Notice to Advertisers. THOSE deal ring the insertion of display ads or change ol same, must pet tlieir copy in not later than Monday evening for Tuesday's edition, or Thursday evening for Friday's edi tion. Tim Patterson Publishing Co. Take Notice. 1. The sum of five centa per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary noticea, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose i. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cent a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will lie published unless the writers real name is signed as an evidence of good faith. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8 . ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange, paper is kept on file in his oltice. This Oive your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. TIME TABLE. 'Htafte for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek, John Day and Canyon City, leaves an follow 6 ; Every day at 6 a. m., except Hunday. Arrlveneveryday at 6 p. m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and bent line to or from the interior country. B. A. HUNSAKER, Prop. Phill Colin. Agent. Palace Hotel Bar! Keeps the finest Liquors and Cigars to be omul in the city. Gamlirlnus Beer on tap. Served in largest izeil niugB. G. B. TEDROWE, Prop. Here and There. Subscribe lor the Oazette. Advertising pays in the Gazette. Mrs. 0. W. Gilhousen is much better. Frank Whetstone is back from Pendle ton. Newt. Griflith is qnite ill with rheuma tism. Oscar Minor is taking in the state tair this week. Andrew Tillard was Batter creek. Married-At the City hotel, on last Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, in the presence of a few invited guests, by Rev. irank Adkms. of Ibis city, Mr. A. W. Moore, of Lone Hock, and Mice Kate Latin, of Iowa. Mr. Moore is a nephew of Mr. Brown, of Lone Kook, and lately came from Iowa. He was joiued Satur day morning by his bride, she having just arrived from Iowa. Both are most estimable young people, and the Gazette has none but the best wishes for their future welfare. They departed Sunday morning for Lone Kock and will teaoh school at that place this fall. Last year Al Roberts brought on some Iowa "yaller" Held corn, and one of the ears was given to Frank Gentry? oHruroay jii. jj. Matlock presented this office with a stalk that looked like genuine old-fashioned oorn, taken from Mr. Gentry's place ou Black Horse. Suoh oorn ought to prove a profit able orop here. The Gazette's editor was raised in a corn field and is proud of it. There's nothing that fills the place of hog, hominy and corn-bread, and for feed, both fodder and corn, it is bard to beat. Some smart boys, who live not a thousand miles from the Gazette's borne ranch, took a oouple of green musk melons out of our garden Sunday night. Not long since some low-lived vandal took a garden rake without our per mission, and up to date he is not through with it. Further intrusions on onr premises will be made with-some risk, as we propose to pitoh lead at the first one we catch where be has no business, and will pitch it to hurt, too. Ohroniole: Judge Gordon E. Hayes, of Olackbmas county, and Toll Thompson, speoial agent of the State InsnranoeCo., who were arrested for foroing a Mrs. Metcher to sign a release of olBims for damages on aocount of fire on a polioy issued by the State, had their prelimi nary examination in Portland, and yes terday were discharged, the court finding nn evidence agaiust them, and that the oharge was a "trumped up one. The Webfoot Planter, a Portland peri odical devoted to the interests of farm ers, stockraisers, orobardists, bee-keepers and poultry raisers, will be sent free of oharge for one year to all those who pay up all arrearages and one year in ad vance, or to all new subscribers to the Gazette. This offer is made for a limited time. Those who desire the paper must mention it when they settle their ac in Saturday from Mrs. Ensign K. Smith Etna, CaL Like Other Women I have suffered for 25 years with a complication of troubles, with continuous, almost unbeara ble pain in my back. The Gtip also prostra- Sarsa-parilla Hood's ted me. But Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured n nf all nv trmihlo. and I cannot sneak too f highly of it. Mas. E.R.Smith, Box 50 Etna. Cal. Cures Hood's Pills f" headache and Indigestion. Adopts the Cash System. After Oot. 1. 1894, E. G. Slocutn will sell goods for strictly oasb. There will be no discrim ination in any respect, and customers will be benefitted thereby. 70-tf. HE Jl I F I 1ST E S JS Will reign supreme among the residents of Morrow and adjoining Go's They catch onto a few important faots, one of whioh they must and will know on reading this Ad. When they learn of the GRAND CLEARANCE SALE Of General Merchandise taking plaoe at McFarland Mercantile Co.'s Mammoth Retail Store ! Tbey will make a "bee line" for it at a "Nancy Hanks" gait. WHAT ? MnFarlanrl Mercantile Co.. of HeDDner. selling ont at cost ? Yes, we ofler onr whole stock at lowest wholesale prices, for CASH ONLY, in order to be reedy for onr Fall purchases. These goods are all New, Clean, Fiist-Class Articles and bought in the best markets in the United States. We wish to exchange them for your money. A Chance of a Life Time to Buy Goods At Cost or Lower ! TBI STANMRDMOWER! Has the reputation of being the Lightest Running, Least Wear, Fewer Repairs, of any machine in the market. FOE SALE BTT Gilliam & Bisbee, IIBPFJIBIl, OH. Fine Fiiurr fob Sale. I will sell all kinds of frnit for lo, per pound, except peaches, them for ljjo per pound. Grain or spring calves taken in exchange for frnit at the market price. 62-0 O. F. Thompson. Ben Patterson has returned to Forest Grove to attend college. Henry Blackwell left this morning for his home in Fox valley, Waldron Rhea oame in from Pendle ton Hunday morning. For water brash and sour stomaoh take Simmons Liver Regulator. For thoroughbred Brown Leghorn chickens call on W. W. Smead. C. G. Roberts, The Dalles woolbuyer is here again looking after business. Mrs. Mollie Crawford, of Pendleton, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Andy Steven eon. August Charlston, of Gooseberry, re ports his orop an average of 25 bu. per sore. T. W. Ayere; Jr., sells school books at a great reduction in p'rioe, for cash only. t2-tt. Mrs. E. Dilsaver departed last even ing for her home at Leon, Decatur Co., Iowa. Hood's Pflls are the beet after-dinner pills, Bssist digestion, prevent consti pation. W. L. Baling wns in Satarday from the harvest field whioh he has left for the season. For health and happiness, the boon of all mankind, take Simmons Liver Regu lator. Mrs. J. M. Bentley, sister of Mrs. A. S. Wells arrived Sunday morning from Pendleton. F. J. H. Manning, special agent of the Palatine Ins. Co.. was in Heppner over Friday last. J. M. Pedigo. of Fine City, left his measure last Monday at our office for the Long Creek Eagle. Photographs $1.50 pel dozen at Sbep pard's gallery, near opera bouse, north Main St., Heppner, Ore. 26tf. Thad. Armstrong and wife were in Saturday from Alpine, visiting their daughter, Mrs. Bert Simons. We are informed that the prize drawn in a lottery by Geo. D. Fell is his own and not the property of the club. Miss Julia Hart writes tbe borne folks hot olio nrriverl safelv at Boston, and is now busily engaged Bt her studies. One of our soribblers saw some native grass yesterday 36 feet long. It grew on Oscar Minor's place, near Heppner. Ja. and Albert Willis were in town Saturday, having lBid their thresher up a day or two on account of wet weather. J. A Borie, general superintendent of the 0. R. & N., oame in this morning in his private oar and remains till this even ing. Chas. Jones has oharge of Green Mathews' shaving parlors during the latter's sojourn in the oountry. Call on him, Geo. Harrington and son, Homer, re turned Saturday morning from Oregon City. George's mother be reports yery low. n ii i?nViarta nf The Dalles, is buy ing some wool here occasionally. We r informed that he purohased a clip last Friday. Mrs. Geo. D. Fell, Mrs. Jerry Cohn and Willie Cowins were passengers on this morning's up train, having down to Portland. Our readers will please notice that Ed. Day's band of fine Spanisb-Mermo boors are soon to be on sale down at Thee. Morgan's. See ad. J F. 8pray, of the Liberty Meat Market, is now selling meat cheaper than any shop in Eastern Oregon, He offers big discounts for cash. 00 " O L. Patterson returned from Wen atchee, Wash.. Sunday morning, and today in company with Dr. B F. Vaugban left for Long Creek. W. A. Johnston and family and A. W. Patterson left on last night s train for Portland and Salem. Tbe former go below for pleasure and a vacation while the latter is down on business. Chronicle: Captain John W. Lewis i, irnm Daw e and that ..: i nmn Inst n ffbt. He tells ns h attended tbe funeral of Emil fk'bmz at Canyonville. tu. n..t P,,ntv News says tbBt i L . i.. wife was totally .Minn mii'i'".', - .. -.j -l. ... ... n,,inn iwiuniv recently, and he himself dangernnsly cut with a knife viae formerly resident ..f Fox Valley. Notice to G. A. R. Veterans. On the last Saturday in September, the 2!)th inst., Rawlins Post, G. A. R., of Lexing ton, will meet in Matlook's ball, Hepp ner. Also at same date the W, R. C, of the same post, meets on above date. Members of both are invited to be pres ent. 7U-3. D. W. Small, a brother-in-law of J. W. Dawson, passed through town late last week with a lot of mules and horses, enronte to Fort Bragg, Calif., where he has a contract on the railroad under con struction by G. W. Hunt. Mr. Small is an old resident of Walla Walla, at one time being well-to-do and owning some of tbe best property in that city. Walt Silvertooth is over from Antelope. He has disposed of bis business there, as the drug trade was rather light. He makes the complaint that the road be tween Heppner and Antelope should have some sign boards, as it is at present bard to keep the right road, owing to the number of cross-roads here and there. John Muldrick and Mies Jennie Wood, of Canyon City, passed through town last week, leaving for Monmouth Friday evenincr whero Miss Wood will attend school. He speaks very highly of the staee line from Canvou City to Hepp ner, and says it is the best route by odds to the railroad from that locality, Sufferers from dyspepsia have ouly themselves to blame if tbey fail tn test tbe wonderful curativequalitiesof Ayer's Sarsaparilla. In purifying the blood, this medicine strengthens every organ in the body, and even the most abused stomaoh is soon restored to healthy ao tiou. Word oame up this morning notifying the people of Heppner of thedeath of Chas. McFarland, last evenibg at Arlington. He has been siok for some time with stomach trouble, but bis deBth is a surprise to his frieuds here as they had not heard of his serious illness. The John Murphy shot in Eagle val ley. Union county, and whose wife was fatally wounded at tbe same time, for merly resided in Fox valley, Grant ooun ty. He has numerous relatives there, and was not considered a quarrelsome man in the least. If yon have sick or nervous headache, take Aver' a Cathartio Pills. They will cleanse tbe stomach, restore heBlthy ao tion to the digestive organs, remove effete matter (the presence of which depresses tbe nerves aud brain), uud thus give speedy relief. Some barber fixtures and furniture in Hick Mathews' shop were claimed by Gid Hatt. Hick looked Bt the matter differently. Sunday night Gid got the property. Tbe whole will doubtless eod in legal complications before the matter is settled. Down at Jordan's rauoh, near Tone, a bop field of twelve acres is doing well. Tbe crop this year will not be gathered as the owner was not prepared to harvest it We think that hops- ought to do well here, and usually it is a profitable crop. Sheriff Hnuser of Umatilla county ar rived from Prineville recently, haviug in charge Charley Mesplie, who is charged with stealing a horse. Charley was en gaped in herding sheep in the Ochoco mountains when tbe sheriff found bim. Gid Hatt has purchased the barber shop on tbe Matlock corner from A, C. Carle, where his old friends and custom ers will find bim. Shaves, shampoos and haircuts on short notice and in tbe behest style of the art. Last Saturday evening Mr. H. McFar land and wife departed for their new home in southern California. Quite a crowd of friends were at the depot on their departure to bid them farewell. Tr R. F. Vanuhan. the resident .tUt ), Durohased Dr. Rowland's fnr the Dainlefs extraction of teeth. Those desiring first class in his line should give him a call. E. 0 : Mrs. J. M. Bentley has gone to rjnor tn RttHnrl the wedding of (ieo W. Wells, ex-deputy connty clerk of Urrnw nonntv for fonr years, ine marriage occurs Wednesday. E. O.: 3. R. Reeves, of La Grande, is here arranging to open a boarding honse snnn. He is well known here and has already been made welcome as b pros pective l'enrlletouian. If vnn nw the Gazette you must ex pect that pay will be demanded, vve Deed onr money, anu uou i ini- ,u borrow under tbe circumstances. Come, give us a lift. Herald : Oriu L Pattersou, the Long Creek Eagle man, tarried a few days in Pendleton last weeK ana lavureu vuo Herald sanctum with bis genial preseooe. With but little care and nn tronble, tbe beard and mnstache can he kept a uniform brown or black color by using Buckingham's Dye for the whiskers. Walla Walla Statesman : Born, at the f iv .T M. Bovd. in Spokane, nn Wednesday. Pent. 5. 18'J4, to the wife of J. B. Ket-ney, a daugh ter. Doug. Belt" will be in from Pilot Dt ,.r. n, hnnt Oct. 8. 1894. with a nhmoe lot of bucks which he will sell at the lowest possible figures. The Shoe Maker. Joe Dubois baa moved bis shoe-making and repair shop from the old May street stand to the room formerly occupied by Green Mathews, barber shop, next door to Noble's harness shop. Joe also has a good workman with him and guarantees satisfaction. Don't overlook him for first class work. 66 tf. Dress Goods. White Goods, Linens, Embroderies, Handkerchiefs, Towels, Infants Caps. Bonnets and Cloaks, Corsets, Kid Gloves, Silk Gloves and Mitts, Flannels, blankets. Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Knit Goods, Silks Satins, Velvets, Riding Gloves, Black Bnd Colored Hose, Dress Linings, Stays, Silk Thread and Twist, Knitting Yarns, Saxony Yarns, Fancy Goods, etc. Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slippers, At prices never thought of. Call and see. One hundred pairs ohild's heavy lace shoes way down. Men's and Boy s Clothing, Oversbirts, Gloves, etc., Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Hats, Caps, Underwear, White Shirts, Silk Neckwear, Hosiery, Toilet Soaps; Brushes, Razors, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Silver Plated Ware (knives, forks and spoons) Carving Sets, Trunks, Va lises, etc Our whole store will be a Counter During the Months. Big Bargain coming Fall A Full Stock of Hardware, Cook and Heating Stoves, Tinware, Buokets, Milk Puilo Punu. P.nnkinir UtADsils. Coffee Pots. Tea Pots. Stove Boilers, Wash Tubs, Brooms. Brnshes. Graniteware, Bolts and Washers, Plow Single Trees, Carpenter Tools, (all kinds) Garden Tools, Roof Plates, Stove Pipe, Nails, Horse Shoes, Bar Trnn Ttlnatino Pnurrinr. Hniioins and KUriil Lmtfl. G'ssswars. Crockery, T'.ilet Sets' Stone Jars. Lamp Chimneys, Lantern Globles, Lanterns, Wioks, Oliver flhillMil Plnwn. Ciana Plows. Hnv Rakes Mowers. Mitohell Wagons, Haoks, Bnok KnnrriV Hurts. Harrows. Seed Drills, at oost until present stook is sold. Saddles and Harness, Rifles and Shot Guns, etc A Bad Cut. Yesterday Jas. Wyland's little son, aged six or seven years, fell down on a draw-kuife, cutting his right arm near the wrist, and also the Ulnar artery. Fortunately Mr. Wyland under stood bow to stop the flow of blood, Bnd after tightly bandaging the arm above the wound, came over to Heppner. Dr, MoSwords took np the ends of the wounded artery and sewed up the wound. Tbe little patient is doing well. West Insane E. A. Jones, whose home is in Multnomah county, but who has been working awhile for Jeff Kirk, of Blaok Horse, was brought in Satur day, suffering from insanity. Ordinari ly he does not seem to be very mnob out of his mind, but be frequently be comes flighty and talks almost everything without any connection whatever. He was adjudged insane Saturday and Sat urday evening he was taken below enroute to the asylum by Sheriff Har rington. Not Suck a Bad Man, Those who were well BCqnainted with Til Glaze deny that he was in any sense a bad man. He bad it is true, killed two men in tbe Willamette valley but both cases were in self defense, and so proven in oourt. But this fact gave him a sort of reputa tion be neither Bought, desired nor de served. Ho was a very quiet, gentleman ly fellow, brave as a lion, bnt never known to seek a quarrel. These same friends say tbBt when tbe examination is over and the truth is known it will be shown that the quarrel in which Glaze was killed was not of his creating. Chronicle. Come in and make your selections before tbe assortment is brokin. Save your money by buying at our store, A full Hue of Groceries at cut prioes, until dose of this sale. ONLY SPOT CASH gets goods AT COST. Country trade solicited. It will pay you to travel hundreds of miles to lay in vour supplies at our prices. Don't let friendship for any firm obuso you to tax yourself these hard times. Mail orders oarefully filled. Call and beoonvinoed No trouble to show goods. WE MEAK BUSINESS! This Clearance Sale is now in full bleat. V II U 11 A. Clio iZ2' Of Xlfiia ! After a thorough test of the credit system, we have conclud ed to change to net cash. On and after Aug. i, '94, we will sell to one and all for CASH 03STLY ! B IS B' GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT Of what heretofore bad to be oliBrged for unoollectable accounts. This is no retleotion on you, but is a plain business statement, we oan anora to sell at lower prioes in this way. No Favorites No Bad Delfts ill (6 For Sale 4 v rV MUD 11 nil 1 iiv mm mi 1 200 QH" arter and alf-Blood It is the Headquarters ! let Artlues rru(s OIlM, Glass, Tot- Patent Mectlolnes. Office of all stages running out of Heppner. SLI PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. work Shootino at Dayion. Says the Day ton (Wash.,) Courier: Yesterday after noon about 12:45 o'clock, the citizens of Main street were startled at the sonnd of pistol shots in the Weinhard saloon. Sheriff Weatherford. who happened to be passing by, rushed in and discovered a man named Wm. Klepper with a smoking revolver in his band, which he immediately seized, and Deputy Allen, who was promptly on band, seized the would be assassin, who bad already emptied fonr ohambers of bis deadly weapon in the attempt to shoot A. M. Harman, the bartender. One shot took effect in Mr. Herman's left leg, striking the ontside of the thigh, passing down ward and coming ont of tbe baok of the tbigb above the knee. Klepper was promptly taken to jail and looked up. for Infants and Children. " Castoria laso well adapted to children that I recommend it aB superior to any prescription known to me." H. A- Aaceca, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castoria is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Caklos Mahttn, D. Dm New York City. THK C'EKTAi a COKPAKT, 77 Mt RBJT BtKRIT, NEW YORK ClTT. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, DiarrhcBa, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without Injurious medication. OXFORD RAMS. Sheepmen will find it to thoir interest to inspoot my ltama before buying elsewhere. I ensure them to be sound and in exceptional tine condition for service. I bave taken great pains and went to muob expense to meet tbe growing demand for this class of sheep, and will sell them to STJIT THIS H ARD TJAIKJS. Come and See Them and be Convinced. For further particulars address me at PILOT BOCK, OKE., or call at my farm six miles south of. Pilot Hook, Ore. rEASTERN OREGON State Normal School, WESTON. . ffVIK fl'lHT TERM BEGINS THE :1RI) OF SEPT. 1WM. Tuition per term In Elementary I Courts, f UK); Regular Course, H50; Business Courso, r,.U0; to those in the Senior Class pledged to touch, frye. J, (I,, oil board and lodging In private families, :l SO per week or rooms . SOta rCX at a very reasonable rent (or those who may desire to board them selves, but all students, no matter how they board, will be under the lmmedlat- care of the (acuity, liraduates ol the Normal receive State Diplomas. r. A. WORTHINOTON, Hoc y ol Regents. "For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so as It has Invariably produced beneficial results." Edwik F. Pardki:, M. D. 126th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. boNOBBTO thb Chief. On last Fri day evening, H. McFarland, who baa been virtually at the head. of Heppner'e fire department ever since its first or ganization, atd for Bometime past the chief of the department wasinveigled into Horner A Warren's store nnder pretense that a fire meeting was to be held. The formalities of electing a secretary and president were gone through. At that junotnre Jadge F. J. Hallook stepped forward Biid in suitable language pre sented to Mr. McFarland a fine silver oup and saucer, in behalf of Heppner'e tire department. Homer was much sur prised, so much so that it was with an effort that he responded to Judge Hal lock's presentation remarks. How ever, be expressed regrets that circum stances were suou that he mnst make bis home elsewhere, but that he should a'ways cherish tbe memory of tbe fire laddies and friends of Heppner, aud that tbe present was to bim a priceless gift. BTRAYEI) OK 8TOLKN. One horse branded M 8. Finder will please return to George M. Massinger, in the mountains, or to A. Abrahamsick, Heppner, Or., and receive suitable reward. There are other brands on the animal besides tbe one mentioned, but tbe writer cannot describe them. 247-tf. Don't lose time and make yourself worse with p lls and oils. Take Him moot Liver Regulator. For biliousness and headache Hiuimons I.iver Regulator is the best meaioiue on earth. H. H. Jones, Macon, Oa. W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE." 70 tf. UNIVERSITY OF utinitNK. Next session begins tbe 17th of tiep tember, Wll. Tuition, free. Board, 82.50 a week. Five courses: Classical, Scientific, Literary, English and Business. DOBMITOBT. The Boarding Hall for young ladies and tbe Boardiog Hall for young gentle men will be nnder the peraoiial snpervi- Chas. Cnnningbam will bave at the Junes J a ranch a band of bis French and American Merino anil Oxford oradf-d lincks. All wool g'nwers who are , .; Mr. Miinra. a lady of refinement interested in improving their bands will I large experience. For Catalogues, have a chance to see a sple idid band "f ! sdrlrena J. J. WAt-Ton, bucks after the 1st of Ot tobor. ft) tf. 1 J7t. S?cy. Kegeuts. TMC tjetST. QUCAKINO 5. CORDOVAN, 43.UP0LICE.3SOLE3. 49so2.W0RK1Ngmen9 extra fine. ' 2AB0YSSCH05H0a LAD ICS SEND FOR OTAIJJOUE W I.-DOUGLAS, BROCKTON. MASS You ui ttve manor br furefcattPS W. 1 Uoutlat Khars. . Bectute.we are Ibe largest mannfactnrert Ol advertised thoel In the world, and iirtnt thevsloeby stamping the name and pnre on the bottom, which protects you against hih fnusl custom work In style, easy fitting and -j mi., have Ihem sold every where it lower prices for the value given than rny other make Take no substitute. If your dealer canuot supply you, wc tau. o""-. " Dealer whose name will ihortly ap pear here. Agent wanted. Apply it onoe fpln -aK Land Patents Laud patents secured for Bettlors in the shortest ponnible time. Contested Cases Contented chhos intelligently and Bkillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individuals haviug ooullicting claims under the agricultural land laws, and those between claimants under tbe Mineral Laws and agricultural olaimants; and also between claimants under any of tbe public land laws and the Knilroad companies and their grantees, and the atates ana tneir grantees, unoer the Swamp-Land and School-Land Orauls. Specialty made of securing paleuts in the shortest possible time for settler who have complied with the laws nnder whiob their entries were made, and who are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue Of their patents, caused by Trifling Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removeu. Advioe also given in nil matters relating to the publio Unds, especially ou points arising nnder the new laws which bave been recently passed providing for tbe disposal of the public domain. If yon want your land patent in a hurry if you want yonr land business, or any charader, attended to uy skuhui anu oompeieui aiiorueyn, auu iiruiuiitij u. posed of, write to CLAIMS COMPANY, ELECTRIC TELEPHONE -i-t ..t-l,.t,t nn rant nnrmnilf, AtiHOt lto fifty. ViljKit or Count rr. NtvwlfW id nv-rf 1 hom, IiOf, um nn mwt. r-.iwm. r.uvin- i tin rifts itil (wtii MiinrmiMnn. j As-ul mnhf lYmnlftlolftOpri 4m v. J One ) mftnna mI Ui mil th .ntFhb"r. Fin tnttranint, no work IHnrhr, nr aimnr. txrapitM, rtunr iw w wbm fui'i". Cm pm nv bf ni.f it ft in-itfr. no wlrtnii. bif- m J i It -JW P Harwell A Co., El" 10, Columbus, 0 PRESS John Wf.ddkio'.ukn, i'. o. Box, .m Ckn. Man., W'BHhingtuu, D. U. 111. Kcclcy Institute -OF- For tho Ouro Oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits it la located at Salem, Orrgon, JVie Muni Beautiful Town on tlie Count. j Call tt the Oazktts offlce tor particular!. Strictly cotilldentlal. Treatuieut private ami sure cure. NOTARY PUBLIC --CONVEYANCER