IIUIIIII4l4llt.((lllll-tlll(,l(fr OFFICIAL I IF YOU DOX'T READ i THE GAZETTE I KEEP YOUR EYE ON j I TUC A7CTTC I mm You dout get tbe news.; X llftlltlMIMtmi 41111 III III III I Mid 1 1 I IS Tbe paper of tbe people. L, MHIJHHHinNMMMWIWHH TWELFTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1894. WEEKLY rJO. NO. I SEMI-VtEEKLY NO. !3. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOPlftEnf PURE Here and There. Heppner will otlebrate. See ad else wbere. Over $10,1100 wnrlh of wool was auld in Hepi n.r )i-Menlny. Allen Evans, nf A'pine, spent Fridaj and rtatutday in nor cily. Arthur Htni'h will clean welches at tbe red it owl price ul SI. Win. Matlock: end wifevisited relatives in Heppner a few di )a laetweik. A W Patttranu depaitid lor Port land Sunday nioruing uu bueiuebs. Warned A few mure ciintomf rs fm the tmrne laundry, iMuuulain Hnuee. Hood's Pills ome all liver ill". bilious ness, j undice, ir.diKeatiou, sick head Ache. 26o Pruduoe $2 50 and net the dzt-tte f,.r one year. Aice family piper, and but ly to paper oubum. Jerry Brnenan, who has been quite dauueronely ill t r Mime wetkx, is ir ported aa lujpruviu.. Those that have etupity scrip fur hIi should call nu Oe-i'Ke Conner at Tb First Nutiunal Bunk. 2 if. Photographs $1 .50 pel di zen at Sbep pard'a guilt ry, uear opi-ra house, mirth Maiu St., Hrppnt-r, Oie. 20 f. Charley Mil.tr whh in with the Br.-i iDstalioieht ol the home urup ul Btr. wbeints thin morning. Children's Day v.ns observed by the M. E. bhid iy euhoi 1 uu last Huudai with apptopt late Heroines. Mrs. J. C. Hurt will entertain a nnm ber of her friend at her home ou 1 hum day evening f em 4 to 10 iiYlork. Rev. Finnk Parish is conducting a camp meeting ever on Butter C'tek. having onmuii need tbeie ou Fri.iiij last. Lincoln Crtiddick, .Timtnie Kmgliten Bni Juh ydiug were in fmui E'glit Mile Saturday. Ad pridict a buuuiitul harvest this season. . Key Frank Ad tine and wife departed this morning f"r West m, t attend a eamptiieeting nf the M. E. otinioh, 8 mtb, at that plxce. EhkIp: The On' nrn mints, of Or k O.triiity, are runuitia dy and night, nf tbe prospects are tl.t onnsi Lirable dust will be token nut Ibis summer. Spleodid reports as to he emuing orop in M"i"iiw cnnnly, eoi tinue come in. We wi I pn-diice the largest Orop in our history I his season. Wind and l"ts of dust is now the order What a pity the street sprit kl i Oan'tbeiun, hut owing tn the mo-.e stringency, will bxve tu grin and hear it Lost Between depot and P-iliice Hotel, a leather o -se C'tnHiinng gold sppotarlee with nop. rim hrken. one glass Ions". Htlitahle reward fur return to J. C. Hart. As the name Indicate. Hi'l's VeeP table Kiotlian Hair Kenpwer is a rp Deer of the hnir, itichulintf its growth, health, yi'ii'hful color, and beauty. It will please un. Engle: Harney county has resnnnd work on lis artesian " ell, and n hile tbey have a flow at pres nt, thpy hopp to seenrp a stronger one by finking the well deeper. W. A Kirk snd family departed tire morning fur ibp mountains where ilipt eippct to remHin riurinir the heited tprm. Many ottiers oontemt late doiuv tbe same tiling shortly. Eoho ptaae leaves Hppner for E'dm Tuesdays. Tnnrd'txs ant Satiirdtis Arrives Monda)B. Wednpsdaxs ol Kri daya Fare, one wa),S2.5o PhillOotm. agent, A. Andrews, Hrnp. The remains of Albert ii-be were laid to rest- in the tieppner cemetpr on 8ata day afternoon after an im pressive funeral service at the M. I . chnioh, iti-v. Deiiixnu offlciatinir. Postmaster Uillixms is depprvinir of credit fnr the m-niier in whmh he is fixing up tbe old i s' fB.-e hnihline He is makinv it a "neat hs a pin" hi giving it a thnrnngh clemini! and intro ducing it tn a new coat of fresh paint Coat tails are no ohj of these times, esppoially v.hen a man gets htdix Cared. I' reports are rue, tliP'e is mo man in ihistowu who will set the wi-ipi in the future, n- at l-HRt Iip linu ! endeavor so to do, or be compelled n eek new parturp-. Joe 3 ill fiu. of E'i;hl Mile, salts tin Gszette to stHte Hint he wss not the author of oertatn oorresp ndenO' from tbat place, which he whs Bonsfd ol writing, to j i-iio t Mr. Sding w will say that he was not the wriipr. although we gin see nothing objection, able in tbe correspondence in question. Dr. Ggpn WHSOHlled to Douglas on Sunday to attend mi o d gentleman b tbe name nf J. B Oottrell. Some 8 p k ago Mr Cot'rell had an am bail broken, and the limb hning impripr' set, did not I e-tl, and it is now thonvhi th-it amtnitatii n will he no ssary. Th man is quite old, and the injury uib prove fntal to bim, Simmons Liv-r R'gnUtor has nevei been kuowu to fnil to ours dyspepsia. AwanleJ lliglieet p,Bakin ft The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia, No Alum. Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard N. A Leech, of L-xi' gton, Morrow ponuty, visited Pendletou last week He leports ibal a big oron i assured for Morrow county. $1,000 school honse is in coarse of construction L-xngton The fl tiring mt Ht that place has b-en limning to its fill aapscity night and day for the past six inonths. Lxtgt"U is one of the ban ner popnln-i rrecincts f Jnstrn Oregon, ind very few vites weie polled in tba' progres ve vilhiife for old pnrty oantii la'es at I be last eleotiou. Alliance Her Kid. Mrs. Tom Bradley is rapidly mnkini. the City hotel a popular bosllery. Or Sutida) lst she set vett a splendid din tier, ah oh was partaken of by a larg tinmher of our city people who did uo tare to go to the trouble of gettirg i meal mi thar. day, end as for prioe, every o e should he suited. Mrs Bradley will ineke I his one f the tea' tires of the hotel Hint cert'iliily all can aff itti to spebd 25 itents forstifb a meal aa they will get ll i hey putrouize the City. A free lecture will lie delivered at thi p. r t house on Friday evening, July 6. by Ftedeiiok Wallen Brown, a re in ned miastonaiy from ludia. The ttleof the lecnre is "Heathenism in India." end will be appropristely illua trat. d n uh m tps, cbartH and idols. A ei ernl ii viiatinn is extended to the public of H- opner to come and hear this i.et iip. At 3 o'clock of the Bamenay. His Kde Liwience Brown will address die ladies ouly.nu "Umne L fein India." The reuulor snhsoription prioe of the Semi-We, kly tiaz'tte is $2 50 and the regular price ot the Weekly On gonian i$1.50. Anyone snbt-oribing for the tl -z He and paying for tue year in ndvitice cbii nft both the Gaza'te and Weekl Oregonian f,.r $3. All old sub-"Onhe-s pajing their auhso'ip'ions for ne year iu advance wil.be entitled to the s me A C. CaMe. of Boise City, Idaho, has purubaseil the tonsorinl parlor formerly owt eit by tin) Halt, at the Matlook nodding next door tn nimon'8 blaok "mi'h ahni. where he invites the patron bks of all wltn tlesire strictly first classj woik at reasonable prioes. Haircut. shive or shampoo, 23 cents each. Give htm a e ll F. 3. 'UalltV3f, 0. F. Mathews, 1J Ma l-ii'k and t) is Ptteism wen'nfttfe Hitch creek U-bing grounds" fui Hallir day af ern on for a fe' daxa Sport At 'Ins anting they have not yet returned and it l p en nmt-d they are stsying to o-iioh all the trout in that looality. Green Mathews, east side of Main tree', has a neat bather shop aud does woik at popular pric.s, 2" cuts snave or haircut. These have been bis charg ps for mouths. Don't forget him. Simmons Liver Regulator has never fa led to rein ve oostiveuess aud blind or bleeding piles. PcfFENDHD Publication The Living Insue, of J -Iiii Dy, has suspended publionli -it, making its final appearance last Tburcd-.y This we have predicted, but did not txpect the event to happen q nte so soon. There is more about gelling out a newspaper than one has au idea, snd just because one oau dish up a racy artiole is no sign he is a uewsp 'per man, or knows anything about making a anocess of that batiuess. Due thing Certain, one cannot auooeed ami be eti-mally fighting a lihel suit, and ever.) one knows thai there is no cn:isoii for libel suits wben a paper is conducted properly, especially in timet "f peace. Eale. Tub I'biok of Whkat. Will there be any advance in the price of wheat, isa q lestion that appeals to every citizen. The Toledo Blade saa that the low pi ice if wheat shows no feature of possible impioV' m'nt. It is ffered to Europe by otber countries than this, at priceB wh cli re der Oumpetl.ion impo-o xihle. On l-st Friday, Argentiue wheal was i ff te.l iu Loudon, inoluding oost. insurance and freight, at 61 oenta. The world's stock ot this cereal dues not decrees enough tu materially improve the outlook f holders. The new otp is near at hand, and there is uotbilig on whion to base the hope of a lise. On Hie contrary, 50 cent wheat iu Ohioago it confidently predicted. Rapidly. Ukpaihino Dauaoes. Tbe D. P. Uu , uuw have abjut 1500 men al oik between Pendleton and Portland repaiiing I he damage done to tbe road ly the recent fl tod. It it thought that all repairs wilt be made between Pendle ton and Arliugton this week so tbat tieppner will then have communication by rail with tbe east. Tbe railroad 0 impauv is nning Ibeir utmost exertions Honors, Wuild'g Fair. er. UU to get the line in repair down tbe river as rapidly as possible. They are pat ring all the men to work they can get hold of, but the damage ia so treat tbat it will possibly be irom40 to 60 days yet before the road is open tn I ortland In the mean time it is feared that some ol nr Inland towns will have to go on ' short rations," unless orders or groceries ar.d provisions now wanted can bamore rapidly filled. A MEANS OUT OF THE DIFFICULTY. Any strain or bending of the back fot any length ef time leaves it in a weak em d condition. A means out of the I fBoulty is always bandy aud obeap Do as was done by Mr, Herman Scbawaygel, Aberdeen, S. D , who says rbat for several years be suffered with a chronic stioh iu tbe back, and was given up by doctors. Two bottles of -t. Jaonbs Oil completely cured bim. Vlso Mr. Jobn Lucas, Elnora, Ind,. a)B, that for several years he suffered vith paius iu the back, and one bottle f Sc. JaOubo Oil cured him. Wanted Papbb. Newspaper men all brough this region aud in fact in Eastern Washington are experiencing ireat d ffii-uity in eecunug soffioieui f paper wilb wbiob to priut their issues. Especially ia this true of tbe dailies bioh consume wagon loads in aver) short time and for one of which even a oarload does uot last through so very many editions. Cat ft from all depots of supply, the stocks on baud have bet-D brought very low. Spokane has been drawn on and has sent out all the dealers there can spare. To get it Irom Portland is impossible and will be for weeks to come, in all likelihood. It wi'.l soon be neossary to use straw paper. The Tribune was oompelled this morning to print a portion of their edition on mauilla, a very good substi tote, iidetd, fur news, but ratber ex pensive. This sciroity of paper is oausing publishers to pray for railroad communication. E. O. As to Ills Appearance. "Can you describe the man you saw hanging about the house the day before the robbery?" inquired the detective. The Perkins Junction storekeeper whose place of business hod been brolcen into and robbed of a consider erable quantity of plug tobacco, canned tomatoes and dried peaches, together with the entire con ten j of the cash Jrtifacr, umoubtiag to one dollar and fifty-six cents, reflected a moment and then asUeJ: "Do you Unow Bill Quinn?" "I don't think 1 do." "Lives down in the Wallick neighbor hood." "I don't know him." The merchant shifted his quid to the other cheek, chewed thoughtfully awhile and said: "Know Si Eoberts?" "No." "Auctioneer. Ilangs 'round Thomp son's a good deal." 'Never heard of him. But aa to this man you saw loafing about here before the robbery took place I would like to have you describe him as well as you can. Again the storekeeper reflected. "Well," he said at last, "he looks some line lliil Quinn and some like Si Roberts." Chicago Tribune. Mr. Im O. Tlnkham 8 Boilsat Once Afflicted me In fact I think do 0110 err suf fered more from Impure blood. Every rimple or era eh won 1 1 siread, some times maklatf torei ai hirge ai a dollar. Four bottles of Iluod'i Sar- itparill 1 hive thoroughly p trifled ivy blood and my skin 1 smooth as an Infant's. I nevrr felt better. L. O. Timkham, Kewhall, California. Hood's5 Cures Hood's Pills prompt and tfflcteat PquirkeIj Poison Ben gwaggart has a new kiud of squirrel poison which is a dead shot on squirrels. It ia for sale at Phill Culm's, at the low figure of $1 per gallon, io bulk. Tbis poison ia gnaran teed, or money will be refunded. It if something tbat iqnirrels will eat, eve at tbis time of the year. Now is tbe tima to kill them. ' M cp I!tg Oiub. Peuland k Co. have on band a flue assortment of maobint oils, for sale cheap, ' Tbe Union Pao fio is the shortest line to tba Lewistou, Mioera' Delight, Atlantic aud booth Pasa gold fields Kny onr ticket vis Rock Springs or Ka wlitis, from which points yon can g by a first olass stag" line to Lewlston, reacbiDg tbe mines toe same day. "How to Care All ttkla Diseases.' Simply apply "Swayne'a Oiotmont.' No internal medicine required. Corel tetter. er7ma, itub. si1 .'motions on th face, bands, nose, sr., leaving tbe skin clear, while and heallbly. Its great healing and onrative post era are possess ed by do otber remedy. Ask your drag- gut Cor bwsyns's Ointment. aw 1 yr THE Cash Bargains -in- Jewelry, Cash Talks SEE BOHU, MAY BORG, : Out for A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY ! t7T great philosopher has laid down tbe maxim of X "Never put off till tomorrow what cau be done today." If ou waut bargains today, if you need the necessities of life in the line of Dry (Joode, Gents' Fur nishings, Clothing. TiunliS, Vaiises, etc, at pripps never before offered iu Heppner, call on L. blumentlial, succes sor to J. ti. Koltuan, Cor. May uud Mhiu streets. GRKlT BANKRUPT SALIC! This stock will shortly be lneremed, however, by a well-se'eeted lot of goods, direct from Portland. Remember that tbene prices huve never been equallei hi lleppiipr. iw-liu. L. BLL.ME.mHaL, Ucppner, Oregon. FOURTH OF Will be a great day Beoause, all tbe candidates who are floating down Salt River, will have returned home by the shortest route. When I hey learn of the GRI5AT UARGAIN SAIB! Of General Merchandise taking place at McFarland Mercantile Co.'s Mammoth Retail Store ! They will make a "bee line" for WHAT ? MoFarland Mercantile Co , nf Heppner, selling out at cost? Yes, w offer our whole stock at lowest wholesale pries, for CASH ONLY, in order to be ready for our Pall purchases These goods are all New, Clean, Fiist Class Articles and bought in tbe best marktts in the Uuited States. We wish to exchange them for your money. A Chance of a Life Time to Buy Goods - r"'r At Cost or Lower ! Dress Goods, White Oonds, Linens, Fmhroderips, Handkerchiefs, Towels, Infants Caps. Bonnets snd Cloaks, Pursers, Kid Oloves, Htlk Cl oves and Mitts, Flannels, blankets. Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Knit floods, Hilks Satins, Velvets, Hiding Gloves, Hl-iok and Colored Hose, Dresa Linings, Stays, Silk Thread and Twist, Knitting Yarns, Saxony Yams, Fancy Goods, elo. Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slippers, At prices never thought of. Call and see. One hundred pairs ohild's heavy lace shoes way down. Men's Bnd Bov's Clothing, Over shirts. Oloves, etc, Boots, Shoes, Rnhbets, Ha's. (laps, Underwear, While Shirts, Silk Neokwear, Hosiery, Toilet Soaps Brnsha-, Keior", Table and Pocket Cntlery, Silver Plated Ware (knives, forks aud epooua; Carviug Bets, Trunks, Va lises, etc. Our whole store will Counter During: Months. A Full Stock of Hardware, Conk and Pails, Pana, Hooking Utensils, C- ff-o Pots. Brooms, Brncbes, llranitewarp, B -Its and roots (an mnasj uanien loois, Koor nates. Stove Pipe. Nails, Hoise Shoes, Bar Iron, Blasting Powder, Hanging and Stand li'imos. G Bsware. Crockerv, T ilet Sets. B'one Jars, Lamp Cbironove, Lantern (Jlohl'-s. Lanterns, Wicks. Oliver Chilled Plows, Hang Plows, Hay R.ks Mnaers, Mitchell Wagons, Hacks. Buck Boards. Carts, Harrows, Heed D ills, at aud Harness, Killes and Shot Utins, elo. ' Come in and make your selections before the assortment is broken. Save your money oy Duying at our store, A run ut inis saie. ONLY SPOT CASH Country trade solioited. It will pay yon to travel hundreds of miles to lay in your snpplies at nnr prioes. Dm't let. fnendahin f r anv firm cause von In tax yourself thpse hard times. Mail orders no trouuie 10 snow gooas. WE MiEAlSr - Thia Bargain Sale commenoed Monday, 11 McFARLAND iinnmxirnn mm m la, The Lancashire Insurance Co. Of MANCH1CHT K I. 1 IV G LAND I W. PATTFJiSllN. AGKNT. ono.ijh?jHptjhejw!wid na. footk's h and-book or health hints and heady recipe, y ts the UUe of a very valt-sble book that gives a great amount of Information of the I Unod iswonaoce v STeryooay, w,u,rnmg laetr aaity naniu or Batlag, Drlnklog, Dressing, eta, IX TELLS A DO IT Whit to Eat, Bow to Eat It, Things to Do, Things to Avoid, PerlUof Bummer, InfloeriM of Plants, Occupation , for nvsllds, Alooliol as a food aud a kedlcme, Jnprrh.oas nalr, RemoTlng Bame, now io ureatbe, Dantariof Klumg, VsoUlitioa: ' na, " KiercUe? wt- - IT TELLS HOW TO CUBE Black Eyes, BoUs, Burns, Chlllblalm, Cold 7eet, Corns, Cosghs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Drsontery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons Fetid Feat, Fraekles, Headache, Ulccouxh, Hives, Uoaneness, Itching, Inilamed Breuu Ivy Potsoomc Xolet, Pimples, Plies, KbeumatUm, Blngworm, Bnorlng, Stammering. Sore Eyes, gore Month,' Bore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache Ulosca, Warts, Whooping Cough, V, orau lu Children. IT W ILL SAVB IOOTOa MILLS. tyAll new snoscribers and prompt renewals dnnngtbe mouth of June will be presented with a free copy of this aa a preminm. LEGAL JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, -Etc., Etc ' Trust "Ousts HEPPNEK. OR. JULY, 1894, in Eastern Oregon t it at a "Nancy Hanks'' gait. be a Big Bargain the coming Summer Hosting Stoves. Tinware. Buckets. Milk Tea Pots. Htovp Rollers. Wash Tubs. Washers, Plow Single Trees, Carpenter oost until pies nt stock is sold. Saddles Hue of Groceries at cut prices, ou til close gets goods AT COST. ourt fully filled. Cull and be oouvii.oed ; BUSINESS ! June 4th, 1891. Parasites of the Akin, Csre of Teeth llathltig-ltcst Wav, After Dlnner rV.ps, I.unimand Lung Dfseases, EfYocU of TobarVjo, How to Avoid Them, ('are for InUtmDoranea WotMng, What to Wear, 4 c2rs, Uow Much tn Wear, To Get HlJl of I Icm. 3 A At A.1J L . COMPANY Plenty of them at the Gaz4te Office Why Don't You Call on the New Firm at the old Van Pnjn f fund ? You will certainly be surpiised at tbe low prices in Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and A Complete Line of Groceries. COME IN AND SEE US ! No trouhlft to show poods! ami pivp Eespectfullt Youiti, HORROR & AVAKRlillsr. They All Get Something. FROM a bushel of corn, a distiller gets four gallons of whiskey which retails at $16.00. Tim imrornmant ..or- to. tin . n. r fl . - f- .,Uv. fiuTO.w, liio i tinner who raised the corn gels 40 cents ; I he railroad gels $1.00 ; the inanu facturer gets $4.00 ; tbe retailer gets $7.00; the consumer gets six months, Bnd the policeman gets paid for running him iu. You'll get something too if you run in and see the new lines of Dress Goods we ooeu out this week vnn'll t an t,u ;.. and perhaps a dress. e have opened 15 CBes of new drens materials and laces that left tbe other side of the fiah poud only four weeks ago. y INOR Sc CO 1! The -Eseley Institute -OF- C. RTJHL, Proprietor Tie Enterprise Bakerv and Crater? On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. Tbey will keepon hsnd a fnll lineof STAPLE AND FAN C Y Groceries and Previsions. A full lineof choice Pies, Ckea and Biesd j In fact everl,in(r that ia usually kept io a first-class bakery store. Tbey will sell cheap foi cash. Call and try them. (w Land Patents Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible tima Contested Cases Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individuals ha vine ootflieting olaims under the agricultural land laws, and those between olaimaiit under the Mineral Laws and agricultural claimants; and aUo b.itwn cl-tim inte no lr any of tbe public 1 411 1 liw-i and the Kailroad oompaiiiea and their trranteis, mid the states and their (ruutees, under ti.e 8wrmp Land and Hchwl Land Grains. Specialty madenf sctirin(( patents in the shortest possible time for settlera who have complied with the laws nndi-r wbioh their entries w-re mede, and who are anuoyed and worried by delays in the issue ol their patents, caused by Trifling Irregularities which can be easily and speedily removed. Advice also given in all matters relating t the public lands, especially on points arising under tbe new laws wbiob have been recently passed providing for the disposal of tbe pnblio domain. If yon want your land patent In a hurry if yon want yonr land bnsiness, of any charaorer, attended to by skillful and cmpeteut attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS OLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, Gen. Man., P. O. Boi, 886. It is the Headquarters ! 1 1 jrjaint. Drugs) Oils. Olcaasai. Toi let Artloesi, Putent ldcltctnea. Kto Office of all stages running p ricpR, Heppner, Orecon. For the Cure ot Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located at Forest Grove, Or., 77i Mutt Beautiful Town on the Coait, rsll at the Oaistte offlo for particulars, strictly contldeutud. Treatment prlvata aud sura cure. Washington, D. 0. out of Heppner. PHIL. COiLN. FrapfUta. Store HI