Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 14, 1894, Image 2

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    Qive voir business to Beppner people
and therefor assist to huild up Hepp
ner. Patronize thorn who patronize
Wo hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer s real name Is signed aa an evidence of
rood faith.
Did jou ever
Read about tne
Mao who
Hid bin
Light under
A bushel f
Yea? well
That is like
Doing business
'Without advertising.
All the
Snide schemes
In the country
Will not accomplish
Half as much
As a ood ad.
In a (rood, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Is read
Br tbe people,
And that owns
Its own
Soul; that
Dies its spaoe
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
The Ooxpyite's have besn driven out
of Virginia by tbe state militia.
Thk Chinese are now taking their
turn at tbe mill ; tbey have repulsed
the Japs in two attacks and some fierce
lighting was done.
Gov. McConnbll was renominated
by tbe republicans of Idaho, by
acclamation, at Boise City on Tbursda).
The convention adopted a strong free
silver platform.
It IT were not for tbe hold-over
senators, tbe demoorats wonld not bave
a member in either house of tbe Oregm.
legislature. Seven of the hold-over
senators B'e demoorats. bat tbe lowei
bouse has no representatives from thai
party. The demoorats wern't in it at
tbe last Btate eleotion anyway.
Soul good bas come ont of tbe strike
after all. We learn from Kusteru pa
pers that oumbers of striking woik i.hh
who never cine under our couutrjV
laws, finding tbey oannot rnn this re
public, are going back to their home.
Speed tbe good ships that carry them
across the Atlantic) - Eugene Journal.
Tax unconditional surrender must be
exceedingly mortifyiug to Presideui
Cleveland. It is his first out-anJ-oul
defeat. If be bad not written (but Wil
son letter his friends might bave oou
veyed the impression to the publiothai
tbe senate bill was an administrator
measure. But he is now ou record an
having pronouuoed it as a measure ol
perfidy and dishonor. Telegram.
It is reported no good authority thai
tbe 0. 11. 4 N. Co., and other railroad
lines baving terminals on this coast,
will make such reductions in the preseni
freight rates on wheat as will allow the
farmers some profit on the preset: t orop
Tbla, together with the upward tendency
of prions, will enable our farmern
to realize a fair return ou tbe large
orops raised iu the Nortbweet this year.
and will doubtless prove of benefit to
tbe railroad companies in the future.
The lower the rates tbe better for tbe
taimers. Thanks to the railroads for
this muob.
Aftrb conferring Bad oauausing
time and again the democratic elemeui
of tbe bouse bas at last decidtd to le
cede from its fotmer positiun and aooepi
the ultimatum in tbe form of tbe senate
tariff bill. They do nut do this because
they endorse the senate's bill, but be
cause of the fact that tbey see the)
must pass this bill or none at all. In
accepting this position they bIso unani
mously passed a resolution iustruotit.y
tbe ways and means oomuiittoe to pre
pare a seperato bill makiug sugar, coa..
iron and barbed wire tree of duty.
Both bave by tbe this time doubtless
pasted ibe bouse, the former going to
tie president i ud tbe latter to Ibe senate,
where it is almost certain of defeat.
It is also stated on good autnorUy Hint
tbe president will not sign tbe bill, as it
is not bis ideal of tatiff reform, however,
it is known that he will not veto it,
so it will become a law without his sig
nature. In this country are more than 400,
000 mo u employed in railway servioe,
on tbe rails and in tbe handling of
trains. More than 256,000 employed in
railway structural work. More than
85,000 persons employed in offiue and
clerical work required in the manage
ment of tbe several railways aud their
mormons business M ire than 175100
men employed aa helpers iu the yards
and Along tbe lines of rail way a Nearly
one uillllou men tbus eugaged in busi
ness touohiiig every person in this
oountry. This army bave at least two
persons tlepsuding on them for support.
Baok of these are seventy million o(
people wbo will oot brnok interference
by any oombiuaiioo that wonld stop
ud stagoate Ibe bastness arterisl blood
f the country, tl iwing through all the
-veins along which rails are laid . Better
.defend tii system l.'U every pouny of
it is lost than carry it eoross ouly to
give it up to those wbo wo,,ld destroy
the Government and break down the
law tissue of tbe oouutry, au b" koown
at cowardly betrayers of )rut.
Foiseroy's Advance Thought.
ojtCQjN or, ruf.
The wool clip of Oregon has Utaq
large this var, and of exoellent quality.
Iu speaking of this year's wool clip, a
prominent dealer has this t-i say in re
gard t i the nutter: "Nearly all the
wool clip of this sfcawiu iu boib tbe
Willamette and (Jinpqua valleys bas
been disposed of aud is now in the
bands of dealers. This wool has been
Bbipped to Portland aud from there sent
to various points in the east. About
three-fourths of ibis year's clip in East
ern Oregon has been eold and is now in
possession of tbe purchasers. This
wool did not oome by way of Portland,
but was sent east from points beyond
tbe Casoade mountains. Tbe average
price paid for Willamette valley wool
was from 9 to 10 cents per pound.
For tbe Ucnvqa clip, the piice was
from 9 to 10 oeuis. Tbe Eastern
Oregou clip was inferior in grade to
tbat of either tbe Willamette or Umpqua
valley and did not command as good a
price. Tbe average prioi for the East
ern Oregon clip was from 5 to 8 oents.
In botb quality aud grade the Oregon
clip is duly up to that of last year."
That Tired Feeling
Is a dangerous condition directly due to
depleted or impure blood. It should
oot be allowed to contioue, as in its
debility tbe system is especially liable
to serious attaoks of illaess. Hood's
Sarsaparilla is tbe remedy for snob a
oouilniou, aud hlso tor that weukuts
wbiob prevails at tbe obange ot season,
climate or life.
Apropos of tbe feminine attire, a
oharming little blossom of beautiful
feminiuity informed us tbe other day
that gatberd waists would be much
woru tbe coming summer says an ex
change. As a matter of news this inter
eating infoima.iou comes like b flash of
lightening from a clear skv, for we
would have you know, peutle reader,
tbat is our long suit we mean gather
ing waists. There isn't mure tban one
uiau in a hundred wbo knows how to
gather a waist and gather it right. A
great many go at it the same as tbey go
at washing sheep or sawing wood, wbiob
is, indeed, entirely wrong. A waist
nbould be gathered, as a general thing,
with the right arm, altb'ingb we are
pleased to be able to state that our long
praotioe has enabled ns to work witb
ibe right or tbe left witb equal celerity.
It shonld be bandied about as you
would a dnzn of eggs done up in a
funnel-shaped paper at a grocery store,
nut j 1 you are sure you bave it all gather
ed aud well iu band, or arm, and then,
tbe amount of firm and steady pressure
that a little, frail-looking waist will stand
is enough to make a man wish for the
bugging qualifications of a polar bear.
We have been there and know whereof
we apeaK
W. H. Nelson, who is iu the drug busi
ness at Kiugville, Mo , bas so mucb con
Uiience iu Cnamberlaiu's Oolic, Cholera
aud Diarrlioe i llemedy that be warrants
every bottle and offers to lefuud the
money to every customer wbo is not
ntiflnd after usiug it. Mr. Nelsou
akes no risk in doing this beoaUKe the
Kemedy is a certain cure for the diseases
lor winch it is intended and he knows it.
It is fur sale br 81oum-Jobuston Drug
Who says women are all oowardf, be'
cause some nervous ladies swoon at the
sight of a harmless mouse? Tbe wife
of Editor Hhntt, of tbe Antelope Herald,
in E.iBlern Oregon, is a plucky one.
While driving along tbe road a few
days ago she discovered a rattlesnake that
wanted to fight. Hitching her horse
she proceeded to dispatch bis snake
ship with a "dornick," aud bundling
him io a gunny sack, took him home
to exhibit, lie was SJjJ feet lung and
had nine rattles, here's a bright
example to timid ladies.
Last June Dick Crawford brought bis
twelve tnnntLs-old ohild, suffering from
iniautile diarrtiiB i, to me. It had been
weaned at four mouths old aud had
always been sickly. I gave it the usual
treatment in such oases but without
beuefit. The ohild kept growing thinner
until it weighed but little more than
when born, or perhaps ten pounds. 1
then started the father to giving Chara-
herlaiu's Colic, Chnlara and Diurrhusi
Remedy. Before one noitle of the
2.) cent size had bwo nwil a marked
improvement was seen audits oontinued
iHi cured tbe child. Its weakness aud
i. liny constitution disappeared and its
lather and myself believe the obild's life
whs saved by this Iiemedy. J. T. Mar
low, M D, Tauiaroa, III. For sale b)
jlocuui Johnston Drug Co.
In Ji'stioe Court J. C. Faulconer,
of D uiglas, who was arrested on oom
plaiut of Joe Filkins, of the same neiub
horhood, was given a bearing before
Judge Freeland yesierday. Two charges
were disposed of yesterday . Tbe first
wan for using obsoeue language and dis
orderly conduct iu the presence of ladies
and tbe other for i rnelly torturing, tor
menting and over driving a band of cat
tle. Iu b"tb the above oases the defeid
ent was found not guilty. The third
ohsrge is that of threatening to do
bodily harm to oomplainiug witness, Joe
Filkins, who asks that the defeudant be
put under bonds to keep tbe peace.
Defend nut was given a hearing today
and placed nuder S-M bonds whioh
were furnished.
Do Not Waste Money, Time or Patience.
If you need power for any purpose
hatever, send at nnce for catalogue of
Hercules lias and Gasoline Engines.
They are simple, strong, safe and snb-i-tinl.
Their eonoruv, reliability,
strength ami superior workm mship are
beyond q'leetion, and we defy teats to
h oontrarv. HiljUKK A Bar FjUNHKV,
Frout & Alder js , 1'oitland, Or.
Uealth demindsahealthyltver. Tsks
Simmons Liver Begulator for dyspepsia
aad indigestion.
JWTA C'.tf7, 5c straight
lose of Key West, "
Carl Dunder, "
liming Sun, nix for 25 cent.
The Best 6 Cent Cigars
ever sold in Heppner.
for y aT"
P. C. Thompson
Next session begins the 17th of Sep
tember, 1801.
Tuition, free. Board, $2.50 a week.
Five Courses: Classical, Scientific,
Literary, English and Business.
The Boarding Hall for young iBdies
and the Boarding Hall for young gentle
men will be nnder the pergonal supervi
sion of Mrs. Mnnra.alady of refinement
and large experience. For Catalogues,
address J. .1. Walton,
58 71. Beoy. Regents.
Notice of Contest.
V. 8. Laud Office, Ths Dalles, Or.,
July 21, 1894.
this Office by Anna J Bal.lger against
John K. All n for abandoning Ms Homestead
Entry No. 416rt, dated Dec. 17. 18H1, upon the
NWJSectiO'i W, Township 1 North, Kange H
E, In Morrow County uiegon with a view to
the cancellation of said enirv, the said parties
are hereby summoned to appear at this ollice
on the'tcb day ol He teinber, 1S9I. at 10 o'clock
A. M., to r spond and furnish testimony con
cerning said alleged abandonment.
J. W. Morrow, county c er , is authorized to
take test moiiy at his ollice in Heppner, Or., on
Bent 17, 1894. J. V. MOORE,
67-67. Register.
Liar OF bKTfKKa
Ij Or., Aug. 13, 1891.
Hntten, Mr. Karl Lamham, Mr. Tom
Kolan .', Ueo. V
When calling for these letterB please say
J. P. Williams, P. M.
Wheat Sacks. The Morrow County
Land A Trust Co. are potting out wheat
sacks ut their warehouses at Dougla?,
lone and Heppner. All those wishing
sacks should see them. 67tf.
"How to Cure All Skin Diseases.'
Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment."
Mo internal medioine required. Cures
tetter, eczema, itch, al1 jrnptions on the
face, banda, nose, &o., leaving tbe skin
clear, white sod healthly. Its great
healing and onrative powers are possess
ed by no other remedy. Ask your di ng
gist tor HwajDe's Ointment, hw 1 yr.
We are in receipt of the May number
of our state school paper. It exceed
any of tbe former numb'-ra it vain -.
The paper this month contains many
new and valuable features. The illus
trated series on tbe schools of the state
is introduced by a paper on tbe Friends
Polytechnic Institute at Salem, Oregon.
These papers cannot fail to be of great
valne botb to the sohools an 1 to tbe
There are also several fine articles
by our best writers and tbe departments
"Current Eveuts,""8atnrday Thoughts,''
"Eduoational News" "The Oracle
Answers, Correspondents," etc., eaob
ooutain much valuable reading for
teachers or parents. The magazine
has about 60 pages of matter, well
printed and arranged. We pronounce
tbe Western Pedagogue the best eduoa
tional mouthly on the count.
Everyone of onr readers should bave
the paper if tbey are at all interested
in education. No teacher school direc
tor or student can get along well with
out it. We will receive subsoript.ons
at this office. Price only $1.00 a year.
When desired we will send the Western
Pedagogue aud (lazette one year to one
address for $3.00. Call and examine
maniple copies. Teachers, direotors and
parents, now is the time to subscribe, tf
That shortness of breath is dyspepsia
Take Simmons Liver Regulator.
Tbe Btndehaker wagon beads tbem nil.
For Bale at Gilliam A Bisbee's. a
"Hardware" did yon sayT Why, yes
at P. C. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the
place for bargains. t
The Keeley Institute, at t'orest Grove
ou res liquor, opium, morphine, cocaiue
and tobuoco habit, nee al. 1
If ynu want to buy groceries, and
bread stuff oheap, go to the Enterprise
Grocery. Kirk & liuhl, proprietors, a
The general merchandise establish
inent formerly owned by Ootliu a Merer
laud, has lately changed bauds, now be
ing nuder the control and management
of The MoFarland Mercantile Conipiinv,
which continues business at the old stand
with a larger stock than ever. a
That paiu uoder the shoulder blade
is dyspepsia. Take Simmons Liver
To develop tbe gold properties in
Lewiston, Miners' Delight, Atlantic,
South Pass, G ild Creek, or on tbe
Bustler Belt. You uau get full infor
mation regarding reliable miues which
are tor sale by the camps mentioned by
addressing James A. McAvoy, county
olerk of Fremont ec uuty, Lander, Wyo.,
Wm., Sturgis, Jr., Cheyeune, Wyo., A.
Kendall, cashier First National bank,
Rook Springs, W70., S. L. Hpangler,
obairman Fremont board uf county
commissi mere, Atlantic City, vTyo.
The Uuion Pacific is the shortest and
quickest litis to th South Pass
conulry, daily stuges from Rok Snrings
and Hawlios.
Don't ruin your diiiestive organs witb
pills and purgatives. Take Simmons
Livsr Regulator.
f .-'-eitJar-
School Diploma entitles one to teeh in any county In the sate without further examination.
uraauates command gooa positions.
Normal, $6.28; Sub-Normal, 80; Commercial, $,25.
Board st Normal P'niLB Hall, $1.75 per week; furnished rooms with fire and
light, from 81 00 to SI 25 per week; unfurnished r ioras 50 cents per week. Bosrd
and lodKinR in private families from S3 00 to $3.50 per week.
Vitality and arowth have always charae'erized
promises to ne one 01 ine nesi in us nmnry.
Catalogue cheerfully sent on application.
or W. A. WANN, S cretary of Faculty. 53
Wm. PENLAND & Co.,
General Merchandise
Farmers' and Stockmen's Supplies.
mISH TO INFORM the peopled Mor
row County that they have located in
Heppner and solicit, a liberal share of the trade
Our Motto is Good Quality and
Reasonable Prices.
Ayer's Aitue Cure is an antidote for
malaria and all malarial diseases, wheth
er eenemted by swamp or sewer.
Neither qniuine, arsenic, aor any other
injtiri ms drug enters into the com
position of this remedy. Warraul ed to
cure fevor aud ague.
(i. A. It NOTICE.
We take this opportunity of inform
ing onr aubsonhers that the new com
missioner of pensions bas beeu appoint
ed. He is an old soldier, and we believe
that soldiets and tbeir heirs will receive
justice at bis bands. Wed 1 not antici
pate that there will be any radical
ohanges in the administration of pensiots
affairs under the new regime.
We would advise, however, thut U.
8. soldiers, sailors and tbeir heirs, take
steps to make apt lination at once, if
tbey huve not aleady done so, iu order
to Hcoure the benefit of the early filing
of their olaims in case there should be
any future pension legislstion. Such
legislation is seldom retrosotive. There
fore it is of yreat importance thnt ap
plications be filed in tbe department at
the earliest possible date.
If tbe TJ. - . soldiers, sailors, or their
widows, children or parents desire in
formation in regard to pension matters,
they should write to tbe Press Cloiiiia
Company, nt Washington, D O., and
they will prepare and send the necessary
application, if tbey find them entitled
under tbe numerous laws enacted tor
tbeir b-nefit. Address
Jonn Wkddehbi'BN, Manairing Attor
ney, Washington, D. C, P.O. Box 33.
A horse kicked H. S. Shafer, rf the
Freemyer House, Middlebnrg, N. Y , on
the knee, whioh laid him up in bed and
oaused the knee joint to become stiff
A friend recomniendfd him to nse Cham
berlain's Pain Balm, which he did, and
in two days was able to be around. Mr.
Shafer bas recommended it to many
others aud says it is exoellent for any
kind of a bruise or epmin. This same
Kemedy is also famous for its cures of
rheumatism. For sa e by Slnoum-.John
ston Drug Co.
Dislodge Bile,
Stir up the Liver.
Cure Sick-Headache,
Female Ailments,
Remove Disease aid
Promote Good Hea'th.
Covered with a Taatalan 4 Soluble Coating.
Famous the world over.
Ask lor Brec ham's and law no others.
Of all druggists. Prict JS cents a box.
Nrw Vorn Depot. 6 Canal St
W. L. Douclas
Vv WiiWb HoaauiaMNOi
Y can mt mover br mrciMU V. JU
l'uui.a Shu.
Because, we btc tbe Utgeit luanuuctnren ol
dvcr.iseJ tacet in the world, and guarauic
the value by t ampin the name and price on
the boltoiu, which protect jvo against high
pticea and the middleman! profits. Our aboe
equal custom work m style, easy fitting and
V . i;.; . ' k,. than auil.-l ai-orv.
i weannx ". - .-v . ,
I where at Ucr prWi for Hie value given than
any o!'.icr maLe. T .-e no substitute. If your
dealer caauot supply you, we can. bold by
iJelrr whose Dime will shortly ap
perbr, A gem I wanted. Apply it onoe
" rr 1 enrso J rns yopi r r .4 r r
KI T TllF. siiHKn'-T TH 1 UK"
Thirteenth Annual Session
A train in p hool for TeachPTi. Theory and
Practiceoombined. Htrong ' rofMlouaI Courw,
and well eq ipped Model School. 'JhorouRh
Preparatory ai-a Academic t'ourrei. Normal,
Advanced Normal, Business, Music and Art
iec rtmentB. Llifbt expemes. Board nd
lodffiiiK, books and
tuition not above lioOper
The town of Monmouth has a beautiful and
healthful location in the very heart of the Will
amet e Valley, twelve miles Southwest of the
BtMTe Can tRi. It has no saloons. The Normal
the work of the N'ormol. The coming year
P. L. CAMPBELL, President,
- 62 sw.
1 01 Morrow, State of OreEon.
Mary J. IJoonau, plaiutiU, vs. Wm. Dr.onan
To the abovo named defendant, William
Donnait: In the name of the State of Oregon
your are hereby require to appear and answer
the coniplHint filed aeainst ynu in the above
entilled suit ou r before the 4 dav of September.
A. U., 1J4. the same being the tirst day ol the
next regular term ol said ourt, and 11 yon mil
solo answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will
appiv tn said court for a decree diBt-oting the
marriage routract existing between said
plaintitr and said defendant, and fur
the costs and disbursements of this
suit. Ihis summons is published by
order of Hon. W L. Bradshaw, judge of said
court. Done at chambers at The Dalles, Oregon,
July 17th, MM.
Ellis, Daw-on & Lyons,
251-03. Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice of Intention.
ij July 2.1, 1891, Notice Is hereby given that
the following named settler has filed notice rf
his intention to muke final proof In suppnrtof
his claim, and that Baid proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, comity clerk, at Heppner
Oregon, on ept. 1, inu, viz:
Hd. application No. 4777 for the tl N W'! 3 WK
N WW and N WJt S W! Sec. SO. Tp. 1 d. R. 26
He names the foil -wing witnesses to prove
Discontinuous residence upon aud cultivation
of said land, viz
Cyrus Mitier, Charley Benefiel, Charley Val
entine and W. M. Booher, all of Lexington.
251-261. Jas. F. Moobk, Register.
Administrator's Notice.
letters of administration on the estate of
Frederick KretZBChmar. deceased, were granted
to the undersigned on the 7th day of Inly, 1694.
by theCounty Court of Morrow county. All
persons having claims against Baid estate are
required to exhibit them tome for allowance
at my place of business in Heppnor, Morrow
Co , Oregon within six months after the date of
this notice or they s-.all be forever bar.ed.
Alan h 11 persons owing said estate are requested
to settle at once.
Dated, Heppner, Or., July 7, 1891. 247-56
Assessor's Notice.
N lice is tiereby given that the tax list will
be completed by the last Monday in August,
1894 mid that at thi date will be examined hy
the county hoard of equalization Those who
desire corrections or alterations in their assess
ments are required to appear before the board
at the court house in llenpner on above date.
H. L SHAW. Assessor,
Hy J. KOBEKis, Deputy.
Heppner, Or., Aug. J, 1894. 54-60.
NO. 2301.
Send this Ciil KiN and
0 O
1 Q
! lfS Cent to
! -2M .leai-born St.. Chicago, III.
! nii rwiMve (pout paid) ONE
I'lECF. K MUSIC, oi vour own
choice, named below or THREE
Piece for (0 cents, nr SIX ) ieoes
for $1.00. Hemlt pocmi note or
one and two ceut atanipa.
This Coupon not good after
December Slst, 194.
The Latest Music
VVsdded Aftkk thb Ball. Hy Barnev Ka
lian ' ...10 cts
Most popular Waltz Sone of the day.
Dedicated to Mr V. K. Harirs, author
ol "Al'er the Ball "
A DaRAM op Arcadia Waltsonp Tanyon X rts
The song of all songs. Favorite of
Ad, Una Va'li.
Moonuo HI ON THE Laooon, hy Geo.
tsohleittarth .... eta
Latest popular success hy tnts noted
1)AN." "AUT 3ls T B," "W'HKRE .Mv
Honry Slkkps," complete . :," cts
Three charmliitf. plaintive and charac
teristic Southern phu ks w ritt. n
Col. Will L. lsscher, and arranged b
W. Hebert Lanynu.
AT Eventide, Nocturne for piano, Mar
cus ... so cts
A very brilliant Nocturne, about
Itrsde t -5.
In Flow'by Groves, reverie for piano.
Marcus Wets
Beau'iful reverie, original, and sure
tn oiease.
f$F'!'he above are all fine editions of val
uable copyrigbts, and cannot be had InCUE.YP
Coupon, must accompany the order to secure
the reductions naimd.
One horse brsnded M S. Finder will
plesae rctnrn to Qearge M. Maeaioner,
in them untuina, or to A. AbrHharusick,
Heppner, Or., end receive snitatile
earil. Tliere are other t rsmia on tlie
animal beside tbe one meniioi ed, but
tbe writer eauuot dearrili them,
City ;
IS Popular Hostelry h,s again
been re-opened and will be run
first class style.
3 and Kootus at Popular
Ale Ml
Tbf Lightest, Strongest and
Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney.
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys,
and of seeing that .inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to.
gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at case
advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
others are infringing on your rigtts, or if you are charged with infringement by
others, submit the matter to uf for a reliable OPINION before acting on the
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trout iad lviciuyiug jiilia euro Guiisi. pat ion
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Almost all pills and medicine produce constipation, here Is a r'"l t-ia cures torpid
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Is the prime cause of all sickness, beware of It getting habitual and chreulc with you,
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clear the akin and removo all blotches
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Or sont by mail upon receipt of price iy
Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co.,
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u n .i T 7,. , " vUUDLi,uuUU
ha. I PrentiBg Rectifying pllla c ire constipation
JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney,
P. O. Box 463. Washington. D. C.
l-.ili j , ??'aKTS "na snor
AfJmiV "ot',ino dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows
widow. she h...in died oVren.ried:
service, or from effect, of Wi Z. .!,. .
port. It make, no difference wither so dler 5Y
tow-Mii'snwf und" one
inousandsol soldiers drawing from $2 to $10 per month under the old lav- ire entitled to
..tilrlShiiSifSdfo? Ss'r.Uvr'no? "V war .re aUo
or drpeont t0m"' a,Hl th"r W,dows """"titled, if ..xly-two year, of aSe or disabled
WerUws"orUn,ot0mpltUdand'ett,emtn,obtai,led. a" pension ha, been granted under
Send for isw.nd information. Ko charge for .dJce. Ko fee nnleu succcful. Addrew.
p o J5,N WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
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All bMioecs attended to
manDer. .Notaries
office in national
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Easiest Running Mower Made.
COMPANY, Agents.
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Try a box and see for youp-
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in prompt Rn(, gati,fBcto
Poblic and Collectors.
baxk bcildixo.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office