Give your business to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer s real name Is signed at an evidence oi good i&ith. Did yon ever Bead abont the Man who Hid his Ligbt under A bushel? Yes? well Tbat la like Doing business Without advertising. All the Snide schemes In the country Will not accomplish Half as much As a good ad. In a good, live, Legitimate newspaper, One that Is read By the people, And tbat owns Its own Soul; tbat Dsei its apaoe Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. 3 France and England are having a tilt which may result in an open rupture. The British Pacific railway is the latest venture in a transconti nental way up in Canada. Directum has made a milo in 2:08 J, the fastest mile on record made by a stallion in a trotting race. Hill has not as yet accepted the nomination for governor of New York state. He will be defeated if he runs. Gov. McKinley spoke to a crowd, variously estimated from 20,000 to 30,000 people, at Hunt ington, Kan., on the 3rd inst. John W. Minto has been ap pointed as chief of police in Port land in the place of Chiof Hunt. Minto will make a good officer. Recent town elections in Con necticut show unprecedented republican gains, many towns that have nevor before gone republican having whooled into that column. Gov. McKinley opened the campaign in Missouri at Kansas City on Oct. 2. He was greeted by tho largest crowd over gotten together to liston to a political speakoriu that state. H. W. Cottle has given up his place as secretary of the state insurance company, owing to ill health. Hon. Edmund C. Giltner has boon appointed to the position vacated by Mr. Cottle. It ib stated that people by tho hundreds are leaving Nebraska and the Dakotas for more favored climes. Some are headed for Oregon, and as they are an in dustrious and frugal class of people wo should welcome them The wife of J. Frank Pierce, of Rock Spring, Wyoming, claims to be the daughter of Jay Gould by his first wife from whom Gould was never legally separated. The lady claims the estate of Gould and will make a fight for it. A CARQU of selected girls has been sent from London to west ern Australia, wnoro mere is a great dearth of material for wives for farmers and mechanics. The consignment consists of fifty young womon, sound morally and phys ically, and under 20 years of age. A lady in N ewark died recent ly and her husband was accusod of putting her out of tho way. She was supposed to have been poison od, but an autopsy revealed the fact that death came from "her eating an euormouB quantity of over-ripe peaches, apples, pears and corn," A fow green apples might have saved her. The Oregon Press Association which is now in session at Peudle ton is to all appearanoos doing some good work. However, the program contains a good many excursions, and we fear that valuable time will be taken up in these enjoyable features when they should be devoted to hard work. Pendleton is doing the honors in the good, old-fashioned Eastern Oregon way. The Olympic Club, of New Orleans, has declared Robert J. Fitaaimuions champion of the wor Id. This decision is based on the fact that the championship was won and lost under the auspices of their club, and they claim that Corbett's refusal to fight Fitzsimmons until he has fought O'Donuell loses Corbett the right to claim the honors of boss sluggger. The result will be interesting to sport ing people, and will involve more talk than fighting before it is settled. The Gazette does not know the inside to the school book con troversy, or as to the position that the American School Book Co. occupies in the matter, but it thinks that any great change in text books at this particular time is inadvis able. Times are too hard for that, and our text books, are in the main, better than the average. Kansas populists have been working with the gamblers and lottery men of Kansas City, Kan sas. Gov. Lewelling, it is alleged, has received several thousand dollars. Flyino Jib has made a mile hitched with a running mate in 1:52 J. This is not recognized as a record, however. Little Rock has been swept by a cyclone, and parts of Kansas have been visited likewise. Life or Dpntlif It is of vital importance that it should be understood by persons whose kidueys are inactive, that tbisoonditlon of tbingH is finally inductive of a state of tho organs where life hangs in the balance. Bright'e disease, diabetes, albuminuria are all diseases of a very obstinate character in their mature stage, and all have a fatal tendency. They often bailie the most practiced medioal skill, and the most approved remedies of materia medioa. But opposed at tho outset that is to sap, when the kidneys begin to discharge their functions in activelywith Hoatetter's btomach Bitters, the dangerous tendenoy is ohecked. Very useful, bIbo, is thin household medicine for those ailments of common occurrence oonstipation, biliousness, dyspepsia and nervousness It ie a safeguard against malaria and avertB chronic rheumatism. TUK INSURANCE ADJUSTER. Experience of Ileppnor People con linn the Snupiclou that the writer has Heen Then himself. Uy BUI Nyo. An insurance adjuster is one who stands between the insured and immedi ate wealth. If it were not for the ad juster the insurance oompuuy would soon give away all its money and fetch up in the poorhouse. When notioe of my loss was sent iu the oompany wanted to pay me for the house, grounds and barn at ouoe, but the adjuster said: "No you must not give Mr. Nye all your money, for you would ruu shorl and be a vagrant inside of a year." Su the adjuster came. After whilo 1 oonviuced bim that 1 did not set tho house afire, and I could see that it was a relief to bim, for he was a mnu who loved to believe iu his fellow-men. I proved that my wife was very dangerously ill on the nigbt of the Are, and tbat her life for three davs had been despaired of, and bo looking into my great, deep honest eyes he said : "Home men might say that you had selected this time to become a wealthy widower and skip, but I am not so soured against my fellow-men as that. I beliove that if the house was set afire some one else did it." I am insured in five companies be sides the one that carries my piano, and so really there should have been six ad justers and the local agent in addition to the independent adjuster, but the climate here is so pure and bracing that one man can do the brain work of two, and so they did not all oome. The Kioal ngont aud the adjuster, 1 find, are two diflereut men. One is H social favorite and a pleasing couversa tioulist, while the other is a man who tells yon how oheaply houses like yours can be built now-a-days. The agent gives you all sorts of advan tages over the ooiupauv, and when the adjuster oomes yon And those things, after all, were not put iuto tbe policy. Fie alBo takes you arouud behind the barn and shows yon that, as a matter of fact, your policy has been vitiated seven or eight times the past year, but he will say nothing of that because you evi dently did not set the bouse on fire yourself, aud you seem to want to do better Bud live a purer life, so he will give you $2'2 and pass receipts. Then he looks at bis watch and says he must hurry away and make some other home happy with hie ready John, aud away be goes. The agent and the adjuster are both lovely oharaoterB, but in a different way. One fixei it so that you will, iu CBse of lire, be about $1000 better! off, while tbe other man makes you feel so glad to think that the oompany has uot slapped you into the jail for fraud that you tremble all over till he goes away. I was glad tbat all the adjusters did not come. If tbey had I would have beeu a poor mau. Ouoe I bad a house iusured tor $1J,- 000, and lightning struck ouo of the ohimnoys and destroyed the roof, the falling bricks cutting through the tin so that an entire new root bad to be put on. I bad planned to go to Italy that summer, but I had to stay at home and provo that I dU not tip tbat chimney over on the house myself in order to get a new root. Life iuiurance is Dot qnite so bad, al though I expect to b dug up by seven oi eight diferMt oempamei in order that tbey may be plumb sure that I am not playing possum on them. When the adjuster went away I felt from what they said to me tbat I was a sort of janitor for these companies, and that if I did not use more care in pro tecting the property I would be dis charged and another man put in my p!ace. The Most SuccesMfnt Gas Engine In the market is rnn without an electric spark battery. Theory is all very well, but the everyday experience of constant practical nse is the best test of merit. The man who rmns a launch and finds himself drifting with tide and wind because the "spark" fails to ignite the charge of gas in his engine; tbe man who prints a daily paper snd fails to get it oil On time because the "spark" again fails; the man who has fruit that is injured for lack of irrigation beoause the "spark" fails in his engine tbat runs the pump; not only such parties but others who have trouble from like causes should bear in mind that tbe Ileroules Gas and Gasoline Engine is free from such difficulties. The ignition is simple and sure. Send for catalogue. If you want second-hand engines of other makes at oheap rates we can sup ply you. We have a number taken in trade and cannot take any more nutil they are realized on. Palmer & Rey Type Foundry, Front & Alder Sts., Port land Oregon. THROUGH STRANGE LANDS. Mas. Rae, widow of Dr. John Rae, the Arctic explorer, has presented her late husband's collection of Arctic and other curiosities to the University of Edinburgh. Thk second medalist of the Royal Geographical society this year (M. Se lous, the African explorer being the first) was Mr. Woodland Rockhill, an American diplomatist who had made himself famous by his explorations in western China and northeastern Thibet. Mb. Pepf.w's European run is to be one of four or five weeks. He will go directly to Paris, thence to Rome and Naples, and after a short time spent along the Italian Riviera, he will pro ceed to London, and thence home. He will be accompanied only by one of his secretaries. Cor.. Gilder, the brother of Richard Watson Gilder, the poet, has been in strange lands, slept on ice floes, traversed Greenland's icy mountains, and yet to-day he is as healthy looking as the rich banker who has' remained at home and slept under lamb's wool and in steam heated houses. Lady Eva Quinn, wife of Capt. Wyndham (heir presumptive of the earl of Dunraven), has killed six full grown tigers from the friil shelter of a howdah. Young Buttekwoutii, who did such good work for Yale in the football match, is the son of Maj. Ben Butter worth, for many years a representative In congress from Ohio. If New York goesdemooratio or if New York goes republican, cuts no figure with the business of P. O. Thompson Co., who always sell at the lowest figures for hard cash. a. Tlie annexation of the Sandwiob Islands is now a thing of tbe past. Tbe oontitry is a republio and oan care for itself, under the eye of Uncle Sam. For bargains in nny thing see Tbe MoFarland Mercantile Co. a. Iliok Mathews, tonsorial artist, City hotel building, West side of Main street. Only public baths in Heppner. All work strictly first class. Don't sicken people with that bad breath. TakeSimmons Liver Regulator to sweeten it. &oooooooooo Health I C;m you buy Q it? Yes, when it is ? possible with a single box of Beecham's Pills (guinea) (Tasteless) to cure Indigestion Biliousness and Sick- headache. as cents a box. OCOOOOOOO 8 1 QUIOHC TIME ! TO Willi Iroixolssoo And Alt wiiita iu California, via the lit, Bhaeta route of the Southern Pacific Co. t'h grant hihwfiy through California to all quints tuiat ami South. Uraud Hoenio Route of tho Pfuufio Const, l'ulhnan Hatlut tileeiwrs. Second-class Sleepers Atttu-hwi to PiimwB trains, attoniin snnenor acumiuiodtttions for second-class ptu&tmKtrs For rat 08, tickets, Bhwninff ear reservations. ottv call ni'on or wirings K. KUKHLKK, Mai inner, K. P. ROGERS, Asst. lien. F. A r ARt., Portland, Oregon. !! CUT Tins OUT ! NO. 2301. ,j Sviul Hun I'Ol'I'ON ami tin Coats to jl THE HUYETT MUSIC CO, ij -Jt0 Htm r born St., Chicago, 111. And receive (post rmid) ONK I IMKCK OF MCSIO. of vmir own i choice, named below, or TH RKK : nieces for M cents, or SIX pieces for $1.00. llemi? post Hi note or ' one and two cent stamps. Thin Coupon not good after ! December 31st, isyi. 2 9 t CL - J o The Latest Music VOCAL. W'tChr'Ki) Aktku Tint,. Uy Harney Fa- KH U 40 OtS Most popular Wain Sone of the dav. ledicted to Mr. C. K. lUrirs, author of "Alter the Bull." A DREAM OF .Ki AIM A, WftU? SOUS, tanvoil 'C Ct The song of all songs. Favorite of Adellna Vatti. MoOM.UiHl ON THK 1, A Li O O N , by Geo. Sehleiilarth .SO ott Latest popular success by this noted composer. TH RKK SOUTHERN SONGS : "Unci. if Lvs," " Ai' nt Sis Tab," ' Wkbkk My Hon by Slrkps," complete 7.S cts Three charming, plaintive aud chaiac t eric tie Southern Kings, written by f'ol Will I,, Vhtitclier, and arrsned hv W. Hebert Lanyou. INSTRUMtNML At Evtsrins, Nocturne for piano, Mar cus Wrti A verv brilliant Nocturne, about grnde i-.V In Ki.i'Wkv Gkovk, reverie for piano. Milieus ..O cts lU'Hutitul reverie, original, and sure to plctse. fWm Hit above are all fine editions of val nsT'ieeopyrigaU, and cannot be had in CHEAP FORM. Coupons must civn?ipany the order to stcMr the rMictton uamed. Consumption was formerly pronounced incurable. Now it is not. In all of the early stages of the disease Scott's Emulsion Send for pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. FREE. Scott tb Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. SO cents and $ I B. A. Hun Baker runs stage between Heppner and Monument, arriving every fu.V ovnont MnnHov nnH lanvinry avarv day except Sunday. Shortest and oheap- voii roaie 10 tne interior, r. uonn, agent. P. O. .Bucknum returned Sunday from Klickitat county, and today will return. His crop ie harvested and threshed, and ie now being pulled down to market. "How to Cure All Skin DtaeaKeH." Simply apply "Swaynb's Ointment." No internal medicine required. Cares tetter, eczema, itch, al! eruptions on the face, hands, nose, &c, leavitig the skin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are possess ed by no other remedy. Askyourdrug gist for Bwayne's Ointment. Painting the town red means head ache in the morning. Simmons Liver Regulator prevents it. G. A. U. NOTICE. We take this opportunity of inform ing our subscribers tbat the new com missioner of pensions has been appoint eds He is an old soldier, and we believe that soldiers and their heirs will receive justice at his hands. "We do not antici pate that there will be any radical changes in the administration of pension affairs under the new regime. We would advise, however, that U. S. soldiers, sailurs and their heirs, take steps to make application at once, if they have not aleady done so, in order to Beoure the benefit of the early filing of their claims in case there should be any future pension legislation. Such legislation is seldom retroactive. There fore it is of great importance that ap plications be tiled in the department at the earliest possible date. If tbe U. 8. soldiers, sailors, or their widows, children or parents desire in formation in regard to pension matters, they Bhould write to the Press Claims Company, at Washington, D. C, aud they will prepare and send the necessary application, if they find them entitled under the numerons laws enacted for their benefit. Address PRESS CLAIMS OOMPANY Jonn Wbddbkbubn, Managing Attor ney, Wabbington, iJ. C, P. O. Box 385. Admin istra trix No tice. K STATE OF SAMUKI. N. MoKfJAN, DKl'KASKD. NOTICE IS HKKKKY GIVEN, THAT LET ters of Administration on the estate of Samuel N. Morgan deceased, were grunted to the uindernigned on the 25tli day of September isfll, hy the County Court of Morrow County. All persona having claims against the Estate are rcoiiired to exhibit them to me for allowance at my home in Sand Hollow within six months after the date of this notice or they shall be forever barred. This 2!th day of Sept. 18.U. SARAH E. MORGAN, 271-81 Administratrix. Superintendent's Notice. XI) EST RE TO ANNOUNCE TO T H E public that my office days are Friday and Saturday of each week, at which time I will he found at my olliee iu the court house at Heppner, Oregon. Anna J. Ralshjkr, Co. Sllpt. Dated, Sept. 22, lSitl, 2ti!)-2. NOTICE OF CONTEST. U.S. Land Office, thk Dalles, Or., Sept, 27, 1SSM. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED AT this Olllce byEmil C. T. Grotkopp against R. C. Barclay for failure to comply with law as to Timber Culture Entry No. 2'.tl7, dated Feb. 27, 1HHS, upon the W4 NE?4 and VM NW-i Unction IS, Township :t South, Range 2ti East iu Morrow County, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the Htn day of November 184, at 10 o'clock A. M.f to respond and furnish testimony concerning said allegpd failure, abandonment. J. W. Morrow, conn, y clerk, is authorized to take the testimony ot Heppner, Or., Nov. 2, MM, at 10 A. M. J. F. MOORE, 209-SO Register. Notice of intention. rAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J Sept. 2i, m. Notice Is herebv given that tbe following named settler has Hied notice of her intention to make dual proof in support of her chum, and that said proof will bo made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on November 3, ist-l. MARTHA E. ROBERTS, Legatee of the estate of Sarilda A. Reckett deceased, and by will the owner of tho de scribed Hd. claim, No. JN6 for the NWk Htje. 27, Tp. 3S. R.24 E. W. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: A. S. Haines, Peter Brenner, Cliff Jones and Jas. Jones, all of Eight Mile, Oregon. J. K. MOORE, 270-83. Register. Notice of Contest. V. S. Land Office, The Pali.ks, Or.. August 24. IMM. COM PL M NT HAVING BEEN ENTERED AT this Olllce by Anna J. Balsiger against John K. AlLn lo r abandoning nis Homestead Kntrv No. 4h. dated Dec. lt, 1S;M. upon the N W4 Section 27. Township 1 North, Range 24 E, in Morrow County, Oregon with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are herebv summoned to appear at this office onthe Jvth day oi m-towr, at m o clock A. M.. to respond and furnish testimony con cerning said allege! abandonment. J. w. Morrow, county clerk, is authorized to take testimony at Heppner, Or., on Oct. 22. 1S'.4, at 10 A. m. J. r. JIUUKK, 62-70. Register. Notice of intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, Lj Sept. 10, ISiM. Notice is hereby given that the followiug named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tiual proof in support of hiselsiui. and that said proof will be made before J. W, Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner urt'tfou. on Oct. , inh, u DANIEL B. LEATHERS, Hd. No.8425, for the NS NWfc ec. 2V, aua 5 6WU pec. 22. TP. b S. R K. He names the following witnesses tn prove nis continuous residence upon ana cultivation of said land, vie: Mack Riicy. Ruben Allen, Bert Allen and M. Sporrv. all of Hardman, Oregon. 2tv;: J .vs. F. Moore, Register. Give VOnr pet dogi and oats Sim mons Liver KfanUtor, wbu Bfck-it ill oar thum. will effect a cure quicker than any other known specific. Scott's Emulsion pro motes the making of healthy lung-tissue, relieves inflammation, overcomes the excess ive waste of the disease and gives vital strength. For Coughs, Golds, Weak Lungs, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Consumption, Scrofula, Anismin, Lossoflleshand Wasting Diseases of Children. Buy only the genuine with our trade mark on salmon-colored wrapper. Order for Publication. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County. The State of Oregon, ) Plaintiff f vs. 1 J. W. Morrow, County j uierK oi suia Morrow County, Oregon, and the Heirs of Charles Liud, Deceased, ueienuants. j Whereas it has been satisfactorily made to appear to the court that on the 13th day of January, 18'JO, in said Morrow County, Oregon, one Charles Liud died intestate, that at the time of his death Bald Charles Lind was un married and left no children or other heirs at law, and that up to the time of the commence ment of this proceeding no person or persons have appeared claiming to bean heir or heirs of said deceased. That at the titue of his death as aforesa d said deceased was seized of certain real eBtate In said Morrow Coui.ty, besides a considerable amount of personal property; that afterwards the County Court of Morrow County duly appointed administrators of the estate of said deceased, who duly qualified and entered upon such trust, and proceeded to ad minister said estate, under the direction of said County Court: That on the 24th day of Dee. 1892 such administration was completed, and said administrators tiled in said County Court their supplemental final acconrt, by wnicn it was snown inai mere remainea ins ne hands of such administrators, after such ad ministration was fully completed, as the property of said estate, the sum of $4!56.01, which said sum of money was on said day, under the order and direction of said County Court, paid by Buch administrators to J. W. Morrow, Clerk of soid County Court, the above najned defendant, subject 'o the further order of said County Court: That sMd sum of money has ever since said 24th day of December 1892 been and now is, in the hands of said J. W. Morrow, and that said County Court has not made any further order in relation thereto, and that by reason of Buch facts said sum of $1956.01 should escheat to and become the property of tne state ami tne state oi uregon nas a rignc oy law to said s"m of money now in the possession of said defendant, J. W. Morrow &b aforesaid: Audit is further satisfactorily appearing to the court that a summons has issued in this proceeding directed to Bald defendant J. W. Morrow requiring him and the heirs of taid Charles Lind, deceased, to appear and answer the information tiled herein, within the time limited by law in civil cases aud that said summons hiB been duly served on said defend ant J, W Morrow, personally, In said Morrow County Oregon, and that no heir or heirs of said Charles Liud, deceased, can bo found in said County and State: It is therefore hereby ordered that all persons interested in the said estate of Charles Lind, deceased, appear at Heppner in said Morrow County, on or before the fourth Monday in March, 1895, towit: the 25th day thereof the same being the first day of the next regular term of this court in said County, and show cause, if any they have, why the title to said estate now in the han s of said defendant J. VV. Morrow, being the sum of f!95ii.01 should not vest in the plaintiff" herein, the State of Oregon. It is further ordered that this notice be published once each week for six consecutive weeks in the Heppner Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation published at Heppner, in said Morrow County, Oregon. Witness my hand, this 21st day of Sept., 1894. W. L. Bradshaw, (19-80 Judge. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County. VV. F. Matlock, I Plaintiff, I vs. Mary Driscoll, aud Mary Driseoll, administratrix of theesta'e of C. Driscoll, Decensed, Maud Driscoll, Minnie Driscoll and John I Driscoll, J Defendants. To Mary Driscoll, and Marji Driscnll, Ad ministratrix of the estate of C. Driscoll, deceased Maud Driscoll, Minnie Driscoll and John Driscoll. In the name ol the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear aud answer the com plaint filed against you by the above named plaintiff, in the above entitled suit, in the above entitled Court, upon the first day of the term oi the above entitled Court, next follow ing the expiration of the time described in the order for the publication of this summons, towit: on or before tho fourth Monday of March, 1895, and if you fail so to appearand answer said complaint the said plaintiff will, for want thereof, take default against you and apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said comnlaint. towit: For judgments against defendants upon two certain prominory notes, one dated, Pendleton. Oregon, November 19th, 1887, for the sum of jf.500, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per eent per annum from the date: and one note dated, Pendleton, Oregon, November. 19th, 188. for the sum of $500, with interest thereon at the rate of ten percent per annum from the date, less the sum of $500 paid on said note, on or about June l, iwi, and to torciose a certain mortgage given to secure tne payment ot saiu notes; said mortgage dated the 19th day of April, into, ana was given upon tne lonowing real property situate in Umatilla County, State of Oregon, described as follows, towit: West half of Northeast quarter, the East half of tne ftortnwest quarter, section inirry-one (.u) Township two (2 South of Range twenty-nine (C91 E. W. M. Which mortgage was on the 3rd day of May, 18X8, duly recorded in the office of the county Clerk oi tne county ot Morrow, State of Ore'eon; and for the sale of the real property described in said mortgage, and the application of the proceeds thereof to the pay ment of the costs and disbursements of this suit, tho costs, charges and expenses of selling tne property, ana tne payment oi tne saia sum touna aue piaintui upon saiu notes, ine ae- fendantB and all persons claiming by. through. or under them, or either of them subsequent to the beginning of this suit be barred and fore closedofall equity of redemption, right, title and interest or lien in or to the above described property, and for such other and further relief as to tne ' ourt snau seem euuittie. ThfB summons is published pursuant to the order ot Hon, W, L. Bradshaw, one of the judges of the above entitled Court in this suit, made at Chambers at The Dalles. Wasco County, State of Oregon, on the 27th day of AUgUSl, l.M. Balxky, Bali.kray A KKTiFIELO, Attorney for Plaintiff". P. O. Address, Pendleton, Oregon. M-Si Sheriff's Sale. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT CN li der and by virtue of a writ of execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Tillamook, and to me directed and delivered upon a judgment rend ered aud entered iu said court on tbe 25th day oi (.H'tooer, itw, in tavor ot i. j. nicy, aeteiui ant and against SuBan M. Findley," pla'ntitt, tiitv-six and live one hundredths r5G.0M dol lars, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the said 25th day of Octob er, ivtl; which judgment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerks office of said court In said Tillamook county, on the 2"th day of October, 1S9H, and there being now due on said judgment the sum of fifty-six and five one hundredths ($.V.05) dollars, with interest there on at the rate of s per cent per annum from the 2Mb. day of October, 1S9S, and also the costs of and upon this writ. I have levied upon and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand on Wednesday, the 3lst day of October, 1S94. at 2 o'clock, P. M., of said day, at the court house door in Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, all the right, title and interest which the said Susan M. Findley had on or after th? said 2Mh dav of October, 1893. in and to the following des cribed real property, to-wit : The southwest quarter of section twenty, and the northwest quarter of section twenty-nine, all in township two south, range twenty-thr east oi W Ulamette meridian. In Morrow count?, Oregon, containing three hundred and rwduty acres, more or les. Dated this 2d dav oi October. 1. G. W. HARRINGTON. Tl-S Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Lisr OF LETTERS. T ETTERS APVEKTliED AT HEPPNER. Ij Or.. Oct. 1. LS'.H. Davis Wm A Dawire George Smith Chas Whon calling for these letters please sy AdveitweX I. T WiuiAMe. r. H, City THIS Popular Hostelry has again 1 been re-opened and will be run in first class style. AIotil!s out I Kooms at Popular Owing to tbe advantage- ifaiued through.. being a member of the . . . . P. C. Thompson Co. Are in position to make prioea for cash as low as the lowest. Complete Stock of Groceries, Hardware, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Sewing Machines. A Car Load of Rushford Wagons just received. Odd Combinations Sign. Corner Main and Willow Streets, - Spanish-Merino Bucks For sale at TLos. Morgan's placs, Heppner, Oregon, October, 1, 1894. w-to nov. 1. The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP MANCH&8TER, I!VGLANU 1 W. l'ATCEHSON, AGENT. o c r"-"" FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government la that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli. able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a natent. rlenenda preatlv. if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences. Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to. gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY. 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST. WASHINGTON, O.C. p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. 49- Cut this out and send It with your inauinfcO IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT WtWJSlUPJ ADDRESS A LETTER OB POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney, P. 0. Box 463. Washington, D. C. Honorably discharger! soldiers and sailors who served ninety days, or over, in the late war. are entitled, if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability was caused by service or not, and regardless ot" their pecuniary circumstances. WIDOWSof such soldiers and sailors are entitled (if not remarried) whether soldier's deo was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Wirf1 not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death wai due to service. CHILDREN are entitled (if under sixteen years) in almost all cases where there was no widow, or she has since died or remarried. PARENTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier died In service, or from effect of service, and thev are now dependent upon their own labor for sup port. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or navy. Soldiers of the late war, pensioned under one law, may apply for hither rates under other lawe without losing any rights. Thousands of soldiers drawing from $3 to $io per month under the old law are entitled to higher rates under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but also for others, whether due to service or not. Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty in regular army or navy sine the war are also entitled, whether discharged for disability or not. Survivors, and their widows, of the Kiack Hawk, Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flor ida Indian Wars of lHSSto 1843, are entitled under a recent act. Mexican War soldiers and their widows also entitled if sixty-two years of age or disabled or dependent. Old claims completed and settlement obtained, whether pension has been granted under later laws or not. Rejected claims reopened and settlement secured, if rejection improper or illegal. Certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war who nave lost their original papers. Send for laws and information. Nocbarge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address, THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY. JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P.O. Box 463. WASHINGTON, O.C lllijs, Dawson Ss Lyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, All Imsinepn attended to in a prompt anil satisfactory manner. Notaries Pobhc sod Collectors. OFFICE IX NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, u. I FPU Hotel. Prices. Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. HEPPNER, OREGON. ED. DAY Will have- 400 Head OF - THOS. MORG AN, AGENT. tl. BesHn the World OREGON Plenty of them at the Gazette Office