time tahle. --.,1 it"r linplnmii, Monument. U:i. Creek, I nti ii Hy Hint I 'miyon Oiry, );HVe or follow Kvcry iUy nl ti ti. in., except Huiuinv. n ivft'vtry dayatii t. m., except Wo.Mnv lUv client"'. i..t-kNt atul host line to nr ftniii the interior country. H. A. HUNHAKEK, Pro.. I liill Colin. Aseut. J Palace Hotel Bar! Kees the finest Liquors and i'inin in be loimd In the city. (Jamhrtnus Beer on tap. Served in largest l-d mugs, o. B. TEDUuWE, Prop. Here and There. Subscribe lor the Oazette. Advertising pays in the Gazette. Mrs. W. F. Ruark is quite ill. Beit Pop pen has abont completed his harvest this season. Win, Hnnt, of Clerks canyon, is quite ill with rheumatism. For thoroughbred Brown Leghorn chickens cull ou W. W. Smead. Mrs. C. E. Fell has returned from a visit to relatives in Pendleton. T. V. Ay ere; Jr., sells school books at n great reduction in prioe, for cusj only. 62-tf. 0. N. PeoK took in cirouit court last week, while his family visited friends in the citj. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable perfectly harmless, always reliable and lienefioiul . E ().: Oriu L. Patterson, of the Loug Creek Eagle, arrived this morn ing from Heppner, Dan Summers says that the peach and pear crop is short this season on his Willow creek ranch. Why do you endure the agony of dyspepsia? Simmons Liver Regulator will always oure you. Photographs SI. 50 pel dozen at Shep pard's gallery, near opera bouse, north Main bt., Heppuer, Ore. 26tf. Henry Padberg, one of the leading farmers of the Lexington section, was iu town Saturday on business. Chas. Jones has obarge of Green Mathews' shaving parlors during the latter's sojourn in the onuntry. Call on him. Our readers will please notice that Ed. Day's band of floe Spanish-Merino boots are soon to be on sale down atTlies. Morgan's. Bee ad. J. F. Spray, of the Liberty Meat Market, is now selling meat cheaper than any shop in Eastern Oregon, He offers lig discounts for oash. 55 tf Hick Mathews, tonsorial artist, City hotel building, West Bide of Main street Only public baths in Heppuer. All . wrk strictly Bret class. Sheriff Geo. W. Harrington and son, Homer, were oalled below Saturday by the illness of Mr. Harrington's mother who is past eighty years of age. Stage leBves for Eoho Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, returning on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 11. Wade, Prop. T. W. AyersJr., agent. To prevent the hardening of the sub cutaneous tissues of the Bcalp and the obliteration of the hair lollicles, which cause baldness, use Hall's Hair Renew er. A petition asking for the appointment of deputies for both Sheriff Harrington and Clerk Morrow is being circulated and signed by many of our heavy tax payers. MrB. Jerry Conn and Mrs. Geo, D. Fell left for Portland last Saturday evening, the former to visit frieDds and the latter to lay in ber fall stock of millinery. J. B. Natter baa reopened the Brewery Saloon, keeping on tap at all times the best beer ou the Paoiflo coast. Also on bands the best brands of liquors, wines and cigars. " 56tf. If yon owe the Gazette you must ex peot that pay will be demanded. We need our money, and don't expect to borrow under the ciroumstanoea. Come, give ns a lift. Eagle: John Orisman, who returned from a trip to Heppner last Monday, lost the finest horse he owned this side of Heppuer. The death was the result of eating too much wheat. Dr. B. F. Vaugbau, the resident dentist has purchased Dr. Rowland's remedy for the painless extraction of teeth. Those desiring first class work in bis line should give him a call. A friend (?) of ours was heard to re mark a few days ago, "D - n the Ga zette." After this petulant outburst the management are seriously in doubt whether or not they oan ever get out another issue. Arthur Doolittle, who has been run ning P. Brecner's threshing maohiue engiue, reports that the boiler sprung a leak a few days ago over the tire-box necessitating an immediate order for a new traction engine. Chas. Cunningham will have at the James Jones ranch a band of bis French and American Merino and Oxford graded Bucks. All wool growers who are interested in improving tbeir bands will have a chance to see a spleidid band of backs after the 1st of October. 60 tf. In connection with the visit of Dr, and Mrs. J. H. Fell, oar scribbler got it into bis "nogpin" that there was a baby in tbe family. As tbia was a mistake, we have, like the Kanaka, laid it on our brother who is not here and can conse quently stand it better than we can. In all that goes to strengthen and bmld up tbe system weakened by disease and pain. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the enneiior medicine. It neutralizes tbe system after dipbt leria and scarlet fever, aod restores the debilitated patient to perfect health and vigor. W. 0. Raininger has bad hit pension, a Mexican war veteran, increased to 912 per month. The old gentleman is notable to work, and as one of our oilizens who went forth to battle in Mexico, and in numerous engagements did valant service, it ia not a cent too mnoh. In faot, small recognition for past favors to Uncle Sam. The regular subscription price of the Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and the regular price of ihe Weekly Oregonian ia$1.50. Anyone enbscnbing for the Gazette and paying for one year in advance can get both tbe Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for $3. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advanoe will be entitled to the same. The wife of Samuel Morgan will short ly receive 2,000 from tbe A. O. D. W., the claim having been approved. Mr. Morgan was a young member and in does and assessments bad not con tributed over 810 to tbe order. But as all members are on equal footing in that order, it matters not as to iengtn of membership. The money will not oome amiss to the deserving widow and children. iywj$aTigaiwi assassjeafca. aaatsai "I tnw nn old soldii r who had -h'u'ilc ,lur.-lif8 1 f Inn HtHtidiiijf l' have lit en p-rmm.l.liv cured bv tilling Cbamberl liuV (Vic," (,'olcra ami l)i urrhfBi li.rudv." nVs KdvarJ .Miiimptk, ti pr iiuiuc t drii,; jUt of Minneapolis, Miuu "I have sold the remedy in t his oily fo seven years hi, it roiiaider it superior to any oilier medi. ci.e now nu the market fur tinsel complaints " i", and 5 1 cent bottle or Ibis remedy for sale hy Slmmui-,1 nhn soii Dmg Co. Henry Bell, ut the Black Horse region, is very pronounced in his opinion that tbe oHiuers of Morrow county can get along without deputies. We have also met many others who have express ed the same opiniou. However, there are a great many things to take into consideration in this oonueotiou, and so far as we are able to learn, the people who pay by odds the greater portion of our taxes think that deputies are neces sary and a matter of eoonomy in the long rnn. John Buseick arrived from Nebraska Sunday morniug, after an abseuoe of five weeks from Morrow oonnty. Crops are entirely ruined in Neb., farmers using their self binders to out the corn crop for feed. Tbe hot winds wjre terrible and ruined everything. Corn is now BO cents per bushel, oats 75 cents, stock hoi;s are one cent per pound and flour 85.50 per barrel Our farmers could make money in buying hogs in Neb. aod shippiug them here to feed. Hon. Henry Blackmail, collector of internal revenue, Sundnyed with his friends in Heppner. On tiie road up he had quite an experience. By mistake he got oH at obi Willows inateidof Willows Jnnution, which is a mile went of the latter. Luckily a freight train was standing 011 the switch, east-bouud, and by diligeut pushing 1111 tbe Hues the Hon., Col. of "Infcirual" Ri-v. was safely landed at tbe Jntictiou in due time to catch Coudncior Dunn's brunch traiu. Tbe Webfoot Planter, a Portland peri odical devoted to the interests of farm ers, stockraisers, orcharding, bee keepers and poultry raisers, will be sent free- of obarge for one year to all those who pay up all arrearages and one year in ad vance, or to all new subscribers to the Gazette. This offer is made for a limited time. Those who desire the impel must mention it wbeu they settle their ac counts. Andrey Keauey has just fluished harvesting and threshing a large orop of wheat. He believes tliBt as the Union Pacific has i tiered low rates East for grain, that this means lower rates to the Pacific and consequently better figures for grain. Mr. Reaiiey's Blue Stem aud Little Club is very fine tbis year, samples of which have been shown ns. In our last issue appeared tbo report of tbe suioide of Jas. Barnard. One of our force was asked by what authority we published same, meaning, of course, that he doubted its authenticity. Some of our friends seem to think that no paper outside of the Oregonian has any right to olaim reliability in the matter of news gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Homer McFarland are preparing t remove from Ueppner to Southern California. This change, which all regret, was deoided npon in order to benefit Mr, McFarland's health. He has been a great sufferer with rheu matism, and it is thonght that a change to a warmer climate will prove benefi cial. H. Padberg brought up a curiosity the other day in the shape of a branch of a Green Gave plum tree, to feet, five and one-half inobes in length, on whioh there were 207 plums, the whole weigh ing eleven and one-half ponnde. It is on exhibition down at C. S. Van Dnyn's. The report that Murphy, who was Boot and stabbed in Union county reoently, and wbose wife was fatally shot at tbe eame time, was formerly a resident of Grant county, is ourrent here. Tbe report has not been verified, and we are inclined to think that it is a mistake. People who live io new oonntries are liable to be prostrated by malarial fevers. Inhabitants of cities, by reason of bad drainage and unwholesome odors, suffer from similar diseases. Ayer's Ague Oure is warranted a specific for all malarial poisons. E. P. Voruz and F. J- Hallook were eleoted, respectively, two and one-year representatives of Dorio Lodge No. 20, K. of P., to tbe next Grand Lodge, wbicb meets in Portland next month. The alternates are Jas, J. Roberts and W. I.. Saling. J. T. Reid, formerly of tbie county but now of Jackson county, is here on a visit. He has a good placer mines dowo there, one specimen therefrom in bis possession being worth $22 50 He will refnrn soon anil pnt iu hydraulic Married In Hand Hollow, on Sunday, Sept. 9, Elder Homer Gray officiating, Miss Roda Baldwin to Mr. Roy Long. MiRB Baldwin ia a niece of Wm. Duran, of Blnck Horse, and the groom is a son of Mr. Chue. Long, of this county. Gid HbU has purchased tbe barber shop ou ttio .Viatlock corner from A. C. Carle, where his old friends and custom ers will find him. Shaves, shampoos and haircuts on short uolice and in tbe highest style of the art Joe Dubois has moved bis shop to the bnildjng formerly oocupied by Green Mathews as a barber shop, while the latter has taken up new quarters in the Minor building, formerly oocupied by Osmers & Hughes. E. L. Miens, son-in-law of Hon. W. F. Matlook, and deputy Col. of Int. Rev. with headquarters at Pendleton, waa in town Sunday and Monday on business connected with his office. Mrs. Daniel Dunbar, of Goldendale, and Miss Callie Healin, of Fail-view, Multnomah Co., respectively, aunt and ooasin of Mrs VV. A. Johnston, are vis iting in Heppner. Tbe baby boy of Fred Tboinas, eight months old, fell into a fire place Monday morning ont at bis home iu the moun tains, burning both feet terribly. L. Bluinenthal left Saturday for 'Frisco, to be absent for a month. A. A. Roberts is clerking in tbe srore dur ing Mr. B.'i absence. Bob Stanefield. and old-timer who formerly lived in Umatilla, but now a resident of lower Butter oreek, was iu town Monday. J. B. Sperry threshed 5,000 bushels of volunteer w heat off his ranch near Hepp ner tbis year, and all of the finest quality. Sam Walker brought in a band of bogs last Saturday for shipment below. They were a fine lot of porkers. Geo. Noble has purchased the inter est of W. E. Gentry in the harness shop, opposite the City hotel. A. King Wilson, an attorney, was in town over Saturday representing tbe creditors of C. Buhl.. G. B. Tedrowe will move to tbe City botel bnilding about the 15th inst Harvey Barns and S.J. Kramer, travel ing men, Sundayed io town. Mr. 'Gene Noble aod wife came np Saturday from Monmontn. M. Carrigall, of Galloway, brought in a Que lot of fruit Monday. Milt Morgan reports Ed, Morgan as improving. ! It. F. O. Hui.e mitt buughter i He Can't Live S.iM my friends anil nciirjora. I hail pep in Hi years; physician and change of climate did not help iii:. JUit Jlond's Sar.s.ip- Hood's Sarsa parilla ritta did me more good f tCktT than all the doctoring. S Ui vJ? I can now eat, sleep and gt and work. .My daughter 0, also had distress and rheumatism. Mood's Sar Siiiiarllla 'made her stout, well and healthy, h. F. O. Koks, Fairv lew, Kansas. Hood's P:il3 are purely vegetable, ami do not purge, pain or gripe. Sold ny all druggists. Wheat Sacks. The Morrow County Land & Trust Co. are putting out wheat saoks at their warehouses at Donulas, lone nnd Heppner. All those wishing sacks should see them. 57tf. Fine Fnorr for Sai.b. I will sell all kinds of fruit for lo. per ponnd, exoept peaches, them for le per pound. Grain or spring calves take in exchange for fruit at the market price. 62-0 O. F. Thompson. It Wouldn't Wobk. A few days ago two men at Springfield were over heard talking about tbe dull times, and one suggested to the other that they oommit some deviltry to be sent, to Salem for a few months; but the other replied it was of no use to do that, aa the governor would pardon them and tbey would have to oome back. Regis ter. Shok Marino and Repaihinq Neat ly Done. Joe Dubois, having bought out tbe shoe shop formerly owned by Ed Birbeck, in tbe Ahrahamsick build ing on May street, and also having scoured the services of an experienced workman, is now prepared to do all kinds of shoe making in a striotly first olaes style. Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. When you need any work in bis line give him a oall. 54tf. Stabbing Affray. Last Sand ay night two Heppner boys of tender age became involved in a quarrel and then blows. Another boy furnished one of the combatants with a knife with wbioh tbe other was stabbe! near tbe wrist on the right arm, cutting an artery. Ihe timely arrival of a physician saved tbe life of the wounded boy. Boys should remember that they are as amenable to the laws as are men, and that the reokless use of knives and fire arms are liable to get them Into trouble. A Good Scheme. Theoity authorities of Athena get some practical benefit from the inmates of the city lookup. Reoently, says Bn exohange, two prison ers chained to each other were seen driving down protruding nails and spikes in tbe sidewalks. They made a good job of it and seemed to prefer the outdoor work to confinement in jail. The people of this oity would feel duly grateful if some similar scheme was inaugurated here. One is not nn frequently reminded of tbe oondition of our sidewalks and this spike nuisance when walking on the streets. Why not put the next viotim to work on our public walks? ,- TffE Heppner School. The Hepp ner school starts out this year under very aiiBpicious circumstanoea. Not only is there a larger attendance than at the beginning of any previous term, but the interest shown by the pupils it the various departments betokens a most successful term. There is now an at tendance of 2i5 pupils in tbe entire school, with 49 in the High .School department. Quite a number of tuitiou pupilB are in attendance tbis year, wbioh speaks well for tbe reputation of our school. To Prof. A. W. Wier and bis oorps of assistants belong the credit of making the Heppner sobool the first and foremost of its kind in the state. Escaped, But Cauoht . During the excitement canned by the murder Mon day, the negro and white boy who have been in jail here, and who were out in tbe jail yard at tbe time exercising, took advantage of the sheriff's absenoe and scaled the high wall wbicb surrounds tbe jail and lit out for dear life, towards Arlington, along the main road. Tbey had gone only a abort distance, however, when they were discovered on tbeir mis sion of "leg bail" by H. N. Fraaer, who persuaded them to return aud take a suite of rooms at the Hotel de Wilcox again. Mt. Frazer then proceeded to Arlington and sent telegrams to a num ber of sheriff in the surrounding coun try to look out for Barnard. Condon Globe. Mistaken fob a Bbab Last Monday afternoon Sam Seifert Came gallopiug into town and inquired for Dr. Belknap. As soon as be held a compilation with the doctor, we hunted him np and inquired the caose. He informed ns that at a point in tbe Cascade range, twenty miles west of Crane prairie and j ninety-five miles from Prineville, him self and three other, William vuinu, William Thorn and William Pooler were in camp bear bunting. On tbe 20tb having killed one bear, in tbe evening two of tbe party, William Thorn and William Quion, concluded tbey would take a round and see if they conld scare no another one. They soon became separated, and just as it was getting dusk Thorn saw what be thought was a bear and fired at it. Instead of a bear it turned oat to be Quinn. Ibe bullet struck his right arm, passing through Will reign supreme among the residents of Morrow and adjoining Co'a They catch onto a few important facts, one of wbioh they must and will know on reading this Ad. When they learn of the GKANDCLKARANC15 SAIE Of General Merchandise taking place at McFarland Mercantile Co.'s Mammoth Retail Store ! They will make a "bee line" for it at a "Nancy Hanks" gait. WHAT ? McFarland Mercantile Co., of Heppner, selling out at cost ? Yes, we offer our whole stook at lowest wholesale prices, for CASH ONLY, iu order to be ready for our Fall purohasea. These goods are all New, Clean. Fiist-Class Articles and bought in the best markets in the United States. We wish to exchange them for your money. A Chance of a Life Time to Buy Goods At Cost or Lower ! Dress Goods, White Goods, Linens, Embroderies, Handkerchiefs, Towels, Infants Caps. Bonnets and Cloaks, Corsets, Kid Gloves, Silk Gloves and Mitts, Flannels, hlaukets. Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Knit Goods, Silks Satins, Velvets, Riding Gloves, Black and Colored Hose, Dress Linings, Stays, Silk Thread and Twist, Knitting Yarns, Saxouy Yarns, Fancy Goods, etc. Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slippers, At prices never thought of. Call and see. One hundred pairs child's heavy lace shoes way down. Men's and Boy's Clothing, Overshirts. Gloves, etc, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Hats, Caps, Iluderwear, White Shirts, Silk Neckwear, Hosiery, Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Razors, Table aud Pocket Cutlery, Silver Plated Ware (knives, forks and spoons) Carving 8ets, Trunks, Va lises, etc. Our whole store will Counter During Months. A Full Stook of Hardware, Cook and Heating Stoves, Tinware, Buckets, Milk Pails, Pans, Cooking Utensils, Coffee Pots, Tea Pots, Stove Boilers, Wash Tubs, Brooms, Brushes, Graniteware, Bolts aud Washers, Plow Single Trees, Carpenter Tools, (all kinds) Garden Tools, Roof Plates, Stove Pipe, Nails, Horse ShoeB, Bar Iron, Blasting Powder, Hanging and Stand Lamps, G'assware, Crockery, T' ilet Sets, Stone Jars, Lamp Chimnevs, Lantern Glnbles, Lanterns, Wioks, Oliver Chilled Plows, Gang Plows, Hay Rakes Mowers, Mitohell Wagons, Hnoks, Buck Boards, Carts, Harrows, Seed Drills, at oost until pressnt stook is Bold. Saddles and Harness, Rides and Shot Guns, etc Come in and make your selections before the assortment is broken, gave your money by buying at our store, A full liue of Groceries at out prices, until close of this sale. ONLY SPOT CASH gets goods AT COST. Country trade solioited. It will pay you to travel hundreds of miles to lay In your supplies at our prioes. Don't let frieudshio for anv firm cause von to tax yourself these hard times. Mail orders No trouble to show goods. WTT! IVTIT! A "NT This Clearance Sale is now ia full blunt. ill? in n MMMMlLt. It is the Headquarters ! jpalnta. Drugs Olla, t.liiHin, 'lul let Artloew, I " tt it: MeclloineH, IJtn Office of ail stages running for Infants " Castor! a Is bo well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any presort ptkm known to me." H. A. Archer, M. I., Ill So. Oxford St., lirooklya, N. Y, "The use of 'Castoria In no unlverKal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within ewy reach." Carlos Mabttm, D. Ijm New York City, The Centai'r near the ebdalder, fortunately mi-Hint; hie body entirely. Seifarl immediately HtHrted fur median! nsRiBianoe and the other parties intended to bring Quinn thiHway, sd meet the doctor r.t Crime prairie.-Prineville Keview. My boy wan tukwn with a diHeatie resembling bloody flnx. The firftt thin if I thought of was CbaruberlturH Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Two doaea nettled the matter and cured him sound and well. I heartily reoom mend this remedy to all persona aufTer ioe from a like complaint. I will answer any inquiries regarding it wheu stamp U inclosed. 1 refer to any county official aa to my reliability. Wm. Roach, J. P., I'rimroy, Campbell Co, Teno. For sale by Blocoin-JobriaoD IrngCo. KiiiLiNO at Bcbns. Thnrsday, ut Boms, Or., Til Glaze sod Bud Howard shot and instantly kiMed eaoh otber. Tbeir tremble grew ont of a diepnte over a borseraoe. Both men bad made reooids, of tbeir kind. Glaze bad killed hi) man at PriDerille, wbere be formerly lived, and Howard bis whMe temporarily absent from the stste in MontsD. The latter, it is laid, had servpd in tbe Oregon penitentiary. Big Bargain coming Fall carefully filled. Call aud be oonvinoed : "T? rTO t vi r .icict t 3 U OIJJN JLiOO oat of Heppner. PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. and Children. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Htomoch, Diarrhoea, Kruetatfon, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without Injurious medication "For several years 1 have recommended your 'CaKtoria,' and shall always continue to do so as It has Invariably produced beneficial results." KnwiN F. Pardee, M. T, laoth Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Cokpant, 77 Murray Street, New Yore Citt. W. L. Douclas SHOE IS THC BIST. NO SQUEAKING. 5. CORDOVAN. FRENCH& ENAMELLED CALf. 4-.3.W FINE CALF& rftWSAHll 3.5PP0LICE.3 Soles. EXTRA FINt. " BOTfSSCHODLSHDES. LADIES - ' .lJCnr . BESTW" SEND FOR CATALOGUE W't'DOUCLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Yon cao un moor br purcka.las W. I Jlouglnfl Hboea, Because, we a re the Urge! manufacturer! off advertised ihoea in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name ana price on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every, where at lower prices for the value given than any other mate. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Bold by Healer whone name will shortly ap pear here. Agent wanted. Apply it once. Agents. $75 ft liayM IllibW.. r. W Ml" .IliM ii In v.. miaul. nn.'r .il dri-. ilita rtnln. tli l.i.Si. Yu. ItUM.I,. 111. Sllbill.'lMI llrt'b', p4..i-iird si.im rfui .I.-. H 4."W ftt.1 . Hi.. '!. nu-.h-ili.j1iur r''ii!u X ki-..pu!l -oi wmig.1. Cb-.p ... a. bed l.'Ke.lw.IrM W P H tllllli-O A CI), II". II. It. llhatH be a the COMPANY $3 I "-""tO ; After a thorough test of the rmy credit svstem. wehaveconrlnrl- oil' ed to change to net cash. On and after Aug. i, '94, we will sell to one and all for CASH ONLY ! GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT Of what heretofore bad to be oharijed for tnioollecliible aroonnlR. Tbi8 is no reflection on yon, but ie a plain bnsineee statement. We oan afford to sell at lower prioes iu this way. No Favorites No Bad Debts For Sale 1 200 QHUf arter alf-Blood Sheepmen will find it to their iuterest to inspect my Bams before buying elsewhere. I ensure them to lie Bound Bnd in exceptional flue oondition for service. I have taken great pains and went demand for this olass of sheep, and SUIT AriIJ IIW1VD TlAlKiS. Come and See Them and be Convinced. For further particulars nddrena me at PILOT KOOK, OltE., or call at my farm six miles south of Pilot Rook, Oro. (ill-Oct. 21 DOUG-, trtft ,Tyaz E ASTERN State Normal School, WESTON. Course, $4.50; Regular (JourHu, fl.50; BiiHinc Course, fli.lK; to those in the Henlor Class pledged to tench, free. Ttnnt'rl ""0'' board and lodging In private families, J:l 50 per week or moras , . . c"i at H verv reasonable rent for lliime who ninv desire to board them selves, but all students, no matter how they hoard, will be under the iinmei'llat eareof the faculty. Graduates of the Normal receive Htnte Diplomas. I'. A. WOKTHINUION, Hec'y of liegellts. Land Patents Land pdtonts Becural fur Bottlers in tho HliortoBt po-SH.blo time. Contested Cases Contented cases intelligently and hlillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes ! ' Old claims and deputes Bpeedily settled. Contests Between individuals linviiiu oonllictiii clniirm under the ntjritmltt.ntl laud laws, aud those between ohtituiiiitfl under Ihe Mineral Laws and ugrioultunil claimants; and also between oliiimiinls under any of the pnhlio land laws and the liailroad companies aud their (jniiiteeH, and Hie states and their grantees, under the Swnmp-Land and Heboid-Land Oraute. Specialty made of securing patents in the Hhorttmt possible time for settlers who have complied with the laws under which their entries were made, and who are annoyed and worried by delays iu the iseun of llitiir patenta, caused by Trifling Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed. Advioe also given in all matters relating to the pnlilio lands, especially ou points urising under the new lawn which have been recently passed providing for the disposal of the pnhlio domain. If you want your land patent in a hurry if you want your land business, of any eharaoter, attended to hy skillinl and competent attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wkddf.ri.urn, Ckn. Man., P. O. Box, 3Hrj. Wuehington, D. C. , ). FOOTE'S IIANII-HOOK OP II i:A I. Til HINTS AND READY RECIPK, U is the title of a very vahmble book that Rives a (treat amount of Information of the I'tmosl Importance to Everybody, concerning tbeir dully habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc., IT 1ICLLS AIIOIT What to Eat, How to Kat It, Things to Do, Tblnirs to Avoid, Perils of Bummer, How to Breathe. Infllienen of Plants, Occupation for Invalids, Alooliol aaa Food and. a Medicine, Superfluous Ilatr, Ki.tfw , villi. Nu riiM Dana-era of KIhhW, Kestorliu? tho Drowned ........ .... Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-HItrhted- IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Illack Kyea, Iiolls, Burns, C'lilllblalns, Cold Feet, Corns, Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inllamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning, Molss, Pimples, Piles, Hhoumatlsm, Hlngworm, Snoring, Stammering, Soru Eyes, Sore Mouth Bora Nlpplea, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Btlngs and Insect Sites, Hweathig Feet. Toothache Vicars. Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms la Children. IT WILL SAVE DOCTORS KILLS. tlT All new snhscribnrs and prompt renewals dnnngthe month of Jnne will he presensed with a free oopyof this sa a premium. )t NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER Tine Kfifi fiiT -OF- The Lancashire Insurance Co. OCe MAIVCII ICMTKH, K.OI.AIVl H W. PATTERSON, AliKNT. o ti- nt m twri. Of Plan ! B IS and I- ill (I CO. OXFORD RAMS. to muoh expense to meet the (trowing will sell them to OREGON. 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