NUTIOE TO AhVKliTlBElia. IHOfrE dertlrliiR tlie Insertion of dlsDlay ado., ur change of name, must get their copy in not later than Monday evening for Tuesday'? "dittoo, or Thursday evening for Fridays edi Ion. TUB PATTKBeON mjBUSHIHtiCo. NOTICE. 1. The sum of five cent per line will be charged for "cards oi thanks," "resolutions oi lespuct," lists of wedding presents and donors. nd obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and uoUrMof biwIhI meetiiiKB for whatever puriKMe 2. Notices of church and society and allothei utertainmenU from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of Ave cents a line. Tuese ru'ea will be strictly adher ed to in every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known npon application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer s real name Is signed as au evidence oi good faith. T P. Flail KK, NEWSPAPER AlAEKTIr .XJ tug Agent, 21 Merchants hzchauge. Han 1 ra .Cisco, is our authtirUeu agent Ihit paiur i kepi on hie in lilnottiee. HME J ABLE, Stage for Ilardmaii, Monument, Lonjr Creek, John Day and t.anyou Ctiy, leavett att totlows : Kvery day at t a. m., except Sunday. Arrives every day at6 p. m.. except Monday. 'lhe ebeapeot, quirkusl auU beat Uue to oi from the interior country. J. o. DKLEVAN, 1'rop. Phlll Cohn, Agent. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. Mel Logan nns up from Douglas to celebrate. Unas. Mallory Bnd family have moved to tlie rauoti. J. E. Soiivuer came down from Hard mau lu oelcbrnte. Bill IuK'um was over from Eight Mile early this week. Arthur Smith will clean watches at the reduced price ol $1. Qrain is ripening fact and the hearten will boou net to wuie. Joseph and George Beck arrived from Hamilton lust evening. - Ed Long will handle the Btriogs ou the UeppuerHlouuineDt line. Jhb. Mi liiiire, Jos. Johnson and Pa' K-leiiur were in yesterday from Batter creek. Hood's Fills Bte purely vegetal)), perfectly harmless, always reliable and beneficial. M. D. HHyman has been on the sick list for several days, but is muoh im proved. Mrs Lewis Boyed, Mrs. Isano Kouis and Hou. J. N. Brown left on Weduea duy's train. Rev. Bamahy will preach out at Eight Mile mxt Sunday, aud iu the eveuiug at Heppner Produoe $2 50 and get the Qaielte for one year. Nioe family paper, aud bul ly to paper cabins. Diok Bbhidhu is 'lending ornnp up in the U. ile neiglib uhood this sumuier for Orrin Farusw. rth, Photographs $1.50 pel di zen at Sbep pard'a gallery, near opera house, north Main St., Htppuer, Ore. 26. f. Jas L-abey was kicked ty a liorse last Tuesday, aud was Hide togotaruuud on the 4th only with difficulty. Wm. Ajersand wife and Will Spencer and wile returned from Ditub creek yes terday. The orowa captured about 700 trout, most of them q me large. A party was given at tbe residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Bll on tlie eve ol July 4'h. A number of yitnnir peo pie were present aud ei j tyed tbemselvec hugely. A week ago lust Friday, Mies Martha Neville closed her school on Butter oretk. All lmportaut feature of the ocoasinn was an entertainment aud bas ket dinner. Stage leaves for Echo Tuesdays, Thnrs days aud Saturdays, aud arrives ai Heppner Muiidus, vVed esdays. " and Fridays. H. Wade, Prop. T. W. Ayers, Jr., agent. Condon Globe; Arthur Sweeney, the violinist, formerly of tbiB county, wae married recently to Mies Florentt Bleakman, of Hardmau. uul they ate now residing at Koseburg. Morrow comity et joys the diatinolion of haviug a lady stae-d river, perhaps the only one iu the United Statis. Mrs H. Watte sucoesefuliy handles tlie rib bons between Heppuer aud Echo. At the dose of Miss Addie OnleeV school on Eisht Mile an exhibition whs given in whiob the pupils B'ticinateil It was 8 graiid suootBs and nfl-cted credit on both teacher aud pupils. Green Mathews, east side of Main street, has a ueat barber shop and ilnei work at popular prices, 2 c nts snave or hair out. These have beeu hiscbarg es for months. Don't forget bim. B. A. Hnusnker runs stBge between Heupuer aud Monument, arttving every day except Monday and leaving every day except Sunday. Shortest and obeap eat route to the interior. P. Cohn, ageut. The Chinese element got into a ro last night over n gambling game, and rooks and choice Chinese iuveoilves fill ed the air for a brief season. John Rasmus quieted the row with sometffjrt. J. B. Hperry Bnd O-rio Firnsworth eelebrated the glorious 4 h by partiim with their whiskers. Jas. comes on with a face as month as a ptiest. He looks qoife odd even to old-tiuiets wbo have kuowu him tor years. The Oiz-tte has negleoted to stale thBt H. V. Hates, of Hillaboro, was re oently eleoted as one of the represent", tiyeo from Washington county. H. V. is a good fellow, as well as a loy al repnbli oan, and to say that we are pleased to hear of his snooess doesn't halt express it. Mrs. O. A. Frost arrived fiom Monu ment acocmpauied by Tom S'unblefijld Saturday last, aud Sunday departed for Pendleton where Mrs. French desired to take the train for the East. The strike being on. they were o. impelled ti re turn, si)iidiig tb-) 4'h i'l Heppner, and leaviug yesterday for Monumeut. A. C. Carle, of Boise Ci'y, Idulm, has pnrubased the touorial parlor formerly ewned by Hid Halt, at the Matlock building nei door to nimou's blaok smith shop, where he invites the patom age of all who desire strictly firat class work at reasonable prioes. Haircut, shave or shampoo, 2o cents each. Give him a call. The regular snbsoription price of the t3emi-Weekly (iaz-tte is $2.50 and tbe regnlar price of the Weekly Oregoman is SI. 50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year in advance rao gel both the Gsiette and Weekly Oregonian for 83. All old sub scribers paying their sobsc-iD'inns for one year in advanee wil. be entitled to the s-ime. J. W. Vaughsn. of Penland & Co , is in receipt of a telegram from Spnusue stat ing that as soon as iraina resnme run Ding goods oau b- laid down in Heppner from that point. Uulei-swork proiiresnes fasttroo tbe main line i" tlie fntiwe than in tbe past few weeks, nur mer chants will in ke tn- nev by getting their goods from the Eastern Washing ton city. T.-.Y1.; Word conies from Malheur I county that ihr Umatilla county deputy sheriffs have sucoeeded in recovering 15 f tlie 20 horses recently Btolen aud1 ariveu irom tne vioimty of Heppner by one Boston and "pal" and taken into Malheur county, 'lhe parties stealing the horses were not apprehended, how ever, although it is said they robbed a Chinaman a few days ago in Malhenr City aud secured a diamond ring aud $80. rti at they are in biding somewhere in Malheur oouuty there is no doubt. Ovboco Beview: J. F. Moore and fam ily have lett for The Dalles, where Mr. Moore goes to take tbe position of reg ister of the U. S. land office iu that oity. Mr. and Mrs. Moore have resided in t rineville for tbe past ten years, and doriLg that time they have made many warm friends who regret their going. They will b- missed iu Prineville society, und Mr Monre'a place in tbe legal fra ermty here i 1 be difficult to fill. Umatilla cniiutv farmers complain of the Metaiau fly. It attacks tbe stalk of grit n at the rout and passes on up to ibe head, there going into tbe chrysalis state, merging into tbe fly. This fly .ittacka fruit trees as well. We hear of no damages being done iu this vioimty by the insect. J. H. Yertx, of a Portland importing bouse, came upon last Tuesday's train. Mr. Yeiex purchased a uumber of horses flu in J. W. Morrow recently whicb he is now preparing to move to his farm near Cauyou City, where he in teudB to reniiiiu f or bis summer vacation. T.-M.: The Baker reached the foot of the canal yesterday, aud may be lined over the rapids today. A part of tbe lower outer wall having washed away during the fl md allows a better passage thau formerly for boats to make tbe trip. The Dalles Chronicle: Mr. A W. Pat terson, of the Ht ppuerUnzette, is in this city. He tells us privately that be is not slaying ou nuoouut of tbe strike, but because he la infatuated with tbe place. Globe: Jeff Haves, of Heppner, who whs formerly iu the harness and sad dlery business here, was in town Mou lay at:d filed ou a homestead near Lone link. Heury Neal aooompaniod him. A gay lad uf 84 winters and a blushing lass of 66 entered Ibe matrimonial list at Dufur, Wasco county, tbe other day, says tbe Ooudon Globe. "Better late than uever." Walford Reed was arrested at Oregon Oity recently for trying to pass bogus gold $5 pieois. He had $190 of the money ou his person when arrested. If you want a reliable dye that will color uu eveu browu or black, and will please aud aatiafy you every time, use Buckingham's Dye for the whiskers. Struck bi Lightning Mrs. E. T. Glisan was struck by lightning last Monday evening, aud it is great wonder tbat it did not prove fatal. It was during a little thunder shower and she was doing some work near the stove in he kitohen. The lightning struck tbe stove pipe one joint from the top one, to:e a bole in, rao dou along the pipe iliiting it open as though it whs tbe work f a dull knife, glunoed off, strikiug Vlrs. Glisan on the right bip, running down on tbe inside of her leg, tearing her drees in ribbons and ripping her shoe off btr foot. She was discovered immediately by other members of the family, and her limb was found to be severely burned and blistered. At preeei.t she if getting along nicely aud will no doubt be able to be out again in a abort time. Her husband was on in the g irdeii at the time and received a shock on top of tbe head as though be bud been struck by a rock. Tbe dogs were lying under the stove and the shook kuooked them across tbe kitchen against the other wall and almost killed them. It wus a very close Call and made things unpleasantly lively tor a fdw minutes. Antelope Hemld. Watkkbpjut About ten days ago Charles Baker of this plaoe was on his way with a load of wool to The Dalles from Crock oouuty. While going up Desohntes hill a terrific waterspout oo cured just above bim and by the time the water reached him it was ten feet deep. He had six horses hitched to bis wagons, the rear beii g comprised of a trail wagon, on which was ten sacks of wool and to whicb was tied a 7th horse, the latter belonging to A. N. S. Cuttin. This trail wagou aod botse happened to oe in a low place in tbe r ad and were completely swept into the Deschutes nver and lost. Charley feels very ihankful that it was no worse, as all bis Horses Bud other wagon would have been lost bad he been 20 feet further dou the hill at tbe time. Even the loss of the one wagon, tbe wool and Mr. Cotiiu's liorse is considerable such times as Ibe present. Charley has not yet returned home. Condon Globe. Stbonq Minded. Some years ago an old deacon in Oregon was very self willed, and un two or three oconeions made endless trouble iu church. At lat the cbmch elck g t dp and said: "Brethren and sisters, I wish Daoon Jones was iu bell." Tbe new pastor and the menibrs were horrified and the pastor said: "Brother Smith, snch a remark is uukiud and unchristian. Wbv do yon use such expressions about a brothei?" "Well, pastor," he replied, "I oal cnlate if Deacon Jones was in hell about B.x months be would bust it tip.'' As Accidekt. Mr. Bates, a young mat iu the employ of Milt Morgan, accidentally shot himself near tbe John Q. Wilson place on Hinton creek, late on the afternoon of the 4'h. He uttempted to ride pat a vebiole, and bis pistol of large calibre struck the saddle in such a unnner as to be discharged, ibe ball atr, king him iu tbe fl-Bby part of tbe left leg, about half way between tbe knee aod thigh, tearing an ugly hole Dr. McSwords dressed tbe wound and tbe young man is improving rapidly. Wedding Bells. At tbe residence of the bride's mother, Wednesday, June 20, 1894, near Douglas, ooourred the marriage of Mr. S. P Wilson and Miss Vlollie Ely, K-v. Smith officiating. Q lite a large number of frieids and relatives wtre present. The iufare dinner occurred at tbe borne of tbe groom's mother on tbe 21it alt. Tbe Gazette extends congratulations. Machine Oils Penland Co. have on band a Hue assortment of maobine oils, for sale cheap. That Tired Feeling So common at this season, Is a serious condition, lhkbls t lead to disastrous results. It Is a sura sign of declining 'italth tone, and that th blood Is lm povsrithed and Impure. The but and most successful remedy Is feuBl la HOOD'S , Sarsaparilla Which makes rich, healthy blood, and thus gives strength to th nerves, elas ticity to ths muscles, vigor to the brain and health to the whole body. In truth, Hood's Samaparilla Makes the Weak Strong Be sure to get Hood's and only Hood's Hood' Pltla are punly vszctabls, psr tscUy aaruilsta, always nllsU and aeacnoisk The Wasco Bandit. The Times Mountaineer says in regard to the Wasco bandits tbat "tbe arrest of Hawthorne places the last member of a band of desperadoes in tbe hands of tbe law, and it is to be hoped that hereafter property in this vioimty will be safer trora. dep redations. Hays, one of the tang, died in camp 20 miles from Dufur, and it is not known who gave him the fatal wound, but evidence was sufficient for tbe coroner's jury to come to the con clusion tbat he died by the hands of one or both of his companions. Hawthorne was examined this afternoon before Commissioner Huntington for tbe crime of killing the Indian policeman, Carpolis. Tbe wound tbat Hawthorne received was not as serious as at first reported. Instead of passing through, tbe ball en tered tbe back, and struck a rib and followed it until it left tbe bodv. With proper attention he will be all right in a little while. He appeared somewhat emaciated when he left the hack yester day and walked up the courthouse steps with help." Bquibrkl Poison. Ben SwaggBrt has a new kind of squirrel poison whiob is s dead shot on squirrels. It is for sale at Phill Cobu's, at tbe low figure of $1 per gallon, in bulk. This poison is guaran teed, or money will be refunded. It is something tbat squirrels will eat, eve at this time of the year. Now is tbe time to kill them. The Union Pacific is the shortest line to the Lewiston, Miners' Delight, Atlantic and Sontb Pass gold fields. Buy your ticket via Rook Springs or Rawlins, from which points you oan go by a first olass stage line to Lewiston, reaohing the mines the same day. THE WORLD AT PEACE. In the Austrian army the average rate of suicide each year is 181 to every 100,000 men; in the French army 92, German G8, and English 23. , The latest explanation of the rain which usually follows a great battle is that it is caused, not by the smoke, but by the perspiration of the soldiers. The Camperdown, the vessel which rammed the Victoria, is again cruising in the Mediterranean in company with the ships of the British squadron. Rear Admiral Markham Is in command. Of the recruits in the British army 32,094 were last year raised in Eng land, 3.SG7 in Scotland, and 3,8(50 in Ire land. One thousand three hundred and five of these young soldiers were under 17 years of age. Belle Boyd, the rebel spy, famous during the war, hasgone on the lecture platform. She is now past fifty, and her reddish blonde hair has become almost white. She has three chil dren, and is divorced from her third husband. Admiral Avelan has received over a thousand letters from emotional French women, each of whom wants a lock of his hair. He will probatdy have the first barber shingle a dozen Bailors so that none of the fair writers will be disappointed. Gen. Bbousart vos Schellendorfv, the new minister of war of Germany, is a martial-looking man, of medium height. He wears a mustache and im perial. He Is said to be almost as elo quent a speaker as his late brother, who was one of his predecessors ia offide. MEDICAL MATTERS. Tut Austrian authorities have issued a rescript in which they call attention to the law that physicians' prescrip tions shall be written in a legible hand. Sib Henry Thompson, of England, says that out of every ten patients who came under his knife nine would never have done so had it not been for errors of eating and drinking. Foun members of the Imperial Col lege of Physicians at I'ekin who failed to give a proper diagnosis of his majes ty's indisposition recently were pun ished by having a year's salary taken away from them. Albert Ahhi.nk Is in a St. Loois hos pital suffering from a disease called anehylostomum dodenale, the effect of which is to render him as white as marble. Even his tongue, gums and finger nails are devoid of all color. Dr. Charles Fere, a well-known authority on nervous and mental dis eases, says that these disorders are in creasing at a terrible rate in France, and attributes the fact to the increase of beer drinking, absinthe drinking and bars. There was scarcely such a thing as a bar twenty-three years ago, he says, but now they are all over the town and always crowded. N. Y. Ex aminer, j ABOUT OURSELVES. The largest apes have only sixteen ounces of brain. The lowest men have thirty-nine. Husias blood is eotnpofted of 77.8 parts of water, d.'- of albumen, 14.1 of coloring rxjatti-r aud l.v of :aline. , Thk amount of air that a man can inhale in twenty-four hours will fill seventy-eight hogsheads and weigh fifty-three pounds. Many species of bacteria are beue fioial instead of hurtful to man- Many of them manufacture tlie necessary food for useful plants. Gilliam A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY! C7J great philosopber has laid down the maxim of i. "Never put off till tomorrow what cau be done today." If jou want bargains today, if you need the necessities of life in the line of Dry Ooodn, Gents' Fur nishings, Clothing, Trunks, Valises, etc, at prices never before offered in Heppner, cull ou L. Blumeutliul, succes sor to J. ti. Kolinan, Cor. May aud Main streets. GREAT BANK HTTP T SALE! ThisstockwilUhortlybeincreflHed, however, Portland. Remember that these pricea have never sw-lm. The Lancashire Insurance Co. OH- MANCHB8TBH, EiNGLAXO I W. PATTERSON, AGENT. Ono olJheBoatJnthe World flu. FOOTE'S HAND-BOOK OP HEALTH HINTS AND READY RECIPES. U ! the title of a very valuable book that gives a great amount of Information of the Utinoft Importanoe to Everybody, a,uirnliig their dally habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, eta. IT TELLS ADOl'T Indnenr of Planta, Parasites of tho Skin, Care of Teeth Oocupation for Invalids, Bathtng-Dcst Way, Aftar Dlnner rVaps, Alopbol asa Food and a Lungs and Luhr Diseases, Effects of Tobacoo. Medicine, How to Avoid Thorn, Cure for IntemDeranne Superfluous Hair, Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Cauie & Cure. What to Xat, Bow to Eat It, Things to Do, Things to Avoid, Perils of Summer, now w Breaioe, Removing same, Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-Sighted- uangers or Kissing, Restoring tne Drowned IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Black Eyes, Bolls, Bums. Chillblalns, Cold Feet, Corns, Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earaohe, Felons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering. Sore Eyes, Sore Mouth,' Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache Ulcers, Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms in Children. IT WILL SAVE DOCTORS' KILLS. tyAll new eabscribere and prompt renewals d urine; the month of June will be preeensed with a free oopy of this as a premium. LADY BAKER. Her Peculiar and Raiher Romantic Mar rlagre to the Airlcan Explorer. In all the obituary notices that have appeared of the African explorer and traveler, Sir Samuel liaker, there is not one of them, nays the New York Re corder, that draws attention to the very peculiar, and to a certain extent romantic circumstances of his second marriage, certain matters in connec tion with which earned for him the ill will and disfavor of his sovereign. At the time when Sir Samuel started out on his eventful journey up the lliver Nile which was to win for him both his fame and his title he had no Idea that his undertaking would turn out so great a success, and, being1 un willing to restrict himself to the so ciety of the dusky beauties of the Sou dan, he persuaded one of the Herman Ifirla who formed the band of musi cians that performed nightly in an Ks bekiah cafe chantant at Cairo to ac company him on his trip. The girl happened, unlike the majority of her companions, to be a woman of singu larly strong character, and played a notable and prominent part in the ex pedition and in the exploration, con tributing greatly to the success thereof. On llaker's return northwest the fame of his doings and those of his fair companion preceded him. an.l when he reached Cairo he found that all England was ringing with the splendid conduct of the lady, whom the newspapers and the public desig nated as his wife. It was too late for liaker to explain that the lady was not entitled to bear his name, so he made the best of the matter and at the same time paid his deep debt of grati tude toward her by marrying her very quietly at Cairo. A reference to the rec ords there will show that the weildiug took place not before his departure for the Soudan, but on his return. On reaching England he was imme diately summoned to Windsor castle, with his wife, and after he had related to her majesty some of the principal events of his journey she commanded him to kneel, and, tapping him on the shoulder with a sword, exclaimed: "Arise, Sir Samuel!" The queen was also very gracious to his wife, who had now become Lmty Haker, and it was only several months later that she dis covered the true facts of the case. From that time forth Sir Samuel was not honored with any more invitations to Windsor, and Lady liaker was not only never permitted to appear ut court, but was even sul)j:-ct'd to a mild kind of ostracism by society. This she scarcely deserve l. fur einoe her mar riage she proved herself to be a most estimable and honorable woman, Inmy opinion, as in that of many others, infi nitely superior In every way t. her gar rulous and somewhat mendacious hus band. Plies! Piles! Itching Plica. Symptoms Moisture; iotense and tirjgiDg, most at nigbt; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue In mora form, whiob often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very Bore. r-WAYNa's Ointment stops tbe itching and bleeding heala nloeration, and in m ist cases re movea the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayoe k Son, Philadelphia. aw 1 yr A dose of Himraorn Liver Kegnla'nr taken daily, Kill relieve and prevent indigestion. & J3isbee, by a well-ne'ected lot of goods, direct from been equalled in Hemmer. u. libujMt.MHAL, iieppner, uregon, now Mucn to Wear, To Get Rid of Llee. contagious Diseases. Malarial Affections. How to Avoid Them! Croup to Prevent. SURROUNDED BY MYSTERY! A Great Mistake. A rcent discovery Is that headache, dizziness, dullness, confusion of the mind, etc., are due to derangement of the nerva centers whicb supp.y the brain with nerve force; that InJI jesllon, dyspepsia, neuralgia, wind In stomach, etc., arise from the derange irent if the nerve cemerauupplylng these or gans Willi nerve t uld or force. This Is likewise true of n any diseases of the heart and lungs. The nerve systemisllke a telegraph system, as will be seen by tho accompanying cur. Tne utiia while lines ara the nerved which co ive the njrve f r 'e from tho 1 e 've centers to every part of tho body, as tho elec rlccurrentla conveyed alon? the telegraph wires to every station, lare or Bmall. Ordinary phyIH tin fail to reard thU fact; liHtead of treat ing the nervecen-te-s for thecatiMO o f the disorders arUinir therefrona they treat tho jiart afTet'ted. Frinklln Miles M. IX, LL. U., the biiriily celebrated specialist and st'idiint of nervots diseases, and author of m;my noted treatise on the latter subject. Io ik since realize I the truth of the first statement, and hl4 Restorative Nervine Is preptred on that principle. Its sucresa In curing all diseases arising from deranre mnnt of the nervous system Is wonder ful, as tne thousand of unsolicited tesllmo nl lis in possession of the company manufac turing tne remedy amply prove. Ilr. Miles' Hub oratlve Nervine Is a reliable remedy for all nervous diseases, such as headache, nervous debility, prostration, s'eeplisinert, dizziness bys'erla, sexual de bility, Ht. Vitus dance, epilepsy, etc. It la sold liy all druggist on a positive guarantee, or sent direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Kikhart, Ind., on receipt of price, il per bot tle six bottles for 16, express prepaid. H'istoratlve Nervine rMitlvuly contain no opiates or dangerous drutfs. For (tale by T. W. Ayern, jr. ADUITIO.NAL, LOCALS. The Hlndebnker wagno beads them all. For sale at Gilliam & ftisbee's. a "Hardware" (lid yon say? Why, yes at P. C. Thompson &. Co. 'a stand, and the plaoe fur bargains. a The Kneley ltiBtitnte, at Forest Grove cures liquor, (ipinm, morphine, cocaine and tobacco habit. Hhh ad. If yon want to buy groceries, and bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise Grocery. Knk & Itulil, proprietors, a j The Kt-nwrnl merctinndiBe establish merit formerly owned by (Jnffln A McFar j laud, has lately changed hands, now be- inif nurter the oontrnl and management of The MoFarland Mercantile Companv, wbiob continues business at tbe old stand with a larger stock tban ever. a bo Not Waste Money, Time or Fttlenc. If you need power for auy purpose n hatever, Bend at once for oatalogue of Hrrcules Uas and Gasoline Engines. They are simple, strong, sate and sub "tsttial. Their eO'itiomv, reliability, strength and superior wnrkm mship are hejfind question, and we defy tests to the oijinrorv. Calm kb A Hay Fjundbv, Front & Alder Hi., I'oitland, Or. AfT-clius of the bowels, so prevailent in cinhlreu, cored by Simmons Liver I'.-gulalnr. Pimples, blotches, gorep, and their cause, removed by Simmons Liver Regulator. Why Don't You Call on the New Firm at the old Van Dttyn rtand ? You will certainly be surprised at the low prices in Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and A Complete Line of Groceries. COME IN AND SEE US No tronrilfl to fhnw poodp and pn'vp Respectftjlli Yours, HORNOE & WjimiZN. They All Get Something. FROM a bushel of corn, a distiller gets four gallons of whiskey, which rAtuilu of SIR (VI TL ., t 7.. o en . ii. " .. . i Uc utciuuioub t9isco.uu ; tne larfficr who raised the corn gets 40 cents ; the railroad gets 1.0U ; tba manu facturer gets $4.00 ; the retailer gets $7.00; tbe consumer gets six months, and the policeman gets paid for running him iu. iuun got BuuieuuuK too u you Dress Goods we nnrni our. thin wnelr j 6rl ORirrouil) BUI III ISO anil nerhann n rlrnaa Wa hara nnanari 1 t j . , j i . vurw aw mdcb ol Lew ui e?o materials and laces that left the other side of the fih poud only four weeks ago. yj IMOK & OO m lk Institute OF- C. BUHL, On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. The Enterprise Bakery and Grocer? Store. SA.L.Ji; AND FANCY m Groceries and him. A fall line of choice Pips, Cukes end Bread j In f.ot evervthtojr that ia nsnally kept In B firM-class bakery store. They will sell cheap foi cash. Call and try them. aw Land Patents Land pntentH secured for Bottlers in the (shortest possible time. Contested Cases Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Bptween individuals having conflicting olsiroa under the agricultural laud Ibwb. Bad those between claimants uuder the Mineral Laws and agricultural oluimants; and alto betwHon claim tuts nadir any ' the pnblin Und l iws and the ltHilroad companies and their (rrantets, and the atates and their tfrautees, under tne Bwi'mi- Land and Hchaol Land Omnia. Specialty made of secitriDg patents in the shortest possible time fur settlers who have complied with tbe laws nndnr whioh their entries wire marie, and who are annoyed and worried by delays in tbe issue of their patents, caastd by Trifling Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed. Advioe also given in all matters relating t the public lnnd, especially on points arising tinder tbe Dew laws whioh have been reoeutly passed providing (or tbe disposal of tbe publio domain. If yon want your land patent in a hurry if yon want your land business, of any character, attended to by skillful and Ouiupeteul attorneys, Bnd promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, Gen. Man., P. O. Box, 3815. E- J. SLOCUM, HAS Tbe Apcy for lhe Brownsville Woolen Mills. And has on bands a full line of their goods including snits, blankets, woolens, eto. fl is also prepared to take measures for suits. Palace . Hotel Building, OF COURSE YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT EVERY BODY OUGHT TO KNOW. READ I'. II. T. )Tlitryoung liow to choline the best one to murry ; i ne mamec! now to oe happy in marriage ; )The fond parent how to have prize babies.; )Tho mother hovr t have them without pain; )The childless how to be fruitful and multiply ; )The curious how they "growed" and came to be JTho healthy how to enjoy life and keep well; (Tho invalid how to get well again speedily ; )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. ) All who want knowledge that is of most worth )Eind it in Dr. Foote's ''Plain Home Talk, )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates; 201) t ,. . , ) Reduced from $D.25 to $1.50; circulars fivJ. Wfiirruv Tlill rtru.L- C... 10(1 P. 'K(K s W, . V. - Otis Patau NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER rricpn. run in and see tlie new lines of vnn'll ,u on ui Heppner, Oregon, For the Cure oi Liquor, Opium aod Tobacco Habits It Is located at Forest Grave, Or., The Mott Beautiful Town on the Coast. Csll at the Oazvtt offlca for particulars. Btrlctl; confidential. Treatment private and sunt cure. Proprietor They will keep on band a full line of Washington, D. 0. 8ECTJRED Heppner, Oregon. ;(fiTTWO ( DAYS ( ONE (AGENT ( SOLD (ANDi?B ( SAVED ( $1,100 ONE YEAR, iOO.OOO ! COPIES SOLD. CALL, AT