Notice to Advertisers. n'MlOSE ik-sirintr the insertion of display adu., -1 or change d tm me, mind, get their copy in not Inter tin a Monday evening for Tuetnlav'B edition, or Thursday evening for Friday's edi tion. The Patterson Publishing Co. Take Notice. 1. The sum of five cents per line will be charred for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of reupwt," lists of wedding presents and douors, and obituary notice., (other than those the edit or Phall himself give aB a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five tenr a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and madeknown upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer's real name is signed as an evidence of good fait li. LP. FISHER, NKWSPAI'ER ADVERTIrf- ing Airent. '2 Merchants Exchange, 'rian Francisco, is onr authorized agent. This paper is kept on tile in hisottice. Give, your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build rip Hepp ner, Patronize those who patronize yon,. TIME TABLE, Stage for Hard man, Monument, Long Creek, John iJrty and Canyon City, leaves as follows ; fcvery dny at f a. in., except Sunday. Arriveseverv day at 6 p. m., except Monday. The chcHpe'st, quickest and best lino to or from the interior country. B. A. HI'NSAKER, I'rop. Thill Colin, Agent. Removal Notice. (i. B. To'lrnwe desires to inform the public that lie Ims removed to the .'ity Hotel ttttuid, vvlim-e he will still keep the bent braiulu ol Liquors mid Cigars. ;:un!trllnis Beer on tup. Served in largest sized iniiKH. ti. U. TEI1UOWE, Prop. imi'outant notice. This week Full Bros, have been re ceiving their fall stock of millinery and fancy goods, which will be opened for the inspection of the ladies of Heppner ami vicinity Saturday. All are cordially invited to atteud their opening, which oommencea Saturday, Sept. 2i), and con tinues next week. Here and There. Fossil Journal: Walt Hilvertooth went over to Heppner Sunday and re turned Tonraday evening with Mrs. Anrfsrton and her little sou. Alvis. Walt got lost so miny times going to and onniiug from Heppner thBt be thinks be traveled 1,000 miles. The county courts of Gilliam and Morrow counties seems to have forgotten the law that provides for not allowing the fees of supervisors until they shall bave erected sign-boards at cross roads. The Webfoot Planter, a Portland peri odical devoted to the interests of farm ers, stoekraisers.orobardists, bee-keepers and poultry raisers, will be sent free of charge for one year to all those who pay up all arrearages and one year in ad vance, or to all new subscribers to the na.ette. This oflVr is made for a limited time. Those who desire the naper must meution it when they settle tbeir ac counts. All the business firms in Heppner, or at leant the greater number, are work ing towards the cash system. Some have already adopted it and others are following fast. Our paper Bnd hire takes cash money, and these are reasons why oash is needed badly in the print shop. The Gazette will be forced to a (as i business in the near future, regard less of the desire of its proprietors to accommodute. The regular subscription price of the Semi-Weekly Gazette is 82.50 and the regular price of the Weekly Oregonian is SI. 50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year in advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregoninn for S3. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advance will be entitled to the same. Chicago Tribune: "Uncle Ephraim," said the police justice, "the oomplaint charges yun with having knocked him down with a whitewash brush and emptied a bucket of wash all over him." 'Yes. sab." answered Uncle Ephraim "I done it judge He asked me if 'possums wur tit to eat." We are iu reoeipt of word from our friend, Tom Carle, that Fred Eaton has secured quite ft job of threshing in the lone neighborhood and that his machine is now in operation. It is the largest steam thresher io Morrow county, and those wishing to see it should go down tomorrow. While riding horseback on May street Wednesday, a dog caused Horace Mat lock's horHe to fall with him. "Jack" struck the road pretty hard, but the road is all right. "Jack," however, received quite a cut under the right eye, requiring four stitches at the hands of Dr. MoSwords. Subscribe lor the Gazette. W. E. Hiiitt is over today from Kidge. Mr. Hoy, of Monument, wbs iu this week. liev. Slni'.se has been returned to Salem. W. B.Potter and wife are up from Hood Kiver. v Mrs. Catheriue Spray is bBck from Salem. J. B. Keenev is over from Pendleton ou business. Geo. Wells and bride have returned from Pendleton. Lee (Jantw ell is inoonvenienced with a spraiued Bnkle. Mrs. W 'alt Richardson is reported as being on the sick list. D. K. Jayne is quite ill, but his early recovery is hoped for. Dr. B. F. Vaughan has returned from his iona Creek trip. Miss Olive Conlee has gone to Canyon City to teach school . A. W. Patterson returned from the volley seotion Tuesday. Fell Bros, have purchased the busi ness of Mrs. W. F. liuark. Win. Rudio is back from Michigan where he went ou business. Dave Cnlne and wife are over from Long Creek to get fall supplies. Opening at Fell Bros., commences Saturday. Ladies should call. For thoroughbred Brown Leghorn chickens cell ou W. W.Smead. A stitch in time. Take Simmons Liver Regulator to prevent sieknesB. Sheriff Geo. W. Harrington mid son, Homer, returned from below Monday. H. W.Green is the name of B man mysteriously shot recently in Portland. T. W. Avers; Jr., sells school books at a i'reat reduction iu price, for cash oh;. 62-tf. Felix Johnson ii over from Butter creek with some tiue apples nud pears today. E. Grntkopp lias given up the milk business. Win. Wiegal baa taken his pine?. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wells have taken up their residence in the .las. Matlock property . 0. Kuld has moved to another climate, and from what we can learn his absence will not be regretted. Mrs, P. O. Borg, wife of our esteemed mayor, bus returned from a visit to her daughter at Astoria. Photogrfipbs SI. 50 pel dozen at Shep pard's gallery, near opera house, nortb Main St., Heppner, Ore. 26tf. Geo. Swaggart passed through town Wednesday with his sheep, enroute from the mountains to the "saud." The strawbumiug stove advertised in the Gazette ts a complete snccess. Gil liam k Bisbee, Gen'l Agents. tf. Jan. Tolbert has returned from Oregon City where betook some horses reoently. He reports that they were slow sale. Ciins. Jones has oharge of Green Mathews' shaving parlors during the latter's sojourn in the oonutry. Call on him. Tom Davilson, ofEiaht Mile, brought in ti-'i head of bogs Wednesday, and a tine hunch they were too. They were sold to a Souod tirm. W. J. Wnttenhnrger aud wife are in town iu order that their little daughter. who is ill with pneumonia, may receive medical attention. Onr readers will please notice that Ed. Pay's band nf fineSpanish-Meriunbnos are soon to be on sale down at Tims. Morgau's. See nd. ill take wheal at the market p-iro on subscription, and if onr patrons hr.veas much as a load will pay thej balance in hard cash. ; .1. F. Spray, of the Liberty Meat ! Market, is now gelling meat cheaper t'nin , any el. op in ".astern Oregon, HeotT.Ts! big diecomjts for cash. 55 tf i Clem Hsune was down from Hardmau j today. Mrs. Hgnr- left for Pendleton j on I list evening's train and will be absent j for some time visiting relatives. j Word comes down from Will .tfallory'a , that recently his engine wa badly do- J molihed hy "some accident, and that a j new eugiue will have to be procured. rv. Frnk A'ikicis has been returned to iHk ohi.'e for aooth-r year by tne. M. I tils is rertmnij Ayer's Sarsaparilla does what no other blood medicine in existenoe can do. It searches out all the impurities in the ivstem and expels thern harmlessly through the proper ohannels. This is why Ayer's Sarsaparilla is bo pre-eminently effective as a remedy for rheumatism. Aaron Viuson, of Walla Walla, the most extensive marble dealer north ol San Francisco, is doing the country and will be iu Heppner in a few days. As be will canvass the country thoroughly, those wauting monumental work will make no mistake by holding their orders till he calls. E O.: Michael O'Shay was brought from Arlington Sunday by Constable 0. 0. French for larceny of a liorso and saddle from S. H. Hicks in May. He was taken before Justice Parkes and bound over to the grand jury in the sum of 500. In default of bail, he went to jail. Chaa. Cunningham will bave at the James Jones ranch a baud of his French and American Merino aud Oxford graded Bucks. All wool growers who are interested in improving their bands will have a chance to see a aple idid band of bucks after the 1st of October. 60 tf. E. A. Woodall aud wire, and S. N. Crockett, of Long Creek, came over Wednesday on business. "Davy" took out a brand new buggy and a hack, the former direct from Elkhart, Ind., the other from Portland. Mr. Woodall Bnd wife left for home today. To eradicate the poisons which pro duce fever and ague, take Ayer's Ague Cure. It cures without leaving any injurious effect upon the system, and is the only medicine in existence which may be considered au absolute antidote for malaria. M. Liehtenthnl & Co. bBve settled up their affairs and the leceiver, Thos. Quaid, will be discharged shortly. Mr. Lichtenthal having bought out Mr. H. Soherzinger's interest in the busi ness will bereaftrfr conduct it alone. 0. F. Gloystein, who was supposed to have been murdered by populists up at Sookane, is alive nDd well down in Shermanconnty, Some one ought to have killed him considering all the fuss and trouble that be bos oansed. Geo. W. Wells and J. 8. Bnseick, under the firm name of Wells & Co., are buying and s Uing grain of all kinds next door to the Gazette office. Tbey pay the highest market price, and will buy in any quantities. 69-tf. Dr. B. K. Vaughan, the resident dentist, has purchased B first class remedy for I bo painless extraction of teeth. Those deRiring first class work in his line should give him a oall. If von owe the Gazette you must ex- nect thnt pav will he demanded. We need onr money, and don't expect to borrow under the circumstances. Come, give us a lift. J. B. Natter has reopened the Brewery Saloon, keeping on tap at all times the best beer on the Paoific coast. Also on bands the best brands of liquors, wines and cigars. 5Gtf. A person is prematurely old when balduesa ocmirs before the forty-fifth year. Use Hall's Hair Renewer to keep the scalp healthy snd prevent baldness. Dong Belts will be in from Pilot Rock on or abont Oct. 8, 1894. with a choice lot of books which he will sell at the lowest possible figures. 67-tf. A young man named Cbas. Lund was dragged about 100 yards by a horse over at Condon recently and narrowly escaped dentli. J. J. BASEY'8 LAST WILL. Admitted to Probate Down in Marion Comity. its Provisions and the Heirs. From the Salem Statesman. In accordance with the provisions ol the will left by J. J. Bssey, lately de ceased, A.J. Basey Bnd Mary B. Wil lard were yesterday appointed exeoutor and executrix of the estate of the de ceased. Mr. Basey left real and per sonal property of the probable value of 81,000 and the beira are six iu num ber, namely: Prudence Basev, the widow, aged 71 years, A. J., a son, Bged 49 years, Mary B. Willard, Bged 35 years, all of Salem; W. W. Basey aged 51 years, of Portland, John 0. Basey aged 49 years, of Sauta Cruz, Cal., and Isaac N. Basey aged 42 years, of Portland. The will was executed on January 12, 1894. It first direots the expenses of his last sickness and the funeral be paid out of the personal property; that all the residue of the personai property aud all the real estate is bequeathed to bis wife during ber natural life, to be used and managed by her as she may see proper to and for her benefit and com fort. After her death the property remaining in her hands is to be divided as follows: To Wm. Basev $100 oash and to his wife $700; to John 0. Basey, $1,200; to A. J. Basey 81000; to I. N. Basey 810; aud to Mary B. Willurd the house and lauds kuowu as the Basey home on asylum avenue, pruvided Mrs. Willard does "properly Bud affection ately" OS's for her mother as long as she lives Bfter his death, but should she so neglnot to properly oare for her the said property is to be sold and converted into money and become a part of the distributive estate in cash and iu lieu thereof shall receive the same amount and kiud as A. J. Basey. The last provision of the will reads as follows: "After all debts, funeral ex penses, and other expenses are paid after tbe death of my wife, the reBt, residue and remainder of the property is to be divided equally between J. C, A. J., aud Isaao N. Basey, share and share alike; provided, however, if tbe borne plaoe is sold aud converted into money for cause aforesaid, and the said Mary B. Willard bas to take her legaoy iu oash, tben after the $1,000 said Mary B. Willard is to receive equally with A. J. Basey, she is to share in the residue equally with J. C, A. J. and I. N. Basey." LAND BARONS. ThT Hold Millions of Acre of Swamp Land in Louisiana. The New Orleans Picayune prints a table of the land barons of Louisiana and their holdings of unimproved tim ber and swamp tracts, from which it appears that alien syndicates, compa nies and individuals own more than 2.200.0UO acres. One syndicate claims 40(1,000 acres, several possess 100,000 and more and holdings of from 20,000 to 90.000 acres are not uncommon. Most of this land is owned in the west ern states, but to capitalists of New York and Philadelphia several hundred thousand acres belong. The Picayune explains that origin ally the United States owned all of the lands in Louisiana other than those which at the time of the cession by France were held by private persons or corporations. Subsequently what were known as swamp lands, that is to say, lands that were subject to tidal overflow from the soa or were annu ally flooded by the Mississippi, became the property of the state, with the pro vision that it should sell them for the purpose of raising a fund to build levees. A considerable territory, con sisting of prairie and forest land, was retained by the 1'nitod States to be sold as homesteads. Such a disposi tion was made of this land, but it is now largely in possession of syndicates. The Picayune's table includes the swamp, homestead and sea-marsh lands. The last named, a lion's share of which has been acquired by the Watkins syndicate, must be drained and diked like the Ifolland coast, and some progress in this work has already been made. The finest emerald in Eurcrpe be longs to the czar. It weighs only thir ty carats, but is of perfect color and transparency. Wiikn a fine ruby is found in Hur mah a procession of elephants, gran dees and soldiers escorts it to the king's palace. The sapphire which adorns the sum mit of the English crown is the same that Edward the Confessor wore in his ring. The Past j Guarantees The Future The fact that Hood's Sarsapa rilla has cured thousands of others is certainly sufficient reason for belief that it will cure you. It makes pure, rich, healthy blood, tones and strengthens the nerves, and builds up the whole system. Remember Sarsaparilla nooa s Cures Be Sure to get HOOD'S and Only HOOD'S. Hood's Pills arc esiieelully prepared to be tikeu with Jiimd's Nursnyiurilla. lc. per box. CAKI) OF THANKS. We desire to thnnk our neighbors aud friends for their kindness to us during the Ficktiess of our baby son, and also duriug our subsequent bereavemeut. Mr. and Mas. Wm. Dunn. Tuke Simmous Liver Kegulator to keen the bowels regular. One dose is worth 100 dollars. If New York goesdemooratio or if New York goes republican, cuts no figure with the business of P. O. Thompson Co., who always sell at tbe lowest figures for hard cash. a. The annexation of the Sandwich Islands is now a thing of the past. The oonutry is a republio snd oan oare for itself, under the eye of Uncle Sam. For bargains in anything see Tbe MoFarland Mercantile Co. a. B'STANDAUD Ml Has the reputation oE being the Lightest Running, ' Least Wear, Fewer Repairs, of any machine in the market. FOU S-.X BTT -Gilliam oc Bisbee, ii hi-tint Era. on. A Of ! 'T After a thorough test of the credit system, wehaveconclud ed to change to net cash. On and after Aug. i, '94, we will sell to one ana CASH all for GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT Of what heretofore had to be oharged for nnoollectnble amounts. This is no relleotion on you, but is a plain business statement. We oan afford to sell at lower prices in this way. Statu of Ohio, City op Toledo,) Lucas County, j- ss. Fuank J. Cheney, makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, oounty and state afore said, and that said firm will pav the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for eaob Bnd every esse of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK CHENEY.. Hworn to before me aud subscribed iu my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (gnsj) A. W. GLEASON, i3 Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inttrnallv and acts directly on tbe bio id and mucous snrfaoes of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. '"Sold by Druggists, 75o. HENRY BABML'S TO POKTLANU. He is Assigned to the Grace M. E. Clinrrh. Has Taken Charge of the New Field. for Infants and Children. " Castoria is bo well adapted to children that I recommend it as Buporiortoany prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castoria is so universal and its merits bo well known that it seems a work of suiererogatinn to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reaieh." Carlos Maktyn, T). D., 1 Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Biarrhcea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended your 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariahly produced beneficial results." EnwiN F. Pardee, M. P. 125th Street and 7th Ave., Now York City. New York City. The Ckntaitr Compant, 77 Mi-rray Rtrekt, Nkw York Citt. Bfo Favorites No 15 oil xom Mill it CO. For Sale Khriinintlt; Pains Cared. "I had severe pains in my knee which was very much swoolen. For several days I n. .ii t I not move my leg in bed. I sent fur Hon Ts Sarsaparilla and flood's Vegetable Pill' and began taking tbem an ! in two d i.vs I got out and oould walk. I fel it my duty to give my testimony for tiie benefit I received from Hnod'i sr-,p;.ril!a." Mrs. B. J. Kelso, L'iWen, Or. Hood's "u-e indigestion. From the Spokane Review. Kev. Henry Uasmus, pBBtor of the First Methodist ohurch in this oity, has been transferred by an arbitrary order from Bishon Issbc W. Jovoe to Grace Methodist Episcopal ohurohin Portland Rev. Mr. liasmus will leave for bis new location Monday, preaching his farewell sermon the day before. Mrs. Rasmus will aocomipany bim. The news was as much a surprise to Rev. Mr. Rasmus himself as it will be to hundreds of bis friends and parishioners when it is announced to tbem this morn ing. He wbs preparing to oome down town when a messenger boy handed bim tbe following dispatch: "Henry Rasmus, Spokane: You are transferred to Oregou conference and stationed at Grace church, Portland. Mclnturff takes your place id Spokane. "Isaac VV. Joyce." There wbb a vast difference between that message and the one that oatne two weeks ago suggesting a transfer of the first church at Taooma. The first w as on inquiry into the pastor's wishes in the premises. The second said simply "you are transferred," and that settled it. "There is nothing to do but obey the command," Rev. Rasmus said yesterday forenoon. "It is tru that I bave formed many warm friendships here Bnd that there are ties that I dread the breaking of. The bishop's will is law, however, and I shall set out Monday for my new borne." When tbe telegram suggesting a trans fer to Tacoma came there was an imme diate meeting of tbe session, at which it was unanimously decided to petition Bishop Joyoe to allow the pastor to re main. Every member of tbe oougre' gation joined in making the request emphalio, and Dot a voice said "go." It was then but a few days after the cod ference, at which tbe assignments for the coming year were maue, ana ine mem bers wereoongratalatingthemselves that their beloved pastor had been returned to them. Hev. Mr. Rasmus and the church officers bad outlined tbe work for the coming year, the pastor bad in sisted on having mnsio at the services which had been grauted, and many other details arranged. The year's work had really just begun when the notice came that a change would bo made. "I kuow an old soldier who had chronio diarrhiea of long standing to bave been permanently oured by taking Chamberlain's Colio, Colera and Di arrhea Remedy," says Edward Shumpik, a prominent druggist of Minneapolis, Minn. "I have sold the remedy iu this city for seven years and consider it superior to any other medi cine now ou tbe market for bowel oomplaints." '25 and 50 oent bottles of this remedy for sale by Slooum-JobD-so u Drug Co. MAKKKT REPORT. Fbiday, Sept. 28. The IocbI market, so far as produce is concerned, remains about tbe same. Butter is plentiful but the best is quot ed 50 cents per roll. Medium grades, 40 cents. Eggs are qu ted at 10 cents and chick ens from $2 to $'2.75 per dozen, accord ing to size. Potatoes are worth 75 cents per 100 pounds. Fruit is plentiful and prices nominal. Wheat yeBierday was 2IJ, having drop ped siuoe our last report. Today it stands at 23 W. parley has advanced 3 cents and is quoted at 45 cents today. SURROUNDED BY MYSTERY! 1 Oof! Quarter and I Half-Blood OXFORD RAMS. to inspeot my Rams before buying and in exceptional flue condition for Yesterday Mr. E. G. Sloaa, of this place, left ou onr table some California peaches, raised by Mr. blnan's sister, Mrs. C. L. Davis, of Hautu Rosa, Calif. They are about the size of very large oranges, beautilul in color and possess ing a flavor that is hard to excel. We must acknowledge that Oregon is not in it when it comes to raising peaches, oompared with Cliforuia. o Q ID o o his rnanv H.pPn;, friend, ' Fine Fu.r ok 8a.-1 will sell all r,:,i :j,tt has pnrchsfd tbe barber kinds of fruit for lc. per ponnd, except slw. mi Vii-hiek .-.mer from A. J. ( peaches, tb"e Ict I'JO perpounu. urwn rail-, wl.ere hi- !.! fr-.nit- ann cusfm- . or fpTBg calves taken i ,r. : timi Ion.. Sh-v.-. HUampo. . !! CUT THIS OUT ; NO. 2301. Stui'l H t f;ot PON mul jj .:r. (.X'ntH to THE HL'VKTT MCSIC CO, H '. Duarljunt Ht., Cliitigo, 111. j Aiifi wp fpnttt paid) ON K j! HECK OK MI'SIC, of your own : choire, imme'l below, or THHKE ;! plcct'H for W iUk, or SIX pieces ' for 3.0i. Hot lit poBtHi note or 1 1 one and two cent .tamps. 1 Thin Coupon not ood after ' December Hint, li4. A Great Mistake. A rrent discover? Is timi. hi mlm-hft, dlxzlnuK. dullness, cuiifusftm of tins wind, etf., aro duo to iliuanenn-iit of llio nerve cenuu-s which supply tlio bra. in villi nerve fonwi that indigestion, dyspepsia, iicumlnlu. wind In stomach, ntt. arise froM 1 he drrrmpp nietit iif the ne-Voconn:i's:-i:;)iplyiri lln::-.oor-jEitnH with nerve, liuid or forre. Till f likewise true of many diseases of the heiiri mid lunn. The nerve iivieinisllke u n-h"niph nystem, will he ' soou hy Uiu accoin yauy lug cui. The. litllo wlii'fl lines aro the nerve-, which convey the nerve fire, from the nerve renters to every part of thn bodv just as the eleC'iirninonUs conveyed alom; t h e telei;r;iph wires to every station, hiriro or small. Ordinary physh'hiiis full to ri"i;ird lids fart; instead of treat tit;: t lie nerve-centers fur thoc.MW) o f the disorders Hrlsiinr therefrom ihey t r e a t Uio pjrt affected. IVinklln Miles M. IK, l,L. It., the hh:hly celebrated h pec la 1 1st and student of nervivm flisofisns, of iniiiiv noted irnatkes on t he hitterHilhject Ion since realized the truth of the first statement, and his Keforativo Nervine is prepared on that prlm-lple. Us suc ess In ruriiiif all diseases urlsinp from derainre nietit of the nervous svstcm I- wonder ful, a- ine ihousands of unsolicited tesilmo iiinU in iius-Ksslofi of the company initio. fac turiui; llio remedy ftiiudy prove. Ir. Mih s' UestoriHlve Nervine is 11 reliable reined v for all nervous diseases, su h as headache,, nervous deb! 1 My, prust ration, f-'eeples-'ie's, dizziness hysteria, seu;il de hiii'v. M. Vitus dance, epilep-.Y. etc. t Is Hold by nil drutftfUts on a positive u;i ran tee, or sent direct, by the I r. Miles Medlml Co., I.liih;irt. ltd., on receipt of price ?1 per hot ti ' six bottles for $fi, express pr p;iid I."siorative Nervine positively ouutaii.s no opiates or dangerous Uruyt. For Palo by T. W. Ayerw, jr. Sbeepmeo will find it to their interent elsewhere. I ensure them to be sound service. I have taken great paiDB and went to niuoh expense to meet the growing demand for this oIhhs of sheep, Bnd will sell tbem to iSUlT TniS HARP IMM1)S. Come and See Them and be Convinced. ni nut lior For further piirtionlnrs mldrenH mo lit PILOT HOCK, OKE., or cull lit my urm six miles south of Pilot Jlouk, Ore. ,. 00"00". EBE3iTrS5. E ASTERN OREGON: State Normal School, AV KSTO N . flHi; KIKST TKRM JtKfiJNS Till'- :IKD OK FKl'T. Tuition per term in Kleinentary Courno, ?I.M); HeuIar Course, f l.rrf); lliiHiiienn Course, to thofleiu the Senior Chins pledged to teach, fre. 1 Cood bi.tinl and lodging in private families, :.0per week or looms J SOfl rC L S at u very reiimnmhle rent for those who may desire to hoard them selves, hut allHtndents, no matter how lliey hoiird, will be under the i mined in t etireuf the faculty, (.raduates of the Normal receive Mate UiplmiuiH. I. A. WOKTillSGTON, Nov i Hue y oi KcgentH. The Latest Music Ncit BPnaion beina th 17th of Hep tembur, 1894. Tuition, froe. Ilimnl, $'2.50 a wei;k. Five courHPS: ClaHRioal, Scientific, Literary, Knlinli anil UimineBH. VOCAL. Wbdiikd ArTEK tiik Bai l. Ky Harney K- em W Mont iopnlnr Waltz hone of rbi! day. ricilirate'l t' Mr. ('. K. Ilwrirt,, Miitlif,r of "Afttr tlif Ball " A IIRKAM OF A K' AIIA. Walt tion.', bitiyon ' Th! vhik im all aoiii'H. ravorit' of Artellna 1'stii. M'JONLIO H 1 o s T II V. I. A oo . . I.y (,eo. -iehl.Mllarth ImUihi p.ipular Kuvtmn l,y ml iiot';'l romnoR?r. THRE-: sol'TUKKN HONfiM "I'sn.l Iian," "AnsT His T ,b." "H'mii My Honky Hi.kki'm,' ' foiriilete "' Thrpe charmiiiK, plalutivi' a?ii i-liaraf;-Ufrlpllr Koiithern onir written 1-y l.'ol. Will I.. Vlxs'-ticr, and arraliK'-''l tv W. Hclert Lanyon. rxiBMITOKr. : The liounlint! Hall for you n k ladies ' " ' ami the Itoarclinn Hall for young Knntle- men will be nmlHr lli pf rHonal mipurvi. : aion of Mr. Muiini.ii laily of retliiHment ' ; anil larsiH eiieriuirc Kor Catalogues, i addrpf-M J . .1 . Walton, .Vi-71 . Swy. KMit. Land Patents Land pntontH bocuitiI for wlUm-s in tlio BhortdHt piiBsiljld time. Contested Cases Contested chhcb iiiti!lii(.;ciitly and nkiJlf ully liandloil. Old Claims and Disutes Old cliiiriiH fiml dii)iiti'8 Kjioedily Bottlod. Contests Betwoen inilividuiilH liaviui; (:oijlii tiii( oliiiina unclor the arieult'.riil laud lawn, auil thiwe between cliiimiiiita unilcr llm MiiiHral 1bwh anil agrioultiiriil alairuaiitu; anil also Iwtwnnn claimmtH umlr any of the pnblio land lnwa and the Kailroad 0(miini(!H anil tlu-ir riintcfR, and the HtnlnH mid thi;ir (riintenB, under the Swiiinp-liiiud anil Sith iol-Iiiiud (riini. Hpecialty niadeof RoruriiiK piili'iilH in the Hhortimt pnnHible time for nettlera who have complied with the lawN uinh r w hich their eiitnee wi re miido, and who are annoyed and worried by delay" iu the ieeue of their patents, oauaed by Trilling Irregularities whioh can be eaHily and Hpeedily removed. Advice also iven in nil matlera relating to tbe piililio IiiihIh, especially on points arising under the new Ikwh wlueh have been recently passed providing for the disposal of the public domain. If you want vour land patent in a hurry - if you wnnt your bind busineHH, of any character, atteiided to by skilliul and competent attorneyH, and promptly din prised of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY A very urale 1-",. My boy was taken with a disease resembling bloody rlnx. The first thing I thought of was Chamberlain's (Jolio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Two doses settled tbe matter and oured him sound aud well. 1 heartily reoom- meud this remedy to all persons sillier- 1 1 flow'rv' ing from a like oomplaint. 1 will; m arena , " 1 answer any inquiries regarding it when ; ' r,!V,:' or"!","1 ""' "re ex0DHnKe lor I nffiml ha to my reliability. Wm. Kon h, b.. -eopyrit'hti, nd eunuc he bd lnCHKAP : t u ur;n,rn- i. t..... jFOKM. , .. INSTRUMENTAL. 'at Kvkntide. Nuctnriic for pinno, Mar cub ' brilliant Noetnme, a'H-nt iRjVI, revyrie for piano, U EVEB&REEH TREE ! WITHOUT COST. v,'i" "end you by mail jtrtt-iaid one Mnali ? evcrLT4't'ii tr-e r-dajod to your clfuiatc, with intttrtj'-tioiiH lor planting and earintr fir It, tKvUtr wit'i mr compb-t' llm of Nurnery Htoi-k. If you will cut out thin advrfiNi-rnenf, mark on it trie mi me of this pitper, and tell how many and wlnt kind of tree and plant you would like to purchase, and when im wwh to plant them. V. tj will quoto you lower phew on the utock you want than havo ever been oirrtd you. Write at ou;e. KVERfJRKKN NDiKHIKH, ' Xi w,'Vr?f.:-?r. iri J()lfN WKUl)KKIii;iiN, ( i v. o. iiox, ;ihu. kn. Man.. WitHliinutou, I). 0. The For 1.1 w Liitior, Opium an CJUI'O Ox 1 Tobacco Habits -OK- It In lorateit at HaU'in, Ort'K'J". The Mint Hntutiful Town on the. Count. Call nl the IUZKTIK office tor parllrnlara. Htrlelly coiilideiitial. 'rroatnuuit irlvKteaii'l "ro iMir,;. NOTARY PUSLIC K CHNVFYAMOR ,.. d b...rc...s o-j h..- u,,, uud U. .he j ' o. P. lW.' 1 : ;'ic-t etylr- f !. . , ' - J