Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 19, 1894, Image 1

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    5 ft
The paper ol the people.
You don't get the news.!
Ml I IIU 1 1 1 1 I IM 1 1 H I I I I I , ,,, ,,,,,,,,,
- .
to I
I 1
Highest of all in Leavening Powcr.-
Here and There.
Heppner will oelebrate.
N. A. Leach, of Lexington, is in the
Weston country.
Arthur Smith will olean Ketches at
tbe reduoed inoe ot jfl.
Go to Carlo's and net a two-bit hair
cot. The cheapest iu town.
Wanted A few more customers for
the home laundry, aiuuutuln Uulim.
Hood's Pilis cure constipation by re.
storing 'peristaltic uctiou of tbe ali
mentary obuhI,
Produce (2 60 SDd get tbe Gnsette for
one year. Nice family pi, per, and bal
ly to paper oabins.
Those that bave county eorip for sale
.should ealj. on (ieome Cuuser at The
' iirst flatioual Ban k- -ifi.r
Photographs $1.50 pel drzeD at 8hep
pard's gallery, near opera bouse, north
Main St., Hrppuer, Oie. 26 if.
Green Matbttns has opened up bis
barber Bhup, lull duor to Hayes Bros
Shnvee, etc., on tap us usual.
Ed. Holland was nrrested yesterday
at Lexington charged with buying votes
at last election. Bis tXuminaliun occurs
Jas. Ross came id yesterday from
Hardnmn after a bald tussle iu
hearing corral. He is almost ou tbe
sick list.
A great bargain snle hns just cnv
meuca at tbe Mrfarluud Meroautile
Co's. big store Everything at oust fur
oash, uutil f.,11 stook is laid in. See"Ad
Echo efaee leaves Heppuer for Echo
luesaajs, riiurdiis Binl Baturilnjs
Arrives Mondays. Wednesdays and Kri
dnys. Fare, ohe waj,Jt2.50. Phill Onhu,
agent, A. Andiews, Prop.
When we get bauk to the old rpgime
of running a newspaper, we will pub-
unu several interesting comoi'luioauuna
from abroad. One is from a Portlander
who was an eve-witness to tbe fl tod.
Henry Howell found a bunch of keys,
three in number, on the HardiiiHn rond
near Fred Ashbaugli'n, Inst Monday.
Owner eau hive same by calling at this
office and paying charges.
The Arlington Reoord of the lit inst.
came iu Saturday last from Long Greek,
fifteen days late. This is a sample of
what the interior has had to put up
With in the way of mail facilities siuoe
the flood.
Long Creek, through ber mayor, Orin
L. Patterson, has applied to other
towns for assistnnoe in oaring for tbe
homeless, made so by the ovolone. All
should respond. We are sure thai
Heppner will not be careless in this mat
The Harvest Qieeu was not taken
across the rapuia as reamed, as ou
examination it proved too old and
rotten to make tbe hazardous ascent of
tbe rapids. Instead, tbe 1). 8. Biker
will be taken aoross to the ''ujiddl
river, ana no iinnot is ere tuis doing
duty on tnac portion ot tbe Uulnmbia.
A. C Carle, of Boise City, Idaho, has
puruuased the tousorial parlor formerly
wned by (Jul Halt, at tbe Matlock
building next dour lo nimou's black
smith shop, where be invites the patron
age of all who desire strictly first class
work at reasonable prices. Haircut
shave or shampoo, 23 cents each. Give
Dim a call.
The regular subscription price of tbe
Semi-Weekly Ua'tte is $2.60 and tbe
regular pnoe of the Weekly Orrgnniau
is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the
Gazette and paying for one year in
ndvnce can get boib the Gazelle and
Weekly Oregouian for $3. All old sub
scribers paying IbeiriRfrO'iD'ionM f,,r
one year in advanc iu Be entitled to
tbe t-me.
The Gszette comes out rather abbrevi
ated tbia issue and will continue to do
so till railroad communication is re
established betweeu here and Portland,
or till mote payer oan be Drocnred.
Spokane and 1 eudleton are nut of ues
print, Bnd nut being able to reaoh
Portland, almost every paper in Eastern
Uiegon and Washington is cnmnelled to
come down to wrapping paper or do
woisn suspend.
This office was tbe reoipieut the first
of this week of wedding oake and
flowers, with the compliments nf Mr
and Mrs. Eugene Noble. Owing to
delay in mails, tbe little relics of lb
wedding banquet were in rather
damaged ooudition, but we acknowledge
tbe receipt ot same with a full appre
ciation of the good intentions nf our
young friends, recognizing that fl roas
do not ddlay fur either births, deaths or
E. 0.: That was indeed a harrowing
experience of Jn Waldr..p's over jo
Morrow county. He was speaking in
support of his congressional caudntaoy.
He mention. d Mr Ellis' came, whereat
resoqniiug cheer . arose from the
asseiihlaga. Every time he spoke of
bis republican opponeut, ear splitting
rella rent the air and Jo was thoroughly
r-gniz int of the fact that he bad been
eoeived in expecting to carry Morrow
idnty, as be stated here before leaving
f Heppner.
Awarded Hij-laest Hodoi-s, World's Fair.
Tbe only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Ko Ammonia, No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
5ttf PURE
Jas. P. Rbea returned Sunday from
Tbe Dalles, accompanied by bis little
daugtiler who has been attending Bchool
at mat place. Jim says that the waters
bave receded at Tbe Dalles aud that tbe
Uuintilla House is uuoe teuuutable from
g.ouud fl or up. The Chroniole and
l imes-Mountaineer (Bees have resumed
operations at the old mauds.
Oeo. Couser, F. J. Hallook. F.. (1.
S.o..u, Win. Spencer, Frank Gilliam and
Aitbur Aiiuor spent Sunday on Ditch
ori ek, caichmg about six hundred trout
but tbe ram made it mighty unoomfort.
able flebiug.
T. F. liourke and F. C. MoCuddy,
respectively ombier and olerk of the
Nalloual Bank of Peudlelon. defonnl
UaVe both been indicted. fev th. Vr. 8.
gruud jury,.,.. - - -
A. O. Carle, the barber on the Mat
lock oorner, baa reoeutly bad his shop
repainted, repnpered and carpeted. It
is now aa neat a place as one would wisb
to see.
Married At Monmoutb, Or., on May
13, 1894. Mr. Eugeue Noble, of Herpner,
in Mies Myra 1 Smith, of Monmoutb.
Tbe (Ji zette extends oongratalations.
Wm. Hughes, J. W. Matlock, J. W.
Dawson and a traveling man departed
overland yesterdav for Tbe Dalles where
tbey will take the bout for Portland.
Tbe reoort that tbe distillery bad been
wa bed away at Urauta ia verified. Al
most the entire town is gone and the
loss ruus np into the thousands.
Dick Ambler left tody for the John
Day. He lost $1,200 on bis apple ven
ture, the result of nn foreseen accidents
that could not bave been avoided.
Culess executive olemeuoy changos
toe brogram, Morey, the murderer of
(ins Barry, will bang today at Port
land. Gaskell and Fletcher, the two Umatil
la boys sent up for tbe murder near
Weston about two years ago, hve been
Geo. Noble, Jr., Bnd Frank Jones
arrived home yesterday after a few
wetks' of touring in adjaout states.
E. L. Matlock is in from a tour of the
north end ot the oouuty, looking after
big horses. He says cops are fine.
Nick Leathers, Lniher Hnstoo, Ben
Pnooen nod J. W. Hylton were in from
the Hardman section Friday.
Our merohnnts are having goods
shipped to Tbe Dalles, and tbenoe to
destination by teams.
Geo. Miller, the Douglas P. M., was
in our city Friday last. He reports big
crops iu that vicinity.
Miss Daisy Franklin arrived Friday
from Hamilton to visit her aunt, Mrs.
Tom Bradley.
Joe Hayes and Cbas. Jones arrived
fiom Tun Dalles yesterday with Pole
C ay Luoe, Arthur Little and "Tex"
WiUou left tiiday with freight for tbe
John Day.
M. Briarly oame in Friday from the
John Day, leav.ng Saturday for Peodle
Born In San Francisco on the 12th
iust , to the wile of Phill Cubn, a boy.
Forty-nine Heppnerites partook of tbe
uity hotel's sumptuous ouuday dinner.
Telegraphio aotumunioation can now
be had with Portland via Spokane.
Tom Curl, the erstwhile mayor of
tune, waa np Thursday on business.
Mat Dtokson and T. J. Allyn were in
from the loue sectiou Saturday.
Jan. McKay, of Pendleton, ia a guest
of the Ui'y botel
H. Wade baa leased the Heppner-
t,cbo stage line.
liu-t in said to be hurting wheat up
about f eudleton.
Frank Lee arrived from Pendleton
Saturday last.
E. Y. Judd was over from Pendleton
John Crisman left yesterday for Long
Jerrv BrosLan is reported as danger
ously ill.
Sring showers, booming crops.
Hull's Hair Iienewer oontaioe the
natural fond and oolor-malter for tbe
hair, aud medicinal herbs for the soalo.
curing grayness, baldness, dandruff, and
scalp sores.
All miserable sufferers with dyspepsia
can be oured by Simmons Liver Bega-
Nothing like Simmons Liver Rcen-
I .tor for dvepepssa an indigestion a
safe and sure cure.
Fnots pp"nft lond -r than words.
bowel minis Liver Regulator does cure
When you feel nnoouiforrable about
the stomach, take Simmuns Liver Rem.
Hard to Bbxietr. "My wife, a
chicken, an egg and a ring," says the
St. L. Republia, "form tbe material for
a little story wbiob I can get few people
to believe," said Charles Hunter cf
Sturgeon, Mo., although I can prove tbe
trutbfulness ot tbe story by tbe parson
of the cburob which I attended. One
day last summer when my wife was
walking around in tbe front yard, she
lost her plain gold ring. After search
mg tor two dav s, lube gave it op
lost, but was found again a month after-
wards in a very peculiar ulace around
the neck ot a one-day old chicken. The
only way I oan nocount for its presence
there, is that an old ben swallowed tb
ring and it afterwards formed a part
an egg aud that tbe chicken was hatched
with the ring around its neck. Thi
hardly seems plausible, but it is tbe
only theory that I can advance. The
chicken could not bave slipped the ring
over its head even if tbe ring had been
dropped in the nest, as the ohick'
bead bad to be out off before the
ooii Id be slipped off."
An Unfortunate Inheritance-How
It Was Destroyed.
"Spokane, Wash., Aiik. , lsi
"C. I. Hood 4 Co., Lowell, Mass. :
"Gentlemen: I wish to add my testimony to
tlie worth of Rood's Barsaparllla. My little
Bin has been cured by It of Inherited catarrh.
She had colds continually every month and yel
low discharge, but since taking Hood's Saraa-
paiilla his been entirely eured. Eoed's Bar-
aaparllla I bave found et gnat help to my
other children." Mas. L. M. Gillette. -
Hood's Pills are hand made, and perlect
In proportion and appearance. 35c, per box.
Fbom Harney County. The following
is a brief summary of tbe voteof Harney
county: Congressman Ellis 257, Miller
10, Raley 280. Weldrop 199; Governor
Galloway 264, Kennedy 7, Lord 268,
Pierce 234; Supreme Judge BeDnetl
287, Boise 197, Haokleman 11, Wolverton
255; Sec. of State Einoaid 245, Mo-
Keicherl2, Nickell 281, Wakefield 214;
State Treasurer Caldwell 201, David
son 250, Metscban 2S5, Richardson 15;
Att'y General Bright 11, Holmes 283,
Idleman 235, Olmsted 227; Supt. Pub
Instruction Harford 14, Irwin 252, Jory
203, Reid 285; State Printer-Leeds 251,
MoKibben 6, O'Brien 283, Orton 209,
Tbe remainder of tbe ticket having
pluralities are: Judge Fee, Dem. and
Kep., 24; Pros. Att'y Carroll, Dem.,
21; Jt Senator Kellogg, Dem., 55;
Jt. Bep. Stench, Dem., 2; Co. Judge
Rutherford, Pop., 76; Clerk -Hhideler,
Dem., 811; 8beriff Gittings, Rep., 196;
Treasurer Geer, Rep., 38; Assessor
Miller, Dem.. 316; School Snpt. Newell,
Rep, 61; Surveyor MoKiudod, Dem..
31 ; uo. Uom. Marks, Rep,, 122;
Coroner Suutbwortb, Pop., 601.
Repairing tub TJ. P. Gangs of men
are at won on tbe main line repairing
track which was badly' damaged by tbe
reoent flood. The water is off tbe track
now between Coyote and The Dalles,
and probably on much of tbe line
between Tbe Dalles and Portland. It
will not be many days before the road
will be in oondition for traffic as far as
The Dalles, where connection with tbe
U. P. boats will be made till tbe line is
pen to the metropolis. Tbe Western
Union Tel. Uo., are also busv and will
shortly bave their hues open to Port
Advektisinq Pays. A family down
in Florida lost their child, aud fatlfng
to find it after two days, put a 25 cent
notice in a newspaper, and the next
morning tbey were surprised to see an
alligator on their steps, where he had
disgorged tbe lost ohild alive and then
died himself. Tbey sold lbs alligator
bide for $5, and the parents ar exhibit
ing the obild in dime mnsenus for $50
per week. Tbia story illustrate the
value of advertising.
SQimRBb PonoH. Ben Ewaggart has
a new kind of squirrel polBon which is a
dead shot on squirrels. II is for sale at
Phill Oohn's, at the low figure of $1 per
galloD, in balk. Tbis poison is guaran
teed, or money sill be refunded. It is
something that squirrels will est, eve i
at tbis time ot tbe year. Now is tbe
time to kill tbem.
Macbirb Oils. Pen land k Co. have
on hand a fin assortment of maobioe
oils, for sals chaap.
in the Head
Cash Bargains
Out for
TT great philosopher has laid down the maxim of
jL "Never put off till tomorrow what can be done
today." If you want bargains today, if you need the
necessities of life in the Hue of Dry Goods, Gents' Fur
nishings, Clothing, Trunks, Valises, etc, at prices never
before offered in Heppner, call on L. Blumentbal, succes
sor to J. H. Koltnan, Uor. May and Alain streets.
this stock will shortly be Increased, however, by a well-se'ected lot ot goods, direct from
Portland. Remember that these prices have never been equalled In Heppner.
w-lm. L. M.UMEN1HAL, Heppner, Oregon.
mom. YOltr mooir!
Why Pay Freight on all Your Dirt.
Pendleton W Scourine I Packing Co.
Will be a great day in Eastern Oregon I
I I Y ?
Because, all tbe candidates who are floating down Suit River, will have returned
noma Dy me snortest ronte. When tbey learn ot tbe
Of General Merchandise diking plaoe at
McFarland Mercantile Co.'s Mammoth
Retail Store !
They will make a "bee line" for it at a "Nanoy Hanke" gait.
luurnnana aieroanme uo , or Heppner,
W171 J . ft n .
wuuie biouk ai lowest wnniennie pnots, tor UASU ONLY, in order to
be ready tor onr Fall pnroliHseo. These goods are all New,
Clean, First Class Article nnd bought in the
best markets in the United States.
We wish to exchange them for your mone.
A Chance of a Life
At Cost or Lower !
Dress Goods. White Goods. T.i nana P.mhrnrleriuu VTnr,Am,l..tn rr i-
T . ' , t r,i .
w. . , " will Villi illlblH,
tlannels, blankets, Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Knit Goods, Silks Satins, Velvets
RidingGlnvee, Black and Colored Hose. Dress Linings, Stays, Silk Thread and
tut all ID fHUH. DOUDBlH HTlU UinHKR. I In rapt
"'i Jiuimutt iniiin, ouiiny larns, r
Ladies' and Children's
At prices never thought of. Call and see.
One hundred pairs child's heavy luce shoes
uversuirts, uioves, etc, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Hats, Cups, Underwear, White
Shirts, Silk Neckwear, Hosiery, Toilet Soaps. Brushes, Rnzors, Table and Porkel
vuw.ry, oiirer riatea ware (knves. forks
Our whole
store will
A Pull 8tnck of Hardware. f!nnk nnd
Pails, Pans, Cooking Uteosils, OhVi Pots,
Brooms, Brn6bes. (JrHnitcwarp. B.ilio ami
Tools, (all kinds) Garden Tools. Roof Plates, ritove Pipe. Nails, Ho,se Shoes. Bar
Iron, Blasting Powder, Hanging and Stand Lump". G'aseware, Crockery, T- ilet
'n ?'2De Jllr"' L,lmp Vh'mnevo, Lantern Globles, Lanterns, Wioks', Oliver
Chilled Plows, Gang Plows, Hy Rkps Mowers, Mitohell Wagons, Hacks, Buck
Boards, Carts, Harrows, Beed Drills, at oot until present stook ia sold. Haddles
and Harness, Rifles and Shot Guos, eto.
Come in and mrjke your selections hefnre
QlODf'V bl hnvino. ut nnr ntnra 1 fi.ll i;nn
of this sale
Country trade solicited. It will T1RT
your supplies at our Dricea. Din't let
yourself these bard times. Mail orders
No trouble to show goods.
This Bargain Sale oommenoed Monday,
8 MUA Lfi
Etc., Etc.
Trust Uusts
nelling ont at cont J Yes, we offer our
Time to Rnv finnrlc
... ... w MmuwuriuuiDIB, J.UWU1H.
a Kid fili.vam H.I I, ill.,nn J Mi.a-
uncy uooae.eto.
Shoes and Slippers,
way down. Men's and Roy's Clothing.
and spoonsj Carving Sets, Trunks, Va
be a Big Bargain
the coming Summer
Hpotinrr T,... u.i.i. :n.
Tea Pots, Hin've Bnileri, Wash Tubs
Wuulior. Pl, Wi..i t n
the umrim.ni i. v...,vnn a... ..
nf tl 4-... ' ...
w uiucmm cui prices, nniu close
gets goods AT COST.
Xnn In IrnVAl hnnrtrat.. nl .llA. 1. 1 i
frmnH.hlr, tr .n. k. . ...
cartfullv filled. Call nrl
June 4th, 1894.
Why Don't You
Call on the New Firm at the old Van Dnyn f tand ?
You will certainly be surprised at the low prices in
Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and
A Complete Line of Groceries.
No trouble to show goods and giva prices.
Respectfully Youes,
They All Get Something.
F u ! m f. SfTll? distiller gPts four gallns of whiskey
tun rw.hlc,h,!;etBl18 8t $16'5 Tbe veUt gets $3.60 ; tlie farmer
who raised the corn gets 40 cents ; the railroad gets $1.00 th' mm"
facturer gets $4.00; the retailer gets $7.00; the consumer geTs sU
months, and the policeman gets paid for running him iu
nro Jn B6t Bm9tLiDg? if you rUD iu B,)d 860 the new lines of
Dress Goods we open out this week-you'll get an agreeable surer!
S &PH t Wt OP" 15 caSa of newTrL mater als
and laces that left the other side of the fih pond only four weeks ago
h Uy Institute
m Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
un may street, opposite Palace Hotel. They will keepon band a full line of
Groceries anil Provisions.
A full line of olinioa Pies Onlroa -nA Tt.o. . 1- ..4 a i . .. . .
tryPt 10 ' fir"-Cl8B8 bake"-
Land Patents
Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest poabible tim.
Contested Cases
Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
l... .,"eDin1d7ida',1hyiug conflicting olaims under the agricultural land
i?7,,.(..t.hT ZT ol1,mI'u ""der " Mineral Law. and agricultural
K. Z.I- Lmd beiW.lm' BU,B,,,Bt" nnil y o the public land laws and the
Railroad companies and their granted, and the states and their grantees under
tbe bwnmp-Land and School-Land Grants. grantees, under
hh8.ecUU,i-m..de time for settlers
redw' V7'0n.dwhi8h ,hpir e"tri-8 "-re made, and who
are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue of their patents, caused by Trifling
Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed. Bu'"!a f arming
Advice also given in all matters relating t tb pnblio lands esneelsllv nn
John Wedderburn, Gen. Man.,
P. O. Box, 385.
It. is the Headquarters !
point, rriK Oil, Glass, Toi
Xot ArUoaa, Patent 2VIniotn,
Office of all stages running
Heppner, Oregon.
For the Cure o
Liquor. Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Forest Orovs, Or.,
The Mull Beautiful Town on the Coeut.
Call at the GiritTTj; office for particulars,
strictly confidential. Treatment privatsaud sura
Th.y will Aril che"., ta"""oil in?
Washington, D. 0.
out of Heppner.
. ... f