Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 24, 1894, Image 2

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and therefor assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
We hold each and every corresi ondent re
sponsible for his or her commuiiii ation. Jo
correspondence will be published unless the
writer's real name Is signed as an evidence oi
good faith.
Did yoa ever
Read about tee
Man who
Hid hii
Light under
A bushel?
Yea? well
That ia like
Doing bnaineaa
Withont advertising.
All the
Snide BobemaK
In tbe country
Will not acoompliab
Half aa much
As a good ad.
In a good, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Is read
By tbe people,
And that owns
Its own
Bonl; that
Vei its space
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
Ibs Eastern Oregon branch insant
asylum obbb will be heard by the su
preme oourt on the 6th of September.
The constitutionality of the inoomp
tax law will be tested at an early date.
Senator Hill eipeot. to be an attorne)
in tbe first case brought to test the same.
Feffeb, of Kansas, says the result of
tbe tariff fisht will be to strengthen the
populists all over the country. It maj
be so. But at the snme time it it
strengthening the republican pBrty all
over tbe land.
The Heppner Gazette baa a flgbt ot
band with president, 0. A. Kbea, auo
vioe-president, Frank Kfllogg, of Hepp
iier's Fimt Nutional bank, wherein tht
paper seems to hnvf just oausa for the
oomplaint. Burns News.
The FatterBon Pub. Co., publishers of
the Heppner Gazette, are alter the offi.
oers of the First National Bank of tba'
town tor using ils business as a mode of
persecution HgauBt that paper. TheGa
zette is retaliating in kiod to tbe besi
of its ability, and will no doubt carry II
a part of tbe laurels. Harney Times.
The California democratic Btate cnn
vention, which is now in session, hat
at last adopted a platform. As usual
everything in sight is Bwnllowed. Botl
free silver and the present adminiatratior
are Btrongly endorsed. At the mention
of Cleveland's nnme . the conventioii
broke into loud cheers lusting fur somt
time. V, bat next?
John Qmncy Adams, a grandson of tut
sixth preaideut ot the United Stated anil
great grandson of the second president
died a few days ego. Though a soion ot
a family renowued in the hiBtory of th
republic and bearing a name honored iii
its annals for patriotism and statesman
ship, his death wussoaroely notiotdout
side ot tbe circle of his home assooia
tioDS. Oregonian.
Senator, Wuitk, of California, wheu
added to tbe fiuanoe committee, was
known to be an advocate of free silver,
and thought to be a belieyer in free
trade, but now it app ars that be s noi
very favorably ioolined to the popgun
tariff bills, especially to the one relutiv
to free silver-lead ore, and as tbe repub
lioan membtiB of the committee are i l
tbe same opinion it has been decided ti
drop this bill.
Cleveland remains very Arm in bi
purpose to let the tariff bill become
law without his signature, nlthough
many congressmen have represented
very strongly that should it not have the
preaideutial approval their position on
the stump will be embarrassed. Tbe bill
cannot beoome a law without tbe presi
dential autograph until next Monday,
aud an adjournment of congress will
hardly take place before next Tuesday.
Editor Harcouht, of the Portland
Mercury, made a target of a book oau
vasser yesterday afternoon in the Mar
quam building. Tlie trouble wa
caused by the latter grossly insulting
Harcourt's wife while out canvassing,
and from the report we believe lr. (iar
oourt's action was justifiable. Fortunate
ly for himself the niau got intu a room
just in time to be missed by a sho'
through the door. No arrests wen
A horse kicked 11. S. Hhafer, i f the
Freemyer House, Miildlebnrg, N, Y , or
tbe knee, which laid him up in bed unit
caused tbe knee joint to become stiff
A friend recommended uim to one Cham
berlain's Paiu Balm, which be did, ami
iu two days was able to be around. Mr.
Sbafer has recommended it to mau
others and says it Is excellent fur any
kind of a bruise or sprain. This same
Remedy is also famous for its cures of
rheumatism. For sale by Slooum-John
ston Drug Co.
A. C. Carle, whose tonsorical parlor ia
looated in tbe Matlock building uexl
door to Simon a blackaiititu shop, is hi
artist. Shaves, shampoo or hair cut, 25
rents eaob, For the present this suui
will be closed on Suuday, so don't torgttl
to oall around Satrnday evening'
J. W. Swezea, of tbe Butter creek
eountrv. was iu this morning with fruit
from bis ranoh which is located just over
.be Una in Umatilla county.
OjtU lit iif.U. l (-M hfc
So l.iiuide the r.,,'i.uor' Jary. Brief Bb,,4j
ol the Deceased.
On tvmiur i the iiev ' David
Leatherman beiiiK found dead, (Joronor
Ayeis, as stated in Tueday'g iaKUe, left at
once to investigate the raue. Arriving
at tbe home of the deceased be empsnel
ed a jury composed of the following
persons: Wm. William, C. W. Fuller,
J. W. MeFerrin. John Gaunt, Balpb
Benge and S. W. Creason.
Free Green, John Konjue and H. C.
Corbin all testified that they were pa s
tbe house Tuesday morning, about 10
o'clock, they found Mr. Leatberman lying
on tbe frout porch, faoe downward and
chair tipped over as though be had fall
en ont of it. After bearing tbe testi
mony and carefully examining, tbe jury
made tbe following report:
We, the jurors empaneled to investi
gate tbe cuuseof the death of David H.
Leatberman, having beard the tes
timony und made a thorough examina
liou, report that he onme to his death
by beatt fail ore or some unknown cause.
Signed Wm. Gilliam,
C. W Fuller,
,T. W. MoFernn,
John Gaunt,
Kalph Benge,
8. W. Creason.
The body was brought in and interred
Wednesday morning under tbe auspioes
if Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F. and A.
J4., of wbiob he was a member.
David H. Leathermaa was born in
AikanBss Jan. 2, 3627, aud at the time
if death be was 67 yearB, 7 months aud
19 days of age. lu the summer of '51 be
as married to Mies Mary Welle, sister oi
Abe Wells of this city, who died but a
few months after their marriage. Mr.
Leatberman lett Arkansas in '64, cross
ing the plains he arrived in California
m '5Ii. Mr. Wells came out tbe next
year, and for tbe following 14 years they
were partners in business. In the sea
son ni '08 they joined a party of emi
grants and crossed through this country
looming lu British Columbia, where they
remained uutil '63, wheu tbey returned
tud located in Umatilla outiuty, where
they carried ou a freighting buniness be
'wieu Umatilla aud the Idaho ojiukb fur
three years. Iu '67 tbey engaged iu
cuttle, business and shortly afterward
looated on Kbea oreek, where Mr. Leatb
erman has Biuoe resided. Soon after
'bis move he purchased Mr. Well's
iuterest in the cattle business, and car
ried it on alone quite extensively for a
number of years. Mr. Leathermau's
brotbsr, Tom, who was formerly a resi
dent of this county, but wbo now livesiu
California, is tbe only member of the
family now living on this coast.
The Demand for Trained Teachers Hapidly
The demand for teaobers with nor
mal t ruining is growing rapidly in this
date. The state Normal school at
vlonnjoiilh leports that out of tbe
forty-Bix members of the gra mating
class of 1893 all but one were employed
a teaobers during tbe past y. sr. Of
its graduates, exclusive of this year's
class of lifty-one memberB, 164 are re
ported as at present engaged in teach
ing. The first class was graduated
eleven years ago,
Tbe demand for teaobers with train
ng and experience ia far beyond the
supply ; tbe supply of untrained and
inexperienced leaohers, on the other
hand, is far bepoud tbe demand.
Both for the good ot the teacher and
'he good of tbe schools, a thorough
normal course should be taken by
those wbo expect to seek positions iu
tbe public schools of the state. It pays
to prepare to compete for the best
Brace the Nerves.
Sedatives and opiates won't do it.
These nervines do not make the nerves
xtrnng, aud failing to do this tall short
if producing tbe essential of Ibeir
quietude vigor. And while in extreme
cases and these only of nervous
irritation such drugs may be advisable,
tueir frequent use is highly prejudicial
to the delicate organism upon which
they act, and in order to renew their
quieting effect increased aud daugeri u
doses eventually beoome neoessary.
Hostettvr's Stnmaob Bitters is an
-flloiaut substitute for such pernioious
drugs. It quiets the nerves by bracing,
loiiing, strengthening them. Tbe con
nection between weakness of the nervous
uateru aud that of tbe organs of diges
tion is a strong aud sympathetic link.
The Bitters, by imparting a healthful
impulse to the digestive and assimilat-
ug tinetiotis, promotes throughout tbe
h"le system a vigor in wbiob tbe
nerves oome iu for a large share. Use
he liittera in malaria, constipation,
bilious aud kidney trouble.
Ionb Items.
Heading grain is ueariug its close.
liullaud BroB. ptirobased a new
A. C Peltys expects to build a new
home on his ration.
The comity superintendent was down
visiting relatives and friends.
A. T Mi-Nay, of Heppuer visited tbe
lone neighborhood ol business.
During the ooming week several
thresher will be iu full operation.
Ben Case, onr industrious blacksmith,
has work enough ou baud for two.
Rube Sperry and family are residing
iu their old quarters during harvest.
Welter Cason has been selling fresh
beef to tbe harvesters for some tinu .
Quite a number have been soourine
the creek bottom for elder berries aud
returned, well laden.
Several from this neighborhood ex
uect to go to the mountains during the
noming week tor reoreation and amuse
ment. Laborers, wbo have been through
Morrow County, claim that we have ibe
heaviest grain lu the northern portion
! of our eouu'y.
j JlKI
I Ione, 0 , Arioi'BT, 17, 1S4.
(rlK OHtliON elAIJi Pirl,
in la- Held it U.tlaq, ft, iii. Wek
Cl.iai.ij Bepteaibcr 17.
Tbe thirty-fourth annual meeting (J
the Oregon State Fair will ho held at
Salem on the State Fair Grounds (rum
September 17 tu 22, inclusive, and from
present indications the Fair this yeai
will be one of the most suooessful ours
if not the most successful ever held in
tbe State. The premium lists have
been thoroughly revised for this meet
lug, aud j, any new and attractive fea
urea have been added. Everything
has been modernized, tbe old ideas bav
ing been consigned to tbe archives.
Tbe new grand stand is commodious.
The new regnlation track is tbe fastest
on the Coast, aud some of tbe best
horses in the West will be iu attendance
1 he pavilian will be tilled as never be
fore, and a new machinery hall baa had
to be constructed to aooommodaie tin
the large number of exhibitors Thii
year one tioket admits lo all then
beiug do extra fee charged at the race
course gates. The railroads all grant
special reduced rates on exhibits, and
annouooe excursion rates during the
Fuir. There will he bull races, and
bicyole races, and novel unique attract
ions every day. Indians from tbe
Grande Rondo and Siletz reservations
will give a representation o; an Indian
village, and engage in war and fjaiher
dances during the daytime. There will
be concerts in the pavilion during four
nights of the week, and upon these
ocoasioDs there will bi addresses by
Oregon's Governor, Governor elect, and
ex-Governors, aud other celebrities.
Due day will bo devoted to horses and
cattle, another to pioneers and State
eflicers, another to fruit, and another to
hops, etc. every day will be a special
The State Fair was created by the
legislature to advance and enooiirage
the developenieut of the various re
sources of the State mineral, agricultur
al, horticultural, etc, and every section
of the State will be accorded an equal
opportunity with every other section to
exhibit its respective resouroes, and it
in earnestly desired that eaoh eeotion be
properly represented at the exhibit.
fi. A. R. riOTlCE.
We take this opportunity of inform
ing our subscribers that the new com
missioner of pensions has been appoint
ed. He is nu old soldier, and wo believe
that soldieis and their heirs will receive
justioe at bis hands. We d i not antici
pate that there will be any radical
changes in tbe administration of pension
affairs under tbe new regime.
We would advise, however, that U.
S. soldiers, sailors and their beirs, take
steps to make apilioation at once, if
they have not aleady done so, in order
to secure the benefit of the early filinii
of their claims in oaBe there should be
any future pension legislation. Such
legislation is seldom retroaotive. There
fore it is of great importance that ap
plications be tiled in the department at
the earliest possible date.
If tbe U. r. soldiers, sailors, or their
widows, children or parents desire in
formation in regard to pension matters,
they should write to tbe Press Claims
Company, at Washington, D. C, and
they will prepare aud send tbe necessary
application, if they find them entitled
under tbe numerous laws enacted for
tbeir benefit. Address
Jonn Wkddkkbukn, Managing Attor
ney, Washington, U. 0., P.O. Box 385.
Bookkeepers Bnd others of sedentary
habitB oute constipation with Simmons
Liver Regulator.
something In Them.
The wife of the western congress
man, who was living east for the first
time, had to talte her turn entiug shad,
just as every person does who gets into
the east to live. One morning at break
fast she pushed her plate back with
considerable asperity.
"Hah," sho exclaimed; "I don't see
anything in shad so remarkable."
"1 do, "said the small daughter across
the table, whom the mother suspected
of affecting eastern customs too read
ily. "What, pray?" and the mother's tone
was tinged with her suspicions.
"Hones," responded the small daugh
ter, aud the mother took hope again.
1100 Krward. flOO.
The reader of this paper will be pleas
ed to learn that there ia at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
Bhle to cure in all its stages, aud that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure known to the medical
fra'eruity. Catarrh beiug a constitution
al disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, aoting directly on tbe blood
and mucous eurfaoes ot tbe system,
thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the p tient strength
by building up tbe constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its
curative powefi, that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it
tails to cute. Send for list ot testimon
ials, Address,
F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75o.
One horse branded M S. Finder will
please return to George M. Masxingcr,
iu the mouutaius, or to A. Abrabamsick,
Beppner, Or., aud receive suitable
reward. There are other brands on tbe
animal besides the one mentioned, but
tbe writer cannot describe them.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
t W. 1'iTl'ERSON, AGLNT. qq q the B.t m th. wond
,ATjl lis" ?A0L, M. MUt.C iV,
The man; relative?, frauds and up
quaintanoes were grieved and much sur.
prised also, to hear of the death of 3. N.
Morgan, of Sand Hollow, whicboccarred
Tuesday afteruoon about 2 o'clock at the
Hospital in Walla Walla. For a short
time past Mr. Morgan bad been en
gaged as rideing boss for two threshers
up in that couutry. A few days ego a
letter waa received from bia son, Bub,
wbo was also working up in chat country
stating that his father was unwell
Tuesday morning a telegram was re
ceived stating that he was serinnsly ill
with typhoid pneumonia, which was
followed the same afternoon by another
telegram announcing his death after a
brief illness of nine days.
The remains were i-bipped Wednesday
and wore met at the Willows by a deli
(ation from the masonio lodge of this
city and brought up on Wednesday
'norning's train. The funeral ocenred
yesterday afternooD, at 2, p. m., under
h" auspioes of HeppDer Lodge No. 69,
. F. & A. M., and Wbitmore Lodge No.
45, A. O. U. W., both of which be was a
Samuel N. Morgan was born in Davis
county, Iowa, Deo. 14, 1853, und was
aged 40 years, 8 months and 7 days.
Be oame to this ooast in '61 locating in
Walla Walla, where he resided for about
10 years, when he moved to this section
and located on Sand Hollow where he
has sinoe resided. A few years before
leaving the Walla Walla country he waa
united iu marriage to Miss Sarah Baling.
A wife, teu ohildren and many acquain
tances mourn tbe loss of a true husband,
a devoted father and a faithful friend.
Tbe sympathies of all are extended to
the familyin this hour of bereavment.
Take! Take! Take Simmons Livnr
Regulator for dyspepsia, constipation
and heartburn.
Brain-workers keep their heads clear
aud bowels open. Take Simmons Liver
Last June Dick Crawford brought his
twelve-months-old ohild, suffering from
infantile diarrheal, to me. It bad heeu
weaned at four months old aud hud
always been sickly. I gave it the usual
treatment in such cases but without
benefit. The ohlld kept growing thinner
until it weighed but little more than
when born, or perhaps ten pounds. 1
then Btarted tbe father to giving Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrheal
Rumedy. Before one oottle of tbe
26 ceut size had baen used a marked
improvement was seen audits continued
use oured the ohild. Its weakness aud
pony constitution disappeared aud its
lather and myself beliuve tbe child's life
was saved by this Remedy. J. T. Mab
low, M D., Tamaroa, III. For sale by
Slocum Johnston Drng Co.
AdveDtaro of a Seal Unat la ail Eskimo
The author of "Eskimo Life" de
scribes a day's hunt, when the men of
the village put ont to sea, each in his
cranky little kaiak, after seals, auks,
fish, or whatever other game might pre
sent itself. Tobias began by chasing
a seal which dived and did not come
up again within sight, but the man is
one of the best hunters of the village,
as the reader may judge by what fol
lows, lie had sighted another seal,
ani was skimming over the sea toward
It, when the huge head of a hooded
seal popped up right in front of the
kaiak, and was harpooned in an in
stant. It makes a frightful wallowing and
dives, the harpoon line whirls out, but
suddenly gets fouled under the throw-mg-stick
of the bird-dart. The bow of
the kaiak is drawn under with an irre
sistible rush, and before Tobias knows
where he is the water is up to his
armpits, aud nothing can be seen of
hi id but his head and shoulders and the
stern of the kaiak, which sticks right
up into the air.
It looks as if it were all over wit'A
him. Those who are nearest padd.le
with all their might to his assistar.ee,
but with scant hope of arriving in Ume
to save htm.
Tobias, however, is a first-rate kaiak
man. In spite of his difficult position
he keeps unon even keel wlr,le he is
dragged through the water by the seal,
which does all it can to get him entire
ly under.
At last it comes up again, and in a
moment he has seized hi.s lance, and,
with deadly aim, has pierced the seal
through the head. A treble movement
and it is dead.
The other men come np in time to
find Tobias busy making his booty fast,
and to get the yiece of blubber to
which each is entitled. They cannot
restrain their admiration for his cool
ness and skili, and speak of it long
'1 ihii..ii titl ,.o..y.
The inureased cultivation of poppy in
various parts of Europe ban, it is said,
led to a marked growth iu the percent
age of opium contained in honey, the
properties of which are much inilu
enced by the flowers from which the
bees gather it. This is nothing new ,
for Xenophon relates that his soldiers
were intoxicated by eating Trebi
zond honey, extracted presumably
from the poppies which abound in that
region. '
No mineral water will pro
duce the beneficial results Q
that follow taking one or X
more of
o PiUs0
VJ with a glass of water Immediate J
ly upon arising in ti.e morning.
Painless. Effectual. Covered with
a lastetatK. Soluble Coailnr.
' Worth a Guinea a BuaV'Price
only S9 cents.
Of all drugp.tts, (v a box will be
mailed on receipt c' cts. in stamps
B. K Allen Co.. ACsaal Su,N. V.
r JXTJ CRUZ, SosmilgU
Hose of Key West, "
;i Carl Dimripr,
Rising Sun, six for 25 cents.
The Best 6 Cent Cigars
ever sold in Heppner.
For saile 1
P. C. Thompson
uiroin of dun.
Next session begins tbe 17th of Sep
tember, 1894.
Tuition, free. Board, $2.60 a week.
Five courses: Classical, Scientific,
Literary, English and Business.
The Boarding Hall for young ladies
and the Boarding Hall for young gentle
men will be nnder tbe pfrsonsl supervi
sion of Mrs. Mnora, a lady of refinement
and large experience. For Catalogues,
addrt-BB J. J. Walton,
53 71. Seoy. Regents.
Notice of Contest.
V. 8. Land Office, Tub Dau.f.s, Or.,
.lulv 21, 1891.
this Offlce by Anna J BalnigT agatnt
John K. All n for Abandoning liifi Homestead
Entry No. 416S, dated Doc 17. lsul, upon the
N Section W, Township 1 North. Kang" 24
E, in Morrow County Oiegon wth a view to
the cancellation of said entrv.the said partie
are hereby summoned to appear at this office
on the Mth day ol Se temher, ls'JI. ai 10 o'clock
A. M., to r. spond and lurniBh testimony con
cerning said alleged abandonment.
J. W. Morrow, county c er , is authorized to
take test mony at his olllce in Heppner, fir., on
Sept 17, 1SD4. J. F. MiiOltK,
67li7. Kegister.
of Morrow, state of Oregon.
Marv J. rjoona.il, plaint!!!, vs. wm. uoonau,
defendant. I of the incompetency or inattention oi me attorneys niHioy" w
To the above named defendant, William patents Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent ana ren
vDoi?"Sre heLvJareS't'apr a'fd'aSer ' able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent Sepentls greatly, if not
the complaint 'filed against you in the above entirely, upon the care and skill ot the attorney.
entitled suit ou r before the 4 day of September. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys.
nexDt'r..ula nd of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, w-e have re
soto answer, for want thereof, piainfitr will tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
plaintiir and Buid defendant, and lor
the costs and disbursements of this
suit. 'I his summons is published by
order of Hon. V L. BradKhaw, judge of said
court. Done at chambers at 1 he Dalles, Oregon,
July 17th, lh4.
Ellis, Daw-on & Lyons,
251-63. Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice of Intention.
J July 2'i, 191. Notice is heruby Riven ihiut
the following named settler has filed notice rf
hls intention to make linal proof in supports!'
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W, Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner
ureaon, on Sept. l.lH'.M, viz:
Hd. application No. 4777 for the N N W!4 S
N W'H and N W!t S W) Sec. 30, Tp. I S. R. iti
He names the foil -wing witnesp.es to prove
his continuous residence upon an'.i cultivation
of said land, viz:
CvrusMitier, Charley Benefliat, Charley Val
entine and W. M. Booher, all of Lexlnpton.
iril-2lil. Jam. F. Mounts, Register.
Administrator's Notice.
letters of administration on the estute of
Frederick Kretzschmar. deceased, were granted
to the undersigned on the 7th day of July, 1&94,
bytheCounty Court of Morrow county. All
persons havliie clai'ms against said estate are
required to exhibit them tome for allowance
at my place of business in Heppner, Morrow
Co., Oregon within six months after the date of
til 1b notice or ln,ey s-.all be forever baned.
Also all persons owing said estate are requested
to settle at once,.
Dated, Hep pner, Or. . July 7, ISM. 247-M
Assessor's Notice.
N tico is hereby given that the Uix list will
he con-, pleted by the last Monday in August,
1K4 land that at thi date will be examined by
the county hoard of equalization Those who
deal re corrections or alterations in their assess
ments are required to appear before the board
at the court house in Heupner on above date.
Hy J. i. Kober'ib, Deputy.
Heppner, Or., Aug. 3, 1894. 54-tiu.
NO. 2301.
eiend this CUIJFON and
iS Cents to
209 Dearborn St.. Chicago, 111.
And receive (post paid) ONE
PIECE (IF MUSIC, of your own
choice, named below orTHRKE
pieces for GO cents, or SIX l ieces
for $1.00. Remit postal note or
one and two cent stamps.
This Coupon not good after
December ;ilst, ism.
i o
The Latest Music
Weddkd After the Ball. By Barney Fa
Most popular Waltz Pone of the day
.191 .'18
Dedicated to Mr. O. K. HarirH, author
or "Ai'er the Ball "
A Dbkamof Arcadia Waltz sontr. T .anyon W-
The song of all songs. Favorite of
Adflina I'atti.
MoosLUiHi on the Lagoon, by Geo,
Schleittarth .... iW
Latest iKipular suoness by tnis noted
THKE S il'THERN ()N(i:. "Unci.k
Dan," "Au sin T b," "Whkki: My
HoMiY 8i"Ki's." complete
Three eharmiiiK, plaintiveand charac-
u-nenc s-ontnern foi k wniun ny
Col. Will L. Vlsseher, and arraiiKi-d bv
W. Ilebert Lanyon.
At Eventide, Nocturne for piano, Mar
cus . .. ... 10 els
A very brilliant Nocturne, about
grade 4-5.
Ts Fi.ow'ky Groves, reverie for p'ano
Manim f-0 otH
Reaii'iful reverie, original, and sum
to ole8e.
Sfrhe atove are all fine editions of ra!-iialm-conyrigiiti,
aud cannot be had inCl-SKAi
Coupon5: must accompany the order to neere
the reductions uauud.
To devel"P '!. c.'H properties in
Lewiston. Miuers' IVlisbt, AtlBn tic,
Smith Pap, Gild CreeV, or on He
Kni'ler l'.el. Vn'i enn p.'t full wfor
niutinu ti';;artiiii.f reliabUi miueH rb rh
are for siila hy the o.nnpn 'nentioned hi
addresniDK James A. M-.Woy, com-Iy
clerk of Fremont ci noty, Lwiier, Wj it.,
Wm., Stnrgis, Jr., Cbeyenne, Wyo., A.
Keudll, cashier First JMioual bank,
Bock Springa, Wto., S. L. Mpnusler,
obniininn Fremout boani of conntT
commissi inrg, Atlantic City, -Tyn.
The Union Paoitic is the shortest und
qniekest line to thi Sonth Pass
country, daily stage from Kock 'jprinirs
I tnd Rawliu,
4- City ;
THIS Popular Hostelry has again
I been re-opened and will be run
in first class style.
Meals and Rooms ot Popular
Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop.
The Lightest, Strongest and
.-it. ti, ;nwii r.f thnsp Imvinc claims against the eoverntnent is
that of INVENTORS, who often lose
'"""'' -w" ' . . .
Obtain Patents in the United States
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as ro
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute anil
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to.
gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once
advised as to the best course tc pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
others are infringing on your rigr-ts, or if vou are charged with infringement by
others, submit the matter to ui for a reliable OPINION before acting on the
p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
S- Cut this out and send it with your lnMi
Preuliriri I., claying pillu curuumirtUpauou
Prontift KocUfylng pills cure cuiiBtlp;illon
2 f
?, 3
y v
m &
t ll
Aiirost all pilla and mtnUeluo produce ccnstlpritlon, here Is a p--1 t"t cures torpid
liver, blllousnras, rheumatism, indieKilon, side hoadache ami kidnoy and liver
troubles without grip In? or leaving any trace of CONSTIPATION, whica
is the prlmo cause of nil sickness, beware of it getting habitual and chroniR with you,
see to It lr thiv ; pllis Trill euro y;u.
8 r.vsa HP,
6! ff
clear tlio iikln arid roinnv.
'ill blotches
self. 25 Cents a bos.
Or wont by mall upon receipt ot n-ii
Prentiss Chemical
u m n v v-t taw
IS S i Preu:t! Roctitylni,' jilllscuriicoabUuiilkm Promina Kucllryluij plus ciii-oconstlljatlon
J P.O. I Prontias Rwtlfytug pills c;-n coDsIlpiq'.on Printing IWiirylui; pi I Is mire constipation
3S .
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P. O. Box 463. Washington, D. C.
Honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who served nintty davs, or over, in the late war,
re entitled, if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability
was caused r.y service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances.
luO Sofsuch soldiers and sailorsare entitled (if not remarried) whether soldler'sdeatll
was due to army service oi not, if now dependent upon theirown labor for support. Widows
not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death wasd'ie to service
CHILDREN areentitled (if under sixteen years) in almost all cases where there was no
widow, or she has since died or remarried.
PARKNTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier died In
errlos, or from nVeu of service, and they are now dependent upon theirown labor for sup
navy makeli no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or
i SoldY;L5 "Vl" ,att War' P,e,;s.ionea nal one law, may apply for higher rates nnder other
laws, ntthout losing auy rights.
Thousands of soldiers drawing from 2 to $10 per month under the old lar-are entitled to
hleher thiks under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but
also for others, whether due to serviceor not. "pmuuw.iiiii
-niiM0 ' w I hJr'Sil0 iMjbred of duty in re81llar ay r navy since the war are also
entitled, whether discharged for disability or not.
u u7.ivoriv and tJ!,;L'.'.l0,w.s;c" the l""ck Hh, Creek. Cherokee and Seminoleor Flop
Ida Indian ars of 1X.12 to 1843, ar entitled nnder a recent act ionf
ur de" n'dent1 " olalera1d their widows alsoeutltled, if sixty-two years of age or disabled
Jate?Uwsaor'noCtTPletCd"ndSett,emen'obtained, wlleth" Psion has been granted under
Kejected clai ms reopened and settlement secured, if rejection improper or illegal.
kJ&XUri''''''1 Wiersand sailors th, Uwar who
Send for Uws and information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address.
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
15111s, Dawson & Ions,
All bnsinese attended to
manner. Notaries
8 -!-I
s o
Easiesst RunniDg Mower Made.
COMPANY, Agents.
the benefit of valuable inventions because
, i j th,.ir
and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In-
iJivuusH KocUrytLy pills cure eunstipullou
Prtmtlsa Rm:titylu piHwcutocmiatlpntlnn
t-v tx. Sa
hocauso it Is the only safe and narmlesa
remedy that will surely DEAUTIFY the
froin the taco. Try a box and see for your
and Manufacturing Co.,
in a prompt aniJ satisfactory
Fobhc aud Collectors.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . .