GRh.v i 1-1 REDUCED RATES MADE BY THE Soutk FOR THE CALIFORNIA ROUND TU1P MA Yd. Portland to Sao taisci -AND HETUnN- EXCURSION TRIPS From San Fram Ico to other points In Cali fornia will be allnwed pure haters of spi-clnl Midwinter Kalr tickets at the following round trip rates: To itationi under 100 miles from San Fran clico, one and one-thlnl one way fare. To itatlom 160 miles or more from Sal. Francisco, one and one fifth one way fare. For exact rati and full Information Inquire of J. B. Klrliland, Mst. I'a'i. agent at 1:M Firm St., Portland, or., or address the undersigned RICH'DOIUY, T.H GOODMAN, Gen. Tralllc Manager. Oen. Pan. Agt. Ban Kmneiseo, Calif. K. P. ROSE KS, A. Q. F. & P. A., Portland, Oregon. OOOD ADVICE. Every patriotic citiren should rjlvehl. personal eHotl and influence hi increase tba circulation ol hit home pa wr which teaches the American policy ol Trotec. tlon. It I his duty to aid in this respect in owiry way pottihlo. After the home paper is taken care ol, why not sub. cribo for the Auhican Economist, publithed by the American Protective Tatiir league i One ol it correspon dents says "No true American can get along without it. I consider it the great eat and truest political teacher in the United Stalos." Send postal card request lor free sample copy. Address Wilbur F.Wake, man, General Secrvtary, 135 West 23d St, Kew York. s."Kf itiro: mi ;ost Till: I'llKS I'LAl.ll.V t'(,l't5IV, JOHN lJDtRBURN, - Managing Attorney, I'. (I. Box Hid. WANIIlN(i'l'l)N, PlTVh.ONH l'lUX.'UltUD FOU SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PRF NTS. Alpn, f'ir Mo'tMt1 m nnl Hnllnrc (.tiuibli'rl tn Mn Utienf duty in tli r'(xtil:ir Armvor Nhvv slncpthi' wur, fit.rvlvnrs nf ihi? indlFin wnr of lrtvj id 1H42, niul t'.x-ir widow-, iit,n cntltli'd (H1 and nilci'tcil olidtnn II yirl'HllIIV. 'riniUHIillitrl it'll tU llllflllT rnU'H Hin t f v new Itiw t, Nu Clinrgtj lur ntlvl'i'. .N j ii limit iiiici-ttrnfu!. I Ore vou J 1re cause oJ$ Are you willing to work forthcciuno of Protection in placing reliable iiifur. ination in the hands ol your acqunir.. tances? ! If you are, you should be idi nlil! I with THE AMERICAN PROTECTIVE TARIFF LEAC: ' 135 W. 230 T., NEW YOM.' Cut this notice uul and tend It 10 th- I . stating ynux pualllon, and give a tiellnv; I'.ti VllluOHELE W STRICTURE With all bad coiiicqnenwi, atranRuarr. Xtnot " nrtpy. nervnm ei Itvmv t, i vnua debility, nniiatiiral dtictiatari iitanliMd, dfiuond.ncif, 'jnflt V'tbtoin rry. Witin awav of th ortfaa. Cfrta nlr- and rapidly cured by iulu ardrt-y rtielh 'd . Cunt poltllj uaraolU. Unfit on H.iuk and lttukfrc. CalUr writ. DR. WARD INSTITUTE. 120 N. Ninth St., SI. LOUIS, MO. JfSHOSlOLIC IN HORSES. Kvpry owner o' horw ,!inuM Vpp It on h.titl. II ma ,vw Uw life ul valuable Biiimal O,.. imckMUF will cm.' ,n:i:.i u' lull (ti I'm-. St ink ut tv mah o .xiirrll. Our At tv'utit )l""a, w leu VfiiUlna Biutt It 1.. h.-.., mill tl frM U. iH.,ji.Ul.N StC". 2iPlnSt, St. Leuu, no JCitahtla)iedHSrnrs. Trents mnloor rm lie, IsarrtaHt of slniile, In of exposure, ehusei, exegeses or luiiu'opriutU's. HklLL OUARANTliKD. Hoard and uiuirtnienti fumithea when tleshud. (juenuou lllaiik and Booii tree. Call or write. CANCER; and ornn U A LION AM nt thn um el Uu.Hioti ftlank and H.H'k IV. Cai! rllt I J It, 11. It. HI T1S, mrtMBt. fiv. i-oui, Mo. FREE 3 fc; CP I nO wonhot lovt'lv Mustc torForty 3 it n 1 1 1 . t tfnll consisting of too pages , WIW full liK Slieet Musk ot liio Utnt, brightest, llvt'llcit aiiJ most popular -5 ifltbMis, txth vixdl and Instrumental, gotten uv in the most eleuit mauicr. In- 5 eluding four targe sle Pot traits. CAHMSNCITA, th, Spanish Dancer, fc PADtRiWSM, the (imat Pianist, ZZm ifr- ADIUNA PATH and m MINNIi SI UGH AN CUTfifiQ. Jtooncaa aik on nana t Tm THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CO.r liroadway Theatre HlJg-., New York City. lUiiiiUiUiiUiUUiUilliUlU MIDWINTER FI Si t a I il!) l s a un I C3 fi a ira 8WW l VT I I ill I i A The Old Reliable mm A FRIEND Speaka through the Boothbay (Me.) BegitUr, of the beneficial results he has received from a regular use of Ayer's Pills, He says: "I was feeling sick and tired and my stomach seemed all out ol order. I tried a number of remedies, but nine seemed to give me relief until I was induced to try the old relia ble Ayer's Pills. I have taken only one box, hut I (eel like a new man. I think they are the most pleasant and easy to take ol anything I ever used, being so finely sugar coated that even a child will take them. I urge upon all who are In need of a laxative to try Ayer's rills. They will do good." For all diseases of the Stomach, Liver; and Bowels, take AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J.O. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Maw, Every Dose Effective TI-ia OLD DOCTOR'S X$ LADIES' FAVORITE. ALWAYS TtELIABTiE and perfectly BAKE. TV tme an used by IhoL lanrts of woman ail oret tt ii;nd Btntrs, In the "1D DOCTOUB private mat v:Hoe, for an vear-rj, and not a alnslj bad rpnnlt Honey rptiirnM If not aa rapresented. Bond 'inU (ftamps) lor Loftlud partiaulars, i. WiED I.ISTITUTB, 120 W. Ninth St., Bt.Loflil, .CUBED! SB Tours' Finrlnee In trmtlnt: all vnrt- ties of Itupturo e.mlilos us to guarantee t pnltivq cure. Question Blank and Boot roe, tiaii or write, VOLTA-MKOICO APPLIANCE CO., Ol nne Street, . . 8T. LOUIS, MO lirvlDK, 110 innun on tnce, i u li..'l reiulti, no nmiflfnu ni". 'lrcdtiiieiitii-rlectly lmrinlel. Bud ,trii:'l enfi culitl. ('notion 111 nn'l Ho,k ire. Cull or writ. -fia, w 1-5 II as 1 Tin worn tormi poll. I rniLI tllj ctrtd fetr Cure thMtriuc afu nracl Trcatmtnt confl(lDttB. by mm) art' oltlL'e. Tvroiltnw. Unction Ffinnk BU' iluck ltt. Gtll 01 wiitt. DR Wfl I INSTITUTE 120 N. 0th St..Sl.Louli,Mo FRFF TRIAL. 1 1 1 Ida Qm and lo.t vitalli A package of Our treat ment f . r weaknen anti decay, nervoui tlcbllit vitality Hal tree for 12 ceut, Pnntice. )R. WARD INSTUTUTE, ONJlbSt, BT. LOl'iS.K saliPII with1 1" ffi SV ILIbO from btninei C"rel Tn onp PAIMMBB trtatmrnl N Iom of nr.. neti. Fiitula, I' Lee , J ft-i ano ciirt-a. ,i yiar- e& Qaeitlon Blank and Hook fret. Call or write. 11. IH I I S, 1ST. Luiua, Mo 822 Fine Struct.. PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. There was never a time in the liislor of our country when Ihe demHnd fM inventions nnd irnprovemeuis in the art aud Bcionoi-u generally was eo great an uow. The conveniences of mankind in the ftiotory anil workshop, Ihe household nnd on the farm, hh well an in oflleiiil lile, require ooutiutial access 011s to the Hppiirteuanoe and impliments of each in tinier to save labor, time aud expense. The political change iu the adiinmstra on government does not affect tba progress of the American inventor, who being on the alert, and ready to per ceive Ihe exuding dellmeneieB, dura not i erunt the nft'aira of government to de ter him from quickly ootioeiviug the reuie ly to overcome existing diserepnn. clef Too great care oaunnt be exer O'H ii in choosing a competent nud skill ''.i nttoruey to prepare aud prosecute an application for patent. Valuable in lert'R's have been lout and destroyed in luiiiunenthle instances bv the employ ment of incompetent ootinsel, and es peeinlly is tLis ndvioe applicable to tlioBe who adopt the "No patent, no pay" HjHtfin. InvoutorB who entrnst thtir bnnineHs to this oluss of attorneys do so at imminent risk, as the breadth and Hlri uth of the patent is never eou sidered In view of i quick endeavor to eft tin iirnwniiee Mid obtain the fee. run muss claims company, John W I'dilerliniti, Oeneral Malinger, tilH K Blu et, N . W., Hebmgtou, 1). C, lei'iesi ii'ing a laiitii number of mipor tntit dnily nnd weekly ptiiiers, and gen erul periiiduiils of ihe eouutiy, was in xtitutfd to urotiut Its niitriins from the minute melhoda heretofore employed iu this line of business. The said Coti pHtiy is prepared to take charge of all pnteiit lmNineiK entrusted to it for rea sonable Ice, and prepare and prosecute applications generally, including me oinitiioiil tuwiitions, design patents, trade-marks, labels, copyright, interfer ences. iiifringemeiitH, validity reports, and nives eepceiiil ntteuion to n jeeted canes. It is also prepared to entor into 0 mi' pet it it m with any tlrui iu securing foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice. John Wkdhkhih un. lilH F Street, p. O. Hoi 385. W aehtngtoii, O. C. Iu,' l at'il ot Sui.'l-..lUill. Superstition is not without its uses. During the prevalence of the recent drought in Italy the children of one of the landed proprietors of the province of Salerno had n dream in xvhieh the Madonna appeared to them and said that rain would fall us soon as an image of herself buried in a certain Held could be dug up. Muny peasants actit g on the supernatural "tip" began at once to dig for the imnge. After several days' labor they unearthed two incient tombs decorated with mural paintings, and some valuable vases. Near by them they uucovered an an tique hoie.e, in one of the rooms of xvhieh was a elunuy representation of ;i human figure. This the peasants de clared to be the image designated in the dream, und it bus been an object of udorut ion to the thousands of visit ing enthusiasts. An energetic priest lias established uu altar there, and as every pilgrim leaves some money when he visits it there hits been a ruin of fold If not of water. CHEATING THZ SLOT MACHINES. Hundreds or llo'TUN rt-nnies Inserted. Snp potedly .!ade bj Italia 1 t'oniiterfelters. From time to timo rcferonees are seen in the daily nape in. ferritin to the diiliculty expuriciii'Pil by tin' furry companies, oar lines, etc.. in disposing of enormous nccumulutimtK of ordinary copper cents. The read t is very apt to remember this, particularly if in exchange for a dollur bill ku is re turned ninety-five one-cent pieces by a conductor. As a matter of fact, says the New York Herald, t'txrc is no cx cuse for the Item, mm:h le.s for n car conductor or ehanje-taker in unload ing his weight of copper upon the al ways more or less abusi'd passenger. The United States aubtri-rurj', at Wall and Xassau street:-., iui.;:e, and t hus m'vde it a praetico for years, of ex-; changing minor coin for United States money of largo denomination, und it has many regular custcaicrj who are I so served. There ore a number of cu rious thing's about cents as they come to the sub-treasury. In the first ! place, they ore quite extensively coun- : forfeited. This may seem ht range, as the profit in a counterfeit cent istieees-1 sarily small, it. is true, however, nev-1 ertheless, and is supposed to be the work of Italians, who, more largely! than any other nationality, seem to : ., j fnvor the imitation of our subsidiary coin. The JSrooklyn and New Jersey ferry companies, the ele vated railroads of both New York and Urooklyn and the various slot-machine companies are regular customers for the exchange of cents for other money at the sub-treasury. At times they turn in enormous quantities, the slot companies alone ranin? between one hundred and twonty-fivo and seven hundred dollars a day. As mirfht be expected, all sorts of oddities in the way of coin c tme in with the quantity taken in the machines. In addition to the counterfeits are scores of "not one cents" of war times, metal discs and foreign copper, Austrian money predominating. As the copper cent is simply a token, no matter what its condition is, it is redeemed tit par if it can in any way be identified os Uuited States money The popularity of the slot machine a year or so ago brought about a curious condi tion of aiJairs in the country. This was nothing short of a "cent famine." The headquarters of the company is in New York, and all njeuts sent their cents here for redemption, which drained the country of its supply and overstocked the minor coin vaults of the subtreasury hero with cents, NO SOFT-HEAR 1 Ej GOVcKNORS. Chines. Pirates B.'ieudeil with Nratneii anil lilspatoh. Cnpt. John Windrow, an old sailor of tlio Pacific, tells this to the Taooma Ledger: "While I was in Shanghai along in 18M or 'fi!), the ruler of the city equipped two st.enm gunboats for the suppression of the piratical trafiic. One of these he put in command of an American. The boats hud been out on a cruise for several days, and early one afternoon they returned towing thir teen piratical junks which hud been captured. 1 went aboard to see the prisoners the boats had brought in. An iron rail led around the gunwale of each of the boats, to which were shackled two hundred of the most villainous-looking Chinese I hud ever seen. Justice to such fiendish wretches was swift in China in those days, and the next morning they were led out for execution. In spite of the horror of is wholesale beheading the execu tion had n streak of the comi in it. j Two Chinese assistants of tlujexecu-i tioner curried a large bamboo pole. The condemned Chinese were in it kneel-1 ing posture and the assistants would j clutch a Chinaman's queue and take a j half-hitch around the bamboo pole, j men, eacn putting me poie on nis shoulder, they both would suddenly rise up, stretching his neck away from the prisoner's shoulders. The execu tioner stood ready with a drawn sword an. lopped oil their heads with as much Indifference as a farmer would have about cutting cornstalks. Little buskuts were ready, into which a head was placed, and in this manner the beads were hung on the walls outside the city gates." A 2.UI-.E RAILWAY SYSTEM. HaMulti In Trlptliut the TaMenir.r Uusl liest In lliintr iry. A remarkable revolution in railway traveling was brought about in Hun gary some years ago by the introduc tion of chenp fures nnd the Bone sys tem, says the London News. The fares were lowered from about 40 to 80 per cent., and the country divided into zones, having ISiidu-l'estli as their cen ter. The lirst zone Is lifteen miles broad, the second to the twelfth are each nine miles, the twelfth and thir teenth lifteen miles, ami the fourteenth include; nil the rest of the country. The fare for each .oiua is U)d. llrst chiss, 8d. second and &T third; while the rates nre reduced one-half for parties of workmen. What the new system has accom plished is shown by a report just issued by the Hungarian government, dealing with the working of the state railways for the years lS'.H and ISM. From (1,000,000 passengers carried in INKS, the year previous to the introduction of the zone system, the number hus risen to over JS.MO.OOO, tin increase of 210 ....... 'in, i.. ,w iu i.,..-, ly due to the new system, the augment- at Ion being six times greater than on tho Austrian railways during the sumej i .1 hi... ' !.. v.... i .i ..i. J ' e ,, th.. ,i..e.l-.1 carriages were abolished last ye,r on . ,u. ti, ,, ,i, trnf.le. in tho first zono bv the ordinary trains has been as much us CJ7 per cent., mostly in the third-class. It is noteworthy that the first and four teenth zones, or the shortest aud long est distances, give the largest results, both in Uie number of persons carried and in '! '" " '" ' AUMSBnrs valuable coins belonging to tho Macedonian period have btvu dug va near Athens. Packs of wolves have appeared at lleltfrndo and other towns iu Servia. At Pozarewatz a rirl was devoured by the famished brute, and stories of similar tnifjedies have come from various parts of Kuropo. A took French peasaut woman whose husband was seriously wounded by a Uerman forester on the Alsatian fron tier has refused to aeeept the indemnity of 2,.VU fran.'s otTeml her by the tier man government. Oxk of the largest forests in the world stands on iee. It is situated be tween 1'ral and the Okhotsk sea. A well was recently dajj in this region, when it was found that at a depth of 840 feet the ground was still frown. Telescopic teel mast or rods are to be used in liphtin? the public squares in Brussels. The object of this system is to preserve tho beauties of the purks in the daytime. Several lots in Cornhill, London, in the immediate neighborhood of the Hank of England, were sold several clays ago at a price that averaged .'"0 per foot, or something over f 'J.OOO.OOO an acre. Several neighboring lots of equal size were offered for sale some weeks ago, and were bought in by the owner at a price considerably higher. A iielic of one of the most extraordi nary surgical cases ever heard of is pre served in the military hospltul at Plym outh, England. This is the heart of a soldier who died in that hospital ou January 30, 1809, sixteen days after he had been shot through the heart ANTIQUITY OF SHORTHAND. It tTat In Cse Before th. Bef UUklnt; ol the Cbrittlaa Kn, Cioero Is said to have been the In ventor of shorthand writing, and the freedman, Marcus Tullius Tiro, his friend, the first stenographer, and he undoubtedly did use a method of short hand writing as early as 60 H. C. The first English treatise was by Timothe ltnght, entitled, "An Arte of Shorte .Swifte and Secrete Writing by Charac ture, Inuented by Timothe Bright, Doctor of I'hisike, Imprinted at Lon- lion uy i. uiuek, iuu iwwkjiw ui Aim ltnght, 1588. Cum priuilegie Regiae Waiestatis. Forbidding all others to print the same." Dr. Hright in this work 6ays: "Cicero did account it worthie his labour, and no less profita ble to the Roman common weale (Most Gracious Soueraigne) to inuent a speedie kinde of wryting by character, as Plutarch reporteth in the life of Cato the younger. This inuention was in creased afterward by Seneca that the number of characters grue to 7,000. Whether through inure of time, or that the men gaue it over for tediousness of learning, nothing remaineth extant of Cicero's inuention at this day." The stenographer who recalls the efforts required to properly master the few characters used in the art to-day will wonder that of Cicero's system, with its 7,000 characters, nothing re mains at this day. It was not until 104a, according to the New York World, that the art became of any practical use, and it was first used in the house of lords in KiUO in taking testimony in a divorce suit. Stenographers were not regularly employed in parliament, however, until ISO'J. In many of the public schools of tho country stenography is a part of the training. An evidence of its recent re markable growth is shown by a circu lar issued by the bureau of education issued at Washington. Here it is shown that from Julv 1. 1889. to June 30, 1SU0, 57,375 persons received instruc tion in the art of shorthand in schools and colleges in the United States. Five thousand five hundred and fifty of these were in New York and Brooklyn. A like circular was issued by the bu reau in 1SS4, in which it was shown that during the year 1883 the number of pupils receiving instruction was 12, 470. It is therefore quite safe to say that the number for 1893 exceeded 75, 000. But this number does not take into consideration an army probably equally large who receive instruction from some other source or from pro fessional stenographers. Out of this vast army, however, but a very small minority are either physically or men tally qualified to become court report ers or even otlice amanuenses. SHORT BUT QUEER RAILROAD. A Line In r.llfurnlu where the Grade Is Six Feet In Hundred. California has a railroad so unique that the most expert "railroadman" in the world would be unable to name it should he accidentally happen upon it at a time when the cars aud engine were not in sight. The word "engine" is used advisedlv. for. according to the St. Louis Republic, there is no danger of encountering more than one piece of machinery of that class upon this extraordinary "thoroughfare," and should you come in contact xvith the entire force of men with which the road is equipped you could count the en tire "gang" on the fingers of one hand. This west coast curiosity lies in, or rather runs up and doxvn, a portion of t-an Benito county, extending from Hurt's lime kiln to Tres Pines, in what is knoxvn as the tiavilan ramge. The road is of the "bicycle" or siugle track variety, the engines and cars sitting very low upon the rail. The rail is of the slot pattern, not unlike that seen on cable railways, the wheels of both the engine and the cars having a tongue of steel which works in the groove. In addition to this each wheel has a flange on both sides, and, the whole track being of but one rail, the wheels are, in reality, tongued rollers wit h flangelilie projections on each end. Kvery w heel in the whole outfit belong ing to this curious railroad is thus pro vided with four bearings, whieh pre vent it from jumping the track on any of the numerous short curves. At last accounts there were but nin miles of road operated by this "sj S' tern." When completed it will be four- teen miles irom one terminal station to the other. In one place there is an eight hundred-foot grade, mounted at! the rate of six feet to the one hundred, I and on another section of the road there is a grade between a quarter and a half mile in lengtn in wnicn tne average ascent is fonr feet to each one hundred feet of tracK. " Mroiier i'tmn Oak. T ,.,.,,,1.1 l, ,liili,.,ilt mci the St.. T.oiT!e,MiWie. to convince' the aver - aire man that fir is a stronger wood than oak In, t sue h has P-en by d imnartial committee unpointed for that purpose. The timbers used were eaeh 2x4 inches and 4 feet long, both ends solidly braced and the weight ap- plied in the middle of the span. Yel lnw t r stood a strain of S.W'j pounus, common On'pon oak, 2,023 pounds. Fino-irfaim tl yollow fir from near the butt stood it strain of 3,6;i5 pounds, and beist Michigan oalc snapped with a strain of only ,4-:? povuuls. 1 he testa were mutie iy Railway eor'"" the ?sorthern Pacific rt Ttv,Mn. Wash. A FcllMha MlnUter, All raeh. Moubarek. ivhoM death " cow " per centof the earth's haa recently taken place. wM the only Surce' elated at 9,3o0,0O0 (Oer Kkrvptiai. Mlahecn. or peasant, who are miles. Tha pereentaf-e of ever attained the rank of cabinet min- "1nt "uhm in. the Ma 1 lea,ne later. He poised aU the craftiness t all depths. that the . r- of his downtrodden race, trimmed hi. erape depth of the sea a half (Ger- political sails with much skill when he .lle ,thore re, thenA M c" . . , . w 4, Die miles of sea water. A cubic- mile saw that the Arabi revolt was on the . . . , ' mlJe .j of sea wator contains, on the average ixiiut of failure, and found means ot . w TL Uiainirp a friend both of his country Eut kllo?J- of The 3.400. men and their masters, a mat- J cublc miJf9. ' ? wl lor of some diflicuh v. Like mvvst fella- "fo"' contain OuO cubus miles of boon, he was exoeedintfly uncleanly in P Thereia. thero- v.v:;., xorehttledauirerof a salt fam ni obictinflr mot strongly to unitary ap - nllanres as auperfluous. CLIMAX OF A GREAT EMPIRE. Greut lrlt!,li ll'ia N tw I're'.Alt'r lleeR'hed tiie i onll nf Ht Kti'ai'alt.u. The ci'ioini V'l whieh i- r.'..v eh sing in the country of the '.iii.ii stronge: t native peop! Africa, is ex idently to en-' i ing the sovereignty f l-''!-'-''! t he Hh i r ii xx'ide region hi'.berto oi,!,'. i :- ' Included in the PritUh en o'ri i b o may, says the Cleveland i.i-.'.d, i ' a hi:torieal intereit'i t" t' i even' tar wider tl.Mi an i.. ' social eh:ui;'es in South A t ', tt u !' felt. I: h toiite po- siol, t!,i ..:..' extern l e er.'ii e ixhielitHe i"iM I .t ever know n is t its stuy'e of i u j! expansion. The re rioi!'. in Amen a Asia, Africa. Oceanic .m i 1 i;r pi which nre enimidt're.l llriti-.1i t.-niun-; embriit'e n'ooiit tixclve loillion tv hundred thousand sijuuiv unit ., i roi.e fourth of T -. land avrfaoo of clf'ce Russia and China together do n-'t :m-i sew. a much larger par', of ;V h The Jh'iti- h ,'inoitv has Ve ln 'v. ' t very t'r, ,t In: ox by the . . ",' '' ' e "'i-.' i.reiis t'.iuhig t!,. Afr'.eii. .N'o-.v. houexer. tht 'a-'.: ' -i- be libtmt. ri ;- hod. 1 b tix-ely little territory tt; which can fall into the iri'ji'i frU'4. ii Kt'T- 1' land. t'7i the other l:i ' i drax'. s nearer and nei'.r, i ' I m-iii'. jos.-.'s t iti:.i he mvv: ' " ada xvi'l surely e- iue uutit r and stripe -.. Tiie ehai:v h on ter of time. Australia v il' tably become independent tune i-ii ellor .;. t 'a ii i stars ti mat us inevi That breaking of existing relations is like wise merely a question of years. About eight million square miles of land and lakes Bnd arms of the sea are slowly slipping from under the paxvs of the British lion. India, too, xvill go some day, but that loss xvill probably come much farther in the future. Whatever great changes there may be in the next foxv decades are pretty sure, at any rate, to cut doxvn the size of the world's most prodigious empire, past and present. HIS FACE WAS HIS FORTUNE. The fullest Man tn Mltaonrt Gett Out of Trouble tn an l.'n expeeted Manner. On the southern edge of Phelps county lives Scott Swartzlander, xvho is considered the ugliest man in Mis souri, and there are some of his neigh bors who will bet his equal cannot be produced from any quarter. Swartz lander, xvho is thirty years old, says the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, has white hair, eyes like a Chinaman, no eyebrows, a nose of abnormal propor tions, which lops over almost to his cheek bone, and is ornamented at the end with a beautiful comic, bulb, lie is lank and tall, and there are numer ous other imperfections that add to this picture of general and particular ugliness. Sxvartzlander was arrested about a year ago for cutting timber ou government lands in Pulaski county, and when his trial came up at Spring field before the United States court the prisoner was promptly arraigned. While the district attorney was read ing the judge said, addressing the dis trict attorney: "You may enter nolle prosequi ln the prisoner s case. After a careful sorutiny of his physiognomy I am convinced that any man xvho is compelled to carry that face is pun ished quite enough for the amount of lumber whieh he is charged with hav ing unlawfully taken from government, lands. You are discharged, Mr. Swartz lander. Go as quickly as you can, and don't forget to take your face with you." Undoubtedly this decision of the learned and discriminating judge at Springfield, Mo., entitles Scott Swartz lander to the undisputed title: "The Ugliest Man in Missouri." MADE FOR A KING. A Tnrnlp-8lMd Timepiece That Weighs Two mad a naif rounds. A ponderous watch of antique pat tern displayed in the window of a San Francisco Jewelry establishment on MontijomoS-v street, attracts the at tention of the curious. Tho timepiece is four inches in diameter and is de clared by the Bulletin to weigh two and a half pounds. Its case looks line old cold, but is a composition of base metal. Tho chain attached to this watch la proportionately ponderous and bears a seal ring large enough for the finger of a giant. The watch was made by John liittleson, ot London, two centuries ago. It was, no doubt, a marvel of workmanship in those '. days, and is still a timekeeper. It probably cost about one hundred pounds sterling, or five hundred dol lars in our money. The hands upon its ample dial mark seconds and fifths of seconds, as well as hours and mm utes. The dial also shows the phases of the moon. This remarkable relic is not for sale. It Is owned by a gentle man of this city, who has a collection of such curiosities. The old watch has a history of some interest. About two hundred years ago an English sea captain obtained from the king of a tribe of savages in the south seas some valuable trading Drivileees. Tho kine showed him . many favors, and one day the captain asked the insular monarch to say i what most he would like to have sent to him from London. It pleased his royal highness to intimate that a big ! watch would suit him well. Accora- I ingly a watch was made to order on a scaie oeniung ms royni pcrsounijc. And great was his pride therein. liar ing no pocket, he appointed a youth watch bearer extraordinary to the sov ereign. herever tne king went, ine ' watch bearer followed, carrying the : precious royal timepiece in his hands. hen it to the captain of an American ship, and he disposed of it in Praia- cteipma. some ume ngo iv ii-n 1.110 the nanus ol lis present owner v. ..o - priws it highly. This is no doubt one v .. isteno. Its ring is very musical. The Skit of the 5e. AcconUnar to a computation of the liorp und Huettenmaennische Zeitung the amount of salt in the sea waters of the globe, if extracted, would be great er in mass than the land, eo far as it appears above the surface. The seas, , " net ion or ine ' Only tiie Scars Remain. "Among the many testimonials which I ee in regard to certain medicines perform ing curet, cleansing the blood, etc.," writes liBNBV Hudson, of the Junics Sniltlt Woolea Machinery Co., Cf Philadelphia, Pa., "none a" impress me more than my f "J ono cue. Twenty years ago, at Hie age ol it yuan, I had swellings come on my legs, which uroUe anil beciiiut) ruuutng toret. tyri our family pn sicun could tiu uitf ik Kuuti, iuui il was l.u s-Uil tllktt t llM lltlllaEMl tS .iDceied. At htfc t. mr e.wtl OKI mother urgwd we to try Ayer't w4 h.,tf .Mii th fimea tieatett. aud 1 have lint hrn tvoutilcHl Inor. Only lit wart rmtn, and th muitiir of the ait, to remind me of the good Ayer'e SrauarU. hat done me. 1 now u.h two hundred amt twenty pound, and nut iu tiie bait of hnalin. I have iMtenonthe roitd for tho aat twtilvr yM9. have noticed Ayr' tUiMtttilllik ml vertigo in nil parts ot the United States, and always take pleas ure in tetlmg what good it did for me." For the cure of all diseases originating In Impure blood, the best remedy Is AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Aytr It Co., Lowell, Maat. Cures others, will cure you WANTED. ieiUrpV ANY I.ADY, ttnploytjtj or nnsmployiMl , 13 A II Ltli can r tk i ii'TH d w houri urk each day. Pularv c cxmimlnsion. 910 inmplet tn Addr.-n M. OLNJANI1N tUi OiA rma dl., 31. LOUIS, HO. Dp. Hush's Belts & flpplianees uapmili- -I'jia a eltrtro-KilvAiuc httfry tm-K&Jl-fVCt SsS-t Zl tio .ietl intd nicdicalud. W&2Ssi Holts, Simpensorle., Spl. LZ'PtfV y,''- J "I'll AppliHiic-s, Abdoiu, KWvT?K3 I""1 Supporters, Vests, lisaLaifgl llrtiwers, OUico Caps, liisoies, etc. Cures Rheumatism. l.lver nnd Kldne JoniplnintH, Ilynpttpaia, KiTars of Y'.utri, ,ost Alniilio'Ml, MervousneMS, Nexnul temc ess, and allTronlilfS I n Mala or . emtlle. ,;uettiun lilouk and llouk free Call or 7rite. Volla-Modica Appliance Co., 12 Fine Street. 1ST. LOUIS. MO. Foot-Pi lntton the Path to Health. Everyone needing a doetoi'a Bdviee should read one of Dr. Fnotr'g dime pamphlets on "Old Eyes," "Crimp," 'Rnptute," "Phimosis," "Varicocele," Disease of men, l)inense of Vt men, snrl learn th" hest mei ds of sel -eu'e. 51 Hill Pub. Co., 129 hast 28th bt., New York. STOCK BRANDS. While you keep your subscription paid up vrr. I can keep your brand in froeof cliargc. Alhn. T. J.. lone. Or. HorKos (Hi on Infi shoulder; CHttle r-ame on left hip, under bit on right ear, and upper bit ou the lett; range, Mor row county. Armstrong. J. C. Alpine. Or. T with bar un der 11 on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on left tup. Atlinnn. O. D.. Eieht Mile. Or PattlH hrnnd O I on left hip and horses same brand on right shoulder. Kange, Eight Mile, Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA con- nee ted on le t Hank: caltle, same on left hip. Rftrtholampw. A. G.. A 1 nine. Or.-- H.ii-hpr branded 7 K uii either shoulder. Itange in Mo -row eountv Bleak man. Geo.. Hardman. Or. Horses, a flau on left shoulder: cattle same on right shoulder (lanniHter, J , w., naniman, ur. tattle braLd ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, tinseherry Oregou Horses branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle same od right sine. linrKe, fli Mt i;, Jjong ltbok, ur ud cattle, MAY connected t:n left hiD. ciod olf left ear. nn. der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on letft shoulder. Itange in Grant and Morrow county. Hroriman, Jerry, Liftna, ur. Horses branded 7 l ritrht shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop nd right ear upper slope. Barton. Wm H Miner. Or. -Horses. J B on right thigu, cattle. Bame on right hip; split in each ear. Browr, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right stifle; oattle same ou right hip; range, Mor row county. Brown, J. t., neppner. ur. MorseB, circle C with dot in oh ter on left hip; cattle, fame. over it, on the left shoylder. Cattle same ou left hip. Buyer. W. U.. Henuuer. Or. Horses, him brand or rigb hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. Bore. P. O.. Benoner. Or. Horses. P Rnn lft shoulder; oattlo. same on left hip. Brnwnlee. W. J.. U'ox.Or attle. JH connected on left side: cron on left ear and two sotitBand miduie piece cut out on right ear; on horses same brand on tne leit tnign; itaniie in fox valley. Grant county, t'arsnei- W arren, Wagner. Or. Horsed brand ed O on right stifle; cattle (three bars) on right ribs, crop andNpiit in each ear. itange in U rant ana Morrow comities. ( ain.U... I aleb.Or.- i I) on horses on left stifle U with quarter circle over it. od left shoulder and on left stifle od fill colt u der f years; on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range in Uraut county. I lark. Win. H.. Lei a. Or. Hnrm. WHO con nected, on left shouhler: cattle tame on right hip. lift1 ge Morrow and Umatilla counties. Late, l tins, n,, Vinson or L.eim. Or. Horses H Con right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Kange Morrow and Umatilla oountiea. I et-il. W in.. Douglas, Or.; h-re J i on lef shoulder; ca'tle same on left hip, waddles on eaeh law aud two bits in the ritiht ear. iurl, 1. ri., Jolin lay, tlr. JJoubie cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under htt in right ear, Bp. it in lett ear. ttaiige iu (.rant coumy. On sheep, inverted and spear point on shoulder. Ear markiui ewes, crop n left ear punched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right and under half crop in left yur. Ail rang iu uram couuiv. Cook. A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses. POon right shoal der t'atlle, saaieon r.ght hip: ear mark square crop on leit auu spin m rigtit. t'urrin. K. 1., t urriLSvilio, Or. -HirBes, B on left stitle. Cox ltd. 8., Hardman, Or. Ca-.tle, C with 1 in center: horses. ( , on left ip. Cochran, K. K., Monument. Grant Co, Or. Horses bianded circle with Lai beneath, on lefl shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark under sloue both eaiv and dtwlau. t'hauiu. H.. Hartlumn. Or. Horeee branded on right hip. Cattle brauded the same. All brm ds i I on hortH'tt light Hugh: cn t e s t h biandon right shoulder, aid cut iff tnu of riaht ear iJickeiiB, Ebrj Horses brai ded with three tinau fork on It-ft stitle attle oa-nf on left side. Oouulass. W. M . Gallowai . Ur. l at tit. K l'i,n right side.swa low -fork in each ear; horses, K I on lert nip. Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or II ur sen TD ou the right stine; cattle same on right hip. Ely. J. b.x LSono, Dou.ia. Or. llt-rneri brand, ed fc.LV on lett shoidoer, cattle Name ou left hiD. hole in rutht ear. Lllioti . Witch., Heppner, Or. Diamond on right Mhouider, Emeiy, t . fcs, Ilartiman, Or. Horses brand t-d 0 reverstd t with tail ou Kdt shou-der; cat tle name uh tu tu hip. huiige iu Morr.-w coui,ty. p lut'av, KB-ivouu, iie,-uer, nrpee, tt couuected ou riht shoulder; cattle same on right nip. iarmaiK. note in right and croi. otl left. Horence, L, A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF right hip; huraen r bar under ou right Florence. S. P. Heppner. Or Horses, V right shot ldi ; cattle, r on right hip or thigh. rrench, leorge, Heppner. Or. ( attle branded WF, with bar over it, on left side; crop ofl left ear. fioraes, same diwiq on it-it Dip. Gay, Henry, heppuer. Or. Ii Alt' on left anomuer- Gilman-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Foe. ail. Or. Hurses, anchor 8 on left shouhler; Tent, wtu eon ipii suue. v atue, same on tKitn htps ear marks, cron oh riirht ear and nnderhit in left liai?ge in Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow counties Gentry. Elmer. Fehn. Or Hoiimw hrndd H 8. with a quarter circle over it. on left stifle in .iiorrt.w and uuiHtniavotiuimets. Hajee. t,et., ix-na. Or, Brand J H connected with, onarter cm'" over it. on lett tdioukler. Hiatt A. B Kidgp, Or. laitle. r.ui d-top witu quarter circle uiuier it ou me rint nip. Kai'tte in Morrow and Umatilla unties. Hinton A Jenks. Hamilton. Or Cattle, two r ;i on either hip; crop in right ear aiid split in left. Horses, J on right thigh. Baiigein QrHnt county Hih. Hmuel, Watiner. Or- b (T F coiiHeotetilon rnrht slionlderon h-n-e: on cattle, on richt hip and on left side, swallow fork tc . right ear aud aiit in Ufu BLane lb naystaca ' ct, borrow eonnr,. m --(. ml4 with irHlil tiuls) n l'fl phouldor. i Htile Hme uu Ui hip Ijo Urge circle od Irt 'iTsll. Mwin. Juhn l'fty.Or.-'flttl K H on riht hip; liDrwi mw on riant sbuuliier. hnn' in liraui ciuiuly. I Hownnl, J b, iiUowHy. Or. Unrt-o". r Wra ! with bur hImiv it) m rifiht nhoulunr; entile ume tm ltti nitlc. Khuto ui Morrow kho Lma . tiliu rouutiw. HiiKhpe. Mftt, Hftppner, Or. Honw, ahpded liwtri od the lfft Hht'iildHr. Hullgf Morrow t 'o. tlntiHHker, H , Wunter. Or. -UurBua, on left ln.idoHr. o uit U-rt hit . HHttlimy, AltKrt, Oretton Hor8,A H coLiiiKctod. on lfft hhouldor; t utile n the loft hi!.. cro, off loft ear, liumphrevB, J Al, Uardtuaii, Or. Hureea. H on l.-r iia:ik lljtii, J. M., Hep poor. Or. noraoe, winctflaM on lrft hlitiuldm cattle, tuaiue on right hip. Hutiion, ljulhtir, kinhi Vlu, Or. Horao H on the loft shouldtirand hnart on the left stifle Cat tlf twine on loft hip. IIwikb in Morrnw noiiniy. Ivy, A If ml, Long Creek, Or Cattle 1 Don riKlit hip, crop off left ear and bit in right, Ilorees Mitiid bnuid on left shoulder UacKe n Grunt einntv J inco, Hurry, npppnrr. Or HorwB branded H J nn f lie left tthuuide-r: cattle bnitnded J on nht hip, fiMi uudwi hit in luft ear. llauge iu inriow ounity. Jutihiii, b. ill., He-ppuer, Or florae, horse, tn.ti J uu left MiunUter. Cuttle, the muni). HniifH on Li hi Mile. lohiienn, rwlu Lena, Or. Hones, cireleT on ff. Htilie; caltle, samo on right hip, ouder half -nip hi riidit and mil it in left tar Jt-iikbm, I) W.,t.U. Vernon,Or,-J on horse on oft nhoaldir; on oattlo, J on left hip and two iiuuth crop on both ears. Uangein Fox and '.inr valley H tvoiiny, Mike, lleppnor, Or. Horaea branded .VN on toft hip cat lie name and crop oft left i i iimlnr nn tht riht Kirk J. T., Heppner. Or. Humes 69 on left t'ohidnr; rattle, m on left hip. kirk. J Heppner, Or. liurues, 17 on either ai k.KattlH 17 on ritfhi aide. Kirk. JtwHe, Ibtppner, Or,; horse' 11 on left tfuldur; oat tie ttaiue on right aide, underbit on lyln ear. Knmberlatid.W.O.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on aiiitt ou right and left tudee, awailow fork in left ar and umior oinp in right ear. Horeee same mid oi, ufi dhuulder. liange in (irant coantv. I-tiftnii, Htepnen, lux. Or. b b on left hip n cattle, crop and split on right ear, Horses rmo brand on left shoulder. Kange tirant -llliV. liioi.allen, John W., b"f- Or. Horses br .iidt-tl hal.iiuleJL connected on loftshoid-m-r. ( aitle. satni on left hiu. Kanve, near Lei- in tit on Lenliey, J. W Meppner Or. Horses branded Lan Ao ji lt shoulder; cettln nnme on left hus Vtiutlo over r-tht je, three ehuj in right ear. ijord. tleorge, Heppner, Or. Horses branded double U coi.neclt ometiaiea called a Hwiiit H, on left shoulder. Alarkham. A. M.. Uuppner, Or. Cattle large M on left side both twrs croppeii, and split in lio h litirsoa M ou left hiw. Itange, Clark's fit 1 1 yon. Minor, Ottcur, neppnor, nr. rattle, M D on riijlst hip; horse. Muu left shoulder. IViurjiftii, H. N Heppner, Or. Horses, W) on hH shonlii" cattle same on left hip. McCn ruber, Jhb A, Kcho, Or. Horses, M wit-h t a over tm right shoulder. MorvaL. Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, circle T ii left shoulder and left thigh; oattle. 'it on lijiiit thigh, Mitclioil. sonr,lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right l.ii; cattle, 77 on right aide. McClareu, h. h. browneville. Or, Horeee, Future ft ou each shoulder, cattle, Mn on hi p WcCariy, David 11. Kcho Or. Homes branded DM connected, on the loft shoulder; cattle same n hip and side, Alutiirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattio on ribs and under in each ear: horses same brand on left stitle. McHalwjr, u. ruiiaiEon,Or. On Horaofl. S with half circle ntider on loft shoulder; on i;attie. four bars ooiineoied ou top on the right side liaiif:e in (irant County. Neal, Andrew. Lone itock, Or. Horses A N oon- iiecld ou leit shuuMor: mrtlfl qAmnnn hnt.h Nonlj ke, h., iSnverton. Or. Horno8, circle 7 on left thigl ; cattle, same on left hiu. Oliver, Joseph. ( amon ( itv. Or. A a nn nnf'-la on loft hip: on horses, Bauie oulefttliigh, Itonm tn tirant county Oiler. i'erry, Jjexington, Or. F O ou left thou,d9i tlp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cuttle, O LP connected on left hiu: 1 and wartle on nose. Kange in Grant county. FearHou, Olave, higlit fllile. Or, Horses, quar er circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on loft lill. Cattle, fork in lf: Vir liuhi. nrnnriiarl 'U ot) left hip. Kungi- ou Kight Mile. Parker A Gluuson. ilarditian.Oi-. Bi.rnAn IPnn I- ft htitmldnr. P per, Eriie t, Lexington, Or, Hordes brand .K (L ft ooimeoied) oi left shoulder ; cattle me on right hip. Kange, Morrow coantv. 1 iper, J, H., Lexington. Or. -horses, titi oon. neoteu o, left shwulder; oattle, same on left hip. f A nmler hi. in H.;h aaf. ' IVttys, A. C, lone, Or,; horses diamond P on - Shoulder: Cutile. .1 H .1 nrnno(,til rn rha left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in tha light. rowell. John T.. DavvUle. Or--Hnmuui. .IP mtiL uec ed on tell shoulder, t 'attle OK. cou nected on. leu nip, iwo uuaer half crops, ou uQ each ea wattle under throat. Kai gein Grant county. Hood, Andrew, Haruman. Or. llornM. unnnni oruf with tiuarter-circle over itou loft stifle. neninger, unns, Heppner, Or. horses, O tt on left ehouluei. Kice. Ban. Hardman. Or.: hnnww. thnw rut n ml wrm fence on left, shoulder; cattle, DAN on i. Km Buuuiuer. nange near naraman. Koyee. Aaron. Ueoiiiier. Or Hnruwi nlnln V nn left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed on rieht hip and crop oft rigkt ear. Kange in Mor row county. KuBh Bros.. Heonner. Or. Hnrnm hrar.dnH TE uu the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hiu. crop ofl left ear and dewlap on neck. Kange in Morrow and adjoining counties. Bust, William, Uidge, Or. Horses R oa left shouloor; cattle, It on left hip, crop oft right ear, undeihit on lnft ear. Hheep, R on eatherb. round cron off nu-h unr. Itmim rima til la and Morrow c nuitiee. lieuiioy, Audtew. LHSiiiitron. Or-Hnrwui tiranded A K ou right shoulder, vent quarter circle over brand; cattle same on right hip. itat.e Morrow coum,. iioya. vm. n, Uairwille. Or Htt nnniwii-M wnh quarter circle over up on cattle on right hip anu crop ofl right ear aud split in left. Horses sumo brand on left shoulder. Kange in Morrow Grant and Gilliam counties. i tec lor. j . w., Hoppner, Or. Horses, JO ol left shoulder. Cattle, Oon right hip. iSiiicknall. J. W.. liiwaahnr n brauded al ou left shoulder; iange in Morrow county. bailing, C i, Heppner. Or-HomM hi-AndAd on lelt shoulder; cattle same ou left hip. 1 . uexingion, ur. norees witn dabh under it ou lef i stifle, cattle H with uabii uuuer it on right hip, crop off right ear and waouteu ou ngni imia leg. liange in Morrow, Gnliam and Omatula counties. bt,gart, A. L., Athena, Or. Horses branded 9 un lei i shoulder; uoitie same on left hip. Crop on eui, wattle on left mud leg, btiaighi W. L., Heppner, Or. Horses shaded J b on lei stihe; cattle J B on left hip, swallow fork iu ngh. ear, unuerbit in left. bapp, luos., Heppuer, Or. HorBes. 8 A P on lelt uip; caLUt ttaiue on left hip, bhnr,Jotin, Fox, Or. MJ connected on horbbbon right tup; cattle, same on right hip crop .ll nam ear anu under bit in left ear. Kange in VJi'aut county. buiith Bios., busRiiville, Or. Horses, branded H. A on Bhuuliier; cait.e, aine on lef t shoulder. bquireb, Jauiott, Arlington, Or,; horses branded Jbon lett Bhouuier; caltle the same, also nose waudie. Kange in Morrow and Gilliam co in ties. btopneuB, V. A., Hardman. Or-; horses Meiou ngtii autle; catUe honaoniai L on the right side bieveubon, Hin, A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle H ou right hit; nwallow-fork tn left ear. bwasgart, G. Vt., heppuer, Or.-horsea, 44 ou leti bmmiUr ; catUe, 44 on left hip bperry, E. G., Heppner, Or. - Cattle W C on lett nip, crop off ngnt and underbit iu left year, dewiap; nurses W t on left shoulder. ihompson, J. A heppner, Or.-Horaes. Z oa leti shuuiut r; cattle, 2 ou left shoulder. lippet..b.X.,Lnterprwe.Or.-iiorsea, C-on left ahoiuOer. iurnor K. W.. Heppner, Or. -SmaH capital T lelt suouidw horees; catUe aame on left tip with split in both ears. inorntoii, H, M., lone, Or.-Horsee branded U I connected on left stifle; sheep same brand. Vanuerpool, H. T Lena, Ori-Horsea HV con iiecteu on right shoulueraiUe, same on right niL Walbridge, Wm Heppuer, Or. Horses, U. I, ou the lett shoulder; cattle same on right bin. crop ufl left ear ami right ear lopped. Wiition, John Q,, iSalem or Ueppner, Or. lloftioH branded Jq uu Uie left ahouider. liange Morrow uouiiii. arreu, B. Caleb, Or Cattle WwiUiqnErter circle over it, ou left side, split in right ear horses same brand on lrt shoulder. Kange iu Grant couuty. right, bilas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded a W on the right hip. square crop ott right ear Hiul epiit iu leit. aue, henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded ace oi tspaue ou leit shoulder and left hip t at tie braudt: bame ou left side aud left hip. W ells. A. b., Heppuer, Or. Horses, eu on lef shoiuiler' call 4iiiJ W otnnger, John, John Day City, Or On homes three parallel bant on left shoulder; 7 on sneep, bit iu bo Ui ears. Kange in Grant and Maihuer Souiitiect. Wooaward, John, Heppner, Or. Horse, UP connected od lef t shoulder. W aUiua, Lashe. Heppner, Or. Horses branded HE oonnectet on left sutte. Wallace. Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on right thigh, hou in left ear; horwee, W on right bhouluei. Bonn aame on left shoulder. hit tier isios., nunoxgion. Baker Co.. Or. Uorbee branded W B con uec tea on left -Guilder Wiiiuuns, vasoo, ITainilton, Or. Quarter cir cle over three bant on loft hip, both cattle and horwe. Kan te Grant count;. Williams. J U. Long Creek. Or fiorsea, qnar tw circle over three bars on left hip: can) same and nlii in arh ear. Kantce in Grant coonty Wren. A. A., eppner. Or. Horses rnnnisf A A on shoulder; Catue. same on right hio. Walker Eiitabeth Jt Sons, Hardman Or. ui ile brauoeti iE W coo nected J EWon left fide. hi s tsnje on right shoulder. J. W" W iker's cat l-, same on lelt hip, horwi same on left shonldtr. Ail range In Morrow county Voong. J. 8., Gooeehrry. Or.- Hotm braxrdW T8 on t right ahooidj.