Give your budncM to Ueppncr pzapk and therefore assist to build up llepp ner. Patronize tfune tcho patronize We hold each and evory correspondent re sponsible for hii or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writers real name in signed as an evidence of good faith. Did jou ever Read about tDe Mao wbo Hid bin Light under A bushel T Yea? well That Is like Doing business -Witboat advertising. All the Holds schemes In the country Will not accomplish Half as much Ab a ood ad. In a good, live, Legitimate newspaper, One that Is read Br tbe people, And that owns Its own Soul; that Ues its spaoe Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. Fitzsiuhons bus oballenged Oorbf to fight to a fiuieh (or a purse of $20,00o The supplemental tariff bills hov- been referred to tbe flnaooe oommittei. It ia intimated that Cleveland wil veto Doluh's river and harbor bill ou tb plea of economy. Hanto tbe BBHHSsin ol President Gamut of Franoe, was eieouted at Lynns earl; yesterday morning. He met death in very oowardly manner Uncle Sam gracefully tips bis hat t Miss Hawaii. The Q leen's messenger can return now at any time. The gum is up. Baker City Bl ide. As soon bs Cleveland learned that tb bouse bad passed tbe senate's tariff bii be Immediately wrote his favonte Ilea ten ate, Wilson, another letter, full o oonsolation over the defeat. Ir Cleveland wauts to win the undy ing affrotion of tbe sbeepraiserand wooi grower of Oregon, as ftellasthemajorit. of those dependent on them, be ooul. make no better strike tban to veto tLt senate tariff bill. Hon. R. P. Bland has been renoniinat ed by tbe democrats of the eight h oou greseional district of Missouri. 1 bis i the 121 Li consecutive time Mr. Bland b been nominated for congress. Tbe re publicans have nomiuuted Dr. JesBi Hubbard against him. Okie look at tbe senate tariff bill am Cleveland is siok with malaria, whirl necessitates bis going to Oray Oublr for a week. If tbe sight of it makes ou ill, life, for tbe next few years under th effects of it, will be a ohoioe between tin summer resort and the graveynrd. The largest convention in the bistort of the democratic party of Indiana, so i is reported, oouvened at Indianapolis tii Wednesday. This might be aoconute. for by tbe faot Mist as most of the boy are out of a Job tby have plenty of Urn, to turn out in full force. Wait uiti election day and you will see tbe uuem ployed laborers oorao out to once mort vote themselves employment. Taa Indiana democrats are plucky ii defeat, and are not a whit disoouragci by the gloomy situation at Washington The largest democratic convention in tb' history of Indiana is being held toil) Possibly it is a oase wht re they have hii gone to tbe convention and there will l none left to go to tbe polls. Wedues day's Telegram, Dum, About ngu1. This is tbe republicans' year back in Hoosierdom. Fovb members of tbe Hawaiian com mission, who came bare to secure red res for ex Queen Liliuokiilani or to preven' tbe red gnitiou of tbe new republic, have departed. Their mission was a complete failure. There is every reason to believe also that the royal envoys failed to see the president before bis departure for Buszsrd's bay. It is understood the position taken by the stutu department was that wben the United States offered to restore Liliuokalaui on grauting k general amnesty and she refused, the administration considered its relations with tbe ex queen terminated. Dome and Abroad. It is the duty of every one, whether at borne or travelling for pleasure 01 business, to equip himself with the remedy which will keep np strength sort prevent illness, and curs such ills as are liable to come upon all In every day life. Hood's Sarsaparilla keeps tbe blood pore and less liable to absorb the germs of disease. A borne kloked H. S. Bbafer, of the Freemyer House, Mlddlebnrg, N. V , on the knee, which laid him up in bed and caused tbe knee Joint to beoouie stiff. A friend recommeudrd biro to one Cham berlain's Pain Balm, which he did, and in two days was able to bs around. Mr. Sbafer has recommended it to many others and says it is ejoellent for any kind of a bmiee or sprain. This same Remedy is also famous (or its cores of rheumatism. For sale by Hlooam-Jobn (too Drug Oo. i THE Wll.NlllKFL'l, HATIKNT KAUKAVIVtt OF A bUFFEKKK. How A Young Woman Wax Cured of Tnriiile Malady When Bhe Wu Near the brink of the Grave. (From the Detroit bun.; Tne large, pretention. b.-iok residenoe at 86 Miami avenue, in this city, is tbe home of tbe heroine of this interesting tory. She is Miss Margaret Stenbaugb, and her interesting experiences during the past four years are published here for tbe first time. Miss Stenbaugb is a pretty girl of about 20 years and is today tbe true picture of tbe ideal, bealtby, robust and jovial Amerioao girl. She wag not al ways so, as is proven by tbe aooompany log statement made by her. "roar years ago," sue said, "1 was a 'iifferer in all that the term implies, an oever thought of being as healthy as I m today. Why, nt that time I was mob a scrawny, puuy little midget, pale tod emaciated by an ailment peculiar to us women, that my father and mother 4avo me up to die. The looal practition er, whose name was Dr. Glassford (I as at that time living at Scotland, Out.,) laid it was only a matter of days when I would be laid away io tbe churchyard. I was so informed, and as I was such a nfferer I oared nothing whatever wheth er livedor died; in faot, think I would live preferred tbe latter, "I could not walk. 1 became so weak, ind regularly every night my father used o onrry me up stairs to my roira. I iiHtinctly remember my telling him that ib wouldn't have to carry me about much onger, and bow be said, while tbe tears listened in bis eyes, that be would be villiug to do it always if be could only Hve me with him. It was evidently foreordained that I nould not die at that particular time, s a miraoulous transformation it my inndition wan the talk of the neighbor hood. "I read, or was told by somebody, of oe wonderful oures that were being rougbt by Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills for 'ale People, and my father went to trautford, where he purohased a couple t boxes from W. Wallace. I commeoc il taking tbem, and I thought for a time nut they did me no gond, as they made ue sick at first, but very shortly I notio d a grent change. They begun to aot n my trouble, and in the short space of ix weeks I whs able to walk, I contio led to take tbe pills, and in six mouths ( was in the condition you see me now. ( fully believe that tbey alone saved me from the grave, and you will always find nyaelfand balanoe of our f.imily ready i talk about the good Dr. Williams' 'ink Pills did for me. "A short time ago I was feeling unwell fust a slight derangement, and I at we bought a box of Piuk Pills, aud i pinmeueed taking them. I could lOtuully feel tbe good results after three ills, and I will recommend tbem to inybody nffl cted as I was." ffworo aud subsorided to before me l.iis JOth day of Deoember, 189a D. A. Dbxanky, Notary Public, Wayne Co., Michigan. Druggists say that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have an enormous sale, and that from all quarters oome in glowing reports of tbe excellent results following heir use. An analysis proves that they tnutam in a oondensed form all the -dements neoessury to give new life and icbness to the blood and restore shatter ed nervos. Tbey are an nuf tiling specific or snob d ideates as loc nnotar ataxia, lartial paralysis. 8t. Vitus' dunce. duties, neuralgit, rheumatism, nervous leudaohe, tbe after rftdcts of la grippe, lalpitutioo of the heart, pale aud sallow lomplexions, that tired feeling resulting 'rom nervous prostrutiou; all disease resulting from vitiated humors in tbe bio id, such as scrofula, chronic erysi pe as, etc. Ihey are also a speoitlo for roubles peculiar to f. miles, such as oppressions, irregularities, and all ruis of weakness. In nion tbey effect i radical oil re iu all cases arisiug from nental worry, overwork, or excesses of riialorer nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pi Is were first impounded us a prescription, and used is such iu general practice by au eminent physician. They are now minufaotured by ihs Dr. Williams' Medioiue Company, Sohenectady, N. Y., and lirookville, Ontario, and are sold in boxes (never iu loose form by the doxen or hundred, aud tbe public are cautioned iigainst nutner ins immitatious Bold in this sh ipe) at SO tents a box, or six bixe-i for 82 &0, aud mv be bad of all druggists, or dtreot by mail from Dr. William's Medic ice Com pany from either address. F01tl!F..ll.VNClS HAH t"iASKI) TO BK A YIH1TK. Any unmuzzled dog caught in my uhickeu yard will be shot on sight. It yon have a dog you can look out for him. F. O. Bpoknum. Last June Dick Crawford brought bis twelve-motiths-old child, suffering from infantile diarrhoea, to me. It bad been weaned at four mouths old aud had always been sickly. 1 gave it the usual treatment in such cases but without benefit. The child kept growing tbinuer until it weighed but little more tban when born, or perhaps ten pounds. 1 then started tbe father to giving Cham berlaiu's Culic, Cholera aud Diarrhea Remedy. Before one pottle of tbe 26 oent size bad b-ien used a marked improvement was seen audits continued use cured the child. Ita weakness and pony constitution disappeared and ita lather and myself believe the ohild'a life was saved bv Ibis Ueuiedy. J. T. Mar low, M I), Tamarna, 111. For sale by blocum Johnston Drug Co. Health demmdss bealthv liver. Take . Simmons Liver Regulator for dyspepsia ! a ad indigestion. A co.;f BitB;;cii- of tboca u--lieve "That no permanent improvement in tbe condition of tbe country enn bo hoped Tor aa long aa the present gold etandard policy is persucd, sad who favor the im medi ito restoration of the bimetallic standard in the United States, with the free Coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to !," was held in Washington City yes terday. Papers were read by General A. J. Warner, president of the league; Senators Stewart ad Cameron. Repre sentatives Blend and Silahy, Thomas Patterson and E. Wolcott, of Colorado. Tbe polioy to be pernncd relative to the ohange in the monetary system of the government was also thoroughly dis cussed. Brace the Nerves. Sedatives and opiates won't do it, Tbese nervines do not make the nerves strong, and failing to do this fall short of producing tbe essential of their quietude vigor. And while in extreme oases and . these only of nervonB irritation such drugs may be advisable, their frequent use is highly prejudicial to the delicate organism npon whiob they aot, and in order to renew their quieting effect increased and dangerous doses eventually beoome neoegBary Hostellers otomacn Bitters is an euioient substitute for such pernicious drugs. II quiets tbe nerves by bracing, tuning, strengthening tbem. Tbe con neotion between weakness of tbe nervous s.v stem and that of tbe organs of diges tioa is a strong and sympathetic link. The Bitters, by imparting a healthful impnlse to tbe digestive and assimilat- mg functions, promotes throughout the whole system a vigor in which the nerves come in for a large share. Use the Bitters in malaria, constiDaticn. bilious and kidney trouble. The president has sigued Hermann's bill, authorizing tbe issuanaeof patents confirming title to all locations of land made with supreme court scrip'. There are 2000 of these entries which this new Ihw will pass to patent. Many are in Oregon and Washington. 1 100 Howard, f 100. The reader of this paper will be pleas ed to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that soieoce has been able to cure in all its stages, aud that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fra'ernity. Catarrh being a constitution al disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Ootarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly oo the blood od mnonus surfaces of tbe system. thereby destroying the fonudatinn of tbe disease, and giviug the p1 tient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. Tbe proprietors have so much faith in ita onrative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimon ials. Address, F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75o. AN AUTUMN REVERIE. Tb Uappy Bride Was Rntrane4 Mature and 8o Was John. ty It was in the month of October and they had been married four weeks. Four blissful weeks they had been to her In that lovely country house among the quiet hills, says the Detroit Free Press. Day after day the autumn sun had been painting the trees In wondrous shades of tints, and now the mountains were great banks of rich maroon, and the valleys, flowing silently between, o'er streams ot grass-green waves and scarlet foam. This afternoon she sat with him on the long, low piazza and gazed dream ily on the lovely picture spread bo fore. At first sho talked to him sitting there so comfortable in his great rus tic chair, but her voice 'grew softer and softer until it died away In whispers and she was still. The mystic, restful touch of the sweet October days was upon her, and it was blissful peace to sit idly In the sun and look upon the beauties of the scene silent she, as It was. The old life of her girlhood had gone and she stood upon the threshold of this new life this wondrous hall of womanhood, extending far, fur before her, as were the valleys spread below the mountainside. There was upon her soul the inef fable calm of autumn time, and the magic of the afternoon fascinated her. And it was not for her alone, but him; this man who now was part and parcel of her life. lie, too, she felt, must feel the rap turous thrill, the weird and witching spirit of the hour. "John," she whispered, softly, as the hum of bee that knocks at the door of every honeyed don er. But John did not respond. Ah, he too, Is clothed in this charm, she thought. "John," she said, again, this time with eager tone, aa if to coll him from his reverie and share with her the raphsody that moved her very soul. But to her cars no answer came to lay its soft response upon her heart, John was sound asleep. llrnil Duchess eerg-e. Grand Hucheas Serge of Russia, who, with her husband and Grand Dulte Paul, has been to Hulmorul on a visit to Qucon Victoria, is the hand somest of t!io daughters of the late Princess Alice of Hesse. As a young girl Princess Klizabcth of Hesse at trated great attention, and she was only twenty when she was married. At the queen's jubilee Grand Duchess Serge was immensely admired, while the jewels she wore at several state en tvrtainments they were naguificent turquoise and diamonds ..cited uni versal envy. The grand duchesa has no children, and It is an open secret that her married life has not been a happy one. HIRAYKU OK KTOLklN. One horse branded M 8. Finder will please retnrn to George M. Massioger, io them' tiutaius, or to A. Abrshamsiflk, Heppner, Or., and receive suitable reard. There are other t-rands on the animal besides tbe one mentiored, but tbe writer cannot describe them. U7-U. BEECHAM'S PILLS eonititQtM ftniilf Ddi- ciM ohaat. tUrk Hni- uchf, Wraki womar. T ,J in.1 and Pain iul CAesvomacft, fWlrMM, Cold niUU. numMniH a u, ajvoi tmm or aream, vannmum, SfotoM an th Skin, Mrttirtttd S7ep. aS oil ftervoMJ and trrmblima f iww HoiM or reiimed fty tulng them Ml i Covered wHti a TaiteUu snd Soluble Csatiag (X all driyrf iu Prion M mou a boa. Wnew xora uepoi. 9 o uanaj hi. m AN OWNERLESS COLLECTION. The HnHiua at tbe Dead Letter Offlee Washington. One of the most Interesting places In the capital city, according to the New York Advertiser, is the museum in the dead letter office. Several Indian hatchets give to a section of the cabi net an archeeological appearance, and a pair of Indian pipes o. red sandstone cross each other In peaceful style. A rare curiosity is a piece of parchment on which is penned the Lord's Prayer in fifty-four languages. It is said to be a duplicate of a parchment which hangs in St. Peter s at Rome. It came to this country in the mail from Eu rope in ls43, and, as it was never claimed and Its origin could not be traced, It was sent to the dead letter office, where it has been on exhibltioa ever since. One of the prettiest things In the cabinet is a lady's fan made of stork feathers, the plumes being rarer and richer than the finest -ostrich plumes. In an envelope is a lock of dark brown hair. An inscription on the en- velope, in a nervous hand, reads: "This contains my hair, Charles Guiteau." It waa not '-tn tH rnnils bv the mur derer of President Garfield, without any address, just as it appears in the cabinet. A few years ngo there came to the dead letter office a tin can upon which no address could be found. The can was opened, and sixteen lively looking rattlesnakes made their escape. There was a Btirring scene in the dead letter office for a few minutes. Ayer's Ague Cure ia au antidote fo' malaria and all malum! diseases, wheth er generated by swamp or sewer. Neither quinine, arsenic nor any other injur! ms drug enters into the com position of this remedy. Warranted to cure fever and ague. O. A. R. KOTlCE. We take this opportunity of inform ing our subscribers that the new com missioner of pensions has been appoint ed. He is an old soldier, and we believ, that soldiets and their heirs will receivt justioe at bis bands. We d not antici pate that there will be any radical changes in tbe administration of pensioi affairs under the new regime. We would advise, however, that U. S. soldiers, sailors and their heirs, tnlie steps to make api lioation at once, if Ihey have not nleady done so, in ordei to seoure the benefit of the early filinu of their claims in case there should be any future pension legislation. Such legislation is seldom retroactive. There fore it is of great importance that ap plications be filed in the department at the earliest possible date. If the U soldiers, sailors, or their widows, children or parents desire iu formation in regard to pension matters, they should write to the Press Claims Compsny, nt Washington, D. O, and they will prepare and send the necessary application, if the; find tbem entitled under the numerous laws enacted foi tbeir benefit Address PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY Jonn Wkdderbpbx, Managing Attor ney, Washington, V, C, P. O. Box 88j THK WKSTBItN PKDAUOUIIK. We are in receipt of the May number of nnr state school paper. It exceed any of the former numbers ir. valu - Tbe paper this month oontnius man aew and valuable features. The illus trated series oo the schools of the state is introduced by a paper oo the Friends Polytechnic Institute at Salem. Oregon, 1'bese papers cannot fail to be of great value both to tbe sohoole an 1 to the public There are also severs! tine articles by our best writers snd the departments "Current Events,""Saturday Thoughts," "Educational News" The Oracle Answers, Correspondents," etc., enoh contsin much valuable reading for teachers or parents. The magazine loss nhout 50 pages of matter, well printed and arranged. e pronounce the Western Pedagogue the best educa tional monthly ou tbe coksI. Everyoue of our renders should huve the paper if they are at all interested in education. No teacher school direc tor or student can gel along well with out it. We will receive subscript. one at this office. Price only SI. 00 a )ear. When desired we will send the Western Pedagogue aud Gazette one year to one address for 83.00. Call and examine 'ample oopies. Teaohars, directors and parents, now is the time to subscribe, tf That shortness of breath Is dyspepsia Take Simmons Liver Regulator. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. The Studebaker wagon heads tbem all. For sale at Gilliam k Bisbee's. a "Hardware" did yoo say? Why, yes al P. C. Thompson k Co.'a stand, and the plaoe for bargains. a The Keelev Institute, at forest Grove cares liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine and tobacco habit. See ad. If yon want to bny groceries, and bread stuff cheap, go to Ibe Enterprise Grocery. Kirk k Kuhl, proprietors, a The general merchandise establish menl formerly owned hy Coffin k Mc Far land, has lately changed hands, now be ing under the control and management of The MoFarland Mercantile Companv, wbiob continues business at tbe old Bland with a larger slock than ever. S.7.YT. n UiS3 nf Kf py est. Carl DillHii;)-, Kiting Sun, six fur 2-j cent. The Best 8 Cent Cigars ever sold in Heppner. POr (Bale fcyr" P. C. Thompson Co. iinn of on. BUOBNE. Next feHfi)D begins the 17th of Sep tember. 1894. Tuition, free. Board, 82.60 a week. Five oouraffl: Classical, Scientific, Literary, English and BasInesR. DORMITOHT. The Boarding Hall for young Indies tnd tbe Boarding Hull for yonog gentle men will be nnder tl.e pfrsonal snpervi iou of Mrfl. ManrH, a ldy of refinement nd Jarue experience. For Cfttnl' enes. nMrvqa j. j, Walton, 53 71. Beoy. Regents. Notice of Contest. U. S. Land Office, Ibi Dalle. Ob., Julv 21. 1S9-1. pOMPLUNT HAVING BEEN ENTEKEf) AT v ' tnli umce IiV Anno. J kr Mirer a?a nut John K. All n for' abandoning M Homestead tntry iso. w, a a tea vec 17. mwi, upon the N'WW Hection i7. Township 1 North. Kaneo 24 E. in Morrow County, oteeon wUh a view to che cancellation of stun entrv. the pain iartie are hereby gummoiw-d to arDear at thi otliw on the '24th day ot tie lumber, 1WJ1. ai 10 o'clock a. ro., to r- anona ana lurnitm testimony con cerning said alluded abandonment. J. W. Morrow, county c er , is authorized to take test mony at his office in Heppner, Or., on W fi7. Register. Summons. JN THEOIRCUTTCOURT FOR THE COUNTY oi .Morrow, state ot ureeon. Marv J. Doonan. Dlttintitt". vn. Wm. Donnnn. defendant. Io the above named defendant, William Doonan: In the name of the State of Oreeon. your are hereby required to appear and atiBwor the complaint filed againnt you in the above entitled Biiit on r before the 4 dav of September. A. !., 1H94, the same being the first day of the iext regular lenn oi earn ourt. ana u Vou tail bo to answer, for want thereof, nlflintifl' will applv to said court for a decree dissolving the uxmiiKc ru in ran i existing Dei w ceil saiu plaint id' and Baid defendant, and for the costs and disbursements of this int. mis summons is Duhlished bv order of Hon. W L. Bradxhaw, Judpe of said court. Done at chambers at '1 be Dalles, Oregon, 'U1J J. HI, JO?-. axu. uaw-on & Lyons, 251-63. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, ORKQrtN. I J Julv 2-i. 189t. Nntine in hnrehv Hvftii ihat. rne ioiiowing namea sett er nas men notice ( f his Intention to make final proof iu support of his claim, and that saftl proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner WADE H B 10 HER. Hd. application No. 4777 for the NJ N Vi 8 9T S IV 54 and N w H W 8ec. 30. Tp. 1 g. R. 26 Renames the foil -wine witnesses to nrnve us cuiiiiiiunuH rcsiuenee upon ana cultivation .11 oh m mini, viz: uyrua Miner, Charley Beneflel, Charley Val iitlne and W. M. Booher, all of Lexington. 251-261. Jas. F. Mooitit, Register. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT letters of administration nn thA entotp nf Frederick Kretzschmar. deceased, were-eranted io me unaerBiffiiea on tne vtn dav of luly, imm, by the County Court of Morrow" countv. All persona having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them tome for allowance at my place of business in Heppner, Morrow Co.. Oregon within six months alter the date of mis notice or they s-ail be forever baried. Also nil persons owing said estate are requested iu eiiie hi once, M. Lichtjinthal,' Administrator. Dated, Heppner, Or., July 7, 18yi. 247-56 Assessor's Notice. TO THE TAXPAYERS OF MORROW CO.: N tice is hereby given that the tax list will be completed by the last Monday in August, mm maim mi uaiewiii oe exam i nea ny the COUntV hoard Of enilflllznHnn Thnnn tvhn desire corrections or alterations in their assess ments are required to appear before th board at the court houBe in Henpner ou above date. K. Li BHAW, ABBeSSOr, By J. f. Kobe me, Deputy. Heppner, Or., Aug. 3, 18U4. 54-60. CUT THIS OUT NO. 2301. rieud this COUPON mid td Cents to THE lU'VbTT MUSIC CO., 269 Dearborn St.. Chicago, 111. And receive (poBt paid) ONE H1ECK OF MUSIC, of yuur own choice, named below or THREE pieces for 60 cents, or HIX i ieces for f 1.00. Remit postal note or one and two cent stamps. This Coupon not good after December iilHt, m. 29 o o The Latest Music VOCAL. Wedded After ths Ball. By Barney Fa- ...,4U CtJ Most popular Waltz Sone of the day. Dedicated to Mr. C. K. Hariri, author of "Afer the Ball " A Dream of Arcadia Wsltzsonc. T anyon rC cts me song or an songs, favorite ot Ad-linn Ttt'ti. Moon Lit; hi on the Lagoon, by Geo, .K.-iHeiunriJi .mi cts Latest popular success by tols noted comDoser THK E 8 UTHERN BONOS: "Unclk Dan," "Adm ih Tb," "Whkxr My Ho k Y gLuim-H," complete . .. 75 cts Three charming, plaintlveand charac teristic Southern 601 gs. wrltbn by Col. Will L. Wit her, and arranged bv W. Hebert Lauyoii. INSTRUMENTAL. At Evkntidb, Nocturne for piano, Mar- .. ... . oo cts A very brilliaut Nocturne, about gmde 4-5. In Flow'ry Groves, reverie for p'ano. Marcus 50 cts Benin If ul reverie, original, and sure tnpiense. fssF i'he above are all fine editions of val ibie cnDvrinnts. and eaunnt be had in CHEAP FORM. Coupon must accompany the order to secure he reductions uaimd. WANTED QOLO MlNKUri. To develup tbe koM properties io Lewieton. Miuete' Dt-liiiUt, Atlantic, Sontb Pane, OolJ Crefk, or on the Bustler Belt. Yon can get fall infor mation regardirjg reliable mines n hi.'li are for sale by the camps mentioned liy addressing James A. MeAvoy. oonnry clerk of Fremont c nnty, Lnoer, Wyo., Wm., Storgis, Jr., Cbeyeutie, Wyo., A. Kendall, cashier First National batik, Rick Spriugs, Wyo., S. L. Spaneler, obaiim-iD Fremont board uf conntv C'ltumis.i merg, Atlantic City. S"yo. Tbe Union Pjoiflo is the sbortest and qriickeat ling to thi Sooth Pass coontry, daily stages front Rook Springs and Rawlins. City : THIS Popular- Hostelry hs;s again 1 been re-opened and will be run in first class style. Mks. Tlie Lightest, Strongest antl P. C. THOMPSON FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government Is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli able solicitors tc procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents In the United States terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an Invention on hand send a etetch or photograph thereof, to. gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course tc pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rights, or if vou are charged with infringement bv others, submit the matter to u? for a matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY. 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST. p. o. bo 403 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. JW Cut this out and send It with your inuuir. JH7 ITS Jroulisa luctuylug pills cure cuusUimciuu frentlBS Bocttfyiug plllacure constipation PRE i i i j i,. j...,, aua ineaicino produce ccnstlpatton. here la a pi:i Oct euros torpid liver, biliousness, rhoumatlsm. lni:ii-otltin, Blck headache and kidney aud liver tnubles wltaout grlplnj or lonvlng any trace of CONSTIPATION, which i the prime cause or all sickness, beware of It eettlng habitual and chrome villi you, seetoltlntime; thfFd plus tvjh cure yen. P"3 clear the jkln and remove all blotches self. 25 Cents a box. GrSLri RV All Or Bent by mall upon receipt i,f prh. by . Prentiss Chemical 406 CALIFORNIA STREET, IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ADDRESS A LETTER THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney, P. 0. Box 463. whin n r. Honorably discharged soldltr, and nallnri Wlmmia.. i .nctr uccuutary circumstances. WSofu1Wj sailorsare entitled (if not remarried) whether soldier's death ZZISa"! ""'".O' , If now dependent upon their own labor for support Widows CHILTkVT,7a, f0"" .tU"d if lKe 'OWier's death wa.due rvi ri f ,rVnm,(1 ,rsolditr ''r neither widow nor child, provided soldier !led lo errloe, port. nav ,t Soldier of the late war, pensioned tinder nn also for others. whi her ilu tn M entiUed whether fo? d?s.,bni1irydolrtno?"S,,1"rar-nj'0r the aU Survivors. wintiKSilrjf ,u"'"","n O' 10 1343, ar entlUod M dependent. n my-iwo years oi ase or disablea Jate?l.w."ornh,ot0,npIete1'''1,el',tmtnt0bUlned' peniioo has been granted under rJifis.'.''r "P"" settlement secured, if rejection Improper or literal, iav? lo,.MhCp.'pedrl'Ch"rEe obUined for OIdi" d of "ha Send for laws and information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address. T.,.,T.HE PRESS CLMIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P.O. Box 463. WASHINGTON, D.C neucsa n ar Midi8ri.nH th.i. JEllis, Dawson & Iyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All basinees attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BEPrSEK, LEGAL BLANKS. Hotel. looms at roiAlar Prices. Tom Bradley, Prop. Ensiest Kunniug Mower Made. COMPANY, Agents. and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In reliable OPINION before acting on the WASHINGTON, D.C. Pii'ulias Koctltylug pills cure constipation l'rentlss Rectifying pHlacuwconailTOtlon SS RECTIFYING PILL rvti It. ODCUTiea nr-A..-. .. . iMcause it Is the only safe and harmless remedy that will surely QEAUTIFY the AT n FLEXION from the f.iv. Try a box and see for your ncnifteiere ' and Manufacturing Co SAN FRANC.'ccr, ta. OB POSTAL CARD TO ,hn ..r.A a - - m.v4 u tax wm vi ia regular army or !., i-u.-l . . rr ni unuer outer Old lr- re ntlt1cr1 n Htie for which now pensioned, but - P' d Semlnol. or Flor. nnder iw.n . . . . .. .. . BANK BUILDING. OREGON Plenty of them at the Gazttte Office. . . . .