Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 17, 1894, Image 2

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    Qiit yoxtT bvslnets to ITeppner people
and therefore uwuif to buiid up c;7
ner. Patronize those who patronize
We hold each and every correspondent re
poniible for nil or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer b real name is signed as an evidence of
good faith.
Did joo ever
Road abont the
Man who
Hid his
Light under
A bushel?
Year well
That is like
Doiug banineiie
Without advertising.
All the
Soi Je scheme
In the country
Will not accomplish
Half aa much
Ai a good ad.
in a trood, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
li read
Bv the people,
And that owns
Ita own
Soul; that
C-ei ila ipaoe
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
Tkoi'blk is being experienced with
strikes down at 8aorHmeutn, Cnlif.
Both government and state troops are
opposing law leagues".
Tub Yamhill Independent la the
latest veutare iu (be realms i t j iiuiihI
im. It was born at Newberg, Dr., July
Ghamr, a Kre cli anarchis, bus
peeled i f ooniplioiiy in the murder or
Caruot, dinmilnmeltd himself receutl)
rather than aubmji to arrest.
Boariok'b few friends in Oregon are
beginning to feel an nueaMiiesa aa to
bis safely. There is a probability that
be la leading a Cnxey a'mv uf strikem
somewhere in California. Stateninau.
Thi report that a battle between
strikers and noldiers occurred at Ohiongo
in whioh 400 persons were killed set mn
to ba?e no fonudaluin. (July "lie Ulii
ooeorred and in this twenty were kHIed.
Ax exchange h): PnllmHo outs
down bis wurkint.meb'rsalaiies ilium
regard to their ueoet-eilirs, but when
congress oroposee to rut don the raes
of sleeping eats cbaigea, Pnllmuu goer
down upon bis kuees to plei d Ilia own
neoeSBilies.' "It will banarupt me," l,e
orien, na iongreea licit ns. But nhen
bis worliJeu appear before hiiuauil ory,
"We will stuiTt 1" I'ullman i,rhis aiid
hbjb, "Hi Hive then "
A pili. passed the h ufie a few dj
ago restoring to the people 54 000 0110
acres of land. This bill involves
portions of the grants of twenty-nw
roadB. A proviso was added to the bil
so bb to prevent it from being oouslrued
to forfeit the right of WHy aid atution
grouuds of any company, aud men oon
tirms to the purohaBeis from auob tail
wajs the titles to land not iu tXi:es of
820 BOres to any holder.
raisinBNT Di li', of the AmeriOHii
Railway Uuiou ai U:30,a. m.,ihe 13 hi l.,
declared the itirkl ainke i IT. 'It i
leaves the 1'ullniHU atnkeis to go il
alone. The pruvixioua are, Mist, tha
there should be aibitiatiou, and stooi.d,
that all atiikiug tmploves, xcept Ihoae
charged with cr.me. abkil beukru back
by tiieir employura. il is nut nht-ly thai
the rallluatl will Concede. lueee points,
though the) sreui fair rn Ujili. If nol
settlid on Ihe plan piiji.umii, it la likei
that Ihe ttnke will be nsumed with tl.t
help ot the Kniglns ot L .bur.
Hnruinic the Hem Uy ouifsrstrd br
btate tiiOnuoloaiMi.
Krom the E. O.
Ouuoeruing the pest wliiob has at
tracted much attention iu Uiegou, fiom
the experiment si lion, Ihe state ento
mol gist, l'rofessor WaHhbnrn, make
the following statement :
"The inntot rtfnred toiathe grain
a his (h his aveuai) which has beeu ai
times in Ihe Kaeteiu slates. It may be
oome iqnally dealt uetive here, thongb
the niihiiie parufiles which are at woik
on it will poheibly kei II iu chick.
"No really practicable n inedy cull be
applied while ihe wheat la aluiiiliug. li
is true kero eue eunilsiou will I ill the
aphie, but for various n asoi.s Ihia treat
ment is tiatdl) to be cuimiuVrid wl.eie
tbe acreage la laige. As nx.n as the
wheat or grain is liarvtsted, bum
tbe atubble and all straw, weeds, Inter
and waBte on or about Ihe Held. If Ihe
grain is not woitb bai veal I g and is nol
too green, it should b humid while
alandiug. The pnseiire of fenoes is
against this procedure, but it Is the
best, in faol tbe only rtmedy kuowu to
Hays the Milton Eagle: "EuHcy
liideuour, one of our muni wide-awake
fruit growers, infoims ihe Eagle that be
baa discovered au tfftctual remedy iu
common road dual tor what is kuuwu as
tbe oberry tree slug, Ihe pest ibat pre)s
on nm uuiy uie oneny iree, but pears
also. A liberal applioatiou if dust will
destroy lbs life of ihe insect. Toe n ui
edy is a aheap one at auy rale, and will
not barm tbe treeuurhdinge iu ihe leant,
aud ibe unly tun g ueoeaaary to try tbe
. " , ' , ,.
ffectiveuias ol II is Ihe labor altaObed.
To retain au abundant bead of hair ol
a natural o dor to a g.Kid old age, the
bygiei eot (be scalp ILu.t be obaa.v.d.
Apply Hall's Hair Kanawer.
The Tektliiiony of a Han Who Was Half
lliaii for Kuor Years Today as
Well and Htrnnir as Rver.
(Krom The Oswego, N. V. Palladium.)
No citiz u iu this village is better
known or more highly respected than
Theodore J. Wheelor, who has lived
here for nearly half a century. Five
years ago be wae stricken with paralysis
and was in its worst form. The physi
cians said Ibat he would surely die. But
Mr. Wheeler did not die, and it is to
till tbe readers of the Palladium abont
Iiib almost miraculous recovery that a
reporler oiillrd upon bim
Despite bia sixty five yearB of age.
and the iutooee mental and bodily
i fl ol ions, he baa been obliged to endure
f..r nearly five years, Mr. Wheeler is
still a fine looking man. He answered
the reporter's ring at the door bell in
person, and invited bim Into his OoZ)
sitting room, "here he told the follow uu
stor) :
'It was on tbe morning of Nov. 27.
1888, that I was atrioken down. I at
tempted to get up in tbe morning aa
nsue.l, when I found that I could not
use my limbs or feet. At first I thought
tbey we e asleep and rubbed them
b'iekly with my bauds for several
minutes, but without result. Finally I
slot luck into bed and soot fur Dr. 8. M.
benneM f this village. He informed
ilj that I bad suffered what is coin
mouly called a 'stroke of paralysiB.' I
ooiild not believe it at first, but the
numbness ooutiuued in spread, acoom
pHiiifd by a prickling sensation, until
he entire lower half of my body, as
well as my lege, was bflecled. My
bowels unit kidueja refused to perform
Ih-ir fiinotious, and I was only relieved
by meohHiiical process. I win not salis
fielwith Dr. Beurett's dingnoHis, and
aent for Dr Low, of Pulaski. He only
no fi med Dr. Bennett's statement and
ndvieed me to net ready to din. For fix
mntli 1 ly iu bed at lb" botne of my
niece, Mis. U. A. Peiifield, unable to
luru over iu bed, hardly, aud n quired
ooiihtatit atietitiou aud care. Finally I
grew used io my helplessness and would
crawl nut of my bed, and get'iug
partially dresied would drig my b dy
'.bout the limine using my bands like an
iiifmil when creeping, but unable to help
raself in Ihe leaet with my lowpi bmbs
There was not the flighted fteliug ill
he lower part of my body and a nei die
ihiiiBl into my i ffl ctrd patts would uot
pn diioo ihe .slightest paiu. This went
on mini eight monil s ago. O' e day I
rend iii Ihe I'hllhdinm of a Cunxdiau
genii iiiiiu who ei ff nil from paralysiB
aud whit bud found relief in Dr. William's
Pn k Tills. Iu the symptoms described
by the i uff-rer I read an n moat exact
counterpart i f my own 1 19 otious, and I
determined to give the medioineu trial
Btforo I could hardly hope for reunite
1 began to feel a marked improvement
iu my ooi d lion. Firnt mv kidueja and
theu my bowels b-gau again, after a
lapse of over lour years, topeifoim tbeir
u Inral fuiicliuus. Tbe liiiinbnesB left
mv body aud the Bi-ne uf feeling re
mrnel. This ooutiiiued tin il the
numlinens hnd let! my limbs entirely.
Now I can go up to the village wilh one
en e and iu the house. I go arouud with
out any. It is with tbe greatest
pleaKU'e that Irtconimend Dr. William's
fink I'll Iu to the public i know what
they have done for me and I believe
iln y will help others similarly i fil cted."
D''. Williams' Pink Pills are prepared
by ihe Dr. Wi In on' Medicine (J mpauy
of Schenectady , N. Y-, aud Broikville,
Ontario. Tin-) Ootituiu iu a oondenaed
fotm, all the i leiuenls moearary to g ve
new life and lichness to the blood and
ns tire blihttt ltd letves. They are au
unfailing ep'OiHu lor such diaeases aa
o'Ooui'ilor ali mi, pallia paralysis, Si.
Vi il' d .l.ce, fciatica, neura'gia, rheu
Ulillcuj. nei voll headache, the after
. II. uie it la gnppe, palpita ion uf Ihe
l ean, pale ami sallow e. mpli lion, and
ihe liti d feeln g teeul'iug In iu ueivuns
piosli am i. j nil ilifet.Bis reauliiug from
vmaied l i. mol H in H e blood, such an
M'ri.fulu, oniouio erysipelas, etc. They
me also H rpeuiUo for truubhs peoulmr
to li mali a. sucb as suppreanious, irregu
biriliea ai d it 1 ' foima uf of weaknesses.
They build up the blood, aud lestore
health to the pale and Ballow cheeks.
In men liiev iflVct a radical our in all
o.isea aiismg In m mental worry, over
xoik or exuesnes ol w hatever ualure.
Pink Pills aie cold iu boxes (never in
loose toim, by the lb ZMt or huudred,
and lb uldio is ouutioued agaiiiKt
ntimen iiH imKalions sold in this shape)
hi So ot-i.ts a b. x or hi boxen for 8- uO
and may' be h id of all druguis a ot
din oily by mail fioui Dr. Williams'
Miuliiiue Company fn m either address.
A UiHid Appetite
Always aid nip . nice good health, and
an ab-ence ol npi-eliit ih an Indiua'i in
nf Milueiliing wrung. The universal
lei-limiuiy given ly Ibose who have used
Hood a Saiaapurilla, as lo its merits iu
ler-toni'g the appetite, and as a purifier
of Ihe biood, coiiaiiliiies Ibe tmngeel
leeotiiuiei.d ition I hat cau be urged for
any nudiciue.
Thr biggest crop out, in our vicinity.
Laborers are in demand; come this
Fred lialaiger aud family arrived from
llighlnnd, III , for the purposeotsettliug
in Ibis uouuty.
Si me rye waa beaded tbis week aud
Ed llolluwav commenoed heading
wheat uu July 5th. I d bas some grain
Ibat will make So bn. per acre.
Bob Male A Co. are putting np rye
bay fur R ill Sherry.
Tm A ,ul A S3 ,,it.v-.ifttin IimI.I bI
, .
i Petiey glove wi s a mcoess. Though
I . . .
1 1) mo a number failed to appear to lake
Ipait in the program, yet there were
...j K(w.K,,r8 urgent, who handled
.. ... ... ,.
be.r sul jec.s rema.k.bly well.
I Now about that grand Fourth. Early
in the tnornlrif ppnple frodi varlons
partfl nf tbis seotion of the county coin-mi-need
to gather at Petley's grove. It
uiiuinxlly wnim bu' nil cume with
but one ol j C, to enj iy the Celehr,tmn
of the iude'eudence of our country.
The ofiicerB of tbe day were hastily
elected aa follows: John K. Ely, Pres.,
and T. J. Lxagae, marshal. Then
followed a short bat spicy program.
Just bow spicy we leave for others to
judge. Of special merit we note tbe
recitation delivered in sucb an able
manner by Mies Delia Sayers, of the
Saddle Butte graduating class of '91.
An address was also delivered by Mr.
Sine, of L' lingtou, and wbb excellently
delivered, but it is tbe opinion of many
that the spsiker permitted himself to
diift into politics too muob.
Jul 9, 189.'
Ayer's Pille possess tbe curative
virlneB of the best known medicinal
plants. Thene pills are soientifiaitlly
prepared, are easy to take, and safe to
young and old. They are lnv.iluable
lur legulaling the bowels, aud for tue
relief and cure of etomaoh troubles.
from the Cai ital Journal.
The glonoua Fuurtb wbb enthus
iastically celebrated ut the penitentiary
yesterday, baring the ouustricted field
aud tbe rather impromptu nature ot tbe
exeroisee, for it was not until Tuesday
afternoon ibt Rev. J. M. Shuls", pastor
of tb South Salem M. E oburob, took
the matter of entertainment in baud.
About fif y viniiora, mostly members
uf bis church, were attracted by tbe
newspaper announcement of the cele
bration, and from them readers, singers,
and accompanists were drawn Afier
a brief speech from Supt. Dowuing,
"America," very creditably rendered by
tbe prison choir, tiegau tbe entertain
meut and was followed by prayer
breathing the spirit of patriotism. J.
M. Atwood read tbe "Deolura'ion of
Independence," F. Deve'"Paii Eovere's
U de" and Capt. W. W. Saunders made
tbe closing speech of the day, the
briefest and best. "Let us all give three
obeere for Ihe fl-ig of our oonntry."
Tbe chatms of ibe entertainment were
furnished by Miss Lizz e Swarlz who
read "A Noble Christian Manhood,"
Mies Ilattie Shrirer. who followed with
"The Rumi.eller'8 Legal Rights," and a
duet very sweetly sang by Misses Fantne
and Netty rihulBP, who were compelled by
prolonged and hearty applauee lo sing a
second selection. Mipb Alitalia Sbulae
read, "Brave for tbe Right," Miss Uraoe
Di.via, ''A Voice from he Poorhouse,"
Mrs. Spray, of Heppner, a numerous
dialect potm. -'The New Chtiioh U g'Hi",
and Miss Franoii U 'Que another, ' D il
rtb ckBoii'n lt.iiil" a pnrady on "Bnrbarie
Fretchie." These readings were inter
spersed with Bongs by tbe prison choir
aud volunteers from amoug Ihe visitois,
and after nearly tb'oe hours ot genuine
ei j lyment the prieouers were dismissed
iu their oelis witb pleasant faces and
pleasant recollections o July 4th, 189i
The Union Pao fio is the shortest line
to Ihe Lewiatoii, Miuers' Delight,
Atlaulic and Hotiib P-ips gold fields
Kny your ticket via Rook Spriugs or
Raw lies, from which points yon can go
by a first olaas stag line to Lewistou,
reaching the mines tbe same day.
G. A. R. NOT1CK.
We take this opportunity of inform
ing our subscribers tbut the new oom
miasioner of peuaious has been appoint
ed. He is an obi soldier, and we believe
tbut sohlieiB and tbeir heirs will receive
juatice at his bands. Wed i not antici
pate that there will be any radical
changes In the ndmiuistratiouf pension
affaira u der tbe new regime.
We would advise, however, that U.
S soldiers, sailuts aud their heirs, take
steps to make api lioation at ouoe, if
tbey have not aleady done so, iu order
to secuie the bentfit of tne early filing
of their olaims iu nuae there shontd be
el y luluie pii pnu Itgielation. Sucb
legislation is sild .ui retroaotive. There
fore it is ot great importance that ap
plications be fiied iu the department at
the enrliet possible d.ite.
IflheC. .soldiets, sailors, or their
widows, childreu or parents deeire in
formal ion iu regard lo pension matters,
they should write to ihe P'esa Claims
Company, at Washington, D. C, and
they will prepare and send tbe necessary
application, if tbey fiud them entitled
under the numerous laws enacted fot
tbeir bneDt. Address
Josn WkDnbKBL'HN, Managing Attor
ney, Washington, U. C,P. O Box 3S5.
We are in receipt nf the May number
nf nur state eobnol naper. It exceed
any of the former numb rs ir. vain .
The paper thin nn nth contains ninny
new aud valuable features. Tbe illus
trated series ou the schools of the state
i introduced by a paper nu the Friend"
Polytechnic Inntitnte at Salem. Oretron.
These papers cannot fail lo be of great
value both to the schools an 1 to the
There are also several fiue articles
by our best writers and the departments
"Current Eients,""Saturday Thnm-hta."
"Eduoational News" "The Oracle
Answers, Correspondents," eta , each
ooutain miu'h valuable reading for
teachers or parents. The muiiaziue
bas about 60 pages of matter, well
printed aud arranged. We pronounce
the Western Pedatroune Ihe beat educa
tional mouthly ou tbe cuast.
Everyone uf nnr readers should have
tbe paper it they are at all interested
in education. No teacher school direc
tor or student ran net along well with
out it. We will receive enlworipi.one
at tbis ifhoe. Price only 91. UU a year.
When desired we will send the Western
PedHuntiue ai d llazette one )ear lo one
H'MreMS for $3.00 Call ami examine
'ample copies. Teachers, directors and
parents, now is the time In nh-cribe. tt
Prejudice aud Ignorame have given
way to m in iu in Liver Regulator, It
baa stood the lest.
It never failed t enre dyspepsia aud
li 'er complaint. Tke Sioinious Liver
Social Event of the Season !
White's Dramatic Co.,
The Best of Local Talent,
Laura White "Wolf,
as the Waif.
Musio furnished by J C. Hart and Vlisi
Reserved Seats. 50 cents ;
Sissy Mu with a Genius for Doylies, China
ml Velvet Kuga.
As a contrast to the masculine girl
and her swagger it might be pertinent
to present the sissy man and his affec
tations. You see this rare exotic in
full bloom at those essentially feminine
ceremonies known as five-o'clock teas,
where nothing sweetened and tied up
with a bow furnishes the repast, where
Boft light filters through rose-hued
shades over fair faces and sestheticism
revels in daintiness galore. The sissy
man has his prototype in Paris and in
London, and one of his chief character
istics is his devotion to the married wom
en, particularly if she has a monster of
a husband that can't understand Brown
ing and had rather shovel coal than
read Uossetti. The sissy makes it a
point to calmly ignore the huBband,
who would kick him out for his laper
tinence only that he knows what a
harmless little lamb he is and thinks it
would be needlessly cruel.
Ho knows, according to the New
York Sun, more about the code of can
dy giving and the etiquette of flowers
than he does ubout the constitution of
the United States.
lie has his sweet apar tments, where
the foot sinks noiselessly into velvet
rugs and .the walls are draped with
sigh-away tints and hung with pre
Raphaelite etchings. He gives his dear
little teas, where the china is exquisite,
the appointments elaborate and beau
tiful, lie is up on doylies, and knows
all about linen and silver. He per
suades hia married divinity to preside
at the urn aud gives himself up to 11
perfect ecstasy of adoring ana serving
her. A nice old lady who was Invited
to one of these teas, and went early be
cause she thought the poor fellow
wouldn't have enough spoons and nap
kins, or think to dust the glassware,
and would be terribly upset and flus
trated, looked on in amazement while
the host made delicious cream things in
a silver chafing dish and apologized for
the stupidity of his servant, who gave
some one a chocolate spoon with a tea
cup. And when he began telling how he
had a dinner served for four every night
whether he invited any guests or not,
and that there was the same order of
service and quite as elaborate a menu
when he dinod quite alone as when his
most honored guests were at the feast,
because that was the proper way to
train servants and manage a household,
the old lady said It positively made her
feel profane, like going to an Ingersoll
lecture and having the Bible ridiculed,
it was so opposed to all Christian cus
toms and practices. f
r 4. . j "lilACHINES.
Among Other Things They Would Open
Dp Vut Tracts of Land tn ITeerulness.
Samuel Cabot, a manufacturing
chemist of lioston, is interested in fly
ing machines. At present he is trying
to discover the best form of aerial
screw one which will give the great
est push with the least amount of
power. In an interview with a rc
porter of the lioston Traveler, he said
"Two questions hove been frequently
asked, which perhaps it will be worth
while to answer now, and as part of
my reply will be In the form of a
prophecy, this 'credo' may bo north
the trouble of preservation to compare
with the developments of the future.
What important service can flight in
air serve? Maxim, I.angley and all
who have studied the subject thor
oughly, agree that the speed of neria-
tion will greatly exceed tbut of any
terrcstial locomotion. From this fol
lows an entire economic change In the
direction of rendering immense tracts
of comparatively worthless territory
at distances of twenty to forty miles
from cities much more available.
There would also result the relegntin t
of city property in large measure to
business and storage purposes. This
would to a large extent accomplish
what Henry tieorge sighs for, but
would do it by means which do not in
volve any wrong to the land owner by
the wage earner. With flying navies,
eopable of carrying uuseen at night
large quantities of explosives to the
center of a city, war would beeome so
destructive that it would bo soon sup
planted by arbitration as a matter of
common sense and self-preservation.
"Arbitration once established, an in
ternational police system, controlling
n vtions as we do individuals, and en
forcing tbe decrees of boards of arbi
tration, would be enormously assisted
by this power of rapid and, if neces
sary, destructive patrolling. Immense
areas of country, now well nigh im
penetrable, would be open to useful
ness. Large sources of wealth would
thus be addetl to the civilized world,
aud would result in the amelioration
of the condition of the savages of such
regions as cchtral Africa. We should
have to give up selfish legislation and
restriction upon the commerce of other
nations, and be obliged perforce to
'stand on a broader heritage than that
of nation or of zone.'"
If yon am all run d"wn. fogged ou'.
take Simmons Liver Regulator and be
Speoial Scenery.
General Admission, 25 cents.
The Symmetry and Working Are 8alil to
Be Next Thing to lerleeri'io.
"Every child in Prance at this hour,'
says the complacent minister in the
well-known story, "is studying the
same lesson," and, according to the
Fortnightly Review, it is practical y
the same for every undergraduate
still. Uniform knowledge and uni
form precision, with uniform justice
for every young citizen, are thus se
cured, and what are commonly reck
oned the "essential qualities of the
French mind" are unquestionably de
veloped. Not only the symmetry, but
the working of the pystem is perfect;
the grand armee is gone, even the code
has its uncertainties, new govern
ment and principles come aud go: but
the University of France has sat as it
was set, above the reach of time or
politics, as beseems tbe mighty spir
itual c.-janization it is. The body of
the nation is in its outer court, its gov
ernment classes are in the second and
third. We recognize in England bow
largely the public schoolboy is father of
the man, but we must deepen this im
pression tenfold to realize the national
importance of the lyceen and his bac
calaureate. One might writijj a good
account of modern France in terms of
him alone- the lyceen fullblown as
litcrateur and critic, as artist and en
gineer, as journalist and politician, as
soldier and colonizer, and so on. In
all such occupations, however, he has
too muoh to do with the outer court;
it is in the inner one. that of the doc
torate, i-fie aggregation, the diploma
of the Ecolu Rormiile Nuporieure, that
he fully bljossoms, unspotted from the
world. IIi becomes a professor or
off: a r functionary, for above all things
"the ambition of the conventionally
well-educated Frenchman is to belong
to some bureau or other. The profane
call this inner court (with some ap
proach to descriptive accuracy, it must
be confessed) that of the "manda
rinat," its more erudite and authorita
tive personages becoming "manda
rins," and its humbler Levites "ronds
de cuir," i. e., civil servants, viewed
Ideologically as coverings for stools.
So upon every mind in France there is
laid the dead hand of the great law
giver. STRAYED OK STOi.rN.
One horse branded M S. Finder will
please return tn George M. Masiinger,
in the m natains, or to A. Abrahamsiok,
Heppner, Or., and receive suitable
reward. There are other rranris on the
animal besides the one mentiored, but
the writer cannot describe then.
247 tf.
Lisr OF l,KTTEH8.
Or , July 16, IH9I.
Akers Mr Harvey
Armstrong air
Johnson W H & 8on
Johnson Miss Kmma
Knlsey Miss Hosa
Molnttre H'ranlc (2)
Vilklliton Liiey
Price Minnie
HraiHey Mr J r
Jones Niitell
Kimsev T A ('-')
Miilhews T D
Miller Nai cy A
Patterson Mrs lieo
Hvvanson Mrs Andrew Seelv Cutis
When culling for these letters please say
.1. P. Williams, P. M.
Administrator's Notice,
1 1 letters of ailuuiiistratum nn the est te of
Frederick Kretzsehmar. ileeeaseil. were granted
t the undersigned on the 7th day of luly, 1;4.
bvtheConnty Court of Morrow enmity. All
persons havine; claims against said estate are
required to exhihit tiiein to me for allowance
at my place of business in Heir.iier, Morrow
ro . Oregon within stx mouths afterthe date of
this notice or they s all lie lorever barien.
Also all persons owing said estate ara requested
to settle at once.
Pated, Heppner. Or., July 7, lSnt. 247-36
1 for seventy (70) cords of wood will now be
received by J, J. Roberts. clerk n( school district
No. 1. Heppner, Or., to be opened tin July 14th.
ry4, at the office of the county -lerk of Morrow
Co . between the hourB of 10 nVlock a. in., and
4 o'clock, p. nt , to be delivered ns follows:
One-halt of s me by Pent 1, isyt, and the re
mainder on or before tW-t. 15. IM'4 The board
reserve the rieht to reject any and nil bids.
Bv order of the boQrd,
Attest: Otis fVternn,
J.J. Roberts. Chairman,
Heppner, Or .June li), ie4.
O jo SAy-X; Q
-U3AV b in dn paddBj.vv
spjOAV aiji in p.i;iduii
si Xjasiiu jo pjjoav v
J.ilia Hart.
City ;
THIS Popular Hostelry hes again
1 been re-opened and will be run
in first class style.
Meals Miitl Kooms at JPopiilar
The Lightest, Strongest ami
Willi HM..UHIHII iwssiususisu sss yw """"jil
1 iRimM aninii ifc.r. its sniiiiriais snail
Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Toe much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli
able solicitors tc procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, ilnot
entirely, upoc the care and skill of the attorney.
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorney,
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
taincd counsel expert in patent practice, aud therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents in the United States and a!l Foreign Countries, Conduct In
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to
gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once
advised as to the best course tc, pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
others are infringing on your rigMs, or if yon are charged with infringement by
others, submit the matter to u' for a reliable OPINION before acting on the
p. o. box i JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
8 Cut this out and send It with your isnsisiuh
frumiua Liclnying pllla cuxocousupHiiun
Prentias lteetltylug pllla cure constipation
3 3
a a
Aln-ost all pills and medicine produce ccnatlpatlon, here is a r'-l t.i:;t cures torpid
llvor. biliousness, rheumatism. Ingestion, sick headache and kidney aud llrer
triubles without srlping or loading auy traco ot CONSTIPATION, which
Is the prima cause ot al 1 sickness, 'jewaro ot It getting habitual und chronic with you,
see to il, la timo; these pills will euro you.
B rram 0
fi f Jev
iulij&a Stap
clear the akin and remove all blotches
(wit. 25 Cents a box.
I a a
Or sent by mall upon receipt of price
Prentiss Chemical
33 I
a a
rren ss Kect ry nn p scure constipation rreutlsa Boi:tliyiuK plllscure constipation
Prentiss Rectifying plllscir. constipation Prentiss r.itylnl-plllscureconstlnatloS
JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney,
P. O. Box 463. Washington, D. C.
Honorably discharged soldiers nd sailors who served ninety dnvs.or over in the lste war
re entitled, if now irtilly or yh
was cauned l.v service or not. and reirarrileu nf ih.i, . .. ":. """aer aisaouuy
WlUOWSofsnchsoldiersanilssilorsareentitledf.f not remarried) whethei
was due lo army service 01 not
ice oi not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support,
H.r'ia,,?bor" f nt,lled if the 'di"'s death was due to r
ce d ed o(r mJiS.iHX'"nyears) in all case, where th,
bos aepennent upon me
widow, oi she has since died or remarried.
PARENTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor chilli, provided soldier died In
uwt?I.uhouuoh:i:y',ThVso.ncd under
also for others, whet her do. to mIco or not.
Ito l!
Hollow ar Mldla a.ri .SierS"
ar dependent. "-.iwsaiius1ii ixiy-twoyearsorageordisable4
jate?i...or'no't0n'P'e,ed,nd"ll,eratn,obt1'1'', wither pension ha. been Br.nted nnder
have lost their original nioers 11 obUmci1 for soldiers and sailors of the late war Who
Send for Uw.and information No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. AddreM.
p.o.bJo?2? WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
Kills, Dawson Ss I,yons,
All buainro. attend,! to
mRUDer. Nnlaries
Tom Bradley, Prop.
Jiasient uuuuing Mower Made.
COMPANY, Agents.
IVi'uuua hoell lying pills cure uonaMpatLou
rentlwa Reettrytug plna euro eoitHtlpat Ion
3 4
I- te
9 O
because ,t Is tbe only safe and harmless
remedy that will surely EHAUTIFY tb
.""Hk. B BSBsni V f
W Urn W
from the faeo.
Try a box aud see for yotup
and Manufacturing Co.,
rried) whether soldier'sdeath
cases where there was no
one uw' w-y fr w
the old ls. ,re entitled to
"""" -or wnicli now pensioned, but
d Seminoloor Flor.
Hjnintii UW, u.
id a promct ami satisfactory
Poblic aud CoilecUirs.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office