Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 17, 1894, Image 3

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'pHO.SK desiring tlie Insertion of display ada.
I. or change or name, must get their copy iu
uor iaier mau jiuuutiy evening lor luesuay i
edition, or Ihurpday evening for Frldnys tdi
inn. Thk aTTeiwon Fububhihq Co.
1. The sum of five centa per line will bo
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
retiPHut," Hut of wedding present! and donors,
find obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or thall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. N'otir es of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue Is to be de
rived, Bhall be charged for at the rata of five
t ents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer s real name Is signed asau evidence of
good faith.
1 Am. lug Agent, 21 Merchant!
ban hraucuico, is onr authorized i
paper is kept ou tile iu his othce.
fexchange, .gent. This
Stage for Hard roan, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows ;
Every day at 6 a. ra., except Hunday.
A rrives every day at 6 p. in., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
H- A. HUN8AKER, Prop.
l'hill Conn, Agent.
Qxve your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up ttepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Palace Hotel Bar!
Keeps the flnoit Llquora and Cigars to be
found in Ule city.
Gambrlnui Beer on tap. Served in largest
lizid luu. (i. B. TEiJKuWK, trup.
Mere and There.
Snbsoiibe lor tbe Gazette.
Advertising pays in the Gazette.
T. J. Carle, of lone, was in the city
H. M. Thornton was on onr street
Geo. Fell went to Pendleton on Tues
day night's train.
Uncle Tom Sontt and wife were in
from Galloway yesterday.
Osoar Minor came down from Dilob
creek yesterday afternoon.
Jnhnny Eager is now engaged in ped
dling meal for J. F. (Spray,
S. S. Horner aud F. J. Hallock return
ed liom the Blues Wednesday.
Al BoberU and wife leave tomorrow to
join tbe oauipera at D.tob oieek.
Mrs. Kobt. Shaw accompanied her
hnsbaud to fortlaud Wednesday.
Alfred Kasoh, representing Cloeaet &
Devers, ot Portland, is iu town today.
E. H. Clarke, tbe veteran wool buyer,
of Pendleton, was on our streets yester
day. Mrs. M. 0. Leslie is over from Monu
ment visiting ber daughter, Mrs. Turn
Hick Mathews and Frank Rogers
pnalied out for Ditoti Cretk yesterday
Alhert R-a Bnd Frank Whi tstone de
parted fur Pendleton tbe latter part of
last week.
iUT Tlmmnann killed five rattlers
reoemly while baying out on his Rhea
cretk rauoh.
Mrs. Jerry Brosnan, who has been ill
at the Palaoe hotel for several days past,
is improving.
Hood's Pills are band made, and
perfect in proportion and appearance.
25o. per box.
Mrs. H liis Minor and family and Miss
Lizzie MBtlocK returned from tbe moun
tains ytsterday.
J. U. Fuller, special Bgent (or tbe
R iyal aud Liverpool Ins. Co.'s, was in
tbe city yesterday.
E. 0 : Geo'ge D. Fell, of Hppner, is
in i he city on wool business aud to visit
his relatives here.
Born To tbe wife of Loren Gentry, of
Black Qurse, Sunday evening, Aug. 12,
an eight pound boy.
V. A. Kirk and family returned from
a two mouths' sojourn in the Blue moun
tains on last eveuiug.
Photographs 81.50 pel dozen at Shep
pard'e gallery, near opera house, north
Moin Hi.. HeuDuer. Ore. 26tf.
Mrs. 'Gene Campbell and sod and Miss
Annie Fristoe returned from the mount
ains tbe first of tbe week.
Penland St Co. will have wheat sacks
for sale nil he Lexington platform and
at the Heppuer atoro. 56tf.
Have yon any oictnres you want en
larged? Then SeeGilhousen at Denner
Gallery. Satisfaction sure.
Howard D.idsim, after paying the oity
a flying visit Tuesday, departed ou tbe
evening train for Pendleton.
W. D. Offioer and wife came np on
yesterday morning's train on their way
to their borne at Canyon City.
Tbe Heppner Flouring Mill Co. will
sell fl .nr at 82.25 per barrel in any
quantities. All ti iur warranted.
E. 0.: H. C. Dodann. United States
sanirer und'r Hmiry Blackman, is in the
. . . m mi c
city visiuug nis siBier, airs, i uoiuu a,
Mrs. L. D. Boyed, who has been visit
ing relitiVHs iu tbe Willamette valley
for some time past, returned borne this
J. F. Spras, of tbe Liberty Meat
Market, is now selling meatobeaperthu
any shop in Eastern Oregon, tie off-rs
big discounts for cash. 66 tf
Any person in need of a gacksewer
will please call at tbe Ghzb te office.
Prefers to sew and "bnok" the saolis,
rather tbar to sew exclusively. St.
Stage leaves for Echo Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays, retnrniug on
Tuesdays, Thursdays' and Saturdays.
ti. Wade. Prop. T. W. AyersJr., agent.
If von owe the Gazette yon must ex
pect that pay will be demanded. We
need our money, Btid don't ex set to
borrow noder tbe circumstances. Come,
give us a lift.
A, C. Carle, of Boise City, Idaho, ha!
purchased the tonsorial parlor formerly
wnd by Gid Hatt, at tbe Matlock
building next door to Simon's blaok
m.th .Son. where be invites the patron
age of all who desire strictly first clasa
irk al reasonable prices. Haircut,
shire or shampoo, 25 cents each. Give
him a call.
The regular subscription p'ice of the
Semi- Weekly Has-Me is 82 50 and the
regnlsr price of the Weekly Or-g"nian
is 81.50. Anyone snbecnbing for tbe
Gazette and psyifg one year in
advance pan get both he Gazette and
Weekly Oregoniaii for $3. All old sub
scribers paying their ubecriotinns for
one year Id advanoe will be entitled to
be ame.
Rev. J. T Moore, formerly of Dayton,
ft ab , baa locuted in Heppner and with
bis family is now liviug at tbe baptist
paiBouage. Mr. Moore while liviug in
Daytnu was for a time editor of the riap
tist Sentinel He expeo's to remain in
Heppuer until about tl.a first of tb year
when be thiuks of going to Smith Amer
ica as a Missionary. Kev. Mo ire will
prehoh Sunday morning and evening at
tbe Biptist cbutcn.
Robt. Johnson, who went East last
spring with one of Sam Palmer's sheep
orews, re'urned the first of the week
from Idaho Falls, Idaho, where be led
tbe bovs. He reports Palmer to have
Inst about 2400 bead of eheep so tar.
2200 were lost from Bud Sbohe'a band,
while Bb Foster lo-t about 2U0. They
have found fairly good range ao far.
While spending Sunday with his fim
ily who are camped out at the bead oi
Ruea oreek, Dr. AleSwor-.e' borne and a
pack borse got away and returned to
Heppner last Monday afternoon, how
ever, they were oauuht and returued to
bim by Ge i. Oonser, just in time to pre
vent his discovering tue shortest routi
to Heppner by foot.
Tbe Chinese pay their dootor only bo
long as he keeps tbem iu health. They
believe iu preventing rather than onrint
disease. This is sound sense, and one
of the strongest recommendations o
Ayer's Sursaparilla, a medicine wlnol
not ouly oures diseases but preveuit
With horse well loaded with suppei
md breakfast iu the form of a cuouuib-i
and an onion, Harry Warren departei
for Di'oh oreek yesterday afternoon.
He experienced some delay in getting
away, but witb the valuable assistanot
of tbe bystanders be got a seasonabb
Frank Rogers got back from Th
Dalles yesterday morning where be bat
oeen employed for some tioie past as i
nridge carpenter, repairing the bridge,
iles'royed by tbe late washout along tin
U. It & N. He departed yesterday to
join his lamiiy up at JJitcb oreek.
Harry Phillips relumed home from
Toe Dalles the first of the week. H.
ufnrins us that be, witb Ins fumny, wil
soon leave for the Xakima country t
-ugage ic picking bops. They will r
uru to Heppner after hop picking i
Astoriati : Two Pendleton gamblen
croBsed themaelves, threw salt over eacl
others' shonhlerB, turned around tbret
times and found themselves direotly in
front of the town faro bauk which they
proceeded to play and broke at a single
Jake Young, of Eight Mile, iuform d
i he G Zette reporter that bis wheat wa
if a very gool quality this season. The
summer fallow yielded 26 bu to the
acre, tba sod 25 bu. iud his volunteei
ould uieke from 15 to 20 bushels pel
Miss Murme Smiih, niee of Ed
Smith, who recently grnduiited from St
-l-'Btnli'b Anademy, of reudlulou, i
speniling in-r v ujRtii n with hnr relative
in this oily, (-.lie will attend Slaiidfurd
Univerdity the oommg year.
Mrs. Ava 1 bornton and baby, ocontn
panie i by Mrs T. W. Ayers, relurneo
from Arliug'ou yesterday morning, wher,
the liltle one had been taken ill as re
ported iu onr lust m.nic. The baby is
Kill quite sick.
Green Mathews is out Bewing sack
wiib Osmiu & Thompsou's thresher
Ones. Jones is boldiug do vn bin barbel
shop during his absence. Mrs Miubewt
ill superintend the oook wagon for tbe
Joe Woolerv was ud from lone yester
.lay. Joe will havd cuarge of M L. & T.
(Jo 'b warehouse ai that pUoe tbisseason,
where tbe company is building quite au
addition aud putting in large Fairbauk
J. W. Dawson baa been slightly indis
posed tor tbe past tew days as the resun
of au overdose of the ever sooculenl
tteruielou. However, we are pleaeeu
to announce that be is convalescent.
Uncle Jack Morrow got borne Wed
uesilav eveuiug ty stage from the Mo
Dufl'ee Bpriugs. He has heeu over there
for several weeks past for bis health aud
returns muoh improved.
"Rip" Vanwinkle oame down from the
Haruuian couutry yesterday afternoon
where be has been driving tbe header in
the harvest Sells. He reports grain
very n ie up that Way.
D. A. Herren aud Otis Pattereoo re
turued Tuesday eveuiug from tbe Blue
mountain retrtat However, tbe latter.
aooompanied by F. J. Uuliook, returued
yeste'day afternoon.
Geo. Wells, wbo has been working 10
tbe express office at the depot for several
davs uast. lelt on ibe special cattle train
for Portl .ud Wednesday afternoon to be
gone several days.
J. B. Natter baa reopened theBrewery
Saloon, keeping on tup at all times tb
best beer o i tbe Paoino coast. Also ou
bauds tbe best brands of liquors, wines
and cigars. 66if.
While Jobu Neville was riding bis
horse rather fust down near. Homer Mo
Farlaud's house, the animal slipped
breaking its leg, which necessitated its
being killed.
To restore gray hair to its natural
oolur as in youth, cause it to grow
abundant and atrong, there is no better
preparation than Hall'! Hair Renewer.
Conductor Dunn returned from Port
land Weduerday morning. D J. Harris,
bo hud been acting in his absence, re
turned to Tbe Dalles Tuesday night.
Show the speed of your horse in a fine
picture, wi'h every nerve strained to
the utmost, on a dead trot or run.
Gilhousen will take it for you. 2 t.
Union Republican : Jildje A. Miillory
and wife, the father aud mother of Mrs
W. T. Wright, of this oity, arrived here
from Heppuer last week on a visit.
The work being completed and the
bridge building crews having been dis
charged, Elmer Slocam returned from
The Dalles Sunday.
Penland & Co. have ou hand the finest
lot of lubricating oils in tbe market. If
you are ueediug oils for your machine,
call on them. 56tf.
Rev. J. T. Moore will preach at the
Baitit church next Sunday at 11 a m.
ami 8 p. m. A special iuvitatloo ie ex-
teuced to all.
Arthur Smith returned Tuesday even
ing from a few day's visit with his fam
ily who are comfortably located np on
Ditch creek.
Simmons Liver Regnlalor is a most
excellent appetizing tooic. Haml. 8.
Pentz, Cbap. to Bishop of North
M. C. Harrison, representing . Sohlll
inir A Co . of San Franoiscn, waa iuter-
viewiua our merchant! vesterdav.
Mrs A. Wier nd Miss Anna Balsiger
drove out c Di'eh creek yesterday,
where tbey will remain a few days.
Floyd Th"mss is spending a few dava
wttb friends in the shady nooks adjoin
ing Ditcb ceek.
Tbal pain onder tbe abonlder blade
Is dyspepsia. Take Simmons Liver
The Magic Touch J
Hood's Sarsaparilla
You sm'le at the idea. But
if you are a sufferer from
And Indigestion, try a bottle, and be
fore you have taken half a dozen doiei,
you will lnvolunurUy think, and no
Mubt exclaim,
"That Just Hits It!"
"That ioothtag effect li a magic
touch!" Hood i Sarsaparilla gentlr
tones and itrenstheni the stomach
anl digestive organs, Invigorates the
liver, creates a natural, healthy desire
for food, gives refreshing sleep, and
in short, raises the health tone Of tbe
entire system. Kemember
parilla Cures
Heed's Pills cure lirer 111a, eoniUpatloo,
elllousneu, Jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion
Wheat Sacks . The Morrow County
Oand St. Trust Co. are putting nut wheat
woks at their warehouses at Douglas,
Tone and Heppner. All those wishing
sacks should see tbem. 67tf.
Don't Foboet It. Travellers must
not forget that the 0. R- & N. line is
'bnrougbly repaired and all trains are
nnning without transfer or delay.
Through Bervice to Omaha, Kansas City.
St. Louis and Chicago; Pullman sleepers
iree reclining obair cars, upholstered
tourist sleepers and modern day coaches.
Toll on O. K & N. agent before purchas-
ng tickets, or address W. H. Hurlbnrt,
Oen'l Passenger Agent, Portland. 65-7.
Pbob Making and Repairing Neat-
l? Done. Joe Dubois, having bonght
ut tbe shoe shop formerly 1 owned by
Ed Birbeck, in tbe Abrahamsick build
ng on May street, and also having
'eoured tbe servioes of an experienced
workman, in now prepared to do all
kinds of shoe making in a strictly first
iIhbs style. Satisfaction guaranteed in
very inetanoe. When you need any
ork in his line give him a oall. 54tf.
Scbpbisb Pahti. OureturnioK home
from a drive last eveumg, Mrs. N S.
v'betetond found about 10 couple of ber
friends, who bad gathered at ber borne
taring ber absence to give her a surprise
revioua o her departure for Ohio, wherf
he goes to visit ber old borne, friend
md relatives. The evttniog'B eutertaiD-
ment consisted of sooial games, inter
spersed with music, concluding witb ni
leRBDt and appropriate luuch ot cake.
ice oream, fruit, watermelon and lemon
ade, after which all departed tor their
homes leavine their best wishes witb
Mrs. Whetstone for ber journey and
visit. She will depart on tomorrow
evening's train, and expects to remaii,
about three months.
Cattle Shipmbnt Shaw Bros, and
D. A. Herren brought in '296 bead of cat
tle Tuesday evening wbieb bad been
gathered up in different sections of tbe
interior ouuntry, for shipment to tbe
Union Dressed Meat Co., at Portland.
Mr. Robert Grimes, of this company,
oame up on Wednesday morning's train
to receive them. A speoial train of 12
oars also oame up Wednesday morning,
leaving witb the aattie tbe same evening.
The average weight of the eattle was
about as follows : steers, 1250 and oows,
1050. Bob Show aocompanied the abip
uient to Portland. Tbeae gentlemen
have made a number of large shipments
of cattle to Portland this season, many
of which were shipped from The Dalles
during the blockade.
A Bright Flidbk 'Gene Oilman and
wile, wbo reoentl; drove up to their
Gilliam oonnty ranch from their borne at
Dallas, arrived in Heppner Sunday
afternoon. After leavinn Gilliam oounty
Mr. Gilman drove over to Ontario, Mal
heur oonnty, passing through tbat vast
stretch of land adjoining Ontario,
through wnioh an irrigating ditch ia be
init out. Mr. Oilman says this will be a
grand country when wnter is plaoed on
it. Many bands are now at work clear
ing up laud, taking for their pay 20 and
40 aore tracts of the same, and many
people are already locating in that sec
tion. This will doubtless prove quite a
boom for Ontario. Mr. Oilman ssya bis
health is not good down in the valley
and be thinks of returning to Eastern
Oregon. He and wife departed Wednes
day momma for Waguer, Biter which
thev will return to Dallas overland.
A man bo needs power for pumping,
tsawingor lathes, surely makes a mistake
if be pnrohaees on inferior make ot
machine becanee it is cheap. Wby not
buy the Hercules Gas Eugiue and make
no mistake. Send for oatalogue.
Palmkr 4 Key Type Coundrt, Front St
Alder Sts., Porllaud, Oregon.
W. 11 Nelson, who is in the drug busi
ness at Kinuville, Mo , has bo much con-
flileuce in Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
aud Diarrhoea Remedy thai be warrants
every bittle aud offers to lefuud th
miney to every customer who is uot
satinfied after using it. Mr. Nelson
takes no risk in doing this because the
Remedy is a oertain oureforthe diseases
for which it is intended and he knows it.
It is for sale by Sluoum-Jnbnston Drug
Tbe Union Pacific is the shortest line
to tbe Lewiston, Miners' Delight,
Atlantic and South Pass gU fields.
Bny your ticket via Rock Springs or
Rawlins, fmm which points yon can go
by a flrat class stag line to Lewiston,
reaching tbe mines tbe same day.
Don't rain yonr digestive organs witb
pill and purgatives. Take Simmons
Liver Regulator.
Has tbe reputation of being the
Lightest Running,
Least Wear,
Fewer Repairs,
of suy machine in the market.
The Agency for the
And has on hands a full line of Ibeir goods including suits, blankets, woolens, etc
Be is also prepared to take measures for suits.
Palace Hotel Building,
Heppner, Oregon.
State Normal School,
THE FIRST TERM BKGINS THE 8RD OF SEPT 1894. Tuition per term in Elementary
Course, $4.50; Regular Course, $4.50; BusfnebB Course, $5 00; to those in the Seni r Clas
pledged to teach, fre.
ttj :-'f Good board and Indifini? In rftvti'e families. $3 5 per wek or oonv
XC9EiI7Cl. at a very reasonable rent for thoe who may desire to hoard them
Belves, but alloturients, no matter how they board, will be under thelmmedlat ctire of the faculty
Graduates ot the Normal receive State Diplomas. P. A. WOHTHINUTON,
Bec'y oi Keifents.
for Infants
" CastorlaissoweUodaptedtochildrenthat
I recommend It as superior toon proscription
knowa to mo.' IL A. Ancnza, II. D.,
IU Go. Oxford Ct., Erooldyn, II. Y.
"The use of 'Castoria b co universal and
i:3 rieriU bo well knowa tU-t It seems a work
of superc rotation to endorso It. few cro the
Intelligent families who do not keep'Castoria
within easy reach."
Caalok Uakttx, D. t.,
New York City.
Thx CEXTA.ua
la tba title of a very nlnable book that glvea a great amount of Information of the t'tmoat
Importanna to Everybody, oouuemlng their daily hablta of Eating, Drinking, Dreaaisg, etc..
What to Sat,
Bow to Kat It,
Thlnga to Do,
Thlnga to Avoid,
Peril of Summer,
Bow to Breathe,
Dangere of Klsalng,
InflflMM tit Planta.
Occupation for Invalids,
AlphnlaHR Pood and a
Superfluoue Hair,
ttAtnnvtnir Hame.
ReatoiiDg the Drowned,
Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-Sighted-
Ventilation, neaa, merone,
IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Black Eyea, Boila, Burns, Chlllblalna. Cold Feet, Cerrd,
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dyaentery, Dandruff, Dyapepala, Earache, Pelona, Fetid
Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hivea, Hoaraencae, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning,
Holes. Plmoles. Piles. Bheumatlam, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Son Eyes, Sore Mouth,
Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunatroke, Stings and Inaect Bltea, Sweating Feet, Toothaobe, Ulcer
Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms In Children. IT WILL SA VK DOOTOHS HILLS.
rjr-AII now saomiMUers and prompt renewals duruigtua inoulli ot June will bt
preaensed witb a free copy of this aa a
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
W. MTEKStlN. AGKYf. o t?i?o-tjeLJri
WANTED To emi,loy aUd
or gentleman to represent us in eaol
county. Salary $40.00 per mouth. Ad
dress with stump.
Chas. A. Robinson St Co., Hiilino.
Eaceaa of Etiquette KUlftft Hint.
The rigid etiquette of courts has
more than onoe come near making a
martyr of the person whom the ruliia
prevented from aiding olT-hanil. In
Spain these notions of etiquette were
carried to audi an extent that Philip
III. met his death in direct conse
quence of them. The king was one day
gravely aee-td by a chimney where, the
tiremnlier of the court had kindled so
great a quantity of wood t hill the mon
arch wus being suffocated with heat.
IIm grandeur would not suffer him to
rise from the chair to call for help; the
oflicers-in-waiting were not within call,
and the domestics could not presume
to enter the apartment, because it was
against the etiquette. At last Mar
quis de Pobat appeared, and the liing
ordered bim to dump the fire; hut he
excused himself, alleging that he was
forbidden by the etiquette to perform
such a function, for which Duke
d'Asfcda ought to be called upon, as it
was his business. The duke was gone
out, the fire burned fiercer, and the
kirj;j endured It mther than
from bis dignity; but his r.kx.d was
heated to such a degree that erysipelas
broke out in his head the uext day,
which, being succeeded by a violcut
fever, carried him rff.
Pltral Piles! Itching Piles.
Stmptovis Moisture; intense ani1
stinging, most at night; worse bv
cratcbiog. If allowed to continue tn
mors form, whiob often bleed and ulcer
ate, hecomlug very Bore. KwaYNg'
Ointment stops the i'ohing and bleedim
heals ulceration, and in most cases r
moves thetnmors. At drnggists, orb)
mail, for 60 osnts. Dr. Bwayne & Soi.,
Philadelphia sr 1 yr.
& 13isbee,
and Children.
Cantorla cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Ctomac'a, Diarrhea, Eructation.
Kilh Yonaa, gives sleep, tnd promotes di
gestion. Without injurious medication.
"For several ycura I have reoommended
your ' Cactorta,' uad t'jiU dwayi ccntlauo to
do ao 03 it haa invariably produced Lonend&l
Edwtk Tf. Pardkk, It. D.
lth Street and 7th Ave., Kow York City.
Company, 77 Murray Strmt, New Yore City.
Paraaltea of the flktn,
Care of Teeth,
After-Dlnner NaM.
uaining neat way,
Lunira and Lunir E
r lllai
aeaaea, Effect of Tobacco,
How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance,
Clothing, What to wear. Headache, Cause A Cure,
Bow Much to Wear, To Get Kid of Lice,
How to Avoid Them, Croup to Prevent.
A Great Mistake.
A recent dlacovery la that headache,
dltstnesH. dullness, contusion of tb mind,
etc., are due to derangement of the nerre
centers which supp.y the brain with nerre
force) that Iniljeatlon, dyspepsia, neuralgia,
wind In stomach, etc., arise from the derange
ment cf tbe nerve cea ten supplying these or
gans with nerve f uld or force. Tbla la likewise
true of many dlat-aMfwof the bean and lungs.
The nerve ayalemlsllke a telegraph ayalem,
aa will be aeeu by Uio accompanying
cut. The llttia
whl'e lines are
the nervu which
ce ivef the ncrra
f r from t b o
i e'e centers to
every part of tho
body, just as tho
elec riccurrentla
conveyed along
the- telegraph
wires to every
atatloQ, large or
amall. Ordinary
phyaklan-. CaU to
retard this fact;
Instead of treat
ing the nervecen
lera for thecaiise
of the disorders
arUlng therefrom
they treat the
part aHected.
Frinklin Mllea,
M. D..LL. B . the
hlgiily celebrated
a oec lal 1st and
atudent of nervo-is diseases, and author
nf initfiv noted tmutiam on the latter aublect.
I long since realiied the truth of the Brat
...,,mRnt. .,. hi4 RMtoratlve Nervine
la prepared on that principle. Ita success
In curing all dlseaaea arialng from derange
ment of the nervous ayatem la wonder
ful, as tue ttiouHaadi of unsolicited teetlmo
nl ils in poa-watflon of the company manufac
turing ilie remedy amply prove.
Dr. MlleV Reiloratlve Nervine l a reliable
remedy for all nervous dlaeaaea, auch as
headaihe, nervnua debility, proetratlon,
aleeplesmers, dlulnees hysteria, aeiual de
bility. St. Vitus dance, epllepay, etc. It Is
sold ny all drugglatxon a pnaltive guarantee,
or aent direct by the Dr Miles Modlcal Co.,
Elkhart, I nil., on receipt of price. II per bot
tle six hotline for IA. expreaa prepaid.
K-ntoratlve Nervine positively coutalni no
opiates or dangerous drugs.
. . V Ave-s. jr.
B. A. dunnMher runs atHie between
Heupner and Monument, arriving every
ilay except Monday and leaving every
day ezoept Sunday . Bbortesl and cheap
st route to the interior. P. Cobn,
tehi oi uiDloiua enittlea one to toh in any courty iu the a ate wlihout further examination.
Oraduatea command good poeltioua.
Normal, $6.28; Snb-Normal, 85; Commercial, 80.25.
Board at Normal DirtiLff Hall, 81.75 per week; (aruiafaed rooma with fire and
liebr, from $1 00 o 81 25 per week; nnfrirnisbed moms 50 oents per week. Board
ind lodifinit in private families from 83 00 to $3.50 per week.
Vitality and :rowth have alwaya characterized the work of the Kormol. The coming year
nromiaea to ba one of the beat in ita hiitnry.
Catalogue cheerfully aent ou application. Addreaa
P. L. CAMPBELL, Preatdei.t.
or W. A. WANN, 8 creUry of Faculty. M-62 aw.
After a thorough test of the
credit system, wehaveconclud
3d to change to net cash. On
and after Aug. i, '94, we will J
sell to one and all for
f what heretofore bad to ba charged fur nnoollrctable aeconnls. This is no
rttleotion on yon, but is a plain bueineas statement. We oan afford
to sell at lower prices in Ibis way.
Xo Favorites
No Bad elts
Wm. PENLAND & Co.,
General Merchandise
Farmers' and Stockmen's Supplies.
ISH TO INFORM the peopled Mor
row County that they have located in
leppner and solicit a
Our Motto is Good Quality and
Reasonable Prices.
Land Patents
Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time.
Contested Cases
Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
Between individuals having onntiicting olairaa nnder the agricultural land
aws. and those between olaimnnts nnder tbe Mineral Laws and agricultural
daimants: and also between claimants under any of tbe public land laws and the
Hailrnad cnmpBniea and their grantets, Bnd the states and their grantees, nnder
toe Swrmp Land and Hchwl Land Orams.
Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers
vbo have complied with the laws nnder whiob their entries were made, and wbo
ire annoyed and worried by delsys in tbe issue of their patents, oauaed by Trifling
Irregularities which can be easily and speedily removed.
Advice also given In all matters relating te tbe publio lands, especially ou
points arising nnder the new laws wbioh have been recently passed providing for
i be disposal of tbe public domain.
If you want yonr land patent in a burry if you want your land business, of
tny uhiirsotrr, attended to by skillful and Competent attorneys, and promptly dis
posed of, write to
John Wedderburn, Gen. Man.,
P. O. Box, 8H5.
The Keeley Uul.
Of ITlie ""unK liovv to choose tho best one to uitirry jIlTTTWO
-. , , i t a va
i tl j kjsh t no riuiirim now io tie
)The fond parent how to have prize babies j ( vytu
)Tlm mother how t - have them without paiuj (AGENT
)Tho childless how to be fruitful and multiply ; f SOLD
Tho curious how tney
)The health v- how to enjoy life and keep well; (AND HE
j'i'ho invalid how to get well again speedily; ( SAVED
IThrt iitinrudent how to retrain wastol energy. $1,100
OUGHT )A11 w ho want knowledge
TO )FinrJ it m Dr. Footc'a " i'lain uome i am, . i
KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates: 200 t ' . )00,000
READ JReduwid from $3.25 to $1.50: cireulars frtj. :- COPIES
l II. T. IMurruy Hill Rook Co., 129 E. 28th St., N( v-' SOLD.
Otis Patterson
Thirteenth Annual Session
Stale Normal School.
A training- i hool for Teachers. Theory o4
Practlcecomblned. Strong Vrofeiilonal Course,
and veil equipped Model School, lhorouicb
Preparatory and Academic Couraea. normal,
Advanced Normal, Buitncii, Mualo and Ait
Dep-rtmenu. Light expenaea. Board and
lorfKlDg, books aud tuition not above 1130 per
The town of Monmouth baa a beautiful and
healthful location in the very hean of the Will
amet e Valley, twtlve mllea Boutbweat of tre
Nixio i'aii tm. It had no Haltioiia. Ihe NO'Qlal
Of Plant
liberal share of the trade.
Washington, D. 0.
For tho Cure Ot
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It la located at Foreat Grove, Or.,
The Musi Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Qazktte office for particulars,
Strictly contiitelitial. Treatment private aud atire
iiannv in ujurnuge; i uai'j
in-owed" ana came w oe ;i ri
that ift of most worth TN ONE