.NOTICE TO AUVEBT1H1SBS. ,iot later thau Monday evening lor TueaSav'a 'toll. TH PATT.iwuM FUBUaH mo CO. NOTICE. 1. The sum of five cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors and obituary notices, (other than thOBe the edit! or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notice of special meetings for whatever pu rpoBe 2. Notices of church and society and another entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of Ave rents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication No correspondence will be published unless the writer s real name is signed asau evidence of good faith. LP. FISHEK, NEWSPAPER ADVERTld- ing Agent, a Merchants JSichange Ban r raucisco, Is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on tile in his omce. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows ' Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. A rrlves every day at 6 p. m except Monday The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the Interior country. w , B. A. HUNSAKER, Prop. l'hlll Cohn, Agent. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Fatronize those who patronize you. Here and There. Subscribe tor the Gazette. Advertising pays in the (iazette, Lee Matlock is back from Pendleton. Mrs. Geo. Muir is visiting io Heppner tbis week. Ob Welle ie feeding a tLresber out on Eitrht Mile. Ben Huusaker and family have moved to Heppner. Diok Ambler was over from Jobu Day Wednesday. Walter Van Duyn is back from the Blue mountains. Judge A. Mallory and wife ate visit ing over at Union. Miss Eppa Wilson has returned to her borne at Monument. Green Mathews will sew sacks for Osmin & Thompson. Felix Johuson and wile were in town Tuesday from Butter creek. Lea Matlock is baok from Hie hay-field looking rugged and healthy. Chas. McDowell and Will Spencer have returned from Desolation. O. Coohran was thrown from a horse recently receiving a dislooated shoulder. Clay Lnoe and Sum Elliott pulled out this morning with fieight for the John Day. Mrs. Joe Haney, of the lower couutry, is gettiug muoh better, having been seriously ill. The Davidson Bros, will Boon make their thresher hum out in the Eigbt Mile section. Large assortment of lubricating oils just reoeived and for sale by P 0. Thompson Company. 2 t. Phill Cohn left on Tuesday's train for Portland t.i meet his family on their way from 'Frieoo to Heppner. Photographs $1.50 pet dozen at Sbep pard's gallery, near opera houBe, north MaiD 8t., Heppuer, Ore. 26tf. New stock of the beet laundry soap ever sold in Heppner. Made to order for P. 0. Thompson Company. 2 t. Agent Hart, of the O. R. & N., accom panied by his daughters, Vi and Cora, visited The Dalles early this wek. The Heppner Flouring Mill Co. will aell fl.mr at 82.25 per barrel in any quantities. All flour warranted. W. A. Fiaher brought the shop a fine lot of fruit, eta, yesterday Mr. Fisher says his crop this year is very tine. J. F. Spray, of the Liberty Meat Market, is now selling meatobeaperthuo any shop in Eastern Oregon, He offers big discounts for oasb. 55 tf Hilt Hale has a very fine gold-bearing claim up on the Methow, Wash. He ti s left the Haystack country and located npin that section. Any person in Deed of a sacksewer will please oall at the Guze te office. Prefers to sew and "buck" the saoks, rather tbao to sow exclusively. 3t. Stage leaves for Echo Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, returning on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. H. Wade, Prop. T. W.Ayers.Jr., agent. Oso r Minor and family and Miss Lena Beahme, and E. Minor and family, took their departure on Wednesday morning for the mountains to go into camp for a few weeki. Fossil Journal: Mr. 'Gene Gilman and wife, accompanied by two gentlemen whose names we did not learn, arrived at the Prairie Ranch from Dallas Thurs day. They eame via the Barlow route. The City hotel burned at Walla Walla Sunday morning. The proprietor, D. H. Henroid, Louis Henroid and D'Diel Bacbolt barely escaped with their lives. Bacholt was fatally burned. La Grande Gazette : S R. Reeves is confioed to his room nursing numerous b-niaes, the result of a runaway hich occurred on the Ladd canyon hill while be was returning from a trip to the mines. T.-M.: The few- echool ma'ms elected to office in Oregon will be pained to le. rn that the attorney general is of tde opinion that under the constitution women oannot bold an elective office in Oregon. Mrs. Noian, a lady 70 years of age. was browo from her bogey t Dufur, Waseo Co., on Monday, and received in i'lries from wbioh she soon died. Hbe was going to a funeral when ber borse became friuhtened and ran Bway. The big bridge that went down witb . freight trair near Alto, Wah, on Sunday, was 96 feet bigb and 300 reel long and contained ovr l.OM.OOl) feet of lumber, nearly all of which is badly broken up. The. freight oars were loaded witb wheat, flonr and ore, the most of which will be recovered. A. C. Carle, of Boise City, Idaho, has purohased the tonsorial parlor '"mery sswned by Gid Hatt, at the Matlock fanilding next door to Bimon t blaon mith shop, where be invites the patron age ot all who desire strictly first class mark at reasonable prioes. Haircut, sbave or shampoo, 25 cents each. Uive him a call. The regular subscription price of the gerai-Weekly Gaz-tte is 82.50 and tbe regular price of the Weekly Oxonian is $1.50. Anyone snbscnbiog Tor tne Gnvite and paying for one year in advnce ran get both he Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for $3. All old snb Mriben paying their subscriptions for one year Id advance will be entitled to be same. there nothing up there to mike life a ru uu, lne Dosatir-, and as ihe greater part of bis attentions are given to dumb brutes, the man with an average omisoience can gel along. But when the Uv makes an error and bites a bnld spot at tbe base of the brain, the muaio be gins. Ayei's Ague Cure never fails to neu tralize the poisons of malaria, and erad icate them from thesystem. Tuisprep aration is purely vegetable, contains no harmful ingredients, and, if takeD according to directions, is warranted to onre tVver and ague. Try it. Times Mountaineer : Mr. Roger B. Sinnott arrived in the city from Notre Dame univfrsity. IndianB, yesterday. He hns lately graduated from the law department. Mr. Smnottie aeon of Col. Siuuott. of the Umatilla House, and bis many friends will oongratulate theyoung man upon the honors he has already won. During the dog day season, the drain of nervous and vital energy may be counteracted bv the use of Ayer's Sarsa parilla. In purifying the blood, it acts as a superb oorreotive and tonio, and enables the system to defy malarial ana other olimalio influences. Dr. M. M. Niohols and wife Brrived Wednesday last from Long Creek witb tbe remains of their baby who was kill ed in the Long Creek cyclone. The remains were interred in the Heppner oemetery. C. J Bright, deputy grand cbanoellor of the Knights of Pythias of this district, wan with llnpi T.r..a lna u.nn ...... v.i.w wugi7 tan, ua m iiny eyening. This was a special meeting E. M. 8hutt was beaten by the profes sional sprinter. Stevens, at Antelope recently. Another race was run between tbe two on the 8th inst., Shutt being al lowed fifteen feet start. If vou owe the Gazette you must ex peot that pay will be demanded. We need our mouey, and don't ex, eft to borrow under the circumstances. Come, give us a lift. I B. Nattpr has reopened the Brewery Saloon, keeping on tap at all times tb best beer o i the Pncifio ooast. Also on bands the best brands of liquors, wines and cigars. 56tf. B. F. Hevland. T. J Carle. Robt Saver, A. G. Bar(bolomew, J. E. Cole man, and others whom the Gazette man did not Bee, have visited Heppner during tbe past wppk. Whiskers that are prematurely gray o faied should be colored to prevent tb, Io k of ae, and Buckingham's Dye excels all others in coloring brown or blaolr. Recently Wm. Rudlo brought over four gold bars, the prndnot of the Fox valley placers, each vilued at $1,0 0. Tbey were sent to tbe mint at 'Frieoo. A man w as run oer by the passenger down at The Dalles a few nights ago, Th inquest wm held next day witb tbe nsual result drti'ik Bud a'leep. Mrs. Arthur Smith. Mrs. Walt Rich ard8nn, Dr. B. F. Vaughan and family Bnd J. O. Ball and family got away Wednesday for the Blues. E. O : Wm, Radio, a Long Creek mer chant, is in town. He is interested in stock and awaits here a baud which is coming from Long Creek. L B. Gorham, traveling freight agent for the ChicBgo, Rock Island & Pacifio oame in this morning and is looking for business from this point. Penland & Co. have on hand the finest lot of lubricating nils in tbe market. If yon are needing oils for your machine, call on them. 56lf. Heppner is making some decided im provements in the way of new sidewalks, ornsHwalks, bridges, etc. These are much needed. One Caffny, of Haystack, paid a debt witb another man's money and now lan guishes in the oounty baslile with Sheriff Combs. Now that beer oan be prooured with out interruption, J. B. Natter has reopen ed his saloon, opposite the Gazette office. C. S. Van Duyn is preparing to open up a branob grooery store at Lexington. It will be under the obarge of bis son, Walter. Newt, Livingstone, of Monument, came in yesterday with wool, and will go out today with a load of supplies. John and Emmet Coohran, W. A. Allen and other John Day teamsters were witb us this week. Pap Simons & Son have added ao ex rafireto meet all requirements in their blacksmith Bbop. Penland & Co. will have wheat sacks for sale at the Lexington platform and at the Heppner store. 66lf. .Tobr. Hornor is unable to attend to sohool duties this week owiug to au at tuck of neuralgia. If you want to enj iy your meals strengthen your digestion witb Simmons Liver Regulator. The material for tbe new bridge aoross tbe North Fork has arrived and is being hauled over. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, bilious ness, j luodioe, indigestion, sick head ache. 2oo Mrs Geo. Thornton has left for The D.illes to join her husband, their future residence. Ves Kirk and family departed Tues day to take up their residence in The Dalles. Eill Colwell and J. W. Hylton were in Wednesday to get some header repairs. Teacher's examination is in progress this week with only one present. Geo. B. Te irowe has made extensive obauges in the Palace hotel bar. Born To the wife of Walt Thompson, Sunday, Aug. 4th, a boy. Tunis Swiek, one of Grant county's leading men, is in town. Bill Biddle, of Gooseberry, was in town Wednesday. Mis. Jerry Brosman iaquite ill at the Palace hotel. Lee Padberg was up from Lexington Wednesday. A Oood Appetite Always accompanies good health, and n ohasnne of aDoetite is an indication of something wrong. The universal testimony given by those wbo bave nsea j . u..nariliii. u to its merits in nuuuBO'B"K"'"'"' a restoring tbe appetite, and aa a puriner of tbe blow!, constitutes iub aiiuuac rrnmmendtion that can be nrged for any medicine. Kidney aff-etions of years standing cured by Simmons Liver Regulator. J. W. Poyuts. Take Simmons Liver Regulator to keep the boweU regular. One dose is wortn 100 dollars. sji.i.rssyr That Tired Feeling So common at this season, Is a serious condition, llabls to itad to disastrous results. It la a sura sign of declining health tone, and that XL blood Is lm povtrlshed and lmpur. The best and most successful ramadj ia found la HOOD'S Sarsaparilla Which makes rich, healthy blood, and thus gives strength to the nerves, elas ticity, to the muscles, vigor to the brain and health to the whole body. In truth, Hood's Sarsaparilla Makes the Weak Strong Be sure to get Hood's and only Hood's Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, per 'ectly harmless, always reliable and beneficial. Don't Fought It. Travellers must not forget that the O. R. & N. line is thoroughly repaired and all trains are running without transfer or delay. Through servioe to Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago; Pullman sleepers, free reclining chair cars, upholstered tourist sleepers and modern day coaohes. Call on O. K. & N. agent before purchas ing tickets, or address W. H. Hnrlburt, Gen'l PaBBenger Agent, Portland. 55-7. Shoe Making and Repaibikq Neat ly Done. Joe Dubois, having bought out the shoo shop formerly owned by Ed Birbeck, in tbe Abrahamsick build ing on May street, and also having seoured the eervioeB of au experienced workman, is now prepared to do all kinds of shoe making in a strictly first olass style. Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. When you need any work in bis line give bits a oall. 54tf. A Veteran Wool Buyer. George Davis is back from Lewiatoo. All tbe wool is bought up there and Mr. Davis will be in Penbleton but a few days longer, having merely to look to the fur ther disposition of wools bought and not shipped. Mr. Davis is the chief representative in tbis section of Kosh land & Company, and is a veteran at the wool business. Koahland & Com pany bave learned to depend on him and leave their business in safe hands when entrusting it to George Davis. His visits to Pendleton, bis summer head quarters, are now a regular thing and each time he comes friends are added to tbe list already his. E. O. Mr. Davis arrived at Heppner tbis morning and will remain a few days on business. Oveb in Gilliam. Rev. Frank Par rish and wife arrived this week from Heppner to visit the family of K F. Reooe and other friends. Frank was raisd here until 12 years old, and finds much pleasure in re-visiting the scenes of biB childhood and going over again iu tbougbt the escapades of bis boyhood days, many of such be will now bave to frown upon, in his new role of preacher, when praotioed by other children. But boys will be boys, and a happy, mischiev ous laddie generally contrives to extract as much happiness out of lite as the average preacher. Mrs, Renoe is a sister of Mr. Parrish, and he was at onoe surprised aud pleased Wednesday when Mrs. DeGuire, another sister, arrived at Mrs. lienoe's from Salem. Fossil Journal. A Frightful Fall. Sunday morn ing a trestle on the Union Paoifio road at Alto, Wash., fell with a freight train. The trestle is 96 feet bigb and that any one on the train escaped death is miraculous. Engineer James Jesse felt the trestle giving and pulled tbe throttle of his engine wide open, break ing it loose from tbe tender. The en gine shot ahead, jumped the traok and ran a short distance on the ties, but reached a bent that stood, so that it did not godown with the wreck. Fifteen cars loaded with wheat, two with Hour and tbe caboose went over, and were smashed to kindling wood. No one was killed, bnt Conductor Watson bas a compound fracture of tbe left arm, a fracture of the right arm above the elbow, bis right shoulder is dislocated and his ankle is kprained. David Wright, a brakeman, has three ribs broken on bis rigbt side, his left fore arm is broken and his ankle dislocated. He is also bruised aud out badly, but tbe doctors say he will recover. Fred Harrison, the other brakemuu, escaoed without serious injury, but be is a mass of bruises and cuts. The injured men are being oared for in the hospital at Walla Walla.-Chronicle. 1100 Reward, 1100. Tbe reader of this paper will be pleas ed to lenrn that there is at least one dreaded disease' that science bas been able to cure in all its stages, and tbat is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tbe only positive cure known to tbe medioal fra'ernity. Catarrh being a constitution al disease, requires a coosti'ntiocal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aoting directly on the blood and mucous sorfaoes of the system, thereby destroying tbe foundation of tbe disease, and giving the p-tienl strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. Tbe proprietor! have so much faith in its curative powers, that tbey offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to onre. Send for list of testimon ials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75o . B. A. Hnnsaker rune stage between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every day except Sunday. Shortest and cheap est route to the interior. P. (John, agent. I HE STANDARD MOWER! Has the reputation of beiDg the Lightest Running, Least Wear, Fewer Repairs, of any machine in the market. FOB S"? The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP MANCHE8TBH, BNOLAND A. W. PATTERSON, AGENT. oo ojfjthe. osti t:tvewrij? E- J. SLOCUM, HAS The Agency for the Brownsville Woolen Mills. And ha on hands a full line ot their goods inoluding suits, blankets, woolens, etc. He is also prepared to take measures for suits. Palace Hotel Building, Heppner, Oregon, for Infants " Castorla Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Arciikr, M. D., ill So. Oxford Ct., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castorla is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos Marttn, D. D., New York City. TnE Cbntaur DR. POOTB'S II ANIt-noOK OF HEALTH HINTS AND READY KECIPEIt, Is the title of a very valuable book that gives a great amount of Information of the Utmost Importance to Everybody, concerning their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, eto. IT TELLS ABOI T What to Hat, Influence of Plants, Parasites of the Skin, Care of Teeth, Bow to Eat It, Occupation for invalids, Bathing Best Way, After-Dinner Naps, Things to Do, Alcohol as a Food and a Lungs and Lung Diseases, Meets of Tobacco, Things to Avoid, Medicine, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance, Perils of Summer, Superfluous Hair, Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Cause & Cuie, How to Breathe, Removing Same, How Much to Wear, To Get Hid of Lice, Dangers of Kissing, Restoring the Drowned, Contagious Diseases, Malarial Affections, Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-Sighted- How to Avoid Them, Croup to Prevent. Ventilation, Bern, Exercise, IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Black Eyes, Bolls, Bums, Chlllblains, Cold Feet, Corns, Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning, Holes, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Mouth, Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Fent, Toothache, Ulcers, Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms in Children. IT WILL HA V IS lOCTOitS BILLS. UTAH new suDscribers and prompt renewnls durinRtbo montb of June will be presensed with a free copy of this aa a premium. Piles! Pllest Itching Piles. Symptoms Moisture ; intense and stinging most at nigbt; worse bv soratcbing. If allowed to continue tu mors form, wbioh often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very Bore. Swayne's Ointment atopa tbe itching and bleeding heals ulceration, and in most cases re moves tbe tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 60 oeuts. Dr. Sway ne & Soi t'buadelpliia. bw 1 yr. THE WESTKKN PEDAGOGUE. We nre in receipt of tbe May numbfi of our state school paper. It iewil any of tbe former numbers it viilu . Tbe paper this mouth contains mam new aud valuable features. Tbe illus trated series on tbe BCboola of tbe stab ia introdnced by a paper on tbe f'iieud Polytechnic Institute at Salem, Oregon. These papers oannot fail to be of reai value both to tbe schools au 1 to tbe public. There are also several lino article; by our beet writers and tbe department "Current Eveuls,""Saturday Thoughts,'' "Educational News" "I'be Uracil Answers, UorresponderitB," etc , eaol couUin much valuable reading for teachers or pareuls. Tbe magazine baa about 60 pages of matter, well printed and arranged. We prououuoe the Western Pedagogue the bent educa tional monthly on tbe coast. Everyone of our readera should have the paper if they are at all interested in education. No teachfr school direc tor or student can gel along well with out it. VVe will receive eulisoript.one at tbis office. Trice only $1.00 a year. When desired we will send tbe Western I'edagogue and Wazette one year to m e add reus for $3.00 Call and exumine sample copies. Teachers, dlrentors Bnd parents, now ia tbe time to subscribe, tf Laat June pick Crawford brought Lie twelve-morjtLH-olJ child, BuflBriitfc from infantile dirrhoBa to me. It had been weaned at four ri.onths old aud hart always been sickly. I gave it tbe usual treatment in aucu oa&on but without be ne tit. Tbe child kept growing thinner until it weighed but little more thun when born, or perhaps ten pounds. 1 then started the father to giving Cham bertaio's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoia Remedy. Before one ooitle of tbe 25 cent size bad baen used & marked improvement was seeo and its continued one cared tbe child. Ite weakfUBs and puny constitution disappeared and its latber and myself believe the child's life was saved by this Umedy. J. T. Mab low, M D., Tamarua, 111. For sale by bloc am Johnston Drug Co. Gilliam & 33isbee, HEPPNER, Oil SECURED and Children. Castorla cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Ctomach, Diarrhcua, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives Bleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria,' aud shall always continue to do so as if has Invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pardee, M. D, 135th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Company, 77 Murray Strket, New York City. A YOUNG GIRL'S FORTUNE. AN INTERESTING SKETCH Nothing appeals so strongly to ft mother'! affection as ber daughter Just budding Into womanhood. Following In an instance: "Our daughter. Blanche, now 15 years of age, had bti&u terribly ulllkitcd with nervouiinvu, and had lost the entire uro of her right arm. bhe was la such a condition that we bad to keep ber from school and abandon ber muaio lea soqb. In fact, wo feared tit. Vitus dance, and are positive but for au Invaluable remedy aha would have bad that terrible afllictlon. We had employed physicians, but sue received no benefit from them. Tne first of last August she weighed but 75 pounds, and although she hat taken only three bottles of Nervine she now weighs Vn pounds; ber nervouftness and symp toms of 8U Vitus dance are entirely gone, she attends school rxgularly, and studies with com fort and eae. bhe ban recovered complete um of ber arm, ber appetite Is splendid, and no mouey could procure for our daughter the health; iir. Miles' Nervine lias brought her. When my brother mcom mended the remedy I bad no faith In patent medicines, and would not listen to him, but as a laxt resort he sout us a bottle, we began giving it to Blanche, and th effect was a I mot i rn medi ate. "him. it. K. Bullock, Brighton. N. V. Ir. Miles' Restorative Nervine la sold by all druggists on a positive guarantee, or sent direct by the Lr. Milea Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.,oa receipt of price. 8L per bottle, six bottles for 16, express prepaid, it is positively free from plates or dangcrou drugs. FornHlH by T. W. Ayers, jr. UKIVERS1TY OF OREGON. ICIJOICIWIC. Next session begins tljo 17th of Krp tpmlier. 1S!H. Tuition, free. Ilounl, 82.50 s week. Five oourses: Classical, Hcieritifla, Literary, Eriglinh and Business. DOBMITOIit. The Boarding Hull for young Indies and the Hoarding Hull for yonD gentla men will be nndor tiie personal aupervi- sinn of Mrs. Munrs, n lady of refinement nnd large experience. For Catalogues, Hririreas . J. J. Walton, ,r;3 71 Keny. Regents. Take Himmnns Liver Regulator for dypper;siu, biliousness or headrtche. A stitob in time. Take Himinons Liv er Kegulator and prevent sickness. Why Don't You Call on the New Firm at the old Van Dnyn stand ? You will certainly be surprised at the low prices in Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and A Complete Line of Groceries. COME IN AND SEE US ! No trouble to show goods nnd pive pricps. Respectfully Youus, HOR2STOR & INS After a thorough credit svstem. wehavGrsonrduH- ed to change to net cash. On and after Aug. i , '94, we will sell to one and all for CASH ONLY ! GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT Of wbat heretofore bad to be obnrgod reneonon on yon, Din is a plain to sell at lower No Favorites No Bad Del)ts A BAD BARGAIN!!! gome are as thoughtless and careless in business matters as the poor spider who lowers hiniself on his silken cord to sure destruction. They allow theuit-elves to be inveigled inlo high-pi iced stores where they get very little for their money. Beth r pationize a store that sells very low for cbbIi. If jou groceries and provisions, pies, wilies nnd bread, in fact everything kept in a first-class bakery and giocery ebtublishment, patronize the Knter prise Bakery and Grocery Store, C. RUHL, PL'opriotoi' Land Patents Laud patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time. Contested Cases Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests lletween indiviilnalH liavinit euiillit'ting claims nnder the Bt?rifulti.ral land laws, and tuoee between claimants under tbe Mineral Laws and agricultural claimants; and also between claim'intH nndnr any of the public laud laws and the Railroad companies and their grantws, and the atntes and their grantees, under the Swnmp-Land and Heboid-Land Oranie. Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers who have complied witb the laws nnder whiob their entries were made, and wbo Bre annoyed and worried by delays in the iasuo of their patents, caused by Trilling Irregularities wbioh cbh be easily and speedily removed. Advioe also given iu all matters relating to the publio lands, especially on points arising nnder the new laws whioh have been recently pnssed providing for the disposal of tbe publio domain. If yon want your land patent in a hurry if yon wuut your land business, of any oharaoter, attended to by skillful and Competent attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Weddkrhurn, Gen. Man., P. O. Box, 385. Washington, D. O. m My Institute -OF- OF )Tho yiuntf how to choose the best one to mitrry UUUKnh; 1 he rum nod bow to bo nappy in mamiiKe; YOU )The fond parent how to have prize babiesj WANT )Tho mother how t" have them without pain; TO )T lie childless how to be fruitful and multiply ; KNOW )Tho curious how they "growed" and came to be WHAT )The healthy how to enjoy life aud keep well; EVERY )Tlie invalid how to get well again speedily; UODY )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. OUGHT ) All who want knowledge that is of most worth TO )Find it in Dr. Foote's " Plain Home Talk, 1 KNOW. ) 1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates; 200 t ' .- READ )Redueed from $3.25 to $1.50: circulars frc3. ' P. If. T. Murray Hill P.ook Co., 129 E. 2Kth St., N( - VV Otis Patterson ...-.-v.-p,.,-.. y-,r-r - Of Plan! test of the cmnn B fur nuoolleotnble nconiuits. This is no bnsinees statement. We oan afford prices in this way. HIM (t CO. whi 1 nrcnins in ttnple nnd fnticy Kor the Cure Oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It l located at Forest Grove, Or., The Must Beautiful Town on the Coast. Cult at t tic Gazkttr office tor particulars. Htrtutly coiitlilentlal. Treatment (irlvaWaud sure cure. ;(IN TWO DAYS ( ONE (AGENT ( SOLD 'and4i?e ( SAVED ( $1,100 (W ONE YEAR. iOO.OOO i COPIES SOLD. H ffrjnriul. mi. iij. NOTARY PUBLIC A. CONVEYANCER CALl, A.T :