-r, .j:. PAPER . . : 2 MMU"''MIIIIII1HIH1MIIIMI "Tj El sTT A T -- i KEEP YOUR EYE ON j THE GAZETTE j The- paper of the people, j i i iillliliWtliHWIiliWt wmtrtTTTf 1 1 1 1 I I I "'" OMIWtttlS : If1 TO U DON ' T READ I THE GAZETTE i You f'on't s-i the news.? I .Wilt I mill III I II I III I III I IH 1 1 " 1 1 'Mil I HI I lilt WEEKLY dO.m.l 8BMI-WEKK1.Y SO. MX 1 HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. JUNE 22, 1894. Z' OF V ft- 1 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report aking er JPURE Here and There. 4 Tom Davidson was in Wednesday m EUht Mile. Arthur Smith will clean watches at he reduoed prioe ot $1. Go to Carle's and get a two-bit hair at. The cheapest iu town. W. Q. Bcott reports that be is in the midst of a bountiful hay harvest. Wanted A few more customers for the home laundry. Mountain House. J. A. Fristoe and Lee Cantwell left Weduesday for The Dalles for freight. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pills, assist digestion, prevent constipation. Produce $2 50 and get the Gazette for one year. Nice family paper, ana dui y to paper cabins. A snmmer institute for educated In ians and teachers will be held in Salem, ,; July 23 to 1 Those lhat have couDtv BOrip for Pale hnnlrt nail on lieu rue Oouser at The lirBt National Bank. 2-tf. i .be Gazette office was the recipient . a beautiful boquet Thursday at the inds ot Mibb Elsie Jones. Photographs $1.50 pel dozen at Shep rd's gallery, near opera bonse, north in at., Heppuer, Ore. iibtf. nr merchants are short of provisions .1 merobaDdise in general, but bope 'e able to replenish in the near f u '.ee Kilbourne Bnd Clans Johnson j in Wednesday. Lee tried to sell ool but the price offered was not isfaotory. iije Gazette is in receipt of a program the 12th annual onmmeooement cises of the State Normal School, of -jmoutb, June 17-20, 18M4. Mrs. Frank Adkins gave a sewing .rtv last Monday. We believe the lies devoted their energies principally jwards manufacturing a rag carpet, : A creat bargain sale hue just com- Yinnnwl at the McFarlaod Mercantile j's. big Btore Everything at cost for iash. nutil f. ll atookis laid in. See"Ad. Bob Mattesoo jumped from a bunking horse early in this month to save going over n cliff, dislocating his knee. The horse went on over, but was not injured. -Newt. Jones' team ran away Tuesday evening last, going up ain street at a pretty lively gait. They were oaugbt near Mr. A. Wright's place. Little damage was done. Eoho stage leaves Heppner for Echo Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days. Fare, one way, $2.50. PhillCobn, agent, A. Andrews, Prop. Mrs. J. B. Sperry accompanied by ber daughters, Misses Bessie and Lioitie Masters, left yesterday for the valley, via Tbe Dalles. They were accompan ied as far as The Dalles, overlaud by Mr. J. B. Sperry. Hawthorne, Tbe Dalles store-breaker, bas been captured though dangerously woutded before be gave up. Before surrendering he fatally shot Uarpolns, an Indian polioeman. Hawthorne's confederates escaped. In a ruuoway up at Weston recently, J. J. Stewart, representing the Portland Oraoker Oo , a one-armed man, met with internal injuries of a serious nature. S. J. Freedmau, representing Esberg, Baobman & Co , bad bis leg broken at the Bame time. Wm. Gilliam, supervisor of the upper Bbea creek distriot. sued Jhs. Young for 83 60 due on road work, before Judge Hallock Wednesday. Mr. Gil liam bandied the case for the state, Hon. J. N Brown appearing for the defense Judge Hallock deoided for the prose oution. Pell Simison and Lishe Walkins were over from the "breaks" of th- John Day Wednesday. Pell reoeutly captured an d a deer, both young, which be is taming. Antelope are soaroe in this vicinity, though it is said that a small band inhabit "the sand" down towards the Columbia, llinmiu. or Cliff Climbers, is the same of a new organization with head quarters at Portlaud, Oregon. We have reoeived a proepeotus printed nndt-r the direction of tbe society, and find that it is really a literary gem. Mount Hood will he visited nnder the auspioes of tbe looiety, July 19, 1894. A. C. Carle, of Boise City, Idaho, bas purchased the tonsorial parlor formerly ewned by Gid Hatt, at tbe Matlock building next door to nimon's black smith shop, where be invites the pation age of all who desire strictly Hrnt class work at reasonable prioes. Haircut, shave or shampoo, 25 cents each. Give htm a call. The regnlar subscription prioe of tbe Semi-Wet-kly Gazette is S2.5U and the regular price ot the Weekly Oregomau is 81.50. Any one sobscribiDg for the Gaie'tte and paying for me year in advance can get botb the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for $3. Alt old sub scribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advance will be entitledto tbe sxme. The newly eleoted officers of tbe Mor row Co. Sunday School Association are: J. J. Adkins, Pres. ; J. G. Young, Vioe Pres.; W. O. Hill, Sec'y; A. O. fetteys, Cbr. Com. on Grounds; a. C. Gay, Chr. Com on Program: John Ely, Del. to State Convention. Green Mathews, east Bide of Main street, bas a neat barber shop and does work at popular prices, Sia cnts suave or hair out. These have been bis charg es tor months. Don't forget bim, Tbe case Ruhl vs. Whetstone is now before Judge Hallock. It is to reoover money on a store bill. Mr. Whetstone puts in a counter claim, and bene tbe difficulty. Though no rain has fallen for several days, the weather remains cool not cold but springlike, wbiob is most propi tious tor wheat which is now heading. Rrranherries are selling at fivs Cents tier box in the Heppuer market. All kinds of urodnce and iruitB were never cheaper be ore than this season. Ed. Holland, whose arreBt we obron- iclcd in our last issue, on examination was bound over to await the action of the grand jury. Ed. Ashbaugh was in from Eight Mile yesterday. He says that oropssre booming ;" in fact this aeems to pe tne general report. Dee Matlock is visiting relatives here. Jas. McKay and Lee Matlock left yes terday for Pendleton. (len Aiken. Cass Matlock and jookev left with seven raoe horses today euroute to tbe raoes below. Cash Rvobard and Rev. M. Bramblet represented Lone Rook this week. Paul Sobiller is in from the Goose berry seotion today. Trains are running daily now, but on no schedule time. C. R Cate was in from Batter creek last Wednesday. Joe and Tom Woolery were up from lone Thursday. R. A. Ford has gone to The Dalles to get work . A Sinoulab Cask. -In tbe the qnie' Utile village of Sweet Home, 20 mile rast of Alijany, there has developed i sensatioa attending tbe death of jitizen there, says an Oregonian dispatel . for many - years Otto Lubker an. another German have been liviug quietly together as baohelora. A fen days ago Mr.: Lubktr's partner died, when it was discovered bis companioi was a woman. She bad been living as a man and, performing manual labor fo: years. Eveu Mr. Lubker declares hi was absolutely ignorant of the faot Botb were bard-working and industriom Germans. Sbe was buried at Sweei unsolved tbe mystery of her strange life. Invalid 3 Years, Cured by Hood's Why Don't You Call on the New Firm at the old Van Doyn stand ? You will certainly be surprised at ithe low: prices in Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and A Complete Line of Groceries. COME IN AND SEE US ! No trouble to show goods and give prices. Respectfully Yocbs, FOB S-fc-XdE 33 TT Grilliam & Bisbee, HEPPNBH, They All Get Something. on. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY ! In Mbmom or Tom Bbadlei. Tom Bradley, who lived in Portland some years ago and was an attache of several of the old pioneer hotels of this oity, died a few days ago in Heppner. For along time Mr. Bradley had been in poor health. A Bhort time ago be oame to Portland in the hope of obtaining some relief, but failed to receive any benefit He returned to Heppner and soon after died. Deoeaaed was one of the early-comers to Pendleton and with him all the older Bottlers were well acquainted. His wife survives him. Bis acquaintance was wide, and a retentive memory enabled bim vividly to oall up incidents upon the suggestion of a newcomer. Tom was kindly dis posed and possessed hosts of friends in a!l walks of life. He will be well re membered by many old Portlanders. Portland Telegram. Out of News Print. The East Oregonian comes out on wrapping paper, havine exhausted its stock of news print, and being unable to replenish from Sookane or other town and oities east ot the mountains. Outside of Portland, no caper can be had, and tbe publio well know that it bas been im possible to ship goods to tbe interior oountry from tbe metropolis since the first of the month. This aooouuts for newspapers coming out balf size and o anything that resembles paper. Tbe Gazette, however, has a stock of paper on tbe road to The Dalles, where it will, be met by team. Our oo-laborers in this part of the vineyard east of the Cascades) will no doubt use like means to replenish stocks, and ere long will be enabled to come out as before. "C. t. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass. : "Gentlemen: I am glad to tell you that hiva been elven eood health by Hood' Siinaparllla. For three years I was an In valid, suffering terribly from Nervousness and Lameness. I was so nervous :I could not bear the least noise, and I had to walk with crutches for six months, as I could not put one of my leet to th. floor. Physicians did not do me any good, so a friend told roe to get Hood's 6ar aparllla, but I Said There Was No Use. "How.vr, after thinking the matter over, I d elded to give It a trial, and have taken six bottles ot Hood's Sarsaparllla, and th. re sult li that I am well at any on. could wish to be, and can do any kind ol work. I ad vise all my friends to tak. Hood's Banana- rllla for I believe It will a wm. gouu. Hiss Scsis Ponton. Colton. California. TT great philosopher has laid down tbe maxim of yl "Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today." If you want bargains today, if you need the necessities of life in the Hue of Dry Goods, GentB' Fur nishings, Clothing, Trunks, Valises, etc., at prices never before offered in Heppner, call on L. Blumentlial, succes sor to J. H. Kolman, Cor. May and Main streets. GREAT BANKRUPT SALE! TMsstock will shortly be increspd, however, by ft well-se'reterl lot 01 goods, direct iroin orSKmLber .bit these prices have never been equally Hj Orogo Hood's PHIS cur llTer t'1' constlpstioa, biliousness. Jaundice, sick headache, indigesnoo. Quilting Party. On last Wednes day Mrs. Jas. Jones gave a quilting party to a number of lady friends. There were present: Mesdames Jas. Sperry, Wm. Ayers, Judy Mitohell, J. B. Simons. Jas. J. Roberta, Jaa. Matlook, Frank Adkins, E. G. Sperry, Geo. Noble, E. G. tiloan. Walt Richardson, Misses Pearl Davis, Effie Fields, Bessie and Tot Masters. In tbe editor's boyhood days. quilting parties were in vogue, but of, late years ere not common. Lake 'bunking bees" and "log rollinga," we have been wont lo class them with events of tbe past, but we quite well remember that euoh occasions were always enjoyable, and from all acoounts tbe little gathering of Wednesday was appreciated by those present. As hosteBS, it is a well known faot tbat Mrs. Jones has few equals in our community Death of Bert Bisbeb. On last Saturday Mr. T. H. Bisbee, of this plaoe. reoeived word from Bev. Sbulse, of Salem, announcing tbe death of Mr. Bisbee's son, Bert. He bas been poor health f r s me years, and about two years ago lost bis mind. 8inoe tbat misfortune oame upon him be bas been at the asylum. Mr. Bisbee departed early this week, expecting to meet tbe remains at Tbe Dalles, but telegraphio oommum cation being very irregular, it is more than likely tbat Bev. Sbulse did not receive tbe telegram in time and tbat Mr. Bisbee went on to Salem. A Sliding Mountain. Parties wbo hBVe been over the ground between the Lioks and Bonneville say tbat the wbule side of tbe mountain bas been broken np into a series of benches, says The Dalles Chronicle. There are boles big enough to bury a box-oar in. The big trees are pointing in hll directions, and tbe ground keeps slipping steadily toward the river. AH who haze been over this part of the road say that the TJuion Paciflo will have serious trouble m getting over or around it, ana mat mtbing at all can be done until after high water. FROM a bushel of oorn, a distiller gets four gallons of whiskey, which retails at $16.00. The government gets $3.60 ; the farmer who raised the corn gets 40 cents ; the railroad gets $1.00 ; the manu facturer gets $4.00 ; the retailer gets $7.00; the consumer gets six months, and the policeman gets paid for running him in. You'll get something too if you run in and see the new lines of Dress Goods we open out this week you'll get an agreeable surprise and perhaps a dress. We have opened 15 cases of new dress materials and laeis that left the other side of the fish pond only four weeks ago. PAUH V r-"rrrrr ' jyj XNOR & GO - j Heppuer, TEL Oregon. 1 . Only Firel Class hotel in Heppner. 2. Building Wired for Electric Lights throughout. 8. Best scooniffiodiilions for tbe traveling public. 4. Courteous treatment assured the ooun try people. MBS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress. The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP MANCH1CST10R, lCNGIvAXI) W. PATTERSON, AGENT. o0 t io m writ What to Eat, Row to Eat It, Thlnjts to Do, Things to Avoid, Perils of Bummer, How to Breathe. Dangers of KiSBing, The -Keeley Institute -OF- For the Cure cu Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located at Forest Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gazbtts office for partlculan. Strictly conndentlal. Treatment private and sur. cure. no. nurrna II a ran-nooK OF HEALTH HINTS AND BEADY KEOIPKS, U. lath, title of a very valnlile hook that gives a (Treat amount of Information of the Utmost Importance to Everybody, coouernlng tnelr dally nanus or Hating, unniting, Dressing, etc., IT TELLS ABOUT Influence of Plants, Parasites of the flkln. Care of Teeth, Occupation for Invalids, Bathing Best Way, After-Dinner Naps, Alcohol as a Food and a Lungs and Lung Diseases, Kflects of Tohacco, vieHlcinn. How to Avoid Them. Cure for Intemperance. Superfluous Hair, Clothing, What to Wear, Heartache, Cause & Cure, Removing Bame, now Mucn to wear, Toueuuaoi liob, p..tnriiiff the Drowned. Contairlous lllfieaBos. Malar al AIToctlons. Overheating Bouses, Preventing Near-Hlghted- How to Avoid Them, Group-to Prevent. Ventilation, ness. Exercise, IT TELLS HOW TO CUKE Black Eyes, Bolls, Burns, Chlllblalns, Cold Feet, Corns, Coughs, Cholera, niarrhcea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Barache, Felons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning, Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Bore Mouth, Sor. Nipples Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Htlngs and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache, Ulcera, Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms In Children. IT WILL SAVE IOC'I OilS KILLS. C. RUHL, Proprietor The Enterprise laky ani Grocery Store. OuMay Street, opposite Palace Hotel. They will keepon band a full lineof STAPLE AKD FANCY kerb ani Provisions. A full line of oholoe Piea, Cakea and Bread ; in fact everything tbat is usually kept in a flnUclsuMi bakery store. Th.y will ell cheap foi caBh. (Jail and try tbem. Bw 2 tyAll new BUbacribera and prompt renewals dunnstbe monlb preaonsed with a free copy of this aa a premium. of June will be Hall's Hair Renewer contains the natural food aud color-matter for the hair, and medicinal herbs for the soalp, curing grayneea, baldness, dandruff, and scalp sores. Awarded Highest Honors, World's Fair. m Baking Powden A Bo and a Pistol. This mornin, about 10 o'clook Liouib Boyea, jr. -oniiUntallv shot Harry Phillips' son Billv. in the foot. Both are little fel Iowa, and by some means became tne possessors of an old revolver, 2i Cal. While playing up near L,. U. uoyea a residence, Louis let his tbumo Blip on the hammer, discharging tbe weapon with tbe above result. A pbyBiOian wbb oall ed removing the bullet. Wbile tbe wound is not a dangerous one, it iB another proof that 'a boy aod pistol" are as dangerous as a dynamite bomb. Wkddinq Bills Oo Wednesday, Jnne 20th. at the home of tbe bride a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren, Rev. . A Parrish and iMiss Effie Warren were joined in the holy bonds of wedlock, Rev. Denisou emulating, ine oeremony was nroDonnoed in tbe presence of tome t.antv.fivfl invited guests, , under beautiful deoorations. Mr. ana Mrs Panisb will make their home in Jlap. oer. . gQimtBKi. Poihok. Ben 6wKKart has ... 1 . M nniann vlllnh IB B a new kibu n .n.." dead sbol on squirrels. It IB for sale at Phill Cohn'fl, at tbe low figure tjf II per oalloD. in bulk. TbiB poison is gnatsn ltt nr mnnev will be refunded. It is Lnm.thino that sanirrela will eat, eve x'w-.-.n i . Ut .ihi. lime of the year, aow is me time to kill them. Piles! Pilcsl Itching Plies. Symptoms Moisture ; intense a d d stinging; most at night; worse bv scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which often bleed and ulcer ate, beooming very sore. Swavnk's Ointment stops tbe itobiug and bleeding heals ulceration, and in most caxes re moves the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. Tbe Union Paoific is the sliorteat line to tbe Lewiatou, Miners' iK'iiuii', Atlantic and Houtb Pies gohl tiHius Buy your ticket via Hook Spring or Rawlins, from whioh points yon can u" by a first class stage line to Lewie'rn, reaching tbemines tbe same day. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia, No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard Macbwe Oils Peoland A Co. nave on hand a fine- assortment ot machine oils, tor sal cheap. sw 1 yr. INDISPUTABLE. Why-spend $1 for a bottle of medioine when one box of Beecham's pills, cost ing only 25 cents, (annual sale exoeeds 6,000,000 boxes) will cure most diseased? Tbis is because constipation is tl.e cause of most ai'ments aod Keecbam's pills oure constipation. A valuable book of knowledge mailed free, on request, by B. F. Allen Co., 8tV Cniil St., New York. All miserable sufferers with dyspepsia can be cured by HimraoDS Liver Regu lator. Nothing !ike Simmons Lfver Regu lator for dyspepssa an iudineHtion a safe and sure oure. " Facts epeak londr than words, noons Liver Regulator does cure disorders. Sim-bowel When you fel nnoouifoitHble about the stomach, lake Simmons Liver Ku- I lator. A NARROW ESCAPE! How it Happened. The following remarkable evont In a lady'i nr.. mill intorMii. t im reader: "Fora. lone time had a terrlhle pain at my heart, which flut tered almost InceKsantly. 1 had no appetite and could not sleep. 1 would be compelled n alt unln Kofi ftnH hftlfh fffLfl fmm IDT BtOHl- arhuntUI thought every minute would be my last. There wan a feeling of oppression about my heart, ana i was arraia in un full breath. ) couldn't sweep a room with cOHntf rinin And restlnei but. thanl God. by the help of New Heart Cure ali that lspastandl f:il like another woman. Be fore using the New Heart Cure I had taken iffDnt ..wallcri MmmllM knd h.en treated by doctors without any benefit until 1 waj both discouraged and disgusted. Hy husband bought me a brttle of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, and am happy to say I never regretted It, as 1 now bave a splendid appetlla and sleep well. I weighed 125 pounds when I be- fan taking tne renieoy. anu now i kwtj. is effect la my case has been truly marvel ous. It far surpasses any other tnedlelne I have ever taken or any benefit I ever re ceived fro-n physicians." Mrs. Harrretarc, totuvllle. Pa.. October 12, 1BW. Iir. Miles' New Heart Cure la sold on a post" tle guarantee by ail druggists, or by the Dr. Miles Medical Cu., Elkhart, Ind.. on receipt of prlre, II ner bottle, si x bottles express Bf pald. This (treat discovery by an eminent specialist In heart disease, contain ulur oplausi not daaitfenm drugs. For sale by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Land Patents Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time. Contested Cases Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individuals having oontlicting olaima under the agricultural land laws, and those between olaimauta under tbe Mineral Laws and agricultural claimants; and also between claimants under any of tbe public land lawa and the Kailroad companies Bnd their grantees, aim me states anu uieir grantees, uuuer the Swamp-Land and School-Land Grams. Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers wbo have oomplied with the laws under which their entries were made, and wbo are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue of their patents, oaused by Trifling Irregularities whioh can be easily aud speedily removed. Advice also given in all matters relating t tbe public lands, especially ou points arising under the new laws whioh have been reoeutly passed providing for the disposal of the publio domain. If yon want your land patent in a hurry if you want your land business, of any character, attended to by skillful and oompetent attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, Gen. Man., P. O. Box, 385. Washington, D. O. E. J. SL0CUM, HAS SECURED The Aracv for the Brownsvi And has on bauds a full line of their goods inolading suits, blankets, woolens, eta. Be is also prepared to lake measures for luits. Palace Hotel Building, Heppner, Oregon. LEGAL BUNKS. Plenty of them at the Gazette Office A