i:g che insertion of display arte., of name, must trot their cnnv in or cnai.ge not later tht.ii Monday eveuiiur for Tnpwiar'n edition, or Thursday evening for fridayi edi- iOU. THti ?ATTfiK80Ii PUELiHUlMG CO. NoTICK. L The sum of five cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, aud obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall hiniBelf give sb a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five bants a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for hiB or her communication. No correspondence will be published unlesB the writer s real name is signed asau evidence of good faith. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTIS . ing Agent, '21 Merchants Exchange, ban 1' raneisco, is our authorized agent. This paper 1b kept on tile in hinotlice. TIME TABLE. Stage (or Hardman, Monument, Loiii Juhn Day and Canyon Clly, leaves as lo Creek, lows : tvery uay iu o a. m., except Humiay. ArriveseverydayatO p. m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior country, B.A. HUNSAKER, Prop. Phill Colin, Agent. Give your business to Heppner people, aud iliere.fore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Palace Hotel Bar! Keeps the finest Liquors and Cigars to be found in thu city. Gtunbrlnus Beer on tap. Served in largest sized mugs. U. B. TKDKuWIS, l"rop. Here and There. Subscribe lor the Qazntte. Advertising pays in the Gazette. J, W. Hilton was in from Eight Mile Thursday. S. 8. Hnruor ie again sojourning in the Blnee. Lo aud Andy Tillard were iu from iiuttfjr or?ek Weduesday. fr'rauk Koijers returned to the Ditcb creek camp ye.-terduy afternoon. fllisfi Etta Minor and Frank re turned f inm Ditch oreek Sunday lust, Jack Hornor and Harry Warren re turned from the mountains Wednesday. J'diD Chrismao departed Wednesday with a big load freight for the interior country. Photographs $1.50 pel dozen at, Sbep pard's gallery, near opera house, north Main St., Heppuer, Ore. 26tf. The Heppner Flouring Mill Co. will sell fl ur at 82.25 per barrel in any quantities. All Hour warranted. J. P. Hayden, the popular traveling man, was in the oity on one of bis num erous business trips the first of the week. Asa Thompson was in Tuesday and Wednesday, with a fiue load of fruit from the famous Butter creek fruit ranch. Zad K'isendorf, of Iudipendenc e, vas in town WeduesdMy looking afier bis interests here. He departed on the evening train. Hood's Pills cure constipation by re storing penslaltio action of the ali mentary canal, J. F. Spray, of the Liberty Meat Market, ie now selling meat cheaper than any shop in Eastern Oregon, He offers big discounts for oash. 55 tf If the hair has been made to grow a natural color on bald heads in thousands of cases, by using Ball's H ir Renewer, why will it not in your o Be? Stage leaves for Echo Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, returning on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. II. Wade, Prop. T. W. AyersJr., agent. E R Deyoe, traveling auditor of the 0. R. & N., came up on Tuesday's morn ing's train, and is now in the oity look ing after the interests of the oompauy. G. D. Coats was in from bis ranch near Hardman 1'hursday, looking after saokx for his wheat whiob will soon be threshed, and whioh be reports to be very fiue. J. B. Natter has reopened the Brewery Saloon, keepieg on tap at all times the best beer o.i the f aoino coast. Also on hands the best brands of liquors, wines and cigars. 66if. If von owe the Gazette you must ex peot that pay will be demanded. We need our money, aud don't ex eft to borrow under the eircumatanoes. Come, give ua a lift. Eugene A. Teeling. of The D dies, has been appointed temporary auditing clerk at the depot to Bssist Agent Hart during the rush of business. He will probably remain five or six montbs B. A. HunBaker runs stage between Heupner aud Monument, arriving every dBy except Monday and leaving ever) dav exoept Suudav. Shortest and cheap- . ., . t n..u est route agent. to the interior. P. Oobn, Chas. Cunningham will have t the James J'ues ranch a band of his Frenoh and American Merino ana unoia graded Bucks. All wool g owers w o Bre interested in improving i ueir uu wm have a C'Biioe to see a sple idid band of bucks after the 1st of October. 60 tf. Malarial and other atmospheric influences aie best counteracted b keeping the blood pure and V gornne with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A litilecantion in this respeot may prevent aerioui illness at this season. Ayer's Sarsapa rilla is the best all-the-year-touud medicine in existence. Mr. R F. Hynd, of Ibis place, bss just completed the full graduating course, by mail, through the Bryaut A Strat ton Correspondence College, of Buffalo, N. Y., and has just received bis diploma. This school has a novel and interesting system of eivine a practical business ed uoation at the student's home, which is meeting with marked success. The reenlar subscription price of the Semi-Weekly (isz-tte is 82.50 and the regular price of the Weekly Oroian is $1.50. Any one subscribing for the Gazette and paving for one yeBr in advance ran set both the Gazette and Weekly Orpgonian for 3. All old snb ...hfl.a noviiis their nbscriD'inns for one vear in advanoe will be entitled to the game. Frank- I.ee. the eenial woolbnyer rep- reenting the firm of Nichols, Du ee 4 Co. of B is'nn. after spending the sea son here in the interest of the above b,t, rtanarterl fo his hom in 'Frion in'K..tnrr!v evenino. For several va r past Frank ha ben almost a res ident here during the woolbuying sea- .n,i it will be a dissapoin'ment to many tf be dnea not again make hia p- 'iHOSK desirti: 1 iit)N, jigs severed bia (Kirjueoliou wuli mis Druuoh liue as firemuu, hnviuif ueerj piom:itiu to the position of boetler ou the main liue. Ha will probably be located at The Dulles or Umatilla E,l departed lust evening for Portland. Gbo. Phelps, of The Dalles, is now tem porarily fireing on the Heppuer brancu. Many bodily ills result from habitual cotistiputiou, and a Que coustitutioa may be weakened and rained bv simple neiilict There is no inedioine, for reKU lxtniji the bowels and restoring a natural action to the digestive organs, eqanl to Ayer's Pills. J. F. Willis, who is rideing boss for the thresher which bis boys are ruouiug this Season, was in Thursday for sup plies. He reports the thresher doing ex cellent work and giving perfect satisfac tion. 0. W. Gilboasen and wife, M. D L. French and .Mary and Luella Nelson left yesterday for Ditob oreek. Mr. Giilmuseu will photograph the oaoip while there. Rev. Denison & wife and Mrs. N. A. K-lly left the first o. the week (or The Dalles to attend the annual conference of the M. E. churoh. Prof. Z M. Parvin, of SiiIpuj, arrived on Wednesday nmrnirju's train, and is now visiting bis 8oti-in law and dauuh ter, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Brown of this oity. Chills and fever of three years staDd inn cured by Simmons Liver Keaulator. E. Watkine, VVatkina House, Umpton vilie, Ky. Peudland fe Co. have disposed of their general miirch.arju'isM) stook to Minor & Co. Dan Mathiot, representing the Stand ard Oil Co., is in the oity today. Miss Ida Shulpfi, dangbter of Rev. Hhulse, of Saiera, is quite ill. Mrs. C. F.. Fell is lives in Pendleton. visiting with rela- Aden Sloan was in first of the week. from Ritter the Je-ry Brosnan was in from Lena this afternoon. Why is It? That Hercules Gus and Gasoline En gines are held by the public in so much higher estimation than other eogii.es? The parties using these engines, and their name is legion, are the ones who oau best answer this question. They well know the ease and promptness with which these engine are started and the very little cate they require to keep t lieir. i o.iuing iu mtli after month with the most perfect satisfaction. They run without a snark battery, which is admitted to lie unreliable. The simple ignition tnboa of the Hercules Engines are far better. Send for catalogue. If yon want senoud-haud engines of other m ikes at aheap ratea we can supply juu. We hve u number taken in trade and cannot take any more antil these are realized r.n. Patj mep. Sr. Uky Tri'ii "'odn'duy, Front & Aider 'Sis.. Portland Orevou. Commehouii Union ( v Hbppnkb. A oommeroial union was reoeutly organiz ed in this city comp wed of a majority of the leudiu:; nifToa iiil lii'iii-i. The fol lowing are the offioers: ,T. W. Vanghan Pres.; Harry Warreo, S.vy.; J, W. Leez-r, Tread.; L. W. Briggs, E. J. Slooum and T. R. Howard, exeouiive committee. The purpose of this organ ization are to pool together aud buy in wholesale quantities so as to get th lowest prices aud beoilit of oarload ra'es in order to q iote prices that will draw trade to heppuer, Bnd to look after the mutual luterests of the union and the town. Snob an organization, together with a board of trade or a ohamber of commerce, is usually of great benefit to any town or city. HooaK Burnkd. Lo Tillard brought in word Wednesday that the residence of Ben Mathewa, out on Butter creek, bad burned to the ground early that morning. Mrs. Mathews was sick in bed at tne time but carried out by those present, however, we learn that none of the household goods were Baved. We did not learn the origin of the fire. Ben was in town at the time the r.ipirt was brought in, but left ut oroe for home. He had just gotten out of debt and at the present time the loss falls pretty heavy ou him. Hay For Sale. Ranch fob Rent 40 0 tons good allalta hay for sale on (he Swezoa ranch ou Butler oreek. Good feeding priviliges. Fiue aKalfa pasture cheap. Fiuii consisting of plums peaches and apples cnu be bought cheap. The pla'.'o can lie rented bv a lesirealilu tenant ou Amy terms. For panioulara a; p'y at toe lh3 or address box 85, Echo, Or tiO 2t. Newt .T-in"n bitMxht in worl this morning tl ut lii honso out on the Cnnuinuhr'.ui inticii inirned last niaht about 11 oVI'.cit. Ti.e lire c:in,jht from a defective ti.ie ia the kiicheo aud bad quite a start, wi.en discovered, however, he managed to .'-iva some of the house hold property. S i iu nrnuoe. Tired, Weak, Nervous, Means impure blood, and overwork or too much strain on brain and body. The ouly way to cure is to fe-d the nerves on pure blood. Thousands of people certify that the best blood purifier, the beet nerve tonio and strength builder is Hood's SarSBpanlia. What it has d"iie Tor others i! will also do for you Hm. 1's cures. MtMtourl Spauisu. A drummer who had traveled all over California sat in a Pullman car with a Missourian, and. as the latter was a newcomer, gave him much in formation about the state. "By the way." said the Missourian, after awhile, ' you seem to know most of the towns in tins yer state. ,ver been in As-you-say?" The drummer gasped, and then responded: 'No; As-you-say is a new one on me. I have been in several outlandishly naroed places, but never in As-you-say. Where is it?" "I got the letter here," replied the Missourian; "it's from a friend of mine as lives there." And he handed over an envelope stamped "Azusa.Cal." The drummer will not believe all he hears in Missouri .Spanish hereafter. WANTED Tu emp'y udJ' or gentleman to represent us iu each county. Salary 8W. (JO per month. Ad dress with stamp. C'bas. A. Robinson A Co., Salina, Kacs. LIST OK LETTERS. ETTER3 ADVEKTIhKD at heppnep., ' Ptansee, L W Trolii-h. Hermann Young. B f Paueherty. J JoiifMrn. iln Mune, Grant ivertied. When calling for theae letun pleue aay 1. P. William. P. M. The Past Guarantees The Future The fact that Hood's Sarsapa rilla has cured thousands of others is certainly sufficient reason for belief that it will cure you. It makes pure, rich, healthy blood, tones and strengthens the nerves, and builds up the whole system. Remember Hood's Sarsa parilla Cures Be Sure to get HOOD'S and Only HOOD'S. Hood's Pills are especially prepared to be liken with Ilood'i Sarjaparilla. 21c. per box. Wheat Sacks. The Morrow County Land & Trust Co. are patting out wheat aaokg at their warehouses at Douglas, lone and Heppner. All those wishing sacks should see them. 57tf. Lost. Wednesday night, between his store and residence, Mat Lichtenthal lost bis pocket book containing a few dollars, also two city worrants. No. 31 in favor of Henry Blabn for $4, and No, 87 in favor of F. ,T. Hallock for $16 66. Everyone is berebv warned against buy ing the above warrants. A liberal re ward will be kiven for the return of the pocket book with oontents. 60-4. Don't Forget It. Travellers mint not forget that the O. R. & N. line s thoroughly repaired and all trains are running without transfer or delay. Through service to Omaba, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chioago; Pullman sleepers. free reclining chair cars, upholstered tourist sleepers and modern day coaches. Call on O. R. & N. agent before purchas ing tickets, or address W. H. Hurlburt, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Portland. 65-7. HhoB Making and Repaibiko Neat ly Done. Joe Dubois, having bought out the shoe shop formerly owned by Ed Birbeck, in the Abrahamsick build ing on May street, and also having secured the services of an experienced workman, is now prepared to do bIi kinds of shoe making in a strictly first class style. Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. When you need any work in his line give bim a oall. 54 tf. Rev. Fabrisb at Fossil. Rev. Frank Purnsb, the boy preaober, preaobed here last Sunday morning and evening, and ou several evenings during the week, and made a very good impression upon a majority of his bearers. He is an un commonly bright lad, and . will make a very good preaober when be baa a little more experience and wjll have got over the boyish way he now has of obscuring his meaning behind bigger words than are necessary. The bes preaohing is the simplest preachiug, and the best preach ers strive to condense their ideas into the simplest and most direot language, thereby gaining in force and elegance of expression. The words In every day use are the ones that have been weighed in the balance and not found warning. The Methodist cburob was crowded every time that Mr. Parrish preaohed and quite a number expressed the wish that conference would assigo tbia parish to Mr, Parrish for tbe ooming year. Mr. Parrish and wife are both fine singers, and would be a power in aoampmeeting. Tbey left here for Heppner Thursday. Journal. Eva Evans' Painting of Obkgon. In last Sunday's Eiumiuer, Eva Evans comes out in a three column interview in which she tells bow and why the Evans & Sontag drama stranded in un apprec iative Oregon. "Somehow," she says, "the mossbacks up in that jay state would not enthuse when Ron tag got caught in tbe cyclone of bullets, and even the shooting off of Ch-is Evans' arm and the shooting ont of bis eye brought neither ourtainoalls nor Oregon dollars from their lurking places." Miss Evans might better have said, bad tbe play been reversed, showing Evana and Sontng up as outlaws, train robbers, refugees aud bandits, and the wife and dangbter of this noted criminal been left out of tbe cast entirely, it wonld have met with mnoh better success. Tbe fact is the people of Oregon were not in sympathy with the bandits, nor tbe dramatic element of the family. They could not indorse a drama that pictured those train robers as innocent when no one doubted their guilt. "After several unsuccessful efforts we found tl e people of Oregon were not cultured up to ap preciating Evans and Sontag." God BBve the mttr But did yon know thr.t Oregouiai.B were so iunorant?" The above are but samples of the entire in terview. However, Eva, who by the way ie such an actress (?) is to play as "juvenile lead" in "Muldoon's Pionic." Tbe cast consists of herself, a pig-ti il chinaman and a tar heel negro. All stars A wonderful BtfU'egation, isn't it? We now trust that Eva Evans lias got back to a country where, f ncli gross and inexcusable ignorance does not pre vail, aud that ber atiilir-i.ces may be highly enough cultured to fully appreci ate ber talent. W. H. Nelson, who ib in thedrng busi ness at Kineville, Mo., has so much con fidence in Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy that he warrants every bottle and offers to lefund tbe mony to every customer who ia not satisfied after osing it. Mr. Nelson takes no risk in doing this because the Remedy is a eertain enreforthe dihennes for which itia intended anrl he knnn-s it. It is for aale by Bloonm-JohnatOD Drug Co. I STANDARD II Has the reputation of being the Lightest Running, Least Wear, Fewer Repairs, of any machine in the market. FOB SALE ET E J. SLOCUM, HAS SECURED The Agency for (lie Brownsville Men Mills. And has on bands a full line of their goods including suits, blankets, woolens, etci Be is also prepared to take measures for suits. Palace Hotel Building, Heppner, Oregon. for Infants ' Castor. so well adapted t o ch ildren that I recommend it as euperlor to any prescription known to mo." II. A. Ancnna, II. D., Ill Co. OiTord Zt., Erooklyn, N. Y. " The use of 4 Castoria li so universal and Its nieritj so well known that i; seems a work of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy roach." Caalos SIajitym, D. D., Hew York City. Thb Centavr OF )The "ning how to choose the best one to marry ;(I2TTWO COURSE)The ma? ried how to be happy in marriage ; ( YOU )Tho fond parent how to have prize babies; ( ONE WANT TO KNOW WHAT )Tbft mother how t have them without pain ; (AlxfcjiN -I )Tho childless how to be fruitful and multiply; ( SOLD )Tho curious how they jThe healthy lr now LU UllHJy lliu ttliu B.c:t:u wni: i x . EVERY )Tht in valid how to get well again speedily; BODY )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. OUGHT )AU who want knowledge that is of most wort)' TO )Find it in Dr. Footo's " Plain Homo Talk, " KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 ents, 24 col. plates ; 200 r .-. READ )Reduced from $3.25 to $1.50: circulars fiw f. H. T. )Murray liill Hook Co., Land Patents Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest lossible time. Contested Cases Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individnttlu bnviue conflicting claims under the agricultural (and laws, and tbnae between olaimHntB under Ibe Mineral Laws and agrionltural niaimanifl nnrl uUn hni.vARn nlmmnnifl nnder nnv of tbe Dnblio land luwa and the Hull road oompaniea and their frrante, and the states and their eranteea, under the Swump-Land and Schoul-Land Grants. Specialty madenf securing pBtenta in the shortest possibla time for settlers who have complied with the lawa under whioh their entries were made, and who are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue of their patents, cauaed by TriHiud Irrtguiarities whioh can be easily and speedily removed. Advioe also given iu all matters relating t the publio lands, especially on points arising under tbe new laws whioh the disposal of the public domain. If you want vnur land patent in a any charaoter, attended to by skillful and oompetent attorneys, ana promptly ais. posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, Gen. Man., P. O. Box. 385. AT THE CHICAGO FAIR. Glass bricks are on exhibition at the world's fair. They are intended for building's wherein great light is needed. The national congress of Kan Sal vador has granted President Carlos Ezeta a six months' leave of absence to visit the Chicago fair, and voted him ten thousand dollars "to cover probable expenses." Capt. M aoncs AMKRH(Mr,who brought the Viking ship from liorgen to this country, is a Norwegian editor oif on a vacation that lasts till Auguht 1. He is '. k.i g the Viking's trip ehielly for bis health and pastime. Visitoks to the world's fair will do well to provide clothing for cold weather, even in July. The lake winds have a trick of sending out arc tic gales at the most unexpected pe riods, and the weather of Chicago is capable of as many changes a day as there are hours. An interesting feature of the Har vard university exhibit in the educa tional department of the world's fair is a collection of glass flowers repre senting the flora of our own country, so delicately painted and modeled that the closest observer could hardly de tect the counterfeit. Pilenl Piles! Itching Piles. Symptoms Moisture ; intense and Btiuuing; most at night; worBe by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, whiob often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Swaynk'b Ointment stops the itching and bleeding heals ulceration, and in ovist cases re moves the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for SO cnts. iJr. Swayne & Son, j Philadelphia sw 1 yr Take biminona Liv?r Regulator for . heart troubles, often due to indigestion. 0WER!CASH! Gilliam & Bistoee, iiEPPNBn on. and Children. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without Injurious medication. "For several yearn I have recommended your 'Castoria,1 and chall clways continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneflcial results." Edwin F. Paiidue, II. D. 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Company, 77 Murkay Street, New York Citt. "growed" and came to be.;( i:c . i l . (AND HE SAVED ( $1,100 T.N ONE YEAR. 00,000 , COPIES SOLD. tl. ZHtn t., rti have been reoently passed proviuing ioi hurry if you want your land business, of Washington. D. O. A STRANGE CASE. How an Enemy was Foiled. The followJntr prrnnhlf! itatomftnt will b read with IntenwelnUirmt: "1 cannot Vacrib iherinmh rrfiT.v an ntuttifin thfLtexlRted in fflf arms, hands anu If Kft. 1 had to rub and beak tho pfirtM until Uiey wer mm, toovrcom In a measure thn dead intollng thai bad takeo pTMseshlon of them. In addition, 1 bud ft strung" wfUknu-rB In my hack and around my walnt, together !Ui an indHscrlbaule 'ironn' fewlinsf In my Rtonwh. Fhyttlrlana naid It was crM'p'ni? iiaraiysls, from whlfh, acrord Idk to thi'ir universal conclusion, there la no Wilii'f. Onr It fustenn upjn a perwm, they say, It rontiriurs U InsliilouH pnKrs until It r!ii-u:tf a vimf point and the uffirer dies. Huch wuh my pros jerfc. I had tpn doitoring a y-ar and a half steadily, hut with no par ticular iHTiefit. when I saw an ad vert I Heme at of Ir Miles' Kestorative Norvine, procured a lottleand heirtin u-ln It. Marveloun aa It muy seem, but a few days had panned before every hit of that creepy feellw? had left me, and thero han not teeu evea the allghtest Indication of Ua return. I now feel aa well as 1 ever did, and have gained ten pound In woight, thoueb I had run down from 170 to V.S7. Four others have used Ir. Miles' Kenioratlve Nervine on my re:omen dation and it haHtx:en aHHiitisfataory In their cae us In rnine." Jamen Kane. La Hue, O. Dr. Ml lea' Itentoratlve Nervine taaoid by all druKifi'it rm a positive guarantee, or sent direct hy the Dr. Miles MeUiral Co., Elkhart, Infl,, on receipt of price, tl per bottle, tl bottles forM. express prepaid. UiMtrvttma, opjjtCea or duut eroua drua. Fur sale by T. W. Ay era, jr. After a thorough test of the npyn credit system, wehaveconclud- w - ed to change to net cash. On and after Aug. i, '94, we will sell to one and all for CASH OlSTLY ! GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT Of what heretofore had to be obarged for unoolleetnble accounts. This is no reflection on you, but is a plain business stntemeDt. We can nfford to sell at lower prices in this way. No Favorites No Bad Ietts H N ll t ' :t II " -1' I' ""llte School Diploma entitles one to toich in any Graduates command good positions. 1 j-z?S 1 .Jkira-i".- M TUITION PER TERM OF TEN WEEKS. Normal, $6.28; Sub-Normal, $o; Oommeroial, Sti.25. BOARD AND LODGING. Board at Normal Pimt-e Hall, $1.75 per weak; furnished rooms with fire and Hri., from $1 00 to 81 25 per week; unfurnished noma 611 cents per week. Board and lodging in private fsmihea from 83 00 to $3.50 per week. Vitality and growth have alwRyN ohamcrlzed the work of the Normol. The coming year proiulfU'f) to be one of the best In Its history. Catalogue cheerfully lent on application. Addrefla P. L. CAMPBELL, President. or W. A. WANN, Secretary of Faculty. ttl-62 bw. For Sale 1 200 QHU, arter alf-Blood Hheepmon will find it to their interest to inspect my Kama before buying elsewhere. I enaure them to be Bound and in exceptional fine condition for service. 1 have taken great paina and went to much expense to meet the growing demand for tbia olaea of sheep, and will Bell tbem to SUIT THK IIiVrei TIMES. Come and See Them and be Convinced. For further particulars uddreaB me at PILOT ROCK, ORE., or call at my farm six miles eoutb of Pilot Rock, Ore. 69-Oct, 21 fEASTERN State Normal School, WESTON. - fpHE FIKHT TERM BEGINS THE IIKD OK HEPT. 18iM. Tuition per term in Elomentary I Course, iiJii; Regular Course, fl.W; Biifjlnehs Course, VU0; to those In the Senior Class pledged to teach, frje. w fc f (iimd board tind lodging In private families, $:i r0 per wrk or rooms M MKjIm. rCl ut. a very reHHnimlile rent for thone who may desire to hoard them selves, hut all studentH, no iimtfer how they hoard, will he under Lliuliiiuii'dlat rare of ttie faculty. Graduates oi the Normal receive Htate diplomas. I'. A. WORTHINGToN, Hec'y of hegents. h hh Institute -OP- riH. FOOTI'S HAND-BOOK. OP nBHTfl HINTS ND READV BECIPM, U l.t the title ot a very valr "lle hook that Important to Kverybody, cu. ernliij their dully hablta of Katlnf, Drinking, Draulnj, eto., IT TELLS ABOUT What to Eat, II nw to Kut It, Tlilnii. to Do, Tblntca lo Avoid, Prll. or Hummer, Influence of Plants, Occupation for Invalid., Alcohol us a Pood and a feedlclne. fluperfliioue Hair, n.n.HuM.nH. Dangers of KlHsinir, heatoiiuK the Urownnd, Contasloua Dlseasee, Malarial Atfectlona, Overbeatlna Uouaei, Preventing Near BIhted- How to Avoid Them, Croup to Prevent. Ventilation, neaa, fcierclse, IT TELLS HOW TO CIHB Blai ;k Eye, Bolla, Bum, Chlllblalns, Cold Feet, Corns, Cough.. Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid Feet. Freckle. Headache, HtcoouKh, Hlvea, Hoarseness, Itching, Inllamed Breast., Ivy Poisoning, now to Hreallie, Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Huorliut, Mtammerlng, bore Kyea, Bore Moutn, 8ore Nipples, Hore Throat, Sunstroke, Htlngs anil Insect Bites, Mweatlng Feet, Toothache, TJloerJ. Wan, Whooping Cough, Worma in Children. IT WILL h H IMTOaaS BILLI. j fyAll nw aotincriixTd anrl prompt reppwala dunn((tbe month of June will b ! prewnaml with a lre rjnpynf thia aa a prnminm. Patterson ll'lifillllHi iNlfclil A. Change- Of Plan! B MINOR & CO. "TEACHTSQ IS THR NOBLEVT AST KI T THE SORRIEST TRADE." Thirteenth Annual Session MONMOUTH, OREGON. A tvrttninpr 9 hool for TeacherB. Theory and Practice combined, Strong I'mfeiwional Course, and well eq ippcti Mod'l School. Ihoroujrh Preparatory aiid Academic Coursei. Normal, Advanced Normal, Business, Music and Art Dep rtmenta. Light expenses. Board nd lodging, books and tuition not above $150 per yenr. The town of Monmouth has a beautiful and healthful location in the very heart of the WiU- amet e vanuy. twuve unties Boumwesioi rno (state Can tat. IthaH no saloons. The Normal court y in the n.ftto w ithout further examination. and State hi School OXFORD RAMS. OREGON .For the Cure Oi Lnjiior, Opium &nd Tobacco Habits It 1h located at ForeHt Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Coll nt Hm Gazettk office for particular,. Strictly conllilcntlal. Treatment private aud aura cure. irlvei a (treat amount of Information of tbe Utmost Parasltea of the Rkln, Care of Teeth, Hathlnic Heat Wy, Atter-Dlnner Nape, l.unr and I.urn? DlHeasea, KfTecta of Tobacco, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance, ClothliiK, What to wear, Headache. Cause & Cure, How Much to Wenr. T tiat. Hid nt l.ic. NOTARY PUBLIC 4. CONVEYANCER AT OIMMOS nearaooe about me nrsi ei u-