Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 17, 1894, Image 3

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    NuTlCE TO AltVKKllbiLtta.
I'HtWE dtafrinji the limertion of dlBplay tuis.,
r change ui same, must get their copy in
.lot later than Monday evening fur Tuesilay (
edition, or Thurtiday eveuiiig for Frfdayi edi
ion. Thje Patthkhun PubuhhifgCo,
1. The Bum of five cent per lino will be
0 barged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
rebpwt," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
eents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to In every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writers real uame is sigued asau evidence ot
good faith.
ing Agent, '21 Merchants exchange,
8au J raucisco, is onr authorized agent. 'lhl
papt r la kept on tile in hih olhce.
titage for Hardmau, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and Uaiiyou City, leaves an follows :
Kvery day at 6 a. m., except Hunday,
Arrives every day at 6 p. m., except Sionday.
the cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
Fhill Cohn, Agent.
Give your busmen to Heppner people,
and therefore amit to build up liepp
ner. tutronize those who patronize
Here and There.
A mining boom is id progreea id Gract
Ben FuppeD was down Friday (rum
W. 0. Rfininger was id Monday from
J. C Knk'a.
Hod. S. B. McCoid died at Bukei
City on ibe 9 b mist.
Mule Mvbee leavta today for an out
ing uu Feuland prairie.
Artbnr Suiiib will clean watches at
the rednoed pnoe ol SI.
Gov. Kea and Uncle Jack Morrow are
acjourmug at StioUnrUe springs.
Frank Roberta bus troue to tbe Walla
Walla ouuutry lo work through barvrgt.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ilia, hilioua.
liens, j iiudioe, indigeation, sick bead
ache. 25o
Fred Sherman returned yesterdaj
from Tee apriniiB, uceumpnnied bv
Frank Natter.
Jobn F. Spray will pay the highest
market price for ohiukc us at tbe L'linrt)
Meat Maiket. 7if.
ditor Cradlebangb, now of Tbe
Dal es Cb'iiuiole, bus sold tbe liuud
Kivtr (ilaoier.
Photographs 81.50 pel d( zen at Sbep
psrd's gallery, near opera bouse, north
Main 8t., Ht ppuer, Ore. 26 f.
Mrs. Ada Oweua onminitted fuioidt
at iNioEweu on tbe 4ih mat., by cutting
her throat with a ri.z r.
Strikers in Hnoranieuto have Adopted
guerilla warfare, and bave lost man
friends in coustquence.
John E. K belts, Ed. of tbe Harney
Times, was nceutly oleared ot tbe
charge of embtzzlemeDt.
A little black bug in attacking fl iwers
and garden truck. Will some bngolo
gist ci. me to (be rescue.
Mrs. El. K. Bishop and obildren
departed today for Pendleton to spend a
few days witb relatives and friends.
During harvest the Liberty Meat
Market will exchange meat for wheat.
Faimers should take advantage of thib
offr. 7tf.
Ex Sheriff Geo. Noble and J. B Bunt
left overland today f r Southern Oregon.
Tlie.v will remain down there several
Free Greene and Albi rt Matteson
were in from the monutaius Friday lust.
The boys didn't seem to be iufatuaied
with our climate.
Stage leaves for Eoho Mondays,
Wedi esdays. and Fridays, returning on
Tuesdays, ThurFdxjs and Saturdays.
U. Wade, Prop. T. W. AyersJr., agent.
Miss May Builey was on the sick Hat
for the pant week. She returned yester
day to Mr. Hughes' iu whose family sb
has been retained this summer an pre
VVm. Rush and wife If ave today for
McDiiffi Springs. Mr. Rush is iu poor
health, and may go to tbe roast if be
does Dot get better over at this Grant
county bealtb resort.
Tom Buckley, Hunday last, was
arrested by Marshal Rnaik for obstrep
erous couduot, and Mond y like all ye
erring brethren, deposited tbe oustomary
fee itb tbe recorder.
W. C. Keiuioger reoeived a telegram
yesterday stating that his daughter,
who resides at Milton, is nut eipto'ed
to live, aod I e accordingly left fur that
place on toda'd train.
Pendleton Knights of Pythias some
time Biuce bruugnt atvut the consoli
dation of the two lodges, Damon and
Harm ny, and now D-.uinn No. 1 is the
only K of P. lodge in that city.
We are informed that tickets can now
be bought through to Portlaud, arrange
ments having been made with tne
opposition boats. The road will prob
ably be in full operation again by the
25th inat.
Green Mathews, east aide of Main
treet, has a neat barber shop aud does
work at popular prices, 2i c nts suave
or hair out. These have been bis charg
es for mouths. Don't forget bim.
Last Satutdst atveralof ourmerrhants
got in some sugar, puttiug an end to tbe
famine that baa existed here for some
time. It did m t last long, but other
invoioes will be in soon, and no nrther
trouble iu that directioii is expected.
Tbe latest from the E-ist is that the
proposition made by Deb-i to the r til way
managers was not aooepted. ai d con
sequently the strike is not S. Yet con
ditions are improving, many line" heing
in operation aira n. Eit of Coioagu
tbe trouble is virtually at an end
T.-M.: At the last session of tbe
legislature the law by which count
assessors went into ( tfice was changed,
ao that hereafter tbe conEty assessor
takes bis seat t e first Monday n,
January instead f the first Monday iu
Sunday last it rained over on Rhea
ereek, iu the neighborhood of Crocket
Kiik's, m as to postpone hayiug yester
day. Up at Ben Matt-sou's and over
here at fcbpptier it did not rain at all.
A geueral rain 'would not come amiss,
tboogb orops are as good as made.
A. C. Carle, of Boise City, Idaho, has
purchased the tonsorial parlor formerly
wned by Gid Halt, at tbe Matlock
bnilding next door to Btmon's blaok
amitb shop, where be invites tbe patron
age of all who desire strictly first class
work at reasnunhln prices. Haircut,
bave or shampoo, 25 cent each. G'Ve
bim call
The regular subscription P'ice of tba
Semi-Weekly Unz tte is $2 50 and the
regular priee cf the Weekly Or'gonian
iafl.jO. Anyone anbacribing for the
Oaz-tie and paying for one year in
erivMice csn get both the Gaze'te and
Weekly Oregooian fur All old sub
scribers paying their anhae-ipMona for
one year in advance will be entitled to
(be same.
Tbeeieenou contest case, Hayes vs.
Harm -Kb ti, whicu was oilUd for th
loth, Sunday, has b-en postponed lid
im x tSepteiuber term of c urt. Geo.
Hairiuntou, tu preseut Bheriff of Mor
low ouiiuty, received notice of contiuu
anoe yesierdiy. The attorneys prosecu
ting i be oase are Starr, Killan & Ttiom
as, nf Portland, and rion. J. N. Brown,
ot Heppner.
Town council met in ri gu'ar session
last evening, F J Halo.ck, acting
mayor, presidit g, and all onuncilmeu
present. M. Laughbn was allowed 81.
ibe eerviots of tbe present marshal
were continued ft r two weeks longer to
collect dog and poll texts, and then the
assembly of honorable oity dads ad
journed. At a recent meeting of the Pythian
Sisters, tbe otuVers-eleot were installed,
followed by a o.dlatiou. A number of
brethren were present, and some of them
ell lis outhe quiet that the Pythian Sis
trsare ti e b-si jndges in Hrppuer of
tthalittakeatu nok e the palate. Well,
if I bey don't know, nho does.
"Be sure yon get Ayer's" is an im
portant coition to all in search of a
thorough reliable blood purifier, Ayer's
Sarsparilla being the one on wbiob
there en be do manner uf doubt It
has stood the test of nearly half a
century, and has long been considered
the standard.
B. A. Hnnsaker riinB stage between
Heppner aud Monument, an iving every
day except Monday and leaving every
day exoept Sunday. Shortest and cheap
HSt route to the interior. P. Oohn,
H irry Warren returned Friday from
The Diller. He saw Harry Phillips,
Walt Richardson, Frank Rogers and
others, and all have work. The first
three are iu tbe employ of the railroad.
At a called meeting of the school
board last SutU'day, Fraiik riaird was
awarded I be contract to furnish the
wood for the district, seventy oords at
84 50 per cord.
. W. H. Boober and Ernest Piper was
in the oity fioiu the L xmgtou oouutry
Stiir.l iy. B itb report fl ittering pros
pect down iu tne lower uuuutrv.
Rev. FathPr Bentgen, of Pendleton,
will bold service at theC ithoho ohuroh
next Sunday, July 22. Everybody in
vited to attend this service.
A onmmittee of young ladies gave a
piouio in Jones' gmv", last Saturday,
a number of our young people being
Albert Ayers and family arrived from
vialheur last Saturday, making the trip
overland. His sheep are doing very well
l'hill Cohn arrived from 'Frisco Satur
day. Mis. Cobn and child will not re
i urn for somr-weeks jet.
Walter and Charley Van D'tyn are
taking an outing iu Penlaud prairie, in
compauv with Nate Me Bee.
R xty Heppner penpla were in atten
dance on M'. Tom Bradley's Sunday
dinner, the 15 b lost.
The "Waif of the Rierrns," Friday, Jti
Iv 20th, at tbe opera bonne. Se display
ail. in this issue.
Geo. Confer antl wife and Dr. P. B.
McSwnrds and wif spent Sunday last
on Rhea oreek.
D. I. Asbu'v, of the Grant County
N-ws, was in Washington, J), Q.t on the
13ih inet.
Friday last the thermometer registered
98 degrees iu tbe shade at Heppuer.
The strike is over, and then it isn't.
That is tbe tone of Eastern news now.
Frank MoFarlan and family left Sat
urday overland for Hood River.
li is. Lienallyu wan up from Lexing
ton on business last Friday.
Jake Young and wife were in from
Gooseberry Saturday last.
Heading is now in full blast in the
north end of the comity.
J. W. Matlock returned from Portland
Friday of last week.
E l R. Bishop leaves today for Port
land on business.
Dan Horner returned Saturday from
WANTED An ederKetio ppr
son to act as our general agent, salary
$40 00 per month and commission.
Address witb stamp.
Chas. A. Robinson A Co., 8alina,Kan8.
To develop the gold properties in
Lewiston, Miueis' Delight, Atlantic,
South Pass, G dd Creek,- or on the
Rustler Belt. You can get full infor
mation regarding reliable mines which
are for sale by the o-tmps mentioned by
addressing James A. McAvoy, connty
olerk of Fremont c nnty, Linder, Wyo.,
Wm., Sturgis, Jr., Cheyenne, Wyo,, A
Kendall, cashier First. National bank,
R iok Springs, Wyo., S. L. Spangler,
jhairmin Fremont bjard of county
commissi mers, Atlantio City, Wyo.
The Union Pacific is tbe shortest and
quickest line to tht South Pass
country, daily stages from Rock Springs
and Rawlins.
Jcly Toilettes for Julv has beep
onrdiully welcomed at this oflioe. Tbe
elegaut engravings present charming
and varied ex imples nf summer styles,
tbe latest ideas and creations of tbe
modistes of Europe being embodied
therein. Dressmakers and ladies alike
will be gratified with this number, no
j 'nrtial of its class containing eo many
beautiful designs, suitable for travel or
fiir the occasions which arise during a
soj mm at the seaside aud other sum-ni-r
resoria. Diiuty sleeves, blouses,
c irsages, Oollareltes.a d childrena' attire
are specialties which will be noted. It
can be obtained from all newsdealers, or
direot from Toilettes Publishing Co,
120 West, 23 St., New York. Single
copy 20 cents. Yaarly subscriptions
SI 5J.
Offckbs Installed On Tuesday
eveuiug lust Doric L 'dge No. 20, K. of
P., nf Heppuer, in"lal ed tbe following
offinera for term ending Dec 31. 1894:
CO., A. W. Pattersi..J V. C, Tnos.
Qiaid; P, E. S Keithlj; M. of F.,
W. W. Smead; M. at A.. W. C.Thomp
son; VI. of W., E L. Freeland; I. G.,
J. N Brown; O G , J. J. Roberts. D.
D. G. C, E. P. Voruz was the installing
officer. .
Xoaey Spent Economically .
Money economically speut ia not al
ways j idiciously spen. Wbf Simply
because a ob-M article often requ les
mote m mey spent on it to kee it in
rep.irthuu it omil.l oust to pmcbase
the best. We m nuf.iO ure nothing bm
the la-si gas and a"lnie engine iu the
market, and re-ii.s pn-v, j,. Send for
ostainHue. Palmkb & Rex TyeB Found
rt. Front & AUtr is k, Portland, Or.
Why 6i.ff.ir from dyspepsia and bead
ache when Mmmona Liver Regulator
will eure you ?
Ml I
Urt. rials Emery
Indigestion, Cramps
In the stomach, dyspepsia and estairh ot th
bowels, caused mr wife greatsuffering. She haa
been taking Hood's SarsaparllU sad now has
Hood's Sarsa-
, 1 - parilia
none of these symptoms,
has improved in looks
and wnlirht. T hT nlun
taken Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla for ScrafBla and Graeral Bebillif
with much benefit I am satiilied Hood's Sarsa
ptrilH is a splendid tonie and blood purifier
Herman P. Ehebt, 34 Sixth St, Portland, Ora
Hood's Pills cure all Liver Ills, Biliousness.
FltOM A LP! Mi.
En. Gazette:
Runday, July 8th, will long be re
membered by tbe citizens of Butter
oreek aud adjacent section. It was tbe
regular appointment of the Rev. J. B
Chamberlain of tbe M. E. church, South,
at the Thompson school bouse. It bad
been announced that an all day service
would be held and a basket dinner
given. A fine platform and pleuty of
seats had been prepared at tbe resi
dence of O. F. Thompson, who has one
of the most beautiful places on oreek.
There were 200 or 250. present, wbicb
means r early ihe entire Community, for
a distance of ten or fifteen miles around.
Several were present from Echo and
Rev. Miller preached the morning
sermon Bnd Rev. Pnrrish in the after
noon. After the morning servioes, Rev.
Chamberlain baptized nine converts and
took them into the church. Three were
immersed and sizsprinkled or poured.
A dinner was then spread, tbe like of
which is seldom seeu. There was
sufficient for all present aod basket
fills to spare.
All j du in praising tbenntiringeff irts
of Mr. Thompson aod family to make
the affair successful aud tbe people
Comfortable, Their daughters, Misses
Phoebe and Lutie, who bad just re
turned from sohool at Monmouth did
much to make the dinner a suooesa
All went home pronouncing it a grand
feast both spiritually and socially.
Alpine, Or , July 9, 1894.
"How to Cars All Hk iu Diseases.'
Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment."
No internal medicine required. Cores
tetter, eczema, ititw, all irnuinDs on tbe
faoe, bands, nose, He,., leavin; -- tbe skin
clear, white and heaJthly, Its great
healing and on rati ye powe -a are possess
ed by no other remedy. . sk your drug
gist fur Swayne's Ointment. 1 yr.
To the New Postmaster:
Since you bave taken your position as
postmaster in our oity, it. is .plain to a
close observer that there baa been a
great improvement in the old building
formerly used. Mew paint aud paper,
together witb "new brooms," present a
fine appearanoe. "So far, so good "
Tba next point under oousideiation,
do you intend running tbe office to suit
your owd oonveuienoe, or for the ao
oommodatioD of tbe pnblio? On tbe
evening of July 10th, all letter mail bad
been delivered, but you could not spare
five minutes time to band out the latest
Oregonians, whiob are in such great
demand, since our people bave been
shut out from the world during the past
aix weeks.
In your neglect and refusal to do ao,
we ooosider your ideas are considerably
"off" aud suoh aotiona grate harshly on
the f' elings, especially wbile mail oomes
in onco or twioe in each week. This
expresses tbe stntimentsof a roomful
who were anxiously longing for Ore
gonians, giving latest news of railroad
troubles, etc., etc, but were disappointed
owing to your imperious order, saying,
"No paper mail will be distributed."
Tbe oummon people are "not in it"
from your etandpoint.
Yours respeotfully,
Fbank Mi'Fabi.and.
Heppner, Or., July 11. 1894.
ADOniONAL, locals.
The Stndehaher wagon beads them all.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
"Hardwaro" did yon say? Why, yea
at P. C. Thompson & Co.'s ntaud, Bud the
plaoe for bargains. a
The Keeley Institute, at forest Grove
onres liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine
and tobacco habit. See ad.
If you want to buy groceries, and
bread stuff obeep, go to tbe Enterprise
Grocery. Kirk A Buhl, proprietors, a
The general merchandise estab'ish
ment formerly owned by Coffin 4 Mt Kar
land, has lately changed hands, now be
ing tinder the control and management
of The McFarland Mercantile Companv,
which continues business at tbe old stand
witb a larger stock thuD ever. a
To whom it may c mcern: This is to
cerli y that tue firm of Sloan ft Howard
has this day dissolved by mutual con
sent. All aooonnts of tbe old firm are
due them, payable to either member,
and all accounta owiog by them are
payable in tbe same manner. 'I hose
owing the old firm are requested to
os.ll ' nd settle by cash or note, at onre.
Mr. T. R. Howard will continue tbe
business at the old st tnd.
E G.Sloan.
T. R. Howard.
Heppner, Or., June 20, 18(14. 245 8
Land Fox Sale. 480 acres over 'n
Wilson nrairie. A good stock ranob 'D
will be told cheap. Call at Qhu te
office for partiealare aDd terma t;.
Will reign supreme among the residents of Morrow and atlj dning Cu's
They catch onto a few important facto, one of which they must and will know
on reading this Ad. When they learn of tbe
Of General Merchandise taking plaoe at
McFarland Mercantile Co.'s Mammoth
Retail Store !
They will make a "bee line'- for it at a "Nancy Haoka" gait.
McFarland Mercantile Co , nf lleppner, selling out at cost? Yes, we offer onr
whole stock at lowest wholesale pric-s, for CASH ONLY, in order to
be ready for onr Fall purchases These goods are all New,
Clean, Fitat Class Articles and bnnght in tbe
best murk' to iu tbe Duited States.
We wish to exchauge them for your money.
A Chance of a Life Time to Buy Goods
At Cost or Lower !
D'eB Goods, White Goods, Linens, F.mhroderies, Handkerchiefs, Towels,
Infants Cape. Ronneta and Cloaks, Corsets, Kit! Gloves. Silk G oves and Mitts,
Flannels, blankets, Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Knit Goods, Silks Satins, Velvets,
Riding Gloves, BUck anil Colored Hose, Dress Lining", Stays, Silk Thread and
Twist, Kuittiug Yarns, Saxony Yarns, Fancy Good, eto.
Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slippers,
At priceB never thought of. Call and Bee.
One hundred paira child's heavy lace shoes way down. Men's Bnd Boy'e Clothing,
Oveiebiits. Gloves, etc., Boots, Shoes, Kiihbers, Ha's, Caps, Underwear, White
Smrts, Silk Neokwear. Hosiery. Toilet . Soaps Brushes, Kz ,r. Table and Pocket
Cntlerv, Silver Plated Ware (kuives, furks aud spoous Cuiviug Seta, Trunke, Va
lises, eto.
Our whole
A Fnll Ntnok of Hardware, Cook nnd Hating Sloven, Tinware, Buckets, Milk
Pails. Paiiri. flntikiug C'ensils, C' ff-Pots, IVa Pots, Stove Roies. Wash Tubs,
Brooms, Brushes, Itraniteware, B dts an.) Washers. Plow Single Tiees. Carpenter
Tools (all kind-) Garden Tools. Koof Plaus. Stove 1'ipe. Nails, Ho, 8 Sitoes. Bar
Iron, Blasting Powder, llunging n, I Stand Lumps. G a-sware. Crnckerv, T llet
Sets. S one Jars, Lrnnp Cbimnes, L intern Uohs. Lan'erns, Wicks. Oliver
Obill-d Plows, Gann Plows, Hu R,ks Mowers. Mitchell Wagous, Hacks, liock
BoardB. Carts, Harrows. Heed I) ills, at cost until pies nt slock is sold. Saddles
and Harness, Rifles aud Slmt Guns, etc.
Come in and mnka your selections la-fore the assortment is broken. Save your
money by buying ut our store, A full lino of Gr ceties at out prices, until close
of this sale.
Country trade solicited, It. will pay )ou to travel hundreds of miles to lay In
your supplies at onr prices. D m't let friendship f ,r anv firm oause you to tax
yourself these hard times. Mail orders cart fully filled. Call and be oonvinced ;
No trouble to show goods.
This Clearaooe Sale is now in full blast.
Outjor Q Watches,
n T 331 Clocks,
Cash Bargains '
JeWClrV. tirfllL INSTRUMENTS,'1'
(Jasli Talks. "MmW 'Trust liusts
'It is the Headquarters!
jpointa. Drugs (Ilia, Glass, Toi
let Artioes, Patent Medlolnea,
Bto. ' .
Office of all stages running out of Heppner.
for Infants
" CafttorisisHo wcUodaptwl UiclAUlrc-n V.izt
I rocomncn. it tw (r:.Teriortary irw-lytix.i
Lnowa to rn V U. A. Arxna, I'.. I).,
Ill Co. O-rorJ Li., Lrooa, V.
"71w u.t of 'Coctorii i: lo nnd
itri r..c.-;tj eo rrc'A Laov.-a i.izt L r(o;i;;i a vork
cf supererogation lo endora I;, rw cro llio
inU?t,70ct fan?.::i?.l who C) not I:-x;;C-yXo:ia
wilJaia eacy rcacli,"
C-ir. Los Juityn, r. D.,
I'v YorU City.
Tnz Csstai'r
U tbe title of a very v&inable hook that trf r & great amount of hi formation of the Iftmotf
Importaxyw to Everybody, cou.rnjng tUelr daily bauita of atiof , Drinking, Dressing, eto.,
What to Eat.
How to Eat ft,
Tblnira to Do,
Tbtnga to Avoid,
Perils of Summer,
How to Breathe.
Influence of Plants,
Oonupation for invalids.
loobolaaa Food and a
Superfluous flair,
Removing Uame.
hetor1riif the Drowned.
Zanrert of Kinking,
Overheating Houaea, Pruventing ear-b!tflitcti
IT TELLS IIOIV TO flHE Dlnck Eyes, Bolls, Barni, ChlllbklM, Cold Poet, Conn,
Coujrhi. Cholera, WaiThaai, Diphtheria, llywr-tery, Landruff, liypnria, Earache, Mora, rtld
Fet, Frscklea, Ufadache, IIIcwukIi, HIvm, llor.ione,, Itihinr, Injiuwd KriaM, Ivj Polonln,
Moiet, Pimples, Pllei, Kheumatlsm, Klnirworra, Ku-n-mx, hu-.nin-nlm, f;orn Kji, 8or Mooth,'
8or Nipple., Sore Thr"ai Suiutrok. Ktlntri mi'i lnw;t Isltea, Hw-ailnir Kwt, Toothache, Ulcer
nana, "ooopuij toufa, njraiiiunjuurei;.
(3TA1I new aaiisurilK-ra and prompt
preoaed witb a free eopyot tbia m
store will be a Big Bargain
During the coming Summer
PHIL. ' OHX,Prnpr.fitnr.
and Children.
Cantorla c::rcs Co:;-, Conrtlpatlon,
Without i:iJurioua ihwllnatloa.
Tor fwiTwr.I yrzr.i I I.cto icommodd
your 1 Ca::tf)r!a,' tr.d f.'.:".l .".-rrcya crctlnuo to
( m c:i it hzz lnvarU:y j;roiuol L jneflciaJ
Tniriif T. rnrjE2, If. D.
Jiith Linxil and 7tli Avo,, Iicw York City.
Comtaict, 77 Mlhrat BrRinrr, Krw Yoes Cmr.
Parasite of the fikln, Care of Teeth
Bathing Beat Way, After-Dinner Nana
Lungaand L'lngbfwaeea.t.ffeAU of Tobacco
J AT.!d Them, ure for Intemnerance.
Clothinir, What to Wear, Headache, Caune A Cure,
How Much to Wear, To Get Hid of Lice.
ContHtriou DfneRMHi. ' Malarial ainn.
How to Avoid 'lbem. Croup to Prevent,'
rcnswHla doriogtb, montb of Jnos will b,
Why Don't You
Call on the New Firm nt the old Vnn Dnyn stand T
You will certaiuly be eurpiised at the low price in
Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and
A Complete Line of Groceries.
No trmtMi to show poods nrri give rrirpp..
Respectfully Yours,
Pi en -
After a thorough test of the rinnT
credit system, wehaveconclud- oil1 1
ed to change to net cash. On
and after Aug. i, '94, we will
sell to one and all for
Of what horetofore bad to be obreid f,.,r nnuolleotHble aooonnt,. Tbia ia no
rtlleotion on yon, but ia a ,Uin hnainesa aUtpmeiit. We oan afford
in sell at lower priope iu Ihia way.
Xo Favorites
gome are as thoughtless and careless in business matter, as the poor
spider who lowers himself on his siikmi cord to Bure degtruotion.
They allow themselves to inveigled into high-priced slorei where
they get very little for their mouey. Bttnr pat-onize a store that
sells vnry low for cash. If you want l.argains in sUple and fancy
groceries a id provisions, pie, cake and bread, in fact everything kept
in a firrit-olass bakery and grocery eitablishment, patronize the Enter,
prise Bakery and Grocery Store.
C. RUHL, Proprietor
Land Patents
Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time.
Contested Cases
Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
BHJwwnindividnalahaTiDKoncflirfinKoUlma nnder tha agricultural laad
lawa. and Ibnae bflwn elaimnDta ander tbe Mineral Law, and agricultural
olttimDla; and ! blwmn iiltim m'a un lr any of tbe pnblio land lawa and lb,
Kilroadr.mpauiP,BndihMrjrrHne.a. and the atate, and their granted, under
toe Hwi mp Land and Ucb ml Land Ortnta.
BpcclaUy madeof aiirina patrnta in Ilia ahnrteat pomible time for aettltn
who bave complied with iba lawa nnd-r which their ei.triva were made, and who
are annoyed and worried by d-Uja in the iaeu ol their patent, eanaed by Trifliaa
IrrtKniantiea whioh CHn be eaaily and apeedily removed.
Advice alen (riven in all mattera relating ta Ihe pnblio landa, eapeolally on
pomte anaine nmler the new lava wbioh have been reoently paaaed providing for
tbe diapoaal of tbe pnblio dnmain.
If ynn want your land patent in a hnm-if yon want yoor land bneineee. of
any character, attended to by akillful and o mpeteut attorneya, and promptly dis
poned of, wrile to -
John Weddkrburn, Gen. Man.,
P. O.Bm,385. W.ahington.D.0.
m -Keeley Institute
01' ) I he "'tui(; how Iu choose the best one to marry
tyancjii ne iriciriou now to tie nappy in iriarriago;
VOU )Tlie fond parent-how to have prize babies:
WANT jThe mother how t have thr-m without nnini
TO )Thu childless how to be fruitful and multiply ;
KNOW )Tho curious how they "growed" and came to be
WHAT iTho healthy how to enjoy life and keep well;
EVERY )The invalid how to get well again speedily;
BODY )Tho imprudent how to regain wasted energy.
OUGHT )AU who want knowledge that is of most worth
TO )Fmd it in Dr. Foote's ''Plain Home Talk, '
KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates ; 200 j ,
READ )Red need from .$.'(.25 to $1.50: circulars fru.-.
P. H. T. )Mun-y Hill Book Co., I2tt E. 28th St.. Nf "Tv '
A Changei
Of Plant
DU Wtt (I IU.
For the Cure oA
Liquor, Opium ud Tobacco Habits
It li located at Fortat Brovt, Or.,
The Muit Beautiful Tmen an the Ccmtl.
fall at tba Oazitti one far parttealan.
Htrlctly conlldentui. TraauBeat prlvata u, nre