Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 10, 1894, Image 3

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    NOTICE TO Auiiumta
I'HOSrJ desiririK the insertion of display ads
or cliimite of same, luuil get their copy In
.tot later than Monday evening for Tuesday'
Miitiuu, or Iburaiay evening for Fridays edi
iou. THS PaTTXKSUN I'ubuhhihu Co.
1. The sum of five emits per line will bt
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions o
respect," lists of wedding present and donors,
arid obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever pn rpoae
2. Notices of church and society and another
entertainments from which revenue la to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of f)vi
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for bis or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless tin
writer s real name Is signed as au evidence ot
good faith.
1 J lug Agent, HI Merchants Mchauge.
ban 1 ra-icisco, is our authorized agent, iulh
paptr is kept on ble in hisouice.
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek.
John Day and lauyou City, leaves as fullows :
Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday.
Arrives every day at 6 p. m except Monday.
'the cheapest, quickest and best hue to or
from the interior country.
B. A. UUNSAKEtt, Prop.
Phill Cohn, Agent.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore annul to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize thote who patronizt
Here and There.
Alva Lesah whs up yesterday iron
J. L. Howard, ot Gulloway, was in tli.
city yesterday .
Sum Morgan returned recently from
trip to Wuliu VNnllH.
A email wuterspout occurred on Rhei.
creek Saiurdny Ust.
Arthur Sunlit will oleau watches ai
tbe reduced iirioe ul $1,
A. H Windsor was up from bis rancl
near Lexiuifiou yesterday.
In our next issue will appear ai
interesting letter fruru California.
Wbeat buyers ate bt-itinuiug to put ii
an appeuruuoe, preparing tor tbe comity
Beck Bros, were in from Hamilton
Friduy, attending to tbe sale of the I
Hood's Pills core oonstipation by re
storing ue'istultio hction of tbe ali
mentary oaunl.
John V. Homy will pity the highes'
market price fur chickens at the Lniert
Meat Maiket. 7if.
Young Bites, who shot bimseli
a tew days ago accidentally, is geuiua
along very nicely.
Produoe $2 50 aud get the Gazette foi
one year. Nice family paper, aud bui
ly to paper cabins.
County court ndj mrned Saturday,
and tbe proceedings ibereot will appeal
at, an early dale.
Morey, the Portland murderer, bat
received n-'cutive olemeucy, aud wen
to tbe 'pen" fur life,
J. N. Eder and Jerry Brnsnnn are
steadily improving, which our people
will be glad to bear,
Cans. IiiKrahain departed this mora
ing for Portland, where be goes lu thi
interest of bis patent lamp.
Pbutographs SI. 50 pel di zen at Sbep
pard'e gallery, near opera bouse, mirth
Main Hi., Heppner, Ore, ... 26if.
8am T.llnnl. of Pnudleton, father o
the Tillard Bros., tioudayeri at Audy
Tillard's ranch ou Butler creek.
During liarveat the Liberty Mea'
Market will exohange meat tor wbeat
IVmers should take advantage of ihit
offer. 7tf.
Mrs. J.N. Brown has relured from
a visit to bub in. She was niijt at The
Dalles by her husband wbu accompanied
ber home.
N. 8. Qholson, and old timer who
lives just acrusii tbe stale line neat
Milton, lost a quantity ot bay by fire a
few days ago.
Geo. Thornton is baok from Tbe
Dalles taking a few days re-". He will
probably return shortly aud go to work
on tbe construction train.
Bob. Kennedy, C. W. Tracy and M.
S. Jones, grain buyers, have been in
Heppner for several days past. Tbe
departed on this moruiug's traiu.
Stage leaves for Eoho Mondays.
Vedi eedays, and Fridays, returning on
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
11. Made, Prop. T. W. AyersJr., agent.
If any school district in Morrow
connty is in need of a first olass teacher,
pk-ase apply at tbe U Z"tte utfioe. Tbe
person nho desires the pi are is a niai
about middle age, of splendid qualiti
Wash Thompson returned Saturdaj
from the mmii tains where he has beer
'tending camp for Alex Thompson. He
will probably go up abuve to
Walter Hunt, son of Mr. and Mrs. J
B. Hunt, of Heppner, was killed re
cently in a quartz mine iu British
Columbia. The sad news was reoeived
last Haluiday.
Green Matbews, east side of Main
street, has a neat barber shop aud dnex
work at popular priots, 2 1 c nts suave
or hair out. These have been his charg
es tor months. Don't forget him.
Alfred Bench, representing a Portland
tea aud & ff-e house, was in the citi
Friday and Saturday of last week.
From the s z aud number of his order
be must have done a land office business
Two loads of Heppner pe-ple went
out to Eight Mile Sunday, the occasion
being servioes held nnder the anspioes
of the Christian churoh, follow d by
grani banket dinner. All report a
pleaBaut time.
The stage line rnnning between here
and Eoho has made a ohange and mm
leans Heppner on Mnndus, Wednes
days, and Fridays, returning on foe
days. Thursdays end Saturday., For
merly its seed nle waa just tbe reverse,
leaving ou the days that it now returns.
A. C. Carle, of Boise City, Idaho, has
purchased Ihe tonwirial parlor formerly
wned by Old Halt, at the Matlock
building nex dour to .-dmon's blaok
smith shoo, where be invites the pat'on
age of all who desire strictly first class
work at reasnuahla prices. Haircut,
shave or shampoo, 23 cents each. G'Ve
him a cull.
1 he onnnty ennrt has refused to allow
deputies fur either tbe sheriff or eleik
for the next two months. Tbe question
will acain be ronsid red at tbe next
trm of court The publio will under
stand that both officers are now salaried.
receiving according to lw 82,400 each.
Tbe earnings of both offices go to tbe
The regnlar subscription price of tbe
Semi-Weekly Haz tte is 82 50 and tbe
reirnlar nrice ot the Weekly Or'goniai'
is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the
Gsx-tte od paying for one year in
advxnce ran get onto the unze'te ana
Weekly Orpgouisn fur 83. All old sub
scribers p'" tne'r snbsc-in'inns for
one year in advance wih be entitled to
(he sums.
Scotch File beat last Friday which
heaiB anything hal we have seen thi
year so far. It has a fine, plump gram,
and Mr. Piper says it will staud more
drought tbau any variety that he baa
seen tried lu this oounty. Mr. Piper's
ranoli is ou Ibe north sile of Penland
buite, well towards tbe uortb end of
Morrow cu uity.
Silem Capital Journal: . W. Pat
terson, of the Heppner Gazette, lelt foi
Portland today. He was one of the
noa ruitteemen in the late oampaign in
Eas'ero Urigon, making a oanvaas of
the school bouses of bis county. He is
one of the rising young bimetallic re
publicans of the state.
The mail route between Heppner and
Nye has been discontinued owing to tbe
fact that very little mail was carried by
't. Mail for interior points in the
viciniiv of Nve will now be received by
the way of Pendleton.
Hon. P. O. Borg, our worthy mayor,
left Sunday f,y Portland, to be in at
tendance np.in the meeting of the Gram)
Lodges, A. F. & A. M. and B. A. M.
He will probably letnrn the latter part
of this week,
B. A. Htinsuker runs stage between
Heppner and Monument, arriving every
day except Monday end leaving every
day except Snuday. Shortest and cheap
aet route to the interior. P. Ot hn,
I. G. Boyoe was in tbe city Saturday
from Mounment. Mr. Boyce in com
pany with P. W. Caris intends to estab
lish a grocery store at Mimument in the
near futuie. Suooess to them.
Mrs. H. Blackman and family de
parted Sunday last for Portland, to take
op their reaidence during ivir. Black
uan'a a' jmiru in the metropolis as ool
ctor of internal reveuue,
Tbe Heppner train will now depart
very day at 9 n'olc.ck, a. m., Sunday
xoipted. till further orders. This
means that tbe strike on the U. P. is at
in end for the present.
Lawrence Sweek arrived last Friday
iib a load of Grant county wool.
Lawrence retnrned Saturday loaded
-vitb provisions for the interior.
Chas. Fuller reports his little boo,
vho has been seriously ill for the past
year or more, as improving.
Dan Oamers was a passenger on
od ay's down train, enronte to Portland.
Mrs, K A. Hunsaker waa down from
Paiker's mill last Monday.
The Bcrolab Flkd. Saturday night
r Sunday morning, somewhere about
nidnight uny way. tbe residents on
riiiiu, near Libertv, were aroused by
i series of screams in a trmiuine voice,
jouimenciug in high C aid running up
o tbe lift h added line and thru over
he roof. Windows were raised and
Ueads protruded therefrom, mid Boon
vlr. W. S. Mjers, Judd Fish and other
leighbors bad gathered at Mrs. For
vood's place, where tbe trouble seemed
to be. They hud dressed hastily and
ere in oustnme for an evening party,
veu ol the kind; for some were in
pants and slippers, while the rnffljd
oejama was all tbe others coold boast,
t he trouble was caused by some bold
tramp, who deliberately undertook to
hreuk in tbe dour. Mrs. Forwood look
ed out tbe upper window, aud wbeu
Hhe ordered tbe tramp away he replied
with an oath that if she did not let him
in he would smash the door, and then
nbe soreumed. When the neighbors
irrivrd she was of course much excited,
aud insisted to Mr, Fish ihat tbe burglar
was still around. "Madam," said the
imperiuibuble Judd, "nht u you scream
ed the second time be lit in Sherman
o inuty, and is now ou tbe North Platte."
Mo loss; uo damage. Tbe Dalles Chron
icle. Thb KThiKs. Andy Tillard was in
from tbe ranch )sterdav, having just
leturned fiom Pendleton. He reports
that tbere is a great deal of excitement
in tbe neighboring city in regard to tl
strike, Bnd says thul tbe bulletin board
a as surrounded at all times by a orowd
eager to bear news from the East and
elsewhere. Qiite a riot ocourted in
Chioago, the strikers burning 1,500 oars.
I'be militia were called upon to act, bnt
tuok their bayonets in the ground and
refused to Are a shot. Tbe regulars
were then a ppealed to, and iu tbe trouble
wbioh followed twenty strikers were
ahot and killed. Serious trouble was
reported elsewhere, but it is likely that
it will end shortly as tbe Gazette is
informed that the strike on the Union
Pacific wus raised to lay and that traffio
will bo resumed. The Heppner branch
has beeu iu operation all tbe time,
as far as the conditions on tbe main
line aud river demanded, and today b
train left at 9 o'clock, a. m. Things'
have beeu Jess faxirable on the Union
than on any otber trans-conMueutal
p'Uie, and it is to be hoped that arrange
ments have been made satisfactory to
both sides.
Dkobned in thb IUpids. A recent
isu ot the Times-Mountaineer contains
ibe following: A fatal accident happen
ed at tbe Cascades Monday evening, iu
which a young man named Jefferson
Wilkii s in was diowned. With a half
breed he was engaged iu lining s small
boat in tbe current when, tbe oable
parted, and the craft, with tbe two men
on board, were at the mercy of tbe water.
I'he half-breed inatiaged to jump on a
acow against nbioh the boat was washed
by the current, but Wilkinson was
thrown into the river and soon after
appeared battling with the waves. This
vain struggle laved but a 1 it tie while,
aud with a despaiiiiig shriek tbe young
man wne swept ever tbe rapids to
Certain deatb. He was Bged 23 years,
and his parents reside near tbe Locks.
Squibrel Poisuk Ben Swaggart has
a new kind of squirrel poison wbioh is a
dead shut on squirrels. It is for Bale at
Phill Cubn's, at the low figure of $1 per
gallon, in bulk. This poison is guaran
teed, or money will be refunded. It is
Bometbing that qnirrels will est. eve
at this time of the year. Now is tbe
time to kill them.
Tbe Union Psoifio ia tbe shortest line
to tbe Lewiston, Miners' Delight,
Atlautic and Konib P-tss gold fields.
Buy our ticket via Book Springs or
Ka litis, frnm which points yon can go
by a first class stag line to Lewiston,
reaching tbe mines tbe same day.
Land For Sals'. 480 sores over in
Wilson oruirie. A go-td ttock ranoh in
aid be sold cheap. Call at Gazcta
office for particulars and terms I.
Mrs. ZnstgM R. Smith
Like Other Women
t hare sulsrsd for IS years with a umpUcaUe
of troubles, with continuous, almost unboara
bl pain In mj back. Tka Oil also proatn-
parilla ti Be. But Hood'i
Hartapartll has eurad
mo of all bit troublts.
ind I eannot spsak too
highly of It, MBS. E. K. Smith, Box 8 Etm, Cai.
Hood's Pill ours htadaohs sod Indigestion.
Fourth at Fossil G. B. Tsdrowo,
Geo. Nobis, Jr., FranV Whetstone,
Frank Jones and Wm. Tillard returned
Thursday from Fossil where tbey had
gone to participate in tbe 4th ot July
oelebration and tbe two days' racing in
connection with tbe same. All report a
large crowd in attendance and a general
good time. G. B. Tedrowe took
Champagne and Big Enough with bun
and seems to bave been fairly fortunate
in tbe matter of winning races. Tbe
former won tbe half-mile and repeat
raoe, whilt Big Enough won first money
n tbe balf-mile three-year-old raoe,
and second money in the tree for all
quarter mile race. Ted. thinks there is
no plaoe equal to Fossil for celebrations
and "oayuse" horse races.
Wool and Music Tbe Gazette
neglected to say that the music for the
entertainment at tbe grounds tbe 1th of
July waa fnrniBbed by Frank Lee. Mr.
Lee, as everybody knows, ia not a
professional musioian, but is at home in
tbe wool business. He knowB mighty
near as tnnoh about wool as Woolly
Clark, and the Gazette thinks that is a
pretty good recommendation. How
ever, Mr. Lee as a musician is no slouoh,
and he did very well on tbe occasion
above mentioned, wbioh was duly
appreciated by all.
"How to Care All bkln Diseases.'
Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment."
No internal medioine required. Cares
tetter, eczema, itcb. bP amotions on the
face, bands, nose, &e., leaving the skin
dear, white and healtbly. Its great
healing and onrative powers are possess
ed by no otber remedy. Ask your drug
gist tor Swayne's Ointment. ew 1 yr.
Tkolr Mysterious Qsau of "CrapM Briefly
"Shooting craps" is the way in which
newsboys, bootblacks and street ur
chins gamble with their small earn
ings. Tbe police break up these games
when they see them, but in quiet cor
ners the urchins enjoy their sport un
disturbed. The game is a curious one,
and few oeople know exactly how it is
managed. Among negroes it is a spe
cial favorite, but few others but street
gamins piay it.
The only paraphernalia required,
says the New York Journal, are two or
dnary dice, which are shot or thrown
from the hands of the players. Instead
of from dice-cups. The stakes are pen
i nies. The player throws two dice, and
the total of their faces is counted. If
2, 3 or 12 turns up, he loses a cent to
his opponent. If 7 or 11 he wins one
from the other. In either contingency
he continues to shoot until the dice
register one of the other six numbers.
When one of these turns up, that is
called his "point," and he continues to
throw for a repetition of that count.
If it comes he wins another cent, and
starts fresh, as before. Though lucky
before, after the "point" has been decid
ed the number 7 becomes unlucky, and
when it is thrown the player "craps
out." He loses a cent, and the dice
are passed to his opponent. The other
scoring figures, 2, 3,ill and 12, do not
count when throwing to duplicate a
Sometimes a lucky shooter will keep
the dice (or some time. When the
"point" is decided hia opponent is to
be seen in the favorite and typical at
titude of "crap" players. Bent over
the dice, he will be seen snapping his
fingers vigorously, and anxiously cry
ing: "Come a seven! come a seven!"
which he firmly believes will force his
opponent to "crap out."
a milkman's MISTAKE.
tU MUtook
Hi Customer's Emr-Troupel
for Mllk-Cu.
An amusing story is told of one of
our formerly well-known Back bay
physicians, says the Boston Herald,
who is now sn old man, and bo deaf
that he cannot hear anything without
the use of an ear-trumpet.
It happened that while he was
spending bis vacation at his summer
residence be had occasion to make
some changes among the people with
whom he traded for the necessaries of
life. Early one morning he was
aroused by his wife and mode to under
stand that somebody was knocking
violently at the front door. Putting
on a light dressing-gown, and procur
ing Mb trumpet, he started off down
stairs, prepared to listen near the door
and ascertain the cause of so much
disturbance. Intent upon finding out
what the noiaei was about, he opened
the door a little way, and, sticking his
ear-trumpet through the crock, ap
plied his ear to it and awaited develop
ments. In a few moments he felt a luke
warm liquid running from his ear,
down tbe back of his neck, and on to
the floor. Flinging open tbe door, he
discovered that the new m'lkman hod
mistaken his ear trumpet for a milk
can, and was leisurely pouring tbe
contents of a gallon jug into tbe end
which had been presented to him
through the crack of tbe door.
Sufferers from chills ard fever, who
bave need quinine as a remedy, will ap
preciate Ayer's Ague Cure. This prep
aration it taken according to direc
tions, is warranted a sure cure. Bri
denta in malarial districts should not be
without it.
M A. JE Jl IV as s
Will reign supreme among the residents of Morrow and adjoining Cu's
They catob onto a few important faot, one
on reading this Ad. When they learn of tbe
Ot General Merchandise taking plaoe at
McFarland Mercantile Co.'s Mammoth
Retail Store !
Tbey will make a "bee line" for it at a "Nancy Hanks" gait,
MoFarland Meroantile Co, of Heppner, selling ont at cost f Tea, we offer oar
whole stock at lowest wholesale prices, for CASH ONLY, in order to
be ready for onr Fall purchases. These goods are all New,
Clean, Fiist Class Articles and bought in the
best markets in tbe United States.
We wish to exchange tbem for your money.
A Chance of a Life
At Cost or Lower !
Dress Goods, White Goods, Linens. Embroderies. Handkerchiefs. Towels.
Infants Caps, Bonnets and Cloaks, Corsets,
f lannels, blankets, Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Knit Goods, Silks. Satins, Velvets,
Riding Gloves, Rbck and Colored Hose. Dress Linings. Stays. Silk Thread and
Twist, Knitting Yarns, Saxony Yarns, Fancy Goode, eto.
Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slippers,
At prices never thought of. Call and see.
One hundred pairs child's heavy lace shoes
Uversbirts, Ulnves, etc., Boots, Shoes, tin briers, Hals. Caps, Underwear, White
Shirts, Silk Neokwear, Hosiery, Toilet Snaps BruHbea, Kazors, Table and Pocket
Cutlery, Silver Plated Ware (knives, torks and spoons; Carving 8eta, Trunks, Va
lises, eto.
Our whole
A Full Stock of Hardware, Conk and Heating Stoves, Tinware, Bnokets, Milk
Pails, Pans, Cooking Utensils, GotfiH Pots, Tea Puts, Stove Boilers, Wash Tubs,
Brooms, Brushes, Granite ware. Bolts and Washers, Plow Single Trees. Carpenter
Tools, (all kinds) Garden Tools. Roof Platps, Stove Pipe, Nails, Horse Shoes, Bar
Iron, Blasting Powder, Hanging and Stand Lamps. G assware. Crockery, Ti ilet
Sets, S'one Jars, Limp Chimnevs, Lantern Ginhles. Lanterns, Wicks, Oliver
Chilled Plows, Gang Plows, Hay Bakes Mowers, Mitchell Wagons, Hsoks, Buck
Boards, Carts, Harrows, Seed D'ills, at oost until pies nt stook is sold. Saddles
and Harness, Rifles and Shot Guns, etc.
Come in and make your selections before
money by buying at our store. A full line
oi tins saie.
Country trade solioited. It will pay
your punplies at onr prices. Dm't let
yourself these hard times. Mail orders
no irouoie to show goods.
This Clearanoe Sale is now in full blast.
It is the Headquarters!
Jlnt Drugs Oil H, Glass, Toi
let Artloei Patent Menlolnea,
IX to
Office of all stages running
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
A. W. PATTERSON, AGENT. q!olthe Hot ln meorld
is the title of a vary valr-nljie hook that gives a great amount of Information of tbe I'tmost
Importance to Everybody, ouimeriibig their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc.,
What to Bat,
now to Eat It,
Things to Do,
Things to Avoid,
?erilsof Summer,
How to Breathe.
Infldenm of Plants,
Occupation for Invalids,
Alcohol as a Food aud a
Superfluous Hair,
Beuiovlng Same,
Restoring the Drowned.
Danirers of Kifl4in(r,
Ventilation, uess, tCxerctne.
IT TELLS HOW TO CUIIE Black Byes, Bolls, Bums, ChUtblalas, Cold Feet, Conn,
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Karache, Felons, Fetid
Feet, Freckles, Headacho, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning,
Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Itlngworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Byes, Sore Mouth,
Sore Nipples, Sore Threat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache, Ulcers,
Warts, Whooping Couc'li, Worms lu Chlldrou. I r WILL SAVE XtUG'J'OlCS UILLsV
QfAll new sunscribers and prompt renewals duringthe month of June will be
presensed with free oopyot this as a premium.
Hard to Satlsry.
A man who had undertaken to climb
a certain steep cliff on the Shetland
islands to gather wild fowls' effjjs waa
neither very experienced nor very
brave, although ho boasted of bein?
both. IU pushed upward, however,
briskly, without looking behind, till he
bad got up about a hundred and fifty
feet, when he stopped to breathe. The
pause was fatal to his self-possession,
and he called out in tones of terror:
"Men: men! I om going I am going!"
His comrades, having been thus
warned, moved the boat out of the
ivay, so thot the poor fellow came sheer
lown into the deep water. Mighty
was the plunge, but at length he rows
M the surface, when he was instantly
;aught hold of and dragged into the
boat. After many gaups and much
spluttering of sea woter from his
mouth, his only remark was: "Eh, men!
this is a sad story I have lost my snuff
A man wbo needs power for pumping,
sawing or lathes, surely makes a mistake
it be purchases ao inferior make of
machine becanee it is cheap. Why not
bny tbe Hercules (Ins Eugine and muke
no mistake. Henri for cstslnifiie.
Falubr A Key Typs Kodndky, Front 4
Alder Uts., Portland, Oregon.
To retain sn sbnndnnt besd nt fcnir
of a natural oolor to a gnori old ag.
tbe byeirne of tbe scalp must be observ
ed. Apnly Hall's Hair Benewar.
of wbioh tbey must and will know
Time to Buy Goods
Kid Gloves, Silk Gloves and Mitts,
way down. Men's and Boy's Clothing,
store will be a Big Bargain
During the coming Summer
the assortment is broken. Save your
ot (groceries at ont Drioes. until close
gets goods AT COST.
yon to travel hundreds of miles to lay In
friendahip fir anv firm cause you to tax
carefully filled. Call and beoonvinoed;
out of Heppner.
PHtL. (OHS, Proprietor.
Parasites of the Skin, Care of Teeth,
Bathing Beat Way, After-Dlnner Naps,
Lungs and Lung IllHeajies, EfleetB of Tobacco,
How to Avoid Them, (,'ure for Intemperance,
Clothing, What to wear, Headache, Cause A Cure,
How Much to Wear, To tlet Hid of Lice,
Contagious Diseases. Vnlnrlnl Affection
. A soft, fsir skiu ia the tesult of pure
blond and a helthy liver, to secure
which, Aiei's RsrsBparilla is the Super
ior Medicine. Lsdies who lely upon
i-f'sm tics tnbesntify I heir oomph linns,
-hould tnske a note ot this, bearing in
mind that they can't improve upon
Tbe Htndehsker wagon beads them all,
for sale at Gilliam k Jiisbee's. a
"Hardware" did yoo sayf Why, yes
at F. C. Thompson 4 Co.'s stand, and the
! plnoe for bargains. a
I The Keeley Institute, at forest Grove
onres liqnnr, opium, morphine, ooonine
j and tobacco hsbit. nee ad.
! If yon want to buy groceries, and
bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise
I Urnceiy. Kirk dc Ituu), proprietors, a
The general mercnandise establish
merit formerly owned by Coffin A McKar
land, has lately changed hands, now be
ing nndfr the control and management
of The McFarland Meroantile Companv,
which continues business at tbe old stand
with a larger stock than ever. I
WANTED Ad nerKetio pr
sou to act ss our general agent, snlary
MOW) per mouth and commission,
Address with stamp.
Cbus. A. Knbinsim & Co.. Hulina.Ksns
The great vegetable subs'itat for
lills is Uimmoni Liver Kegnlator,
Cares sick beadacbt.
Why Don't You
Call on the New Firm at the old Van Dnyn f tend ?
You will certainly be surprised at the low prices in
Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and
A Complete Line of Groceries.
No trouhla to show poods and piva pricpg.
Respectfully Yours,
HOENOE & AlllllZN.
They All Get Something.
"OR0M s bushel of corn, 8 distiller gets four gallons of whiskey,
-- which retails at $16.00. The government gets $3.60 ; the farmer
who raised the corn gets 40 cents ; the railroad gets $1.00 ; tbe manu
facturer gets $4.00 ; the retailer gets $7.00 j the consumer gets six
months, and the policeman gets paid for running him iu.
You'll get something tio if you run in and see the new lines of
Dress Goods we open out this week you'll get an agreeable surprise
and perhaps a dress. We have opened 15 cases of new dress materials
and laoes that left the other side of the fish pond only four weeks ago.
m kh kit.
The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Pslaoe Hotel. They will keep on band a full line at
km and Provisions.
A nll tin. nf AV.niMA !...., .1 T .1 . l J .1 ,, . , .
u .u.a ..uo . wu"iuo iitb, i.nnrn
usually kept in a first-class bakery store.
try them.
Land Patents
Land patents secured for settlors in the shortest possible time.
Contested Cases
Contested cases intelligently and skillfully bandied.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
Between individuals having conflicting claims nnder the agricultural land
laws, and tbnee between olaimnute nuder the Mineral Laws and ngrionltnrul
claimants; and also between cUim iuig nnder any of the public Und laws ami the
Kailroad companies and their granted, and the states and their grantees, under
the Swamp-Land and Hchool-Land Grants.
Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers
wbo bave oomplied with Ihe laws under which their entries were made, and wbo
are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue of tbeir patents, caused by Trifling
Irregularities which can be easily and speedily removed.
Advice also given in all matters relating ts the pnblio lands, especially on
points arising nnder tbe new laws wbioh bave been reoently passed providing for
tbe disposal of tbe publio domain.
If yon want your land patent in a hurry if yon want your land bnsiness, nf
any character, attended to by skillful and oumpeteul attorneys, and promptly dis
posed of, write to
John Wedderhurn, Gen. Man.,
P. O. Box, 385. Washington, D. 0.
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
OF jTho youiijf how to cliooso the best 0110 to mitrry iffNTWO
("On?SE)Tho iriin rmd how to be happy in marriage; ( DAYS
YOU )The fond pureiil bow to huve prize babies; ( ONE
WANT )The motherbow t have them without pain; (AGENT
TO )Tlw childless how to bo fruitful and multiply, ( SOLD
KNOW JTho curious how they "growed" and came to be;( 42
WHAT The healthy how to enjoy life aud keep well ; (AND HE
EVERY )The invalid how to get well aain speedily; ( SAVED
l'.ODY )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. ( $1,100
OUGHT )A11 who want knowledge that iR of most worth TN ONE
TO JFind it in Dr. FooteV Plain Homo Talk, YEAR.
KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates; 2(H) t iOOOOO
HEAD )Kodueed from $3.25 to $1.50; circulars fiv.:. ' ; COPIES
l H. T. )Murray Hill Book Co., 129 E. 28th St., N - "c " SOLD.
Otis Patte
Heppner, Oregotii
For the Cure Oi
Liquor, Opium nod Tobacco Habits
It is located at Forest Grove, Or.,
T7i Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gazkttx office for particulars.
8trlctly confidential. Treauneut private aud sura
niiu mrHU j lu iHUf rverjmiog tnai IS
They will sell cheap foi cash. Call and
Etc, Kto.
Trust Iiusts