Give your butinui to Heppner people and therefore mut to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for htior her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer reiil name If signed at an evidence o! good faith. Did you ever Read a boat the Han who Hid his Light under A bushel? Year well That i like Doing business Without advertising. All the 8oi le schemes Id the country Will not accomplish Hiilf as ranch As a good ad. In a good, live, Legitimate newspaper, On that Is read Br the people, And that owns Its own Soul; that U ei ill apace Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. JS3 .aS J -43 CAPITAL AND LABOR. At the present uiiimrnt, it seems that the American nation is ueaiinif a crisis which will approach quite dose to a oivil war, Tbis continual warfaie be. tween opltal and labnr in disturbing every th in,;. If e must continue us a govern tneut of the people and by tlie people, there UJU"t be some sellleraent ot tbia great question, elae this country of boaatid freedem wi I be found wallowing in the mire. If OHpital is asking too much, this should be put in check ; and if it has greater privileges tban belong to it, they ahould be cur tailed. If labor is arbitrary and demanding unreasonable things, there should be s milar action. If both are wrung then IliB continued pence and prosperity of our country dimuuds prompt hotinu tin the part of those in powri leuislatlve tit oath e ami judioial It would be too bad indeed if our great implements of war and modern accoutri meuls fur inf Dliy and cavalry that bavd been piovid d by the public purse, for protection auaiust fnreigu invasion or iiiterferenc ', eliould huvi to be directed against a portion of our own people in opeu rebellion againBt right ful authority. But if something is not done, and very soon too, that will be the result. It is oertainly not pleiisant for a umjority of the people to con template that by their no ion iu Novem ber. 1862, they put in force a policy, uuwitliugly so, perhaps, that is in a mnasnre responsible fur the prnseut cooditi n of our o unity, whioh is at the bottom of ths wutfare between labor and capital, or at ii'HHt, produced favorable conditions for diff renue be tween the two 0 posing f notions. One ays it c in not subsist at the present scale o wtiges; the other asserts Ilia' it is impo eilile to pay the old waea beoauae under the present legime they are losing daily thuusauds of dollars, and to operate at all mimt be done at a IHOntloe. And thus it goes, and ahere an American ait la that is not directly Oonneoted with either side, but who is made to bear the blunt of it all, is going to get off, the Lord of All only kuos. In aumv oitoles the possibilities of tbe recently -iuveiittd, bullet proof coat are being discussed. It looks aa though that aimies and navies are now be un eqtlippt d with all the latest fads and aoooiurt menta for show more than anything else. II trouble arises between countries, one makes a colossal bltifl then tbe other ernes back with a still bigiter "sandy," and so ou till tbe trouble 1 settlid by arbitration. Many eminent men predict that there will never be auother war between great nations. At any rate, us loug as modern fighting runs iuthe line of show, tinsel and bluff, It would be j ist as ell if thn great iron plates on our 13 iltimui ., Charleston, Imliaua, Oregon, etc., and over which Carnegie's establishments have bteu taken t task, were made of Oregon pine and painted lo represent iron. It would be a great deal cheaper, as long aa there will I e num re (Ubtiuii, dn 'twill be just as seiviceuble. It is likely, however, that while the oivilii-d world liateiiB to tbe voices of tbe prot bets of penoe, hoping that their predictions may be light, there is a lurking suspicion that aoouer or later tbia tra of penoe will be broken by boatilitits that will burst nut like a smoldering vo oalio. belter ai ninr and large and more powerful gnus will Oou tiuue I . be made, iu spite, of predictions of universal pome. Thb Uuion Pacific, or rather the government, is dealing with tbe strike in a busiotaa like manner Judge ltitier, of tbe United States court, has informed tue strikers that be will leave it for them to decide whether they remain iu the employ of tbe receivers of the Uuiou Pacific or uut. They have been re quested to report for duty at a oertain time and those not doing so will be .considered as having left tbe employ of tbe reoeivers sud new men will bi engaged to take their plaoes. It is safe .to say tbat tbe aiiiily of them will seaume work. A MCitiiBK of X talero Oregon psnors besides tbe Uni -lte weie leduoid to a balf sheet for atveral issuer. It tbe strike doesn't last too 1 mg, we presume tbat a mej irity of tnein will get through in (air shape. Some people find fault because it takes all day to go to Portland by bnat, and complain because this method of travel is uo better than it was forty years ago. Tbia latter statement is uudoubled y true. It does take all day to go to Port land, and always k ill do so, even when the looks are completed. However, it ia the be t that can be done now, and is oertainly preferable to going by ay of the Uiiion Paoifio. Those who prefer the latter route, are at liberty to travel it. The Dalles Chronicle. Till Klamath Sisr continues to Bhioe as radiantly as ever down at Elamatb Falls. "Peter the Poet," its editor, aays tbat the sheep op in Eastern Oregon voted for Eilis, rl-e bis per cent of vain over the vote of 1892 would not have been larger than Hermann's. The Star doeau't shine for ootbing. D. 0 Ibela.nd, wbo in tbe past two years has wielded tlie editorial pen iu botb the Sou and Chronicle effioes at The Dalles, baa taken cbatge of the Obrerver, of Moro, Sbermau county. We congratulate them on securing tbe aervioes of so able a man aa Mr. Ireland over there. CntNKSE are sending live rattlers to their native land. The snakes are used for medioine Kattlesnake oil is said to be "elly good" for rheumatism, or at least we are so informed by a Chinaman. Two shipments of the reptiles have been made from Spokane recently, AUE LINCOLN'S CARD. A Rolio Showing the Oreat Man's Business Methods. The rasteboartl Used by Abraham Lin- Veol i After Ills Return from Con Cress Some CnmracterUMo Announcements. The business card of Abraham Lin coln, reproduced here from the Chicago Inter Ocean, was not an advertisement, but a sinull glazed card, on which are printed his name, business, address and comments, as reproduced in the fac simile here presented. The lettering is plain on the card, and under "To whom it may concern," the letters are small and humorously set forth the fol lowing: A. LINCOLN, attornrt) and CcuiwUor it gmv. aNumums. tu. TO WHOM IT MAT ClOMdlSS. "My oi l customers and others arc no doubt ftwure of tho tirrll.lo timclh.ivo hail in crom lug Iht itretim, anil will bo jrlud to know that 1 will he ha lt on tho funic wide from which 1 started on or liefnre. March i next, wtiou I will be ready to .Vwai Hon, Dispenn Law, Make Jok , Hiilit Hail, and perform other matters in a l?nuU way " The curd belonged to a collection of such curios and a number of autographs in the possession of tbe lute (ieorge W. IbtUer, of Chicago. Tbe authenticity of the card cannot be doubted as Mr. Baker treasured it for years uniting bis collection and frequently exhibited it, though he left no written document of how itcumc into his possession. U is known, however, from what Mr. linker bud suiil nhotit it, that the card was one of a lot Mr. Lincoln had printed and used after his return from the congress to which he was elected in lHltt over Uev. Peter Cartwright. Mr. Lincoln was not a candidate for roeloction, and the disinclination to be a citiulidute is well conveyed in his "to whom it tmiy concern'' wherein, as well, he expresses his satisfaction at being at home again with tbe hope of securing more congenial work than had been incumbent upon him in the dis charge of his duties in congress. The quuintness of the humor and the oddity of the address t the public on tho business curd are eminently charac teristic of Lincoln's originality. There are expressions, Uw. in the "to whom it may concern" with which Mr. Lincoln fauiiliurized the country afterward. "Swapping horses" and "splitting rails," which were not enough striking in IS4S, or the man using them was not enough famous to cause anyone to per petrate a joke on him iu manufacturing such a business card for A. Lincoln. Tho work was Lincoln's. The card bears the Impress of the man as much us it docs his name. DEFINITIONS OF TITLES. The praetor was a magistrate elect ed for the purpose of administering justice when the consuls were absent from Koine. There were two praetors, one for the city and one for places at a distance. Imimcu vtoiuvus originally a title of honor bestowed on a victorious gen erul. After the downfall of the repub lic it became the title of the supreme ruler, and hud tho sense of our word emperor. Tuk only genuine sheikh Is the gov ernor of Medina. Hisofllccis suid to date from the time of tho Prophet. It is now generally applied as an hon orary title to the head man of an Arab village. Tuk title grand duke was of medi eval origin, 'icing first found In Mos cow in the eleventh century. It t'ruv cled to southern Europe in UlW, when Pins V. bestowed it on Cosmo de Medici. Lanooravk Is the only one of the old Teutonic titles that survives. It was invented in by Louis of Thur ingia, to distinguish himself from the crowd of Urufs who tilled the Oermun courts. Amonu ancient and medieval sov ereigns the universal custom was to give a list of the various countries over which tlie monarch ruled, or was supposed to rule, and the relation he bore to each. Tired, Weak, Nervous, Mean impure blood, and overwork or too much strain on brain and body. The only way to cure is to feed tlie nerve on purs blood. Thousands of people certify that the best blood purifier. In best neve tonio and strpnif'h builder ia Hood's Sarsapsrtlla. What it has ibme for tubers it will also ilo for you- Hie d's cures. If yon feel all broke np and out of aorta HciiHte )our liver with Simmons Liver krgulator. Y u don't need lo eoutinue dosing Simmons' Liver Regulator. A dose a .day. THE SCOTTISH CRIQAND. A lilt ol Dordrr History of the Time at James V. Of all the minor border castles few are more renowned in song and story than the Tower of Johnnie Armstrong, the laird of Gilnockte, who, Piseottie tells us. "was the most redoubted chieftain that has been for a long time on the borders, cither of Scotland or England," says Casscll's Picturesque Lurope. "lie ever rode with four-and-twenty able gentlemen, well horsed, yet he never molested any Scottish man;" and it is said that from the bor ders of Newcastle "every Englishman, of whatever state, paid him tribute" (blackmail), which seems barely pos sible. His tower, called the IIolc house, is oblong, sixty feet in length, forty-siz wide and seventy high, furnished with a capehouse and turrets. It occupies a steep rock, on tho small promontory of ttlnockic. washed on three sides by the L"sk in Dumfneshiro and protcctod on the fourth by a deep ditch. Dunn? tho reign of James V. he committed such ravages and excited such terror by his forays into Wostmoreland that his band of mosstroopers bocamc so great as to hazard a dctiunce of the crown. Hence the king marched against him, with numerous forces, in person, and halted at Eucsdalc, a pas toral district of Dumfricshire, whence he sent a herald to summon tho at tendance of the laird of Uilnocltic and his chief followers under a promise, it is said, of security. The laird is known to have yielded a ready attendance, and in token of his peaceful intentions toward his sov ereign he and thirty-six gentlemen, his adherents, ran their horses at a gallop and broke all their lances on Langholm Holm, while, as tho ballad has it, their ladies looked from the lofty win lows, saying: "Uo 1 send our men well bade afain." Uut they were all hanged by order of the kin?, to whom, on findin? his loyal promises derided, Armstrong suid proudly: "It is folly to seek grace at a grace less face; had I known this I should have lived on the borders, despite you and King Harry, too, though I know that he would wei.rrh down my best horse with gold to learn that I am to die this day." WILLIAM'S LATCST CRAZE. The (lermaa Emperor Wants Dl-imond Wnrlh 81, III l.nil'l fur Ills New C rown. Emperor VVillinm is trying to obtain the biggest diamond in the world for his new crown which is being made in Ilerlin. This diamond is called the Ex celsior. It was found last June in tho mines of South Africa and iii said to be worth 85,000,030. H i:i three inches high, nearly three inches broad, weighs 971 karats and is of matchless luster. For it the Uritish government has of fered S2,500,003. The excitement of diamond hunting is something new to the young man who rules over Ger many and is contributing vastly to the amusement of an interested public by the multiplicity of the roies in which he chonsos tonnnour Everv r.Wnm ths. says the Brooklyn Lngic, represents a crisis in his career that is to sny, a crisis of the continental sort. It is either the sensation of gett ng beaten in an English yacht raco, or the inci dent of an addition to the family, or the necessity of increasing the army and taxes at the same time, or the mor tttication of knowing tliat llismarck still has a warm place in the hearts of the people; or the return of an affec tion in the cur, or the recurring anx iety about Prance or ltussia, or tho suppression of socialism, or a military pageant in which ho strives to carry oil all the glory, or a pheasant shoot ing match whatever it bo it is very certain the kaiser Is bound to keep himself in tho public eye. Now it is a chase for a diamond. That the jawel is of such immense value simply in creases bis desire to get it, just as the ardor of a young man's suit la inten sified bv the unwillingncssof his sweet heart to commit herself. This restless ness, this recurving desire to say or do or obtain some thing w hich will not per mit his personality to be even momen tarily forgotten makes a lively contri bution to the literature concerning the ways of modern kings. Songs Thar. Weru lau.i ; tv.iuu This Coun try Wa Young. It is very interesting to trace the origin of s me of the good old tunes with which we arc familiar. There have been many controversies as to their authorship. "Old Hundred" has been variously ascribed to Pr. Martin Luther, Dr. John llowland and William Erunek. Dr. Lowell Muson wrote uite a trea tise on the old tune, suyi.ig emphatic ally that it was written by tiuillaum (William) l'ranck (1MX) l'.ut later musical historians say it was com , posed by Louis liourgcois, of Trance, , in MM. ' The old tune, "God Savo the King," j or "America." so universally sung to "My Country, 'Tis of Thee," wat com posed by Dr. John Hull (15(iJ-t(WS), nmsie teacher to (jueeu Elizabeth, about ldOU. i The tune of "Yankee Doodle" has j hail seven or eijht treatises written I upon it in the lust thirty years, ascrib ing it to various dates and origins, even back to tho Netherlands and the j Jays of Cromwell and the Charleses. Dr. Bcorgc tlrovc, of London, Eng., investigated thoroughly the various musical libraries anil tho Uritish muse um in England, (hiding no trace of it whatever. Hut "Yankee Doodle" has an origin and bus a history. It was written by l)r. liichard Schuchburgh (whose com mission dates 17;1T), in tlie French ami Indian war of 1775 under lien. Jeffrey Amherst, and was Intended as a "take oil"' on the 'Tag. tug ami bobtail" re cruits of the colonies that came into the army. The first words: "I'ather and I went down to ciu:i;," were in the lloston Journal, lTtis, and the tlrst record of the tune is in Arnold's "Two to One." I7S4; so that "Yankee Doodle," al though written by a Uritish surgeon, is really American. The time "Star Spangled llitnncr" is au aduptutiou of "Anucreon in Heaven," composed by Dr. Samuel Arnold, (KSS-ltiOJl of England, 177a "Hail Columbia." or the TroddenCs Mnrch," was by Irof. 1'hj las, of Phil adelphia, 17M). "Portuguese Hymn." or "Adeste Fidcles," is ascribed by English mu aiciaus to ,'nhn Heading, who died i i 1704. lint Herbert I'. Main, of New York, a musical untiipiuriun, says the tune cannot be found as in existence previous to 17'.'0. lie says it was cotu IRiscd and written by Marcautonio Simoe (KHt!iS0). He wrote under the assumed name of "Portogallo." SHERIFFS' TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY COl'RT OF MoRltOW COfNTY, STATF. Of OUKfiOS: I herewith submit to you my annual and itnal report, aa s lierifT of Morrow 'Vunty, for the term ending July lit, 1SU4. TAX ROLL OF IfiSS. Amount delinquent and unpaid for the term ending July 1, 1MT2, as per report made f 'J.lUi.tW Amount collected and paid treasurer, 1 Viuouut uelinqueul aud unpaid L 2093:41 1. 11369 " 2.11C 9 TAX ROLL OF 18S5 Amount delinquent and uupaid for the term ending July 1, as per repoit made $1, Amount collected and paid treasurer i 201.49 Amount delinquent aud unpaid, 1282.32 l,4S:t.l 1.4S1S1 TAX ROLL OF 18S0. Total amount due on roll of 1S90, Including sheriff 's assessments, $22,042.' Amount collected and paid treasurer, $30,450.38 Amount abated 418.74 Amount delinquent and unpaid 1,143.83 3-',OI2 9.1 32.04 ' 95 TAX ROLL OF 1891. Total amount due from tax roll, Including sheriff's a-sessineuts, $33,521.23 Amount collected aud paid treasurer, $32,326.16 Amount abated. .. 66 62 Amount delinquent and unpaid, 1,185.46 TAX ROLL OF 1XU2. Total amount due from tax roll of 1892, Including sheriif's ainesg- menta $;x,o57.11 Amount collected and paid treasurer, f.15,392.s8 Amount abated 421.03 Amount of tax due on property sold to Morrow Co 117.15 Amount delinquent and unpaid 726.05 36,657 11 36,657.11 TAX ROLL OF 1893. Total amount due from tax roll o( 189:1, Including sheriffs assessments $38,82S.74 Amount collected and paid treasurer on the several funds as follows, to-vstt: Tax State t 6.27U.79 " County, 10,514.10 " County School 7,288.61 " School District No. 1 2,572.42 5 3.00 " 6, 81.85 " " " 12, 153,10 25, 119.44 ' 27,..., 291.83 38, 73.18 " " " " 39, 86.36 " " " " 42 39.89 " " " "58 165.30 " Town of Heppner, 1,421.24 " Polls, 1 38-5.00 Total $29,775.14 Vmount abated 487.15 Amount delinquent and unpaid 8,561.45 $38,823 74 R'.!B'7 STATE OF OKEOON.j 3 S County of Morrow. $ I hereby certify that I have carefully compared the foregoing statement with the tax rolls and books In myollice and find it to be true aud correct as I verily believe. Respectfully submitted this 2nd day of July, 1891. Geo. Noble, Sheriff of Morrow County, Ore. Accepted : Heppner, Oreg in, July 7, 1894. THK WESTERN PKDAGOtiL'K. We are in receipt of tbe May number if ruir state sehnol paper. It exceed my of tbe former numburs ic valii'. The paper this Blunt ta contains many aew and valuable feature". Tbe illus trated Beries ou tbe eoboola of tbe state ia introduced by a paper on tbe Friends Polytechnic Institute at Salem. Oregon. These papers cannot fail to be of ureal falue botb to the aobools ani to the ptluiiO. There are also several fiue articles by our best writers and the departments "Current Eeuts,""8atarday Thoughts," 'Educational News" "The Oracle Answer:, Correspondents," etc., each contain much valuable reading fur teucbere or parents. The magaeine lias about 50 pages of matter, well priuted and arranged. We pronounce i he Western Pedagogue the best educa tional monthly on tbe coast. F.veryone of oar readers should have the paper if they are at all interested in education. No teacher school direc tor or student cau get along well with out it. We will receive subsoripl.ous it this office. Price only $1.00 a year. When desired we will send tbe Western Pedagogue and (lazette one year to one address for $3.00 Call and examine ample oopies. Teaobers, direotnrs and parents, now is tbe time to subscribe, tt G. A. R. NOTICE. We take tbia opportunity of inform ing our subsoriberB tbat tbe new com missioner ot peusions bas been appoint ed, lie iu an old soldier, and we believe soldieis and their heirs will receive justice at his hands. We d i not antici pate that there will be any radical changes in the administration of pension affairs Under tbe new regime. We would advise, however, that C. S soldiers, sailors and tbeir beirs, take steps to mako apt liontion at once, if they have not aleady doue so, iu order to secure the benefit ot the early filing of their olaiuia in case there should be any future pension legislation. Such legislation is ssld m retroactive. There fore it is of great importance that ap plications be filed in the department at the earliest possible date. If tbe TJ. N. soldiers, Bailors, or their widows, children or parents desire in formation in regard to pension matters, tbey should write to tbe Press Claims Company, at Washington, D. C, and thpy will prepare and send thenecessary application, if they fiud them entitled under the numerous laws enacted for tbeir benefit. Address FKESS CLAIMS COMPANY Joss VikDDKKBTHN, MBnagiDg Attor ney, Washington, U. C , P. O. Box 385. WANTED GOLD ULIKKd. To develop the gold properties in Lewiaton. Miners' Delight, Atlantic, Smith Pass, G dd Creek, or on the Knatler Belt. You oan get full infor mation regarding reliable mines wbicb are for sale by tbe oanip mentioned by addressing James A. MoAvoy, county clerk of Fremont c uoty, Lander. Wyo., Wm., 8turgis, JrH Cheyenne, Wyo., A. Keudall, cashier First National bank, Rook Springs, Wyo., S. L. Spangler, ahsitmm Fremont board of county commissi mers. Atlantio City, SVyo. The Uuion Pacific is tbe shortest and quickest line to th South Pass country, daily stages from Rock Springs and Rawlius. Nrt one ever tried Simmers Livor Regulator without boing satisfied with its effect. HEPOilT. Juucs Ksithly, Judge, J. L. Howard, Com., J. M. B&kek, Com. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. To whom it may c moern: This is to oerli r thai tbe firm of Sloan i. Howard bas this day dissolved by mutual con sent. All accoants of the old firm are due them, payable to either member, and all accounts owiDg by them are payable in tbe same manner, 'lbose owing tbe old firm are requested to call ' nd settle by cash or note, at once. Mr. T. R. Howard will continue tbe business at the old stand. E O. Sloan. I". It. Howard. Heppner, Or., Juue 26, 1894 245 8 HTIUYEI) OB BTULKN. One borse branded M 3. Finder will pleaae return to George M. Masaioger, in the m uiutaios, or to A. Abrahamsiok, Heppner, Or., and reoeive suitable reward. There are other brands on tbe animal besides the one mentioned, but tbe writer cannot describe then. 247 tf. Why suffer from indigestion and dyspepsia? Simmons Liver Regulator is pleasant and cures Treasurer's Notice. NOTICE H HEREBY GIVEN THAT AIX Morrow county warrants reisiste,ed prior tothetnhday of July, lwtt, will be paid on presentaMon at the treasurers office. Interest ceases ofter the date of this notice. Frank Ou'us, Treasurer of Morrow Co., or. Dated, Heppner, Or., July , ism. 47-lt. LIST OP LETTERS. LETTERS ADVERTISED AT HEPPNER Or., July 9. 1S9I. Burnwlck Mr Earnest Dougherty Mr James Leamay Rev A Dovtr Will (2) WrfKflt Jeis Davlilsnn B Roberts T K. Krlemt Mr Joe Green C M Swansea Andrew When calling for these letters please say advertised. J. P. Williams, P. M. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT letters of administration on the estate of Frederics Kretzschmar, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the ?th day of .Inly, lsy4. bv theCotinty Court of Morrow county. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to me for allowance at my place of business in Heppner. Morrow :o . Oregon within six months alter the date of this notice or they s all he forever baried. Also all persons owlug said estate are requested to settle at oace. M. LlCHTRNTHAL. Administrator. Dated, Heppner, Or. , July 7, 18m. 247-56 Notice. VOTICE IS HEREBY 01VEN THAT BII8 il (or seventy (70) cords of wood will now be received by J.J. Roberts, clerk ol school district No. 1, Heppner. Or., to be opened ou July Hth, 1894, at the office of the county clerk of Morrow Co , between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m., and 4 o'clock, p. m.. to be delivered as follows: One-half of e me by Sept 1. lS'.M, and the re mainder on or before Oct. 15, lttM. The board reserve the risrht to reject any and all bids. Bv order of ths board. Attest: Otis Patterson. J. J. Roberts. Chairman. Clerk. Heppner, Or, June M, "H. 'Jt.'-S IOOOOOOOOOO True Economy doesn't buy what it doesn't need. Indiges. tion, Biliousness, Sick Headache, do not need a dollar's worth ot doctor, but a q I quarter s worm ot q Beecham's ) Pills Worth i Guiaea t Bas. 8 Price sj crata, Q OOOOOOOOO'O City ! Hotels in first class style. Meals and Rooms ot Popular Prices. Mrs. The Lightest, Strongest and P. C. THOMPSON i ii.s hi ...tmuMiiiMum I., ass ikhi-u mmmmmnmmmm' FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government Is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Toe much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli able solicitors tc procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, 11 not entirely, upoc the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, aud therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries , Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course 'c pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing ou your rig) ts, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to u- for a reliable OPINION before acting the utter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, O.C. p. o. box s ' JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. Kf Cut this out and send It with your Iumim.I Prentlsa lcluyiu pills cuuii;uiiiiiuiuiu Prentlafl Roctlfylug pills cure constipating PREN1 Tr Almost all pills and modlclne produce criatlpatton, here Is a pi:t tjat curoa torpid liver, biliousness, rheumatism. InuijesUon, sick headache and kidney aud liver trmblea without eriplnj or loavhnj any trass of CONSTIPATION, wMck Is the prime cause of all sickness, rctrare of It getting habitual and chronic with you, see to It Inline; tlieso p'.'.ls will cure ycj. L A c clear tho akin and romov.i all blotches soli. 25 Cents a box. C,Lr r.Y ALL Or sent by mall upoa receipt of price by ' Prentiss Chernicsl and Manufacturing Co 06 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 1 ipili.c IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT A nriT rsa a t ft-mpt. w ,wci.b v JTUSXAI UAKU TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney, P.O. Box 463, vjhi n r. : entU "db,,yf nowtnvor" honv ?t"Z" .causedhvser? Wl KsKS ST, r '' n1,il"s of their v,Cu, itZ'ui,m " wasuetcfnyse aot fdepeudVnT npoo licir o "'labor are eutmed" rXD. 'm ir ,ator for ,uPPort- wij0 CHILORKN are eutitUd if if L ? soldier's death was due to service, widow, m ihth."nVr iu ""stall case, where there was no r?orNf Provided soldier died In port. It makes no dinVenceh7thJVniH?.V. , "eP"'''nt uPn their own labor for sup. iavy. oiuerence whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or l.w1,lthouVinoVh!iruITsh.',ned ne law' PP 'T hleher rate, under other h.eK..en. """-, , rnider the old lav- are entitled t. also for others, wheiherdue to service r no a""'u'1"' for which now pensioned, but enl reeulararmyor navy .Inc. the war sr. also ld..U.dUVrw."doVh.KoT84 f.V,k";'JI-C'k-Ch'k Semlnoloor Flor o'd"" tot.r,i...aor"o',0mP'ele,ltn'1 "'t obtained, whether pension ha. been granted under &r?6,l jf Jtlon itnproperor .Hegal. save lost their original p'pers opined for soldiers and sailors of the late war Who Send for Uw. "rmation Nochare for advice. Ko fee un.esssucce.sfuL Address. , o . WASHINGTON. D.C Kills, Dawson & rayons, ATTORNEYS All business attender! to manner. .Notaries OFFiCE IS NATIONAL BEPPNER, LEGAL BLANKS. Tom Bradley, Prop. - j 0 m Easiest Running Mower Made. COMPANY, Agents. r.i'ULtba'itocmylug pills cure constipation IThuUhs Rectltylug pIllacurocntiHtlpaUoa SS RECTIFYING PILL se Si a b MM TJfl el V 3RFNTIOS RECTIFYING PILL. becauao c Is the only safe and harmless remedy that will surely CSAUTIFY th from tho face Try a box aud see for yotup- I10lini-.TO J? "7 " di"' "' AT LAW. in a rnmi,t snJ sstisfscton Poblic slid Collectors. BASK BUILDING. OEEGON A Plenty of" them at the Gazate Office. .