness. Kk?.ip both by the use of
that reliable spec fin Ball's Hair Renew-er.
Home and Abroad.
II la I tie duly of every one, whether
at borne or travelling for pleasure or
business, to equip himself witb the
remedy which will keep np strength and
prevent illnes-e. and cure encb ills as are
liable to come npon all in every day life.
Hood's Sarsnparilla keeps the blood
pure and lesaiibbie to absorb tbe germs
of disease.
The Frank Speech uf h Ilopeutant Scotch,
A well-known Scotch professor was
noted for his hot temper and vehement
candor, as well as for his profound
At the opening of a college term the
boys observed that he was unusually
irritable and harsh. The applicants
for ladmission ranged themselves for
examination in a lino below Mb desk.
"Show your papers!" he ordered.
One lad held his paper up awkwardly
in his left hand.
"Hold it up properly, sir, in your
right hand!" commanded the master.
The new pupil muttered something,
but kept his left hand raised.
"The right hand, ye loon!" thundered
the professor.
Theboy, growing very pale, lifted his
right arm. It was a burned stump. The
hand was gone.
The boys burst into indignant hisses,
but the professor had leaped down from
the platform and had thrown his arm
about the boy's shoulders.
"Eh, laddie, "tijrgive me!" he cried,
breaking into broad Scotch, as he al
ways did when greatly excited. "1
didnaken! Hut," turning to the class,
with smimming eyes: "I thank God He
has given me gentlemen to teach who
can ca' me to account when I go
"After that day," wrote one of the
boys, years afterward, "every man
there was his firm friend and liegeman.
He had won us all by that one frank
The change which fifty years has
made in the relation between teacher
and taught has been very great. The
boy of the last century looked up to
his master with the fear of the wait
ing lash, below all other emotions or
The best teacher of to-day is well de
scribed in the words of a great German
educator, as one "who takes the posi
tion of an older kinsman to his pupils;
climbing the same ladder as they, but a
little higher up."
But the boy who trusts his teacher as
the truest of gentlemen is learning
fromliim something better than Latiu
and Greek. Youth's Companion.
Their Influence Much Ureater Than la
Ordinarily Thought.
The influence of woman on the lan
guage of each generation is much
greater than that of men, says Max
Muller in (Science of Language.
We very properly call our language
in Germany our mother tongue, with
all its peculiarities, faults, idioms, ac
cents. Cicero said:
"It makes a great difference whom
we hear at home every day and with
whom we speak as boys, and how our
fathers, our tutors and our mothers
speak. We read the letters of Cornelia,
the mother of the Gracchi, and it is
clear from them that her sons were
brought up not in tltc lap, but. so to say,
iu the very breath and speech of their
But this is not all. Dante ascribes
the firs t attempts at, using the vulgar
tongue in Italy for literary composi
tions to t he silent influence of ladies
who did not understand the Latin lan
guage. Now this vulgar Italian, before ii
became the literary lungtiuife of Italy,
held very much the same position there
as the so-called Prakrit dialects in In
dia; and these Prakrit dialects first as
sumed a literary position in the Smiv
krit plays where female characters,
both high and low. are introduced as
Prakrit, instead of the Sanskrit em
ployed by kings, nohleinei and priests,
lierc, then, we see the language of
women, .or, if not of women exclusive
ly, at all events of women and domes
tic servants, gradually entering into
the literarv idiom, and in later times
I even supplanting it altogether: for it
IS ir.MIl tnv l mitri t, auu uut inj.ii m-
literary Sanskrit, that the luod.-iii
vernaculars of India branched oil 11.
course of time.
Throug-h a thousand smaller chan
nels the idioms of women everywhere
Changs to Cash Basis. After Nov.
1st, the Central hotel will be conducted
on n strictly oash basis. Any kind of
produce will be taken in payment of
board. Our terms will be the lowest of
any first class house iu the city. All
patrons will be treated alike for cash or
its equivalant. Please to bear tbis iu
71-2. C, 0. Sargent, Prop.
Piles! Piles! Itching Piles.
Symptoms Moisture; intense itohiug
aud stinging; most at nignt; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue
tumors form, which often bleed and
ulcerate, becoming very sore. Bwavnb's
Ointment stops the itching and bleed
ing, heals ulceration, and in most oases
removes the tumors. At druggists, or
by mail, for 50oents. Dr. awayue Hon,
It is the Headquarters !
J1 11 1 JH , J 1 1 i S OllSi
let Artloes, Potent
Olenitis, Tot-MecllolneiA.
c T": .1..
A Clio 11 ge
Of IMaia!
After a thorough test of the
credit system, we have conclud
ed to change to net cash. On
and after Aug. i, '94, we will j
sell to one and all for
Of what heretofore had to be obarged for uncollectable acoounts. This is 110
relleotion on you, but is a plain busmess statement, we can artora
to sell at loner prices in this way.
No Favorites
No Jifid Debts
For Sale.
Office of all stages rami ing out of Heppner.
PUIL. COHN, Proprietor.
for Infants and Children.
' Castoria is so w'll adapted to children that
I recommend It as miperior to any prescription
Lnuwuto me." H. A. Archer, M. I).,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"The use of 'Castoria Is so imircrsfil and
iLs merits bo well known that it ne?niB a work
of siiperuroKation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not kijp Castoria
within easy reach."
Cajiujh Martyn, T. V.,
New York City.
Tub Centai r Compact, 77 MrnxAY Rtrket, Nkw York City,
Castoria curea Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomatrh, Dlarrhma, Eructation,
KilLs Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di
gestion, Without injurious medication.
"For several years I havo recommended
your 'Castoria,1 and shall always continue to
do so as it has invariably produced beneficial
F.nwiN V. Parmer, M. I.
125th Street and 7tli Ave., New York City.
, N
1 Of.A Quarter and
to inspeot my Earns before buying
and in exceptional fine condition for
Sheepmen will find it to their interest
elsewhere. I ensure them to be sound
I have taken great pains and went to muoh expense to meet tbe growing
demand for this olaBS of sheep, and will sell them to
Come and See Them and be Convinced,
For further particulars address me at PILOT ROOK, ORE., or call at my
farm six miles south of Pilot Rook, Ore.
How an Enemy was Foiled.
Thn following rrnnh!? statement will he
f ad with intent' int n-tt: ' l cannot rietrrilje
theiuirnb, creepy fenat Ion f hat x (sled In my
arms, hands and h-i-. 1 had toruh mid be;it
Uiosh pin ts until l liny were sore., t overcome
in a measure the dead frieiinL- that had taken
poHKHSHlon of them. In addition, i hud a
Mrange weakne iu my hack and around my
waist, totrether Willi an indeserihable Vone'
feeding in rny 8torrm-h. i'hysh-1an wild It
w;is creeping pa nil. yds, from whh-h, aeeord
intr to their universal ronclu-don, there is no
relu-f. On-e it fa.iei upon a p'rson, th-y
Kiy, it rontlnwn its infdiou p rot? res- until
it rem hes a vital point and the sutFerer die.
Hfjeh w:i5 my prrwpeet,. I had been doetorinK
a vrar and a half meadlly, but with no par
titular benefit, when J saw an advertisement
r.f )r MiieV Kestoiatlve Nervine, procured a
Ik tile and Ix-ttun u-inn it. Marvefoua as It
may vein, hut a few days had passed beforo
eierv bit of thatereepy feelinx had h f t me,
end "ihem has not leen even the tdlirhtest
indication of its return. I now fe.d as
well as 1 tvi-r did. and have fealneU U-u
pounds In w,lybi, thou lib i had run do a
fiorii 170 10 1.(7. taur othets h&ve ued U.
Milts" hetorutlve Nurviae on my recomen
dfction. and It ha been as satisfactory In their
Cases m in mine." James Kane, La Hue, O.
lir. Mile' iLc-Mtorativu Nervine is Hold by all
druirzfsta on a no.-ltive oiarante.e, fir sent
direct by the hr. MHea Medkul Co.. Elkhart,
inn., fiii rweipt m
. L Douglas
rKLniJ(iOitiwncu-L.Lwux. ,
State Normal School,
fHK KI1WT IK KM BKlilNH TIIK :iKI) OK HKI'T. 1W.M. Tuition per term In momentary
I Conrio, 14.30; Kegular Courne, W.B0; fliisiiioaa Coarse, fr.IM; to thoao in the Senior Class
pledKed to teach, free.
J- - Onoil hcianl and 1mIkIii In private (amlllSs, JH.rfl per week or rooms
iOflril I at a vory reasonable runt for those who may desire to board them,
solves, but all students, no matter how they board, will bo under tbo tramedlat" care of the faculty.
Graduates of the Normal receive State Diplomas. P. A. WORTH 1NOTON,
Nov 1 Bee y of Kcgonts.
Yon can laye money hy purcbaln W. L.
Il.mitlaa Shoe.
Because, we are the lurgest manufacturers 01
advertised shoei in the world, aud Ruarante
tbe value by stampinK the name and price on
the botlom, which protects you against hiKU
prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes
cuual cufctom work in style, easy fitting ana
.r;r.cr niinlilii-n. We have them sold every
where at lower prices for the value given than
sny oilier imike. Take no substitute. If your
dealer cauuot supply you, we can. bold by
Wheat Sacks. Tbe Morrow
Land i. Trust Co. are patting oat wheat
sacks at their warehou-tei st Douglas,
lone and Heppner. All these wishing
aekt iboold bm. R.
ttA n,lm;at,:r.n ir.tn .ha ! r,m Ac t i i nrtn.
... . . , ..,.. Irul . f.n M.i-flni, of nrice. ?L ryr IkitiIc, sit
, versation ol trie wnole iainuy ana into j ilJtl)n ,r Vl .r,.,,r..M;,ia. U Utrut! from
rv,llr,iv I the public speeches of their assern- ! ouiatcs or tlauiicruui. ui u.
j Dues, me greater me ascenueucy oi(
the female element in society the
For sale by T. W. Ayers. jr.
Take Him morn Liver Regulator in
on th liogutf ot i iimily ot t cUa, , youth d rci will r. a ro old
l)efiler wIiorh name wi
pear here. Acnt wutited.
I ebortly up
Apply it once
n EfEiErl TREE!
ill M'lil yon by mni' i,'Ml-p'iion. nmflli
rcre.'li tre fdsnle'l Vn your climate.
with liisti'UclioliK for planting ami caring (or It,
together with our complete list of Nuriery
rstock. If you will cut out this advertisement,
mark on It the name of tills paper, ami U-ll how
many atel what kind of trees and plants you
would like to purchase, aud when you wish ts
plant them.
Wo will ouote you lower prices on the stock
von want than have ever been ottered you.
VVrltc at once.
Land Patents
Liiud patents uueured for settlors in tho shortcut possible time.
Contested Cases
Contested cases intelligently and skillfully bundled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims ami disputes speedily settled.
Between individuals having oDllii:tiun elaims under the agricultural land
laws, and thoue between olaimnnts under the Mineral Laws and agricultural
claimants; aud alao between clatmitntH under any of the public laud laws and the
Kiiilroad companies and their grantees, iind the states and their grantees, under
the Swnmp-Land and School-Lund OraDlB.
Specialty made of securing patenta iu the shortest pussible time for settlers
who have complied with the laws under whioh their entries were made, and wbo
are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue of their patents, oaused by Trifling
Irregularities whioh cun be easily aud sieedily removed.
Advioe bIso given iu nil matters relating ta the public lunds, especially cu
points arising under the new laws whioh have been recently passed providing fur
the disposal of the public domain.
If you want vour land patent in a hurry if you waut your land business, of
any charaoter, attended to by skillful and oompetent attornoys, and promptly dis
posed of, write to
John Weddkrhukn, Ckn. Man.,
Evcrcrf mi, Vwr Co , vu.
'V LA (fnlit nofeiaht hn runt, no rfiTftltT. AHuftau
i to fit j. Villat; or (Vjurjtr. N 11 vm
-fiC- ti'Hii!, rni'. -"ir mm imi'u. ijret.itn.1 uuuvvn
V 1 jMi'- hit) t-' r on curt h.
AgMlM mtsUc from (w lo tVW amr.
Cu in iftdm- mean, ft mix ro an th
unifi; ijr.ru. i in lOBtrum'ntt, no w, ork
nr.iTiier. hvy dl-tr'. Comp!t, rwifiy tor
un whn thii M--d Can ft our up by rv,
uxvn (jut of or'i?r. no rur-ai rina. lnt lit
P. O. Box, bX5.
Waabington, D. 0.
Ik Kcchy Institute
For tho Cure 01
Liquor. 0)ium and Tobacco Habits
It Is locate J t Buem, Or.jon,
The Must Beautiful Tou-n on the Count.
Call nt the O.zrtts office for particulars.
Strictly coundeutial. Trestaieut private uid sure
b.igbM itl el b 1