The Harney Valley Items has beeQ removed from Burns to Harney where it will be hereafter issned, The national encampment of the O. A. K. convened today in Pittsburg. It will be an interest ing Bosniou. The indications are that the Btate fair to be lield at Salem next week will be by far the best ever held in Oregon. A NEW palace car company is to be started in Kansas City by the former employes of Pullman. Much interest is manifested in the scheme. ; The National Irrigation Con gress, which was in session last week at Denver, has adjourned. The entire session wns full of interest. Sen. J. P. Jones' defection towards the populist party will be condoned bv republicans when they learn that he is still pro tectionist TnE new tariff law provides that a two-cent stamp shall be placed on every pack of playing cards. Dealers should not forget this. A violation of the lawmeans SloOfine. There were 330 convicts in the penitentiary yesterday as against 846 the same day last year. Are we getting better, or do we owe this condition of affairs to Gov ernor Pennoyer? That's the question. Salem Indipendent. W. 0. Owenh, the opponent of Breckenridge for congress, was recontly hanged in effigy at Rich mond, Kentucky. The Salom Independent now suggests that .1 fireckiuridce in reality, and the world will shout "Amen." Monnow county should raise more hogs. It is certainly not a business proposition to sacrifice wheat and then buy pork packed in Chicago. Wheat fed to hogs is worth fully 00 cents a bushel, and that is certainly a substantial im provement over present priceH. Less wheat and more hogs and cattle would prove a blessing to this country. There is too much Eastern canned beef, too many distant cured hams, and too many buckets of foreign lard in this country to make the people finan cially happy. Valley Transcript. We note from an exchange that the oldest man in Oregon, or, perhaps, in the United Mates, died the other day at Oregon City. His name was Charles Mooney. He was born in Ireland. He lived in Indiana for a time, and was 107 years old. He had lived in this state since 185i(. W. A. Hiiady, Corbott's manager, has signed the contract of the Sioux City Athletio Club. Hut as yet no acceptance has been secur ed fiom Jackson or his manager. The fight, if arranged, will take place in the open air on a bar in the Missouri river, near Sioux City, and between Nebraska and Iowa. InhtuuCtions have been Hent to Major Post by the war department to make an examination and report upon the right of way for a boat railway at The dalles of the Columbia river. IfthepriceB are reasonable in his judgment, they will be accepted. "Where unreason able, the attorney-genoral will be aHked to begin condemnation pro ceedings. It ih now asserted that the recont forest fires in Minnesota which lesulted iu the terrible Iohh of life and property, were started by timber thieves in order to cover up their stoaliug and thus prevent agents from measuring the timber stolen. This is a horrible story, if true, and should be thoroughly investigated. In any event, this promiscuous manner of cutting timber on Btate and government lauds should be soverly regulated. A PHYSICIAN'S STORY. llR. C. II. POUTER, OF KESTCCfcS. HrFI'F.US FOR OVKK 2.. YEARS BEKOIfJ HE K1NI1S ItKLIEF. How he was Affected. Hw he Suffered, anil Hnw he wan Cured. An Inter rstinic Cane. From the Mt. Sterling, Ky., Uiizetto. Iu the mountains of Eastern Ken tacky, several miles fnim the line of tbe Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad, lives a retired Dhysioian and farmer, surrounded by a happy and interesting family. His name is Dr. O. H. Porter, and for 47 years he has ministered to the sick in the counties of Rowan and Morgan, and fur years he Buffered more thnn many of the patients on whom he culled. He wns at last cured, and his cure tobr so startling and miraonlons that it was soon the talk of the monntciiiH, and finally reaohed the Itliiegriiati. A re porter of the Oazette hearing of the remarkuble oase. cnui.'lndeil to investi gate the matter in the interewt of suffer ing humanity. The reporter reached the home of Dr. Porter, aud lifter introducing himself, said. "Dr. Porter, I learn that for veers yon hnve been a great sufferer, and that you have at lust been cured and by a new dinoovery in medicine. Will you oblige me by relating your experience?" Iu reply, Dr. Porter related the follow ing: "Twenty years ago, while living in Morgan county and practicing my pro fession, I had a terrible nervous shock that completely prostrated me, aud from that time until ft few mouths ngo, I suffered untold agony, aud in fact never knew a well day. I tried everything it the way of medicine that I could bear of, and oonettlted physicians for miles around, but I fouud no relief, and I reBiuued myself to the inevitable, as I thought, aud awaited the end. A few mouths ago my son saw an aooouut iu your pBper of a new medicine called Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and wanted me to try it. Itoldbirait was no use, that they would do me no good; but finally he persuaded me to net Mr. 14. L. Tabor, our merchant, to order some for me. After taking a few doBes I felt better, and again hope revived in my breast. I continued to. improve and now I believe I have finally reoovered. That is about nil the story. I believed Pink Pills saved my life, aud I never fail to recommend them to anyone who is suffering. Iu fact, I can tell you of a man that you will pass on your road home who has been almost ootuplelely oured of rheumutism after years of suffering. Mr. 8. O. Bailey, is his uame, aud yon can stop and see him." After thanking Dr. Porter, and bidding bim farewell, the Gazette man started for Mr. Railey's residenoe. He was found on bis farm cutting some trees down. In reply to our inquiry, Mr. Bailey said: "Yes, Dr. Porter has told you the truth. I Buffered for years with the rbciituiilium, aud was only able to leave ipy room iu good weather, and then was not able to do any work. I saw Pink Pilla advertised, and was urged by Dr. Porter and other friends to try them, but I had no faith iu patent medicines, and for eeveral weeks pos itively refused to try them. They finally overcame my prejudices, how ever, and I am glad of it, for you oau see yourself what Pink Pills have done forme. Oome to the house, aud I w II show yon my crutch and cane whioh I'mk Pills have enabled me to lay aside, I have also been giving these pills to a neighbor's child, whioh hassorofula, and it is improving right along." The reporter next visited the store of B. L. Tabor, who corroborated tbe testimony of Dr. Porter and Mr. Bailey. Mr. Tabor further said that be bad never handled a medicine that had given such universal satisfaction as Pink Pills, aud it whb almost inipoasble to supply the demand The address of all the gentlemen referred lois, Elliots ville, Hawaii county, Kentucky, and any one can have these statements verilied by writing them. Dr. Williams rink Pills contain, in a oondeused form, all the elements neoes sary to give now life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nervis They are an uutailiug speoiilo for snob diseases us loooinotnr ataxia, partial paralysis, nt Vitus' dunce, mintiOB, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous head ache, the aller effects of In grippe, oiiloilation of the heait, pule and sallow complexions, and all forms of weaknesses either in male or female. Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will he scut poet paid on receipt of price, (50 cents a box or ti boxes for 8'2 50 they are uever sold iu bulk or by tbe 100) by addressing Dr. Williams' Medi cine On., Schenectady, N V., or Broek ville, Ontario. court, the following sum nllowed:., 8317.10. "claim of E. L Freel.ind f-r $".00 nn coit bill. State va. Faulkner, considered and ordered paid . Report of viewers aud surveyor?! on road Appl. Nn. KJ6, received mi. I con sidered and do remoustrance or bill of damages being on file, same was in cepted and road ordered ripened for public use. Bill for enrvyies of SlH.xl), allowed in full. Miscellaneous bills allowed as follows: G. W. Harrington, sheriff's salary, SJ00; J. W. Morrow clerk's salary, S4:)0; Frank Gilliam, treasurer's Hilary, 883.33; R. L. Shaw, assessor's sal'iry, 8632. Petition M. .1. OTHimna, et nl., for bridge across Uhca creek e.t or he-tr the j Rhea oreek school house considered and Judge Keithley uiven entire j'lti:, diatioo iu tbe inalb-r. HKPF.NIiR IN THE l,EAI. oT An-. J'HIIMV, HhVT I Bond of H. W. Berkley, for tne faith ful fulfillment of oontniut with the Ooiinty, examined aud approved. Bill of J. L Uowa-d, for services its Com , araountintr to $13, allowed. In the mutter of tux levy for the court after due consideration of the same and being fully advised as to the total amount of . taxable property in Morrow county, declared a levy of twelve mills for enmity and live mills for school purposes. The proposition of Paul A, Ozumie to furnish uiaps of Morivw ruotity con sidered and continued until ilio upc fiial term of court to he held tli-liru .Monday in Ootober. In the matter of nppr.i' tment of deputy hherifi mid clink, after con sideration same wi,s ordnred continued until the special Ofltohpr term. No further bnpiti.'Pii appearing the court adjourned until Oct. 1st, IH94. Ki. (iAZRTT : Iu yoiffissiie' .11 appears a communication Peudletou merehaut regarding the Hepp ner Merchants Uniou, and tries to leave the impression with your readers that it is to their disadvantage, and that their only remedy is to trade in I'eu JIeton. Toe communication was ably answered by Messrs. Minor ft Co., but perhaps a few favtit from a disinterested party will be of interest in connection with the matter. For three days the past week I was in Pendletou selling fruit. I took occasion to asoertaiu prices aud I found that all the staple articles in the grooery line were higher there than iu Heppner, and I make this stiitemont to all who are in terested, that yon can buy tlonr, sugar, entice, ten, tobaeoo. matches. Mason's fruit ,i us, beef, Cabot W muslin, baking powiier aed s."ip rd troni 10 to l per cent. less i'i I!e;in;i-r than in Pendleton, end 1 defy iMr. .StLlienOort, or any other Pendleton mereh -i.-t, to prove by their regular prices to t:--) oontrnry. Halt and coal oil are tne i one pi-ioe. I- the staples can be boii';.t at so much lower prices, limy we m-r mler that nil goods are lower? In cot.versation with a teamster from Lun Creek, bo openly stated in tile pres--- ee, ot a merchant there that he could i better in Hepp ner thnn in . There is one trade in Heppner whioh nJTeetf4 teamsters uiuierially, that is a drawback io building up, or even hold- ! ing the triide. Withon mentioning the purcHoiiiir mine i win pay ioa- meir prices aie from 'Jo fo 50 ner cent, higher than in Pendleton and other Eastern Oref'njt town", anil this tact is known foi-i commented upon to the detriment ' f ii-pp;ier':i trade. A. O. liAiiTiior,oMKv. Ai.i'INK, Or., Sept. 10, lHill. ! n.n TCrr TrfiaT .Trw TJarv Aftri. Mod- day Mft Tsst as young Moore, who is herding sheep for Joe Kelsay, was from a i ,,,,: i., ,,-, ,1T1i in where the sheen are camped, ou their way from the mountains, he was halted by a lone horseman, and at the point of a pistol made to give au account of himself. The strnuger demanded to know his name, his ooenpation, etc, after whioh unceremonious ceremony, ho coolly remarked that he didn't know but what he (Moore) might be looking for Jim Barnard, and on being assured by Mr. Moore that be bad not lost any person of that particular nom de plume, the mysterous midnight meanderer pnt Bpurs to his borne and galloped away. Moore did not know of tbe killing at Condon at the time. The stranger who made the "bold-np" was in all probabil ity, none other than tbe same T City : Hotel. HIS Popular slew Hamilton at morning. Antelope man who Condon, Monday Herald. Kenneth Brat-more hud the good fortune to receive small hot lie of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea liemedy when three meiuti'. r& of his family were sick with dHeiiter-y. This one Bmall bottle cored them all aud he bad some left which' he give to eico. W. Baker, a prominent nierch mt of tbe place, Lewistoti, N. C, ;ind it cured him of the same complaint. When troubled with nysetiteiy, (Imrrhoea, ooltc or cholera morbus. i:ive thU remedy a trial and ou will lie more than pleBsed with the remit. The praise that naturally follows its intro duction and use has made it very populBr. 25 and 50 cnt Indies far sale by Slocuui-.Tolinson Drug Co. THE OFFICIAL I.IS1' Ex peiotilnres of Morrow Ccunty. N.-hiicn Claimants, Services Kelnlered. ALLOWED IN KI LL. C C Boon, pauper account 8 30 00 W Ij Mullory, rand aud bnd;:e account Heppner Light Ar Water Co., oonrt bouse and jail account. . J W Morrow, county expense ac count L W Burnett, pauper account. .. L D Boyed, court houee and jail account T R Howard, court house and jail account William Douglass, expense trans cribing records K 50 22 H3 10NE ITEMS. A small shower fell during Ihe past week. Wanner days have ngBin put in their appearance. Fruit is plenty this season and is sellinf; cheap. The Pleasant Hill school ooininenced on Monday, Sept. 3.1. The same teacher is again eiuplo) ed . A number of carpenters nr at work enlarging the lone warehouse. A large amount of grain is expected. Th.i Uheu creek school stalls on Monda), Sept. 101 h. A number of other schools will be in session this full. The (miners are greatly discouraged at the extremely low price of wheat. Living prices would he acceptable jiiBt now. But what cau we do? John Eiy, late teacher of Shiloh eclrnol, Iihs departed for Washington, where he will be nelive lis teacher dur iti the present school year. Threshing is begun in good e-irnest. In munv instances wheat is producing better lhau nt first expected. But with (lie present prices, what or how mncu does it benefit the farmer? Jake. September S, ll-O-l. II CO 5 00 13 05 14 35 7 74 1 75 Bihthdai Fartt. On last Friday eve, the 7th inst., quite a number of invited guests assembled Bt the residence of Sirs. Caroline Nelson to attend B birth day party given iu honor of Miss Mary Nelson. Numerous games, singing nnd a splendid lunch were interesting features of the occasion. There were present: Misses Jennie Noble, Bessie Estes, Carrie. Rush, Maggie AdkinP, Elsie Laoy, Lillie liisbee, Maud Coch ran, Ethel Buyer. Etta Minor, Ada Ellen Hart, Fraukie Cowins, Mary Howard, Leua Behme, Eva Wier Elizabeth Matlock, Eva Brian, Mr. mid Mrs. Erastns Muir, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Crawford, Mr. mid Mrs. C. W. Gd lionsen. Mrs. F. 11. Sherman, Messrs. John Haves, (jeo. Wells. Jay Hhi;.ley, Roy (llassoock, Flpyd Thomas, Steiling Keithley. Jbb. Hart, Harry Warren, Walter Van Dnyn, Percy Garrignes, Alvah Patterson aud Lafayette French. Hostelry h&s again i j -..rill r-.i r n been re-openea anu win in first class style. Meal cl Rooms fit prices. Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. Co CO r H m o o O (f) The Liohtftat, Strongest and Easiest RunniDg Mower Made. P. C. THOMPSON COMPANY, Agents. 1 liH i LKJU Simmons Liver Regulator is my only family medicine. Kev. J. M. Rollin , Fairfield, Va. Bkokrn Arm. Mrs. Hollenheek, who is (eaohing nt the Hughes school house below town, while lending a horse be hind a wagon yesterday, suffered a fracture of both bones of the right dim above tbe wrist. The halter ptrap whb unluckily wrapped around ber wrist, and ihe Bnimal falling down suddenly, thiew Mrs. tlollenbeok out of the vehicle with the result above stut-d. Dr. (lagen was called and the patient e doing well. 0000000000 O It is now beyond, dis- O O pute that O Beecham's Pills Wm Peulaml, pauper account. Glass & Prudhoiuine, stationery account 74 40 S A Wood, pauper account iiH 50 Q O Wiokson, stationery account, 1 3H C lliihl, expense acoomit 50 E L Freelnnd, taking testimony. 3 50 Slooum-Johuston Drug Co., sta tionery account Ill 25 Thomas Nelson, stationery im- oount O W Ilea, legal advice O W Harrington, county expense account ALLOWKI) IN I'AIIT Ben C Irwiu A Co., record ac count, $48 SO; allowed Jerry Brofiiian, election account, 85 00: allowed Patters m Pub. Co., printing uo- eount, 851 WO; allowed '. . . 20 00 C E Miller, eoustnblc fees. 820 NO; allowed Ben C Irwin & Co., record Count, 8110 55; allowed... IlISALl.OWKI). Jos L Gibson, election ncoour.t.. . Heppner Transfer Co., expense account Paul A Oziuine. assessor neenii'.t. contini m O S dray, oonstuhle fees, Stale vs. Penman (1. W Ilariingtou, sheiill"s jail acoount 142 10 5 70 5 00 11 C5 2 51) 15 00 A (irainl Feature Of Hood's Sarsapnrlllit is that while it purities the blood and sends it coursing through the veins full id richness and health, it also imparts new life and viL'or to every function of the body. Hence tbe expression so onen neara: "lluod's HiirHapnrillamnde a new person of me." It overcomes that tired feeling so common now. Faii.iikB of C. Kuhl. Lite last week C. Buhl transferred his Heppner grocery business to J. C. Brown, of Black Horse, as seonrity for money loaned Kuhl by Mr. Blown. This action, which virtually shut out other oredilors to the amount of $2,000 or more produced quite a stir among the in teresleil ones. The Heppner Flouring Mill Co. were creditors to tho amount of over 1 100, and were the first to try the expediencies of law, but they soon re tired from tbe held. Saturaay lung Wilson, representing the creditois, ar rived from Portland hut he did nothing of any consequence. However, the (ja-z-.'tto is iufui mod that Mr. Hold will inalie an assignment, but what ou earth it will be mode of the Gazette wots not. (Worth a Guinca (Tasteless) are a specific in all cases of Indigestion, Biliousness, Sick headache, and kin dred troubles. 25 cents a Dox. FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is that of INVENTORS, w ho often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reh. able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, it not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that iuventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If vou have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to. gether'with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D.C. p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. Jttg- Cut this out and send It with your lnBUi.l insinoF en. EUGBJJE. Next session begins the 17th of Sep tember, 1S!U. Tuition, free. Board, 82.50 a week. Five courses: Classical, Soientifi;, Literary, English and Business. DORMITOBV. The Boarding Hall for young ladies and the Boarding Hall for young gentle men will be nnder the personal stipend. sion of Mrs. Mnnm, a lady of refinement and large experience. For Catalogues, address J. .1. Walton, f3 71. Seoy. Regents Mistukru. A nom " ho needs power for pumping, sawiugor lathes, surely makes a mistHke 11 lie pilK'lmses nil lllierior ninite oi nnicliine hfOiinne it is cheap. Why not buy the Hercules (Ins Kngine and make no mistiike. Send for catalogue. 1'aijMkk & Ili-.Y Tvi'E KorsDitY, Front & Alder Sts., Portland, Oregon. We notict. in nn exchange where ii mmi with a piKiil-sizoil wheat crop haw gone back to primary conditioim ami is lining his cavuseu iiuillioya in trumping it nut, UHing a fan mill to clean out tho chalT. Thin is certainly going hack a good many years, hut where crons are not too largo consider able money cau bo saved by doing likewise iu Morrow county. Times are hard niid every effort n-.nst bt made to Bave in the cost of pro duction. W. S. Smith, bu Kast Portland grocer whose store had several times been raided by thieves dur ing the past year, set a trap-gun with the hope of crippling the next intruder, and ns a result killed a burglar named George Morehouse last Thursday night. The bullot tore through More house's leg, fracturing tho thigh hone aud severing au artery from whioh he bled to death. The jury's verdict whs to the effect that he had died from the effects of a gunshot wound reoeived while at tempting to Durgianze a sioro. Grocer Smith was arrested Satur day on charge of murder. How ever, he will in all probability be released. In the future burglars will do well to look out for trap-guns. COI NIV COl'KT IMtOCKKMNUS. 112 10 1 CO 5 in) 1'il Oil S nil SIKWKIl Oil BTOI.KN. County pour I met iu regular session tit the court house Wednesday, Sept. fith, 1H!H, with Judge Keithly, Commissioner Howard. Clerk Morrow and Sheriff Harrington present. After due proeli miition court was opened where the followitig urooeediugs were had, towit : Bills of J. A. Adams, stook iuspeotor, (J.r;!.:S;l; Julius Keithley, county judge. il.'iO; Anna J. Bulsiger, school Supt., 8'.W.'.(1, and Mrs. E. L. Kreeland. Asst Hunt., Sf'J. allowed iu full. Cost bill, State vs. George lleudrix, continued for term it was not itemiiied, Cost bill. State va. Willie Smith, ooulinued for term. Bill of Jessie Kii k to the amount of J-t.50 for road work examined and allowed. Bond Appl. No. ID'J, petition of A. Hood, et al., ordered that road he re oorded and clerk ordered to notify supervisors through whose districts the same runs to open up said road for public use. TinitsiiAv, sKrr (1. Cost bill, Slate vs. J. C. Faulkner, considered and ordered paid, as oor reotedtothe summit of $11). K5. Same esse, No. 2, allowed 815.70; case No. 3 allowed S 112 3.1. In the matter o( claims ot Jurors aud witnetwe fur the September term o f STATE OF OUEUON.) COCNTV OV MolUlOW. i 88 ) I, J. W. Morrow, Clerk of Marrow County, hereby certify to ihe foregoing h-t ; of expenditures of the county, with th, names of respective claimants, the niti-j dee or services for which payment is i made, together with those u uitiuued, ; rejeoted oriu part paid, is tnieaud ourrect I as shown by the reetirils of suid county Witness my baud and seal of the said ' County Court, this Stb day of Sept., A. i I)., MH. I J. W. Monnow. IViinty Clerk, By G. W. Wells, Heputy. One horse branded MS. Finder will pleuse return to George M. Massinger, in the mountains, or to A. Abrahnmsiek, lli'Ppnr, V)r., and receive suitable There lire other i rands on the aniinnl besides the one menliored, but the miter eiinnot describe them. 2-17-tf. I.amo Fou Sai.k. 4S0 aoree over in Wilson nrairic. A good stock ranch .in.- be fold cheap. Call at Qh.:c re for particulars and terms will ; ..111. (i. A. !. MVl'H'K. Notice of Contest. v. s. : jAND Office, Tub Dai.i.fu, Oil. Atltfltflt -l, lS'.'l. .OUl'LUNT HAVING BKKN KNTKHKU AT V..1 thin Otlice by Anns J. BaldiKcr agahiKt John K. All.-n lor nlmii.innliiK Ji is HmueBtotul Kntrv No. -lliiii. dato.l Dec ill. ISill upon the N V'4 fc-ecti.m '27, TownsliiJ) 1 North, Himue '21 K. in Slorrow County. Oregon witli a view to the oaiH'cllalioil of sai.1 elilrv. tlie Hahl imrtlc are liercl.y BiimiiHme.l to apiH'iu at this ollice on the '211th .lav ol October, ism. at 111 o'clock A. M.. to respond an.i furnish testimony con. ccininc said alleged ahaildonincilt. J. v. Morrow, coimtv clerk, is authorized to take testimony at Heppner, Or., on Oct. 112, lH'.u, al HI A. M. J. 1". MOOKK, liJ-Tu. Keiiister. I'rruliar to llst-ir. Ho id's Snrsaparilla is peculiar to it self, ill a strictly medical s. use, in three important partioulaiH, viz : Hist, in tbe conibiuiition of remedial sgeiits used; second, ill tbe proportion in which they are mixed; third, in the process by which tbe active curative properties of tbe preparation are secured. These three important points make Hood's Snrsaparilla peculiar iu its medicinal We take -this opportunity of inform ing our subscribers the new com missioner of pousious has been appoint ed He is an oi l soldier, and we believe tlmt soldieis and their heirs will receive justice alibis bauds. Wedi not antici pate that there will be Buy radical changes in the eduiinistratiou of pension (.flairs under Ihe new regime. We would advise, however, that D. S. soldiers, sailors and their heirs, take steps to tniike npi licntlou at riniw, if ihcv have i.ot alcaily dope so, in order to secure the benitit nf me early filing of In. ar claims in case there should be Kiiy liiture pension legisb.tiou. Such legislation is seldom retroactive. There fore it is of great, importance that np- pluutions lie bled in Ihe department the earliest possible date. If the C. .- . soldiers, tailors, or their widows, children or parents desire in formation m regard to pension matters, tl.ev should write to the I'ress Claims Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DAl.I.ES, OREGON, Ij Sept. 10, ISlll. Notice is herchy Kiven that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make linal proof in support of Ills chiini. and that said proof will he made het'ore J. Morrow, .'ounty clerk, at Heppner llreKon, ou Oct. 2,, 1NM, viz: DANIEL B. LEATHERS, ltd. No. :14J:1, for the N'J NV 8ec. aT, and 8 SW . sec. . To. S. K '26. E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation nl sai.l land, viz: Mack Kiiey, Ruhen Allen. Bert Allen and M Sperrv. all of Hardmun, Oregon. LV..V'27.,. Jas. F. Mooag, Resister. . --- - --ttS it 19 ANDRf1 j MONEY f; ABSOLUTELY !HSL; merit, as it accomplishes cures hitherto ' .. ',,,, Hn.i ,Pud the nece'ssarv npplioation, if they Dim them eutulecl unkuown. But it is not what we say but w hat Hood's Sarsspsrilla does, that tells the story. What Hood's Snrsaparilla lias done for other is reason for confidence that it is tbe medicine for you. Simnioui Liver Kegulator is a medi cine endorsed and used by physicians and druggists. If you have over indulged in eating or driuking take a dose ot Simmons Liver Kegulator. muter the numerous laws enacted tor their benefit. Address IT.ESS CLAIMS COMPANY Jons Wkdhkuiu km, Managing Attor ney, Washington, t). C, P.O. Box 3.So. B. A. Hnusaker runs stBge between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every day except Sunday. Shortest and cheap est route to the iu tenor. P. Colin, agent. t SEWING MACH'.HE MADS uE OR Ol'U DEALERS can sell von machine cheaper than yon ran get rluwhtrt, The NEW HO TIE fa our Deal, but we make cheaper kind, snrh aa the CLIMAX, IDEAL and other High Arm Fnll Nickel Plalrd Sewing Itlachlnea for $IS.OOand up. ll on our airent or write ua. We want your trade, and If prlees, terms and equare deallnc will win, we w 111 ha II. We challenge the world to produce a BETTER $50.00 Sewlns Machine for SO.OO,or a better 20. dewlnc Machine for f 30.00 than you can bay from at, or our agcu. THE SEI HOME SE1IJG MiCHlSE CO, Olu-vo.. urn Bito, . rimw JrRs, X. V. V bAJI tiClCt, CU ATLANTA, OA. rOR SALE ay The New Home Sewing Maehiyr Ct 2fl7 Market St. San Francisco, Cal. Preututi Kt PreiitiHri ltt 'Uiylu pilificuio c 'UjilipiiUou l-rcntiHS Koctifyiug pilla euro constipation ctiiyiny 'iUa ctn o cumntipntlufi Fi'entlwa Ructltying pilla cura constlpatloa REN" P n u SS R iCTFYING PILL CUnt5 ST PAT IN Ahrost all pills niul mo.lli'lno proditco ccnstlpatlon, here Is ft pill tliat cures torpid liver, blllmisuors, rlicumatlsni, iuiliaesilon, sick hoadaclie ami kluney and liver grlj.liis or leavlnjr any tl'aoo ot CONSTIPATION, which is theprlmoenusnot all sickness, mo ot it Batting habitual and chronic with you, soo to It in l i!i--.i. pilla will euro yen. T 3RFNTISS RECTIFYING PILL. beciiuKO tl Is the only Hate and harmless remedy that will mirely CEAUTIFY tho clear llio tkiu nud roin-; self. 25 Corns a box. 3LEXIO II Dl, ttchea from the face. Try a box and see for youp- ALL DRUGGISTS. Ltl EY ill of price yt! Or Hont by mall upon roe;' Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing; Co., 3 406 CALIFORNIA STKUn'l 8 & , L"'";i'w 'i''1''!!5'1"" I'!1'-" cure euu3tl,.lii'uu i'iVuil.-3 lUj.airyiifff pTfi euro couatipallon ca, Front, a Hei-lUvnu; j, ilia euro c.iwtlimllou 1'rentlwi 1-q-ufyluit LlllBeurBconBtliintlOtt SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ADDRESS A LETTER OK POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney, O. Box 463. Washington, D. C. Honorably discharged soldiers nnA aailnH ! j ,. are entitled, if now partlBllyor whollv disahled fnrnrjn.rn,.n.ii.'i,n. ,i,'..i... ji..hiitv was e"ce or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances. w.. V4,7. , 'VSofsucll soldiers and sailorsare entitled (if not remarried) whethersoldier'sdea1; i f denJ r y, "m C Or n0t', 'LnOW deP"dt pon their own labor for support. WW"" not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death wa due to service. widow or shVi. nH- 5d ( un1.s'?"cen years) in almost all cases where there was nr Wiaow, or she has since died or remarried. Mrorm.'i'lfA if 5,ldi" J". nel,hOT wl5o r child, provided soldier died In it mlrnoS ! Vnd are n dependent upon their own labor for sup port, it makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army 6r uww&'EitaSSht,?4 UDd" one law' may "pp'y for h"fh" rat" der oth" hleh'?,1ni er'-lf-Win.g f?m U to $, r the old lv are entitled to ..ti?w"wnSoilS dU'bTlUvt'no? rlrnUrarm)'r " "1S Ida XZuanWn(V,i f the BliV Hswk-Cres-"k and S.mlnol.or Fior ina I no urn Mn ot 1838 to 1842, are entitled nnder a recent act. ot dfpen .nt " ""U'e" "nd th"r Widow '-ontm.d7.i?wo year, of age or disabled hte?law8ao wnetn pension ha. been granted nnder Ce'rfifiMtes ofTereH nd.sttt'"""" secured. If rejection Improper or Illegal, have'osuhe" ig'ina'l"; tfhaiSe btaine'1 "ilor. of the lat! war who Send for laws and information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address. THE PRESS n.fllM; rnMDQMv JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P. O. Box 463. WASHINGTON, D.C ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HEPPNER, (111 : uusiuesa attended to m s prompt and satisfaotory manner. Notaries Pnbhc and Collectors. OFFICE IX NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. OREGON LEGAL BLANKS Am Plenty of them at the Gazette Office