Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 31, 1894, Image 2

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    Oivt yourbutinut to Heppner ptoplt
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize thote who patronize
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for las or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unlem the
wrlterr real name is signed as an evidence oi
food faith.
Did you ever
Read about the
Mbu who
Hid his
Light under
A bushel?
Yea? well
Tbat is like
Doing business
Without advertising.
All the
Huide schemes
Id the country
Will not accomplish
Half as much
As a Rood ad.
lu a good, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One tbat
Is read
By the people,
And tbat owns
Its own
fcjoul; that
Vie its spaoe
Like merohandise.
Worth dollar
For dollar.
Good bye Qrover, good bye.
Tub sugar interests diotated aud pass
ed the Oorman bill.
Oonobksh has adjourned till next De
oember. The country is thankful.
Thb Frenoh are being worsted in
Soudan at the bands of the Arabs.
Gov. Waite, of Colorado, has been ar
rested for opening another person's letter
without permission.
Thk Gorman law is one of "perfidy
and dishonor." 80 says Grover. But
he allowed it to become a law jnst the
Thk steamer, Queen, formerly on the
Portland-'Frisco route, was badly dam
aged by being stranded on rooks near
Alert bay, early this week.
Benatoii Stewart is involved in a di
vuroe suit. One Charles L. GlatBOook
olaims that the senator alienated bis
wife's affections. Htewart olaims blaok
inail. A Toledo, Or,, minister found a three
ouuoe bottle iu the intestines of a 31
pouod Chinook salmon ooutaining an
account of the sinking of the sohoouer,
Alaskan, ,
TiiKiiB is nothing probable about free
wool now; it is a startling reality. Our
sheepmen will surely suffer as they never
did before till the republican party oomoB
to their relief.
A. L. MilIjBh was reoeutly appointed
by Gov. MoGraw to suooeed Judge Wis
wall, who was drowned u short time ago
at Clatsop beach. The judicial district
comprises the oouutieg of Clarke, Klicki
tat and Skamania, Washington.
Tbk Dalles Chronicle advooates present-ownership
books for Waaoo county.
Morrow county has a set, but it remains
to be seen whether or not they are worth
the money they cost. We are inclined
to think, however, that they will prove a
good investment to the oouuty.
The Gorman bill beoame a law at
midnight, Monday, without the presi
dent's siguuture. Although character
ized by the chief executive as a bill of
"perfidy aud dishonor," as such it was
permitted by him to take its place on
the statute books. Contemplated dem
ocratic tarill legislation has wrought us
tuuoh ruin as the Gorman bill oau pos
sibly produce, only now the present con
dition of affairs will Iwooutiuued till the
republicans oome iuto power in 1HSM3.
Mr. Cleveland, his faction or full party
will not escape condemnation, though
the preeideot baa endeavored to put the
burden on other shoulders thau his own.
If be is really the courageous man that
lie in reputed to be, he would have shown
backbone enough to have either vetoed
the measure or signed it . Grover Clove
laud has some hull-dog Ntuhhorncxa but
at heart has shown himself to be an
arrant ooward.
Bruce the Nerves.
Sedatives and opiates won't do it.
These nervines do not make the nerves
strong, and failing to do this fall abort
of produoing the essential of their
quietude vigor. Aud while iu extreme
cases and these only of nervous
irritation such drugs may be advisable,
tbeir frequent use is highly prejudicial
to the delicate organism upon which
they act, and iu order to renew their
quieting effect increased aud dangerous
doses eventually become ueoeasary.
Hostetter'a Htomaou Bitters is au
efficient substitute for such pernicious
drugs. II quiets the nerves by bracing,
toning, strengthening them. Tbe con
nection between weakness of the nervous
system aud tbat of the orgaus of diges
tion is a strong aud sympathetic link.
The Bitters, by imparting a healthful
impulse to tbe digestive and assimilat
ing functions, promotes throughout the
whole system a vigor in which the
ervca oome in for a large share. Use
the Bitters in malaria, constipation,
bilious and kidney trouble.
Stage leaves for Eoho Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays, returning on
Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Saturdays.
II. Wade, Prop. T. W. AyersJr., agent.
Tbe following is tbe list of ju.-j.iS
drawn for the next regular term of
oonrt, which begins on Tuesday morn
ing next :
A. B. Chapman, Lena, Stockraiser.
J. J. MoGee, Hardman, "
J. M. Hager, Heppner, Farmer.
J. 0. Thomson, Lexington, "
Frank Holmes, Dry Fork, "
J. 1). Ball, Dry Fork,
A. S. Wells, Gentry, "
W. P. Dntton, Mount Vernon, Stock
raiser; J. B. Natter, Heppuer, Merchant.
S. F. Lefller, Heppner, Farmer.
Ed Holloway. Ceoil,
A. A. Wren, Heppner, "
P. C. Thompson, Gentry, Stockraieer.
Os Mitchell, lone, Farmer.
Wm. Walhridge, Heppner, Farmer.
W. A. JohuBtoD, Mount Vernon, Mer
chant. August Cbarluton, Eight Mile, Farmer.
J. F. Dees, Wells Springs,
H. C. Thompson, Alpine, "
Asbell Labue, lone, "
Robert Hynd, Gentry. Htookraiser,
Ed. Day, Lena, "
E. G. Sloan, Gentry, Merchant.
John Ii. Evans, Eight Mile, Farmer.
A. Andrews, Alpine, Htookraiser.
C. N. Peck, Lexington, Farmer.
D. H. Jenkins, Hardman, "
Osoar Hobafer, Mutteson, "
S. 0. Walker, Dry Fork, "
Jell' Evans, Lexington, "
Frank Gentry, Gentry, "
Ahorse kicked H. S. Shafer, of the
Freemyer House, Middleburg, N. Y., on
tbe knee, which laid him up in bed and
caused tbe knee joint to become stiff.
A friend recommended him to use Cham
berlain's Pain Balm, which he did, and
in two days was able to be around. Mr.
Shafpr has recommended it to many
others and says it is exoellent for any
kind of a bruise or sprain. This same
Remedy is also famous for its cures of
rheumatism. For sale by Slooum-John-ston
Drug Co.
The pupils' chunces for acquiring
knowledge in the public sohools of this
place have been very much increased,
perhaps nearly doubled, by tbe new
equipments enumerated below. They
were purchased with the proceeds from
the entertainment given by the school
last year.
For Room 1: Pictures to decorate the
walls, and also new books of exercises,
songs and recitations. Also Seaside and
Wayside No. 1.
For Room 2 : Handy, Map of the
United States, Map of the Hemispheres,
Aunt Martha's Corner Cupboard, Leaves
and Flowers, Seaside and Waynide No.
2, My Saturday Bird Class, Common
Sense Health Notes, King's Picturesque
Geog. Reader No. 1, Tbe Stories Mother
Nature told her children, Cats and Dogs,
Old Mother Earth: Her Highways and
Byways, Seven Little Sisters.
For Room 3 : Handy globe, Map of
the United States, Map of the Hemi
spheres, Talks About Common ThingB,
Seaside and Wayside No. 3, Frye'a Pri
mary Geography, Common Sense Health
Notes, Kings Picturesque Geog. R. Nos.
2 and 3, Montgomery's Beginner's His
tory of the U. S., FeatherB and Furs,
Geographical Spice.
For Room i : Handy globe, Map of
tbe United States, Map of tbe Hemi
spheres, Ballou's Footprints of Travel,
Seaside and Wayside No. 4, Greek
Heroes, Puysiology stenoils, Common
Sense Health Notes, Wings and Fins,
Tbe World, Map Studies of the Mercan
tile World, Anderson's History of the
United States.
For tbe High School : Map of the
Hemispheres, Cram's Map of the U. S.
and the world. Also a late Cong. Map
of the U. S. through kindness of Hon.
W. It. Ellis, aud a Music Chart purchas
ed by the school board. The UBe of my
Johnson Cyclopaedia, Mineral Cabinet,
aud volumes of Literary Digest will be
aooorded to the pupils of tbe Higb
School. A. W. Warn, Priu.
XIIHI Kewanl, tldll.
The reader of this paper will be pleas
ed to learu that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to euro in all its stages, aud that ib
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tbe
only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitution
al disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly on the blood
aud mucous surfaces of the system,
thereby ileslroyiug the foundation of tbe
disease, aud giving tbe pntieut strength
by building up the constitution aud
assisting nature iu doing its work. Tbe
proprietors have ho much faith iu its
curative powers, that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testimon
ials. Address,
V. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75o.
Krce Wool.
"An sure. Mike, are we to have free
"We are that iudeed, Pat. Leastwise
that's what the democrats istollui us, an
I believe thini, I do, for ouly yisterday I
bought some wool for 0 cluts a pound,
ami the man told me that the uixt time
I'd be gettiu it free if only the democrats
staid in power. More power to t hi m !"
W. 11. Nelson, who is iu the drug busi
ness at Kinuville, Mo., has so much con
fidence in Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
aud Diarrlnea Remedy that be warrants
every bottle aud offers to refuud tbe
money to every customer who is not
satisfied after using it. Mr. Nelson
takes no risk in doing this because the
Remedy is a certain cure for the disease
for which it is intended and he knows it.
It is for eale by Hlooum-Johnston Drug
The Texaa oow boy takes Simmons
I Liver Regulator when bilious. J. E.
I Pierce, Rauchero Grande, Texaa.
iMfi"Miiiirsislii'1 iVsVT
at It i oo4 Tiiofif 1, Jtit Buife; js uIm Goal
Tar-4 Bavins Freak.
Ed Marsb, of Mineral township, comes
to tbe front with a story tbat is both
wonderful and unique, but true in every
detail. About five weeks ago a Durham
Alderney cow, aged two years, gave
birth to a calf, and they began to milk
theoow, but were thunderstruck when
they discovered that its milk was black.
Tbe calf, however, thrived upon tbe
milk, and last week Mrs. Marsb, having
overoonie her prejudices, decided to try
some of the milk. It tasted the same as
other milk, only it was much richer, and
by leaving a crock of it set for four hours
nearly two inches of oream, a little
lighter in oolor than tbe milk, would rise
to the top. Two gallons of tbe cream
were oburned and four pounds of butter
were secured.
Tbe butter was examined byaobemlst,
who prooounoed it perfect butter, ex
cept in color, and gave tbe reason for
color something yet unknown to soieuoe
in tbe blood of the animal. Tbe butter
much resembles ooal tar and has a de
licious taBte, People are coming from
far and near to see the freak, snd Mr.
Marsb has been offered big sums for tbe
cow. He has decided not to sell her,
however, in the hope tbat he can raise
some more stock of the same kind. A
roll of butter will be sent to this city and
placed on exhibition. The milk makes
fairly good ink and the oream might be
used for printers' ink. New York
A Good Appetite
Always accompanies good health, and
an absence of appetite is an indication
of something wrong. Tbe universal
testimony given by those who have used
Hood's Sarsaparilla, as to its merits in
restoring the appetite, and as a purifier
of tbe blood, constitutes the strongest
recommendation that can be urged for
any medioine.
Saturday evening the pretty white
cottage belonging to the editor of this
paper was consumed by tire, together
with everything it ooutaiued save u bed
aud a few urtiolea of clothing. We had
started a lire iu the kitchen stove anil
gone down town, leaving the house
temporarily without au occupant The
wondbox caught fire aud soon the build
ing was a mass of tlame and smoke.
The house was not insured, and our loss
is about $900 altogether. To us tbe fact
that we were not insured is gratifying.
That fact quietly rakes away from our
burned threshold the odium of a suspi
cion whose brand would have been a
much heavier misfortune than the loss
of a few hundred dollars. We have been
over twelve years in Oregon, and are well
known to the newspaper fraternity of
the state. Our brethren of the press,
also our citizens in Klamath, will cheer
fully acknowledge tbat thus far our con
duct has been kept pretty clear of offen
siveness. Had the house been insured,
however, tbe circumstantial evidence
against us would have been damning,
and an innocent man would have been
doomed to bear forever tbe brand of a
criminal who burned his residence to
rob an insurance company. Thauk God
that we escaped tbat misfortune, auy
bow! Klnmath Star.
He Economical.
Spend every dollar judiciously and to
the best advantage. Be considerate.
Study every question of economy on all
sides. Do not jump at oonolusionB, but
investigate. If you want power for
pumping, sawing or printing, send for
catalogue of the Hercules Gas Engines.
Pai.mkk A: Rky Tyi'E Foundkv, Front A
Alder Sts Portland, Oregon.
Grasshoppers are so numerous in Door
oouuty, Wis., that the citizens have to
wear guggles over their eyes to prevent
being blinded while tbey are walking
along the country roads. This is stated
on the authority of a Wisconsin news
paper of uood stauding and excellent
reputation for veracity, as newspapers
go iu Wisconsin.
Michigan makes a strong bid for first
place with this whopper : A Blue creek
mule tore a splinter off a slahle timber,
picked the look with it, walked out,
picked up a piece of oharooal aud scrawl
ed ou tbe stable door : "Gone to lunch ;
be back when the haying is over," and
Farmers in the Graud Traverse aeo-
tiou of the Wolverine state are seeking a
method of cultivating red lioe. Wby?
Well, they say the lice tickle the backs
of the grasshoppers aud make these
pests tty away .
The directory mini, who has been ex
ercising his talents at Wichita, Kan.,
gives that town a population of 30,000.
he is regarded as the champion liar of
the state.
Some of the early copper coins of
Connecticut bear curious legends. One
is, "Value me as you please;" another,
"1 am good copper;" another, under the
image of au ax, "I cut my way
Somk of the later Massachusetts
coins bore a rude device illustrating
the parable of the Good Samaritan and
were called (loud Samaritan shillings.
There are only two or three known to
be in existence.
Am. coins minted at Charlotte, N. C,
bear, in addition to all other marks,
the letter C; those at Dahlonega, the
letter l; those at New Orteans, the
letter O; those at Carson City, C. C.j
those at San Francisco, S.
The first Maryland coins were minted
In UW3, and were put in circulatfou by
an act of council ordering every house
holder to bring in sixty pounds of to
bacco and receive ten shillings of the
new money in exchange for it
The earliest coinage intended for
America was of copper and made in
the Bermudas in UU5, and was called
the "llogge Penny," from the figure of
a porker on the obverse. Only two
pieces are known to be in existence.
- ifiir'f'ri'r - tifiisnrns
,4..t foag Pie Crawford. b.?p,;,Si.i hij
iwelve-montbfkold child, tufjaiiug from
infantile dianbesa, to me. It had been
weaned at four months old und had
always been sickly. I gave it the usual
treatment iu such oases but without
benefit. Tbe child kept growing thinner
until it weighed but little more than
when born, or perhaps ten pounds. 1
then started the father to giving Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. Before one uuctle of the
25 cent size bad been used a marked
improvement was seen audits continued
use cured the child. Its weakness and
puny constitution disappeared and its
lather and myself believe the obild'B life
was saved by this Remedy. J. T. Mab
low, M. D., Tamaroa, 111. For sale by
Blocum-Jobnston Drug Co.
We take thiB opportunity of inform
ing our subsonberB that the Dew com
missioner of pensions has been appoint
ed. He is an old soldier, and we believe
that soldiers and their heirs will receive
justioe at his handg. We do not antici
pate tbat there will be any radical
ohanges in the administration of pension
affairs under the new regime.
We would advise, however, that U.
S. soldiers, sailors and tbeir heirs, take
steps to make application at once, if
they have not aleady done so, in order
to seoure the benefit of the early filing
of their olaims in case there should be
any future pension legislation. Such
legislation is seldom retroaotive. There
fore it is of great importance that ap
plications be filed in tbe department at
the earliest possible date.
If tbe U. S. soldiers, sailors, or their
widows, children or parents desire in
formation in regard to pension matters,
they should write to the Press Claims
Company, at Washington, D. 0-, and
they will prepare and send the necessary
application, if they find them entitled
under tbe numerous laws enacted for
their benefit. AddreaB
Jonn Wkddkhburn, Managing Attor
ney, Washington, L). O., P.O. Box 38"..
The Studebaker wagon heads them all.
For sale at Gilliam At Bisbee's. a
" Hardware" did you say? Whv, yes
at P. C. Thompson Si Co.'s stand, and the
plaoe for bargains. a
The Keeley Institute, at forest Grove
cares liquor, opium, morphine, aocaine
and tobacco habit. See ad.
Tbe general mercnandise establish
inent formerly owned by Coflin & McKar
luud, has lately chauged hands, now be
ing under the control and management
of The MoFarland Mercantile Companv,
which continues bnaiuess at the old stand
with a larger stook than ever. a
One horse branded M S. Finder will
pleaBe return to George M. Masinger,
in the mountains, or to A. Abruhamsiok,
Heppner, Or., and receive suitable
reward. There are other brands on the
animal besides the one mentioned, but
tbe writer cannot describe them.
NO. 2301.
Send this UO 1 PON aud
Cunts tn
2ii9 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.
And receive (post paid) ONE
PIECE OK MT&IO, of your own
choice, named below, or THREE
fiect8 for W) cents, or H1X pieces
or $1.00. Remit pout h l note or
one aud two cent stamps,
This Coupon not good after
December ;ilnt, 1MU,
The Latest Music
Wkddkd After thk Bali.. Uy Barney Fa-
Kau 40 CtB
Most popular Waltz Sonsr of the day.
Dedicated to Mr. C, K. Harirs, author
of "Alter the Ball."
A Dbkam of Arcadia, Waltzsont;, Lnnyon 5C ets
The boiik of all solids. Favorite of
Adulina J'atti.
MooNi.itiHi on thk Laooon, by Geo.
Kchleittarth 60 cts
Latest popular success by this noted
Dan," "Aunt dis Tab," "Whkrk My
Honky Si.bki'k," complete 7' ctB
Three charming, plaintive and charac
teristic Southern Souk, written by
Col. Will L. Visscher, and arraiiKcd bv
V. Hehert Lauyon.
At Evkntide, Nocturne for piano, Mar
cus (U) cts
A very brilliant Nocturne, about
grade -:.
In Fxow'ky Ukovkm, reverie for piano,
MareuB "0 ctB
Bwutlful reverie, original, and sure
to i-leaae.
The above are all flue editions of val
iiaTiie copyriyhta, ami cKiinot be had Int'HKAP
Coupons m u si accompany the older to s.cure
(he red iu tiuns named.
The Best
-u-mr An m il nvll rntj ran sell
you machine cheaper than you can
IM elunhare. The NEW HOIK la
our beat, but we make cheaper klnda,
aurh as the CLIMAX, IDEA I and
other Hlch Arm Full Nickel Plated
Sewing machine for 1 5.00 and up.
Call on our agent or write ua. Wa
want your trade, and Ifprleee, term
aud square dealing; will win, we will
have It. We challenge the world to
produce a BKTTKK ISO. OO Sewing
machine for 50.OO, or a better iO.
Sewing machine for t'JO.OO than you
can buy from ua, or our Agents.
The New Home Sewing Maehinf Co.
257 Market St. San Francisco, Cal.
save iril
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
A. W. PATTERSON, AGENT. OnoqltheHe-tintlWoril
nil t-ITTUA '
i,.'A.'.'Tnlni A n "I
(Tasteless-Effectual. )
For Sick-Headache,;
Tmnnirfl Digestion.
.-.j o '
Liver u isomers ana
Female Ailments.
Renowned all over the World,
romrit nlth a Tasteless A Soluble CoaUaf.
Aslt tor Beecham's and take no others. 1
Made at St. Helens. Knirland. Sold by i
druggists and dealers. Price SS cents a J
box. New vora i-zepoi, 305 t-anai ai.
SANTA CRUZ, 5c straight
Rose of Kev West.
Carl Dunder,
I Tiidiiirr Snn iv for 2.r PPntH.
The Best 8 Cent Cigars
ever sold in Heppner.
For sale toyaa"
P. C. Thompson Co.
Next session begins the 17th of Sep
tember. 1804.
i Tuition, free. Board, $2.50 a week.
Five courses: Classical, Scientific,
Literary, English and Business.
The Boarding Hall for young ladies
and tbe Boarding Hall for young gentle
men will be under the personal supervi
sion of Mrs. Mnnra, u lady of refinement
and large experience. For Catalogues,
address J. .1. Waivton,
58-71. Seoy. Regents.
ft, 1W4.
KarreiiB, KnfiiH
Gardner, Hamuel
Hoyd J no H
H iiderbmml, I
Howertou, Jan
llintoii, C aud N M
Xj Or., AUg.
Adams, A
Aubrey, T C
Allen, i W
Berg, A J
Brown, (ireeu
Cave, K
C ark, John
Daugherty, K A
Friend Kliaa
JenkiiiB. Geo
Shaw, S M
Sourdatie, W
ior theBe letters pleaHe Bay
When calling
J. P. Williams, P. M.
Notice of Contest.
V. 8. Land Office, Thk Dallks, Ok.,
August 24, 1KII-1.
j thin Olliee bv Anna J. Balsitrer atraiiiHt
John R. Allen for abandoning his Homestead
Kntry No. 4 Kit, dated Dec. lb, i.si, upon tne
rsW!4 section lovvnBnipi norm, nange
E. in Morrow County, Oreiron with a view to
the cancellation of said entry, the said parties
are hereby summoned to appear at thi otliee
on the 29th day of October, WW. at 10 o'clock
A. M., to respond and furnish testimony con
cerning said alleged abandonment.
j. v. .worrow, county ciern, is auuionzeu 10
take testimony at Heppner, Or., on Oct. ii2, WJi,
at 10 A. M. J. F. iMOOKK,
02-70. Register.
of Morrow, State of Oregon.
Marv J. Uoonan, plaintiff, vs. Wm. Doonan,
To the above named defendant, William
Doonan: In the name of the State of Oregon.
your are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against you in the above
entit led suit on or before the 4 day of September.
A, D. , 1ND4, the same being the first day of the
next reirnlar term of said court, and if vou fail
so to answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will
iply to said court ior a decree dissolving tne
marriage contract existing between Baid
plaintiff and said defendant, and for
the costs and disbursements of this
uit. This Biunm on s is d u b 1 i s h ed bv
order of Hon. V. L, Bradshaw, Judge of said
court. Done at chambers at The Dalles, Oregon,
jniy nth, jaw.
2f)l.f3. Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice of Intention.
j July 20, 1814, Notice is hereby given that
the following named settler has Hied notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. V. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner
Oregon, on Sept. 1, ism, viz:
Hd. application No. 4777 for the N?.i N
N W4 and N Wfc 8 Wfc Sec. ao, Tp. 1 S. R. 26
He nameB the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of Baid land, viz:
CvniH Mitier. Charlev ReuetleL Charley Val
entine and W. M. Booher, all of Lexington.
2,l-2il. Jas. V. mookb, Kegifiter.
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Ut Two Transcontineiilal
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details oall on O. R 4 N.
Aurnt at Heppuor, ir Bil.lrfss
Gen. Pugs. Agt.
City :
THIS Popular Hostelry hs;s again
I been re-opened and will be run
in first class style.
IVIefl fiticl leooms at J?optHr
The Lightest, Strongest bdc!
j iiaiauwaiwa imin ) Minuanii..tii aiiiwn'i .!' j
Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli.
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney.
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys,
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
taiued counsel expert in patent practice, aud therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to.
gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once
advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by
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