and therefore assist to buna up nepp-. ner. Patronizs those who patronise We hold each and every correspondent re oonslble lor his or her communication. No COTre.pondence will be published unlesi i the writer's real name Is signed as an evidence of good (alth. Did yon ever Bead about tne Man who Hid bin Light under A bushel t Yea? well That is like Doing business Without advertising All the Snide schemes In the country Will not accomplish Half as much As a good ad. tn a good, live, Legitimate newspaper, One that Is read By the people, And that owns Its own Soul; that Diet its apace Like merobandiee, Worth dollar For dollar. ja j3 Thumb will be seven newspaper men in the neit Oregon legislature. China is losing battles on land as well as at sea at the hands of J span. Idaho republicans will renominate n iurv,T,nll without doubt. Ha is UU.i .uvvy.."". for free coinage of Bilver 10 to 1. It now transpires that Jim Hill, of the n-o.t Northern, is behind Receiver MoNeill, of the O. good one. R. & S. Bill is a The negro vote went to the straight demoorats down in Alabama. The majority of the white population voted for Kolb, yet be was defeated. At La Sallb. 111., on the 0th, a Polish miner was Bbot dead while resrstiog ai rest. He was a hard case and had play Art a consDiouous part in labor troubles, Ru.nNtiKB has decided thai Indians not uuder a V. 8. India agent, and permitted to choose land ii severalty, are citizens, ana can liqnor the same as soy otht r oitiaen. The tariff oonferrees have decided to put a forty cent ad valorem duty oi sugar, iron ore on the free list and ooh inrtv ocintB a ton. with, a taflinrnni.b The demoorsts carried the stnti eleotion in Alabama on Monday. Tin tight lay between them and tbe populists but tbe latter did not have votes enough so the entire ticket of the demooratt was elected . The Japs of Portland are nianifestini. great interest in the war betweeu Japai and China. A daily paper is now pub lished in that city in the Japanesi language, giving all tbe latest ue from tbe seat of conlliot. These Japi are enterprising fellows. 8ouk republican papers are still talk ing of the good tunes that prevailed ii the country before the Demuerniii change in IHU'2. This should b stopped. as it is unpleasant ami disagreeable to dtmooraoy, and can be proved by factr cognizant to tbe people. T.-M. Mkmbkhh of an envoy from the ex queen of the Hawaiian inlands to Wash ingtun ooinplain of being treated ooollj try the administration. They should bt thankful that they are not hustled b coat collar and seat of pants out of th oapital oity. This oountry got enougl of the deposed wencb while Olevrltiuo and Qreshaiu were making love to hei several months ago. Salem Statesman "Vote for Cleveland aud 81.25 foi wheat," was the advice given funnel by the democratic press in 1802. Among the most lamentable chsuges since that time is the sweepiog reduo ion in the prioe of everything that the farmer bas for sale. Nothiug short of a trerneudouB European war will ever partially restore to farmers the prioei reoeived for their products in tbe dajt. of protection sud prosperity. feudle ton Tribune. Tueiib is a dill'ereuoe beweeu Freucb justice aud Chicago justice. Caesano Hauto, tbe assassin of I'resideut Gamut, was put on trial at Lyons Tuursda) morning. Friday noon be was found guilty and sentenced to death by the guillotine. Prendergast, tbe assassin of Carter Uairison, mayor of (Jbioago, wan put on trial nearly a year ago and con victed and hanged for the crime len than a month ago, all because of the nnwieldy systems and clumsy methods of the oourts. E O. Dnokk the preseut oiroutustaooes , we dou't kuow that it would be a wise thing for the government to Use com plete control of the UoioD 1'iioiUo. Id tbe first place there ia 000.000 morlgags ahead of tbe goverunieut's, and a uew road esu be built fur less money, which tuorttrage would bave to be paid off before the giiveriiment eoulil take oontrol. HciiuetHidy baa blundered woefully ia doing bnairjes" for the goverunienl. It once held first ronrt. gaiie on this property, aod to permit a lew morttfHKtt to supercede the (invert). meut'l claiui was nothiug more or leaa thiu robbery. The oentral Paciflo is in : boot tbe same condition. ' Why iiti I'rice 1h bow and WUat lirug ml the Market. TI.e eoniliiicti of the nbinl market CoMmti'S unHHtisriu'tory, altliongn Home dealers nre a little mom hopeful. Tbr hopefulness is due to the apparent cer tainty that the corn oropis badlyinjnred snd proves how cub man's meat may be another man's poison, says the E. O. The Minneapolis iribune, discussing the wheat market, says : "Much is being said and written about the low price of wheat, eaoh and evry one having some pet theory to account for the position. Some writers have argued that the world's cotsuming de mand has fallen off, either directly through last year's panic or indirectly through the imagined Insufficiency of the ujetallio money supply. Tlie Britia n imports of grain are the safest measure of the consumptive demand throughout the world. The returns for the first half of 1891 are now at band and they show an astounding increase in the general demand. Great Britian'a import of wheat during that period wss not only much larger than 1893 but was nearly 10,000,000 biiBbela larger than in the same six montns or. iojz a oeaauu, will be remembered, wbioh followed the general harvest failure in Europe. Tbe fact is thBt two great wheat producing states one of wbioh until lately was hardly a faotor in the world's supplies, and tbe othtr of whicb bas for years suf fered from adverse crop conditions are now in tbe market with exceptionally large amounts of wheat forsale. Russia and Argentine, on entering the market, Hud the world's grain storing oenters nilnd with wheat: tbe United States already cutting prioes to market its own huge surplus; another heavy orop in pn.spect, and India, though s ill tar below iis harvest leoordof 18111. doubling its exports over those of a year ago. fbis shows dearly that competition has grown so keen that prices of all compet ing sellers must be out. TbeBe faots have a most important bearing upon the future trade relations of this oountry. While we ma.uiain anything at all resembling our present nnlinv nf Droti'Ction, sbvs the Seattle I'elegrapb, we mav expect to see the Hteadydevelnpmentof wheat productions other oouutries. We deolare, to Treat Britaiu espeoially and to all the mat of Europe, that we di . not want their oroduols. They retaliated by not taking ours, not, indeed, by any formal declara tion to that efleot, but simply by follow ing the infallible Inw of commerce that nations will only buy from natioDS which buy from them." There is certainly no philosophy in the ibe statement madem the last paragraph. Great Britain will buy what she needs of us and that is all. Brace the Nerves. Sedatives and ODlates won't do it. These nervines do not make the nerves itrongrnnd failing to do this .lalL ebufi ases and these only of nervous irritation suob drugs may be advisable, meir frequent use la highly prejudicial to the delicate organism upon which they sot, and in order to renew tbeir jnieting effect increased and dangerous loses eventually become neoessary. KoBtetter's Htomaob Bitters is an Qluient substitute for such pernicious Irugs. It quiets the nerves by braoing, ouing, strengthening them. The con nection between weakness of tbenervous stem and that of the organs of diges 'ion is a strong aud sympathetic link. The Bitters, by imparting a healthful tnptilse to the digestive and assimilnt- ug functions, promotes throughout the hnle system a vigor in which the nerves come iu for a large share. Use be Bitters iu mulurin, constipation, odious and kidney trouble. I'l U.MA.N 8 01.1) PAKTNKlt A UIIUNK ARD. HYom theChlcaKO Tribune. liefore the wur, nud buck in New fork ntate, Charles (lardiner and fleorge M. Hullraau were fellow npprrtnticeB at the oubiuet-maker's benoh. When Pnllmitn Oame to Ohiongo Hiid enguged iu tbe hodHontisiiig buaiot'Ns (lardiuer come with him. and wheu rullmiin started to mild hia drat sleeping oar Uardioer was hie assistant and ooutldaut. Subsequent ly Gardiner was tbe foreman of Pullman's first shop, and ruauy of the early patents and improvement!, it is Baid, were the result of his sungesticm aud oreatiou. Prink was Gardiner's only eueiuv. I'hrotigh it he lust bis place itb bia old oompiuiion and fellow apprentice. Time aud agiiiu he would be taken back to the shops only to be discharged for druuk euuess. There has ever been a kiodly feeling for flardiuer in the Pnllmau works. He has lived at Kensiugtou and Pullman ever siuoe the towns were built, Htid daily went iuto the shops and looked hI the men working, begged a few dimes and went to the neurei-t salooD, where be peut the remainder of the day. He talked but little aud preferred to sip bie glass by himself. Yesterday morning wheu arraigned for druukenness be stood before Justice Uobhina, his bauds trembled an from the etIVet of drink be could not support himself aud an otUoer had to hold him up. He pleaded guilty to habitual inebriety aud was St lit to tbe Waahiugtoniau Home. V. H. Nelson, who is in the drug busi ness at Kingville, Mo , has so much con fidence in Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and lliarrluei Hemedy HihI be warrants every buttle aud oilers to refund the money to every customer who is not aatistled after using it Mr. Nelson lakes no risk in doiug this because the Hemedy is a oertain cure fur the diseases for which it is intended and he knows it. It is for sale by SI. cum Johnston Drug Co. The Vniou Pacific is the shortest line to the Lewiston, Miuers' lVhght, Atlantic and South Pass gold fields. Boy your ticket via Hock Spriugs or nawnne, rmm winoii points you can go by a first olass stage Hue to Lewiston, reaohiug tbe mines the same day. AWT4 CRUZ, flo straight me of Key West, " Carl Duuder, " Rising Sun, aix for 25 cents. The Best 6 Cent Cigars ever sold in Heppner. For sale ' P. C. Thompson Co. ti. NOT BO EASY A IT LOOKH. Th e Endeavor to Get Harried Is t inned by Leeal Requirement. To get married seems an eaey thing to the young man whose fanoy lightly turns to thoughts of love, says tbe New York Reoorder. But when it oomes to the aotual oeremony there are a thousand and one terrors which surround and threaten to overoome him. Marriage in semi' states is easy; In others it is as difficult as obtaining a divorce. A well-known Philudelphian was about to be married to a beautiful young woman who lived in the state of Dela ware. He bad no idea that tbe marriage laws of that state were of an appalling nature. He bad secured hiB noense and thouabt that was all that was neoessary. "Have you filed your bond yet?" said someone to him the day before the wedding. "What?" gnsped he. "Your bond," repeated the questioner, You know every mun who is married in this stiite bas to file a bond for the protection of the state." The bridegroom was ralherdubious.but was fiuully persuaded that this waBafaot "I'll see a lawyer about iu tbe mom ni." fund 16. HO ne went, 10 n iriouu , ... i. 1 who was a legal light aud a nd: "See here. They tell me I have to eive a bond to the state wben I get married." "Gertainlv. Haven't you done so?" in a surprised way. "No; I never heard of suob a thing before. What kind of bond is it?" "O.i, any real estate ill do." "But I haven't any real eHtate." The lawyer looked at bim a mnmeu Then he solemnly said: "Haven't you any friends who own property ?" "None that I cure to ask to bind it up that way. I can't Hsk my bride's lela tiveB, jou know " His friend looked at him pityingly. "You can't postpone the wedding, can you?" "What?" shrieked the uufortuuate. "Of course not, of course not," said the leunl liaht. soothingly. But the poor bridegroom looked strioken. "I'll tell you what I'll do, old man. I'll attend to the matter for you. Hon t ""iW'yjfing niiiiTau'ouf'to'be-married then grasped his baud. He could nut speak for a moment. He pioked up his hat in a relieve! sort of way and walked to the door. Then he turned. "By the way, I forgot to ask you bow large is tbe amount of the bond required?" "Fifty oents," said the lawyer. Hume and Ahroail It is the duty of everyone, whether at borne or travelling for pleasure or busi ness, to equip himself with tbe remedy which will keep up strength and prevent illness, aud cure such ills as are liable to come upon all iu eveiyday lifd. Eur instance, Hood's 8 irsaparilla as a geueral tonic, aud to keep the blood pure and less liable to absorb tbe germs of disease, will be well nigh invaluable. Change of drinking water often oanses serious trouble, espeoially if one bas been used to spring water in the oountry. From a few drops to a teaspoonful of Hood's Sarsaimrilla iu a tumbler of water will prevent tbe water having any iujurious efl'eot. Hood's Vegetable Pills, as a oathartio, cause no discomfort, no diHturbaiice, no loss of sleep, but assist the digestive organs, bo that satis actory results are effected iu a natural and regular manner. Bt the confession of an sccomplioe the tarriug and feathering of General Tarsney, of Colorado, proves to have been done by cfllcers of the law a sheriff sud deputies. Bo Economical. Spend every dollar judiciously aud to tbe best advantage. Be considerate. Study every questiou of economy on all Bides. Do nut jump at Conclusions, but investigate. If you want power for pumping, sawing or priutiug, send for ratalugue of the Hercules G a Engines. Palmkr Kky Tti-k ti'ouNDBY, i'rout & Alder Sis., Portlaud, Oregou. WANTMI-OOl.D M1NKKS. To develop the gold propertieB in Lewiston. Miners' Delight, Atlantic, South Pass, Q ild Creek, or on the Rustler Belt. You oao get full infor mation regarding reliable mines which are for Bale by the camps mentioned by addressing James A. MeAvoy, oouuty clerk of Fremont ei tiuty, Lander, Wyo., Wm., Stnrgis, Jr., Cheyenne, Wyo., A. Kendall, cashier First National bank, Rook Spriugs, Wyo., 8. L. Spaugler, ohairmnn Fremont board of county commissi mers, Atlantic Oity, SVyo. The Union Pacific is the shortest and quickest line to th l South Pass country, daily stages from Rock Springs and Rhwlins. WANTED Td UI? or gentleman to represent us in each comity. Salary 840. 00 per month. Ad dress with stamp. Cbas. A. Robinson & Co., Saiina, Kans. SA) II Willi W I fa. teschluany cour - Os-Ytftnl ntnlnmn polities one to Graduates command good positions, EXPENSES: TUITION PER TEHM. OF TEN WEEKS Normal, $6.28; Sub-Normal, 85; Commercial, $6.25. Tin Ann A 1SIT) LODGING. n...j t nini, Hall. 1.75 light, from 81 00 to 81 25 per week; unfurnished r oms oil oents per ween, and IoduinB in nrivate families from 83.00 to $3.50 per week. vital, tv.nrf rmvth have always characterized tn... k f tt,i lDt In tiu hlHtorv. catalogue cneenuuy kuiuubhv.".-" or W. A. WANN, Secretary of Faculty. 53-62 Wm. PEN LAND & Co., DEALERS IN- General Merchandise Farmers' and Stockmen's Supplies. HI1 ISH TO INFORM the people ot Mor row County that Heppner and solicit a liberal share of the trade. Our Motto is Good Quality and Reasonable Prices. U. A. R. NOTICE. We take this opportunity ot inform ing our subsonbers that the new com missioner of peusious bas been appoint ed. He is an old soldier, and we believe that soldiers and their heirs will receive justice at bis hands. We d i not antici pate that thero will be any radical changes in the administration of pension affairs under the new regime. We would advise, however, that V. S. soldiers, sailors and tbeir beirs, take steps to make apt lioation at onoe, ii they bave not aleady done so, in order to secure the benefit of the early filing of their olaims in case there should be any future pension legiehition.Sueh piraaVltVns i 6e Tiled in the department at the earliest possible date. If tbe U. . soldiers, sailors, or their widows, children or parents desire in formation in regard to pension matters, they should write to the Press Claims Company, at Washington, D. O., aud they will prepare and send the necessary application, if tbey fiud tbem entitled under tbe numerous laws enacted for tbeir benefit. Address PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY Jonn Wkddiirhi'Iin, Managing Attor ney, Washington, L). O., P.O. Box 383, A horse kioked H. S. Shafer, i f tbe Freemyer House, Middlebnrg, N. Y., on the knee, which laid bim up in bed and oaused tbe knee joint to become stiff. A friend recommended bira to use Cham berlain's Pain Balm, which he did, and in two days was able to be around. Mr. Sbufer has recommended it to many others aud says it Is exoeilent for any kind of a bruise or sprain. This same Kemedy is also famous for its cures of rheumatism. For ea e by Slncum-Jobn ston Drug Co. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. 'Hardware" did you sayT Why, yes at P. O. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the plaoe for bargains. a The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove onres liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine and tobaoco habit. See ad. If you want to buy groceries, and bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise Grocery. Kirk & liuhl, proprietors, a Tbe general mercnimdise establish meut formerly owned by Onfilu & McFar land, has lately changed hands, now be ing uuder the oontrol aud management of The McFarland Mercantile Companv, wbiob continues business at tbe old stand with a larger stook than ever. a Intelligence of the Ape. A naturalist recently declared that we are wronjr in ascribing unusual in telligence toauimalsof tbcepe upeeios. "As it is the only animal with liamb, it does many things by instinct and habit and necessity that resemble the acts of human beings and make it seem to ua as if it is guided by intel lect. The ape is hardly more intelli gent than the dog, If, Indeed, he knows as much. He has a gift for imitation nud a capacity for mischief, and that is the most human part of him. Hut the animal that really knows the most, or is capable of being trained so as to show the most striking results ot edu cation, is the domestic pig." 1 mT.wN54A?8d (Tasteless-Effectual.) BILIOUS and 'NERVOUS disorders. Sue as Sick Hsidtchs. Wind ins) Psbi la His Stomach. 6iMineis. FullnMs. SosUmm tftsr Mxlt. Oiinneit. Drowsiness, Chills, Flush ings at Host. Lots of Appetite. Shortnut ! Breath, Costnenets, Scum. Blotctits m tt Skin. Dittlirstd Sleep. Frightful OrMmt. all Ntrvous and Trsftiblinf SsnsatKNis. and lr mgultrttiss Incidsnttl to Ladies. OoTani with Tutslsn and SolaUs Ooathg. ui au drwvHts. Prico Ik osmta a Bel. hi r Mr: S()HH1I?T TKM't. Thirteenth Annual Session MONMOUTH, OREGON. A training s-hoolfor Teachers. Theory and Prarthecombld Strong ''"!10 fho?oh EeVareiorv a.,cf Academic Co.... Normal Advanced Normal, Business, Music and Art i iHt othpiibh Board sna lodging, books and tuition not above ilMper 5'fS.r- . , ,....,,,, i. !, hi-antiful and healthlul location in the very heart of the Will imet e Valley, twelve miles Southwest o 'the ty In the s ate without further examination. i' . Tl Viui rtn Mil nnilH. 111)3 tuai ner week: furnished rooms with fire and Board the work of the Normol, The coming year sw. P. L. CAMPBELL, Presideut. they have located in Summons. TN THECIKCUTTCOURT FOR THE C0l'TTY 1 of Morrow, Btate of Oregon. Mary J. Doonan, plaintiff, vs. Win. Doonan, defeudanc. , , . ' , . ,, To the above named defendant, William .iwr,.,.. Ii, thA nm nf the Stnto of OreKOll. your are hereby require? to appear and answer the complaint men amnnsi you in U",D Biiiiueu onifc uii . i..u. ..... .....j I A. P., ism, the same being the first duy oi tne next reirular term of said i ourt, and il you rail so to answer, for want tncreot, puuuuu w in applv to said court for a decree dissolving the niarrlaue contract existing between said plaintiff and said defendant, and for the costs and disbursements of this suit. This summons is published by order ol Hon. W L. Bradshaw, judge of said court. Done at chambers at The Dalles, Oregon, July 17th, MH. Ellis, Dawson & Lyons, 251.03. Attorneys for PlaiutiiV. TAND OFFrtlK AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J July 211, 1SSH. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice cf his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ami that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, ot Heppuer Oregon, on Sept. 1,1894, viz: WADE H DOOHER, Hd. application No. 4777 for the N N Vf'A S WV N W4 and N W)i S Wfc Sec. 30, Tp. 1 s. R. 26 He names the following witnesses to prove ma continuous rcstuence upon ana cultivation ui (mm iuiiu, iz: Cyrus Hitler, Charley Bencflel, Charley Val eiuiueaun v. ai. nooner, all oi Lexington. Jas. K. Mookk, HegiBter. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HERERY GIVEN THAT letters of administration on the estate of Frederick KretzBchmar, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 7th day of July, 1B04, by theCounty Cpurt of Morrow county. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them tome for allowance at my place of business in Heppner, Morrow Co.. Oregon, within six months after the date of hub notice or tnev Shall ue lorever barred. Also all persons owing said estate are requested bu ocbiiu lib uiiev, M. LlCHTKNTHAL. Administrator. listen, Heppner, Or.. July 7, 1S94. 247-56 Assessor's Notice. TTO THE TAXPAYERS OF MrVRRrnv rn I N tlcc is hereby given that the tax list will be completed by the last Monday In August, 194 and that at thi dale will be examined by the county board of equalization Those who desire corrections or alterations in their sssess- " icqiureu. 10 appear nelore the board me i-uiin nouse in nenpiier on above date R. L SHAW. Assessor, H.VJ. '. Kobkbts, Deputy. Heppner, Or., Aug. a, 1S94. M-OU. CUT THIS OUT NO. 2301. Send tills col'PUN and Cents to THE HIV LIT MUSIC CO., im liearboru St., Chicago, 111. nd receive (post paid) OXE PIECE OF Mt'SlC, of your en choice, named below or THRtE Pieces for liO cents, or SIX pisvi-si for 1.0O. Remit postal mtxt or one aud two cent stamps. This Coupon not gooj after December 31st, 18SI4. 29 Q " o o The Latest Music VOCAL. Wedoed Afteb the Ball. By Barney Fa- v. I; et-."o. -.on si. ok oi me aav. Dedicated to Mr. C. K. Harlrs, author Of "Afler the Rail " ' ADseaxop AacADiA Waltz song, Lanvon 5C cts ThA imiQ nf all Inn... .. ,1. . Adellna Patti. MOONUOHT OK THK Laooon, by Geo. obiiirmniiu r K..,.u,a, ujf mis notea composer. THK.E S ll'THERN SONUS- " Dan," "Aunt Sis th." " W h e r b Mv Thnwnh.,n,ln -O j - .. w ,H U-rletic southern soi g writtin by Col. Will L. Vlssrher, and arranged bV W. Hela'rt Lanyon. INSTRUMENTAL. AT Eventide, Nocturne for piano, Mar- VV ',....... -v - -. ets Drunant Nocturne, about grade l .v In Flow'ry Gkovks, ;vcrie for piano. .'"anus V) cts ueauiitul reverie, orltrlmil toplertse. f-The above are all fine editions of val ""'ueeopyrlituts.andcannot be had inCHKAP Coupons must sccompany the order to secure the reductions nauud. STRAYED OR STOLKN. Oue horse branded M S. Fii-.deril plense returu to Oeor.e M. Mi-asiiiRer, in them vm fains, or to .. Abrabamsicltl Heppner, Cr., aud receive snithblf eard. There are other rrRi,da ou the wimal besides the one meutiored b it the writer cannot describe tueir. 217 tf. State City ; -iv ns Popular Hostelry h&s again TTeen reopened and will be run in first class style. .. . - 13nnil1nia Meals find loom - Tbe Lightest, Strongest an P. C. THOMPSON FOR INVENTIONS. irAf?Z"ntionKe well protected by valid patents, we have re Jailed counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., lite. If vou have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to. others. submit tne mauer io w iui , matter, -rtit drf;! ri.AIMS COMPANY, . oxocr-r worth WEST. p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, 2- Cut this out and send It with your inuulw.0 ill 13 3 PrtoUlltw litrltiyTiiB t,ms euro nHttpiitlou Preutl39 Rectirylng pills euro couatliatl..u PHhN I Kii UNIFYING PILL o o 3 CURE n u iu ubi, ou puis ana moaiciuo produce constipation, hero Is a pill that curc3 torpid liver, biliousness, rheumatism, InCIxesilon, sick hoadaeho nud khlnoy nud liver tnubles -without jrrliilnar or leaving any truce of CONSTIPATION, which Is the prime causo of all sickness, 'jowaro of it getting habitual aud chrouic with you, seotoltlutimi'i these r.llls vill euro vcu. L a a clear the jklu and rcmc vo all blotches aelf. 25 Cents a box. a a SOLD BY Or sent by mall upon receipt of prlci. t ii . . r-rcnuss c.iemioal 406 CALIFORNIA STREET, PranMn RAi.,lf,(n.. r. : Prentiss K n e . . ...vou.jaiuu COlVIP IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ADDRESS A LETTER THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, jutin wtuutKBUKN, 'iSi are entitled, if now partlalivor whX rfuis?.?'?.0 s"7ei nlnety ays, or over, in the late war. was av?,5r " or not, and r.Sardis"of i due to array 7erv 3 or "m if now """''ed (if not remarried) whether soldier's death derjendnt r.;:j.r."t',iL??w dependent upon their own labor for suDDort. Widows CHILDREN are i tlrf l?t ,,.j . "le1 idow, or she has since died or rm.,ti.j PARENTS are erum. ir u - - , ' service, or from effeet. of ' aervlot t int th .r? port. It makes no din-erC' A, are navy. swuicr served. or died in late war or in regular army or Uws!'HhouV under one V apply for higher rate, under other W JS?? JJdeMw I'okTj1 ' ,I0 peJ mo,,th una" are entitled to also for others. wh.ihV, h'..'J "1 y amount of disabilities for which now pensioned, but MmlndlMw" Mez.on -r.iHi.. . JT! ,"",.tled or dependent. " "elr widows also entitled, if sixty-two years of age or disabled fate?Uw.aorn"t0mpleteai'nd!ettlemcnt opined, whether pension has been granted nnder liPVL ,P"e? f settlement ftave lost their original papers g' obuint'1 7' '""seforadvice. No fee unless successful. Address, IflHM U;unnEr,lSr,CLfllMS COMPANY, o bo?53N WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, WASHINGTON. D.C ISllis, Dawson I,yons, ATTORNEYS All l,.i y. . . mann;rT, '2 ,PPt satisfactory manner. Notaries Pnblic and Collectors. nJTI?."r t-vt . ""' " "UTOL HEPPXEE, LEGAL BLANKS Hotel. -4 prioes. Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. mid. M $ d Easiest ltunniDg Mower Made. COMPANY, Agents. w.. WASHINGTON O.C. lJiv nlihs KectllyiiiB pIltBOUrecouBUpatiou I'reiUlHS Rectifying pUlscurocorwtlpatlon r ORFNTIS3 RECTIFYING PILL. because u is the only s.nfe and harmlesa remedy that vlll surely CHAUTIPY the from tho faeo. Try a box and see for your- ALL DRUGGISTS, - y . and Manufacturino- Co SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. KSt&. I- s cui'Ctjouatliiatioa i I "II LIMB I.i fylut? pills euro constlpatloii OR POSTAT. CARn Tft Managing Attorney, Washington. D. C. their 1' ,T'"elM' ,f th.e f o'dier's death was due to service. years' ln almost all cases where there was no - W .' OW n?r ch,,d Pv!ded soldier died In n"w. dependent upon theirown labor for sup- nnder a recent act. secured, tf relec.lo. . , nr m...t. fr soldiers and sailors of the late war who AT LAW. HANK BUILDING. OP.EGON PAT Plenty of them at the Gazttte Office