Give your buttnuis to Beppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize won. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible tor his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer s real name is signed as au evidence of good faitn. Did you ever Read about toe Man wbo Hid Lis Ligbt under A bushel? Yes? well That is like Doing business Without advertising. AU the Snide schemes In the country Will not aooomplish Half ae much As a good ad. In a good, live, Legitimate newspaper, One that Is read By the people, And that owns Its own Soul; that Uses its apuee Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. 53 J&2 The idea of the election of senators by a direot vote of tbe people is growing. Six negroes on Aug. 81. were lynohed near Memphis, Tenn., for barn burning Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks died at his home in Waltham, Mass., Hunday, aged 78 years. Duo Si'KHitY, the Vancouver horse, paced a mile recently at Fort Wuyne, Ind., in 2:09. Tbe return to free silver coinage in this oountry, and in the oivilized world, is surely coming. Til eh K are many workingmen wbo would like to pay the "robber tariff" on a dinner pail, if they bad use for the pail. From WisoonBin oomes news of ap palling fireB. A total loss of 855 peopln is reported, whole towns being swept entiroly out of existence. Colokado democrats have been divid ed for two years past, "White Wings" and "Fusionists." They hope to unite this year on the same candidates. Both China and Japan are preparing to vigorously prosecute the war. Japan is buying big Krupp guns and China is borrowing money to meet expenses. Hubert J. paoed a mile in 2:03;'4 lit Fort Wayne, Ind., ou Aug. 31. Tins puts him in the lead of fust horses, beat ing the time of Mascot, Flying Jib aud Nancy Banks. Ex-Vice I'kkbidknt Levi P. Mokton baa signified his willingness to run for the governorship of New York ou the republican tiuket. lie is hooked bh one of the strongest men in the party. Senatok Kyi.h has introduced a reso lution to prohibit the selling of liquor iu the senate end of the oapitol. It is now in order for some one to call him an an archist for trying to break down dem oo ratio government. Salem Independ ent. The branch asylum oase will come up before the supreme oourt on Sept. Otb. In justice to Eustern Oregon and to a large olass of iusaue persona, the brauch asylum should be located at Union, as decided by Gov. Peunoyer, Heo'y MoBrida aud Trees. Motschuu. The Weston Leader, reiluoed to an advertising patrouago of $11 a month, has been forced to suspcud. Tho Leader has been iu existence b go3il many years aud what Westuu und the sur rounding oouutry is today it owes it largely to the influence of the Leader. Tub Dalles Ohuonii'LE mBists that Oregon should have a new ouustitutiou, giving as reasons that the state hax entirely outlived the constitution adopted in the backwoods days of 1857. Our esteemed exchange is eminently oorreot. We shonld take a new hitch on our Btispeudera and begin oyer again as a state of 51)0,000 people, or there abouts, fully warrants. It isn't best too be to sensitive iu this rough aud tumble world. Don't allow yourself to worry over what people say about you. No matter what you say or do, it will appear diftbreut to different eyes. One will pronounoe it just tbe right thing, while otberB will decide that it is wholly bad. At best yon can only please a oertaiu few, while the great majority don't know what yon are and don't care. Do what you thiuk is best under the oircumstancfs and let the tbe results be what they may. F.i obange. It is said that a bold insurance scent J it going over the oouutry swiud'iog policy holders. Ills method is to Und out in what company oertaiu parties are insured and go to them with the state ment that tbe oompany which issued their policy is suspended, aud that he has been employed to assist in adjusting their affairs. He will take great pleasure in transferring their policy to good, reliable company, aud iu order to do this requires his viotiin to sigu a clip of paper supposed to be a cer tificate of transfer, but iu a short time it (unit out to be note. Look out for faint. The veto power should be taken way from the preaideut of tbe United States. He is not by nature or other wise gifted to tnch a degree as to war rant bis taking away tbe voice of con gress, unless a two-thirds majority should will otherwise. He is but a man, and let bim be whom be may, hie peers are found in the walks of life every day, and his superiors, intellectually. often grace the halls of oougreBS. CIKCL'IT COl'HT. Tuesday, Sept. 4, 11H. uircuii oourt convened tuis morn ing at 9 o'clook, yesterday being a legal holiday, aud a noa-judioial day. Judge Bradsbaw and other oourt officers were present. The following is the proceedings ai had thus far: law. Felix Johnson vs. Ed. Day, oontiuued J. B. Hunt la. Newt Jones, continued Mary Frey and Katie Petteys vs. T. J. Allyn aud wife, continued. 8. A. Woolery vs. 8. W. Adams, con tinued. Palaoe Hotel vs. Mnrnaret Von Cadow, dismissed at Pl'tl's oosts. J. N. Brown vs. J. D. Hamilton, dismissed at Pi'ff'a ooBts. Eagle Woolen Mills vs, . J. U. Kolman, settled and dismissed. H. G. Scott vs. T. 3. Mathews, settled and dismissed. L. Blumentbal vs. J H. Kolman, dismissed at Pl'fTs oosts. Ihos. Quaid vs. Brown & Hamilton, settled and dismissed. EQUITY. Assignment of M. Lichtenthal & Co., ool) turned for term. Lucy Wilkins vs. Robert Wilkins, demurrer overruled by consent; answer tomorrow morning. 5V. H. and Harvey Rush vs. American Freehold Land & Mortgage Company of Scotland, Limited, decree granted. A. E. Mikesell vs, Rosa Mikesell, oon tinned. J. C. Hayes vs. G. W. Harrington, contest, argued on demurrer. Cuwe ou trial as we go to press. Muhueii at Condon. Yesterday after noon, about 3 o'olook, Jus. Barnard shot aud instantly killed Byron Hamilton iu Condon. Barnard, Clarence Zacbary aud Hamilton had been indicted for oattle stealing, and Barnard was con victed at the last term of oourt, but was out on bonds pending an appeal to the supreme oourt. Hamilton, though one of the gang, had since turned state's evidence and at tbe ooming court would have made a dangerous witness. Thin Barnard knew aud yesterday ho called at the residence of Sheriff Wilcox, BHked for Hiuuil'ou who was in oharge of the sheriff. Humilton came out, and Barn ard theu asked Mrs. Wilcox of the where abouts of the sheriff'. He was informed that the sheriff was at the oourt house. Barnard asked Hamilton to walk over with him and the latter oousented. When just outside of the residenoe gate Barnard drew a revolver and shot Ham ilton three times, death resulting instant ly. Barnard at once mounted his horse aud rode away. At last accouuts a large posse were alter him. It was one of the most oold-b!ooded murders ever recorded in Eastern Oregon, if all reports are true. Hamilton was UU or ill years of age. That Tired Peeling la a daugerous condition directly due to depleted or impure blood. It should not be allowed to continue, as iu its debility the system is especially liable to serious attacks of illness. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the remedy for snob a condition, und also for that weakness which prevails at the change of season, climate or life. Ernest Piper's crop averaged bu. per acre this year. Mrs. Taylor Thompson arrived from Baker county thiB morning on business, J us. Coohrnn oame in this morning with a load of wool for lleury Welch, Jr. Evans Hros. got 40 bu. to the acre of wheat i IV HO acres and tlieir whole crop, oats, barley and wheat, averaged 118 bu. Will. Campbell, who lives near Lex ington, whs struck in the mouth yester day while working around a thresher, losing some front teeth and getting his lips bruised severely. T. J. Allyn met with a runaway this meriting on the road to town, throwing Air. Allyn to theurouml with much force. A lump the size of a mini's list on his forehead gives evidence lis to the hard ness of the road. The hack tongue was broken but otherwise no damage result ed. Oscar Mitchell and Dick Labile were iu the wagou hut escaped injury. My boy was taken with a disease resembling bloody ilux. The lirst thing I thought of was Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Two doses settled the matter aud cured him sound and well. I heartily recom mend this remedy to all persons suffer ing from a like complaint. I will answer any inquiries regarding it wheu ataiiip is inclosed. 1 refer to any county official as to my reliability. Wm. Roach, .1. V., I'rimroy, Campbell Vo , Tenn. For sale by Sloouni-Jnlnmoii Drug Co. An Awkward Situation. A physician of Ocostu, Wash., while botanizing in the woods near that place recently, stumbled across a big black hour, which got annoyed at his presence ami chased him. The rail road was a few yards away, and the doctor took to the track and sprinted along it a few yards ahead of the beast, until a long trestle was readied, when the bear bulled and squatted down to watch the doctor hop along thctien. When he was a third of the way across a freight train appeared ut the further end. Out on a high trestle, with a bear waiting for him ut one end and a freight train coming for him from the other, the doctor felt that the situation was embarrassing, He dropjH'd to a supporting beam, hung from tho end of it while the train passed overhead, and then con tinued his way across the trestle and home by another route. Deepoudenoy, caused by a diseased liver, can be avoided by takinu Sim mons Liver Regulator. GOETHE AND EVOLUTIONS. .1 rt:..;min ::r..l Very (. Iiurarrrruitis .Ati!V'.1( nt The (;rvit Anltior. Joet!ie wide frr-asp of the physical roseni . h ; of t ie day a'- ; , inMnr-u interest in suieiti . i ?i .-1, r. , -, uvr vnt opto Uie J;i-t. 'i'lu- v.vitr'it I'f four - seoiv yran had not the eiiVct of nar- rowim;- hi uutloui;. There is a well known and very ciiaract;-ritic anec dote of him in the eveiiiu;r of his life which may be recaile.l as iliuMrating in a few lines what he ; . and what he w as nut. mivs Tempi,. j;ar. 1 1 Has the 1st of August, I Ml. The news of the French revolution had reached Weimar that incrnih!" and all was in commotion. On I'liti-riiiir Oootlie's room his secretary, M. Scuvi. was ac costed with the exclamation: "Xijw, what doyou think of thisfrrciitevent'.'" "A frightful story," answered Soret, "hut with such a ministry what was to be expected but the expulsion of the royal family'.'" "We do not appear to understand each other." said (iuethc, ever indifferent to politics, even wheu boiling ) into revolution; "I am speak ing o the contest so important for science between Cuvier and Ocoffroy St. llilaire. which has come to an open rupture iu the academy.'' Ooctho, it must lie remembered, con sidered Hie question at issue as n mat ter of the greatest importance to the future of science. He was greatly re joiced over the fact that the youthful phyuicist. St. llilaire. hud shown him self so powerful anally of his own fixed idea of the synthetic manner of look ing at nature. It. was a tine burst of eniiui.Mii-m or (itei ne s. win -n. during this same interview with his secretary, he exclaimed: "What is ail intercourse with nature, if we merely occupy onr-elvos with in dividual material part-., and ! hot feel the breath of the vpiri which piv- scrioos to every part its diiveiioa. and orders,,!-sanctions every deviation by mean , id a:: Inherent law! I have ey ed my. el f in this great iiiiestion for liflyyciiri. At lirst 1 was ahme. then I found support, and now at last, tomy great joy, lam supassed by congenial umds. BOOKS AND AUTHORS. Tut: public libraries of all Europe contain :;1.I100.(III volumes; those of America,, M.iKIO.tloo volumes. QfKKN VirroiiiA, when young, had poetic ambition. Under an assumed name she sent to a London publisher enough verses to make ji book. They were promptly "returned, with thanks." Mil. ClIAlil.KS llKXUV 1R ARSON, 1111 Englishman, has written a book in which he claims to have proved that the great races of the world are losing ground, and that the Chinese, Hindoos and South American half-breeds are the coining leaders of civilization. Mme. .Mod.imska's last meeting with Lord Tennyson was most pathetic. She accompanied bun from London to his country house. After dinner he read a portion of '"I n Memorinm'' to her. and she was so overcome, with emotion that she knelt at Ids feet and kissed his hand. Lord Tennyson at the time said he had never received more sincere praise. Kenneth Bnemore had the good fortune to receive a small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy when three members of his family were sick with dysentery. This one small bottle cured them nil aud he had Home left whioh he gave to Ueo. W. Laker, a prominent merchant of the place, Lewiatoii, N. C and it cured him of the same complaint. When troubled with dyseutery, diarrhoea, oolic or cholera morbus, give this remedy a trial and you will be more than pleased with the result, The praise that naturally follows its intro duction and use has made it very popular. 2! and fit) cent bottles for sale by Slocum-Johnaou Drug Co. FOREST AND GARDEN. Vknkzi'KI.a has milk trees. Thhuk arc thirty species of tobacco. Plan ts placed under blue glass will starve, because they cannot absorb car bonic acid from the atmosphere. I'hof. Doi.i.kv, of the I'niversity of Pennsylvania, has discovered that the thyrsus curried by ltaeehus was the tlower cluster of the date palm, not a lir or pine cone as usually translated. William K. Smith, for ninny years superintendent of the botanical gar dens in Washington, has. it is said, per sonally directed the planting of more than six million trees in diilVrent parts of the t inted States. At Cologne there is a rose tree w hich is believed to be throe hundred years old and has a trunk of four feet in cir cumference. California has one at Ventura which is now throe feet iu circumference at the ground. It was only planted in ISTtI and now covers two thousand feet. Jit Whh H(lMtlve. Courtesy nt sou Isawuiro ami highly vnliwil commodity. Tito mate of a wlMlintf vessel onee iimtounoed to the euptitiu Unit he saw a whale breach ing und Mowing, and jrave the loca tion. The captain looked, and said he could not see it. The mate ajrain announced the fact, hut the captain could not make it out, and dually said, impatiently: "If you thinU you sec a whale, jo and eatoh him." The mate promptly ordered out a Lout, and, Mire enough, found the whale aud captured him. lie returned triumphant with ! Ins prize, aud of course, the captain, was highly gratified. "Mate," he said, J cordially, "you have done well. You j shall have the thanks of the own- : ers and perhaps a reward." The mate replied: "Captiu Jones. 1 don't want no mention; 1 don't want no thanks, and 1 don't want no reward. All I wants in civility, and thatof the com-' mouebt civil kind." Ilpre's ItiT'rmiMii Simplicity. The most frugal and matter-of-fact povermuent of Kurope U probably that of Hulparia, which, when the national legislature does not happen to be in, session, is in the habit of hiring out the parliamentary chamber for theatrical entertainments. The nation al representatives are mostly farmers in a small way, and they are very regular iu their attendance, since if they are not on hand to answer the roll-call they forfeit their daily btipend of 1H Nut Vate Money, Time or Patience. If you need power for Buy purpose whatever, semi ut once for catalogue of Hercules (ias mid liaaoline Endues. They Bre simple, strong, sate and Hub- j BtBi'tial. Their economy, reliability, strength and superior workmanship are beyond question, and we defy tests to the oonlrary. 1'at.mkh 4 Buy Fofndky, Front & Alder Sts., I'urtland, Or. COOD IN LATIN. j During the reoeut c nftirsnes nt Wan- petou, Miuu., several of the ministers1 were visiting the Red River Valley uni- I Versify at that place, anil were taking in 1 the Latin class. One of them clmnced I 'o pick up a copy of Ci.rsar belonging to a certuiu very popular young lady student, aud found tbe folluwing poem on a fly-leaf of the book: Bnyibus kisnibim Sweet girlorum ; Girllbus likiljiiB Wanti somonun. "1 know an old soldier who had ch ronio diarrhoea of long standing to have been permanently onred by taking Chamberlain's Colio, Colera aud Di arrhuia Remedy," says Edward Hhumpik, a prominent druggist of Minneapolis, Miuu. "I have sold tbe remedy in this city for seven years and consider it superior to any other medi cine now on the market for bowel complaints." 25 and 5,1 cent bottles of this remedy for sale oy Slocum-John-son Drug Co, AMKKK.AN liOOtl.S ONLY. If every patriotio Amerieiiii will pur chase American goo la only for his consumption, he wnl lessen the dis astrous effects of the free trade Clorinan Tariff Bill. The American Protective Tariff League invites all to join in such a movement, and to sign the following pledge: T hereby pledge myself to bnv American goods only, whether of the farm, mine or factory, and to use my influence to have others do the snuie." Please sign the above giving your post office address iu full and send tbe sa'ue to 'A'. F. Wakemsu, General Secretary, 135 West 2l!d Htreet, New York. (I. A. It. NOTICK. We take this opportunity of inform ing our subscribers that the new com missioner of pensions has been appoint ed. Ho is an old soldier, and we believe that soldiers and their heirs will receive justice at his hands. Wed p nut antici pate that there will be any radical changes iu the administration of pension affaire under the new regime. We would advise, however, that U. S. soldiers, sailors and their heirs, take steps to make api liontion at once, if they have not aleady done so, in order to secure the benefit of the early filing of 'heir claims in case there should be any future pension legislation. Such legislation is seldom retronotive. There fore it is of great importance that ap plications be filed iu the department at the earliest possible date. If the U. soldiers, Bailors, or their widows, children or parents desire in formation in regard to pension matters, they should write to the lJress Claims Company, at Washington, D. 0., aud they will prepare aud send the necessary application, if they find tbem entitled under the numerous laws enacted for their benefit. Address PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY Jonn WiiDDimui'iiN, Managing Attor ney, Washington, U. C, P.O. Box 385. ADDITIONAL. LOCALS. Tbe Studehnker wagon heads them all. For sale at Gilliam & Biebee's. a "Hardware" did yon nay? Wbv. vea at P. O. Thompson & Oo.'h stand, aud fche plaae for bnrtiaiiia. a The Keeh.y Institute, at forest Grove cures liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine und tobacco habit. See ftd. The general merchandise estiddmh ment formerly owued by Coffin & Me Far land, has lately changed hands, now be ing under the control aud management of The McFarland Mercantile Companv, which continues biiHioesB at the old stand with a lnrgur stock than ever. a ST11AVEI) OH KTOi.KN. One Iioi-bo bramleil M S. Finder will please return to Oeorge M. Mutineer, in the nionutiiins, or to A. Abrabamsiek, Hepimer, Or., and receive suitable regard. , There are other brands on the animal besides the one mentioned, but the writer cannot describe them. 247-tf. til S3 SHOE i IS THE BEST. NOSQUEAKIN& 5. CORDOVAN french&enamelledcalf: 4.5.5.FlNECAIf&i 3.s.P0LICE,3 Soles. $2S?2.W0!KINGMENs EXTRA FINE. " 2.1. Boys'SchoolShoes. LADIES- SEND FOR CATALOGUE WL'DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS, Vou enn save money by purchasing V. J Duutflufl Simon, Because. are the largest manufacturers of advertised biiot-a in the world, and auarautet tlie value by stamping the nuine and price ou the bottom, which protects you against high pliers aud the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fittiug and wearing qualities. We have them sold every where nt lower price for tlie value given than any of her make. Take no substitute. It" your dealer cannot supply you, we cau. Sold by lHiuler wlinse mime will shortly ap pear here. Aent wimtetj. Apply it once. IT 19 ABSOLUTELY The Best SEWING MACHINE MADE AMD SAVE MriMrv IV Wi: OU Di ll nUilESS run etl you umchtuca cheaper than you can Cft cSncwhero. 'l lli' MUV II07IBU our bent, but wo niuke cbenper kinds, mil am the CLIti.VX, Il:tAL and olli. r Illi-h Arm Full Nickel Plaled Sewing tlHclilnca for $15.00 and up. Call ou our agent or vi-rlto us. W'9 want your trade, and it' prices, terms aud square denlHia will win, we will hare It. We challenge the world to produce a BKI I'I K (150.00 Sewing itlachiue lor $50.00, or a better f iO, Sewing naehluc tor if 40.00 than yon cau buy from us, or our Agents, THE 1CT HOME SEWIKG MACHINE CO. Ojux.i. Maw, Boston. XiM. Txio! Sqvikb, M, T. FOR SALt BY The Now Home Sewine Machine Co. 2.77 Market St. San Francisco. Cal, 8 iOOOOOOOOOOl World-wide, means world-tried. The high reputation and enormous sale of Beecham's Pills Worth a Guinea a ISm.) (Tasteless) reflect the wisdom of two o-pnpratintisy 8 8 8 2c cents a box. OOOCHDOOOO" UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Next session begins the 17th of Sep tember, 1894. Tuition, free. Board, $2.50 a week. Five oourses: Classical, Scieutitij, Literary, English aud Business. bobmitoky. The Boarding Hall for young Indies nnd the Boardiug Hall for young gentle men will be nnder foe personal supervi siou of Mrs. Mnnra, a ludy of refinement and large experience. For Catalogues, address J. J. Walton, 53-71. Secy. Regents. Geutrtl or locil !' Agents. $73 Lad tea or k week. EicTuMire territory KapM DlihWuhir, Wubti alitb) diuhuH fur fuiulj Inaae minute. Vului, hute tad (trie then) it bout welling the hmiidi. Yofl push tbe button, the m-chluedoel the frit. Hrltit, do) tailed dtihe- ud cheerful wtna. No icmlJeJ fliigtrt,Dooilelb.ridior clothing 'No broken dlihti. uu must. Cbt'-D durable, wmt-& ted. Circular fret W. P. UAH ill SON A CO., Clark No. 1-, Columbus, Q Notice of Contest V. H. Land Office, The Pallks, Or., August 21, 1H1H, rOMPLUNT HAVING BKEN KNTKKKD AT V this Cilice by Anna J. BulHipr HjjalnHt John K. All-a for abumifnitn Ida Iloincstetul KutryNo. 41iitl, dated Dec. lii, Ism, upon the NWl-4 Section 7, TowiiHhipl North, linage 24 K. in Morrow County, Oregon with a view to the cancellation of hhM entry, the SHid purtk'B are hereby summoned to appear at thin ofliee on the 'iitth day of October, iwu. at 10 o'clock A. M., to respond and furiiiBh testimony con cerning said alleged abandonment. J. W, Morrow, county clerk, is authorized to take testimony at Heppner, Or., on Oct. 'J'J, isst-l, at 10 A. M. J. K. MuOKK, ti--7U. Register. Summons. IN THECIRCUITCOCKT FOR THE COUNTY of Morrow, State of Oregon. Mary J. Doonan, plaintiff, vs. Win. Doonau, defendant. To the above named defendant, William Doonan: In tho name of the Htate of Oregon, your are hereby required to appear und answer the complaint filed against yon in the above entitled suit ou or before the 4 day of September. A. D., IKiM, the same being tlie first dav of the next regular term of said court, and if "you fail so to answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to said court for a decree dissolving the marriage contract existing between said plaintiff and said d e f e n d a n t, anil for the costs and disbursements of this suit. This sunim one is published by order oi Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, judge of said court. Done at chambers at The Dalles, Oregon, July 17th, 1894. Ellis, Dawson & Lyons, 'J.M-63. Attorneys for Plaintiff, 0.R.&N.C0. E. McNEILL, Receiver. to thq BAST QIVKS THE CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental Spokane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details oall on O. R. & N. Au' nt at Heppner, t r address W. H. BURLBURT, Gen. Pnas. Portland, (Jreoon. CUT THIS OUT NO. 2301. tieud this L'Ol'l'ON and tte Cents to THE Hl'YKTT MUSIC CO., 'Jf.9 Dearborn St., ChUago, 111. Ami receive (post paid) ONE PIECE OF MI'SIC. of vour own ohoiee, immed below, or THKEE pieces for tiO cents, or SIX pieces tor $1.00. Kemit postal note or one und two cent stamps. Thin Coupon not good after December ;ilBt, im. 2 O Q- " o o The Latest Music VOCAL Weddkd Aktkr tub Ball. Bv Barney Fa- K' 40 eta Most popular Waltz Son of the dav. Dedirated to Mr. C. K. llarirs, author of -After the Ball " A Dkkam ov Arcadia, Waltz lonjj, Lanvon 5C cts The none of all songs. Favorite of Adellna Vatti. MooNi.ii hi on the Lauoon, by Geo. Schteiilarth 50 ets latest popular success by tuts noted composer. TURK- SOl'THERN SONUS : "I'ntlk Dan," "Aunt Sis Tab," "Whkhb My Hony Slbki'w," complete 7f cts Three charming, plaintiveand charac trrlettc Snthern hongs, written by Col. Will L. lssoher, and arranged bv W. Hebort Lanyon. INSTRVMNTAL AT Evkntidk, N act u me for piano, Mar- cts A very brilliant Nocturne, about grade 4-5. I.N Kuiw'ry Qhovkh, reverie for piano, Marcus ,v ctg Beautiful reverie, original, and sure to please. ftT-The above are all tine edition, of val naWeupjriKiiU. nd cannot be ha.l inCHKAP bOKM. imhhmi must accompany theorJer to secure the reductions uauieU. City THIS Popular Hostelry has again I been re-opened and will be run in first class style. IVIoffclK mid Kooms t Popular Prices. Mrs. The Lightest, Strongest aud P. C. THOMPSON FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those havintr claims airainst the eovernment is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli. able solicitors tc procure patents, for the value of a patent dependsgreatly, if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct ln terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to. gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting ou the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D.C. p. o. box 463. JOHN WEDDERSURN, Managing Attorney. 43- Cut this out and send It with your inuuloi.H xuLihj ivt!truLini;. pi i s c uro c Hi su ul grnntlaa Ituetlrylug plug euro constipation i. i i PENT con: ooi, uu inns ana moaieiue prodneo constipation, here is a pill that euros torpid liver, biliousness, rh.'umntlsm. indigestion, sick heartache and kidney and liver tnubles without griping or leaving any traco of CONSTIPATION, which Is tho prlmo euuso of allslcknoss, vnro ot It gottiug habitual aud chronic with you. seo to it, in tiieoi) pills iviil euro yen. ? ,, c paaa rtsa&, r :1 ' J Is cletir tho ji;ia and romo' seU. 23Ccut3abox, all blotches a a 3!.n BY A'-L DRUGGISTS, Or stmt by mult upon rocfipt ut riro l.y Prentiss Chemical and Manufactm-Ino- r 1 ft m m in., . . . IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ADDRESS A LETTER OB POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, junn wLuutKBUKN, P. 0. Box 463. are entitled if now aStiallv nr hn Ti? T? 9"7ed ninety days' or ovcr' ln lhe late war j.7 . ow8o'suchsolt,ersand sailorsnreentitled if nut remarried) whether soldier's.Wh r" U -tall cases where therewss no portj. It makeS no difference rVtPliSLSi isws?" uLolVl'o:iryVhts0.0ed Und" De law" ma3"PP'y for rate, nnder other also for others, whether due to service 2r no oisabUjties for which now pensioned, but .ntlWn,'. orde,p?n'dWar,0laler'andtheirwid'-'Hle tete?idwSaoruoC.0mp,ete'5i'nJsett,em,:I1,obtained. Pension has been granted under Cert"teCs'lf7e "caTci- f"jection Improper or illegal osvi losi their original ;ar7errS ge bUmed for SOldiers and Milo f 'ate war who) bend lor laws and information. No charze THE PRESS claims rpv "ares JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P. 0. Box 463, IDllls, Dawson Iyons, ATTORNEYS All busiDsss attended to in manner. Notaries OFFICE IN NATIONAL BEPPNER, LEGAL BLINKS .4 Tom Bradley, Prop. r" H m O O a I Co c: r 3 Co 1-1-1 Easiest EunniDg Mower Made. COMPANY, Agents. urn i'lfiiii.HS Iloo tl Cy lug pi I Id cure constipation lTmitlsa Kectltylug plllacure constlpat Ion 0 V SS RECTIFYING PILL r c t3 bocauso it la the only saCo and harmless remedy that will surely BEAUTIFY the from tho face Try a box aud sue for youi?- " FRANC15CO. CAL. UfVitlf III IU n1,i,uli,.ll,, AT I Uoii Prfullsa Itprttiyluif plllacuroconaUnntfon Managing Attorney, Washington, D. C. for v r , ... WASHINGTON, D, C AT LAW. a DrnniDt and DafiarnAi...n Public sod Collectors. BANK BUILDING. OREGON" Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. .