NOTICE TO AHVUUritttifM. i'iiuSK dCHiriuif the iimertion of diBPUy ads., r cNuims oi ma, murt wt, their copy Ui n tt rhs. i Moi2lay oveniutf for Tuesday's ot Tftiireiiay ceiling for Fridays eiii Tub 1'ATfJSRww Pvbi.uhivu Co. KMT ICE. 1. Tao sum of five cents per line will be I cup.rffed. for "cardn of thanks," "rolutfons of reBL'ct." lists of weddiiiir DrtswiitH and dminn. aud obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall hiuiBclf give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetiugs for whatever purpose. 2. .Notices of church and society and allotner i3ntertHinment8 from which revenue is to be de rived, ahull be charged for at the rate of five wilts a line. These rules will b strictly adher M to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known tipoR aM'iicatlon. We hold each and every correspondent re Kjjonsible for hiB or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer b real uunie iB signed as an evidence of food faith. I P. FlciHKK, NKWSHAPKK AUVKKTli JLdm ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange, San 1 raucisco, is our authorized agent. This paper i kept on tile in bisollice. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hard man, Monument, Long Creek, John Day and canyon Cily, leaves as follows ; Kvery day at t a. m., except (Sunday. A rrlveu every day at 6 p. m., except Monday, llie uheapcht, quickest and bent line to or from the interior country. B. A. HUNSAKEK, Prop. J'nill Cohn, Agent. Give your business to Heppner peopet and therefore assist to build tip iiepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Palace Hotel Bar! Keers the Snot Liquor) and Cigars to be found lu the elly. Gambrlnus Beer on tap. Served in lanrest sisal luuKB. u. II. TtDKvWt, Irup. Here and There. SubROiihe tor the Gizette. Advertising paja in the Uuzette. J. 0. Bull and fnmily returned from the mountains ou Saturday. F. J. Hallook aud Frank Rogers came iu from Ditch uretk yesterday Leslie Matlook is now living on moun tain scenery in the neighborhood ot Ditoh Oreek. Mra. Arthur Hmith and family return ed lrum n two wetk'a slay at Ditoh oreek yesterday. Arthnr Minor and family departed Saturday fur n few day's uuttng iu tue Blue mountains. E. P Vornz and wife spent Sunday with the campers lu the mountains at the head of tinea oreen. PhutOKrapha $1.50 pel dozen at Sbep pnrd's Kallry, near opera house, north Main St., Heppuer, Ore. 26tf. Jrff Hayes and wife were down from the mountain laueh and remained over Saturday an. I HuuJay. Penland & Co. will have wheat sacks for sale at the L-otii glon platform and at the Heppuer store. 56if. Mrs. Aunie Crump and fnmily and Mr. Win. Baruett retu ued ou Thursday last from the mon tain camp. Have you any oictures you want en larged? Then SneOilhousen at Danner Gallery. Satisfaction sure. The Heppner Flouring Mill Co. will sell rl nr at $2 25 per barrel in any quantities. All U ur warranted. E L. Freelaud and A. W. Patterson went out to Ditch oreek Saturday after noon to spend Sunday with the folks. The families of Geo. Conaer and Dr. Mcawords returned to tne ouy yesier- , da from their camp up at tne ceaa oi llhea creek. Mrs. N. S. Whetstone and little daughter left ou Saturday evening's train for a vwit of some months in the state of Ohio. J. F. Spray, of the Liberty Meat Market, is now selling meat oneaper than any shop in Eastern Oregon, be nffn big discounts for oaeh. 65 tf Owing to the wrecking of the east bound pxssenger at Grants on flatnrda night. Heppner received no Portland mail Sunday morning. A A Roberts tok his family into the mountains on Saturday, to join the oampers at Ditch oreck. Jas. Fristoe took their oamping oniflt up for them. Stage leaves for Eoho Mondays,' Wednesdays, and Fridays, retnrniug ou Tnesdas, Thnrsdns and Saturdays. a. Wade, Prop. T. W.AyersJr., agent. M. D. L. French suffered a very se vere attack of the obolxra morbus on last Thursday night. However, he is now able to be at his place of business agaio. Kev. Denifon preached his farewell sermon to his oong'-egation here on Snnav evening and departed last night for The Jalles to atteud the anuual con ference. Ike Ennis, Doc Swinburne and others spent Sunday in the mountains grnnse buutiog. Their luok was not extra good astbey only succeeded in baggiug 13 of the birds. If von owe the Gazette you must ex peot that pay will be demanded. We need our money, aud don't ex eft to borrow nuder tbeciroumatanoeg. Come, give us a lift. F. O Buoknnm starter! for Portland on last Tiinrpdayevcii'itr, bin t king riok at Wil ows Jnuotion he returned home Rnd passed tb'otigh a severe tussle with obolera moibns. Mrs. J. B. Sperry and daughters re turned on Haiurday morning from a visit with relatives at Hillebro and As toria. They spent a few weeks at the pleasant seaside resort of Newport. Alex Ooraetl wss in from Butter creek yesterday districting a loail of . n alien! apples from the orchard ot Felix John son. Mr Johnson pro 'noes some excel lent fruit and always finds sale for it in Heppner. A. O. Carle, of Boise City. Idaho, has purchased the tonsorial parlor formerly ewned by (lid Han, at the Matlock building nei' door to .-limon's blaok fluii'b stinp. where be invites the psl'on agent all who desire strictly Erst class work at reasonable prices. Haircut, shave or shampoo, 25 cents each. Give him 4 oall. Grant Co. News: Grant Johnson, reprsenting the'Pendleton wool tconnng Ciill, was iu the valley last week inter viewing wool growers. The charges for Boonring and bailing ara only one cent per ponod, and as -ooored wool bears a much higher price manv of Grant Oonnty's sheepmen are shipping to Pen fjlelon. The regular subscription n'loe of the Semi-Weekly Gsz-He is 82 50 and the regnlnr price of ibe Weekly Oxonian is 81.50. Anyone subscribing for the Gztte and paying for one year in advance can gel both the Oxce'te and Weekly Oregonisti for 83. All old snb sonbe'i paying their snbscio'ions for one year lu advance will be entitled to th same. - J :IU .S!JU'WSlJ-'tp The O. R. & S Co. have made a re. diiotton ou tlie pmw ot oarryu g giain ou hCi-ouut of lliu low prioe ot wlietl, sas the Arliu.ton Rcord. It is well known that the f inner cunot pay the present ptioe for freight, sa. ke. thresh ing and other I a Dor and sell wheat at the price it nowo immauds. This sub ject is a serious one and deflervini? o careful and houghtful oonaide ation If the faimer cannot prosper, evry other member of the community is ef fected. Wright Paling was in from Eligh' M le j esterday. He informs our r that bis header ha been innmn t-Hily for the p-idt 3? dtys and ex peot it will take at lesst to weeks longar to fininb oii'tliig. Wright states that th anmoier fallow wheat out that way i HllilVeled some, but the Volunteer wheal is splendid and will make a big yield. Malarial aud other atm ispherio lufliienoes aie beat counteracted by keeping the blood pure aud V gornns witu Ayer'sSarsaparilla. A lii'lecaution in this respeot may prevnt serious illnesB at thw season. Ayer'a Snrsapa rilla is tbn best all-the-year-iouud intdioine iu existence. Mrs. Thoe. Quaid departed en Satur day evening lor Washington, D. 0., to attend the meeting of the Supreme Tem ple, Pihiau Histrrs. Sho was bccoiu pnuied as far s-s The Dnllea by btr danubt' r Katie,.who will vieit friends in that oi'y till the opening of eohoo , wheu she will euter St. Mary's academy The editorial f iroe of the Gazette are in the mouutains eaMng deer meat aud 'nb ding the sa nbnons f-z-ine of the Ditch creek rginn If the Gezette is lacking in "fullness" this issue, it is be cause it is not there too. The editorial diet has been slim the past few days, but better things are promised. Floyd Thomas was attracted to the mountains on Saturday, where be re mained until Sundi.y, in the Ditch ore s neighborhood. The a' traction of "grav itation" seems to draw in that direotion with more than one of our young men, but it was ever thus. F. K. Sherman departed Saturdav morning for Teal springs with Mrs. E Minor, who will remain at that resort fo a few wetk". Mrs Minor has been snff ring very muoh of late with neural gia and hopes to be relieved by a stay at this health resort. Gen. Noble and J. B. Hunt got back last, evening trom their trip 'through Sou'hern Oregon and part of California. They report having had a ntost enjoyable time while gone, and in our next issue we will endeavor to give them further mention. Many bodily ills result from habitual constipation, and. R fine constitution may he weakened and rained bv simple nealt ot There is no medioiue, for regu lating the bowels and restoring a natural action to the digestive organs, (qual to Ayei'e 1'ills. Frid Sherman's team, atttichd to the wagon, made Ihings quite lively nn the streets 8 few minutes thin afternoon, taking a suin ull by themselves. No serious damage was reported cs a re sult of their hilarity. B. A. HnnsnUer nine stage between Heppner and Monument, aniving every day except Monday and leaving ever day exaept Sunday. Shortest and cheap est route to the interior. P, Cohn, agent. J. B. Natter has reopened the Brewery Saloon, keeping on tap at all times the best beer o. i the Paoitiu coast. Also on hands the bent brands of liquors, wines and cigars. 56if. Show the speed of yonr horse in a fine picture, with every nerve strained to the ntmost, nn a dead trot or rub. Gilhousen will take it for jou. 2 t. If the hair has heen made to grow a natural color ou bald heads in thousands of oases, by using Halt's H ir Rrnewer, why will it not iu your o sf Penland & Co. have on hand the finest lot of lubricating oils in the market. If you are needing oils for your machine, call on them, 56 tf. Prof . A W. Wier returned from the mountaiusnn Situnliy where he sp-nt a few days very pleasantly with the Ditch creek foiks. Chills and fever of three years stand ing cured t y Simmons Liver Regulator. E- Watkius, Watkins House, Dmpton vil.e, Ky. Mrs. W. B. Gilliam was in from her ranch out a' .Spring Hollow, to-day, and made our i ffljea pleasant call. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable perfectly harmless, alwajs reliable and beneficial . Dr", J. H. Adkins, of Hillsboro, arrived this morning and is visiting relatives iu this city. A (irand Feature Of Hood's Sarsaparilla is that while it p'iribVa be blood and sends it coursing through the veius full of riebneas and health, it sIpo imparts new life and viunr to pvprv function of the hodv. Hence the repression so often heBrdi "Hood's Sareaparilla nvide a new person of me " It overcomes that tired feeling so common now. It Wasn't a Dr. E. T. Uagen met with an experience on Sun day that he will not soon forget. He was in the mouutaius just above the forks of Willow oreek, in o mpany with Mat Hughes and some others, banting grouse. The Dr. was a-med with hi.- 22 Martin, an inatrnment of destruction wliioh he usi-s very snoo-ssfully in ex terminating squirrels, grouse and other small game. On this ore sion be espied what to him appeared to be a large eiz d badger, aud foitbith pro ceeded to dispatch the sitmal by a bullet through the head, The victim ot the Dr. 'a sure aim fell in a clump of bushes, from whio be -ad to be ex tricated, and D i0 procee led to the task, grabbed the supposed b-tdger in b th bauds, but to bis sorrow, for on releas ing bumelf tie found bis forearms and bauds sticking full of poronpme quills which abs ireed bit clokest attention for some time. He did nut fan to bring in Ins game, however, aud if you wish for proof of 'his story vou will Hj.l it down at Puill Coliu's drag store. Dio sajg be kuus tun difference between a badger and a poroupine now and will not be so eager to take bold of one the otil time. W. H Nelson, who is in the drug busi ness at KiCKVille, Mo , bas so much con fidence iu Onamberlaiu'a Colic. Cholera and Diarrl oe i ttemed thai he warrants every b ittle aud offers to lefuod tbe money to every customer who is not snti-lied after ueiug it Mr. Nelson takes no rik in doing this because the Itemed) is a rerlain cure lor trie diseases (or wtiiob it is inleuded and he knows it. It is for sale by Btoenm-Jobnston Drng Co. ij iisnfwisaisfias" JUra. t'iofa mry Indigestion, Cramps In the ltomaoh, dyspepsia and catarrh of the bowels, caused my wife greatsufferuic. She hat been taking Hood's SarsaparUU aud bow baa H2 'g Sarsa- f T - none of these symptoms, tsLf' has Improved In looks UlCo and weight, I have also J taken Hood's Sariapa rilla for Rerafala and General DefcilliT with roueh benefit. I am satisfied Hood'n Sarsa pirilla Is a splendid tonic and blood purifier Heriuk P. Emeby. J48 Sixth St.. Portland, Ore Heed' Pills core all Liver Ills, Biliousness, Wheat Sacks. The Morrow County Land k Trust Co. are putting nut wheat sacks at their warehouses at Douglas, one and Heppner. All those wishing hould see them. 57tf. Important to Sheepmen. It will pay you, shepmeo, to read the adver tisement ot Doug. Belts, of Pilot Book. Ore., which appears .elsewhere in this paper. He has for sale just what yon want to buy, sound Oxford rams, at prices to suit the hard times. Got Two Deeb. Albert Matteson. D. A. Herren's sbeepherdnr, killed two deer Friday 1 ist near the Ditch creek camp, the most of which be' donated to the residents of that now lively little city of tents who no donbt appreciated tbe kindness. W hat is tbe matter with our brave hunters that went np from bere. We are waiting to bear from yon. Retcbned to Heppnkb. Uncle Jaok Morrow, one of Heppner's pioneers, ar rived In Long Creek Saturday from the loDnfTae hot springs, leaving Monday for Heppner. Mr. Morrow bas spent about one month at the MoDuffee hot springs, and to an Eagle reporter be stated that he bad been much improved thereby, and hopes at an early date to be free from rheumatism. Eagle. Don't Forget It. Travellers must not forget that the 0. B. k N. line is thoroughly repaired and all trains are running without transfer or delay. Through service to Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chioagn; Pullman sleepers, free reclining chair cars, upholstered tourist sleepers and modern day coaohes. Call on O. K k N. agent before purchas ing tickets, or address W. H. Hurlbnrt, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Portland. 55 7. Shoe Making and Repairing Neat ly Done. Joe Dubois, having bought ont tbe shoe shop formerly owned by Ed Birbeck, in tbe Abrahamsick bnild ing on May street, and also having secured tbe services of an experienced workman, is now prepared to do all kinds of shoe making In a strictly first olass style. Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. When you need any work in his line give bim a oall, 54tf. Sudden Death. As we go to press, word reaohes as of the sudden demise of Uncle Davy Leatherman, who resides at tbe npper crossing of Rhea oreek. Free Green was coming bv his plaoe this forenoon on his way to town, when be notioed Mr, Leatherman lying on the porch, faoe downward. Mr. Green got down and went to bim, and found him to be dead, the old gentleman seemingly haven fallen faoe forward oat of bis obair. Coronor Ayera went out with a jury to investigate the oauee of death. Free Wool. Enormons quantities of wool from foreign countries are arriving at Boston and other Eastern ports, says tbe Oregnnian. It is stored in bond, under expectation that it will soon be released by tbe placing ot wool on tbe free list. Some people are etill . in oreulous when told that importlon of our supplies ot wool from foreign Oountnes, free ot duty, will make prioes for domestic fl-ieces higher, Tuey can't see why, if tbe manufacturer can get foreign wool, say for eight oents, be should pay more for the like quality of domestic wool, and are inclined to dis credit the argument bv whlob the free trade politician undertakes to prove that it will be so, Times Mountaineer. Very La hoe Trout. Rev. W. E, P itttine, in a letter to a member ot tbe East Oregooian foroe describes the fish ing grounds from which he bas been taking some elegant specimens of tbe finny tribe. He woe on tbe William sou river in company with Bishop Morris, when be wrote, and bad just oome from a successful expeditiou on which he took a 6-pound trout, one 4-pouuder and a large b wket of trout weighing two pounds and over. Conditions are so perfect as to allow fishing at any time in the day. A party of Califoruiani had been there and bad caught an 11-ponnd trout, besides buodrerjs weigh ing upwards of five pounds. Mr. Potaine is aq enthusiastic angler and very expert in handling the rod, having cast a fly into all the principal trout streams of Oregon. The trout mention ed above are, it is Claimed, real mount ain trout and it is alleged that nono in other sections approach tbem in size, while the flavor is tbe best. East Oregooian, Money Spent Economically. Money economically spent is Dot al was j'idicioiisly spent. Why t Simply because a obean article often reqq res more money spent on it to keeo it in repir than it would cost to purchase tbe best. We manufacture notbing but tbe best gas and gasoline engines in the market, and results provt it. Send for oatalogue. Palmeb & Rky Ttp Fotwp KT, Front k Alder 8W., Portland, Or. HAPP 1 1ST Will reign supreme amoug the residents of Morrow and adjoining Co's They catch onto a few important facts, one of whioh they must and will kucw on reading this Ad. When they learn of the GRAND CLKARAXCE Of General Merchandise taking plaoe at- McFarland Mercantile Co.'s Mammoth Retail Store ! Tbey will make a "bee line' for it at a "Nancy Hanks' gait. WHAT? MoFarland Mercantile Co, of Heppner, selling ont at cost? Tea, we offer out whole stook at lowest wholesale prices, for CASH ONLY, in order to be ready for onr Fall purchases. These goods are all New, Clean, Fiist Class Articles and bought in the best markets in tbe United States. We wish to exchange them for your money. A Chance of a Life Time to Buy Goods At Cost or Lower ! D'ess Goods, White Goods, Linens, Embroderies, Handkerchiefs, Towels Infants Caps. Bonnets and Clonks, Corsets, Kid Gloves, Silk Gloves and Mitts Flannels, blankets. Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Knit Goods, Silks Satins, Velvets tiding Gloves, Black and Colored Hose, Dress Linings, Stays, Silk Thread and Twist, Knitting Yarns, Saxony Yarns, Fancy Goods, etc. Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slippers, At prices never thought of. Call and see, One hundred pairs child's heavy lace shoes way down. Men's and Boy's Clothing Overshirte. Gloves, etc.. Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Hats, Caps, Underwear, Wbilt Snirts, Silk Neckwear, Hosiery, Toilet Soaps. Brushes, Razors, Table and Pocke' Cutlery, Silver Plated Ware (knives, forks and spoonsj Carving Sets, Trunks, Va Uses, etc. Our whole Counter Months. A Full Stock of Hardware, C"ok and Heating Stoves, Tinware, Bnokets, Mill Pails, Pans, Cooking Utensils, C. ff-H Pots, Tea Pots, Stove Boilers, Wash Tubs, Brooms, Brnsbes, tranitewarp, Bolts and Washers, Plow Single Trees, Oarpentei Tools, (all kinds) Garden Tools, Roof Plates. Stove Pipe. NbHs, Horse Shoes, Bar Iron, Blasting Powder, Hanging aud Stand Lamps, G assware. Crockery, T ilet Sete, S'one Jars, Lamp Chimnevs, Lantern Glohlea, Lanterns, Wicks, Olivet Chilled Plows, Gang Plows, Hay Rakes Mowers, Mitchell Wagons, Hacks, Bucli Boards, Carte, Harrows, Seed D ills, at cost nutil pies. nt stock is sold. Saddle and Harness, Rifles and Shot Guns, etc. Come iu and make your selections before the assortment is brokn. Save yout money by bn ing ut our store, A full Hue ot Groceries at out prioes, until close of this sale. ONLY SPOT CASH gets goods AT COST. Country trade solicited. It will pay yon to travel hundreds of miles to lay in your supplies at nnr prices. Doi't let friendahin f r anv firm cause vou to tax yourself these hard times. Mail orders No trouble to show goods. WE M3HA This Clearance Sale is now in full blast. McFARLAND It is the Headquarters! paints, Oruga Oil m, Olosa, Toi let Artioea, Patent JVf edlolnes, I Cte. Office of all stages running EASTERN State Normal School, WESTON. nisi III ,J H. I T HE FIRST TERM BEGIN8 THE 3RD OF Uoune.H.oO; Regular Course, 1,50; BuRineM Course, $5 00; to those in the Henl r Out pledged to teach, frje. nct m ()owJ horfi IoiIkIiik in r-ivHe fit per w-ek o'toom Jell i i Ht a very retiRotiHhle ri!t for thoH who iuhv rteire to board them, selves, but all ctmlenis, noniHtrerhowthey hoar1, will he under thelminedlat cmof the laculty. Graduates of the Normal receive Htate Dip. omae. P. A. WOKTHlNtt'DN, ttec'y of hegenti. ! r . . - - . i a i for Infants " CaatorlaUeo well adapted to children that I recommend it oacuperiortjar. pror,cription known to do." II. A. " P., VA Co. OxTorJ Z., ErooUIya, II. Y. "The une of 'Ca3tor!a I J r.o universal and i',3 r.'.erlu so well Lnov.:i Hut i: coo.a a work cf BU7rcroatio3 to endorse 11. Tow era tho intelligent tazrA'Ma wlio not keep Cuatoria within eat reach." C-kSLOB ZUttTTN, T. P., i:-jw Yori City. Tn- C-.vta' r DR. POOTO'S HAIW-BOOK OP HEALTH HINTS AND RKADT ftECIPV, Is tbe title of ft very valuable book that lives ft frreat amount of information of the I'tmosl Importance to Everybody, out rn Inn their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc.. IT TELLS ABOUT What to Eat, Bow to Kat It, Thine to Do, Thing to Avoid, Perils of Summer, Influence of Plants, Occupation for Invalids, Alcohol as ft Food and ft Medicine, Superfluous Hair, Dnlrlr, Hum Danrer of Ktufnr. Restminr the Drown fA now io oreaLoe, Ore r beat! tig Booaea, PreiUZg Mear-8ighted- How to Avoid 1 hem. Croup to Prevent, Ventilation, ness, E xe rcl se. lit TELLS HOW TO CUBE Black Eyes, Belli, Bams, Chlllblalns, Cold Feet, Corse, Coughs, Cholera, Dtarrhrflft, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives,, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning. Moles, Plmplea, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Homing, Summering. 80 re Eyes, Bore Monte, Sore Nipples, Sore Threat. Sunstroke, Mtlngs and Iwwct Bites, ttwetttlng Feet, Twthacbe, Ulcere Warn, Whooping Couga, orms In Children. IX WILL SAVE aWCTOittt MILLS t$TAII Dew eaoscritwrs aud prumpt renew Ib dunnKe moutb of Jane will b preaeoaed with a free oopyof thi as a premiom. store will be a Big Bargain During the coming Summer carefully filled. Call and be oonvinoed ; BTTSIJSTKSS ! out of Heppner. PFTfL. ' OHN. Proprietor. OREGON: SEPT 1894. Tuition per term in Elementary and Children. CBtorla cures Colic, Constipation, Hour Ctoraach, Piarrlicsa, Eructation, K,'.- Y'oms, pivca deep, and promotes dU Clon, Without injurious medication. Tor several ycen I have recommended your 'Co-'-toria,' asd tlwa;- continue to do so a it hxi invariably produced LoneflcU) result J,n Zbwi r. Tardcs, It. D, 120th Ctruct and 7th Avo., !ew York City, CoMPAinr, 77 Mi-brat Street, Kcw York Cttt. Parasites of the Akin, Care of Teeth, Bathing Best Way, After-Dinnet Naps, Lungs aidLunDiMSjes, Effect of Tobacoo, HoV to Avoid Them Cure for Intemperance, Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Cause 4 Core. U,.m U,..r U'.. T :.t UiJ .1 I I.. Contagions Diwuwai. Mr a rial A fTrvrtiona. MERCANTILE COMPANY. s '2 -1 ' 1 j TWT '-- -In . . V 1 command Iismi e ii teseh In any good positions. 8cbtrui Ul I umduatei EXPENSES: TUITION PER TEUM OF TEN WEEKS. Normal, $6.28; Sab-Normnl, 80; Unmmeroial, SH.25. BOARD AND LOD1INO. Board a Normal Pinitst Hall, $1.75 ppr week; furnished ronma with fire and light, from SI 00 'o 81 25 per wx-k; nofiimishofl noma 50 oents per week. Board and lodging in private families from 83 00 to $3.50 per week. Vitality anil growth have always eharoc'srized tho work of the Normol. The coming year promises to be one of the beat in its histnrv. Catalogue cheerfully sent on application. Addregs P. L. CAMPBELL, President. or W. A. WANN, 8 cretary of Faculty. 53-62 sw. AS After a thorough test of the nnnTi credit svstem. wehavecanclud- wlvl ed to change to net and after Aug. i, '94, we will sell to one and all for CASH ONLY ! GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT Ot what heretofore bad to be otiarged for nnoollrrtnlile accounts. This is no rttteotioD on yon, hnt it) a plain bneinem s tsti incut. We can afford to Pf II st lower pr'cea in thia way. NTo Favorites 3fo Bad Debts Wm. PENLAND & Co., -DEALERS IN- General Merchandise Farmers' and Stockmen's Supplies. mISH TO INFORM the people of Mor row County that they have located in Heppner and solicit a liberal share of the trade. Our Motto is Good Quality and Reasonable Prices. Land Patents Land patents Becured for settlors in tho shortest possible time. Contested Cases Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims aud disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individuals havine oor flirting claims under the apricnltcral land awB. aud tbnee between olaimsnts under tbe Mineral Lawa and aifriooltural 'ilaimants; and mNo botWHen itliimui'B nn lr any of tbe pnblinlnnd Uwa and the ttailroad oompBiiies and tbeir irrantei s, and tbe states and their grantees, under t-.e Kwimp Land and Bub Land Grama. Hpeclalty made of s-ciiriiin patents in tbe shortest possible time for settlers hobavecomplid with the lana niid. r nliiflb their ei, tries wt-re made, and wbo ire anuoyed and worried by delta in tbe issue of their patenta, oaastd by Trifling trrtgu'aritiea whioh can be easily and speedily removed. Advice also given in all matters relating f tbe publio lands, especially nn points arising nnder the new laws wbiob have been reoeutly passed providing for ibn disposal of tbe pnblio domain. If yon want your land patent in a bnrry if yon want yonr land business, of ny charaoter, attended to by skilllul and o .moeteut attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, Gen". Man., P. O. Box, 385. Washington. D. 0. Ik ieeley Institute -OK- OP )The t'OURSEJTho inn' l ied how to be YUU WANT )The fond parent how to )Tbo mother how t have TO (The chiliUfcss how to be KNOW )Ths curious how they WHAT )Tho health y how to enjoy life and keep well j (. EVfcRY )Tho invalid how to get well again speedily; BODY )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. OUGHT )AU who want knowledge that is of most wortb TO Wind it in Dr. Foote's ''Plain Home Talk, ' KNOW. 11,000 paos. 200 cnts, 24 READ )Reduced from $3.25 to P. II. T. JMurrny Hill Book Co., NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER mi iiyai irsajs" isnaw triii fft,m ?si ' -"TEACHING Jft.Tffg NOBIEPT AMT HI T THE ShRRItT TRADE." ' r n Thirteenth Annual S mion State Noma School MONMOUTH, OREGON. A training s hool for Teschers. Theory and rractit econibined. Btrong 1 mfeseional Course, and well tq ipped aiod 1 8chol. 'ihorough Preparatory at d Academic "ounes. Normal, Advanced Norms!, Business, Music and Art Dep rtments. Light expenses. Boa'd snd hieing, books and tutilon not above 1150 per year. 1 re town of Monmouth has a beautiful snd heolthi'ul location in the vey heart of the W 111 Hinfi e Hiiey iwi ive nmec Si-uinw est 01 me 8 MieCHn tai. It has no salms. The Nn mil caur.y In ihe sate wl.hout iuither examination, A Changes Of Plan ! cash. On CAS B MINOR fc CO. For the Cure oi Liquor. Opium and Tobacco Habits It is located at Forest Grove, Or., The Must Beautiful Town on the Coatt. Tall At tho Gazrttk office for particulars, strictly ccnrkdtmtt&l. Treatment prlvatAud aure curs. . uii'' how to choose tho best one to murry;(lN TWO happy in mnrringe; I DAYS have prize babiesj ( ONE them without pain : (AGENT fruitful and multiply; ( SOLD "growed" and caiae to be j( 4 AND HE ( SAVED ( $1,100 ONE ; YEAR. iOO.OOO ( COPIES SOLD. col. plates ; 200 1 $1.50: cireulars fru. ' 129 E. 2Kth St.. Nt ' ' CALLr AX