Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 25, 1894, Image 3

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    Notice to Aduerti8ers.
'TpilOSE deslrina; the Insertion of display ads ,
M. or change of same, must get their copy In
not later than Monday evening for Tuesday's
edition, or Thursday evening for Friday's edi
tion. Tin Patterson Publishing Co.
Take Notice.
..hVJSi ' Te oenn per line will be
SSSS'-JSTr. cfrdi.?f than1"'" "resolutions of
?,i,i't,0'.edd,lnPre8lnt, ni donors,
i?125iry er than those the edlt-
ISEr hlmelf,lve as a matter of news,) and
otosol special meetings for whatever purpose.
'. 7 y""'"" "u aocieiy ano another
entoinmenu from which revenue is to be de-
eents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to In every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
We hOld ennh RnH I'Voi-ir m,nnnjnn,
ponsible for bis or her communication. No
wiiX. i . , P"D'nea unless the
K81 name h "'sued as an evidence of
iroou faith.
, J tr "!! Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
'ban Iraucisco, is onr authorized agent. This
japet la kept on file in his office.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday.
A rrives every day at 6 p. m except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
o, n, v. . B- A- HUNSAKEK, Prop.
PhlU (John, Agent.
Removal Notice.
G. I). Tedrowe desires to Inform the public
that he has removed to the City Hotel stand,
where he will still keep the best brands of
Liquors and Cigars.
Gambrlnus Beer on tap. Served in largeBt
sized mugs. G. B. TEDROWE, Prop.
Here and There.
Subsoribe tor the Gazette.
H. Padberg was up from below Satur
day. Miss Etlie Fields is buck from Baker
Mrs. 8. F. Oarrign.es returned Tuesday
from Milton.
Beck Bros.took out big loads of sup
plies Sunday.
Charley Johuson, of Lexington, was
up Saturday.
8taoy Roberta was over Saturday from
Eight Mile.
Bev. M. Brambletwas overfromlLone
Koek last week.
Tom Barnett, of Lexington, was with
us yesterday.
Q. F. Roberts, the traveling man, was
in town late last week.
Ralph Dittenhoefer, of Spokane, was
in town over Sunday.
Felix Johnson and wife were in from
Butter creek yesterday.
Ed Holland says he has a thirty-day
run yet with his thresher.
Jas Jones and Q B. Tedrowe expect
to take in the Fossil races.
For thoroughbred Brown Leghorn
chickens oil on W. W. Smead.
The Ling Creek raoes were very sua
oessiul, judging from reports.
Case Fuq.ua and Dallas Xampman were
over from Eight Mile Saturday.
Bill Qosney will have 2,000 bu. of
barley up on his mountain ranch,
A stitob in time. Take Simmoue
Liver Regulator to prevent sickness.
Fry Wilson came iu Sunday and to
day left for bis borne at Monument.
Sam and Will Leezer will shortly open
up a grocery store in the Ayers oorner.
T. W. Ayers; Jr., sells school books at
a great reduction in price, for cash
only. 62-tf.
Sunday Albert Ayers and wife and
Mies Jennie Hale returned from Malheur
Word cauie dowu from Athena that
Aaron Royse reoently diedsuddenly near
that place.
J. A. Patterson's brnther-in-law, Mr.
Bennett, is over from Umatilla visiting
the folks.
Eagle: Henry Blackwell returned
Wednesday from a trip to Heppner and
Pry Wilson has moved the old home
residence down to bis present borne near
the river.
That dead man story didn't work this
time. Coroner Ayers went aut to find u
dead man lust week.
Photographs $1.50 pet dozen at Sbep
pard's gallery, near opera bouse, noith
Main St., Heppner, Ore. 26tt.
The Oregon grand lodge of the Knights
of Pythias will be held in the oity ol
Portland Ootober 9, 10 and 11.
The strawburniug stove advertised in
the Gazette is a complete success. Gil
liam & Bisbee, Gen'l Agents. tf.
Joe Luokman says tbat A. Smith, who
worked for him for a long time, has ar
rived at his old home in England.
Died On Sept. 15, '94, on Eight
Mile, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Mike fjweareogen, aged two weeks
Mrs. John C.Brown, of Black- Horse, left
with us Saturday the finest ear of white
corn we have seen thus fur this year.
Salem Journal: Miss Ida Shulse,
daughter of Rev. Sbulse, who has been
ill for a loun time, is improving in health.
Chas. Jones has oharge of GreeD
Mathews' shaving parlors during the
latter's sojourn iu the oouutry. Call ou
Born-On Sept., 19 '94 on Eight Mile,
to the wife of Mr. C. E. Jones, an eleven
pound boy. Eight Mile against the
Fred Eaton, of Walla Walla, was in
fnwn Saturday. He will soon have a
steam thresher in operation dowu in the
lone oountry.
Our readers will please Dotioe thai Ed.
lay 's band of flue SpBnish-Merino hoots
are soon to be on salo dowu at Thus.
Morgan's. See ad.
Mrs. Mary Sherman, sister of Dave
McAtee, holds au important position iu
the Spokane postoffice. We are gliid in
deed to hear of her suooess.
J. F. Spray, of the Liberty Meat
Market, is now selling meat cheaper than
auy shop in Eastern Oregou, He offers
big discounts for cash. 65 tf
Barney Baruett was hurt over at the
Monument bridge abont two week ago
nod osme in Sunday with Pry Wilson.
Barnett had a narrow escape.
Rip Van Winkle is back from the
Monument bridge, having quit work
IhriK U. think that it will take two
nio'iiuH yet to oomplete the strnotnre.
Our prodiotiona in last isu id regard
tn the tinman rMni'i tnnd ont in
Spring boiiw pr. v-d to h correct. We
cxnuot tbvrt-t 're r-sle mir readers with
any story nf iit.-odtliirstioea. unparallel
ed iu tieLuir; Morrow o -uoy,
Yesterday ti B. Hatt was arrested over
the barber shop difficulty mentioned re
cently, on complaint of Hiok Mathews,
charging him with breaking into a build
ing and also with taking property there
from. The trial has been in progress be
fore Justice Freeland since yesterday
afternoon. About 8:30 this afternoon
Judge Freeland deoided to hold defend
ant in the sum of $250 in each of the
two cases. Bail was furnished.
The Webfoot Planter, a Portland peri
odical devoted to the interests of farm
ers, stock raisers, orohardists, bee-keepers
and poultry raisers, will be seut free of
charge for one year to all those who pay
up all arrearages and one year in ad
vance, or to all new subscribers to the
Gazette. This offer is made for a limited
time. Those who desire the paper must
mention it when they settle their ac
counts. The regular subscription price of the
Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and the
regular price of the Weekly Oregonian
is $1.50. Any one subscribing for the
Gazette and paying for one year in
advance can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for $3. All old sub
scribers paying their subscriptions for
one year in adyanoe will be entitled to
the same.
A house in Arlington belonging to
Arthur Coffin and oocupied by Mr. Bar
foot was destroyed by Are last Saturday
morning (15th), about 1 o'olook. It was
evidently of incendiary origin, as it started
in an outhouse. Mr. Coffin's loss is
$1,500, insured for $1,000, and Mr. Bar
foot lost olotbiog aud furniture valued
at $350. Chroniole
Ayer's Sarsaparilla does what un other
blood medicine in existence can do. It
searches ont all the impurities in tbe
system and expels them harmlessly
through the proper ohannels. This is
why Ayer's Sarsaparilla is so pre-eminently
effective as a remedy for rheuma
tism. "
Eagle: Jack Parker who killed Bud
Howard at Burns, we understand, is now
out under $1,000 bonds to appear before
the next meeting of the grand jury of
Harney connty From the the faot that
this is a very light bond we surmise that
tbe evidenoe of murder is not very strong
against tbe boy.
Chas. Cunningham will have at the
James Jones ranch a band of Mis Frenob
and American Merino and Oxford
graded Books. All wool growers who are
interested in improving tbeir bands will
have a obanoe to see a splendid band of
bucks after tbe 1st of October. 60 tf.
Under Judge Bellinger's decision thoss
Indians of tbe Umatilla reservation who
have taken lands are entitled to buy fire
water tbe same ae white men, bo just now
tbe justioe courts of Pendleton are kept
pretty busy and there is a falling off of
federal court business.
To eradicate tbe poisons wbioh pro
duce fever and ague, take Ayer's Ague
Cure. It cures without leaving any
injurious effect upon tbe system, and is
tbe only medicine in existence which
may be considered an absolute antidote
for malaria.
Donald McKay, of Pendleton, is re
ported 88 haying died up on tbe Yakima
reservation . He was a morphine habi
tue and breaking the needle of his hy
podermic syringe, was unable to inject
the drug under the skin, deatb resulting
Eagle: "Sandy" Hancock has been
informed by physioians and others tbat
a small sore which has been forming on
his upper lip for about one year, is a
oanoer. He intends going to Portland
soon where he can have it treated.
Chronicle ; A dinpatoh from Oakland,
Oregon, brings tbe sad news of the
death of our old townsman, James A.
Varney, at tbat place at midnight last
night. We understand the remains will
be brought here for interment.
Died Yesterday of cholera infantum,
the baby sod of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duun,
aged three months. The interment oc
curred today in the Heppner cemetery.
The bereaved parents have the sympathy
of the entire community.
Geo. W. Wells and J. S. Buseiok,
under tbe firm name of Wells & Co., are
buying aud selling grain of all kinds
next door to the Gazette office. They
pay the highest market price, and will
buy in any quantities. 6'J-tf.
Gid Hatt has purohased the barber
shop on the Matlock corner from A. U
Carle, where his old friends and custom
ers will find him. Shaves, shampoos
and haircuts on short notice and in tbe
highest style of the art.
Eagle: Dr. B.F. Vanghan, resident
dentist of Heppner, arrived m this city
last Wednesday evening in company
with Orin L. Patterson, who returned
from a business trip of several weeks.
Dr. B. F. Vanghan, the resident
dentist has purchased n first class
remedy for the painless extraction of
teeth. Those desiring hret class work
in his line Bbould give bim a call.
Yesterday Johnny Crlsman, Dan Mor.
row and Jaok Reoord. aooompanied by
Jas. Bradley and Frank Thomas who
bave been working on the Monument
bridge, arrived with wool.
Murrow county's tax levy for the cur
rent year, twelve mills for county pur
poses and five mills for school purposes,
ib all that the people can bear under the
present oiroumstnnoes.
If vou owe the Gaaette you must ex
pect that pay will be demanded. We
need our money, and don't expect to
Wrow under the ciroumstanccs. Come,
give us a lift.
.T. B. Natter has reopened the Brewery
Saloon, keeping on tap at all times tbe
best beer on the rnoinc ooast. Also on
bands tbe best brands of liquors, wines
and cigars. otitr.
Tbe Monument bridge is progressing
slowly, most of tbe workman having
quit recently. Hie manager was com
pelled to send to Portland for anew foroe
A person is prematurely old when
baldness oocnrs before the forty-fifth
year. Use Hall's Hair Renewer to keep
the scalp healthy and prevent baldness.
The Dalles Chroniole: Mrs. Charles
Johnston is at Heppner and is reported
as being very sick. (We do not know of
the illness nf any person by that name.)
Doug. Belts will be in from Pilot
Rock on or about Oct. 8, 1894. with b
ohoioe lot of buoks which be will sell at
the lowest possible figures. 67-tf.
Illieninatic Pains Cared.
"1 had severe pains in my knee which
was very much ewoolen. For several
days I oonld not move my leg in bed.
I sent for Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's
Vegetable Pills and began taking tbem
and in two days I got out and oould
walk. 1 feel it my duty to give my
testimony fur t tie benefit I received from
Hood's ; Sarsaparilla." Mrs. B. J. Kelso,
Lawen, Ore.
Hood's Fills cure indigeition.
The wheat situation gets no better.
Tbe orop in the United States is con
siderably below the average, due to
many canned, the prinoipal one of whioh
is the remarkably dry and hot weather
of the western utaten. Yet tbe low crop
' conditions are uo benefit to prices. A
low yield is followed by tbe lowest
prioes ever known in this oountry. The
crop iu Europe 13 hardly up to tbe
Mm. Viola Emery
Indigestion, Cramps
In the stomach. dvsneDSin and catarrh of the
bowels, caused my wife greatsuffering. She has
been taking Hood's Sarsaparilla aud now has
none of these symptoms,
has Improved In looks
and weight I have also Wk V
taken Hood's Sarsapa-
rllla for Scrofula and 3rnerl Debility
with much benefit. Iam satisfied Hood's Kur.s
parllla Is a splendid tonic ftnd Mood purifier
Herman P. Emery, 34S sixth St., Portland, Ore
Hood '8 Pills "ire all Liver Ills, Biliousness.
average, yet tbe enormous inorease of
tbe Argentine has served to make up
for all deficiencies, and still leave tbe
world with a surplus. This country
will have wheat to ship but as the world
does not need all that is grown, tbe
question as to who is to sell is determined
by the answer of tbe other question,
who will sell for the smallest price. Our
farmers are iu competition with tbe
world, and tbe price is such that unless
cheaper means of getting their prod note
to tbe world's markets can be found,
they will have to go out of the business
of wheat raising. At 30 cents a bushel
there is nothing in it, and the prospect
of its bringing more are decidedly dis
oouraging. It is simply a question of
wbo can put tbe grain in the European
market the more cheaply. As far as the
Paoitio ooast is concerned, Argentine has
much the better of us in the matter of
transportation, for her wheat oan be
laid down in Liverpool for less than
half the freight rates tbat we must pay
from Portlatd or San Franolsco, Be
sides the Argentine is a rioh prairie
country, through wbioh railroads oan be
built at a minimum price, labor is cheap
and all tbe elements combine to put ber
grain growers in a position to undersell
us, and still make handsome profits.
Argentine will have iu the neighborhood
of 100,000,000 bushels to export neat
spring, ber crop ripening in January,
and she is now shippingaorop of 77,900,-
000 bushels. From all of which it will
be seen that tbe wheat outlook is
deoidedly bad. The Dalles Chronicle.
Loss of (1,000,000,000, the Largest Confla
gration Since 187H Three Men
Perished in the Flames.
From The Oregonian.
Fire at tbe Alhina terminal grounds
Sunday destroyed the Pacific ooast wheat
elevator, warehouse and oontents, the
railroad coal-bunkers aud contents, a
vaststretoh of wharves, 60 or more freight
cars and wheat contents, a number of
cars containing a part of the great plant
of the Portland General Electric Com
pany, about four miles of railroad track
age, and tbe river steamer Willamette
Chief. The conflagration consumed in
round numbers $1,000,000 worth of prop
erty, though it is not possible at this
time to give accurate estimates. It was
pretty fully coveted by insurance. The
fire department oould do little or nothing
to stay the progress of the flames, and
they completely devoured everything in
tbeir path, an i subsided only from laok
of material. It is supposed tbat three
lives of workmen at the elevator were
lost, Anderson, Murray aud Browu. Tbe
origin of tbe conflagration is not definite
ly known. The disaster was altogether
tbe most serious tbat has visited Port
land sinoe the great fire of 1872,
AnorTS thk Cash System. After Oct.
1. 1804, E. ;J. blocum will sell goods for
striotly cash. There will be no discrim
ination in any respect, and customers
will be benefitted thereby. 67-tf.
Fine Fruit fob Sale. I will sell all
kinds of fruit for lo. per pound, exoept
peaches, those for l'a'o per pound. Grain
or spring oalves taken in exobango for
fruit at the market price.
6l'-0 O. F. Thompson.
Notice to G. A. B. Veterans. Ou the
last Saturday in September, the 20tb
lust., Rawlins Post, G. A. K., of Lexing
ton, will meet in Matlock's hall, Hepp
ner. Also at same date tbe W. R. C, of
tbe same post, meets on above date.
Members of both are invited to be pres
ent. 67 0.
Sad Death. A week ago lust Mon
day, Nobe Bayer, a well known and high
ly respeoted young man, jumped off a
threshing machine with which be was
employed out in tbe Eight Mile country,
striking the handle of a pitchfork, pene
trating Lis body for a foot or more. He
was a lare man and strrjek tbe handle
of tbe fork with terrible foroe, We are
Informed by W. A. Kiddle that be died
tbe following Wednesday.
Uaoisn-Glabkb. Ou Saturday even
ing, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
t'ass Matlock, Dr. E. T. Gagen and Miss
Geraldine Clarke were uuiied in marriage
by the Rev. W. E. Pot wine, rector of the
Church of the Redeemer. The bride is
a niece of Senator W. F. Matlock and C.
J. Matlock and the groom is a Drnotioing
physician residiag at Heppner. They
left on the Sunday morning train for the
East un an extended visit. E. O.
One horse branded M S. Finder will
plee return to George M. Masainger,
in the mouutaius, or to A. Abrabammck,
Heppner, Or., and receive suitable
reward. There are other 1 rands on the
animal besides the one mentioned, but
tbe writer csuuot describe th"".
Will reign supreme amoug the residents of Morrow and adjoining Cu's
Tbey Catch onto a few important tacts, one of wbioh they must and will know
on reading this Ad. When they learn of the
Of General Merchandise taking plaoe at
McFarland Mercantile Co.'s Mammoth
Retail Store !
Tbey will make a "bee line" for it at a "Nancy Hanks" gait.
MoFarland Mercantile Co., of Heppner, selling out at cost ? Yes, we offer our
whole stook at lowest wholesale prioea, for CASH ONLY, in order to
be ready tor our Fall purohases. These goods are all New,
Clean, FiiBt-Claes Articles and bought in tbe
best markets in tbe United States.
We wish to exchange them for your money.
A Chance of a Life Time to Buy Goods
At Cost or Lower !
Dress Goods, White Goods, Linens, Embroderies, Handkerchiefs, Towels,
Infants Caps, Bonnets and Cloaks, Corsets, Kid Gloves, Silk Gloves and Mitta,
Flannels, blankets. Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Knit Goods, Silks Satins, Velvets,
Riding Gloves, Black and Colored Hose, Dress Linings, Stays, Silk Thread and
Twist, Knitting Yarns, Saxony Yarns, Fancy Goods, etc.
Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slippers,
At prices never thought of, Call and see.
One hundred pairs child's heavy lace shoes
Overshirts, Gloves, etc.. Boots, Shoes, Kubbers, Hats, (Japs, untterwear, WDite
Shirts, Silk Neckwear, Hosiery, Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Razors, Table and Pocket
Cutlery, Silver Plated Ware (knives, forks and spoons) Carving Sets, Trunks, Va
lises, etc.
Our whole store will
Counter During
A Full Stook of Hardware. Cook and
Pails, Pans, Cooking Uteosile, Coffee Pots, Tea Pots, Stove Boilers, Wash Tubs,
Brooms, Brushes, Graniteware, Bolts and Washers, Plow Single Trees, Carpenter
Tools, (all kinds) Garden Tools, Roof Plates, Stove Pipe, Nails, Horse Shoes. Bar
Iron, Blasting Powder, Hanging and Stand Lamps, G'assware, Crookery, T'.ilet
Sets, Stone Jars, Lamp Chimnevs, Lantern Globles, Lanterns, Wicks, Oliver
Chilled Plows, Gang Plows, HBy Bakes Mowers, Mitchell Wagons, Hacks, Bnok
Boards, Carts, Harrows, Seed Drills, at oost
and Harness, Rifles and Shot Guns, etc.
Come in and make your selections before
money by buying at our store, A full line
of this sale.
Country trade solicited. It will pay yon to travel hundreds of miles to lay In
your supplies at our prices. Don't let friendship for any firm cause you to tax
yourself these bard times. Mail orders
No trouble to show goods.
This Clearanoe Sale is now in full blast.
It is the Headquarters !
palnta. Drugs Oils. Olasa. Toi
let Artloea. l3utent Merllolnea.
Ofjice of all stages running
for Infants
Cai torla Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as Btiperiortoany preneriptiun
known to me." IT. A. Aether, M. I).,
Ill So. Orford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"The use of 'C&fitoria, Is ho unlrrrwil and
it merita bo well known that it nwnm a work
of wipererofjation to endorse it. Few ar the
intelligent families who do not keep Costoria
within easy reach."
Carloh Mahttx, I). I).,
New York City.
Tub Centaur
3. POLICED Solis.
UI9 1I7S
Vou ens se monry br purcbaalof W. L
JJouaiaa fchoeft.
Because, we are the largefct ruannfacturers of
adverlisea shoes in tbe world, and guarantee,
the value by stamping the name ana price on
the bottom, which protects you against high
prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes
equal custom work In style, easy fitting and
wearing qualities. We bave them sold every,
where at lower prices for the value given than
anyolhermake. Take no substitute. If your
dealer cannot supply you, we can. bold by
luler whose name will shortly ap
pearing. Agcut wanted. Applyitonce
f V7 .... .
V fc- 1 "J ' ' UI lo-i uuut.
, t.tu. dtri
1.1 rtM-
way down. Men's and Boy's Clothing,
be a Big Bargain
the coming Fall
Heating Stoves. Tinware, Bnokets, Milk
until present stook is sold. Baddies
the assortment is broken. Save your
of Groceries at out priocs, until close
carefully filled. Call and be convinced;
run i)
out of Heppner.
PHIL. COHN, Proprietor.
and Children.
Cat tori a cures Colic, Constipation,
Bout Stomach, Itiarrhwa, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sloep, and promotes di
gestion, Wfthuut Injurious medication.
"For several years I hav recommended
your 'Castono,' and Bhall always continue to
do bo as it has invariably produced beneficial
KnwiN F. Fardeic, M. D.
135th Street and 7th Ave., New York City,
Company, 77 Mi brat fVnticrr, New Yore City.
Next Beaaion beijins the 17th of Sep
tember, 1MI4.
Tuition, free. Board, 82.50 a week.
Five oonrsea; Claasical, Sciebtifb,
Literary, Ktitfliab and Btiaiueas.
The il'urliiig Hall for young Indies
and the K'mrditiu; Hall for young, uentle
raen will be nriiler tlie pfraonal Htipervi
sion of Mrs. Mnnra, a lady of refinement
and lare experience. For Catalogues1,
addrepH J. J. Walton,
53-71. Keoy. Koifenta.
ArIS w'" IM'n '"" by mnH Titi alftiinp sniali
TT evTKr?pn tree a'lapten to yur i.-lfmate,
with lustrtif-tlons for planting; and earlriK for It,
together with our complete list of Nursery
Btock. If you will (rut out this advertisement,
mark on it the name of this paper, and tell how
manvandwhst kind of trees and plants vou
would like to purchase, and when you wish to
plant thern.
We will quote you lower prices on the stoek
you want ihan have ever been ottered you.
write at odoc.
I'rrnrrerrir luor' ,
Has the reputation of being the
Lightest Running,
Least Wear,
Fewer Repairs,
of any machine in the market.
After a thorough test of the
credit system, wehaveconclud
ed to change to net cash. On
and after Aug. I, '94, we will
sell to one and all for
Of whut heretofore bad to be obarged for iiDoolleotable acoounts. This is no
refleolioD on you, but is a plain business statement. We oan afford
to sell at lower prices in this nay.
Jo Favorites
Xo Bod rett
For Sale-
1 OsCM Quarter
.Sheepmen will liuil it to tbeir interest to inspect my Kama before buying
elaewbere. I ensure tbem to be sound and in exoeptional fine oondition for
I bave taken great pains and went to muoh expense to meet tbe growing
demand for this olass of sheep, and will sell them to
Come and See Them and be Convinced.
For further purtioulara address me
farm six miles south of Pilot Itook, Ore.
State Normal School,
fVIK FIKKT TKRM MWINH THIS IIKD OF HKI'T, 181M. Tuition per term Iu Elementary
J Course, ?4..t0; Regular Uourno, ..50; BuBlneita Courgo, 5.00; to those iu tho Senior Clasi
pledged to teach, frue.
flood board aud lodging In private families, $: fiOper week or roomi
III? at a very reaMonHhlo rent for thone who may desire to board thorn
Helves, hut all students, no matter how they hoard, will he under the immediat care of the faculty,
(.radinitos of the Normal receive Htate Diplomas. I. A. WOKTHINUTON,
Nov. 1. tfuc'y of Regents.
Land Patents
Laud jmtontH tiucural for sottloi'B in the oliortoHt poBHiblc tinio.
Contested Cases
Contented casea intelligently and skillfully bandied.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
Between individuals having oonlliotiug olaimB under the aKriou.ltt.rBl land
laws, and those between oluimnuts under the Mineral Lawa and agrioriltural
claimants; aud hIho between olitimantH tinder any of the public land laws and the
Kuilroad oompanies and their urmitci , and the stateB and tbeir grantees, under
tl; Swsmp-Land and Hohnol-Lniid (Irauls.
Hprclnlty made of securing pBlente in the shortest poesible time for settlers
whohave complied with the laws under which tbeir entries were made, and who
are aunoyed and worried by delays in tbe issue of their patents, oaOBed by Trifling
Irregularities whioh can he easily aud speedily removed.
Advice alno given iu all matters relating t the publio lands, especially on
points arising under the new laws whioh have been reoently passed providing for
the dispoeal of tbe public domain.
If you want your land patent in a hurry if you want your land business, of
any character, attended to by skillful and onmpeteut attorneya, and promptly dis
posed of, write to
John Wkudkkisurn, Gkn. Man.,
I'. O. Hoi, :iS5. Washington, U. 0.
h -Keeley Institute
is Pa
& Bisbee,
Of Plan!
rW . 0'.V
at PILOT BOCK, OUE., or oall at my
For the Cure Oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
I It Is located at Salem, Oregou,
' The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Oazktte office lor particulars.
! Rtrlctlyuontldentiat. Treatment private aud sure
I cure.