Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 13, 1894, Image 3

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ui cbaiiKeo: same, must gut their copy in
uu jaonuny eveunia lor Tuesday'
i.ot later than Monday eveuiii;
oijinon, or
1. The Bum ot five cents per line will be
marked for "cards of thanks," "resolutions ol
riMpwt," lists o( wedding presents and donors,
end obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2, Noticed ol church and society and ail other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, Bha.l be charged for at the rate of nve
tents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every in stance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made know d
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer s real name la signed as an evidence of
good faith.
lug Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
ban J rancisco, is our authorized agent, 'Ihis
paut r io kept on tile in hib ottiee.
11ME lAtSLE.
Htage for Hardmau, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day una laii)ou City, leaves au foTloHH :
Every day at 6 a. m except eitiulay.
ArrtveHevt-rydayalo . ui., except Monday.
Ibe cliBunesl, quickest and beat line lo ot
from the mlenor cuumry.
Phlll Conn, Agent.
Give your tnmnexs to Heppner people,
and therefore assiut to build up Hepp
ner. JPatronize those who patronize
Here and There.
Albert Rea is over from Pendleton.
Joe Woolery was up from lone jester
day. J. J. McGee was in from Hardmau
Bun ttwaggnrt was in from hi ranob
below here Wednesday.
Full Ouunty court proceedings will
appear iu our utxt issue.
Arthur Smilb will clean watches at
the reduoed price ol $1.
Fred rJheruian bas doneBome excellent
work on Hrppuer's streets.
Hev. Barnaby will speak on ''Baptism"
at ttie opera House next Sunday nitit.
S. J. La Franco whs iu yesterday look
og after his oigau and piano ousiutSH
Mormw county will sell nearly if nm
quite 1,5UU,I)00 bushels of wheat tlilb
Uhas. Royse was over from Oln thi
moruioK. cii dilating witb old triei.d.i u,
John b Spray will pay the highest
market price for ohickeus at the Libert)
Meat Market. 7tf.
Hood's Pills are the best aiter-diuner
pills, assist digestion, prevent consti
pation. Born To the wife of Will Stewart,
near Heppner, a 12 lb. boy. We did uol
learn the date.
Photographs $1.50 pel dozen at Shep
purd's gallery, near opera house, north
Main St., Heppner, Ore. 26tf.
Mr. H. MoFarloud has a very inter
esting collection of photographs of. the
fluod at The Dulles ami Portland.
Assessoreleot Willis lias just com
pleted the harvesting of 100 acres ol
barley. And this is but the beginning.
During harvest the Liberty Meal
Market will exobange meat for wheat
Farmers should take advantage of this
ofl'T. 7tf.
Wes Kay, who was at one time held
here for borne stealing, baa been com
mitted to the "pen" from Jackson Co.,
for like tricks.
Cliff Jones informs ns that farmer
are beadint barlev out iu Eight Mile
section, and that wheat haivest wil
eoou be at hand.
Dan Hornor leftSunday last for Union
overlaud. Near the oity he met with a
runaway whiob necessitated a new start
on Monday morning.
Married On June 19th. 1894, at Port
land, Mr. J. M. Glasi-oook, son of M'S.
W. W. Smead, aud MiBS Mamie Over
street. Congratulations.
Nick Willitghame, Geo. Wells, Jas.
Hart and Will Oowins left yesterda)
with some horses Bnd oattle for Geo.
Yearex's Can j on City ranch.
Stage leaves for Echo Mondays.
Wednesdays, and Fridays, returning on
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
U. Wade, Prop. T. W. Ayers-Jr., agent.
L. Blumenthal returned Wednesdai
last from belov. Joe Biber, who has
been helping him in his Heppner store
for some time, leaves today for Portland
W bite's Dramatic Company Bre re
hearsing M'Liss, assisted by local talent
It will "be put on ihe latter part of Hie
coming week, under the dirscii .n of Mr.
Arthur W. Eliis.
Green Mathews, east side of Main
street, has a neat barber shop and doei
work at popular prices, 25 c nts suave
or hair cut. These have beeu hiB charg
es for months. Don't forget him.
Times Mono tai nee r: Hon. J. N
ftmwn. n lawyer of Hepnner, was in the
city last umht. He came down to meet his
wife who was returning from a visit to
friends and relatives in the Willamette
Al Roberts is nursing a thumb which
some days ago was dislocated by a horse
failing on it. But then ais mi-ay, oe
it miaht have been his neck
instead of one of the pbalangial members.
Hemnn Caldwell riroDDKJ down from
T?;l.t. Mila Center yesterday. o
doubts about the quality and quantity
of the grain out there but the price is
wbere the pineh comes. Our farmers
ore hoping for 50 oenls per buslel.
Owing to a slight inadvertency, the
treasurer's notice for redemption of
scrip in our Inst issue called fur ab
prior to the 9h of July, 1892, when in
fact it should hav induced the 9 h
The notice correo'ed appears in this
The old 0. R & N. is in operation
again. New nfhYers hnve been appointed
by the receiver, E. McNeil, with bead
quarters at Portland E S. Benson was
appointed auditor; G E. Withington.
treasurer; W H. K-nnedy. chief engi
neer Dmke C. E Reilly, assistant
general freight agent.
A C. Carle, of Boise City. Idaho, has
puruhased the tonnrial parlor '"n)rly
owned by Gid Halt, at the Matlock
bnilding nex door to Mmon'a blaok
imitb shop, where he invite, the pat'on
age nf all who desire strictly first class
work Bt reasonable prioes. Haircut,
shave or shampoo, 25 cents each. Give
him call . ,,
Theregnlarsnbsonplion price ot tde
' Semi-Weekly Gai-tte is 82 50 and the
regular price of the Weekly Oregonian
is $1 50. Any one snbscribing far the
Gaiette and paying for one year in
advance can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for $3. All old sub
scriber paying their .nbe-it)inns for
one year in advance wib be entitled to
tbe S'-me . ,
Tk. .tono nl fWades 1" leased to
... . t. ctirUn..n fi-herman, who
uses it for hie own private interests. nd
u. Ar. an hanla freight, this
woeu " ,
account, fnr the deisv in geir.nir
nptoThe Dalle., but as -oon a. th
government po-tege is in order or when
I landing can be mid- at tbe font of the
rapids, merchants will get thetr freight
without delay.
B. A. Unuiaker run stage between
Heopuer aud Monument, arriving every
day txeept Monday aud leaviug every
day eioept Sunday. Shortest and cheap
est route to the interior. P. Oohn,
Harry Warren, of tbe tirm oi Horner
k Warren, left last week for The Dalles
on a freight team to receive merchandise
at that point, bhould he fail to connect
at that plboe, he will go on to Portland.
J. B. Natter's family left yesterday
for Teel hot Bprings. They are piloted
by Fred Sherman.
Faon Pilot Rock. Cuarles Canning
ham is over from Pilot Book on busi
ness counected witb bis last year's sale
of bucks. Mr. Cunningham says that
tue aoouriug mill has been a great help
to Pendleton, bringing in a large quan
tity ot wool that heretofore bad not
oooie to that point. Pendleton as 8 pri
mary shipping poiot in tbe line of wool
has increased l,0u0,000 lbs. over former
years. As soon as Ibis wool is sooured
it is si.ot ensh. Tne ruling price for
wool uusooured over there is from 6 to 8
cents this season. In speaking of bis
own clip be aays bis bands sheared 300,
000 pounds this year, whiob at 7 cents
per pound, a very low price, is $21,000.
But as be bas 14,000 acres of land on
which to range these sheep, and count
ing the taxes and general expenses of
running them, one must see that there is
not much in it. By the loss of a barn
tnis year, 169,000 pounds ot Mr. O.'s clip
went np in smoke, but be was fortunate
in having 8 cents per pound insurance
and he will save himself. He bas lost
other buildings this year, by tbe fire
tieud without doubt. Mr. 0. is euthusi
as io iu saying that Heppner ought to
have a scouring mill, and we believe
that a great m-ioy can now see that
such a plant would pay quite well. .
The Magic Touch
Hood's Sarsaparilla
You smile at the idea. But
if you are a sufferer from
And Indigestion, try a bottle, and be
fore you uava taken half a doten doses,
you will Involuntarily think, anil so
doubt exclaim,
"That Just Hits It!"
"That soothing effect li a magic
touch!" Hood's Sarsaparilla gently
tones and strengthens the stomach
and digestive organs, invigorates tbe
liver, creates a natural, healthy desire
for food, gives refreshing sleep, and
In short, raises the health tone of the
entire system. Remember '
Hood's Ps: - u
Heed's Pills cure liver ills, eanitipauon,.
MIouimh, Jaundice, lick headache, indigestion
IIkppnkr Hoiweo. 1'he OregorAan of
List Friday, Bpeaking of tbe races on tbe
preoediug day says; There were six
stsrters in the special half-mile run
open to 2-year-olds bred in Oregon,
Washington, Idaho or MoutauA. Mat
lock Bros, of Peudlenton,(aud Heppner)
weie r presented by the ob. f. Baby
Rati, aud the b. f. Henrietta; Jones
f.iyue, or GervaU, eutered the bay fil'iec
Little Ella aud Q leen nf the Kosei-; A.
vl. Allan, of the D.iliee, boped to win
drst ni'iney with the gr. g. Good Friday,
and Ljnis Whitmore, of Fairview.
Wash., pinned bis hopes upon tbe b. f.
Token. Eaoh , of the youngsters was
freighted witb 115 pounds. Tbe Matlook
stable sold 2 to 1 against the Hold, and
tbe betting was light. Never was a
field of 2-year-olde got away in better
shape. Tbey were bunched to the three
quarters, wbere Baby Ruth und Henri
etta took tbe ruuning and held it in tbe
older named to tbe finish, Little Ella
third. Time, 0:51. Queen of tbe Roses
was a bad trailer the entire distanoe.
Buby Ruth is by Villard-Lady Duffy,
aud Henrietta wus sired by Leon, dam
Repetta Mutnals on tbe Matlock
stable yielded $750.
Foot Race. A foot race is on for
today between Frank Livingstone, of
San Franoisoo, a rising young aotor and
athlete, and one Ross, of Colorado, for
$20 a side. 75 yards. It promises to be
an interesting contest, though the Ga
zette knows very little of the merit of
either man as a sprinter. Rons' friends
have much confidence in his ability to
get over the seventy-fl ve yards of earth,
and likewise have Livingstone's friends.
Frank Whetstone say be will challenge
the winner for a match racs of 100 yarde.
A Hard Fall. -Last Wednesday,
while playing in a bitrn on Willow street
Harry Wells and one of Will Mallory'a
young sous fell out of the loft to the
sidewalk below. M.aeter Mallory oame
out comparatively uninjured, but Harry
struck on bia bead and for some time
suffered muoh from concussion of the
brain, bleeding profusely at the nose
and ears. However, be soon rallied and
is now but little tbe worse for bis experience.
A soft, fair skiu is the lesult of pure
blood and a healthy liver, to seoure
which, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is tbe Super
ior Medioine. LadieB who rely upon
cosmetics to beautify tbeir complexions,
should make a note ot tbie, bearing in
mind that tbey oan t improve upon
Land For Sale. 480 acres over in
Wilson prairie. A good stock ranoh un
will be sold obean. Call at Gaze.te
office for particulars and terms .(...
False Alahm. Wedueaday, p. m., be
tween5and 6 o'clock, some one yelled
"fiie." This was enough tostirever.vman
in the vicinity and In ten seconds or less
mure than a score of throats were
eoboing the alarm. Willing bands soon
had hose carts Nob. 1 and 2 on tbe way
to the scene of oontl tgration, which
appeared to emanate from tbe rear of
Prank Gilliam's residence. By tbe
time tbe hose teams bad reaobed tbe
corner of Church and Gale streets, it
dawned upon them that there was more
smoke than fire. The blaZ9 was caused
by burning grass in the back yard of
Mr. Gilliam's residenoe wbiob bad at
une time approaohed dangerously near
to the barn, but ueighbors soon had it
under control aud the assistance of tbe
tiono teams was nuneoessary. However,
a little rnn oooasionally like tbe one
made Wednesday does no barm. None
were need to work, and by tbe time tbe
carts were housed by far tbe greater
umber of them were pretty well used
Has the reputation of being the
Lightest Running,
Least Wear,
Fewer Repairs,
of any machine io the market
x-o ujm QiUiam
& Bisbee,
The Agency for the
And has on hands a fall line of their goods inoluding suits, blankets, woolens, eto.
He ie also prepared to take measures for suits.
Palace Hotel Building,
Heppner, Oregon.
Why Don't You
Call on the New Firm at tbe old Van Dnyn etaDd ?
You will certainly be surprised at the low prices in
Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and
A Complete Line of Groceries,
No trouble to show good and pjve prices.
Respectfully Yours,
They All Get Something.
FROM a bushel of corn, a distiller gets four gallons of whiskey,
which retails at $16.00. The government gets $3.60 ; the farmer
who raised the corn gets 40 cents ; the railroad gets $1.00 ; the manu
facturer gets $400 ; the retailer gets $7.00 ; the consumer gets six
months, and the policeman gets paid for running him in.
You'll get something too if you ruu iu and see the new lines of
Dress Goods we open out this week you'll get an agreeable surprise
and perhaps a dress. We have opened 15 canes of new dress materials
and laces that left the other side of the fiuh pond only four weeks ago.
for Infants and Children.
Castorla Is so we'l adapted to children that
I recommend It 03 cuperiortoany proscription
known to ma." II. A. Ar.cr.no, II. D.,
Ill Co. OxrorJ Eroo'-ln, II. Y.
"The une of 4 Castoria Lj co universal and
il3 nierit3 so well known that It coemo a work
of supercronatioa to endorso it. Tow aro tho
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Carlos Kabtyx, d. Dm
Kow York City.
Castoria euros Colic, Constipation,
Sour Ctoniath, Diarrhcca, Eructation,
Kills Y.oria, nivea deep, tad promotes dl-
Without injurious medication.
'For several year 3 I have recommended
your 'CactoriV ntl always continue to
do so aa it baa invariably produced beneficial
Edwin F. Pakdbb, M. D.
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
The Centai-r Company, 77 Murray Strekt, New York Citt.
Heppner, Oregon,
Nothing Htraiige,
Intelligent people, wbo realize the
importaut part of tbe blood holds io
keeping tbe body in a normal conmtion,
Und nothing strange in tbe number of
diseases Hood's Sarsaparilla is able to
Dare, eo many tronDies result from
impure blood, the best way to treat
them is through the blood. Hood's
Sarsnparilla vitalizes the blood.
The Stadebnker wagon beads them all.
For sale at Qilliam & Bisbee's. a
"Hardware" did you Bay? Why, yea
at P. C. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and tho
plaoe for bargains. a
The Keeley Institute, at forest Grove
on res liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine
and tobaoco habit. See ad.
If you want to bay groceries, and
bread staff obeap, go to the Enterprise
Grocery. Kirk & Kuhl, proprietors, a
Tbe general merchandise establish
meut formerly owned by Oofiin & McFar
land, has lately changed hands, now be
ing under the control and management
of The MoFarland Mercantile Compnnv,
wbiob continues business at tbo old stunt!
with a larger stock than ever. a
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
Is the title ot a very val"l)le book that gives a (treat amount of information of the Utmoit
Importance to Everybody, obimernlng their dally habits of Hating, Drinking, Dressing, etc.,
InflnonM nf Plants.
Occupation for invalids,
ParaBttes of the Skin,
Mauling nest w ay.
After-Dinner &apft.
Alcohol as a Food and a Lunus and Lunp Diseases, Effects of Tobacco,
Medicine, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance,
Superfluous rtalr, Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Cause & Cure,
How to Kat It,
Things to Do,
Things to Avoid,
twJUWDUuiiuw, i u,a HnwMiichlnKWr Tn Hut Kid nf I.Icj.
Waneim of KlRsine Restoring the Drowned, Contagious Diseases, Malarial Affections,
Overling Houses. Preventing Near-Sighted- How to Avoid Them, Croup-to Prevent.
Veotlkaoa, naa. Exercise.
IT TELLS H W TO CURB Black Eyes, Boils, Burns, Chlllblalns, Cold Feet, Corns,
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid
Feet Freckles Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inllamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning,
Moles, Pimples, Piles, KJieumatlsm, Ringworm, Snoring, Btammerlng, Sore Byes, Sore Mouth,
Bore M uples Bore Tnrna, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache, UloeMi
Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms In Children. IT WILL SAVE JDOCTOUS' BILLS.
JH0-A11 new subscribers and prompt renewals dnrmgthe month of June will be
preseosed with a free copy of this as a premium.
Eefusk to Vaoatk The parties oo-
oupyiug the station at Parker's mill re'
fuse to vacate, claiming that J. B. Kee-
nev still owes them money on the Dele
van dral. Mr. Delevau operated the line
fur awhile, having ostensibly purobased
it from Mi. Keeuey. pretty soon Dele-
van was out and Keeney took the Hue
back, wbiob apparently did not inolude
many obligations outstanding, made by
Mr. Delevun while operating the line.
Mr. Honsaker, the new ttage man, was
desirous of oocupying the premise), bat
Mr?. Hunsiker informed onr scribbler
i nib week that so far thev have been uu
able to gaiu p isnesBion, and that for the
pant to weeks have bad to camp out
uear tbe mill. It is likely that the cred
itors over there will occupy tbe prrmi
tea till they are paid, which will be a
mighty long time judging from the
experience of others in the same line,
unless ejected by law. Mr. Huusaker
oontempiU'S building there to avoid
further delay and annoyanoe.
Columbi'S did not foretell an ecl'pse
of the moon to frighten the natives of
Jamaica into rendering him assistance.
There was no eclipse of the moon at
that time.
The immense burning glasses with
whicn Archimedes burned the ships of
the besiegers of Syracuse at ten miles
distance were never manufactured,
and it is now known that they could
not be.
Columbi'S did not make an egg stand
on end to confuse his opponents. The
feat was performed by Ilrunelschi, the
architect, to silence critics who askeo.
him how he was going to support tbe
dome of the cathedral of Florence.
The day is usually reckoned as being
twenty-four hours in length. Strict ly
speaking, such is a mistake. T he
standard unit of time is the "sidereal
day," which is 'i'i hours 56 minutes and
4.092 seconds in the "solar" "mean"
Nothing Strange.
Intelligent people, who realize the
impnr tBnt part tbe blood hold" in keep
ing th e body in a normal condition, fii d
nolhii ig strange in tbe number of dis
eases that Hood's SHrpaparilla is able to
our. 80 many ironoies muii mmi
im,po re blond that the best wav to treHt
then is through the blond, nd it ie fur
bettetrto nee only harmless vegetable
compounds than to dose to excess wi'li
(ftninine, oalnmel nd other drugs. Bv
treadil ig the blood, with Hood's Birsiipp.
nlla, iMcrofnls. salt rheum and what are
rommnnly cal'ed "humors;" dyspepsia,
OB.ln.rrb, rheumatism, neuralgia, i'on
snmption snd other troubles that oriui
'jate in impurities of the blood or im
paired circulation, can all he cured
Bkoke.i Leg On Wednesday last
while driving horst-B up from tbe pasture
Rueooe Driskell, sod ot Wai. Driskell, of
Claik's canyon, waa kicked by a horse,
breaking both bones ot his right leg
about midway between tbe kuee and an
k le. He was riding a saddle bursa at tbe
time of tbe acoidt nt, but tbe force of the
blow koooked him to tbe ground, and he
had to bop Bums distanoe on one leg.
By shouting the attention of bis parents
was oalled to bis oondition, and be wbb
brought to tbe house, and from thence
lo town wbere Or. MoHwords Bet the in
jured member. He was returned home
and will doubtless recover in a abort
Qbttixo Bettbb. A snort time ago
Dr. Oagen was oalled to Doaglas to at
tend Mr. (J jttrell who wassurTering from
a broken arm. It waa aa old break,
having been mistaken for a dislocation
of tbe shoulder, A sort of a false joint
bad formed when Dr. Qagen's attention
was called to tbe ca, but recently he
received word from Dr. Covey that tbe
patient was doing well, tb broken bon
uniting nieely.
Railway collisions were responsible
for the death of 28a employes and
136 passengers during the year ending
June 30,
The number of employes Injured
during the year ending June 30, 1892,
was in excess of the number injured
during the previous year, beiosr 28,267.
The number of railway employes
killed during the year ending June 30,
1892, was 8,554, being less than the
number killed during the previous
passengers were killed and 1,539 were
injured by railway collisions and d
railments during tbe year ending June
30, 1802.
Collisions and derailments were re
sponsible for the death of 431 em
ployes during the year ending June
30, 1592. Of this number 336 were
The largest number of casualtie to
railway employes during the year end
ing June 30, 1892, resulted from coup
ling and uncoupling cars, 378 employes
having been killed and 10,319 in
jured while rendering this service.
The number of passengers killed
during the year ending June 30, 1892
was largely in exce&s of the number
killed during the previous year, being
876 in 1892 as against 293 in 1891; while
the number of pawtengers injured waa
3,227 in 1892, as atrainst 2.972 in 1891.
Tbe great veneiao -ub'ituta for
pilla is S'mmons Liver Regulator.
Cores lick beadacbe.
No one ever tried Simmons Liver
Regulator without being aalisSed witb
iU (Sect.
K-nm ct.etl
Wll-known and Highly
People tne ViHiuin
At the residence of the groom's mother
Mrs. Sarah Hayes, on Wednesday eve
at 8 o'olock, Mr. Jeff Hayes and Miss
Graoe Filkins, both of H-ppner, were
joined in the holy bondsof wedlocl , Ii-.
Cleo. Barnaby performing the oereuiou:
most impressive manner. 1 b
bride was attired in a tieautilui wmie
gown of heurietta cloth, while ulovfe
and slippers aud orange blossoms, i tie
groom wore the conventional black
After congratulations, the guests were
ushaied out t" a bountiful lunch of ice
oreant and cuke, and soon rifter retired
to tbe.if respective homes wilh none but
ell-wiebes for the happy couple.
The present were many, and bith
nice and appropriate.
Tho invited gneatH were: Mr. and
Mrs. (ieo Noble, Mr. uud Mm W O.
Gentry, Mr. and Mrs. lieo. Fell, Mr.
and Mrs. Otis Patterson, Mr. and Mrs
Joe Hay , Mr. and Mrs'. Orwti Mathews,
Mrs. Judy Mitchell, Mrs. (ieo. Aiken.
Mis. b. A. Uuustiker, Mines Mary N.-lsoi,
Etta Minor, Lens Bebrae, Messrs. Tbot.
Nelson and Sle-liug Keilblcy.
gome are as thoughtless and careless iu business matters as the poor
spider who lowers himself on bis silken cord to sure destruction.
They allow themselves to b inveigled into high-priced stores where
they get very little for their money. Better pat'onize a store that
sells vvry low for cash. If you want bargains in staple aud fancy
groceries and provisions, pies, cakes and bread, in fact everything kept
in a first-claas bakery and grocery establishment, patronize the Enter
prise Bakery and Grocery Store.
C. EUHL, Proprietor
How an Enemy was Foiled.
The following rrranhlc statement will ba
read with Intense InUmwt: "1 cannotdescrlba
thonnmh cmpitv snnsutlnn that existed in mr
arms, hands anil legs. I had to rub and be
those puriH until ihey were sore, to overcome
in a meaure tho di-ud fnellna that had taken
nossoHHlon of llicin. In addition, I had a
BtranRH wenkneia In my hack and around my
waist, together with in Indescribable 'none'
fenlln In my stomach. I'hyslclana said It
u ret, ln fijimlvsls. from wllleh. arcord-
InK to their universal conclusion, there la no
reliei. unco ID i;iien iiiwii if,
say, It continues lis Insidious progress until
it reaches a vital point and Ihe sufferer dies.
Such was my prospect. 1 had been doctoring
u v,.r ,.,ifl 11 lui.r hlc-ndllv. but, with no par
ticular Ix'iieflt, when I saw an advertisement
of l)r Miles' Kestoratlve Nervine, procured a
lint lie and bcuan using it. Marvelous as It
may seem, but a few days had passed berora
hit. nf 1 hiit.ereeriv feelinlt had left me,
and there has not been even the slightest
indication ol Its return. 1 now inei
well hs 1 ever did. and have gained tea
pounds In weight, though 1 had run down
from 170 10 1;7. Four olhero have used Dr.
UH.U.1 li.ti ,ri,tlvn Nervine nil m V recomen-
dation, and II has been as satisfactory In their
cast as In mine." James Kane, La Hue, O.
Dr. Miles' Iteslorullve Nervine Is sold by all
druggists on a positive guarantee, or sen
direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart,
Land Patents
Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time.
on tested Cases
Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
Between individuals bavins oiioHictiuu claims under the agricultural land
laws, and those between claimants under Ihe Mineral Laws and agrioulturnl
claimants; and also between claimants under any of tbe pnhlic land laws and the
Hailroad companies and their grantees, and the stales and their grantees, nndnr
the Kwnmp-IiBod and Bcbsol-Lnnd Ortinls.
Specialty made of securing patenta in the shortest possible time for settlers
who have complied with the laws under whiob their entries were made, and wbo
are annoyed and worried by delays in the hwue ol their patents, caused hy Trifling
Irregularities wbiob can be easily and speedily removed.
Advice also given in all matters relating te tbe public lands, especially on
points arising under the new laws which have been recently passed providing for
tbe disposal of tbe public domain.
If von want vnur land patent in a hurry if yon want your land business, of
any character, attended to by skillful and cumpeteut attorneys, and promptly dis
poned of, write to
John Wedderburn, Gen. Man.,
bottles for '5. express prepaid.
oul&tes or dangerous aru
For sale by T. W. Ayers, jr.
Nearlng the Grave.
Iu old age infirmities and weakness
hasten to close the gap between as and
the grave. Happily scientific research
and pharmacal skill have aided them
aelves in furnishing ns a reliable means
of amelorating tbe ailments incident to
declining years, and ot renewing waning
physical energy. Its nine ia Hostetter'i
Btomsoh BitterB. a widely comprehen
sive remedy in disease, snd an ioestima
ble blessing to the elderly, Ihe feeble
nd the convalescent. Rheumatic ail
ments, trouble with the kidneys and
Inmbago are among the more common
ailments of he aged. These are effect
nally counteracted bv the Bittere, which
is likewise a preveutation aud curative
of malarial complaints, dyspepsia, coo
tirmtinn and biliousness. It if highly
eromotiva of appetite, sleep and the
't acquisition of vigor.
To develop the gold properties in
Lewieton. Miners' Delight, Atlantic,
Hruith Pass. O ild Creek, or on tbe
Hustler Belt. Yoa can get full infor
mation regarding reliable minea wbloh
are for sale by tbe camps mentioned by
addressing James A. McAvoy, ooonty
clerk of Fremont ci nuty, Lander, Wyo
Wm.. Hmrais. Jr.. Cheyenne. Wyo., A
Kendall, cashier First Nutional bank
B'.ek Bprings, Wyo., 8. L. Hpangler,
iliairtnin Fremont board of county
commissi mers, Atlantic City, SVyo.
The Union Paoilic is the shortest and
quickest line to thi South Pass
country, daily stages from Rock Hpringi
and Rawlins.
P. O. Boi, 385.
Washington, D. 0.
Ths My Institute
For the Cure oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Forest Grove, Or.,
77ie Mont Beautiful Town on the Count .
Call at tso OAirrm ofllce for partlrnlars.
Strictly con rlileu Ual. Treatment private and sura
OF" jTtie young how to choose tue" best one to mareynSTTWO
(JOURSKjThe mai ned how to be happy in marriage : ( DA YS
YOU )The fond parent how to have prize babies; ( Of4
WANT )The mother how have them without pain? (AGENT
T 1 mm ohildloKti how t bn fruitful and inultirilv: ( SOLD
KNOW )The curious how they "growed" and came to be ;( 42
WHAT Th With hnw to eniov life and keen well : (AND HI
EVERY Thu invalid how to get well again speedily ;
BODY IThe lmwudent how to reeain wasted enerory.
OUGHT )AI1 who waut knowledge that is of most worth
TO )r md it in Dr. roote'8 " nam uonie iai,
TO )Find it in Dr. Footo's " rlam Uonie 'laiJt,
KNOW. )1,000 papes, 200 cute, 24 col. plates: 200 I
READ Reduced from $3.25 to $l..ri0: circulars frcr. !
R H. T. )Mtirray Hill Rook Co., 12!) E. 2Hth St., Nc - r c ' .