HUTICE TO ADVEHTltJEKlJ. IHoriE liesfrinn the insertion of display 5.15 or change of same, must get their copy in not later tlwii Monday evening lor Tuenuay'a edttlou, or Thursday evening for Fridnyi edl iou. Tub Patterson PububhibuCo. NOTICE. 1. The ium of five cents per line will be charged lor "cards of thanks," "resolutions of repect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of spoolal meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, ahull be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for hlB or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writers real name is signed as an evidence of gooa laiui. LP. FI8HKK, NKWBPAPER ADVKKT18- iug Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange, ban rancisco, is onr authorized agent. This paper in tent on me lu msomce. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Lone Creek, John !ay and Canyon City, leaves an follows : Every day at 6 a. ru., except tinnday. A rriveu every day at 6 p. m.t except Monday. The cheapest, quickest aud best line to or fruui the interior country. B. A. HUN8AKER, Prop. Phlll Cohn, Agent. Oive your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up hepp iter. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. Subscribe tor the Gazette. Advertising pays in the Gazette. Obae. Repass whs in from Eight Mile Thursday. Miss Maud Glassooek is teaohing out on Six Dollar. AleO Cornet t whs over from Butter creek Weduesday. L. Blumenthal returned from Portland yesteiday morning. T. J. Allyu was up from the lone country Wedueeduy. Wm. Douglass, of Batter creek, was in Htppuer Wednesday. County commissioner, J. L. Howard, was lu the city on Wednesday. Born In Ueppner, August 1, 1894, to Wm. Serivner and wife, a son. Presiding Elder Motor, of the M. E. Mhnreb, was iu Htppner over Sunday. R. T. Cox ban been appointed receiver of the First National Bunk of Arlington. Hon. H. V. Gates has secured the contract fur putting in the Elgiu water works. Santa Cruz, the best 5 cent oigar in the Iturthvteat. ForHalebj P.O. Thomp son Co. 4t. The Gazette is the live paper of Mor row county. Now is the time to sub soribe. John F. Spray will pay the highest market price for ohiokens at the Liberty Meat Market. 7if. Charley Sperry was in yesterday from the lower country. He reported a full crop in that locality. L. O'Connor has accepted a place -with Joe Dubois in the shoemaking business at this place. Lame assortment of lubricating oils jusl received and for sale by F 0. Thompson Company. 2 t. J D. Hickey ie over from the Burnt river oonutry where his sheep are looat ed in excellent grass, Photographs $1.50 pei dozen at Sbep pard's gallery, near opera bouse, north Main St., Heppner, Ore. 26tf. Joe Roberts, who was formerly with the White Dramatio Co., departed yes terday evening for Spokane. New stock of the best laundry soap ever sold in Heppoer. Made to order .for P. C. Thompson Company. 2 t. The Heppner Flouring Mill Co. will sell flour at $2.25 per barrel in any .quantities. All Hour warranted. C. W. Oilbousen. the photographer, will take country produce and trade of nil kinds in exchange for pictures. 53-4 During harvest the Liberty Meat Market will exohange meat for wheat. Fanners should take advantage of this offer. 7t(- Bill Tillard took a header down the Palace hotel steps yesterday, and is packing his left wrist in a handkerchief as a consequence. Hon. H. V. Gates, representative ,elect from Washington county, arrived yesterday morning to look after hie in terests in this locality. Dr. Carlysle, the genial physician from' Lexington, was in the city Wed nesday. He reports business very good but collections rather slow. Any person in need of a sacksewer will pleiiBe call at the Gaze te office. Prefers to sew and "back" the saoks, rather than to sew exclusively. 8t. Uncle Nat Webb arrived from Walla Walla on Tuesday morning's train to look after his wool clip, which we learn he disposed of yesteraay tor i;4 umi.e. Minor & Co. received a half carol sugar yesterday and expect a car today, fit well as other giooeries. Extra C, 86 per 100; granulated. $6 50 per 100, oasb. Stage loaves for Echo Mondays, ' Wednesday, and Fridays, returning on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 1H. Wade, Prop, T. W. AyersJr., agent. The Willis boys, who reside near Lex ington, have purobased a new thresher whieh they will operate this season. We wish them Bucoees in this new ven ture. D. C. came over from Monu ment last Wednesday, and yesterday disposed of his wool at 8 cents per pound Two losds arrived from his shearing cor rals yesterday. Green Mathews, east side of Main street, has a neat barber shop and does work at popular prices, 25 cnts suave . or hair out. These have been bis charg es for months. Don't forget him. Some freight was received by onr nrerobants this week wncb cam" via W'fllloia As yet railway communication baa oo been thoroughly stabliehed between Portland and this upper country. A. C. Carle, of Boise City, Idaho, has pnrohased the tonsorial parlor 'orwetli woed by Gid Halt, at the Matlock building next door to Simon blaok amith shop, where be invites the patron age of all who desire strictly first class work at reasonable pnoes. Haircut, shave or shampoo, 25 cents each. Uive him a call. rru- 1. onkartrintinn Drice of tb6 Semi-Weekly Gaz-tte is $2.50 and the regular price or. me nrcn; is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for tne Gazette and paying ior u j. advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for $3. All old .ob flonben paying their subscriptions for Tne year in advance will be entitled to the same. ltr, F. C. AilkiusprcRCbedblsslosing leruinn of this conference year at the M. ii. Church, South, on last Sunday morn ing. Oue week from n.xt Sunday he preaobee out at Rbea oreek There will be a basket nieeiim; A the Adkius grove and a generul invitation is extendel to Heppner people and others to be present. Rev. Adkina does not know whether or not he will be sent back to Ueppner by the oonfereuoe, but we can assure him of one thing, our people will not have any regrets to offer if he is. Hie work in this city has proved very auooessrul the past year, as many have been added to his oongregation as a result of bis untir ing efforts. J. M. Dullarhide. who fnrmnrlv TivAil down near lone, but who for the past two years has resided near Ellensburgb, returned to Heppner the first of the weeit. Mr. D.illarhide has for some time past run a hotel at Suunvside. He does not epeak very favorably of the Yakima country, especially since be has returned to Morrow oounty and finds a bounliful crop on his buochgrass ranoh, and he advises every farmer in this county who has a farm and cabin, to stay with it. Mr. Dollarhide expeots to return to his home in this county about the first of October, when he says be will be Bble to settle every debt he owes in the oounty. The Oregonian correspondent at Hepp ner got Monday's "mill" as ooonrring between Albert Rea and Frank Living stoue, of the "stranded" Evans & Son tag Co. Mr. Livingstone did not oar ticipate br principal in the fight and is n t a member of said company. Mr. Dan Wolf also says that bis oompany is not stranded. The Hood kept tbem from going on to fill dates, and siuoe that time they have been playing "Btook" at Heppner, and will resume business as Boon as the theatrical season opens. W. H Nelson, who is In the drug busi ness at Ktngville, Mo , has so much con ndence in Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy that be Warrants every bottle and oners to refund the money to every onstomer wbo is not satisfied after using it. Mr. Nelson takes no risk in doing this because the Remedy ie a oertain eurefor the diseases for which it is intended and he knows it. It is for Bale by Si' oum-Johnston Drug Co. Peter Rndio and wife, of Walla Walla, arrived Wednesday morning, leaving Thursday morning for Long Creek to visit their son, Wm. Rndio. Wm. passed through Heppner one day ahead of tbem ou bis way to Portland. However, he will doubtless return before their de parture. Aypi's liair Vigor has no equal, in merit and etlicienoy, us a hair dressing aud for the prevention of baldness. It eradicates dandruff, keeps the BOalo moist, oleau, and healthy, aud gives vitality aud oolor to weak, faddd, and gray hair. The most popular of toilet articles. Joo. H L .k , the branch liue brake man, departHd last evening fur Portlaud He will uIko spend a 15 or 20 duy vaoa tion with his mother up in Washington before retot uinir. C. G. Hansen, of The Dalles, will hold down hia job during his absence. Deputy Int. Rev. Cjlleotor E. L. Mima has established headquarters at Pendleton for the dudrict, comprising Umatilla, W'afon, Sherman, Orook, Mal heur, Bakpr. TJuion, Wallowa, Morrow, Gilliam, Grnut and Harney counties. Fresb stock of fanoy. mixed candy just reoeived by P C. Thompson Co., and sold at a price that tickles sweet sixteen all over. Cocoanut bars and peanut bars just the right size for a sweet girl with a big mouth. D. Cox's three little girls, the eldest but eleven years of age, have caught this year in traps 1861 tquirrels. Mr. Cox also shot and trapped over 1,000 of the ItilepeBts, and through the efforts of all his orop was saved. We acknowledge receipt of the pro gram of closing exeroises of the govern ment English school at Honokua, Ha waii. For tt s we are indnbied to our life-long friend, Evau W. Estep, princi pal of this school. Thos. Morgan, wbo recently complet ed a term of school at Hoover creek, and wbo is now looking after bis horses in M irrow county, will learn something to his interest by calling at the Palaoe hotel in this city. The Gazette is in receipt of numerous congratulatory letters from patrons supporting our reeeut stand in a little matter of which the public generally in this neck o' the woods are pretty well informed. B. A. Huosaker runs stage between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day except Monday aud leaving every day exoept Sunday. Short est and obeap est route to the interior. P. Oobn, agent. Elder Howard, of Walla Walla, will oouduot quarterly meeting at the M. E. cburcb, rjuutb, ou Sunday next. Preaoh iug both morning and evening. Also ou Friday and Saturday evenings, J. A. Bullen, of the Bullen Bridge Co , arrived Wednesday eveLiug from Monu ment where thisoompBuy is now puttiug in a bridge. Mr. Bnlien departed for Portlaud Thursday evening. No Portland mail arrived this morning, though the n Bin hue is suppos ed to lie open again, it is nueiy tout some accident nocuied between iVilluws Junction and Portlaud. Albert T. zier. one of our old ty pograph- ical friends, fell in the streets ot Jew York City recently from exoessive heat, aud at lust acoounts was in a serious cooditiuu. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renew- er has restored gray hair to its original oolor and prevented balduess in thou sands of cases. It will do so to you. D m't forget that P. C. ThompaoD Curnpauy have accommodated you and you are b lying ibirf if you keep them uut of tneir money oiuuu longer. Peter West, the Pendleton attortey, was taken before the U. 8 court at Port land recently for overcharging an old soldier in securing a pension. F. M. Kagy, one of the lite traveling men, was ju Ueppner yesterday inter viewing our hardware dealers. Hood's Pills cure constipation by re. storing penstaltio action of the bW meutary oanal, Word comes over from Fairhaveo that "Frank" McDongull is in very poor health. Mrs. L. W. Briggs and children are enjoying life in the country this week. Miss Ada Minor bas returned from a visit to relatives at Fairbaven. Born To the wife of Hiram Clark, Aug. let, a boy. Tired, Weak, Nervoni, Means impnre blood, and overwork or too mnch strain on brain and body. The only way to cure is to feed the nerve on pure blood. Thousands or ia ortiiv that the best blood purifier, the best nerve tonio and strength builder is Hood's Sarsapanlla. What it ba done for other it will also do for you Hood'i curee. OOD'S Sarsaparilla ii carefully prepared by experienced pharmacist! from Sarsa parilla, Dandelion, Man drake, DocicPipsiliewa, Juniper Berries,- and other well known vegetable remedies. The Combination, Pro portion and Process are Peculiar to Hood's Saraapmrill, giving it strength and curative power Peculiar to Itself, not poj- leased by other medicines. Hood'i arsaparilla Cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Sores, Bolls, Pimples and all other affections caused b) impure blood; Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Debility, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver Com plaints. It li Not Whu we Say, but what Hood'i Sarsaparilla Does, thai Tells the Story Hood'i Sarsaparilla URES Hood's Pills art gentl, mild and efhctlra Wedded. John Kenny, wbo was in Heppner yesterday, reports the marriage of his. cousin, John Kenny, and Miss Mary Boark, at Aughavass, Ireland, July 2, 1894. We should have been in formed ot this important event long ere this, but it is not too late for his friends on this Bide ot "the pond "to extend their oongratulations aud well-wishes. Shoe Marino and Repairing: Neat ly Donb. Joe Dubois, having bought out the shoe Bhop formerly owned by Ed Birbeck, in the Abrnhamsick build ing on May street, and also having scoured the services of an experienced workman, is now prepared to do all kinds of shoe making in a strictly first olassstyle. Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. When you need any work in his line give him a call, 54tf. Wool Fob the Scouring Mill. From the Walla Walla Union we note the fol lowing: Grant Johnson, of the Pendle ton Scouring Mills, was in the city Monday making arrangements to pur chase the dean Walla Walla wool. He visited the large Legrow sheep ranch and was Bhown the extensive buildings and acoommodatioDa that gentleman has tor his sheep. He stated that the Pendleton mills have turned out 3,000,. 000 pounds thus far, and expect to scour 5,000,000 before the season is over. Sue's All Rioht. The followingfrom the Pendleton Tribune would indioate that everything is all right over there: "What's the matter with Pendleton? A faro bank was burs ted by gamblers last evening, aid there is talk ot locat ing a distillery in this city. It those two items don't speak volumes fur live ly times, then the business thermometer is out of plumb. There was so much excitement around the faro game a person oould BOaroely get within 10 feet of the table. The 'Rubberneokers' got the full worth of their money." Bhanoh Asylom Case. According to the Salem Statesmen the injunction case against the looation and erection of the Eastern Oregon branoh insane Bsylum, oommenced in the cirouit court for Marion oounty at the February, 1894, term is still on the docket of the supreme ooort. Judge Burnett granted the injunotion by reason of not having sufficient time to examine into the case and with the understanding that it would be appealed to the supreme court. It was entered upon the docket for the March term and, being among the oases from the third district, it will not be reached until about the middle of September. Up at Ditch Cheek. Late Wednes day night O is Patterson, of the Gazette, and S. S. Horner, of the firm of Horner & Warren, arrived from the oamp at Ditch creek. The mountain tourists are camped at Gus Hale prairie and have a splendid retreat. The weather there contrasts greatly with the sultry atmos phere of the low-lands, and the bove wished they were back even before they bad landed at Heppner. Tuesday laet D. A. Herren aud family, Miss Pearl Davis aud J. W. Dawson arrived in oamp and were soon full-fledged mem bers ot the Bellamistio gathering. Others are soon to follow, aud eoon the com munity of tents will merge into a little city. Brace tne Nerves. Sedatives and opiates won't Jo it. These nervines do not make the nerves strong, and failing to do this fall short ot prodnoing the essential ot their quietude vigor. And while in extreme cases and these only of nervous irritation silch drugs may be advisable, their frequent use is highly prejudicial to the deiioate organism upon which they e.ot, and in order to renew their quieting effect inorcused and dangerous doses eventually beoome neoeBsary. Ilos'ettei's Stomach Bitters is an efficient substitute for such pernicious drugs. It quiets the nerves by bracing, tuning, strengthening tbem. The con nection between weakness of the nervous svstem and that of the organs of diges tion is a strong and sympathetic link. The Bitters, by imparting s healthful impulse to the digestive and assimilat ing functions, promotes tbrongbout the whole system a vigor in wbiob the nerves come in for s large share. Use the Bitten in malaria, constipation, bilious and kidney trouble. WANTED To employ "lady or gentleman to represent m in each county. Salary $40.00 per month. Ad dress with stamp. Cbas. A. Robinson k Co., Salina, Kans. The bealthy people you met have healthy liven. They take Simmons Liver Begolator. TT TT c STANDARD HOWE Has the reputation of being the Lightest Running, Least Wear, Fewer Repairs, of any machine in the market. FOB S-fi-X.E BS The Lancashire Insurance Co. OE MANCHBSTBH, BXOLtANO A. W. PATTERSON. AGENT. 0o ;pithe Beetjr, theWorld E. J. SL0CUM, HAS The Agency for the Brownsville - Woolen Mills. And has on hands a full line of their goods iuoluding suits, blankets, woolens, etc. He is also prepared to take measures for suits. Palace Hotel Building, Heppner, Oregon. for Infants " Castortals so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to mo." II. A. ARcnna, II. D., Ill So. Oxford Ct., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castoria b so universal and lis inerit3 so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do Dot keep Custoria within easy reach." Caries Mabtym, D. D., New York City. The Centaur DR. POOTIi'S IIAND-UOOK. OF HEALTH HINTS AND READY RECIPES, is the title of a very hook that gives a great aminnt of infonnation of the I'tmosi Jmportanee to Everybody, concerning their daily habits of Mating, Di inking, Dressing, etc., IT TELLS ABOUT What to Eat, Influence of Plants, Parasites of the SIilu, Cure of Teeth, ' How to Eat It, Oocupntion for Invalids, Bathing Best Way, After-Dinner Naps, Things to Do, Alcohol as a Food and a Lungs and Lung Diseases, Effects of Tobacco, Things to Avoid, Medicine, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance, Perils of Summer, Superfluous Hair, Clothing, What to Wear, Headache. Cause Cure, How to Breathe, Removing Hame, How Much to Wear, To Get Kid of Lice, Dangers of Kissing, Restoring the Drowned, Contagious Diseases, Malarial Affections, Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-Sightcd- How to Avoid Them, Croup to Prevent. Ventilation, ness, Exercise, IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Black Eyes, Bolls, Bums, Chlllblalns, Cold Foot, Corns, Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning, Holes, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Mouth, Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Foot, Toothache, Ulcers, Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms In Children. IT WILL S.VVU DOCTORS KILLS. jyAH new subscribers and prompt renewals dunngthe month of Juue will n presensed with a free copy of tbiB as a premium. Some Minor Oobheotionb. In yester day's Beonrd the funny boy gave a very graphio aooount ot an accident that happened to the Gazette's outfit on the way to Ditch oreek, or rather iu Ditch creek. It was all right except as to minor details, and in this we hasten to oorreot for fear that a few people might read the "phunny" mau'a artiolo and get the thing wrong. The horses were borrowed, so were the hack, harness, whip, gun and well, no matter, the "medicine" chest was Bupplied at our own expense. We would havo borrow ed more, but all demands bavi been satisfied, it was unnecessary. These are all cold, hard facts. But there were no eyewitnesses outside of the party nnless men can see fourteen miles And if we cut any "pigeon wings" iu the air, no oue in that gang will eyer give it away, beoause wo have eyes too. About fifteen minutes valuable lime was lost by the aocident, and, "holy smoke" worst of all our "medicine" chest was depleted one vial. Last June Diclr. CrBwford brought his twelve niontbs-old ohild, suilering from infantile diarrbiea, to me. It had been weaned at four mouths old uud had always been sickly. I gave it the usual treatment in such oases but without benefit. The child kept growing thinner until it weighed but little more than when born, or perhaps tru pounds. 1 then stalled the father to giving Cham berlmu's Uol.c, Cmlira ami Dienlun. Remedy. Before ur,e ijoiiIh of the 2.i cent Bize had b-en used a marked improvement was seen and itB continued nse cured the ohild. Ita weukntHS uud puny constitution disappeared and its lather and myself believe the child's life was saved by this Remedy. .1. T. Mah low, M D , TamBroa, III. For sale by blocum Johniton Drug Co. gome of our merchants were getting iu lots of new goods yesterday. New goods brings new trade. The value of a good noma was well exemplified the other day, when a man asked one of our druggists for a bottle of Karaaparllla. "WboeeT" inquired the olerk. 'Whose? why, Ayer's, of eourte. Ye don't suppose I'm going to ran any risks with Hannah; do ye?" on Yocb Babies. The first two pictures I made in your town were ol bright eyed babies, and if you will bring me more of them, I will show you the finest display of baby pictures you ever aw. That I guarantee sat sfactiou, i truth- 53 4. 0. W. OlLHOL UBN. Gilliam & Bisbee, iiEPPNEn, on SECURED and Children. Castorta cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills YAmns, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. "For several years I havo recommended your ' Castoria,1 and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results.'1 Edwin F. Pardee, M. D. liSlu Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Company, 77 Mtrkat Strkkt, New Yohk On. A NARROW ESCAPE! . How it Happened, i ne Tniiowingremarkanie event In a lady's life will interest the reader: "For a long time I had a terrible pain at my heart, which flut tered almost Incessantly. I had no appetite and could not sleep. 1 would be compelled to sit up In bed and holch gas from my stom ach until I thought every oilnuie would be my last. There was a feeling of oppression about my heart, and I wu afraid to draw a mil breath. J couldri t sweep a room with out SittihCr down Arid reutlnir! lull., fhnnlr (iod, by the help of Now Heart Cure all that lspastanui reel like another woman. Be tore using the New Heart Cure I had taken diiferent so-called remedies and been truaUju ny aoctors without any nenent unin 1 was both discouraged and disgusted. Ily husband bought me a bctile of Iir. ti:es' Kew Heart cure, aim am happy to say 1 never regretted It, as 1 no have a splendid appetite and sleep well, I weighed 123 pounds when I be gan taking the remedy, uud now I weigh 1.T0V4. Its effect iu my case has been truly marvel ous. It far S'irpaac9 any other medicine I have ever taken or any benefit 1 ever re ceived iro-n physicians. Mrs, uarryntarr. Potuvllle. Pa.. (Vtnhcr 12 Isle. Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure Is sold on a posi tive guarantee by all druggists, or by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind., on receipt ot price, 11 per bottle, six bottles IS, expraae pre paid. This great discovery by so emluent specialist in heart disease, contains ueltbef uyutie uur uaugeroua drugs. For sale by T. W. Ayers, jr. HTKAYKI) OH BTOhllN. One horse branded M S. Finder will please retnru to Oeorge M. Massinger, in the nvtiutaiiis, or to A. Abrtihamsick, Ueppner, Or., and receive suitable reward. There are other brands on the animal besides the one mentioned, but the writer cannot describe them. '247 tf. Ahorse kioked II. 8. Shafer, of the Freemyer House, Middlehnrg, N. Y., on the knee, which laid him up in bed and oaused the knee joint to become stiff. A friend recommend d him to nsc Cham berlain's Pain Balm, which he did, and in two days was able to be around. Mr. Shafer has recommended it to many others and ave it Is excellent for any kind of a bruise or sprain. This same Kemrdy is also famous for its cures of rheumatism, For sale by hloontn-Jobn ton Drug Co. Why Don't You Call on the New Firm at the old Van Pnyn tand ? You will certainly be surprised at the low prices in Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and A Complete Line of Groceries. COME IN AND SEE US! No trouble to enow goods and give prices. Respectfully Youbs, HOENOR & IS After a thorough credit system, wehaveconclud ed to change to net and after Aug. i, '04, sell to one and all for CASH ONLY ! GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT Of hat heretofore bad to be oharged reflection on you, but is a plain to sell at lower Nx Favorites IVo Bad Debts A BAD BARGAIN!!! Cnme are as thoughtless and cnrelessin business matters as the poor spider who lowers himself on his silken cord to sure destruction. They allow theinfelves to be inveigled inlo higb-piicpd slores where they got very little for their money. 13tttn- pationize a store that soils very low for cosh. If you wni.t lorgnins in ett pie and fancy groceries and provisions, piee, cukes and bread, in fact everything kept in a first-class bakery and giocery establishment, patronize the Enter prise Bakery and Grocery Store. C. EUHL, Proprietor Land Patents Land patents secured fur settlers in the shortest posnible time. Contested Cases' Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individuals havini! ooLllii'tin claims under the axricultural land lawa. and those between claimants under the Mineral Laws and agricultural olaimants; aud also between claunmts under any of the public land laws and the Kailroad companies and their grantee, and the states aud their grantees, nuder tne bwump-Land and School-Land OruoiB. Specialty made of securing patents in the ahorteBt pnaBible time for settlera wbo have complied with the laws undi-r whioh their entries were made, and who are annoyed and worried by delays in the iseue of their patents, oaused by Trifling Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed. Advioe also given iu all matters relating to the publio lands, especially on points arising under the new lawa which have been recently pussed providing for the disposal of the public domain. If you want your land patent in a hurry if you want your land business, of any character, attended to by skillful and oompatt-ul attorneys, and promptly die posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Weddkruurn, Gen. Man., P. O. Boi. 3HS. Washington. D. O. Tho KccUy -OF- Institute OF )Tlii) '"iuii(( how tu choose the best one to marry TWO COUltSEjThe iimuied how to be happy in marriage : ( DAYS ho fond parent how WANT )Tho motherhow-1 - have them without pain; (AGENT TO )Tho childless how to bo fruitful and multiply; ( SOLD KNOW )The etirions how they "gro wed" and came to bo ;( 42 WHAT jThe health how to enjoy life ami keep well; (AND HE EVERY )Tlio invalid how to get well again speedily; i SAVED liODY )Tho imprudent how to regain wasted energy. ( $1,100 Ol'G'IIT )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth iTN ONE TO )Finl it in Dr. Foote's '7 Plain Homo Talk, ' YEAR. KNOW. ) 1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates; 200 t ,' iOO 000 h'EAl) )lt(!dueed front $3.2.'i to $1.50i eirciilars ' ( COPIES P. II. T. )M.imiv Hill P.ook Co., 12!) E. 2th St., N( ,. ' SOLD. NOTARY PUBLIC -CONVEYANCER A. Change Of Plant test of the nnnT 01 14 cash. On we will B V BEST for uncollectiible accounts. TbiB is no business statement. We oan afford prices io this way. MINOR (t CO. For the Cure oi Litjuor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It 1h located at Forent flrove, Or., 77i Most Ueuutiful Town on the. Count. Onll at the Oazkttk office tor particulars. Htrlctly tiomldfittlal. Treatment private ami mire cure. to have prize babies: ( ONE CAL.I, ATP jal