A Gentleman Who formerly resided In Connecticut, but who sow resides in Honolula, writes: "For 20 years past, my wire and 1 have used Ayer'a Hair Vigor, and we attribute to It the dark Lair which she and I dow bare, while hun dreds of our acquaint ances, teu or a dozen years younger than we, are either gray-beaded, wblte, or bald. When asked how our hair has retained Its color and fullness, we reply, ' By the use ot Ayer'a Hair Vigor-nothing else."' "Id lMt, my affianced was nearly bald, and itd(C2 kent fau lt Ing out I e t r y day. I ! Indneed her to use Ayer'a Hair Vigor, and very soon, it not only checked any further loss of hair, but produced an entirely new growth, which has remained luxuriant and glossy to this day. I can recommend this preparation to all In need of a genuine hair-restorer. It Is all that It Is claimed to be." Antonio Alarrun, Bastrop, Tex. AVER'S HAIR VIGOR Give your business to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize vni. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer s real name is signed as an evidence of good faith. Did j on ever Bend about the Man wbo Hid bia Light under A bushel? Yesf well That It like Doing business Without advertising. All the Snide schemes In the conntry Will not accomplish Half ns much As a good ad. In a good, live, Legitimate newspaper, One that Is rend By the people, And thai owns Its own Soul; that Uhcs its spnce Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. Jt3 The great strike among the ooal niiners has shout ended. Tns Frazer river, 8. C, like the Columbia has been very high. Hon. William Walthk Piiblps died at Englewood, N. J, on June 16. Ha baa bjen known as a public; man since 1872. Senator Sherman his reaohed a term ot aervioe in the somite equal in length to that of Hanntor Bentou, 29 years, 2 months and 27 days. Mr. James W. IIahb will eujoy the distinction ut'd bring the credit to bis party of being the onlv republican sheriff elected in Clatsop oounty for six teen years. Statesman. It is rumored that ltep. Hermann will contest Polph's oaudiilaey for the enate. Hermann, however, says that he kuows nothing of it. Hermann is too good a man to lose from Oregon's list of oongreesiuen. Evkii since the election the boys have been trying to Hnd out how it happened. By ousting an eye toward the seiiBte at Wushinglon will explain why it happen ed. The result in Oregon will be re echoed nil along the line. DKMoiitATKi truckling to populist ideas fur populist support hns been the ruination of the democratic party of Itato says the Telephone Register. The wetlge for desertion was entered when the senile democratic committee of two years ago sent forth the edict to support the populist electors. The democratic) principle, pure and unsullied, will be supported by thousands, but when adulterated with l'eunoyensm and nil kindred evils ot the people's party, the returns show that democrats preier republican men. Herealter the domo orntio party must keep in the middle of the rum). Tukke is not ranch evidence of a substantial gain by the populists in this state. The extent of the gain came almost entirely from the democratic ranks, through dissatisfaction with the administration ou the money question and it is not a gain that has come to stay. The populist vote in this state is tor this reason more than a full measure of the flat fallacy and kindred fallacies which exist in this Btate fallacies that have retarded the cause of silver and which have Btood in the way of just Bin) reasonable reforms favored by a majority of the people. In Oregon populism is Peunoyerism and FennoyeriBin is a faotion ot the demooratio party headed and inspired by a man whose chief end and aim is political renown. The popu lists as a party will never castas big a vote in Oregon as it did last Monday until it fofBBes liatism and is relieved from demngogism. Then it will have a chance to exist and to bope for success, because it will be back to the first principles of pure demooracy. La Grande Chronicle. slip Tnr nsgatta aecuses ns of steeling locals from i, Tin Onz -tta has gall. After yu have null: d tue items about Simmons Liver iifgnlaiur. Arnica Salve and pdes, them in notliirwr If ft worth stei ling H-o -rd . V loiy- thi ma'ler i i the haiots of the reed-is i I' b"t!i pilars to jude as to who h n giili" and Ihe party that oar- ries a l.uiiitiitiiie crevk. If tnuy dou't convict the Record man of being the boldest pirate ju the newspaper busi ness lint ever struck he colony, w will bo migh ily mistaken. The senate has decided on fie wool but has m idiUdd the schedule of woolens as passed by the house. If wool was controlled by a trust, the s-ime as sugar, such democrats as firioe and Oorman would huvd pnl body and soul into the fight to. rotain the duty on wool. But it is otherwise, and should the bill pass bo'h houses as doctored by the senate, we will have to submit till the republi cans corae into power. Aocokdino to n lat ruliug of the land dopiruudiit, no return of leei or oonmissious will be made on bonie etoad entries cancelled by request of entryman, where entry was not erron eously allowed or does not conflict with auy other entry. Hon. Uko. T. Mtkrs has been nomi nated by the Salem Stutesmau us the next speaker of the house. Belva Lookwood has been permitted by the supreme court ot Vs., to praotice law in that state. Robert Elliott, a miner, tell down the Virtue shaft near Baker and was instantly killed. "Tex" Bagwell, a gambler, was shot and killed at North Yakima, June 18th. The hay orop is short in California. Oregon oan help them out this year. Richard Crokeii, the erstwhile head of Tammany, has left America, Crossing the Atlantic Usually involves sea sioknesa. When the waves play pitch and tosa with yon, strong indeed must be the stomach that can stand it without revolting. Tour ists, oommeroiul travelers, yatohsmen, mariners, all testify that Hostetter'e Stomaob Bitten is the best remedy for the nausea experienced in rough weather on the water. Nervous and weakly travelers by laud often suffer from some thing akin to this, and Bud in the Bitters its surest remedy. No disorder of the stomach, liver or bowels is so obstinate that it may sot be overcome by the prompt and thorough remedy. Equally eflioaoious is it fur chills and lever, kiduey and rheumatic troubles and nervousness. Emigrants to the frontier should provide themselves with this fine medioal safeguard against the effects of viaiB'iitndeB of climate, hardship, exposure and fatigue. ELECTION ECHOES. Walla Walla Union: A few more elec tions, a few more repnblican victories, and hard times will be a thing ot the past. Pendleton Tribune: For the first time in the history of Umatilla county the repnblioans have won a decisive viotory. No oounty in the state of Oregon can lay claim to a grander oonquest all along the line. Tacoma Union: The Ellensburgh Localizer says: "Patrick Henry Winston and Judge Clagett are stumping Oregon for Pennoyer's benefit and populism." ibis is largely an innocent mistake, in so far, ut least, as the eloquent Patrick Henry Wiustou is oonoerned. That versatile politician, jurist and statesman is stumping for the benefit of Hon. Patrick Henry Winston exclusively, but not ostensibly. Catarrh ('annot he Cured with loonl applications, as they oannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take iuternal remedies. Hall's Catarrb Cure is taken internally, and act directly on the blood Bud mncouBsurfaoes. Hall's Catarrb Cure is not a quuok medicine. It was pre scribed by one of Ihe best physicians in this ouuutry for years, and is a regular prescription. It is oom posed ot tbe best tonics known, combined with tbe bent blood purifier, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients Is what produces suoh wonderful results in curing Catarrb. Send fur testimonials, free. F, J. CI1K.NEYACO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. IONIC ITEMS. An nvalanobe of republicans has settled in Morrow county. The best proepects for a yield of from 30 to 40 bushel per acre of wheat in many places. Douglas sent up a rousing majority for our nominee. But where was lone. Louis Male returned from South western Oregon, with a glowing aocount of that region. What's tbe matter with Morrow county? Election day is the day which pre sents the opportunity of distiognishing your true friends from yonr "would-be" friends. "Would-bo" friendship don't pay in the long run. The lone school will be in session for two more mouths. Some very warm days were antici pated, yet so tar the weather is agreeable. Election passed off quietly with tbe exception of a few heated arguments on politics. Racing was indulged in and some "chink" changed bauds. Refresh ments were free, and made several happy. Several are oontetuplnting starting a general uierclmudise store Bt lone this full, which will sell dirt cheap on a strictly cash basis. With the present prospect of a big harvest, there is no reason why lone should not receive another big boom. There is room for different kinds of business, besides what we have now, and the sooner we get at it the sooner we will have competition, 1 and people will feel that competition is wholesome. Jake. i Ions, Oregon, June 11, 1S94. "As oil as tliohills" ati'l never excell ed. " Tried and proven " is the vm'dii't o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu T . . Iat lator is the Ac?rr?only Liver J-JtHOI and Kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa an tive, and purely veg etable, act- 7 '77 directly f-1 IIC on the Liver J- Mo and Kid neys. Try it. Sold by all iVti!rift8 in Liquid, or in Powder i'i ': taken dry or made into a tea. The Kins uf Liver Medicine. " I hiivp us.;d yourSiinmons Liver Repru l:i!nr nod i-nn cnnscifnciouHly say It is the !; uf ell II v" r iiipriiclnes, I consider It a i. in.-cin'-'l In Itnelf. Jeo. V. Jack :v.v, i .i.'onia, Wellington. S-HVERV PACKAGE'S ttus the Z 8tnmp In red on wrapper THE PORTLAND FLOOD. As Been by a Correspondent of the "Only." The Venice of Oregon. Several weeks ago, tbe usually peace ful Willamette gave every indication that it would soon visit the business porti u of tbe oity, and I dare say, it expected to find that all arrangements for its entertainment had been made, so it arrived in person four days ago, although it made its appearance in the oellars along Front, First, Second and Third streets fully three weeks ago. It did not find the welcome it rather expeoted, upon reaching the edge of Front street and onming up to Second. Tbe Oregonian announced through its columns that there would be a "Memori al Pay" parade it its honor, so it couoluded to remain where it was. Evidently tbe parade did not please it. The rain began falling about 6 a. in., Wednesday the 30th ulb, and con tinued to full heavily until 1 :30 p. m. The parade was ordered off and the notice soon reached our guest's ears. Immediately it began to show Bigns of disgust at its treatment by oomiug toward Third street. About this time tbe First Infantry was seen ooming up Third, led by its Hue band whioh was discoursing a muroh, especially arranged in honor of our guest, in a manner which not only Bhowed great talent in tbe band, but that they had evidently rehearsed it twioe, at leBBt. The militia ooneisted of nine companies ot infantry and one artillery. Tbey were reoeived by Brig. Gen'l Compson and made a fine appearance. Tbe Q. A, ti. made a very poor turnout. Ot course we were all covered with mud. For some reason, probably, because the militia didn't have full companies, or beoause tbey wore fatigue instead of full dress uuitorms, or possibly beoause we wore brown leggins, but persumably because it wished to see the improve ments on Third and Seventh streets, or still more likely, beoause it wanted to, our guest came up to Fourth at Oak, and Seventh street from Fine down, and on the afteruoou of the 31st ult., started up the elevator in the Chamber of Commerce Bldg., although wholly unin vited, to see tbe Chamber where the republican convention nominated Ellis for congress. Ou the night of the 31st ult., it put up at the Hotel de Perkins beoause the bill ot fare Bt the St. Charles, Esmond and Oilman was not rioh enough, or beoause tbe rooms were too small and the fire escapes poor. It asked the 11, R. Co.'s for special vestibuled PullnAns and on account of the Co.'s refusal to furnish them gratuitously went to the depot in person aud uow holds complete possession of all tbe lines running in and out of Portland. As this act prohibits either the sending or receiving of U. S. mails, tbe oourts were appealed to and a re straining order given, but tbe D. S. marshal so far has done nothing to relieve the difficulty Uncle Sum has gotten into. In this reaped onr guest re sembles tbe populists and is not un like Ooxey'e army, The only difference is while the army seized the K. R. traius it failed to bold them and our guest does. It is like the populists because its bruin is thick and muddy and fails to discriminate tbe difference between capital and labor, and beoause it does not appreciate the faot that its political theories are all wrong. On the 31st iust., the U. P. transferred by the "Taooma" its freight and passengers landing at foot of Yamhill street, mid as soon as its arrival became known our guest got hot iiad the next time it comes the people and freight will be compelled to laud ou the roof uf the wharf. Tbe old horse-car line bad a monopoly in carrying people down First street, bnt as Ibis didu't suit our guest's fancy it prohibited it on tbe morning of the 31st, ult. The eleotrio aud cable oar companies continued to run, but made so much noise about it that they were stopped and communication in East Portland out off by compelling tbe bridge oompanies to open tbe bridge draws. As you well know, this plau so neatly executed drew a goodly ponion ot trade away from tbe car lines. So we were then completely surrounded, out oil and elm' in from Ihe outer world just so long as it pleased our guest. Elevated walks were built on some of the principal streets and in a day or two all bad them. Trade was almost w holly suspended iu the H ioded districts. At every corner signs were nailed up to electr o liithl poles iufoi tiling the people j that boats leave every 5 or 10 tuiuutes! tor this firm or that, while you are greeted by tbe multitude of boatmen i'b cries of "this boat tn and from" uch and suoh points 150, and "an part ot the city 5o," while oibern staked yon to ride i.i the fastest boat afloat 5c, and tbey were all kinds and all sizes of craft from the Hat-bottomed scow to tbe eUgunt pleasure boat. An amusing soene took place one day in front of a large hotel on Third street. A man witb a long bamboo pole was quietly fishiug. At another corner where tbe water was four or five feet deep a orowd of men and boys were as enabled aud their yells and laughter every little while announced that some unenapectiog pedestrian had in bis effirts to oross tbe street, stepped upon a false plank and was participated into the water, much to his discomforture bnt to tbe evident satisfaction and amusement of bis tormenters, wbo bad arranged the plank for that specific purpose. Chinamen were specially targets for all kinds of practical j ikes which usually resulted in their emersion, amid tbe yells and laughter of tbe onlookers. Tbe water was up tn Seventh street on tbe last of the month in some places, and from Wiish. St. down, was to Fourth. A great many amusing inoidents are seen. I saw a fellow in hip boots carrying a rieud from the sidewalk to a store, and when in water knee deep dropped bim. People orowded tne raised walks which gave way under too muoh weight Bnd women and all got a ducking. You oould not appreciate the extent ot tbe flood unless you bad seen it, and so I will stop, leaving you to imagine the rest. Jim. University Pakk, June 7, 1894. Nothing Strange. Intelligent people, wbo realize the important part of the blood holds in keeping tbe body in a normal condition, find nothing strange in tbe number of diseases Hood's bursaparilla is able to onre. So many troubles result from impure blood, tbe best way to treat tbem is through the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla vitalizes tbe blood. Why is it That Hercules Oas and Qasoline En gines are held by the public in so muob higher estimation than other engines? The parties using these engines, and their name is legion, are tbe oueB who oan best answer this question. They well know the ease and promptness witb which these engines are started and the very little care they require to keep them running month after month with the most perfect satisfaction. They run without a spark battery, which is admitted to be unreliable. The simple ignition tubes of the Hercules Engines are far better. Send for catalogue. If you want seooml-hand engines of other makes at oheap rates we oan supply you. We have a number taken in trade and cannot take any more until these are realized on. Pal Hit it & Rky Type Foundry, Front & Alder Sts., Portland Oregon. WANTED GOLD MlNKlid. To develop tbe gold properties in Lewiston. Miners' Delight, Atlantic, South Pass, Q ld Creek, or on tbe Rustler Belt. You oan get full infor mation regarding reliable mines which are for sale by tbe camps mentioned by addressing James A. McAvoy, oounty clerk of Fremont county, Lander, Wyo., Wm., Sturgis, Jr., Cheyenne, Wyo., A. Kendall, cashier First National bank, Book Springs, Wyo., S. L. Spangler, ohairman Fremont board of connty commissioners, Atlantic City, Wyo. The Union Pacific is the shortest and quickest line to thi South Pass conntry, daily stages from Rock Springs and Iliiwlins. NOT AS GOOD AS HER MA. The Opinion of an Austrian rrlnasel on m Circus Kirler's Feat. Nearly everybody knows that the ec centric empress of Austria carries her fondness for hunting to such a pitch that up to recent years she used to brave the terrible fits of mal de mer that are caused by the Irish channel for the sake of enjoying the superb hunting that can still be found in the Emerald isle one free joy not yet hunted out of it by the ubiquitous and iniquitous Sassenach. But it is riot generally known, says the New York Journal, that the first lady of the land in Austria is also a fancy rider, used to have a private arena, and when in playful mood would give exhibitions of startling equestrian skill to a select circle of more or less discreet friends. One day when her little daughter Stephanie was on a visit at the home of a noble in another part of the em pire it occurred to her hosts that per haps a circus that was performing in the neighborhood would afford the in fant princess a novel delight. They took the child, and were astonished at the profound gravity with which her little eyes watched the performers leaping through hoops of colored paper, turning somersault or riding two horses at once. "Well," said one at last, "what does our little princess think of it?" "Not much," replied the child, shak ing her head sagely. "My ma can do those things a heap better." Then, with an air of profound conviction: "My ma's a born circus rider." Imagine, if you can, Austria's eti quette, aud then imagine the thrill of amazement and horror which thai child's remark produced. Women Pharmacists has 638 active and 186 honorary members. The first congress of women pharmacists was held lately in Chicago. Miss Emma Lovekixo, who has been elected president of the W omen's Aid Societies of Maine, is only twenty-one years old. She is a lineal descendant of lien Warren, who fell at Bunker Hill. Mrs. Lei.axd Stanford's family al lowance from Senator Stanford's es tate has been increased from five thou sand to ten thousand dollars per month on her representation that five thou sand dollars per month was inade quate. A St. I.orw woman has lately per fected an invention for making sweet potato flour. The process includes peeling the potato and drying the peel as a food for live stock, drying and grinding the potato into three grades ot flour, and also slicing into Saratoga chips. INFLUENZA, Or La Grippe, though occasionally epi demic, is always more or less prevalent. The best rernedv for tliia complaint Is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "Last Spring, I was taken down with La Grippe. At times I was completely pros trated, and so difficult was my breathing that my breast seemed as if confined in an iron cage. I procured a bottle of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking It than relief followed. I could not be lieve that the effect would be so rapid and the cure so complete. It is truly a wonderful med-lclne."-W. H. Wiuum, Crook City, 8. D. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Prompt to act, sure to cure l Band of WM. PENLAND, ED. R BISHOP. President. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD HEPPNER. tf OREGON QUICK TIME ! TO JSfiix Franoisoo And all point in California, via the Mt, Bhaeta rout of the Southern Pacific Co. The great highway through California to all points East and South. Grand Boenio Route of tho Pacific Coast. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. Second-class Sleepers Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodations for second-class passengers. For rateB, tickets, Bleeping car reeervalions, etc,, call upon or address R. KOEHLKR, Manager, E. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen, F. & P. Agt., Portland, Oregon. LUMBER! I7E HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF ON VV dreBsed Lnmber, 1G mllea of Heppner, at what la known as the SOOTT SWmiljXi. PER 1,000 FEET, ROUGH, " " " CLEAR, 10 0O 17 60 IF DELIVERED IN HEPPNER, WILL ADD ?5.00 per 1,000 feet, additional. L HAMILTON, Prop. D. A. Hamilton! M an'sr THE WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES Run Two Fast Trains Daily Between St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Chicago Milwaukee and all points in Wisconsin making connection in Chicago with all lines running East and South. Tickets sold and baggage checked through to all points In the United States and Canadian Provinces. For full information apply to your nearest tiekot agent or JA8. C. POND, Oeu. Pass. andTkt Agt., Milwaukee, Wis, THE WESTERN PEDAGOGTE. We are in receipt of tbe May number of our state school paper. It exceed any ot tbe former numbers ir value. Tbe paper tbis month oontains many new and valuable features. The illus trated series ou tbe schools of tbe state is introduced by a paper on the Friends Polytechnic Institute ut Salem, Oregon, These papers cannot fail to be of irreat value both to the sohools an to tbe publiu. There are aleo several fine articles by our best writers and tbe departments "Current Events,""Sntnrday Thoughts," "Educational News" "The Oraole AnswerB, Correspondents," etc, eaoh oontain much valuable reading for teachers or parents. The magazine has Bbout 00 pages of mailer, well printed and arranged. We prnuouuoe the Western Pedagogue the best educa tional monthly on the coe.st. Everyone of onr readers should have the paper if tbey are at all interested in education. No teacher school direc tor or student can get along well with out it. We will receive Biibpoript.ons at this office. Price only SI. (XI a year. When desired we will send the Western Pedagogue and (lazette one year to one address for 83.00. Call and examine sample copies. Teaohers, directors and parents, now is tbe time to subscribe, tf WANTED To employ 8 lady or gentleman to represent us in each county. Salary $40. U0 per montb. Ad dress witb stamp. Chas. A. Hobiosou & Co., Sulina, Kant. Agony 's annoyance concentrated. Beecham's I a Guinea j Pills V Boa. (Tancicss) are concentrated remedies for the annoyance of Indigestion or the Agony of Dyspepsia 5 cents a box. tooooooooo ooooooooooo City ; THIS Popular Hostelry hs.s again I been re-opened and will bo run in first class style. Ale tils find Rooms at Popiu Prices, Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. The Lightest, Strongest and P. C THOMPSON FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the go'rttmrn that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions be: of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain tl patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent aud i able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends gve.uly, if , entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless aitcra and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we Uhv i tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, CotUurt ' terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Chim Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions a ( to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a slcetch or photograph there gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will bo- .. advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom neorssar; others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infriu .p.me others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acN ng m matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY. 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attcni Cut this out and send It with youf inuuim. JH Piemibs P.e-alryTug pills euro conHtlpullou Preutlsa ltoctlfying pllla curecoiiatipnllon D RENTISS RECTIFYING n u NS Alrrost all pills and medicine produce ccBtlpatlon, hero Is a pill that cures fr i-id liver, biliousness, rhoumatism, indigestion, sick headache and kidney ;at-l Uvs tnubles without griping or leaving any trace of CONSTIPATION, whicii lstheprlmecausoof all sickness, tjewaroof it getting habitual and chronic with yon, aee toitlntlmo; tieso pills will euro ycu. ladies COMP a. c I clear the akin and removo all blotches sen. k cents a dox. SOLD BY Or sent by mail upon receipt of prlco Prentiss Chemical 406 CALIFORNIA STREET, Prentiss Rectifying pills euro conbtlpatlon Prentiss Kooiirylug pills cure constipation PrentiHs Rectlfylug pllla cure const lpntlon Prentiss Rectifying pills cure constipation IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ADDRESS A LETTER OB POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P. O. Box 463. Washington, D. C. Honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who served ninety days, or over, In the late war, are entitled, if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability was caused hy service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances. WIDOWS of such soldiers and sailors are entitled (if not remarried) whether soldier's death was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death wu due to service. CHILDREN are entitled (if under sixteen years) in almost all cases where there was no widow, or she has since died or remarried. PARENTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier died In ervloe, or from eflfeets of service, and they are now dependent upon their own labor for sup. port. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or navy. ' Soldiers of the late war, pensioned under one law, may apply for higher rates nnder other laws, without losing any rights. Thousands of soldiers drawing from $2 to f io per month under the old lr- sxe entitled to higher rates under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but also for others, whether due to service or not. Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty In regular army or nary since the war are also entitled, whether discharged for disabilitvor not. Survivors, and their widows, of the Black Bawh, Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flor ida Indian Wars of 1X3 to 1843, are entitled nnder recent act. Mexican War soldiers and their widows also entitled, if sixty-two years of age or disabled or dependent. Old claims completed and settlement obtained, whether pension has been granted under later laws or not. Rejected clsims reopened and settlement secured, If rejection Improper or Illegal. Certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war who nave lost their original papers. Send for laws and information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address, THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P.O. Box 463. WASHINGTON, D.C Xllis, Dawson Ss Lyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business atteDrled to in a prompt Bnd satisfactory mauner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IX NATIONAL BANK BCILMNG. BEPrNEU, Otis Patau -CONVEYANCER Hotel.-' to Easiest Running Mowet iliidi. COMPANY, Agenp MutWatftM'MU CO ,......4A Pivutlss Itoctlfylng pllla cure cons it-i-...M ( , Preutlsa Boctltylug plUacurecousrjiaUn i 1 Usf ORFNTIGS RECTIFYING PILL. because it Is the only safe and harmless remedy that will surely BEAUTIFY tho from tho face. Try a box and aoe for youp- ALL DRUGGISTS, by and Manufacturing Co., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. OREGON I PILLS, PAT DNS OFPICB