WE Give paurbuainpit to Uer.er peoph j .i in hulld fin Ilevv ana tuereun ww j - ; Pnfmnix who patrow tier good faith. Did yon evor Send about to Man who Hid his L:ght under A bnahelT Yee? well That Is like Doing business "Without advertising All the Soiie sobemee In the country Will not acoomplish Halt as much As a good ad. In a good, live. Legitimate newspaper, One that Is read Bv the people, iod that owns Its own Boul; that 0es its space Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. .52 3 .3 TENVER SOLICITUDE. Audienoes havebe.n delighted with James Whitcomb Riley'n reoiiation of bis little poem, "Jim TBke Keer of Yourself." It is the story told in verse nn Indiana tamer who is sending his only boy to the war. The volunteer ..niixont ia Bbont to depart rur trie o ne of aotlon, tbe last farewell Lis been thken. and as tbe troops nrnrcn vay the voice of the old mn ia lifted in trembling emotion as he calls out, . Tim taka keer of vonrself," Tbe boy, who ( recklessly bri.ve. lalls in Utile and when bis body iB sent home tbe sorrowful lamentation of tbe father is rlanlhl bv the tender Dathos which Alls all tbe writinBS of Ibe great dialer! of Ihe West. There is something in Mr Cleveland's last letter to Uongress man Wilson wonderfully eiiKKestive of thepathoa of this little poem There la ttn tfnder solicitude of Ihe miard'au fr bis protege, and vsi'ta it comes the wail of a broken heart over a cune that is Irredeemably lost. When Ibe chieftain reallz-d that Ibe battle had irons airninst bim hesatdown and penn d a letter to bis favorite, lieutenant, who had betn chosen to lend the foicea in tbe field, and in it be pours forth eor- rno mlnuli.d witli charuin thut defeat should have 0ime where victory was confidently anticipated, but above all is nn nxoreHSion of regard for tbe safe of his little heio. Wbutever wo ma think of the outoome of Ibe tariff bat tie, everyone has been touched by tbe fata of Ihe tariff leform leader iu the hnnaa. who whs not even permitted surrender with tbe honors of war, but was brutally set upon and crushed tha earth bv the very men who but faar ahort months before, in tbe excess of their triumphant demonstration over tbe passage of the Wilson bill, hail borne bim on their shoulders through tbe balls of congress. II is an episoiit that will be perpetuat"d in song and story, and bs in a way been immortal ized by this tecond reniarkablo Wilsou letter, in which the presiilut, so ten derlv and so louobinvly, tells bis littU- liemcuaut to "take keer of himself." Telegram. IS MARRIAGE A FAlLUREt. No more stupid question is propound ed Iban tbe current lequiry, "la marri age a failure?'' You might aa well ask. "Is business a failun?'' Men embaia in marriage as 'bey do in business from variety of motivee; have a vast varirt of methods, a vast difference in uieaix. If we knew nothing of business exopi from the reoords aud testimony of b .uk ruplcy cases, proseculions for miefea anoe or malfrsanoe in bueiurss, w. conolude that no mau ought to embaik iu a oommen ial career; so of marriage if we knew nothing of it save ibe recordr and testimony of divorce suits or oi those notoriously unhappy marriage that never seek tbe relief of divoic courts, but either lake to flwlit, loan lives of infamous lufhielity within wed look or sullenly "g'iu and bear" tin eoDSrqneuoea of their uiisteke outi death puts asundir what Unil rve. joined, we should think "marriage i (allure," but we all know that it ia th wounded birds that always ti ittei ; w. all know Ibat there are tboueanda o soocess ul, upright, hooest uieu ot business who are nut obliged to go iut court to oonfess the failure of tbei methods or their incapacity for a oooi nisrcial oareer; we all know ttiere ar. ibouaands of married folka who uevei trouble tbe divorce courts because the) kare no oause fur serious dissatisfaction Marriage is a failure just as a com meroial oareer is a fnilure wbiob i tnbordioatod to low motives, sbari (ractioe aud imSioral ideals. If a mai or womao marries without afleotion for a borne, for sooial advantage or Im ome equally mercenary thought, whai business bave lby to pronounci "marriage a failure" if they gel exact I) what tbey bargained for? If tuey ge more Iban tbey bargained for and a mercenary, worldly manage become by bappy evolution a true niariiage l affaotion, conjugal loyalty and fwlioitj tbey surely bave reason to eougratulal. tbemeelves, but if tbey married Iran low motives and got ouly what the. bargained for, what business have the) to be deuouuoing "marriage a failure" because tbsy dad no spiritual sweet. dm io it? Haattle Post-InlelligeDOer. wi.. ci.m mrpaniHa Hull res it ou Im:' TbeCv-'ino Jap ar, the new tat .ft l.u or nosimuater. and the di feat o po; u'lsiu iu Ore, n I - tefult' RrtnincinH the price of f Ueat penis en tbe bushel at Snie!:'.. A iM rate we cf.n aff ir l to tat Vt. Uet-w rbaoge P. M'a every few day, CoU vleo tiona eemi-montbly, and have ;t.n;reai near an adjournment weekly. Teb prop-letors of (, tbe Pendleton o mrine mill have been arrested foi maintaining a nnisaooe, pretty roogl treatment; this, for so important at indnetry. We think He ipoir .ibnuld have had this eonuring mill, and don't believe the management would hav been subjected to anch treatment as tbit Wbisket baa gone up aince the pas ane bt tbe demncratiu tariff bill ot sale. Lei it go up. Tbe higher it goes ui the less of it goes down. It is a sai hmw to Ihe dmooratio party, but i has only iteelf to blame. Salem States man. Twbntt eight tboueaud voters have l ft KatiHHs siooe the dry suarau set in. Never since tbe great drought then in 1859 and once about 1MC8 has tben been sriob a total failure of crops In that region. Jafan and China are both making applications to the European oities fo loans of money with which to carry oi the war. It is ol timed tbig will bave h tendency to iuorease tbe Value of silver. Tbr democrats of Idaho nominated a brother of Vice President Stevens fin governor, at their convention in Bist laet week. Tney also declared for fre. ooiuage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 Kepbeshntative Wilson, of Wash ington, anuoiiui-es Ibat be ia iu tbe race for tbe seuatorship. "How to Care All Skin Diseases.' Himply apply "fiwayne's Ointment." No internal medloine required. Co rep tetter, eezema, itch, nl jruptinns on tbe face, hand", nose, &c, leaving tbe skin clear, white aud healtbly. Its great healing aud curative powers are possess ed by no other remedy. Auk your drug gist for Swajne's Ointment. ew 1 yr. 1NST1TUTK FOIt THE BLIND. ('similar forthe Ermninc Vesr (load Build ing and an luiprevi-il ruirlculam An anuouncenieut of the oalendar of Oregon's Institute for tbe blind, situated at Halem.bas been received at this office The nch'inl year il cnmmxnce Monday. Ootnbei 1, and the li'st term ends De cember 21; winter t'rni begins Jannar 2, mid ends March '9;sring term begins April 1, and closes Juue 11. Tbe build ing iB a new one, has been constructed with txcellent architectural taste, and presents a Sue and imposing appearance No i (Torts bave beeu spared to make il Convenient iu every reaped. Every room has a steam beating radiator, and tbe Imildiug is ligbte . by electricity. Tbe w- 11-lounded oritioisms that have been spread aboard by visitors and the press concerning the poorly appointed quarters of Ibis sctiool heretofore are all removed now. The grounds, beautifully shaded by oak trees, are located io a quiet place of Halem, away from tbe railroads aud lactones. Walks for indeyendant exer cise will be built arouud tbe oampus Parents can have no txcusefor not send nig their children to this if miefortnne or accident baa deprived such children of getting an eduoiition In tbe sobool foi Ibe seeing. V bile nianv other statec bave larger schools, none are more oon venieutly and pleaaautly located than ours. The course of study has been so mod ified that pupils oompeteiog in common aolionl course will receive diplomas I'll it change is made so as to give an in centive to the great mJority of pupils The adauced 0 uirss rtq litres three years more study. Ahorse kicked II. 8. Sbafer, rf tbe Preemyer ilinise, Middlebnrg, N. Y , oi lie knee, whiqh lnid bim up in bed and Manned tbe knee j int to heoome stiff V friend reeouuiiendt d bim to one Cham berlaiu'a Pain tialm, which he did, and n two daj a was able to be atoned. Mr. Stutter baa recommended it to luauj nbers and save it Is excellent for any Kind of a bruise or sprain. This same ttemedy is also famous for its cures of 'beiinitira. For sale by Slocum-Jobn lou Drug (Jo. Wanted A rVnnloD The other day while tbe olerka were ou-y at their deeks iu tbe War Iepart uint at Washinutou City, tbey were itartled by mn rushing in aid ex iiHitning : "I ant to report myself for a penr ion." "On what grounds do you claim a pen don?'1 aeked ihe olerk. "Ou the i: roil ml that I am tbe last eur viv rof Bull's Huu." Outside of ollioe big orowd steer on t rampage. Exit through wiodow. Last June Dick Crawford brought his welve-mouths-old obild, suSering from lulautile diarrhie t, Iu lue. It bad been eaned at four mouths old and bad I ways been sickly. I gave it the usual treatment iu such oases but without benefit. The child kept growing thinner until It weighed but little more than vhen born, or perhxps teu pouuds. 1 lieu started tbe father to giving Obain ierla,u's Colic, Chohra and Uiarrbosi teiuedy. IJxfore one oottle of the 1) cent sir.e hid bu uied a marked inprovemeut wns seeu audits oonlinticd l-e cureil ibe child. Its weHkuess aud uny o iiistitntio i disappeared aud its (aiher aud myself believe the child's life as svd bv Ibis Iluiedy. J. T. Mia low, M I), Tmaroa, III. For sale by rJlocam-JobnstoD Drug Co. v. or .a e arter alf-Blood Hbeepmen will find it to their interest elsewhere. I eusure theru In I.c (wand service. . I bave taken great puius and oiit to muob expense to meet tbe growing letnaud for this claee of sheop, a'.iu will sell them to SUIT THE HARD TIMES. i ' ' ' Come and See Them and be Convinced For further particulars address Die at PILOT HOCK, OKE., or call at mj farm six miles south of Pilot Book, Ore. C9-0ct. 21 The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP MANCIIKMTBH, ICMOXAlVrJ , W. PATTERSON. AGENT. OncottheBe.ynJheJWorm TIIR WKSTEKN I'KUAWMjlUK. We are in receipt of the May number if our state school paper. It exceed uny of the former numb-ra ir: vain- . The puper tide month contains many uew and valuable features. Tbe illus trated series ou tbe schools of tbe slut? in introduced by a paper on the Fri. ndu Polytechnic Institute at Salem, Oregon, these papers oannot fail to bo of ireat value both to tbe schools on 1 to tbe public. There are also several fine articles by our beat writers end tbe departments "Current Evente,""8aturday Thoughts," "Educational News" 'The Oracle Answers, Correspondents," etc., eeoli oontain much valuable reading for teachers or parents. Tbe magazine has about 60 pages of matter, well printed and arranged. We pronouuee he Western Pedagogue Ihe best educa lional monthly on tbe ooaet. Everyone of our readers should bave the paper if tbey Bre at all interested in education. No teacher school direc tor or student can get along well with out it. We will receive Bubsoript.onn at this office. Pnoeonly 81.00 a ear. When desired we will send the Western Pedagogue aud Hazette one year to one address for $3.00. Call and examine ample oopieB. Tesabers, directors and parents, now is tbe timo to subnoribe. tf Bookkeepers and others of sedentary habits onre constipatiou with Simmons Liver Regulator. WANTED An eDBrgetio I'er- son to act as our general ngent, salary 810.00 per month and commission. AddreBS with stamp.' Clias. A. Robinson & Co., SBlina.Kftns. Brain-workers keep their headi clear anil bowels open. Take fciniraoiie Liver hegulalor. ADDITIONAL, LOCAL. The Htudehaker wagon beads tbem all. For sale at Gilliam A Bisbee's. a "Hardware" did you say? Why, yes it P. C. Thompson & Uo.'b stand, and the pluoe for bargains. a Tbe Keeley Institute, at forest Grove ,mrcs liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine oul tobacco habit. Bee ad. If yon want to buy groceries, and Oread stuff obeap, to the Enterprise ilrouery. rk A Kuhl, proprietors, a Tho general mevenandise estahliab ment formerly owued by Coffin k McKar land, has lately changed hands, now be ing under the control and management of The MoFarland. Mercantile Companv, which continued unuiness at tbe old stand with a larger stock tbsu ever. a Take Simmons Liv r Regulator for heart troubles, oft u due to indigestion. E L F'eeland and A. W Patterson got in from Ditch cretk shortly after din ner to-dav. Take! Take! Tike Simmons Liver Kcgul .tor for dyspepsia, constitution aid heartburn. FreJ Hhermin returned from Tea' Hpriugs last evening. He was acenm imiiieii by Mrs J B Natter and dang' -ier, Kitie, who have been over there fur some weeks past. Tbe i'eodleton Tribune estimates Ibe tbeatorop of li'ma ilia couutv fur this season at i 080 0 0 buhels. Tbe aver age yield is placed at 17 hnahela per acre. It will require more tbau 8125,000 worth of sacks Io hold tbe wheat. Sloan P. Shutt and wife arid Mis. Mreks, of Condon, ere in the oty over Saturday ami rjnnday visiting the family of Wni. Henvner Mr Shutt is editor of be Condon (llobe, thai bright and newsy lilt e sheet which ably represents the county seal of Gilliam county. We tcknowlfdge pleasant rail from tbe entleuiarl, " An innocent little fellow, to whom intoxication was an unknown evil, Went out for a walk the other day and. as he was returuin;r. saw oeiote Ins ovvu house a man whoso curious lurclie& and staggering comp 'U'd an explana tion from an accomn. . in? nurse, and seeing at that moment a you nge br. irother running to uot him. he waved , . 1l j ..'ii bim wy into the hall door: Uo back, Harold," ha crird moitodly, "go back You might get drunk! and OXFORD RAMS. to inspect my Bams before buying and in exceptional floe condition f oi O. A. It. NOTICE. We take this opportunity of inform ing our subscribers thut the new com missioner of pensions has been appoint ed. He is an old soldier, and we believt that soldieis and tbeir heirs will receive justice at bis bands. We d i not antici pate that there will be any radical obanges in tbe administration ui pensioi affaire under tbe new regime. We would advise, however, that V S. Bnldiere, sailors and tbeir heirs, tak steps to make api lioation at once, it they buve not aleady doue so, in ordei to seoure the benefit of the early filing of their claims in case tbera should be any future pension legislation. Snob legislation ia seldom retroactive. There, fore it is of great importauce that ap plications be filed in the department at the earliest possible date. If the U. . soldiers, sailors, or their widows, children or parents desire in formation in regard to pension matters, they should write to tbe Press Claims Company, at Washington, D. 0., aud tbey will prepare and Bend tbenecesear) application, if they find tbem entitled under the numerous laws enacted for tbeir benefit. Address PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY .Ionn Wkddkhbi'kn, Managing Attor. uey, Washington, U. C, P.O. Box 885. STRAYED OR 8TUI.KN. One borBc branded M S. Finder will please return to George M. Mas'inger. in tbe mouutains, or to A. Abrahamsick, Heppoer, Or., and reoeive suitable ieard. There are other brands on the animal besides tbe one mentioned, but tbe writer cannot describe then. 247-tf. A Bicycle Todb. Prof, Van Winkle of tbe E istero Oregon normal sonool has finished a most interesting trip on his wheel. Leaving Weston be made various stops iu the Willamette valley and in central California for tbe purpose of visiting sohools. Tbe return trip from Modesto, Cal., was made by rail In one day the professor made a record of 104 miles on bis wheel. As an out ing for health, pleasure and profit, Prof. Van Wiikle.ia greatly pleased with his 1000 mile bicycle ride. As to I ho roads Unversed be thinks Oregon and Wasbiugton could take a beneficial lesson fr m the commissioners of the various oonuties in oeotral Calif jrnia. 8pokane Rtview. tOOQOOOOOOOt Worry tells, sadly,' on woman's health and beauty. Beecham's Pills a Box. (TuteiCM) fortify the nerves anil will help to banish many an anxiety. Price as cent. fOOOOOOOOO' W. L. Douclas 5t CUftC ie)THCMT. y) OriwCaoaauiAKiNo, 5. CORDOVAIN, FRE NCMA ENAMELLED CALF. initCALF&Wrj&Ami 5.UP0LIGt:.3SoU3. 2A7-?BirtcmiHoa LADIES W-L'DOUOLAS, BJtOCKTON, MASS. Yaa caa save mmrr W Mwaea'M " l,ouglaa Shoe, IWcaoae.we are the large,! luaonficlnrevaol advcr.i,e l t joea iu me wunu, .u, a '-"'" tite value by atainpin the name and price oo 1 1 a hiinm whih brotecia vou arfatnat hian n,ir.. ,i,l the middkmiii'i orofita. Our ho equal custom worK i'l atvle, eaay Ctlinc n wcarm qual.'.v w e bjvt 1 1 wher. tt lower prie, for the ,jVO' icrn.-':e r ';e no u We Rm lutia n, . ' 1 ' J he value (irtntnaa Miibatitute. If vour ' acilcr'caimot',ur1?lyst)u,wcc. Md by Ui.l.r whoae nam will nhorily ap- pear here. Agatwanted. Apply it oana I5r mm " jr ww rJ,"J4 VJttIZ, 5c straight Knee or Kev NY eat, . " 'ail Duucler, " Rising Sun, six for 25 cents. The Best 8 Cent Cigars ever sold in Heppner. '-Cor- sale toy P. C. Thompson Co h. 181VEES1TY OF CREGOK EUGENE. Nxt sespioD bfrginfl the 17th of Sep mber. 1894. Tuition, free. Banl. 82.50 ft week. Five courses : ClaPHionl, Scientifi literary, Eotclieh and BuHiueHB. DORMITOhY. The Boarrline Hall (or youug indie: viid tbe Boiii'diiii; HhII for yoon sentln uen will be under tue pfrHonal aupervi mou of Mrs. Mnnra, a lndy of refinemen' d lnra exporiebce. For Gntfth guet -idrt-os J. J. Walton, 53 71- Seoy. HeenM. Notice of Contest U. 8. Land Office, The Paileh, Ob., July 21, 1894. rOMPL INT HAVING BEEN ENTEKEO A 1 O this Office t'V Anna J BaUtg r again-1 lohn K. All n for ahamloning ll Homeatfai iutryNo. 416H, dated Uec 17. 14, uion thi "WJfj Hectio i 7, Mownih.pl N(.rth. Kantt" t 0, iu Morrow County oitgon w th aiewt( he caiieellatloii of bhM einrv. the aid psrtie xv hereby summoned to appear at thin nlli" ii the 24th day oi 8e t ember, IS91. ai 10 o'clo V v M,. to r a do d ad (urniuh tis-iiuutiy con e ruing Bald alleged abandonment. J. W. Morrow, crm ty per . ia authorized t ikp test monx at his ottice In Henpner, r., oi n lum t V Mnnli; tiDt 17, 1894. r7 H7. Ki-gister. Summons, TN THE CIRCUIT COL' HT FOR THE COUNTY I of Morrow, State of Oregon. Mary J Doonan, plaintiit; vs. Wm. Doonau, letendanc. To the above riamed defendant, William Doonan: In the name of the .State of Oregon, vour are hereby reouireo to appear and anawet (he complaint tiled auaimt you in the above entitled suit on r beiore the 4 day of Seprember. A. U., lrtl4, the Rame being the iirst day of the next regular term oi mm ouri, aim n ytu mil aoto aiiBwer. for want thereof, nlalntltt' will applv to aaid court for a decree disi-olUi.g the narriaKe contract exiting oetweeu hhiu plaintiff and said defendant, and foi the conts and disbu rienientR of thi uit. 'IhiB summons ia published bj order of Hon. W L. Braohaw, J'.dge of said court. Done at chambers at J he Da 1K b, Oregon, luly 17th, im. Elli, DaW'ON & Lyons, 251-63. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice of Intention. f ANrWiFFrrE AT THE D UXE3, OREGON. I j Julv 2 1K91. Notice is hereby given ihat the following named settler him filed notice rf hie intention to make final proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner iregon, on ept. l, wn, viz: WADE H BitOHER, Hd. application No 4777 for the N W S W N V'H and N W) Sec. a0. Tp. 1 8. R. 26 E. He names the foil wing witnesses to prove nis connnuouK resiue.nce upon ana cultivation of said land, viz: Cyrus Mitier, Charley Penefiel, Charley Val entine and W. M.Booher.allof Lexington. 251-201. Jas. F. Mook-., Register. Administrator's Notice. TOTICE IS HERKRY GIVEN THAT 11 Litters of administration ou the estate of Frederick Kretzschmar. deceased, were Granted to the undersigned on the 7th day of Hily, lt94. by theCounty tJourt of Morrow county. All persons having claims against sai' I estate are required to exhibit them tome for allowance at my place of business in Heppner, Morrow Co , Oregon within six moiithB after the date of this notice or they s all be forever baned. Also all persons owing said estate are requested to settle at once. M. LlCHTKNTIlAL, Administrator. Dated, Heppner, Or., July 7, 18y4. 247-56 Assessor's Notice. TO THE TAXPAYERS OF MORROW CO.: N tice is hereby given that the tax list will be completed by the last Monday in Ausust, 1K94 and that at thi date w ill he examined hy tlie county hoard of enualiatlon Those who dfS're corrections or alterations in their assess ment are required to appear before the board at the courthouse in Henpner on above date. R, L tJHAW. Assessor, By J. Kobkkib, Deputy. Heppner, Or., Aug. 3, 18y4. 54-00. CUT THIS OUT NO. 2301. Heud thin ci'l'FuN aud ttfi Cents to THE Ill'UAT MFS1C CO., 263 Dearborn Pt. Chicago, III. And receive (post psid) ONE H1E( E OF Ml'HIC, of your wn choice, namf d below or 1 H REE itieces for 60 cents, i-r HI X t iece for 1.00. Hemit poMai note or oi.e aud two cent stamps. I his Coupon not good after December 3lst, 1S91. . t Q 2 o o The Latest Music VOCAL Wkdiikd Aftke thii Ball. By Barney Fa- II . . 40 CtS Mont tiomilar Waltz Sonar of the day. Pedk'HttM to Mr V. K. Hiiriia, author of "Af'er the Sail " A Drkam of ARt'AUiA WnUnonc 1 anyon ot The (joi. of fall noiit'S. Favorite ol' Ail-Una I'a'h. Mooni.io hi on tkb Lagoon, by Geo. Schloillarth ... . 50 ct latent Miular iiiocea by tnia noted comuoiier TH H E X I'THKRN S"N(!o : "I'Ni'l.B 1JAN, ' 'AIMT SIS I IR. "MHBKH MY HonkY Slki-s." complete 76 eta Three ehanniiiit. nlaintlveand charnc-tt-rutic Southern noi tin writt.ii Col. Will L ls!-eher, and arranged bv W. Hehert Lanyou. INSTRUMENTAL At EvENTtnic. Nocturne for piano, eua A very brilliant Nocturne, U0 eta about HriMle 45, In Ki.uw'ry Oroviis, reverie for p ano. Mareua .Vt rte B.'ii lful reverie, original, and sure fi- ile''Be. g.f" I he atKive an1 all fine editlona of val- uabie I'opvrisnU, and cannot be had InlrlkAP KHKM. Cniu.on m:uit acoompaiiy the order to seunre the reduetuuiB naniid, WANTKD-GULD 51INKH.S. To devei'T 'tit, -M proporHes io Lewtatoo, Sliuoie' Pelight, At'autic, South Pnap, O !J Croek, or on the Hinder Ealt, lou obo ge.t full infor mation rtvanlitiK relinble miuee wbiob are tor snie by tbe eampn montioned by aiMifesiug James A. MoAvoy, ounuty clerk of Frerfloiit C unty, Liuder, Wyo., Wm., Smriria, Jr., Cjipyeiine, H'yn,, A. Keudttll. CRobier First National bai'k, Bock Spring, Wyo., S. L. Spanuler, ohaimno Fremont boar.l of coiintv comrniJ luera, .(lantfo City, VVjO. . . rue Union rnciac 18 ine uorul anu .. lOMCM "me V IS' noutli t'a" ooautry, daily ati from Rook Kprini-a I and Rawlio. City v THIS Popular Hostelry has again I been re-opened and will be run in first class style. Meals oncl Rooms at Popular Prices. Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. The Lightest, Strongest and P. C THOMPSON FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is that o? INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Toe much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli able solicitors tc procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care aud skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks, and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you hove an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to. gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as t& the best course . pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on yonr ripi ts, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to u for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D. C. p.o. box 63 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. JW Cut this out and send It with your l.uuir.a l'reuiiod 1,, iiiyTuj; iilucure c.matiimli'm Preutlas Rectifying pills cure constipation D RENTISS RECTIFYING PILL CURE n u Alcost all pills and medicine produce crnstipatlon, hem is a I'M t.iat euros torpid liver, biliousness, rhouraatlsra, JiiCUtrsHoii, sick headache ami kidney ixud liver tf mblea Without Prl-ilnc rtr lnnvln nnv ti-n,.a if -motii-i--i.i v.i-u Is the primooauseor oil sicknoss, bowaro see io it. juinnv, T,tiono puis y LADE i i ui'iu, r.inrnv piiia niutiiiH vcu. COMPLEXION clear the 8kin and l-oinoco nil blotches self. 25 Cents a box. BY Or sent by mail upon receipt ol prh-o h? Prentiss Chemical 406 CALIFORNIA STREET, Prentiss Ritlfvlnir iiniaitru I a a E I eausjecnry IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ASOUT ADDRESS A LETTER THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, jvnn wtuutKBUKH. P.O. Box 463. re was J " -i "niaicrs i otiasniiors who den-ed ninety days, or over. In the l.a,.i,,jui vvouny uisoiea lor ordinary manual labor whether causer! l.y service or nut. and reirardless of thrir i,,,,,'. i ,i .. '...tla" not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the so dier's "deiti w.h',U.P.?,C. l ' CH1I.UUEN are entitled (if under sixteen years) Tin a most .U tVe7jc4; Widow, oi she has since died or reir.nrri.-rt n cases wnere there Wl PA RENTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier dll i vloe, or from enVct. of service, and they are now dependent unon their Sn?Iv,!!Jr t. It makes no difference whether soldier served or rti.rt 7? i.,2 ir.?.w.niaor for "UP" servloe, oort. It n.vv. uwt,;thl,o:j:ivrhu.ne1 under one law-may rr TnouandsofsoldKrsdruwingfrom$ito$to per month under the old lnr .re entitled to ooCrs-wh dibi" PensTo'nied,;dbtu0t en.i?fed:v;h",Ser,dis0ch'ar;eadbfor "U'"""' war .r. .U, w.pKr;do ir dfpeud"nt " andthr widow loentlUed. .f s.xly-two years of age or disabled Jate?i.wsaor W'delller P",0 " CnUd nnder 2ZXSri!:i?l' "pP"? ."'" tt'ement secured. If rejection Improper or llleit.l. v?.rnV.irp.,pnedrs.'"CharSt hiaci (o' 'di' the la'te'w., who Send for Uws and intormatioo. No charge for advice. No fee unless succeisful. Address. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P.O. Box 463. WASHINGTON, D.C lvllis-4, Dawson & Ivyons, ATTOHNEYSATLAW. All buBineae atnrled to in ft prompt wirl satisfactory maDDer. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IK NATIONAL BANK BCILDINU atrnr-K, i i LEGAL BLANKS. Hotel. -4 Easiest liuuuiug Mower Made. COMPANY, Agents. lri-iiut.a lUieliiyiui; pills cure constipation frrtMitliiH Rectifying plna cum constipation 33 of It gtttlng habitual and chronic with you. I ORFNTISS RECTIFYING PILL. because .t Is tlia only sate and harmlesa Mmetiy that, will surnlv nrinriev ,h from the faro, Try a box aud soe Cor youp- ALL nnilRftir.Te and Manufacturing Co SAN FRANCISCO, CAl.. i.... i..T" 1 . - . r-- OE POSTAL CARD TO Managing Attorney, V7aBhit n n late war. disability death Widows " ' war or iu regular army or OREGON JA Plenty of ihem at the GaMte Office