NOTICK TO ADVKltTIHtfiS. IMiOSlC litsiriiiK tlie iuiwrtiou of diuplay ada., or ciiange 01 same, must get liieir copy in nut Iaict tiia.ii Monday evening fur Tueisday'ij fcditioH, or Thurwitty eveniug for Fridays edi- 1U1I. J Hit iJ.A.TTiIKM)N fUBUbHIKtt Co. NOTICE. I. The iuin of five cents per Hue will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of rettjMict lists of wedding present and donors, sua obituarv notices, (other than thoan the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and uotiuesof special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other f utertainuieuts from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rat of five tents a line, i nese rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known 1 1 pun application. We hold each and everv correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unieBs the writer s real name is signed as an evideuce of good faith. LP. K18HKK, NKWSPAPKK ADVKRTW J lug Agent, 2 Merchants Exchange, bun l1 ranciaco, is our authorised agent. This paper is kept on hie in his office. TIME TABLE. Htage for Hardinan, Monument, Long Creek, John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows : Every day at 6 a. m,, except Sunday. A rrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the luterior country. B. A. HUNSAKKR, Prop. Phill Cohu, Agent. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Palace Hotel Bar! Keeps tlie finest Liquors and Cigars to be found in tlie city. Gambrlnus Beer on tap. Served in largest slued inuiss. G. H. TEDROWE, Prop. Here and There. Subscribe tor tbe Gozette. Advertising pays in the UBzette. School begins next Mouday without fail. Ex-Sheriff Noblo left lust evening for Portland. Joe Haling was in from Eight Mile yesterday. Pros. Att'y Jayne is in town today on business. A. 0. Bartholomew was in from Al pine yesterday. E. R. Bishop and wife departed last eveuing for Portland. W. J. Clarke, a Portland traveling man, is in town today. Weanknowledge a call to day from W. R. Hansell, of Alpine. Art Minor and wife and Frank Rogers are back from the mountains. John Hughes' young son, wbo has been quite ill, i recovering. E. B. Deyoe, traveling auditor of the 0. R. & N., is again in the oity. Gov. Rea and Wm. HugheB got in from Pendleton Sunday evening. To arrive this week, one full oar of oil for Minor & Co.- and Gilliam & Bisbee. Hood's Pills are the beBt after-dinner pills, assist digestion, prevent consti pation. F. J. Hallook, G. B. Tedrowe, E. L. Freeland ani G. Ruhl Suudayed at Ditcb creek. Biliousness, bile, boils and tbe blues can be cured by takings Simmon Liver Regulator, Engineer Patterson and wife returned this morning from a two weeks' stay at tbe seaside. A "Balm in Gilead" for you by taking Simmons Liver Regulator for your dis eased liver. Albert Rea, Frank Whetstone and W. D. Humphrey are over from Pendleton for a snarl stay. Dan Wolf and wife and Misa Nora White will depart this evening for their home in 'Frisco. Following last Sunday morning's ser vice at tbe Baptist ohurch four candi dates were immersed. Fossil Journal: Mr, Thos. Morgan writes ordering his Journal tent to Gooseberry, Morrow Co. Photographs $1.50 pet dozen Bt Shep pard's gallery, near opera bouse, north Main St., Heppner, Ore. 26tf. The Texas cow boy takes Simmons Liyer Regulator when bilious. J. E. Pierce, Ranchero Grande, Texas. W. P. Fell arrived from Pendleton on Sunday morning's train for a visit with bis folks. He returned last evening. The Heppner Flouring Mill Co. will Bell flour at $2.25 per barrel in any quantities. All Hour warranted. A. G. Dunn, of Portland, spent Sun day with his brother, Conduotor Duuu, of this oity. He returned last night. Geo. Wells is quite ill at present, oaused by drinking water while over neated. Dr. Gagen is in attendance. The editor of this paper, after more than a week's vaoation at the Pitch cieek camps, returned home yesterday. T. R. Lyons, the popular young at torney of Fossil, arrived from that burg last evening, on a short business visit to the place. Miss Lillian Long, of Portland, daugh ter of Chas. Long, of Galloway, is tbe guest of T. R. Howard and family of this city. Will Spencer was in from Butter creek yesterday. Will is principally engaged just at present in clearing the farm of rattlesnakes. J. F. Spray, of the Liberty Meat Market, is now selling meat cheaper thn any shop in Eastern Oregon, He offers big discounts for oash. 55 'f J. A. Bullen, of the Bullen Bridge Co., was in the city the latter part of the week, looking alter the shipment of ma. terial for tbe Monument bridge. Stage leaves for Echo Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, returning on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 11. Wade.Prop. T. W.AyersJr., agent. Mrs, Sophia Bean and daughter. Rett, who haye been visiting her brother, E. B. Bishop, for some time past, departed for home in Fendleton last evening. I. L. Van W?inkle left yesterday morning for Monument with a load of anplies for the bridge builders. He ex pects to remain until the work is com pleted. J B. Hunt reports that he and Geo. Noble located a gold mine in upper California while out on the recent over land tour. From his report prospects are very nattering. Ed Reece got back from Portland tbe latter part of the week and is again at work on the branch line. He will re main here a short time. Miss Julia Hart pleasantly entertained a number of her friends at h r home last Friday evening. Social games and au eli'taut lunch were the paHtime events of the eyeuing. Miss Julia departs on this eveuiug's train for B iston where she expects for the next two years to attend the New England Conservatory of music. Miss Hart is now one nf the ac knowledged musicians of this city, and we have no hesitancy in saying that she will be found an apt pupil. The regular subscription price of the Seuii-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and the regular price of the Weekly Oregonian is 81.50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year in advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for 83. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advance will be entitled to tlie same Married At tbe Graud Central hotel parlor, J. T. King, sod of Rev. JJ. V. King, and Miss Alice Engleman, both of tbe lone neighborhood. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. Adkins, of this oity, in tbe presents of a few of the friends and relatives of the contracting parties. A happy and prosperous life is the wish of the Gazette. Mr.and Mrs. Gilhousen, Mary and Lu ella Nelson returned Friday from Ditcb creek. Mr. Gilhousen basaince finished up a number of the pictures of the var ious oamps and campers taken while out there. Also different scenes along the road. They are now on exhibition at Phil Cohn's drugstore. Don't buy a blooi-puritier because it is "cheap " The best the Superior Medioitie Ayer's Sarsaparilla, is, ic the end, tbe cheapest blood-puritier in tbe market. The ingredients of which it is composed are the most expensive aud medicinally efficacious that can bs ob tained. Mrs. N. A. Kelly nnd A. Wriirlit return- ed on this morning's train from Tbe Dalles where they had been after, ding the M. E. conference. From tbem we learn that Rev. Denisou was returned to Heppner for the coming year. W. W. Gregory goes to Lexington and Rev. Parrlsh to Pilot Rock. Arsenic and quinine are dangerons drugs to accumulate in one's system, and it is to be hoped that these poisons, as a remedy for ague, have bad their day. Ayer's Ague Cure is a sure antidote for tbe ague, is perfectly safe to take and is warranted to cure. A. C. Carle, whose toDsorical parlor is looated in the Matlock building next door to Simon's blacksmith shop, is nn artist. Hbaves, shampoo or hair out, 25 oenta each. For the present this shop will be olosed on Sunday, so don't forget to cull around SatruJay evening' Chas. Cunningham will have at the Jnmes .Tones rBncb b band of his Frenoh and Americn-i Merino and Oxford graded Buoks. Ail wool growers who are interested in improving their bands will have a chance to see a sple idid band of bucks nftr the lt of October. 60 tf. Times Mnuntiiinei'r : The wool season is nearly at. an end; but occasionally a load is hauled into the warehouses. There bave been few sales sinoe the Wilson bill passed, and if it beoomes a law the sheep busineis in this country will be a losing venture. It takes a noh man to draw a check, a pretty girl to draw attention, a horse to draw a cart, a porous plaster todraw the skin, a toper to draw a oork, a free lunch to draw a crowd, and an adver tisement in a newspaper to draw tbe trade. Condon Globe : The editor and family and Mrs. Meek visited their relatives Mr. and Mrs. W P. Sorivner at Heppner Saturday and Sunday. Heppner is one of the prettiest and most substantial-appearing little cities on the coast. The twenty four series, of seventeen colored pictures each, that comprise tbe Russel Art Collections, as sent out by tbe company, from 928 Arch St., Phila delphia, Penn., are indeed gems of art. You should seoure them. Mrs. A. Mathiot and daughter, Rowena who have been visiting Mrs. Mathiot's parents, Grandpa and Grandma Floranoe upon Willow creek for several weeks past, departed Saturday evening for their home in Walla Walla. Mike Roberts got back from tbe Walla Walla oouotry Saturday morning, where be has been working with a thresher for the past five weeks. He left this morning for Ditch creek where he will remain a few days. Mrs. S. P. Garrigties departed last evening to visit with ber sister at Milton. She also took do vn tbe children of Rev. Denisnn, who mt them at the Willows. Rev. Denison and family go to North Yakima for sho-t visit. ' E. O: O. W. Hen and William Hughes, of Heppner. d'"V over to Pen dleton Tuesday , Mr. Hughes CBme to attend to suiiiH winil business and Mr. Rea visits his daughter, Mrs. M. P. John. B. A. Hnun.kpr runs stage between Heppner ami Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every day except Sunday, Shortest and cheap est route to the iuterior. F, Cohn, gent. Sam Walker is very wise in letting over 3'0headof hogs head his wheat crop. Wheat is obeap and there is certainly money in feeding it to bogs. Mure should follow bis example. J. R. Lake, brakemi.u nn tbe branob line, has returned home from bis month's vacation, during whioh time ho visited his borne up in Washington and the beach down Bt Clatsop. The story is told o Peuiioyer that recently a mau stepped on one of his corns, and immediately asked his pardon whereupon the koveruor lire it from b is pooket already signed. Bob Morgan, who returned from Walla Walla at the timn of hit father's death, is reported to be quite ill at bis home, and it is feared that he also has Bn at tack of pneumonia. J. B. Natter has reopened the Brewery Saloon, keeping on tap at all times tbe best beer ou the Pacific coast. Also on bands tbe beBt brands of liquors, wines and cigars. 56tf. If you owe the Gazette you must ex pect that pay will be demanded. We need our money, and don't eipeot to borrow under tbe circumstances. Come, give us a lift. Miss Pearl Davis, wbo has been visit ing relatives here for some time past was oalled home by the serious illness of ber sister. She departed on last evening's train. C. W. Fuller, wbo for a number of year's past has been a resident of tbe Khea creek country, departed yesterday for the Valley where he expeots to lo cate. He "May I kiss this dainty band?" She "Oh, yes, if it will give yon any pleasure. But where do I come in?" Bill Nye, of The Dalles. If tbe hair has been made to grow a D ataral color on bald beads in thousands of cases, by using Hall's Hair Recewsr, wby will it not io your oaee? Hood's Is Wonderful At harvesting tima I took & severe cold which sett If d In my limbs, and lu a short timo developed Into la flam ran tor y Rhu n a riant. After ipe lid in a good sum of mon ey for different reme dies and suffering; all winter, I became so crippled that I had to walk with the aid of crutches. By tbe kind advice of a friend I was prevailed upon to buy six bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla. I took the medicine and It has ful ly restored me to health and I think tt Hmr4 Mr. A. W. Cooler, Clifford. N. D. mj Life. I will cheerfully answer all who may wish to correspond about my affliction or state ment." A. W. Cooley, Clifford, North Dakota. Hood's -1 -a. Sarsa parilla Be Sure to Get Hood's Cures Hood's Pills cure nausea, and biliousness. Wheat Sacks. Tbe Morrow County Land & Trust Co. are putting out wheat saoks at their warehouses Bt Douglas, lone and Heppner. All those wishing saoks should see tbem. 57tf. Hat Fob Sakk. Ranch fob Rent 400 tons good alfalfa bay for sale on tbe Swezea ranch on Butter creek. Good feeding priviliges. Fine alfalfa pasture cheap. Fruit consisting of plums peaches and apples can be bonght cheap. Tbe place can be reuted by a desireable tenant on easy terms. For particulars apply at tbe plaoe or address box 85, Echo, Or. 60-2t. Ha Had Cause. "What are you cry ing about?" asked a kind-hearted stran ger of a lad wbo was standing in front of a newspaper office weeping as if his heart would break. "01 1, dad's gone up stairs to lick the editor." "Well, has be come down yet?" asked tbe gentle Sam aritan. "Pieces of him have," exclaimed tbe boy, indulging in a fresh burst of tears, "and I am expeoting tbe rest every minute." Waif. Retaliation. A large tlesby lady was bathing at North Beach the other day, when a thin spinster exclaimed: "Look out now for Prefessor Falb's tidal waves." Tbe fat lady said nothing. The next day the thin old maid donned her suit and plunged into the sea. Tbe fleshy lady was present, and was beard to remark, "telegraph poles don't make muob of a ripple, do they?" An Accident. Yesterday while load ing a freight car Geo. Fell met with Bn aocident which will keep him from duty a day or two at least. In trucking in wool, he slipped Bnd fell, striking his side against the oar. He was una ble to get home without assistance, and for a time he was quite sick, but this morning be was much better. With oare be will be himself again in a few days. Shoe Making and Repairing. Neat ly Done. Joe Dubois, having bought out tbe shoe shop formerly owned by Ed Birbeck, in the Abrabamsick build ing on May street, and also having secured tbe services of an experienced workman, is now prepared to do all kinds of shoe making in a strictly first olass style. Satisfaction guaranteed in every instanoe. When you need any work in his line give him a call. 54tf. Marbikd. Last Sunday at the home of Stacy Roberts, of Eight Mile, John Howell, of Hardman, and Miss Nellie Merrill, of Eight Mile, Justice Stephens, of Hardman officiating. Only a few friends and relatives were present. The same evening a number of young men composing tbe various heading crews that are now at work in tbat neighbor hood planned to cbivarari tbe oouple and started out well loaded with tbe neoessary implements, but, after search ing in vain for the subjects gave it up and returned or rather started to re turn home. On their way home they lo oated what they supposed to be a badger, ran it down with their horses hoping to kill it but found to their sorrow tbat in stead of being a badger it was a porcu pine. Auotber instance of misplaoed confidence. As they were compelled to take their horses to a blacksmith to bave the quills removed, it is safe to say they will not soon forget the evening's sport. Nothing Btrange. Intelligent people, wbo realize tbe important part of the blood boldB in keeping tbe body in a normal condition, find nothing strange in the number of diseases Hood's Sarsaparilla is able to oure. 8o many troubles result from impure blood, the best way to treat them is through tbe blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla vitalizes tbe blood. For constipation, biliousness and kid ney affections take Simmons Liver Reg ulator. What will Simmons Liver Regulutor du? Cure dyspepsia, bilioiuasuw, sink headache and indigestion. The Gazette acknowledges receipt of a complimentary invitation and ticket to tbe Interstate Fair, of Taoouia. Mat Liohtenthal found bis lost pocket book over at home. It bad fallen out of his pocket behind some bop;vines Mrs. Magaw, of Boise City, arrived this morning and is tbe guest of ber brothers, Jerry and Phill Cohn, of this city. The Gazette is requested to announce that school begins next Monday not withstanding the positive assertions to tbe contrary. "Has yonr visit to the seaside had tbe deeired effeot, Madam?" "Oh, yes, Dootor, both of my daughters have be oome engaged." Frank and Johnny Wilmarth bave re turned from their prospecting t'jur of tbe Okanogan country. They found some excellent proepeots. HAPPINESS ) Will reign, supreme among the residents of Morrow and adjoining Cu"a They oatoh onto a few important facts, one of whioh they must and will know on reading this Ad. When they learn of tbe GRAND CMARAXCE SALE Of General Merchandise takiug plaoe at McFarland Mercantile Co.'s Mammoth Retail Store ! They will make a "bee line" for it at a "Nancy Hanks" gait. W HAT ? MoFarland Mercantile Bo., of Heppner, selling out at cost ? Yes, we offer our whole stook at lowest wholesale prices, for CASH ONLY, in order to be ready tor onr Fall purchases. These goods are all New, Clean, Fiist-Clasa Articles and bought in the best markets in the United States. We wish to exchange tbem for your money. A Chance of a Life Time to Buy Goods At Cost or Lower ! Dress Goods, White Goods, Linens, Embroderies, Handkerchiefs, Towels, InfantB Caps, Bonnets nnd Cloaks, Corsets, Kid Gloves, Silk Gloves and MittB, Flannels, blankets, Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Knit Goods, Silks Satins, Velvets, Riding Gloves, Black and Colored Hose. Dress Linings. Stavs. Bilk Thread and Twist, Knitting Yarns, Saxony Yarns, Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slippers, At prices never thought of. Call and see. One hundred pairs child's heavy lace shoes way down. Men's and Boy's Clothing, Overehirts. Gloves, etc, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Hats, Caps, Underwear, White Shirts, Silk Neckwear, Hosiery, Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Razors, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Silver Plated Ware (knives, forks and spoons) Carving Sets, Trunks, Va lises, etc. Our whole store will be a Big Bargain Counter During the coming Summer Months. A Full Stook of Hardware, Cook and Pails, Pans, Cooking Utensils, Coffee Pots, Tea Pots, Stove Boilers, Wash Tubs, Broome, Brushes, Graniteware, Bolts and Washers, Plow Single Trees, Carpenter Tools, (all kinds) Garden Tools, Roof Plates, Stove Pipe, Nails, Horse Shoes, Bar Iron, Blasting Powder, Hanging and Stand Lamps. Glassware. Crockery. T ilet Sets, Stone Jars, Lamp Cbimuevs, Lantern GlobleB, Lanterns, Wioks, Oliver Ubilled Plows, iang Plows, Hay Rakes Mowers, Mitobell Wagons, Hacks, Buok Boards, Carts, Harrows, Seed Drills, at oust until present stook is sold. Saddles and Harness, Rities and Shot Guns, etc Come in and make your selections before the assortment is brokon. Sbvo vour money by buying at our store, A full of this sale. ONLY SPOT CASH Couutry trade solicited. It will dbv your supplies at our prices. Don't let yourself these bard times. Mail orders No trouble to show goods. WE MKIN" This Clearanoe Sale is now in full blast. MERCANTILE It is the Headquarters! painta, Drueii Olla, Ulaa, Ttjl let Artloes, Patent Medlolnea, litis Office of all stages running for Infants ' ah tori a is so well adapted to children that I recommend it an superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Archer, M. D., Ul So. Oxford St., lirooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castorta in no universal and its merit bo veil known that it soem a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families wbo do not keep Cuatorta within eaajr reach." Caiilos Mahtyh, D, D., New York City. Thk Ckktakr Land Patents Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time. Contested Cases Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individuals having conflicting claims under the agricultural land laws, and those between claimants under tbe Mineral Laws and agricultural olaimants; and also between claimants Kailroad companies and tlir grantees, and the stales and tlieir grantees, under tbe Swamp-Laud and Scbjol-Liuid Grams. Specialty made of swuriug patents in the sbnrteet possible time fur settlers who have complied with tbe laws under wliioh their entries were made, anil wbo are annoyed and worried by delsys in the issue of their patents, caused by Trifiiug Irregnlarities whioh can be easily and speedily removed. Advice also given in all luattfcrs relating tu the pnblio lands, especially on points arising under tbe new laws which bave been recently passed providing for tbe disposal of tbe public domain. If yon want your land patent in a hurry if yon want your land hnsineas, of any character, attended to by skillful and oornpeteut attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, T T TV -T . . . I JOHN V V fc-DDhKUUKIN, VJf-IN. lUAfl,, ; P. O. Box, 885. Washington, D. C. Fancy Goods, etc. Heating Stoves. Tinware. Buokets. Milk liue of Groceries at cut prices, until olose gets goods AT COST. vou to travel hundreds of miles to lav in friendship for any firm cause you to tax carefully filled. Call and be oonvinoed ; BUSINESS ! out of Heppner. I PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. and Children. Catttorla cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Dlarrhci'a, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives nloep, and promotes di gestion. Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended your 'CaKtoria,' and shall always continue to do so as It has invariably produced beneficial results." F.dwin F. Pardee, M. I). lith Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Compakt, 77 Mi-bray Strict, New Yorx City. undHr any of tbe pnblio laud laws and the COMPANY. CAS After a thorough test of the credit system, wehaveconclud ed to change to net cash. On and after Aug. i, '94, we will sell to one and all for CASH OlSTIY ! GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT Of what heretofore had to be oharged for uncollectable accounts. This is DO reflection on you, but is a plain business statement. We can afford to sell at lower prices io this way. No Favorites IVo Iintl Debts School Diploma entitles one to tench In any Graduates command good positions. iliftiisiiJCl TUITION PER TEUM OF TEN WEEKS. Normal, $6.28; Sub-Normal, $5; Commercial, $6.25. BOARD AND LODGING, Board at Normal DiniLg Hall, $1.75 per week; furnished rooms with fire and light, from $1 00 to $1.2 per wepk; unfurnished rooms 60 cents per week. Board and lodging in private families from 83 00 to $3.50 per week. Vitality and growth have always characterized the work of the Normol. The coming year promises to be one of the best in Its history. Catalogue cheerfully sent on application. AddresB , P. L. CAMPBELL, President. or W. A. W ANN, Secretary of Faculty. M -t2 aw. For Sale 1 200 QHUE arter alf-Blood Sheepmen will find it to their interest to inspeot my Kama before buying elsewhere. I ensure tbem to be sound and in exceptional fine condition for service. I have taken great pains and went to muob expense to meet tbe growing demand for this olass of sheep, and will soil them to SUIT THIS IIAKD TIAIISS. Come and See Them and be Convinced. For further partioulnrs address me at PILOT BOCK, ORE., or call at my farm six miles south of Pilot Hook, Ore. fEASTERN State Normal School, - fpHK KIltST TEKM DKfllNS THE UKD OK BKi'T. 18U4. Tuition per terra in Elementary I Course, 1-1.60; KuKiilar Course, II. .10; Bnsluuss Course, fo.OU; to those in the Senior Class pledged to teach, frje. fg I "ooil board anil IoiIkIiik In private families, l Mper wek or rooms , at a very riiasoiiHhlu rent for those who may desire to board them- selves, but all students, no matter how tln-y hoard, will be under the Immedlat care of the faculty. Oiraduatea of the Normal receive rttate Diplomas. p. a. YVOK'l H1NOTON, Hec'y of heKents. He 'My -OF- Institute DB. POOTR'S IIANIt-nooK OF IIEALTII HINTS AND RRADY RBCIPKS, Is tbe title of a very vaii.nhle hook that gives a irreat amount of Information of the Utmost Importance to Everybody, concerning their dully habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc., IT TELLtt ABOUT What to Kat, Inflnence of Plants, Parnitltcs of the Rkln, Tare of Tivth, How to Kat it. Occupation for Invalids, KatlilnK Host Way, After-Dlnner Naps, Things to Do, Alcohol as a ood aud a Lunffaand Lung lllauuses, Effects of Tobacco, Things to Avoid, Medicine, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance, Perils of Hummer, Superfluous Hair, Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, CauM A Cur, How to Ilreathe. Kemoving Hauie, How Much to Wear, To Wet Kid of Lloe, Dangers of Kissing, Kestorlng the Drowned, Contagious Diseases, Malarial Affections, Orerheatlug Houses, Preventing Near-tilghtcd- How to Avoid Thum, Croup tg hreveuu Ventilation, ness, Exercise, IT TELLS HOW TO IHK Black Eyes. Dolls, Burns, Chlllblalns, Cold Feet, Corns, Coughs, Cholera, Dlarrhora, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoaraeueas, Itching, inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning, Moles, Pimples, Piles, Kneumattsui, Klngworm, Huoriug, stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Mouth, Sore Nipples, More Throat, Huuslroke, Mtlnga and Iiukii I Kites, Sweating Feet, Toothache, Uloerss Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms in t'tilldreu. IT WILL SAVE VOCTOHK HILLS. UTAH new subscribers and prompt renewals durmtftbe mouth of June will be preeensed with a free oopyof this as a premium. is I1 atterson NOTARY PUBLIC '. CONVEYANCER A. Changes . "- Of Plant B 111 & CO. "TEACHING IS THE NOBLERT ART BI T THE SORRIEST TRADE." Thirteenth Annual Session MONMOUTH, OREGON. A training srhool for Teachers. Theory and Practice combined, strong Professional Course, and well equipped Model School. Uhorough Preparatory and Academic Courses. Normal, Advanced Normal, Business, Music and Art DepHrtmentB. Lifiht expenses. Board and lodging, books aud tuition not above flSOper year . The town of Monmouth has a beautiful and neanniui location in tbe very heart of the Will, aniet e Valley, twelve miles Southwest of th State Cap tai. It has no saloons. The Normal courty in the s ate without further examination. and Norma OXFORD RAMS. OREGON: For tho Cure Oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It is located at Forest Orove, Or., 77te Most Beautiful Town on tlie Coast. Call at the Oazkttb office for particulars. Ktrlctly confidential. Treatueut privateaud sure cure. CALIV AT