Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 31, 1894, Image 2

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and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner, Patronize those vho patronize
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will he publiahed uiilen the
writers real name is signed as an evidence of
good faith.
Did you ever
Bead Bbout the
Man who
Hid his
Light under
A bushel?
Yes? well
That is like
Doing busiaesa
Without advertising.
All the
Snide schemes
Id the country
Will not aooompliab
Half as much
As a good ad.
In a good, live,
Legitimate newspaper
One that
Is read
By the people,
And that owns
Its own
Soal; that
Ue ita space
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
"Wuatkvkb is, is right.
"Truth ia mighty and most prevail."
"Libbrtv was theirs as men: without
it they did not esteem themselves men."
At times it is very appropriate for one
to stop and ask themselves, "Who am I.
what am I and whither am I drifting ?"
Wkrm the author living today who
wrote, "This life of ours is a wild M iliau
harp of many a joyous Btrain," be might
appropriately add : "mingled with pain."
Distrcctive forest fires are doing
great damage in different parts of Wis
consin, and also up in British Columbia,
where the loss of property is estimated
to be nearly $150,000.
When a banking institution attempts
to suppress the people and make tbem
bow submissive to its will, it is high
time or it to olose its doors, take down
its sign and ask the comptroller to take
Worn a citizen, be be populist, demo
orat or republican, oanuot affiliate or
associate himself with the pnrly of bio
oboioe, it i8 time for him to stop, seek
his closet and ask himself, "Is life worth
liviug ?"
Utah will eleot delegates to her con
stitutional convention in November
next, and the convention will assemble
the first Monday In Marub, The people
of the territory will vote to aoorpt or
reject the constitution In November,
War is raging between China and
Japan. Some people will say, "let her
rage." The TJuited States supplies
about 40,000 barrols of Hour a mouth to
these countries, Bud the war will ohubo
larger draft for bread mid the fuimeis
of this country will probably supply it
What is one man's poison is nBUully an
other man's nieul Ei.ui Oregonian.
Tur warlike relations existing between
Japan and China have been brought to
an open issue by the Japanese attacking
transports loaded with 12,000 Chinese
troops, off the onast of Corea. In the
engagement, the Chinese junk steamship
Kow filling was sunk, and, it is said
1000 Chiuese were killed. The Japanese
have also made a prisoner of the king of
Corea, and, it is said, have sent bim to
Tub following from the Chicago Inter-
Ooean, very truthfully pictures the sit
uation: "the house out not surrender'
shouts oue organ. "The senate won't
surrender," shouts another. "Snob is
life," witb ninety demooratio majority in
the house, a fair working mnj irily iu the
senate, aud every arm of the government
democratic. No party ever so emptia
sued the maiiui, "Weighed iu the bal
ance and found wauling."
Rrauru do yon do business with a
bauking institution that has au unprin
cipled "I am" at the front dour for presi
dent and a vice-president at the rear
dour iu tbe form of a corporation tleek
with a t'.KMJ admiulstralor fee reputation?
If so, have a cure lest you should tread
on tbe tall of the serpent, or the political
party, the religions denomination, the
swiret fraternity, ywa, the party, ohurcb
or lodge, to which it is a God-given
privilege to assooiote yourself, should do
this institut on soma immaginary wrong,
aud J' ou, au innocent member of said
fraternity, be selected as suitable muter
ial for tbia institution, or the reoogn zed
leaders of the same, to vent their spue
upon. If you love that freedom which
II true Americans are supposed to en
joy, sever your connections witb such
men that you may go to your wife aud
little oaea with the feeling that your
eoul is your own, that you may be able
4o assure then that your farm, with its
pleasant surroundings, that your little
liome aud fireside are not to be torn
from yoa, and your private business
made pnblie and beld up like a atereop-
ttoan view on tbe heavens for the
publio to gaze at. Did it ever occur to
you that such might some day be your
fat ?
To feel bright and oheerful alteud to
jooT stomaon, and take Simmons Liver
Btthhatli llest-i-rallon Ilenoutifcd -A ('Huipaign
of Fdnratlon -Pwdiiinr the White
K I Minn.
The fullovtiug plan of work wbs adopt
ed bv the W. C. T. U. of Oregon iu state
convention at Sulem recently :
We greatly deplore the oontinual de-
9eoration of God's holy dny and not
without grief and apprehemion the
teodency to make it a day of pleasure
instead of worship and meditation; and
pursuant with these principals we urge
First Our unions to investigate our
state laws and use tbeir itfiueuoe to
sroure the rigid enforcement of toe
same; also that we as christian wo
men sssidionsly avoid traveling upon
tbe Sabbath day.
Second Eduoation is the great pre
vention in recruiting the ranks of
lrunkeune8 and vioe. Therefore, we
urge redoubled iflortiu the department
of scientific temperance inntruotion .
Third We desire to express our ap
preciation of our state legislature in
passing an amendment to tbe oigarette
and tobaooo law, subjecting the unlaw
ful user as well as tbe unlawful seller to
a penalty, and urge our local unions to
see the rigid enforcement o' tbe same.
Fourth In view of tbe faot that the
Portland exposition and Salem state
fair are of iqual interest to tbe entire
s ate, therefore, we urge that each local
auion pledge $1 to tbe superintendent
to be equally divided between these
to public gatherings.
Fifth That we encourage tbe influence
secured alone by a larger circulation of
the publication of our W. T. P. A.
Siith That we urge upon local sup
erintendents the necessity of reporting
quarterly tbeir respective unions; that
ibese repons be immediately passed into
the bauds of the oouuty superintendents
who shall in time report quarterly to
the state superintendent.
Ueventb Knowing that our boys and
girls will soon be the voters of our
country, and as such need a thorough
education in temperance principles,
we therefore recommend the Demoreft
medal work as well calculated to meet
tuis demand.
Eighth That our refuge homo may
be better advertised in our state, we
recommend a larger circulation of the
leaflets printed in tbe interests of the
institution through tbn medium of tbe
local and oonnly snperintendeulsof pur
ity and that tbo-e superintendents urge
contribution lor tbe work.
Ninth Believing that much of our
success depends on our business meth
ods anil that it is important we keep
our ork before the people, we strongly
reoommend that every union own a
couseorated bulletiu board and keep
fresh crisp items of news, uotioes and
ao-forth on it.
Tenih We would urge the unions in
the stale to insist on tbe enforcement
of the law on narcotics iu tbeir various
localities. We reoommend no lecturers
shall be engaged by the local unions
without they oome endorsed by the
national, state, or county union, and
that state otfioers and superintendents
do not make appointments in county
and looul unions without the oonseut
of suoh county or looal unions. In view
of the fact that the teaching of kiudness
to children is suoh a fautor in the pre
vention of crime, we recommend that
special effort be made to organize
bands of mercy in publio and private
schools, colleges, Sunday schools and
Loyal Temperance legions and to in
terest the teachers of publio schools in
this 1 in ij of teaching.
The L. T. L. secretary seuds this
plan of work: The L. T. L's should be
recogniced as a part of us, at public
meetings and conventions eh, mid have
a pluce on the programmes use tbem
as ushers, pages, siiigers, in Damorest
medal contest use tbem together witb
the Y's. Impress upon the children
the fact that they belong.
THE WtsmtN I'KHACilKllK.
We are in receipt of the May number
of our state school paper. It exoeed
any of the former niimb'-rs ir. valur.
Tbe paper this montb oontains many
new and valuable features. Tbe illus
trated series ou the schools of the state
is introduced by a paper on tbe Frieuds
Polytechnic Institute at Salem, Oregon.
These papers cannot fail to be of greal
value both to the schools an 1 to the
There are also several flue articles
by our best writeiB and the department
"Current Evenls,""Suturday Thoughts.'
"Educational Newa" "The Orach
Answers, Correspondents," etc., eaol
oontiiin much valuable reading foi
teachers or parents. The iimgnzim
has a limit 50 pages of matter, wel
printed aud arranged. We pronounce
the Western Pedagogue the beet educa
tional monthly ou the coast.
Everyone of our readers should have
the paper if they are at all interested
in education. No teacher school direc
tor or student eau gel along well with
out it. We will receive subscript, one
nt this oflijjc. Price only $1.1X1 a eat.
When denned we will send the Western
Pedagogue anil Gazelle one year to oue
address for $;t.00 Call aud rxamitit
eauiple OopicB. Teachers, directors and
parents, now is I he time to nibi-ci ihe. tl
"How to Cure All ttkia ihsraseM,'
Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment
No iuternal medicine required. Cures
tetter, eczema, itch, al1 .'motions on the
face, hands, nose, Ac., leaving the skin
dear, white and bealthly. Its great
healing and curative powers are possess
ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug
gist for Swatue's Ointment, sw 1 yr.
WANTED An "'"K01'0 p"
son to act as our general agent, salary
810.00 per mouth aud commission.
Address with stamp.
Chas. A. Robinson i Co., Saline, Kans.
Dou't almost kill yourself by violent
purgatives. Take Simons Liver Rgu-
lator, s mild laiative.
Vlictloje Itemed Barron In 10 Knnnds
the Kaee Track Sunday.
The announcement that a 2(1 round
fight to a finish between Frank Wbet
stone, of this city, and J. Barroa, of
San Francisco, attracted some 75 or 80
persons to tbe grove beyond the race
track late Sunday after noon, where
tbey found tbe ring made, rope stretch
ed and gloves ready, which gave tbe
ordinarily quiet grove quite a pugilistic
A $20 purse bad been promised for
the winner, but after more than a half
hour's rustling, pleading and coaxing
on the part of tbe stake bolder and
other enthiieiastp, intermingled by
many wittioisms and positive assurances
from Referee Livingston of "no flight no
pay," and that tbe contest would be one
of "black eyes and blood," a purse of
$18.00 was raised, which after consider
ation, tbe participants decided to enter
tbe ring for. Considerable delay was
caused bv tbe fact thut no second could
be secured for Barrou. But aa a last re
sort, tbe services of G. B. Tedrowe, tbe
genial mixologist of the Palace Hotel
tier fame, were kindly tendered and
accepted witb equal grace. However,
the contest had not far progressed ontil
it became evideut to all that Friend
Tedrowe knew more about mixing the
ever festive Heppner cocktail than he
did about seconding prizefights, though,
he at times bandied tbe principals chair
and himself quite skillfully and alwavs
managed to be well out of the way
when tbe participants worked down to
bis corner, where it might be said t hat
the greater portion of the fiercest fight
ing oooured.
After all preliminaries bad been
arranged the principals entered tbe ring
about 5:15, Whetstone, with Joe Roberts
as second, and Barron, witb O. IS Ted
rowe bs second. Referee, Frank Liv
ingston, Time keeper, Hiok Mathews,
and Stake holder, Dave McAfee After
shaking hands sparring began with
Barron evidently trying to press the
flu br, but Whetstone, after assuming
the defensie for a time made a rush aud
landed square on Barron's nose, bring
ing first blood, wh'ch flowed quite free
ly. At call or time both were rushed to
their respective corners and oared for bv
tbeir seoo, ids lWeree Livingston did
the work of bottling, "sprayiDg" and
rubbing down Barron at this time as
well as throughout the tight besides
cuHXing, couching and refereeing tbe
same, which he did at times in a very
comical manner much to the amusement
of the orowd. Promptly at the call the
men onine to the oenter but fighting
as rattier tame for several rounds, and
in fact did not warm up until the sixth
round when Whetstone secured the
first knock down, nnd it was claimed
would have won tbe fight at this point
had not time, by mitake, been oalled
too soon. Bv this t me both were very
tired and Barron showed the effects of
considerable punishment on the body
Several times fouls were claimed for
Barron, tbonuh not allowed by the re
feree. from this time to the finish it
was an interesting fight and nt times
vrry fierce. In the eighth fighting was
pushed by Whetstone, who hit Barron
almost at will, landing heavy blows on
the ribs a d chest, and at times forc
ing bim almost over the ropes. At
the close four knock downs were credit
ed to Whetstone, fhe ninth was a
repetition of the proceeding round.
Whetsona pushed tbe Sight, landing
right and left, and at the close Barron
had either been knocked down or bad
gone down to avoid punishment seven
times. While he was not knocked out,
yet he was not on bis feet fighting but
verv little of tbe time during the round,
and it is safe to say time only saved
him. The tenth and last round was
all decididly in Whetstone's favor.
Barron was forced to the ropes and
almost at will, and would only oome up
at the lust second to he downed again.
The fifth time down he was unable to
get on Ins feet until counted out bv the
Time keeper, Mathews, whereupon
Referee Liviogstnn deolared V betstone
the winner, fbicd was greeted witb
ome little epplaiise, and was, of conrse,
unquestioned. B dh men were very
tired, though Whetstone showed no
signs of punishment. Tbev were
promptly rushed down to tbe creek,
given a plunge water bath, nibbed
down Bnd dressed. When all poceeded
to town to discu.-s the merits of the
Of the National Bank of Heppner al
Heppner, in the State of Oregon,
at the clone of business
July IS, mi.
Loans and discounts $ 82,975.10
Overdrafts scoured and unse
cured 5,887.73
U. S. bunds to secure circula
tion 12.500 00
Pri-nituui" on U. 8. Bonds 900.00
Stock securities, pio 4,722 42
UunkinghoiiNe, furniture, & tin. 2,500.30
Due from Nuiionnl liauks
(not It-serve Agents) 6.470.51
Due from state bnuks Biid
banker" 260.31
Due from approved reserve
agents ti 552 77
Checks and other cash items. . 218 86
Not, s of other National Banks 1M
Fractional paper currency,
uickles, and cents 150)
Specie !f3"00 00
Legal-tender uotcs. . . 1,200 00
Redemption fund with V. S.
Treasurer (5 per cent, of cir
culation) 562.50
Total 128,r;W.55
Capital stock paid in 8 50,0)0 00
Surplus fund 0,000 00
Undivided profits, less expen
ses and taxes paiil 2.611.71
Nat. Banknotes outstanding.. 11,250 00
Due to other Nat. banks 241 33
l)u to Slate hanks and bank
ers 247 05
Dividends unpaid 6,025.00
Individual deposits subject to
check 46,517.57
Pemaud certificates of deposit 4,006 80
Total 128,050.5o
State or Okroon, )
Cot'NTY OF Morrow, )
I, Ed. li. Bishop, Casbier of the above-
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
Bb ve statement is true to the best of
my kuowledge snd belief.
Ed. R. Bishop, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this aoth day of July, 1804.
. VV. IHwson.
No'arv Public.
Correct Attest: E D R io.l, Wm
I'enland, O. E. Farneworth, Directors.
The healthy people you meet have
henllbT livert. They lake Simmons
1 Liror RvRtilktor.
i ' . .r " . amet e Valley, twt-ltre miles Sonthwestof the
fctate Cap tai. It hns no Baloona, The Normal
Srhool Diploma entitles one to teich in any courty in the sate without further examination.
Graduates command good positions.
Normal, $6.28; Sub-Normal, $5; Commercial. $6.25.
Board at Normal Dinkg Hall, $1.75 per week; furnished rooms with fire and
light, from $t 00 to $1 2) per week; nnfnrnisheft rooms 50 cents per week. Board
and lodging in private families from $3.00 to $3.50 per week.
Vitality ami irrowth have alwayn characterized the work of the Normol. The cnmlng year
promiHeR to be one of the beBt in ite history.
uataiogue cneerluiiy ieni on application.
or W. A. WANN, Secretary of Faculty. J3-62
From our Long Creek Paper.
Wm. Rush and wife, of Heivuer. are
at the MoDuffee bot springs.
Bob Shaw arrived Tuesday from Voi t
tan I wbere he is rancing a meat m trket.
He came to Grant county to buy beef
Geo. Wells, Niok Willingham and Jim
Hart, of Heppner, were in Ling Creek
early this week, leaving Monday for
McDuffee not springs .
Gov. R'B departed for bis home at
Heppner iMonday after a stay of about
10 days at the MoDuffee hot springs. lie
always enjoys a visit to Grant.
Uncle Jack Morrow who came over
from Heppner about two weeks ago, is
recovering his health at tbe McDuffee
bot springs. He had been orippled up
for B year with rheumatism.
A Orand Featnre
Of Hood's Sarsaparilla is thBt while it
piri&ea tbe blood and sends it coureing
through the veins full of richness and
health, it aleo imparts new life and
vigor to every function of the body.
Hence the expression so often beard:
"Hood's Hareaparilla made a new person
of me." It overcomes that tired feeling
so common now.
To develop tbe gold properties iu
Lewislon. Miners' Delight, Atlantio,
South Pass, Gild Creek, or on the
Rustler Belt. You onn get full iufor-1
mation regarding reliable mines which
are for sale by tbe camps mentioned by
addressing James A. McAvoy, oouuty
olerk of Fremont c nnty, Lauder, Wyo.,
Wm., Sturgis, Jr., Cheyenne, Wyo., A.
Kendall, casbier First National bank,
Rook Springs, Wyo., S. L. Hpangler,
chairman Fremont board of county
commissi mers, Atlantifc City, Wyo.
The Union PaoiBc is the shortest and
quickest line to th? South Pass
country, daily stages from Rock Springs
and Rnwlios.
G. A. K. NOTICE. ,
We take this opportunity of inform
ing our subscribers that tbe new com
missioner uf pensions bas been appoint
ed. Ue is an old soldier, and we believe
that soldiers and tbeir heirs will receive
justice at bis hands. Wedi not antici
pate that there will be any radical
changes in the administration of pension
affairs under tbe new regime.
We would Bdvise, however, that U.
S. soldiers, sailors Bnd tbeir heirs, take
steps to make application at onoe, if
tbey have not aleady done so, iu order
to seoure the bent fit of the early filing
of their olaims in case there should be
any future pension legislation. Such
legislation is seldom retrosotive. There
fore it is of great importance that ap
plications be filed in tbe department at
the earliest possible date.
IftbeU. .Boldiers, sailors, or their
widows, children or parents desire in
formation iu regard to pension matters,
they should write to tbe Press Claims
Company, at Washington, D. O., Bud
tbey will prepare and send the necessary
application, if they find them entitled
under the numerous laws enacted for
their benefit. Address
Jonn Wkddkrburn, Managing Attor
ney, Washington, V. 0., P. O. Box 38o.
The Union PBCifio is tbe shortest line
to the Lewiston, Miners' Delight,
Atlantic and South Pass gold fields.
Buy your ticket via Rook Springs or
Rawlins, from which points you can go
by a first olass stage line to Lewiston,
reaching the mines the same day.
A trilling dose from
a 25-cent box of
(Tastrlese.) O
will frequently prove O
as effective as a doc- j
tor's prescription.
Next seeiion begins the 17lh of Sep
tember, IS94.
Tuition, tree. Bourd, $2.50 week.
Five ooiirs: Classical, Scientifij,
Literary, English ami Business.
The Boarding Hall for young Isdies
anil the Boarding UhII for yonng gentle
men will be nnder tUe personal supervi
sion of Mrs. Munra,a lady of refinement
and large experience. For Catalnes,
address J. J. Walton,
53 71. fleoy. Reaeots.
Worth a Guinea a B x. Q
Tr.Armsa tfk xobtkit ast
' ' '
Thirteenth Annual Session
Stale Normal E:h::l.
A training hool for Teachers. Theory and
Practice combined, atrong HrnfeBsioiml Course,
and well eq- Ipped Modl School. Thorough
Preparatory ai.d Academic CourpeB. Normal,
Advanced Normal, Business, Music and Art
.Departments. Light expenseB. Board nd
lodging, boolii and tuition uot above 16fper
The town of Monmouth has a beautiful and
healthful location in the verv heart of the Wlll-
1. h. CAMPBELL, 1'residei.t.
of Morrow, State of OrPKon.
Mary J. Uoonan, plaintiff, vb. Wm. Dounan,
To the above named defendant. William
Doonan: Iu the name of the State of Oreuon.
your are herebv require to appear and answer
the complaint died aeainit you in the above
entitled Buit on r before the 4 day of September.
A. lHy4. the same being the first day of the
next regular term of said ourt, and i! you fall
BOto answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will
applv to said court for a decree dmolving the
marriage contract existing between said
plaintiff and Bald defendant, and for
the costs and disbursements of this
suit. This summons Is published by
order of Hon. W L. Bradshnw, judge of said
court. Done at chambers at 1 he Dalles, Oregon,
July 17th, 1SU4.
EM.TS, Dawson & Lyons,
2",l-63. Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice of Intention.
j July '2D, 1891, Notice is herebv given ihat
the following named settler has Hied notice rf
his intention to make final proof i" support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. VV. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner
Oregon, on Sept. 1, MM, viz:
Hd. application No. 4777 for theN! N W'U S W"4
N W)4 aud N i 8 WJ Sec. B0, Tp. 1 S. R. as.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Cyrus Mitier, Charley Benetiel, Charley Val
entine and VV. M. Booher, all of Lexington.
251-'61. Jas. F. Muobic, Register.
Administrator's Notice.
li letters of administration on the estate of
Frederick Kretzschmar, deceased, were granted
to the undersigned on the 7th day of luly, WM.
by the County Court of Morrow county. All
persons having claims against sniit estate are
required to exhibit them to me for allowance
at my place of business in Heppner. Morrow
Co . Oregon, within six months after the dute of
this notice or they snail be forever barred.
Also all persons owing said estate are requested
to settle at once.
Dated, Heppner, Or., July 7, 1SU4. 247-56
Teacher's Examination.
the purpose of examining all those who
may otter themselves as candidates lor county
or State certificates, ytate Diplomas or State
Life Diplomas, the superintendent of Morrow
countv will hold a publio examination at the
court house in Heppner, beginning at 1 o'clock
p m . on Aug. , lH'.U. Dated this 7th day of
Julv mill.
2fi25 Supt. Morrow Co.
NO. 2301.
Send this CO PON and
Ji Cents to
209 Hearboru St., Chicago, 111.
And receive (post p id) ONE
FIECK OF M HlC.oi your own
chol -, n med below, or THREE
ptec b for tiO cents, or SIX p'eces
or $1.00. Remit postal note or
on? and twv cen stamps.
Thin Coir on not good after
December Hint, lfiiM.
The Latest Music
Wedded A her thb Ball. Bv Barney Fa-
ea i 40 cts
Most popular waltz aoner 01 tne nay.
Dedicated to Mr. C. K. Harr s, author
nf "A tr the Rail "
A Dream of Arcadia Waltz floriff, I"yon J50 eti
T e iong of all Bons. favorite ol
AdeMna Tat'i.
Moon 1 ht onthe Lagoon, by Geo.
Srhlelttarth 50 eti
I at est popular suece s by tnls noted
I) N." "AU NT d!8 T VB." "WlIBRB MV
Honey Hlrecs," complete 75 cts
ihree enarmliiK, piai live aim cnarac
. trtgtic fou hern Houk- writte'i by
Col. Will L. Visscher, and arranged by
W. Hebert Lai i yon.
AT Eventide. Nocturne for piano, Mar
cus 0 CtB
A very brilliant Nocturne, about
Rra e 4-5.
In Flow'ry Grove, reverie for p'ano.
Marcus .ri0 cts
B auiiful reverie, original, and Bure
to please.
5 l'he above are all fine editions of val
liable copyriguts, and cannot Ve i ad inCHEAP
r UK.M,
Coupon must accompany the order to Reeure
ine retliu'ttoiiB tin nun.
W. L. Douclas
extua fine. ""s
Yoa can save monrr b? purchasing w. 1m
Because, we ate the largest manufacturers of
dvrruseJ siloes in the world, and guarantee
the value by atampinfc the name and price oa
the boltom. which protects you against high
prices and the middleman's pro6ts. Our shoes
equal custom wort in stvle, easy fitting and
wearing qualities. We have them sold every,
where at lower price for the value given than
any o.hcr lualie. T ike no substitute. If your
dealer cannot supply you, we cau. Sold by
Uxnlrr liuse nHuie wi I hutily ap
pear here. Aient WHiited. Apply it once
The Studebaker waeou beads tbem all.
For sale at Gilliam k Bisbee's. a
"Hardware" did yoo say? Why, yes
at P. C. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the
plnee for bargains. a
The Keeley Institute, at b'oreet Grove
enres liquor, optnm, morphine, cocaine
and tohaoco habit. See ad.
It yoa want to buy Rrocpries, and
bread stnff cheap, so to the Enterprise
Grocery. Kirk $ Kuhl, proprietors, a
The general merchandise establish
ment formerly owned by Coffin i Mt Kar
laud, hns lately changed hands, now be
ing under th" control aud management
of The MoFarlanJ Mercantile Companv,
wbiob continues business at tbe old stand
with a larger stock than ever. a
THIS Popular Hostelry h&s again
1 been re-opened and will be run
in first class style.
Meals and Rooms at Popular
Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop.
The Lightest, Strougeat and
Emial with the interest of those having claims against tlie government &
that vf TNTVPNTflRS. who often lose the
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employiug competent and reli
able solicitors tc procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney.
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys,
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents In the United States
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If vou have an invention on hand send a sketch or tihotoeraph thereof, to.
gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once
advised as to the best course tc pursue. Models are 'Seldom necessary. If
others are infringing on your rigr ts, or if you are charged with infringement by
others, submit the matter to uf for a reliable OPINION before acting on the
p.o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
W Cut this out and send It with your iiMUm.a
Preutihs lUcliiylitg pills euro count tpfitiou
Prentiss Rectifying pillacure constipation
AlrroBt all pills and medicine produce
liver, biliousness, rheumatism, indigestion, sick taoadacha and kidney and liver
tnubles without griping or leaving any trace of CONSTIPATION, which
is the prlmo cause of nil sickness, bewuroof it getting habitual and chronic wllhyou,
see to it la time ; these pills will cure y;u.
a a
clear the akin and romovo all blotches
self. 25 Cents a box.
Or sent by mall upon recel pt of price by
Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturin; Co.,
fcnt'S 2!!!y!nB ,'1'9cura constipation Prentiss lleclirylng pills cure constipation
Prentiss Rectifying pniscilre constipation Prentiss Rectifying pmaruro constipation
JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney,
P.O. BOX 463. Waehinnrnr, n r.
was due to sr.ny service or no, if .VdVpd, ,n T&tZZZr&
nido "IL"R,thNs,since dirfoS-'lSf ytarS) 'U a'm8t " CaS" Whe w" "
seroVfrom left neither wlrlow nor child, provided soldier died in
service, or from rrectii or service, and tliev are now dependent upon their own lnhor for ,in.
port. It makes no d.fference whether so.dUr served or died i" iwar
Xtfr-"1" one law' may apt,,y for hieher rat nni,er othw
Thousands of soldiers drawing from $2 to $to per movth under the old lar" ,re entitled to
or deVe ndn,W " a"d ,bt"i"! alsoentltleTwo years of age or disabled
feteru..aorUnSoCt0mpletedandsttt,tm"tobu!n':4. Pon ha. been granted under
erfificates oFrt$ :Fitttmnt
Send for laws and information.
No charge
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P. O. Box 463.
Ellis, Dawson t? Iyons,
All business attended to
manner. Notaries
i S
Easiest KutiniDg Mower Made.
COMPANY, Agents.
benefit of valuable inventions because
and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In
I'reiHiHS KuL'tifylui; pillscurocoustiputiou
Pivntisa Recti tying pills euro cont I pat Inn
constipation, here Is a iil'.l mm euros torpid
becauso it Is the only safe and harmless
remedy that will surely DEAUTIFY the
from the face.
Try a box and see for youp-
8ecured' if "Action Improper
or illegal.
tbe Ute war who
for advice. Kafnnl .....r..i i.
in a prompt and satisfactory
Poblie and Collectors
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office