A.$k WILL ftV CLEARS Q LONG SKIM I LIFE I MENTAL! ENERGY! AVER'S ft Sarsaparillap M. Hummerly, a well-known business man Of HIHs'ooro, Va., semis this testimony to ths merits of Ajer't Sarsaparilia: "Several years alto, I liurt my leg, the Injury leaving a sore wlil-h led to erysipelas. My suffeiinm were extreme, my left, trorn Hie knee lo the ankle, lieii.u a solid sure, wliiell lieiran to ex tend toother parts of the Iwly. Afier trying various remedies, 1 heinui lakinir Ayer's Barsanarli;a, aud, before I ban llulslied the Hist boltle, 1 experienced great relief: the second bottle elfected a complete cure." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mem. Cures others,wi!l cure you Give your busineia to Ueppner peojAe and therefore tisnust to build up tiepp- ner. Patronize those who patroniti vrxu Wo hold anp.h and everv correspondent re sponsible lor his or her communication. No oorresiKMinenre win oe puuusiieu himcbb tur writer s real name le signed as an evidence ol good luitn. Did yon ever Read about tbe Han who Hit hit Light nculer A bushel T Yea? wall That la like Doing- business Witlioat advertising. All the Hni te nobeniei In tbe country Will notacoomplinb Hiilf as much As n K'uitl ad. In a ennd, live, Legitim'ite newspaper, One that Is read Br tbe people, And that owns Its own Soul; that 0jcs Itg spHOe Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. Tbk typrsettiiiK on the OregoiiiHn ir now d me by machinery, thereby throw ing a latie hum her of men out of employ meut. Tbe puper presents a very uoat appearance, however, iu its new drees. Senator Ii ill's bolt ot the present democratic tend bill is Oons Hunt aud logical. 'J he democracy is not doiuv those things it promised to do. It not uprooting tbe McKiule? pi i noi pie and aside from wool ami lumber it if Dot giving the liir,nii(i,olurers all H promised iu free raw mate inl. II ill h till a democrat. It's his party that bio abandoned the deuiourutio position. Bpokaue Kuview. Til K Btntement is now being published that au heir ol the Oroolter millions bar received f4l 0,001) (or letting liqior iilout for five 5 ears, ai d that if lie gives tbt flowing bowl n ide berlb for tle year longer he will receive $100,01)0 more. This salaried teetotaler Is a young liooi ud gets more niuuey for keeping aobei tunc does the president of the Uoiteil Slates for keeping the ship of stale efl'iat. This is an easy and well-p.iyiiu job and every young mini ought to b aniioua for one like i' ; hut there are noi ninny fmu lies able to keep a high, salaried relraiuer from disgiaoeful autt. ot its payroll. E O. W. T. T. I'. CtlhVKNTlON. Koitok Gazktte: The writer was appoiuted reporter for your very vulmtble pa er to give pur. titulars of II. s et.ilo convention of Ihi W. 0. T. U. You have reeous to b proud ot the tleppuer U iiou, us then delegate, Mrs. spray received apleudin reooguilion aud respect from this boii.i of workers. We feel that Ueppner bar in this convention, as elm has iu ah other oouveutious, made heraelf heard aud fell and the Uuiou in other partB ol the state kuow that the same Uod astaius itnil guides our work who ruler in their owu tar distant Unions. We have beeu made lo (eel dining this oon vealieu tUe ttuib ot the hues ot out natioual sou, , "There are b.uuls ol ribbon while, around the world." The first day's aesslou was opened Mon.lal alSJja. ui., wiih devoliotml servicer led by Mrs. Amelia Mead, state evange list, subject, "The promise of Uod." After tbia very iuspiriug devotioual hour the business ten iocs were called to order by tbe president, Mrs. Auua K. Biggs, of i'ortland. The roil-oall ol ofSoers and superintendents showed some tweuty live to - be present. Madams 8i"tt, of Uuiun county, ami While, of Yamhill, were Hppoiuled ooni mittra ou credentials aud Msdnnis Hulwau aud K yal, ul 8alem, oouimittee on omrteairB. A special committee oousiatiug of Mia. R mick. Suiiujview. and Mra. Hyde, of Ashland were au- poiuted to carry the greeliug lo the Mllilst. rial Association of Saletu at their I regular meeting 111 at moroiiig. The I atto'Uoou arsaiou as upeurd wilh deTottonal aierviaes lad by Mrs. Hounds, 1 In B STRONG R UIUNERVES I of fiifiiyettr, pul ject. "'Hourly Promises." Itueiness BePRion then ci'ied to order aud Revs, (jee, of Sliedda, anil Granois, of hale:n, wer ) introduced mi l spoke brii fly worda of chet r. The r- poit of t h- corn epuoding secretiiiy waa rt-bd soowir-g marked progrehH, notwithstanding the great till incii'l pressure, through whi- h every thing is pasdug. Ten ne Unions reported, five eent in disoonra(.'ing r poits. Ashland reports more honorary thau active members, showing that the meu are alive to the work. 1-a Grande reported a Loyal Temperance Legion of 223 members. Summary wag as follows: Number of Uoioob reporting 63; active membership 1316; bonoriry members 92; Y's 139; L. T. L 825; schools of methods 12, lectures given 372, seven Uuious have prohibition by Jaw; live keepsalouus out by persistent tffole; eleven Unions have headqunrters; 209 copies of national orgao, "Too Uoiotf Signal," tuken, 150 copies of "White Bibb hi," the state papur; 31 Demurest Ooutesta held during the year. The presi dent appointed as committee ou plan of woik all county presidents and as Mor row county is au unorgio:,u 1 county, Mrs. Vpray, jour delegn e, wns invited to a place ou that committee at the evening aession. Mrs lloynl, Salem'e local Union prtisideut, presided. Music by the choir of the First M. E. church, uf Solem, scripture lesson read by Airs. Mead, aud prayer by Mrs. Linda Komick. The address of welcome in behalf of the W. 0. T 0 . of balem, was given by Mrs. B. H. Wallace, also au address of welcome iu behalf ot tbe miui terg of of Salem by He v. Bhulse, of South Salem, formerly of Ueppner; respouee by Mrs. Lilli n Amos, of Portland, follotd by a solo and chorus. Mrs Anna B. Iimgs then gae her annual address which was spoken of by a liniener iu this manner: "I have listen ed to many annual addresses of this leader of Oregon forces, but I say with out fear of ooutradiotion that this excels them all." Tbe choir then gang tbe Worlds W. 0. T. U. eong "Around tbe World are Bands of E bbon White," aud we were di-missed with tbe benediction by Mrs. Uaifotd. The second morning session was opened with devotional exercises led by Mrs. Beese of Iiieeburg. Tbe repirt of cuuuty presidents wag then taken up -ach one showing good work in ber dounly. As I have before spoken of Vlorrow coituty being uuorgauized your delegate was admitted to tbe privileges of a couuty preeideut. I take the following from tbe Statesmen iu regard to ber report: "Mrs Spray, of Ueppner, Morrow oounly, gave a verbal report giving glimpses of the work iu (hut far away place. The spirited speech of this ' earnest woman reoeived the hearty applause of tbe delegation. This Union is determined to have a clean uiiy and olean councilmen." The report of the Refuge Home given irom State Evangelist's report showed a tonderfnl work done la that borne. Bight girls gave themselves to Jesus iu me day. Since last ,-eptember loriy three girls have been reoeived iu the "home" and all tut four have been con verted. Tne superintendents of de purlemenls continued to report. Mra. da Unrich also giveu oue hour for ber work, that of the L. T. L. She was insisted iu this by Mrs. Scott, of La Grande A beautiful banner was then presented to this Legion. It biiug the Li. T. L. sending out the largest number of graduates from tbe L. T. L oourae ol study. A lovely b inner was also pro moted to Ueppner L, T, L. for the largeat increase in membership. East eru Uregou has just Oanse to be prouud that both the handsome bauuera have jome to her showing that no lougei lues she desire the name of a rough un educated and lawless part ot this, the (-rauilcst etate iu the Uuiun, The eveuiug sessi in was given to tbe Uem ireat medal ooutest. Tbe couteet tuls being, Olias. Uallowiu, of MuM'u ville; Mas. Williauiiou, of Salem; Min nie Billion, ot Forest Grove; Loa t'arker, of F 'rest Grove; Maggie Bob niiiH, ot Fruitlaud; Elhel Garlield, uf t'endlelon. The coutiatauls each ac quitted themselves well aud wbeu the leoisiou was uunouueed by tbe judges it vas shown that the marks were close out the judges had awarded i lie gold medal to Miss Luna Parker, of Forest kirove. Very Ui.e music was rendered oy a mule q lurid, consisting of Dr. U. I.Epley, J, VVeuger, 11. Kilndretl aud 111. M. HrouH'.n, uf Sitetn. Tub third aud last morning of the convention was opened with derotiuuul exeroises led by tire. Uaiuaud, uf Silutiyview. This o. iog the time for ehotion of ofiiuers, the following were elided lor the mail ing year: 1'resideut, Mrs. Harcisaa White Kinney, uf Aaiorin; Oorrespoud- lug Sec, Mrs. Susie E Foster, of Uuivumtty Park; Bo. Seo , Mrs, Uoleu ti. Uaiford, of Newberg; Treas., Mra. tlcBsie Shaue, of Portland. Y. W. U. r. U. Sec, Mrs. Miuuiu T nomas, of Corvallix. L. T. L. Suot., M.S. Ada Uurich. Mis. A. K. Biggs was elected lehvate at large lo the National con tention, a ohJdreu g 1 1 ax p or auc e duuday wan adopted. The foimer super intendents were tnost all retained. Our Slate Evaugelisl belug about to start on i "round Hie world" unssiouary t i p a resolmiou was passed endorsing her. 1'he lust eveuiug was claimed by the Young Womeu's Christian Temperanoe Uuiun. Mrs. Mead reading the scripture lesson, followed by prayer by Mrs. Biggs. Mrs, Minnie Thumae, state secretary of the Y's, presided ery grace fully. The uiusiu was coud noted by the ohoir ol the Christian church. Re ports were read from the Y's aud after a very telling aud tbe Quest collection speeob we have ever heard tbe couveu- tiou was adj inrued by the siuniug of God Be With Y m Till We Meet Again," aud l he benediction by It v. Uiauuis, pasior of the First M. E. ohurob. Th uext Biinii.d meeting will be at Rost burg. ... xotks. Tbe churoli was handsomely aud i 1 A. -1J xa mil tlieliils"anil never excell ed. " Trie.1 and proven" is the verdict o f millions, oimmons Liver Regu ttv lator is Betters lator is tha iver and Kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa Tk an tive, and purely veg etable, act jr 11 ins directly -"1 C on the Liver J- and Kid neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry 01 made intoa tea. The King- of Liver Medicine. " I have used yoursinunons Liver Reffil fnlortoid can eoiisi:ieni'louslv say It Is the litinrof nil liver meilleines. I eonxider It a ito'ilh-ine chet In ilself. Geo. V. Jack sox, Tiu-ouia, Washington. 4C-EVEr.T TACKAOK-KS Alas the Z Stamp In red on wrapper. appropriately decorated. A benutifu' blue banner was suspend' d above the rostrum with the wording in gold i f the moito 'For Ood nd Home and Nativ Land," in the c-u'er hi ing monogram W.C. T U. 'the room was profusely decorated watli fl 'is And banners arranged among the il iwirs. Miss K'lolinin, private secretary ol the presideut waa plait irm pane mid Mies Kem, of Poitland. and Mis Chamberlain, Newberg, tbe other paves. Many ministers attended the eervioes of the convention, thereby throwing their interest iu the cause. Mm C. M. ChahLton. Salem, Or., May 31, 1894. A Guod Appetite Always acoouipanies good health, and an ab-euce ot appetite is an indtoa'i in of something wrong. The universal testimouy given hy those who have used Hood s tsarsaparilla, as o its merits in restoring be appetiie, and aa a puritiei of the blond, cohstllu'es the stronirest reconiinetidation that Cau be urged foi any mediuiue. IN HK.tloitlAM. Jemima Kesley Andrews was born in the state of New York, Novembir 25, 180G. Moved to Oino when about six years old;, was' mariied to Ebeuezer Andrews at the age of 25. Joined the Melhndist church when 33 years old, of which she was a consistent member until death. Her hushtnd died Nov. 30. 1861. After his death she conducted the faim of 26 acres from which she reoeived support until 1884, when she came to Orevoa to live mill her children. She died at Alpine, Oregon, June 17, 1894, aged 87 years, 6 mouths and 2 j days. The funeral was conducted by Rev. J. T. Iloekins, of Galloway. Oreuou A B'U, Arthur Andrews, and a daughter. Mrs. Phoebe Wright, of McMiuville, Oregou, and nine gratidchildieu remain to mourn her departure. All were present except oue grandson, C. L. Andrews. The last two months of her life were days uf great anlT -ring, yet she bore it with a noiideifu! degree of patienoe, trusting Uod who doelh all things for the best. E. H. A. Alpine, June 23, 18H4. The Mast ucrefal Uas Engine In the niH'ket is run wnhoiit au electric spark battery. Theory is all very well, but the everyday experience of constant practical use is the best test of merit. The man who turns a launch and finds hi - self drifting wiih ude and wind because the "spin k" falls to ignite the charge of gas iu his engine; the man who prints a dnily paper und fails 'o get it iff or. time because ibe "epark" again faih; tin man who has fiuit that is in ired for luck of irrigation b cause the "spark" fails iu hie engine thai rune the pump; not only such parlies but others who have trouble from like causes should bear iu mind that the Hercules Gas ami G isuliue Enuitie is free from such difliunliies. The iunilion is situp e and sure. Send for Cilalogne. If yon want soond baud engines of other makes at cheap lates we o n sup. p'y yon. We have a number tiken m trade Biid Cannot take anv more until hey are realiz-d on. Falmbr & Rky Tips Focnoky, Frout Jk Alder Sts , Pori laud Oregou. CROWN ANl) SCEPTER. Tuk emperor of China is studying French and Oerman and will take a course in law. Kino Kiiama, tho firm ally of the T!ri tisli i:i their South African war is a Christian, a monogamist and a tee totaler. , The Japanese believe that their em perors arc descendants from the rods, the present mikado heinir the one hun dred and twenty-first in direct line from the Heavenly Win;. . Tun niaharajnh of Kapoortholla, with his youthful wifo and suite, are iudnljinT in tho social rraycties of Vi enna. Tho prince nnd princess take daily lessons la social etiquette. The widowed crown princess of Austria hai presented her bridal robe of brocaded white satin, embroidered with her own nrms nnd those of tho napsburps, to tho church of Lk)cn. It i has boon transformed Into a magnill- i cent chasuble ' Ki.no Locr.xovt.A's pictures show tho royal savage to tie a man of ctra aldcrmanic proportions. Uv; only dross is a plumo r.tucl; in his 'woolly hair, a capo irnd of feathers nnd a kilt made of tho bushy part of ox toils, hence Jits picture iu totally unlike a Paris fali loo plate. ' J LAND OF BIG-NOSED MEN. Arizona So Named Beeaase of a Faalal I PM-ttllarllv. Who would for a moment suppose, says the St. Louis Republic, that the word "Arizona," which we associate with balmy breezes, music, moonlight nights and amazons, could mean noth ing more or less than "a (rreat bir? notic!" The southwestern portion of what is now the United States was originally inhabited by a tribe of natives noted far and wide for their prominent, beak-like noses, and, al though naturo had been extremely lavish iu her frifts when she conferred nasal appendages upon these queer aborigines, they soupht to enlarge thoso organs by piercing the vertical septum or gristle between the nostrils and wearing enormous ornaments therein. One division of this big-nosed tribe would wear a ring hammered from native gold or silver; another an ornamented shell, while a third were ' content with a sharp stick driven through t io cartilage in such a man ner as to permit of the ends projecting several inches to the side of each nos tril. To the early .Spanish invaders theso queer but harmless creatures were known as "the big Noses." In the Spanish language "nose" is nariz. My authority says in that language you can also express a diminutive or an augumentativo by a termination to the name word. Thus, narizito would mean ' a little nose," and narizon "a great big nose." Tho feminine of narizon would be nnrizona. The "n" having been eliminated by usage and time, we have the name as it stands to-day A rizona. In much the same manner the state of Oregon receives its name from a tribo of Indians noted for their enormous ears. They pierced the auricle and enlarged the lobe much in the same manner that the Karizons enlarged their noses. In the Spanish, "ear" is orcja. Now at tach on, the augmentative to the-word orcja, leaving off the final a from the word meaning car, and we have Or jon. Time, which, like care, will kill a cat, has changed the "j" to "g" and given us the word "Oregon." WANTED GOLD MlNElirl. To develop the void properties in Lewiston. Miners' Delight, Atlantic, Smith Pas, G 'Id Creek, or on tbe Hustler Belt. Yon can get full infor mation regarding reliable mines which are tor sale by the o imps mentioned by addressing James A. McAvoy, couuty clerk of Fremont c nnty, Linder, Wyo., Wm., Hturgis, Jr., Cheyenne, Wyo,, A Kendall, cashier First National bank, Rock Springs, Wyo., S. L. Hpangler, ihaitmin Fremont board of conoty commissi mers, Atlantic City, vVyo. The Union PaoiBc is tbe shortest and quickest line to tM Snth Pass ennntrv, d lily stages from Rock Springs nnd Rawlins. 1776 1884 Q K AN r Fourth of July ELEMiOl ! -AT HEPPNER. President of the Day, Vice 1'reslUeut, OTIS PATTERSON ANDREW KEANY MAaSHALS OF TUG LAY : T. J. MATI.OCK, .... Heppncr N. K. Mi VAY. Gooseberry lone Eight Mile Matter-oil Ueppner OE'l. Mll.LKK, hENKY li.lY, I. 0. LUiuK, J. 0. II EYES, Orau 1 Anvil Salute at Sunrise I Parade at 10 a. m , headed by U. S F Mg, f lloweil bv Liberty Car, O. A. It., D. R K. of P.. Free Masons. O id F-l-ln ' s, A. O U. W.. Tiger Hiua Co. No. 1, E -tile Hose Co. No. 2, Plug Cglies and Cu'z 'tis. March from Main street to the grove. Declaration and Oration. Song by Male Q inrtette from Port land. S ng Red White and Blue, by tbe Audience. DINNER 1 :3i1 p. m. Orand Exhibition bv the Livingston Specialty Co., onsisting of l'isb, Negro, and Herman song, Acro batic Feats, Roarring Eihibitinn. This exhibition is full of mvrtb and will last one hour nnd 30 miuiites. 3:30 p. m Andience will return to am street where there will he a Foot HaM O 'me, Foot Race. Hose Raco, Tog of War b-tween Farmers nnd Citizens, Bveiele lim e and Hurdle R ice. Suitable prices will be be given to the wiiin- rs Mo easy in its actions, harmless and eff-otiial in relieving is Simmons Liver Regulator. AFRICAN COIFFURES. Styles That Would II irilly Find Favor In This Country. A recent visitor to Samoa tells of a famous village beauty in that remote region whose headdress is thu9 de scribed: "Round her forehead was a band of small pieces of nautilus shell; above towered a mass of human hair that had been bleached for months in a marsh, with Scraps of looking-glass arranged in front, tho whole sur mounted with a trail of red humming birds' feathers." Dr. Druminond, In his book of Afri can travoi, makes mention of the chief tain's daughter, whose hair, heavily greased with ground-nutoil, was made up into small-sized balls, like black currants, and then divided into pat terns diamonds, circles, and parterres, designed with the skill of a land scape gardener.. Doth these "arrange ments" would, in the oj-es of civilized artists and connoisseurs, bo probably regarded as s'vngo monstrosities, but it is to be doubted whether they are not utterly surpassed by the goldfinch and canary arrangement, by a king fisher's wing crowued with rod shiver ing glass and sham jewels, both in tawdry insolence and depravity of taste. What is called "barbarous" if found among savages may. after all, be the very height of fashion in May fair, though the cheap finery of the Samoan or African belle is marked neither by cruelty to the victim nor by gain to tho artist, i Simmons L v.r R.giihior has never been known to fail to onresuk headache. I INFLUENZA, Or La Grippe, though occasionally epi demic, Is always more or less prevalent. The best remedy for this complaint is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, . " Last Spring. I was taken down with La Grippe. At times I was completely pros trated, and so difficult was my breathing that my breast seemed as If confined In an Iron case. I procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had 1 began taking It than relief followed. I could not be lieve that ibe effect would he so rapid and the cure so complete. It Is truly a wonderful med ic! ue."-W. H. Williams. Crook City, S. D. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Prompt to act, sureto cure national Bank ot mm. , WM. PENLANO, ED. R BISHOP, Preflideot. Caahler. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS OOLL KCTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD HEPPNER. tf OREGON TO San 1 jr unolsoo and all points in California, via tho Sit. tthasu route of the Southern Pacific Co The great highway throngh California to all points KftRt and Sooth. Grand ticonio Route of tho Pacific OmRf. Pullman Raifet Sleepere, Seoond-claus Sleepers Attached to express trains, affording enpenor accommodations for aeoond-olaaa passengers. For rates, tickets, Bleeping car reflerrations, etc. call npnn or address K. KOEHLKR, ManaKer, E. P. ROGERS, Aest. Gen. F. & P. Agt. Portland, Oregon. LUMBER! WIS HAVE FOR BALK ALL KINDS OF UN TV dressed Lumber, 16 miles of Ueppner. at what Is known as the SOOTT SAWMIIjIj. PER 1,000 FKET ROUOH, " " " CLEAR, flOOO 17 60 IF DELIVERED IN HEPPNER, WILL ADD fs.OO per l,0uo feet, additional. L HAMILTON, Prop, I. A. HamlltoniMan'Kr TZIH WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES Run Jvo Fast Trains Daily Between Bt. Paul. Minneapolis, and Chicago Milwaukee and ail polnli In Wisconsin making connection In Chicago with all Hues running East and South. Tickets sold anil nagg-fiRe checked through to all points in the United Htales and Canadian Provinces. For lull information apply to your nearest tleket auent or Ski. C. POND. Gen. Pass, antl'l'lct Aftt-, Milwaukee Wis. THE WESTERN PKDAUOUUE. We are in reeeint of the May nnmber of our etate school paper. It eiceed any of the former numb rs it valur. The paper this month contains many new and valuable features. The illus trated series on the schools ot tbe state is introduced by a pnper on the Friends Polytechnic Institute at Salem. Oregon. These papers cannot fail to be of great valne both to tbe schools an 1 to the pU'ooO. There are aleo severxl fine articles by oar best writers end the departments "Current Ev(utB,""SKturdny Thoniihts.'' "Educational . News" " The Oraole Answers, Correspondents," etc , each contain much vulnable reading for teachers or parents. The mngazine has shout 60 pages mailer, wel priut-d aud arrniitred. We pronouuoe tbe Western l't daKouue tbe best educa tional moutnly on the 0""6t. Everyone of i nr readers should bsve tbe paper if they are at all inn-rested in education. Ho teacher school direo tor or student can ttt-t alnntr well with out it. We will receive eubscripi.ons at this office. Priee.uiiy $100 a year. When desired we will send the Western PednKOitne ai'd tinzette oue year to one address for $3.(10 Call and examine ample Copies. Tesohers, dire-dors and parents, now is the time In subscribe, tf son to act as our cnneral 82i-ut, snla'y J40 00 per month nod commission. Address with stamp, diss. A. Kobiusou & Co., Salins, Ks: s 'Manydiseases arise from one cause blood impurity. Beecham's Pills O V!oly (Tasteless) Q Purify the blood and, thus, go to the root of many maladies. ts ceirs a brtl. I coooooooooo a 1 .IT . . fjHIS Popular Hostelry he.s again 1 been re-opened and will be run in first class ttyle. Meals unci Rooms at JPopulai Prices. Mrs. The Lighte-ir, Sirongeat uiol P.C. THOMPSON SS.I,,,wwg-y si ii n 'tii-tVk''-' 'itnil i tt nrsTimrn FOR INVENTIONS. Equal -with the interest of those having claims against tbe government is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli able solicitors tc procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and a!l Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Tradc-Markt and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course tt pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rigl ts, or if vou are charged with infringement by ethers, submit the matter to n' for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY. 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D.C. p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. Cut this out and send It with your Ismwur."" I PreutlB3 l.tclnyTug jalid cu.o i;,unujiunu Prentiss Rectifying pills cure constipation Wm RECTIFYING PILL i ti JU Nu AlDost all pills and modlciao produce ccn&tlpatlon, hero is a r-" lat cures torpid liver, biliousness, rheumatism, inuijcsilon, sick headache and kidney aud liver trtublos without grlpln or leaving any traco ot CONSTIPATION, which Is the prime cause of cl slcknosa, beware of it getting habitual and chronic with you. see to it la tlmo; those pills will euro ycu. Li, ET3 Va' nFNTISG RCCTIFYING PILL, fitisi tt . ? I JjftrV bocause c is the only safe and harmless W U3i?' I tnM-53 grTiomedy that will surely DCAUTIFY tho r clear the uklu and remove all blotches sell. 25 cents a box. C-LO DY ALL DRUGGIGTS, Or sent by mall upon receipt ot jirlai by Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing; Co., 406 CALIFORNIA STRECT, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. reutles Itertlfylug plllHcurecousllp.tLloii Pt-omlss Roclltying pills euro coustipatiun Prentiws Rertlfylug plllac ire constipation l'rpntln9 r.Tlilylntf pills cure constipation IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ADDRESS A LETTER OR POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney, P. O. Box 463. Washington, D. C. Honorably discharged soldiers and srtllnrs who served ninety days, or over, in the late war. are entitled, it' now partially or wholly disabled fur ordinary manual labor, whether disability was caused bv service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances. VI DOW Sof such soldiers and sailois are entitled Of nut remarried) whether soldier's death was due to army service 01 not, if now dependent upon their own ln)or for support. Widows not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death wns due to service. CHILDREN areenttth d (if under sixteen years) in almost all cases where there was DO widow, oi she has since died or remarried. PARENTSare entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldierdled In serrlofs or from nct of imlw, and they are nnw tlepemlrnt upon their own labor for sup port. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or navy. Soldiers of the late war, pensioned uuder one law, may app!y for higher rates under other Uwp. without losing mty rights. Thousands of soldiers drawing from $2 to $10 per moMh under the old lv nre entitled to hichttr rAifS under new law, not ouly ou account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but also for others, whether due to service or not Soldiers and sailors disabled iu line of duty In regular army or nary since Uie war are also entitled, whether discharged for disability or not. turvivors, and their widows, of the lnrk Hawk, Crek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flor ndlan arsof 18SH to 1843, are pnUttftd aader recent act, Mexicin War soldiers and their widows also entitled, if &ixtv-two vears of aire or disabled jr dependent. uia claims rompieica ana seu:emeni oDiainea, w.ietuer pension nas Deen gramea uoaer later laws or not. Rejected claims reopened and settlement secured, if rejection improper or Illegal. Certificates of service and dichan:e obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war Who oave lost their original papers. &eua ior uwsana lniormation. ko charge tor advice. No tee unless succeisiui. Aaaresa, THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P.O. Box 463. WASHINGTON, D.C Jllls, lOiivv'SiOia Lyons, ATTO UNKYrt AT LA W. All businpfis attpudeil to in a iimtmrt an BHtifactory ruHUoer. Noturiea Public aud Collectors OFFICE IN NATIONAL HANK BUILDING. BEPPNER, : : : . : OBEGOK Otis Patterson I NOTARY PUBLIC HHTPI Tom Bradley, Prop. H m ZD C: c: r- Co o O o C) Uusiast liuuniug Mower Blade. COMPANY, Agents. Ki-uuss Iiuc 11 lying nlllscureconsUpattoa Prentiss Koctllying rjliist'UL-n constipation m s from the faro. Try a box and see for yom CALL, AT A n CONVEYANCER