Qivi your business to. Heppner pecpl and therefor amst to build up Ilepp ner. Patronize those who patronize von. We hold each nd every correspondent re sponsible for hit or her communication. No correspondence will I published unless the writer's real ume is signed aa an evidence ol foodfalth. Did you ever Read about too Man who Hid hi" Light under A bushel T Yes? well That is like Doing business Witboat advertising All the Snide schemes la the country Will not acoompliub Half as much As a good ad. In a good, live, Legitimate newspaper, One that Is read By the people, And that owns Its own Soul; thai U-iei its space Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. -1 JO Mmb. Patti Boba Boston. died Sunday at Bkpobliuans of Wyoming declare for free silver 16 to 1. A. Edgar Beard has been appointed receiver of the Uaker City National. The trial of Santo, the murdeier of Pres. Carnot, is in progress at Lyons Franoe. . Debs says no more strikes for him. His last fffort which resulted in failure cored bim oompletely. Thb democrats of Iowa have endorsed free coinage of silver and Cleveland's administration. Pecnlar oombiuationi tbia. Japan bas declared war agaiost China a nd the Chinese emperor bus come back with a war manifesto. Now the fun begins. MmroAN dollars are in big demand now to oarry on Japanese and Chinese business. Tbis may help the while metal materially. Tub Vigilaut beat the Britannia badly a few dsvs ago over the Prinoe of Wales' own course. ABtiff brene was blowing at the time. Thb Salem Democrat bas suspended because it could not live any lunger mi promises. It has been a loBing invest inent from the start. Thb Malheur Gazette has changed bands and will be oonduoted as a re publioan sheet, advocating protection and froe ooiuage of silver. Latb nows from across Ihe Atlantic gives the information that Baulo, the Italian assasBin of Prm. Carnot, will bave bis head lopped of)' for his iudia oiotion. Jl'ooi Fkh bas decided the ooutest nana nver in Union county in favor ol Miss SteveuB, ihe present oountj aimerintemlent. The case has beei. kppealed. Jdihie II. E. Jackhon, of the Uuitm) Slates snprtnie bench, is touring th rout with relatives and friends, lie is described aa a typical Southern gentle man of the old school. Rup.mTH of battles, both laud and naval, come (r.mi Corea's far-off shores. In most ofthem Ihe Japs were victorious. Three big Chinese warships have been captured recently, and the row goei- merrily on. Bussia will act with Great llritain b bring about a aettli inent of the tronhl between China aud J tpao. Should this country fail it will not allow Buy power to even take partial possession of Corea. This little trouble in the Orient mai yet cause difficulty between Kuropeai powers. OmaoM bas a 8400,000 increase ii the annronriations by oonureas, In the bill as passed by the senate o'er thai of the bouse. The sum of $100,000 ba been seoured for the boat railway at the dalles of the Columbia, which will start the project in fair shape. Thb Oregonian sums up the situation regarding the Wilson bill as follows: The house insists upou some material concession on coal and iron ore; the senate reluses absolutely to grant more than re proc ity on ooal. Senator Q man will not listen to auy proposition looking to a graduated duty on these raw materials or that the duty be left as it was with the proviso that it shall ei nire In three years, aud irou ore and eoal ba then transferred to the free list. The bouse ooulerrees will agree to tbe sugar schedule recently made public on the ons fldh basis, and Ihe sugar senators, so-sailed, bars aocepted it Tbe Louisiana aeoators and Senators Allen and Kyle will not support it, and these four votes, together with that of Senator Bill, and probably Benator Irby, would defeat the bill. A atitob in time. Take Simmons Liv 0t Regulator and prevent slok nets. A NF.ysf rEU MAN, Tale hi' Ilia Nation's rauilal.-An provided loctor. Wakhivoi-on, J'lly 27. One of the brightest iieavpaper-rren in th-eimntry, while Ii. ih a churl lime Hgo, told the following story on himself; "It's just this way, you know," lie begun. At intervals of irregular length I take a drop too much. I bad done so tbis night or moruiug, I forget now which it was, aud on reaching heme, realizing that I was somewhat unsteady, made preparations to get beneath the sheets witbout arousing anybody in the bouse. 1 took off my shoes, crawled over the baok fence aud disrobed before enter ing the bedroom, and then, in order not to make the slightest noise, climbed over the foot of the bed and, to my great satisfaction, reached my goal as quietly as I had wished. There was uo sound from any one. Everybody slept peacefully and even the dog was silent. I fell asleep as speedily as only a man with a clear conscience can. How long I slept I don't know. Thut is immaterial. But I bad a dream aud hence the milk in the cocoannt. I dreamed that my feet were paralyzed. I thought the paralysis was moving up ward. 1 had read somewhere that when ono is paruljzud in th.e feet, if he can koep the paralysis below the heart, bis life is safe, but that if it rises above bis beart be is a 'goner.' The paralysis reached my knees. I struggled bard, but it got to my hips and kept on rising. By my struggles I succeeded in retard ing but not absolutely checking it Filially, alter a horrible several hoar's wrestle, it seemed to me, I found that my wb de body was in a grasp ol paralysis and that its lingers were clapping my throat. I made one last effort to release myself aud at the same time I yelled. The yell awoke me. Aud it must bave awakened my wife. for, rising, she looked at me and said: " ' v hat's the matter?' " 'I am paraljzedl' I oried. ' 'Umpbl' she exolaimed, turning over the pillow and sinking to rest, 'I knew that when you came into the house.' " At ancthcr time," this bright writer continued, "when in some manner or other a few drops got the better of me ooucluded that it was time to go borne. My conclusion was hastened possibly by the fact that all the rest ol be buys had departed and tbe club was deserted, i was not surucivuu) overcome to be nnmindful of the tongae iishitig I wns sure to reoeKe on reach- tig home at that hour of the uight, for it was uot yet 11 o'clook. But I was too much overotmie to keep at rest tbe very alert suspicious of my most devot- d wife. Hovever, I started and would probably have chauged my miud ere reaching my home had I uot ohanoed to run agaiust a fellow-worker. I told him my predicament aud asked him to g i back to the club, hut bo declined. tie was not in the mood for the club. I hen, reinemberiug that my wife did not know him, I told him that he would have to take me home, that he would tell my wife that he was a physician, that 1 had been overcome by the beat or something, whatever might seem tbe moBt plausible to him, and thut he would prescribe restforme. Heagieed aud homeward we weut. My wife open ed ttie door and the improvised doctor, taking me by the arm, "aid: ' 'Don't fear, madam It is nothing serious. Yuiir tiuaoauu nas Ueen wont ing too hard i f late and had a dizz spell in the oflioe, terminating in a faint. I gave bim bit of brandy to re vive bim, but after a short rest conclud ed it best for him to knock off work for the night and oome hi me.' ''My wife was all anxiety, of course, au 1 naked what should be dune, where upon the 'doctor' replied: "Simply follow my directions anil all will he well.' "Well my wile was all attention and 'doc,' with well usstimed impreesive nesa, onutimied : "'What be needs is rest, With rest aud the diet I shall prescribe he will recover completely and be ns well as ever, hut any deviation may result in collapse mid nervous prostration.' "liy this time they had me on tbe lounge. The dootor felt of my pulse, broke opeu my inotiili, pulled out m tongue, thrust it back, closed my j iws with a bio v under the chin, and added: " 'See that he dosu't leave the bouse (or three days. In fact, keep him in be I for that time.' " 'Aud hat shall 1 giye him to eat?' said my wife. "And I lieu, boys would you believe it?" the writer ooucluded, iudiguatiou gleiimiug in his eye at the recollection, "would ym believe it? 'dno' bad tbe hardihood to stand up there and, know ing what a head I would have in the morning and my desire to get out, and also knowing how faithfully my wife would see his instructions were fulfill ed, replied: " 'Keep him in bed for three days aud give turn nothing but milk.' " WaNTKlt-tlOI.D M1NKKS To develop the gold properties in Lewiston, Miners' lVlight, Atlantic, South Pass, O ild Creek, or on the Hustler Belt. Yon can get full infor nintiou regarding reliable mines which are for sale by the camps mentioned, by addressing James A. McAvoy, county clerk of Fremont ci tiuty, Lander, Wyo., Win., Sturgis, Jr., Cheyenne, Wyo., A. Kendall, cashier First National bank, Bock Springs, Wyo., S. L. Spangler, ahaitmin Freuiout board of conuty commissi liters, Atlantic City, Wyo. The Uniou PuoiQc is the shortest aud quickest line to thi South Pass country, daily stages from lioi'k Springs and Rawlins. stninlinir Kidney stf olioiis of years Buret, oy oimmons n.ver rveB11,,or.- i t, i : i . I " roynn. NIOM. National Convention Held Week. at Helena Lat For a week or more a nnui'ier of gentlemen who follow the business of sbeep shearing bave been in Helena, called here for tbe purpose of forming a state ceutral lodge of the United Shearers National Union. Within the past year looal lodges of shearers bave been organized in the various slieep- growing sections of the west, aod this meeting at Helena was for the purpose of forming a state lodge, and arranging to have a delegate attend a national convention of shearers that will be beld in the spring, for the purpose of forming a national organization. It will be news to many to know that there are in tbe western states in whioh wool growing is a business over 7,000 shearers. In past years these met bave not had an organization, because, as wool was bigb, and the growers were running tbe business under high press ure, they found little dilBoulty in vet ting what they nonsidered fair prices for shearing. Tbe past seaso , however, the story bas been a different one, and the price per fleece has been out con siderably. It is to establish a soale of prioee aod otherwise regulate t ho affairs of those following shearing as a busi ness that tbe anions have beeu orga iiz ei. There are now four unions in Montana, with a total membership of over 800. Tbe unions are located at Billings, Big Timber, Merrill and Helena. All of these lodges ba I representatives at the meeting beld in this city, and which resulted in tbe organization of the state central lodge. Tbis lodge fixed the minimum prioes for shearing in Moutaoa at seven cents and a half, where the shearer boards himself. Tbis is tbe prioe paid during the past ' seaMjo where there "as a union, while in those localities where there was no union tbe price paid was six ceuts aud board In past years tbe price has been eight cents and board, or ten cents where the shearer boarded himself. The state oentral lodge elected the following officers: President, Alonzo Prather, of Billing; secretary and treasurer, John Elliott, of Melville.. Janus Gormley was appoint jd organiz er (or nor' hern Montana. May 20,1895, a meeting of tbe state oentral lodge will be held at Livingston. Tbe supreme lodge will be orgauized next February, the meeting for that purpose to be held at lteno, Nevada, according to the itmawat arraogfesaent. Fraok ItforvlaBtl, will represent the Montana state central lodge at that meeting. The states that will compose tbe membership of t e national body are Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, California, Oregon, Texas and Montana. Billings Times. N. tlihif strange. Intelligent people, who realize the important part of the blood holds in keepiug tbe body in a normal condition. ttnd nothing strange in the number of diseases Hood's Sarsnparilla is able to mire. 8o many troubles result from impure blood, the best way to treat I hem is through the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla vitalizes tbe blood. W. H. Nelson, who is in the drug busi ness at Kinuville, Mo , has so much oon fidence iu Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrheal Remedy that be warrants every bottle and offers to refund the money to every customer who is not satisfied lifter using it Mr. Nelson takes no risk in doiug this because the Remedy is a certain cure for the diseases for whioh it is intended and he knows it. It is for sale bv Blooum Johnston Drug Co. Wp bnve been reliably informed that the Fox valley placer mines, belonging to "Poker" Brown, have yielded so far this season $10,000. AN AGE OF WONDERS. Keuiarkalile Things That Show How Urent Tins Tonntry la. This is a wonderful age we are liv ing In a wonderful age, and this is a wonderful country. It in doubtful if liny of the effete old world dynasties can produce such things, bordering on the miraculous, as lire becoming al most everyday occurrences in tbis land of the free, says the Krie Herald. A few days ago the press dispatches announced that sonic fellow out in Missouri hud discovered coal. There was nothing; so remarkable about the fact thut coal hud been discovered. The remarkable feature of the case is that this particular quality of coal emits no smoke when burned. Ac cording to the report, you could build a fire of ttiis coal in the center of your parlor floor and he uuublc to find a particle of smoke in the room. In the words of Col. Mulberry Sellers, "there's millions in it." But this truly strange case is per haps outdone by one which is alleged to have recently occurred in the salu brious climate of California, lhcve melons chronicle itatcs that some thirty vent's niro one John llahler, then residing In Wisconsin, lost his eyesight and subsequently hnd both eyeballs taken out, the end of the optic nerve being left as a stub in each case. Right here is where the wonder comes in. Don't miss it. About a year ap;o. at his home lu Fresno, Mr. llahler sud denly saw the li'ht of a lamp placed opposite to bim on the other side of the room, and the examination showed thut new eyeballs w ere growing on the ends of the optic nerves. Since that time his sight has grad ually improved, until now he can shoot a rifle with considerable nccuraey, and hopes soon to he able to see bow the foreigners pay the tariff tax. Indeed, this is a greut country, and isn't anvvvhore near developed yet. Curp milk cows and steal chickens and green corn right herein Pennsylvania, hut ttie boundless west contains still greater possibilities than the east, and if old Kurope can produce any such wonders or special newspaper corre spondents let her trot Ym out. "How to Cure All Skin rharitses.' Simply spply "Swayne's Ointment." No internal niedlciue required. Cores : tetter, eczema. hull, si1 'minions on Hie j face, bands, nose, Ac, le'iviiur the skin ' clear, wlii'e and liealthly. Its irreat u ..ii.... ....I .... ... i neanii ed by n() mhw ffimHiy Ask you drn8 gjM (or tJwsyne't Ointment. iw 1 yr. -i ' ' School Diploma "entitles one to tench in any courty In the a ate without further examination. Graduates command good positions. EXPENSES: TUITION PER TERM OF TEN WEEKS. Normal, $6.28; Sub-Normal, 85; Commercial, $6.25. BOARD AND LODGING, Board at Normal Dinicg Hall, $1.75 per week; furnished rooms with fire and light, from $1 00 to $1 25 per week; unfurnished rooms 50 oents per week. Board and lodging in private families from 83.00 to $3.50 per week. Vitality and itrowth have always characterized the work of the Normol. The comtiifr year promises to be one of the best in its history. Catalogue cheerfully sent on application. Address p CAMpBF:, L Pre8iueI.t. or W. A. WANN, Secretary of Faculty, f3-62 sw. G. A. K. NOTICE. We take this opportunity of inform ing our subscribers that tbe new com missioner of pensions bas been appoint ed. He is an old soldier, and we believe that soldiers snd their heirs will receive justioe at bis hands. We d i not antici pate that there will be Bny radical ohanges in the administration of pension affairs under Ihe new regime. We would advise, however, that U. S. soldiers, sailors and their heirs, take steps to make api lioation at ouoe, if they bave uot aleady done so, iu order to secure the benefit of the early filint of their ohums in case there should he any future pension legielntiou. Such legislation is seldom retroaotive. There fore it is of yrent importunes that ap plications be filed iu the department at the earliest possible date. If tbe U. -. soldiers, sailors, or their widows, children or parents desire in formation in regard to penaion matters, tbey should write to tbe Press Claims Company, at Washington, D. 0., aud they will prepare and send thenecessBry application, if they fiud them entitled under the numerous laws enacted for their benefit. Address PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY Jonn Wkdderbi'BN, Managing Attor ney, Washington, U. C, P. O. box 385. Last June DicK Crawford brought his twelve months-old child, suffering from iaiautile diarruien, to me, It bad been weaned at four months old and had always been sickly. I gave it the usual treatment iu such oases but witbout benefit. Tbe child kept growing thinner until it weighed but little more than when born, or perhaps ten pounds. 1 then started Ihe father to giving Cham berlaiu's Colic, Cholera and DiarrbiB Remedy. Before one Dottle of the 25 cent size had bseu used a marked improvement wns seen and its oontinued nse cured the child. Its weakness and puny constitution disappeared and its tnther and mysplf believe ttie onila s lite was saved by this Remedy. J. T. Mab low. M V, Tamaron, III. For sale by ijlocum Johnston Drug Co. What Women Have Gained- Mrs. Lucy Stone, in enumerating at a woman's club the gains she had herself seen accomplished, mentioned the riht to free speech, ttie rijrtit to education, the right to all occupations and profes sions and a very great amelioration in the laws. She contrasted the old time, when an irate man at a Massachusetts town meeting had said: "The public money to educate shes! Never!" with the present when the great universities of Chicago, Yale and Johus Hopkins are opened to women, besides their own schools and colleges. $00000000004 O Simple ailments 8 neglected may grow deadly. A handy t remedy is Beechams Pills (Tuteleu) ' all cases where I Liver and Stomach i trouble is suspected. ( t5 cents a box. )OOOOOOOM UKIVEaSlTY OF OREGON. BUOBNB. Next session heKins the 17th of Sep tember. 1894. Tuition, free. Board, 82.50 i week. Five courses: Classical, Scientific Literary, Krjtflish anil Business. DORMITOIiY. The Boardine Hall for young lsdies sud the Boiirdiuu Usll for young gentle men will be under the prrsonsl supervi sion of Mrs. Mourn, a lady of refinement snd lures experience, for (Intslogties, Hiliircss J. J. " ALTON, 53 71 8eey. Keend W. L Douclas O O LlfET iTHtisT. WllUb NOSQUIAKINO. 5. CORDOVAN. FRENCH A ENAMELUiD CALF. 3.5-'P0LICE,3SOLS. 2y.2.W0RKIrlGMENs EXTRA FINE. " 2.1.7 BOYiSCHOOLSHOEi LADIES' SEND FOR CATALOGUE WL'DOUOLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. V eaa un mon.r r.rcb.t! V. L lloHgla show. Because, we are the largcit manufacturers of advcnieJ aoea In Iht world, and ruarautea the value by (tamping the name and price oa the bottom, which protect, you against higH prices and the middleman's prohts. Our shoes equal custom work to stvle, eay mtinj: and wearing qualltit-s. We have them sold every, where at lower prli-es for the value Jiven than auv o!licr maLc. T ,ke no substitute. If your ! ocalcr cannot supply you, we can. Sold by Dealer whose name will shortly ap pear here. Ages! wanted. Apply it onoe ICUINEAJ O in ...... . .'.....rt p.. airttf mtltrMl 1 C7 Jtl'T tuf. snkklt:-T THAKK: Thirteenth Annual Session State M Sctal MONMOUTH. OREGON A training hool for Teachers. Tneory and fractieecomblned. 8trong I'mfeseional Course, and well eq Ipped Mod-1 School, 'thorough Preparatory ai d Academic Courses. Normal. Advanced Normal. Business, Music and Art Departments. Llnht expenses. Board and lod King, books and tuition not nlwve llcOper yThetown of Monmouth lias a beautiful l and healthful location in the very heart of the vt 111 amet e Valley, twelve miles Southwest of the u. " ... T, h.a nn mlnnnl The Normal Summons. tn Tttr i TRCTITCOl'RT FOR lilt C'OI. NTY X of Morrow, state of Oregon Mart .1. Poouan. nlaintill. vs. Win. Doonun, To the above named defendant, William Doonan: In the name of the State of Oregon, your are hereby require to appear and answer the complaint filed against you iu the above entitled suit on r before the 4 day of September. A. 1)., MM, the same being the first day oi the next regular term of said c ourt, and ll you fa 1 so to answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will applv to said court for a decree dissolving the marriage contract existing between said plaintiff and said defendant, and for the coats and disbursements of this suit. This summons is published by order of Hon. W U Bradshaw, Judge of said court. Done at chambers at ihe Dulles, Oregon, July 17th, 114. Eu.is, Daw.-on & Lyons, 2.-.1-63. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFrt'E AT THE DALLES, OREGON, I j July ai. lSdl. Notice is hereby given ihat the following named settler has tiled notice I his intention to make final proof in supported his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, ut Ileppner Oregon, on Sept. 1, lH!t-l, viz: WADE H. BOOHKK, Hd. application No. 4777 for the N)., N Wl 3 w M N WJ4audN W!4SV!4 Sec. SO, lp. 1 S. K. 26 E. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol" said land, viz: , , C'vrus Miller, Charley Bcneflel, Charley al cntlne and W. M. Booher, all of Lexington. 251 ail. Jas. F. Moos', Kogi'ter. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAI letters of administration on the est- te ol Frederick Kretzschniar. deceased, were grunted to the undersigned on the 7th day of Inly, WM bv theCounty Court of Morrow county. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to me for allowance at my place of business in Hepnner. Morrow Co.. Oregon, within six mouths after the date of this notice or they snail bo forever bai led. Also all persons owing said estate are requested to settle at once. M. LtCHTHNTHAL. Administrator. Dated, Heppner, Or.. July 7, WJ4. 247-80 Teacher's Examination. N'OTICF. IS HEREBY UIVKN THAT FOR the purpose of examining ail those who may oiler themselves ns candidates for county or state certificates. State Diplomas or State Life Diplomas, the superintendent, of Morrow countv will hold a jiublio examination at the court tiouse in Ileppner, beginning at 1 o'clock p m., oil Aug. s, is'.u. liuieu mis i in ouy 01 July MM. ANNA J. BaI.RIOES, 2."2-f, ' Supt. Morrow Co. Assessor's Notice. TflTHK TAXPAYERS OP MORROW CO. 1 N ticc 1b hereby Riven that the tnxliBt will be completed by the last Monday in Auiist, 1HU4 fliultlmtat till date will be examined hy the county board of enualization Those who desire corrections or alteration! In their asHeis- nientR are required to appear before the board at the court house In Henpner on Above date. K. i j o n a w . Assessor, HyJ. Kouekib, Deputy. Heppner, Or., Aug. :i( 181M. 51-tiO. LIST OF LBTTERS. T ETTER8 ADVERTISED AT HEl'PNER, lJ Or., Au. 6, 180. Bocha, Mrs. Nettie Hiifrhlett. Miss Ivy Cla , Fanni Mettygoe Ming Lilly Cunningham, Frank Overly, Onus When catling for these letters please say auvertisei. J. F. Williams, P. M. CUT THIS OUT NO. 2301. 2 O Q ID o o tiend this Ulll I'UN and an Cents to iTHE I1UVKTT MUSIC CO., Jiii) hearborn St., Chicago, 111. i And 'receive (post paid) ONE P1KCK F ML'MIC.oI y.mr own choice, named below or THRKE I pieces for tiO cents, or H1X pieces ! for $1.00. Roniit put i ai note or one and two cent nUnips. This Coupon not good after I December :ilnt, The Latest Music VOCAL Wedped Aftru tjik Ball. By Barney Fa- gun ....40 cts Most popular Waltz isona- of the nay. Dedicated to M r . K. HarirB. author of "Af er the Ball " ADrramok akcadia, Waltz hour, I anyon 5C ets ine song ot an b-hiks. favorite oi Adtlina laUi. MOONLlOHt ON THE I, A O 0 0 N , by Gt'O. tfehleiftarth 50 cts Latest popular success by this noted composer THKE SOUTHERN SONGS: "t'NctE DAN," "AUNTia rB," "WHURS MY Honey Slurps," complete 7." cts Three eharmintf, itlaintiveand charac teristic Southern noi gs wrlttt n hy Col. Will L. isncher, aud arranged by W. Hebert Laiivon, INSTRUMENTAL At Eventide, Nocturne tor piano, Mar cus ... t'.0 cts A very brilliant Nocturne, about grade 4-5. In y low' by Gbovks, reverie for piano, Marcus Q ctB Beauiiful reverie, original, aud sure to nlesBe. .0-111 above are all fiue editiout of val-uaT-iucopyrigulB, aud cannot be had inCHKAf FottM. Coupon must accompany the order to secure Ihe reductions nauit d. AUU1TIONAL, LOr.MJS. The Stiulehnkcr whiihii lieiuls tliem all. For Bills at OiiltHin & Bailee's. a "Hiiniwu'f" tliii yon : ? Wlj y, yes at P. C. Thorapsuu & Cn.'s ttauJ, nml the place for tmruaitm. a The Kfeley Instilnte, nt Koreet Grove onres liquor, opium, murplime, ooonine and tobacco hitbit. Si'e nit. It yim want to bny grueerioa, and hreatl 8tnff oli8p,' ro to the Enterprise Grocery. Kirk & K'lhl, proprietors, a The (eneral merouiinilise estalilish ment formerly owned hy Cuffiti & McKar lantl, has lately changed hnmls, low be ing under the control aud ma"Binent of The MoFarland Mercantile Company, arbioh coutiuues bnsineas at the nld star.d with a lareer etoek than ever. a Tk Simmons Lr r Besnlatxr lo keep the iHiwela regular. One dose is worih 100 dollars Take Simmons Liver Regulator dyspepsia, biliousness or headache. for City ! PooMlnr Hostelry h;s again 115 been re-ope nea in first class style. Prices. Tbo Lightest, Strotigost and P. C. THOMPSON FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent dependsgreatly, it not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions aa to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course tc pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rigfcts, or if you are charged with iufnngenat by others, submit the matter to u for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY. 61S F STREET, NORTHWEST, p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. jW Cut this out and send It with your ImtutOHl "'a I'reutias lUcinyin tilUciu'ooourftlp.'Ui.u -i i Pt-Aiitlarj lirtut 1 1 vlhii nil In nt-n diinut I tin Hon t-' u w so 1 a a ihU ll v J V J Alirost all pills and medicine produce cc nut! potion, hero la a pill t:mt cures torpid liver, biliousness, rheumatism. ln(:i;estion, pick headache and kidney and liver trmbles -without Brlplnj or leaving any traeo of CONSTIPATION, which Isthoprlmor.auHeof uUfiekneas, bewarouf it fretting habitual aud chronic: with you, soo to it in tiiMo; thefio ) !Us will cure ycu. a a COMP clear the sun ana remuvo till blotches sen. uonts a box. SOl.rj BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Or sent by mall upon receipt of ln ici' hy Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., 406 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FBANCISCfl. CAI C i """ryiiiKpuiBcui-o couipiuiuu P.O. I Preutlas Roctlfylng pllla cur3 couatipat ion IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ADDRESS A LETTER OB POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney, P.O. Box 463. Washi ngton, D. C. areS"dbiYn no d V. t "O'. 1 now dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows CHILDRFl???. ro"?,'rb0rre f ntilled if,he "oWier'a death w. due to service. l or nVn. VUL,.'1,,r i . u' ne,th eh"J, provided soldier died in t It mlkeTnrfff.? . r:i?"d "15 are nn"' "'P'ndent upon their own labor for sup. t. II makes no difference whether soldier served or died in lati r.,i.r -rm or ervlce. port. whether soldier naw. Soldiersofthelatewar.penslonedunderone laws, "llhout linlne auy rithls. heh.rO UmL9n;laTn.gf?m,,o$,0 ; from $2 to $10 only on accoun1 Soldiers and sailors disabled in lineof duty in entitled, whether discharged for disability or not. ffiffirffitffl "Si? y T .'" m. war are also ld"nd?a mlitViK7?lTS'!V "d Somlnoleor Flot. ur depeadVnt ""'"and their widows alsoentltled, if sixly-two years of age or disabled We?!,,aorSoCt?mp,Ct'd"d,ettlemtntobuinei. pension baa been granted nnder CefiedtrC,mofTer"Pcennd sec"rtd' if rejection Improper or Illegal, oavi i?,t the'. !oriial papers rgC obu"ned '' ldis and sailors of the late war who Send for law. and information. No charge for advice. No fee nnles, successful. Address, TnuM Sr,CLftlMS COMPANY. p n J2,N WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P.O.B0X463. WASHINGTON. D.C . .. " . ' KIUse, Dawsou & Iyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. " All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. lotaries Pobhc and Collectors. OFFICE IS NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. nr.rt .Nklt, . . , LEGAL BLANKS. Hoteix- anu Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. Jifrtf ill jh j - Easiest Running Mower Made. COMPANY, Agents. WASHINGTON, a. C. I'lvoU-ia litictitylu y i 1 1 a e uro conn 1 1 put iou VrnntlaQ Kwt Irvl ni n si'iii'n fitiiar hint Inn SS RECTIFYING PILL rt ii a bocauso it la the only Eiifo anl hartulesa remedy that will surely DEAUT1FY the A tram the tare. Try a box aud see for your Piviuims ltoctiiyln-i Prentiss necUlylnt jillls cui'ocoiiaiiputton pills cure con&tipatlon served or died in late war or in regular army or la aw, may apply for hlclier ratea under other oer raor"' " old lav are entitled to unuer recent atrt. OREGON AT Plenty of them at the Gazttte Office. . . . ,