Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 15, 1894, Image 3

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-i'MOSE desiring tlib lutertioa of display
5 l orcl.iiimeol same, uiun tet the r
1 :toi imr thnii Umi.L,. r. , ...
ion ' t' 2y evenl"8 'or Fridays edi-
1. The sum of five cento per Una will be
ISR.iV, 1 '. eud"K Present! and douor.,
SotS ilvt " a """"" of new')
u . , V 1 lur wnaieverpurpoMA.
A Notices of church mid society and all other
. iTJS' 'n"-i eharired for at the rate of five
. ,??ld,eBlih lnd everT correspondent re
sponsible for hia or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unleaa the
good f ith USme signed 48 au evidence of
. inn Agent, 21 Merchant! tichange,
Han 1 ra uisco, 1b onr authorixeu agent, liiis
papi r i, kept ou tile tu his oUiue.
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Lons: Creek,
John Day and canyon City, leave! as follow! :
Every day at ti a. m., except Sunday.
Arrive! every day at 6 p. in., except Monday.
Ihe cheupent, quickest and belt line to or
from the interior couutry.
u. r, t . J- DEI-EVAN, Prop.
I'hlll Conn, Agent.
Give your business to Heppuer peupte,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
Tier. Putronize those who patronize
Here and There.
Go to the City hotel tor dinner SundHj.
Heppuer will Lave a 4th of July otlo
Dratiou. Special dinner at the City hotel
Did you ever see buou ph enomena,
wemhei f
Kip Vun Winkle arrived from The
JJ ul Ice yeuteiduy .
Arthur Smith will clean Batches al
me reduced price ol 81.
Jerry Jirnsuan, nf Lieua, is quite ill. Dr.
Ungen is lu attendance.
Joun Elder is stijl quite ill from pneu
Uo to Carle's and get a two-bit hai
Cut. ihe cheapest lu luwu
ree (liecu'a wile is i-eriwisl)-ill at. be
uuuie in me eutje of the liLubcr
Ihe Jipworth League piouiokcd yes
iciuiiy in uoues giuve uoovtlouu.
w anted A few more customers foi
me home laundry, ftlouutaiu House.
JUr. Oiiut, of TWrna, Wash., is visit
ling Ins uucle, A. Andrews, ol Alpine.
Ante tope Herald: J . W. lSllioit vid
leave Monday ou a short business trip.
lhere is at pre.ent about l,2500iJU
pounds or wool iu the liepuuer ware
Hood's rilla are purely vesctable
perfeotly haruiless, iiIwujh reliable aud
Without a doubt Simmona Liver
Keulatir will oure ou. It Li.s outed
tleppuer has about assumed itgnnrmul
condition, election matters having been
disposed of.
Elmer Sli cum. Mat Halversnn. Dims
Jones and Joe hayes lelt (or the Dalles
Take Simmons Liver Regulator ti
tnuve the bile, clear the head and
estore digeeiiou
Quite a number nf our Heppner peo
ple went down to Pettey's grove yester-
ay to picnic
o pill or nauseating potion, but
pleasant Ionic and laxative is Himuions
Live Ktgulator.
Froduoe $2 50 and get the Gxzette f,-i
one year. JNiue lawny paper, and but
ly to paper oauius.
Those that have county sorip for sale
should oull on lieuiue Conser at The
iirst National Hank. 2 tf.
Photographs $1.50 pel dczeo at Suep-
pard's gallery, near opera house, uorth
ftlaiu ot., Hrppuer, Uie. zbu.
Green Mathews has opened np hit
barbershop, next door to Hayes Bros
Shaves, etc., ou lap as nsual,
Grand Lodge of A. F. & A. M., as well
R. A. M., both to have met in t'oillund
this week, have been postponed
Ben Hunsaker will assume charge of
tbe Heppuer. onutu -tit hue July 1st
llenry Biacknelt baa secured I tie oilitr
end running iuio Canyon city.
Once aud awhile you will fiud a man
who bates the GuZ -tie's ednor like u
pirate, but he borrows tbe paper just the
same because it gives the uews.
A great barguiu bhIc hiiB jnst com
menced at tne McFarlaud Meroautile
Co's. big Btore Everything at oust for
oash, uuiil (.11 stock is laid in. hte"Ad."
Coosideriug tbe linra, the business
men of Hepiiutr are very loyal to tbe
Gazette. We appreciate it, fur it is tbe
only way to build up a good, represen
tative i aper.
C.U Itiuvua TTunnnoP tfxr hV1,rt
UUlluamKD p..... ....
Tuesdays, Tnuidnys and Saturdays
Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays and tri
daye. Fare, one ay , &2.5U. I'luli Cobu,
agent, A. Audi ewe, I'rop.
B. A. Spivey aud family htve moved to
The Dalles, Harry Pbil.ps taking them
down with their lioneehold goods lust
Tafsday. VisKiik coompHined them
and will wtuk al painting and papern.g
down there.
A force of men are at work repairing
the track near Coyote, and very so, u
communication will have been re-i-siab
lished betweeu W ulowB.Junolinn snd the
East, connecting at tlie former plaus with
tbe boat, Almula.
The Times-Mounta neer and Tbe
Dalles Cnrouioie were drowned out by
tbe flood, but they took along thur j b
presses and a hat fml or so of type ai.d
have never missed au issue Y -u oau'l
do up a newspaper man "nohow."
At the first indication of disorder, the
deranked or enfeebled conduiou ol the
stomach, liver, or bowele, should be
promptly rectified by Ayer's Cathartic
Pills. These Pills d not g'lpe, are
perfectly sale take, and remove all
tendency to liver and bowel complaints
A. 0. Carle, of Boii-e Cuy, Id -dm, has
purchased Ihe tousonal parlor formerly
swued by (i id Halt at tbe Mil luck
building nex dour tu nimim's black
smith shop, where be invites the patmu
age of all who desire strictly first class
work at reasountilH prices. Haircut,
shave or shampoo, 2j cents each. G ve
him a call.
The retinlsr subscription price of the
Semi-Weekly Gal-tte is 82.50 sod the
regular price ot ihe Weekly On gunian
is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the
Gazette and paying for one year in
advance can get both the Gaze-te and
Weekly Orngonian for S3. All old sub
scribers paying their eubsciu'ions for
one year in advance wil.be entitled to
the B..me.
It wonld appear to a casuxl observer
that the G Ztte had a mnnoply of the
Dews, as the Becrd seems to I sve a
penchant furrepr- duciogour Tn-sd)'
paper, so f-ir as puist'ite. In hi
dftvTii irniia. Tt iHToncb eaiser we kn
to oopy our mHlterthat. we have rustled
to get th'tn it is to get. in aud d g it out
wnh a lead pencil
A.iKKiuiiJ i,f i:i,tiTMjM. Tier Is
"fne talk of Ounleptiug the election of
G. W. Harrington as sheriff, by Joe
Hayes' friends, but to what extent this
matter has or w ill be oarried we do not
know. Mr. Hayes is bow down at The
Dalles, presumably to interview counsel.
The preoinct which is causing trouble is
Lena, but as to what the irregularities
if any, smount to, we do not know, but
if any one will take the trouble to look
up the election laws they will see that
not one precinct out of a dozen complies
with the requirements. In Buoh cases.
judges are to blame and should be
j ii-ked up" for neglect of duty, but
U is very difficult indeed to take away
ihe votes ot citizens, honestly expressed,
though, perhaps, under slight irregu
larities. Ihe oonduct jf election officials
however, should be above reproach,
that no one could under any oiroum
stanues fiud faul
Crossing the Atlantic
Usually involves sea eiokness. When
the waves play pitoh and toss with you,
strong indeed must be the stomach that
can stand it without revolting. Tour
ists, oommeroial travelers, yatohsmen,
uiariueis, all testify I hat Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters is the best remedy for
ihe nausea experienced in rough weather
on the water. Nervuus aud weakly
travelers by laud often suffer from some
thing akiu to this, aud dod in the Bitters
its surest remedy. fo disorder of the
stomach, liver or bowels is so obstinate
that it may not be overcome by the
prompt aud thorough remedy. Equallv
(flioaoious is it for chilis and lever,
kiduey and rheumatic troubles aud
ueivmiBiiesH. Emmrants to the frontier
shou d provide tuemselves ith this fine
meilio.d safeguard against the effects ol
vcisniiudea of climate, haruship,
tXpiisuienud futiuue.
Fhom Gilliam County. The election
passed off quietly iu Gillism oounty and
resulted iu a clean sweep for the repub
licans for every county position except
sheriff, W. L. Wiloix, Dem , who has
held the effioe two terms, defeating bis
republican opponent, J D. Livingstone
by nearly 100 majority. Mr. Wilcox has
made an ideal sheriff, and bis acom mo
duli tig disposition and lemenoy with the
taxpayers acoouuts for this remarkable
victory iu a cvunty having nearly 200
republican majoiity. Ihe democrat
oundiriate for justice of the peaoe for
Condou precinot, S. P. Shutt, of the
Globe, defeated hia republican oppo
nent, Geo. Tatom, by a majority of 24 in
a strong repnblioan precinct. D. M,
Itinehart, demooratio, defeated his
repuhlicnn opponent, E. E. Smith, for
ouusttilile by a small mujority.
"How to Cnre All Bkln Diseases.'
8iniply npply "Swayne's Ointment."
No internal medioine required. Cures
tetter, eczema, itch. nP jrnutions on the
face, blinds, nose, &c, leaving the skin
clear, white and healthly. Its great
healing aud onralive powers are possess
ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug
gist for awayne s uiutment, sw 1 yr,
Heart Palpitation
Indigestion, Impure Blood
Cured by Hood's.
Mr. D. W. Bridges
"0. 1, flood & Co.. Lowell. Mass. :
"Dear Sirs: During tlie winter and spring I
have used a dozen bottles ot Ilwd's S;rsapa
rllla in my family, and I am quite sure wo havs
been greatly benefited by IL For yearj I havs
been troubled with Indigestion, accompanied
try sympathetic heart troubls, and Hood's Bar
saparllla has don me very much good, Ws
bars alia siren It to the children for Impure
blood and ringworms with very good results."
D. W. Bridoes, Pleasant Hill, Oregon.
N. B. If you decide to tak Hood's Sanapa-
rllla do not be lnduoed to buy any other.
Hood's Pills cure all Lirer Ills, Biliousness,
Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache. 25c
Fbpm Grant. The republican ticket
received the following pluralities in
Grant county : Wm. P. Lord 343, Harri
son li. Kinoaid 358, Fbill Metsohan 522.
Ohas. E. Wolverton 379, Cicero M.
Hlemati 312, G. M. Irwin 870, W. H
Leeds 383, Wtn.E. Ellis 414, James A.
F-e 7U5. Ji hn L. Band 460. A. W. Gowan
334, Orin L Pat'ersnu 39, Nicholas H.
Buley 142 J. D. C. mbs 235, John A
Powell 334,Kobt. Deardoiff 3o6. Mvron
E. StuDsell 121, Martin N. Bonbam 229,
I'bitieas Thomas 182, Clarence W. John
son 382, Frank White 295.
A Grand Feature
Of Hood's S irsaparilla is that while it
u'irifi-s ihe blood aud sends it ooursing
thrmiuli the veins full of riobness and
health, it abo imparts new life and
vigor to every fuuetion of the body.
Hence the expression so often heard:
Hood s nHrsapanHa made a new person
f me" It overcomes that tired feeling
so common now.
Squibbkl Poison. Ben Swaggart has
a new kind of squirrel poison whioh is a
dead shot on squirrels. It is for sale at
Phill Oobu's, at the low figure of $1 per
gallon, in bulk. This poison is guaran
teed, or mooey will be refunded. It is
something that squirrels will est, eve
at this lime of the year. Now is the
time to kill tbem.
One at the 8mithRonlan Lived Without
Food and Water for Nix Veara,
The Smithsonian institution has hit
upon something; extraordinary in
snails. The creatures may be slow
but they hold the record over all other
animals for prolonged vitality under
adverse conditions. Stories of toads
dug; out of rocks in which they had
Deen imprisoned for ages are apocry
phal, but recent discovery, says the
Providence Journal, has established
the credit of this humble inollusk as
No. I in tenacity of life. Only the
other day a specimen from an island off
the coast of Lower California, inclosed
In a drawer with a part of the mollus-
can collection, was foundtobe alive. It
had had no food or water for more than
six years. When placed in a box with
moist earth it protruded its foot, hepan
to move about and seemed to be as
well as ever. Some time ago a few
snails of a different species, gathered
in Mexico, reached the Smithsonian in
stitution and were placed in a box.
They remained undisturbed for two
years and three months, ot the end of
which time they were put into a glass
jar with some chickweed and a small
quantity of tepid water. Pretty soon
tney woke up and appeared quite ac
Pond snails, which are sometimes
found alive in logs of mahogany from
Honduras, possess equal endurance,
Specimens carried from Egypt to Paris
pacKea in sawdust have arrived unin
jured. Other kinds have been exDeri-
mented with by shutting; them mi in
pill boxes and dry bags for years, but
nave survived. The limit of their
vitality is yet to be ascertained. Land
snails in cold climates bury themselves
in tne ground or under dead leaves in
winter; in tropical regions they become
torpid during the hot season. When
about to start in on a period of sleep
they seal up their shells with a close-
fitting door, which sometimes is
shield of thin, transparent mucus, and
in other cases an opaque membrane as
thick as a visiting card. Behind this
the animal constructs other walls.
which serve like so many partitions to
protect it against prolonged cold or
dryness, it is believed that just as
the seeds of plants are distributed by
the winds, so likewise the eirirs of
snails are scattered abroad on the
breezes, thus disseminating their
species. They are very prolific ani
mals. Some of the great land snails
ol the tropics, which live on trees and
weigh a pound apiece, lav ecus that
iook strikingly like those of pigeons,
Deing quite as large. The eggsare de
posited among decaying vegetation,
the heat of decomposition hatching
Land Foh Sale. 480 sores over in
Vt ilson prairie. A good stock ranob an.
he sold cheap Call at Que te
office for particulars and terms .
Machine Oils. Penlsnd & Co. have
on band a fine assortment of maobine
oils, for sale cheap.
The Htndehnker wagnn heads them all.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
Hardware" did you say? Why, yes
at P. 0. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the
place for bargains. a
The Keeley Institute, at forest Grove
on res liqnor, opium, morphine, cocaine
and tonaoco habit, aee ad.
Tbe Pnlaoe is the leading hotel in the
city. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone, a
If yon want to boy groceries, and
bread Htoff elipap, go to the Enterprise
Grocery. Kirk & Buhl, proprietors, a
The general merchandise establish
inent formerly owned hy Offin 4 McKar
land, Iibs lately changed hands, now be
lnir under the oontrnl and mHnBgement
of The MoKarland Mercantile Companv,
which continues business at the old stand
with a larger stock than ever. a
wwWgMw.f n-"Wl'i whmwjji. irrrj.jm !iiin M.i'mk ,1IM!
Gilliam & Bisbee,
WANTED To en,p'y ,lady
or gentleman to represent us in each
county. Salary 40.00 per month. Ad
dress with stamp.
Cbas. A. Kobioson A Co., Salina,
"first hand" and fresh, reader?
Piles! Piles! Itching Piles.
Symptoms Moisture ; intense and
stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, which often bleed and ulcer
ate, becoming very sore. Swayne's
lhnrs- 1 Ointment slops the itching and bleeding
heal-i ulcer-ttioo, and in m st cases re
moves the ininnrs. At drnggists, or by
But why nut get it I mail, fur 50 oeuti. Dr. Swsyne A Sou,
Bow an Eugllgh Newspaper Proposes to
Simplify breach of Promise Salts.
The London Spectator, moved by the
painful spectacle of the modern
breach of promise case, proposes a
novel expedient in order to overcome
the difficulties which such suits pre
sent. It says: There would be one
very simple method of lightening the
task of the jury, which would also
afford to young women and their
guardians a means of ascertaining
wnetner the lover had any serious in
tention of developing into a huaband
or not. Let no promise of marriage
be held valid unless it is made in writ
ing upon properly stamped paper. If
the plaintiff could produce a formal
promise of this kind, there would be
no need to go into all the history of
a doubtful courtship, or to consider
any other factor in the assessment of
damages than the respective incomes
of the contracting parties. Of course
it will be objected that such a propo
sition is injurious to all the romance
of courtship and marriage. But where,
we would ask, is the romance in nine
out of ten breach of promise cases that
find their way into the law courts?
These cases are hardly ever brought
except by people whose affections
have not been deeply engaged in their
acceptance of a suitor, i'or one young
woman who now brings an action for
breach of promise at least nine are
Jilted and suffer in silence. The
more their affections have been en
gaged the less they can bear to tell
the pitiful tale of their disappoint
ment and witness the poor little
romance of their life exposed to the
ridicule and laughter of an un
sympathetic world. If it once became
understood that the ardent lover
should offer such a proof of his good
faith, then a girl would know well
what to expect from a lover who with
held it. At any rate, parents or
guardians of the lower and middle
classes wonld not allow a young man
- to grow "too particular in his atten
I tions" as their phrase runs unless he
I shewed a disposition to furnish this
J guarantee. Then, if the promise were
unfulfilled, even the most modest and
sentlti maiden could proceed
sw 1 yr I e alnt ter 'BltnleloTer without loss
of pride or dignity.
CJT great philosopher has lttiil down the maxim of
yl "Never put off till tomorrow what cau be done
today." If yon want bargains iodsy, if yon need the
necessities of life in the line of Dry Uoodn, Gents' Fur
nishings, Clothing, Tiuuks, Valises, etc, at prices never
before offered in Heppner, call un L. Rlumenthal, succes
sor to J. H. Kolinan, (Jor. May and Main streets.
This stork will shortly be Increased, however, by a wolt-se'octed lot of goods, direct from
rortland. Remember that these prices have never been eqniillci in Heppner
w-lm- U BLUMEA I HaL. Heppnor, Oregon.
mW Y0P fflOOli!
Why Pay Freight on All Your Dirt.
Pendleton W Scourina Pactioi Co.
1 . Only Firut-Claps hotel in Heppuer.
2. Building Vired for Electric Lights
8. i'eet prci rrmodalions for Ihe traveling
I ulilic,
i. Comtennfi treatment assured the ootin
tiy eoile.
WHS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress.
Plenty of them at the
Gazttte Office
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
Why Doirt You
Call on the New Firm at the old Van Dnyn stand ?
You will certainly be surprised at the low prices in
Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and
A Complete Line of Groceries.
No trouble to show poods and give prices.
Respectfully Youbs,
They All Get Something.
FROM a bushel of corn, a distiller gets four callous of whiskev
which reta s at 816.00. Th T ? o Tn . wi?,sKey'
whn vo,D zr. n ' . f. r,DU." i 1118 larraer
m, uirjtfU iuo lviu h nM irn riio i-ui rtoH wi m .11.. .
BU w, mo JBr.uuer geis .uu ; me consumer
uuuwjs, nuu me Lioiiceman eats nmi fnr vm, i,;, ;..
T ,., . O r - ' ...... 1 .J 1 141 in,
tw. a V et 8ometl,11)K to if you ruu in and see the new lines of
Dress Goods we ouen out this WKPkvnn'n 1.1
and perhaps a dress We have opened 15 caes of new dre.s material,
and laces that left the other side of the fih pond only four weeks ago!
gets six
& CO.
Heppuer, Oregon.
The -Keeley Institute
For the Cure oA
Liquor, Opium mi Tobacco Habits
It la located at Forest Grove, Or.,
77te Mutt Beautiful Town on the Coast,
Call at the Gzttii office for particulars.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private land sur.
Grasshoppers Id Fenruttry. Snnw In Jan
and Hard Tirana All the While.
According to old weather records
kept in lienninffton, Vt., the month of
February, 1842, wan decidedly tropical
as compared with the current month,
which some regard as unusually mild.
The record quoted by the Troy Times
states that in the early part of the
month in that year there was little
frost in the ground and showers were
frequent. The Vermont State llanner
now the lienninjjton Uanner says
that on the 8d of the month Mr.
Ford brought Into the office a handful
of grasshoppers. Squirrels had made
their appearance and it was reported
that frors had been seen in the ponds.
Rev. E. VV Hooker, I). D., nastorof the
old First church at lieuuinffton Center,
became alarmed over such continued
mild weather fortius latitude and pre
dicted that dire results would follow,
and to the credulous It subsequently
seemed as though the good doctor s
words had the ring of prophecy in
them. But, though the morning rose
bright and sunny and a south wind
blew soft and springlike, few hearts
xpanded with the sunshine of hap
piness. The scarcity of money
was unexampled. Nothing but due
bills were in circulation. The la
boring man could find little or
nothing to do, and he seldom heard the
ring of coin or the rustle of a bank
note. June U of the same year there
was a blustering snow-storm, the snow
falling to the depth of three Inches.
une 14 there was a slight frost, ami
at subsequent periods in the same
month the weather was so severe tlmt
ice formed a half Inch thick. A breath
f icy wind swept tlirout-h the valley.
All vegetables, except those of tin;
most hardy sort, wtirn cut down. Many
remeinhertd Dr. UouLur'a words, and
judgment sent upon tliem fur finding
fault with the times. In Hint year one
of the largest establishments the town
ever had, the lietmingtim Furnace
company, failed, owing to the unprec
edented low price of pig iron and
the fear of the Walker tarilT, which
was linally embodied in law in 18411.
A large amount was owed to employes,
and that was an important factor iu
adding to the general distress. Again,
the people were laboring un Jer an un
wholesome excitement owing to the
second advent doctrine as held and
preached by llev. William Miller. A
few weeks previous to 1842 the Hank of
Hennington had failed and the loss to
the people was considerable. Without
work or money and the belief by many
of the world's coming to an end in 18411
men found it hard to face their lives.
Hut the crops of 18f.j were good in
spite of killing frosts In June, though
the hard times continued with varying
intensity for many years.
HTJHL, Proprietor
Tie Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. They will keepon band a full line of
Groceries and Previsions.
A full Hue of
try them.
OhoICA Pica Pntiii, nn.l T. .1 . i
nsnally kept in . flrst-das, bakery store. Th.,wUl U eh IT" IP,' '?
Land Patents
Land patents secured for Bottlers in the shortest possible time.
Contested Cases
Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
Between individuate )in vims ni,-, Uill.. Tni 1 . .. . .
laws, and thoee between oUi.": n3,K.. "'" " er. k""".! Iwd
claimants; and l,o between U.it."V of ,h. U T, ' Z
E'SXZftSft - " '" Brautee.,uUder
irregularities whioh csn be easily and speedily removed.
Advioe also given in all matters relating t Ihe pnblio lands eoneolsllv nn
If ynn wsnt vnnr land rmtent In hr,-if i... ,
John Wedderburn, Gen. Man.,
Washington, D. 0.
P. O. Boi, 380,
Mail car No. Soft on the Erie railroad
Is regarded as unlucky by trainmen.
Tirr.y are seriously discussing in
England the project of building a
cantilever bridge 2o(i feet high, and
carrying two railway tracks, across the
English channel. The estimated cost
Is 818,750,00(1.
.Skco.vd-ci.ass carriages were abol
ished on the Cumbrian railways in
Wales on May 1. The only clauses now
will be first und third. The abolition
of the Intermediate clats is becoming
general on railroads In Great Britain.
Payso.v Trail. r, the general man
ager of the Maine ' entral railroad, re-'
ccntly adopted the novel social ex
pedieut of entertaining his friends at
Tlln ir, 1 JL. (1 Ml ITT 1
i imj Apcy iur me nrowDSViiic woolen 1
And b on hands afull Hue of their goods including suits, blankets, woolens, etc.
He is also prepared to take measures for suits.
Palace Hotel Building,
Heppuer, Oregon.
' " .o umuj muiv MllDf, Drlaktiif, Drwdiif, I
Wt to Bat,
Inflnenra of PUnti, Parnsltits of the Skin. rw n Th
Occupation for Invalids, BaUilM-Host War i?.niJ i...
Al,h-,la.a Food aud V La and liV. nL.,. fif'n.n&
ROW Ul Eat
Ttllnffl la Iln.
Thluirs to Avoid.
Perils of Summer, Snperfluoui Hair,
ann of KlsiJnf, RwitorliiK lh brownsil, CooUirlcnii Nmum.
OveAatln Uomwa, prereotltn Mearsigbtea- How to Avoid tK
vsntllatlon, ness, Eisrolw.
iffPtseaaea, !
..'"";'' ." y wear, Headaohn. Causa A Our.
To Get td of Lloa,
Malarial Affootlona,
Croup-to Prevent.
nXrfluou. Balr. fl?JJS.AW?Jm..- P.U."T InWrnpera'DO.,
Huiovlnf SaiDB, How M uch u Wear.
CE?JZ2Z "lrJ5 Cold Feet. Coras.
to, re., Iieadac,e. ,uinvXnZri"d IS?
the station in I'ovtland, having a recep
tion in the offices and a dinner in the
muicmucreu ut. iiiiubur b woras, ana i .. .
some thought the bad weather M a I statioa K'
Moles, Ptmples,
Sora Nipples. Ho
Warta, Whooping CouU, W oniui In children.
riles, Kbeutnatlsm. Klimworni. Hnnrtn o.. . ' ; - -
Sore Nipples, Bore Tbroat, Sur-.roka, stlna, aad lnot Bites. ,3 ,7 ,,?!
a hill rJAvas AfOOTOiiS' Hli.al
t7All new aoDscriberi and prompt renewals danngtbe month of June will be
presented with free oopy of this m premium.