Give your buntnekt U perfti and therefore anaut to build up lh),i ner. Patronize thvae who patronize vnu We hold each and every correspondent re iponilble for hli or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writeri real nauio la signed as an evidence ol good faith. Did jou ever Bead about the Man who Hid tit L'igDi andr A bushel f Yee? wen Tbat is like Doing baaineai Without advertising. All the 8Diie aobemee In the oonntry Will not accomplish Half as mnch As a (rood ad. In a irond, live. Legitimate newspaper, One tbat Is read fir the people, And that owns ltd own Sonl; that D ei its apuoe Like merolinndiae, Worth dollar For dollar. .23 J2 1 Ellis' plurality id Whhoo county is shout 900. How is tliib? Wasoo county elected everything re publionn but one oudhIhIiIh. Tun WiUon bill in a "dead duok." It should uev.r b ve been buiuiied. Kansas will have a ho' flxht iLih year and the republicans will n' t away v Itli It. Bimetallism ia growing rapidly, B"d ere many ears silver will have been restored. Mas. Alice Kamhai, & niroe of Andrew Jaoknon, diid on the 8 b iust , at Phoenix, Ariz Ellis and Ht-rmuun were roundly cheered tta the Hi Ht reiiublioun coEgrees men to be rcturmrl in 1894. It is eBtimiitrd that fully 2000 were not oat at the polla m Multnomah county owing to the 11 od. Late papers are not to be bad, but figures ao far na received, abow an tin precodented repnblionn viotory. IT'-MCi-i W TTti tfctf il'-eiiilun ill Juynx, bn ran for a nnv poljtioal office, Ellin led the tioket in 'his oiuinly with M9 votes, piving him 19 plurality. Jnyie had 562 votes md 279 plurality. Kincmd had 531 voles, vet be came out with 203 plurality. Phill Met-chan had 529 votes and 212 plurality. A little etudy uf the ' ffioial returns" in our last issue will (xpluin why those that have tbe highest number o votes may not always have the lamest pluralities. Watdrop gained sums demrcralio support, his Tola reiiChirg Si9, while Buley had only 210 Pnfur received 260 votes and Siae 283. Pluralities are counted in a three handed race on the vote over and above the second bigheiit, hence both Metuchan and Kincaid have larger pluralities than Ellis, yet their vote was much smaller. Jayne hae only 13 more votes than Ellis, yet the former'; plurality ia 89 greater loan tbe latter'a. It is the division of the opposing forces tbat affects plural ities. E'lis a very complimentary vote id Morrow county. I I.I,aH I, CVI IMSK. The Lily of l..iuv iet k is It.atl !y Wrecked Twenty-live stnicioies lilunn to Atoms. KLEtlltJ.N MMES. Olyuipian: Oihkou bus stepped ition Coxeyieta and buried piitiulism. East Oregoniun: The enemy has cap tured tbe breastworks as well an nearly all the offices. La Grande Chronicle: There is a vein of grim humor among tho officials of the United rjtates laud offloe in this city. Tbe flag surmouulii.g tliei flloe was low ered to half matt yea.erday in honor of Oregou'a dioiinnted democracy. Tacoma Ledger: Oregon is to be congratulated. luslead of being ranked hetesrfter with KauBas and Colorado it will deserve to ho counted with Pen us v I vauia and Ohio and Illinois and Ion a. .Surrounded aa they aie by inexhaustible leaouioes of uatuie's wealth its people have refused to deolre themselves helpless dependent upon the uiuuifi cenct) of an itnpo.-wible goverum ut, and have uitiiiifeated a conhdeuce i t Hie selves Ibat will give the world new confidence in them, Times-Monntaiueer: Hon. W. K. Ellis will be re-elected to congress by a huge ma rity, which will bean eudoise ment of tbat gentleman's action on politio 1 questions and also of the man ner in which he ha-i attended to the interests of hi constituents. Two years simply introduces a man tu the Vestibule of congressional legislation, while tbe second term puts himself in a position to do hem licial woik for his state. On all lending questions Mr, Ellis will be beard from dining (he coming session. and it will be in anch a manner of wbtoti the people who supported him need not feci imbamed. WnEN Gov. Peunoyer was asked to eiplniu w hy Oiegou bad gone so over whelmingly republican, he answered "Silence is golden." Bill Palton, the notorious triiiu robber, wi shot and killed recently near Ardmore, Iudinu Ter. lie bad a hand in tho Longview bank robbery. Major E. M. Moiiuill has been nominated by the republicans for gov ernor of Kansas. The convention sent its. ooBgriitiilatmns to Oregon. HUL.TNOM H COUNTY'S VOTE. 'ortland and Holmrhi Krpubllcan to Back bone. the Portland, June 8. The ollioial oanvasB of the vote of Multnomah county gives tbe following result : For govern or Lord, republican, 7.637; Pierce, populmt, 4 444; Galloway, democrat 2,509; Kennedy, prohibitionist, 333; Lord's majority over all, 221. Congress man Ellis, republican, 8,614; Kaley demooint, 3 354; Waldrop, populist, 4,18(1; Miller, prohi., 400. Seara demo- orut-populist, for sheriff, has 1,805 plurality. The republicans eleot the remainder of the comity tioket. Frank, republican, fur mayor, has a plurality ol 703. Bow It la A footed py the tfnan? cleU Stringency, From the Kflgle. In the once beautiful and thriving city of Long Creek today prevails an appear ance peculiar to tbat of a city of K .osas after an experience with a cyclone an common to ti e Mississippi valley. 8" The report of a ahortage of 12,000,000 much in every conceivable respect d ies i bushels in the oyster crop ol Uiesa- v.llage pcaice ooy aoes not tusturv iue iut- riard Times Have Caused the People to Economize no Their Mat Bills Whira the Fish Are Prln. dually Obtained. FUOJl MliHT MILE. "Tite news comes tbat Jim Rale; is gaining wonilerful btreuth all over the district. Iu Multuumnb county there is a revolulii a iu his favor and it l sate to say that he will be the next congress man fn ui ihe second disinoi." Leinu orat, linker City, Jane 4, '91. Aiinu a baid ounvuss in liuker county Huu. J. U. ltulry earned tbe county h about 1(J0 pluianty, ihe only county iu the dlati lot volii that way. KlIisiBa eonsisi cut friend of the white metal, so the ailvir men of Bukir oouutv will not be disappointed in Mr. Hale) 'a over whelming defeat. OvKR in Colorado, sinking miuers are ruiBing 'N.d," htujiil ilrpu,y Bherills are lifter the sinkers, Uov. Waite with the miliiia is m.iiihing onto the Cepu ties, siul U H. tioos will eventually drop iu and iqnelcli ihe whole buainesa. Coloriido la a si tuple i f (that populism can uud will do il iu power. Ma. Kt.LH haa wuticu a letter lo the Bimetallic LeHgue of Oieiton, pledging himself to uipp rt the free ooiunge of American silver. There Beems to he great unaiiimily of free silver sentiment among the congressional oaudidatee In Oregon. If Ihe suoci ssfnl ouea vote as they promise we are all right. Telegram, May 28. A NKwaPAPKR iu Illinois recently brought suit against 43 men who would not pay their subscriptions, slid obtained their judgment in each case for the amount nf each claim. Of I hear, 28 made aflidnvit that they owned uu more thau tbe law allowed thtm, ilins preventing attachments. Then, under tha decision ol the supiemu oourt, lhe were arrested for petty larceny and bound over iu the anui of $300 euoh. All but an gave the bonds. Tbe new postal laB make it petty larceny to take a paper and refuse to pay for it. Ira Miller ia suffering from the tooth ache. Eight Mile is looking rather green at preeonl, hut will soon be of the golden color if we cau ouly get some nice warm sunshine for a couple uf weeks. Fruit is going to be abundant this year; also grain, grass aud gardens are iu splendid Condition. We see by the last issue of your paper that some one who signs his name as "Humble" thinks that he ia making him self quite prominent by souring acme of the K'ght Mile Convene, aud throwing slurs in general at Christianity. Being as tbe said parly is siguii g his or her name (as theO ise may be) "Humble," 1 believe they aie seiving tbe devil. 1 wuiild like to sie you ooine out on tbe oilier side and serve the Omnipotent Hho reigneth over nil. Abuiit those Kiglit Milt oonverls there is one who reigiieib upon high that judges them, not man. 1 here una been a great ileal ol talk abuiit the Eight Mile con veils, but it does not hurt them; kuo ving the source it starts from makes them truer Christiana. It seeuiH, however, tbat there is ulna) a some one that is ready to tiy to hurt Chiistianity, but we hope lliat they will indeavorto do better. II in) lugrahuiu I am sittixtletl, if be bus hurt the party's feelings will endeavor to make it all right with him if be wil only ask him to. Hoping that people will quit trying tu teardowu Christianity and that the said party will sec his darkio ss, I wish him prosperity. lam satisQ -d that Ihechisa leader will donate his hat to the said party it he will let bi in n If be known. J. S. Ingmlnim is ou the sick list; also Isaac Kmiihten. Number of scholars enrolled at the Eight Mile school is 38, Miss Coulee as teacher. She is giving good satisfaction. lieitig as our oorreepoudeut is writing np Christians, I will show np the world a little. It is rather surprising to see youug men gather iu a crowd at tbe Eight Mile school house after Siiunay school and follow some fellow up that is going with a girl, and whoop and yell like Indians. Now li")8, we kindly ask you to quit that. lieing as items are rather scarce I will close for this time. F.vekt Now and Turn. Euiht Mile, Or., June 9, lr94. Wbo Is tlie'wiarst Maaf A wiseman is cue who always acts wisely. What wiser tbinua cau a man it rea dable an ill-fated prairie v.llagi that the stranger is led to b lieve that it must have been the patbefa fearful cyclone. In this his loncliipioDe would be correct. Last Sunday morning tbe rays of the morning sun pierced every nook of the valley, but was soon ob scured from sight, and as tiie hour f bigb twelve drew nearer tbe air so m to beoome more oppressive. About eleven o'clock a distant thunder was heard, and before one half bonr had elapsed the entire heavens were a mass of ungr) clouds, dialing with great velocity iu all directions, and tl e oislatit pealu ol thunder had b en lepleoed by a noise resembling Ihe cnnuoniiding nf armies in a deadly conflict. Cloud-i flew hither aud thither, thicker aud taster, ap parently stampeding in every direction. With a roar aud a rumble which was no less than the tfl'eot of a severe wind storm in tho forest surrounding Fox valley, two angry looking clouds met on tbe summit of the mouu lain three miles south of Long Cieek aud the woik of destruction begau in all its fury, taking its course almost due north. A heavy growth of timber on the mouutuiu side one half mile in widih fell before it as leudily as grain before a sickle, and iu but very few sei omla the entire E. stein portion of Long Creek was at its rueicy. Dwell ings, barns and sture buildings were lifted into Ihe air as if but ihe weight of a feather, and loi n into annus, por tions of which weie ourii d tor miles OiHiuut. 1i ii m Ulent Ihe til r was i. ibiukeued mass ut missiles, lijing in every direction. l'bose occupying tbe residence ol C. U. Lee, ltiley Thompson and I). J Pnrrish had failed to tl lo places of aufety nefore the approach of the cj- cloue, aud as soon as the storm had passed those who were fortunate listen ed to tbe relief of tbe wounded and dying. Tbuse killed were: Mr U.vid J. Pnrrish. Mrs. Marab J P..msh. liliiiicn Nichols, baby child nf Dr. nod .Vlra. Nichols. T;e wounded were: Mrs. Mary Lee, internal injuries. May Lee, out about the bead and body. Dr. Niobols, bruised and mternal injuries. Mrs Nioliols, compound fr no In re ol left arm, left shoulder dislocated and other injuries. Mrs. Martha Thompson, badly bruised. Homer Thompson, baby child of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, o mgerous scalp wound, and fraoiure of the skull. Chas. ltohinsou was in the burn be longing to the Long Creek Inveslmeni Co. when tbe cyclone strucR it and bow he escaped with only n few slighi soratohesis miraculous. I. W. Splawu while standing on Main si rent watching tbe storm, was snatched up and carried sixty feet up into the air aud was lowered to the ground lightly ou a pile of hay where stood the barn of N. B. Oliver. Those houses that had escaped being destroyed were throwu open to tbe wounded, and medical ussislanoe sum moned, while I he dead bodies w ere t. kun to tbe oily hull und preparid for inter ment, which took place at the oil) cemeiery Tuesday evening. Witb all fury the cyclone swept every thing iu iis course, undol over two dozen structures destroyed thereia not enough left to ereot a decent dwelling. Twenty five buildings were wrecked and a great many more damaged. nlmity rjf the Chicaaro dealer. "Our business ia mostly in fish this winter," one of them declares. "Hard times have caused people to econo mize on high-priced oysters and meats and turn to fish as the staple food. Fish are very cheap and plentiful. Chicago eats 20,000,000 pounds of lake Gsh and 6,000.000 pounds of ocean fish annually. The lake fish were caught and frozen last fall, and so long as they remain in ice continue as fresh as when taken from tLe water. How ever, If anyone demands a newly caught fish, the Mackinaw fishermen are sending down choice trout daily taken from the straits. "As to oysters, the crop of Balti more and New York might totally fail without embarrassing the public in the least or roising the price of the bivalve. "The Gulf of Mexico produces fully as fine flavored oysters as are taken anywhere. Many people like the gulf oyster best. New Orleans could easily supply the world with oysters, as its coast environment is enormously pro lific in oysters, delicious crustaceans, and fishes. These gulf edibles are sent north in refrigerator cars which have conveyed dressed beef south. They also come by express. The fail ure of the fish and oyster crop would be a great boon to the gulf coast trade." The fishmonger mentioned that the Taciflc codfish had invaded the Chi cago market to the detriment of the Maine-Massachusetts' namesake. There is no difference in the appearance of the rivals, but epicures think the Pa cific cod the choicer. The Pacific cod is now shipped to Massachusetts, salted and sent out as Atlantic cod. No one can tell the difference. A popular fish in Chicago is the red 6nappcr taken in the Gulf of Mexico, and called by many the gulf cod. It is a handsomer fish than the cod and of much finer flavor. Large fleets engage in the catch of this fish and it is forc ing its way into all the markets of the world. Brook trout weighing from two to five pounds are plentiful in the local markets. They come from private fish ponds where they were taken out and frozen last fall. The finest yellow perch arc taken in the Detroit river at the St. Clair Flats. Muscallonge reach the market from the interior lakes of Wisconsin. Tho lake trout varies in color, both of skin and flesh. The flesh is yellow from the southern to the northern waters of Lake Superior. In the northwest corner of I,ako Sunerior the flesh becomes reu and tne skin a fac simile of the brook trout. This latter variety, which is the finest of trout, is believed by some to be a brook trout from the Nipigon river, which in times past left tho stream and bred a deep water variety of itself. It is scarce in tho local market. There is a suspicion that the local dealer sells it as a large brook trout. Eels mostly come from Fulton, N. V., where, on the Oswego river, is the largest eel industry in the world. Ocoan fish are not popular in the west, nor arc lake fish popular in the cast. The condition is natural. Crawfish come from New Orleans, where they are the staple food of the French people. The crawfish makes the most delicious bisque known to the epicure. IMSOMNIA PARTIES THE LATEST. fatal ill Cannot be Cared with local application, as they oannol reach tbe aeni of the disease. Catanh is a blood or constitutional disease, nd in older to cure it yon must take luteinin remedies. Hall's Oainrrli Cure is taken 1 li l - in a 1 1 , and act din Oil) on Ihe b'ooil aud min oils surfaces. Halt's C ilarib Cn e is not a quack m-dn lue. Tt was pre scribed o oneol ihe b st pluslciaiiH in Ibis oounlrv for ) ea'8, and is a lenulai prescription. It is Oi'inpoeed of tin tiest tonics known, onnliiui d with thi best h ood purihVr. acting directly oi the mucous sinfuces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such woudei lul n suits in curium Catarrh. Send lor testunonialp, free. F, J. CHEN EY 4 CO , Prop-.. Toledo, O. Sold by DiiigxiHis, price "5e. THK WK.sTKHN PKItAtHMit'K. Down in Beutou county where the republicans bavj a big plurality, the democrats got away with all the county offioea north a continental. Won't republicans ever get to understand that County oflloiala have an opportunity tu Influence voters very much, aud that all their effort are for the orgauix itiou of their owu party aud for the dtsiute rgatioa of the opposing forces? A 'ft" oouaty office is a dangerous tool. You ean wauer that there' big politics iu Oouuty uftioee, aud Jet republicans will vote for a smooth-tongued democrat whom they call a "good fellow," in j do limn pmohsie a Ueroule.O ia Engine tag teeth " "Yom sr.u si get pilee of moaf.y, .hi.-i.." ia Micks. "I never knew of more riiitrageoua charges than those for pulling teeth." Pi.lasi:. ma'am." wild tin', hoy, "can't you help me? 1 has to support a wife an' three children." "You? You're not old enough to be married." "No; but me father is. It's his wife and three children I has to support." Harper's Bazar. SPORTS AND PLEASURES. ot.r.a s'tesp are protected bj law in Colorado. Ten years in the pen Itentiary is the penalty for .slaying one It is said that while a resident o Sault Ste. -Marie. Mich., was duck shooting recently an eagle swooper down and carried off one of his duel decoys, sinker and all. Mb. James Gordon Bennett is off oi a yachting cruise in the Mediterranean which would seem to a fford a gratify ing indication that the state of hi health is no longer precarious. Miss Ella Darlington, of tho Wcs Chester (Pa.) Normal school, althougl only twenty years of age, is a gracefu ond fearless equestrienne. She sits il a man's saddle, with a foot in eacl stirrup. The selling of antlered bucks' headi is just now one of the industries of thi North Woods. The heads ace sold a' eight dollars each, und it costs sixteer dollars more to prepare one for use ai a hat rack or wall ornament. We are iu receipt uf ihe .May nuuibei of our stale school paper. It exceed any of the former numb rs it vulu . Tbe paper Ibis mi nth contains loam new aud valuable features. Tbe illus trated series ou the schools of the Btate is introduced by a paper no the El lends Polytechnic Institute i-.t ?...!i m, Oregon. These papers cannot fail to he of irreni value both to the schools mil to (hi pu'ollo. There are also several One article by our beat writers suit the d pnitmt nli "Current Evenis,""Salurda) Thonghts,1' "Educational News" "The Oracle Answers, Correspondents," etc , each contain much valuable reading foi teachers nr ep.rents. Toe nrtazine haa about f)0 pag.-n of tna'ter, well printed and arranged. We proeonnee the Western Pedagogue the best ulnca tional monthly ou tbe oosBt. Everyone of our readers should have the paper if thev are at all iuleresieii in education. No teacher school duo tor orstudeut cau wot along well with out it. We will receive subscript ons at this office. Price only SI UU a year. Wheu desired we will send ihe Western Pedagogue and Oszette one )ear to one aditresa for Call aud examine sample oopies. Teachers, directors and parents, uow is the time tn mb.-erihe. tf City ; Hotel. THIS Popular Hostelry h.s again j been re-opened and will be run in first class style. AXonls in tl Iooms at I op til fir-Prices. Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. FIGS AND THISTLES. 0 Co c: r Co SI rri I m 3D o o o CP Tha Ligbte3t, Strongest and Easiest Uunnitig Mower Made. P. C. THOMPSON COMPANY, Agents. Little thinkers are big talkers. Oood actions, like sheep, are apt to . follov? one another. Maiiomet admitted bees to paradise, 1 but barred out the hornet. The love that is dumb until it speaks on a tombstone doesn't say much. It is hard to convince a dyspeptic that the world is growing better. Some men who start out to set the world on fire give up at the first thun der clap. There are people who never accom plish anything because they undertake to do too much. There are men who go to a gymnasi um for exercise while their wives are sawing the wood. Au ancient English Title. 9ol;dtors tc procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not One of the minor titles borne by tne entirel c the care and skiii of the attornev. sovereigns of England ever since the . with the yjew protectiiig inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, accession of 'the house of Ha.nover I anj of seejng tjlat inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re is Kiicri Eomani imperii, archi-thes- tainl.A PQllnSe1 exoert in natent -practice, aud therefore are prepared to aurus, arch-treasrer of the Kraan obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In- empire, xuc " , . FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claim9 against the government is that of INVENTORS, who of1 en lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their I patents. Toe much care cannot be exercised in employing competent ana reu- terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. erick, the elector palatine, wno nem the ofiice stated, but for ages after his time its duties were performed by a deputy. They do not relate to the treasury, but to certain matters con nected with puouc ceremonies, i. ' ;,t, i,,;r J,,iti, originally the right of this official to dvige(j as to thc best course c pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If carry the crown before the emperor at others are infringing on your rig I ts, or if vou are charged with infringement by the coronation, and to distribute coin otisen snbmit the matter to ti' for a reliable OPINION before acting on th as a largess among the people during matter. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to her with a brief description of the important features, and you will he at once the ceremonies. A Good Appetite Always accompanies good heallh, and an absenoe of appetite is au judication of s imetliini; wrong. I he lose of a rational desire for food is soon lollowed by lack of strength, for when the supply of fuel is cut off tbe fire burns low. The system gets into a low state, aud is liable to severe at'acka of diRease. Tbe uuiveraal testimony given by those who have used Hood's rjarsaparilla, as to its great merits iu restoring and sharpening the appetite, iu promoting healthy action ol the digestive organs, and as a purifier of the blood, constitutes the strongest recommendation tbnn can be urged fur any medicine. Those who have never used Hood's SarBaparilla should surely do so this seas in. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, O.O. p. o. box 483 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. Kg" Cut this out and Bend It with your preference to a good, square repuhl cau, I for Id ranch, priming i ttioe or mnehine i,,,,,v mu,.,i r,,P iui.,uu Ph.ul-u h because as they say, "lUew'i uo public. ryi KoUUBVi front 4 Alder St.., in It." 1 Portland, Oregon. By nsiiitf Mail's H or Keiirm r, gi-tv. faded nr dineidored lu:ir assumed ti e natural of youth, and tirnxva luxnri aut and atrnUii, pleading even !uid. . So nimple and vet alwav efticacioo in all bilious diaorders is Simuiuts Liver Regulator. A Buffalo Ilelle't I nlq'W Plan of Wooing tha tlrowiy God. A society young woman of Buffalo has devised a novel entertainment, which is shortly to he made public. It is to be a reception for people who can't sleep at night. Among her friends, says the Medical Record, are a great many delightful people who are troubled with insomnia, and who con fess that they spend many frightful, wakeful hours walking the floor, look ing out of the window, rocking in ea"y chairs, trying to read or write and in other useless and tiresome occupations. When her plans are fully matured this original young women intends, on at least two nights in every week, to be at home to those distressed female friends from midnight until morning. Thc guents arc requested to appear in any unhjuo, respectable bedroom gown, bath robes not excluded; the lights are to bo dim, soothing music and stupid conversation will be the only diver sions permitted, hot chocolate and light wafers will be served, couches and easy chairs will he provided in abundance, and the insomnia victims arc earnestly desired to fall asleep as soon as possible. It is whispered that prises will he ottered for the lirst snore, but tills detail is not authentically an nounced. The reception is to be a fact, however, and au eager expec tancy as to invitations is in the air. Old Iijjpt'i Slot Hoist. The Alexandria correspondent of the St. James' Gazette thinks thnt ancient Egypt is "looking up" in every way. Sonio of its contrivances appear to have been quite up to date. Actually they had already, more than two thou sand years ago, what we call "nickel in the slot," for the extraction of some thing useful, pleasant or otherwise serviceable. Heron, the philosopher of Alexandria, who flourished in the third century II. C, himself an in ventor, describes an automatic ma chine used in the Egyptian temples for a long time past By throwing a piece of money in the slot the worshipers re ceived some consecrated object through a valve. Thc box, the two-armed lever, with its closing valve, aud the other details of the machine are all correct ly described. MOMENTS OF MIRTH. "Is vorii daughter food of the piano. Hicks?" "No; she's very unkind to our piano. She beats it two hours a day at least." "II.vkkbh is going to teach me book keeping," said young Jarley. "Well, he's just the man to do It." said Paw-' son. "I lent him a copy of Watson's poems a year ago, and he's kept it ever since." I "I Hi vi enough to support you, : Ethel. Will you be my wife'.'" "Well, Charlie, you must excuse me if I am cautious. Hut you say you have enough to support aie. Wbx ia going to sup port your "Is this hot enouiib for you?" is a silly question; but if yon meet a man wbo complains of snffi-ing from tbe heat, ten to one you will find, ou loqniry that be does not use Ayer's Barsapa-illa to tone up bis system and free bis blood from irritating humors. Worth GuineaN a Bux.J It is now beyond dis- O pute that Beecham'5 Pills (Tasteless) are a specific in all cases of Indigestion, Biliousness, Sick headache, and kin dred troubles. 35 cents a Dox. IV: a i tieuiisi lctuyitiy piitscui-o luu.-aipuLiou i'n'uuiis liocu tying pills cure constipation '25 Prnntiuo Itoct Ifvlni- nl I In Mir tt mt litntli n Vrtit is Rerl If vlnf Till en m roust I nut Inn PRENTl TiV UU Nl SS RECTIFYING PILL CURES PAT Almost all pllla and modlcino produce constipation, here Is a rl'l t'"-t cures torpid liver, biliousness, rlicumatlsm, luUiestlon, sick headache aud kidney and liver toubles without griping or loavlng any trace of CONSTIPATION, which Is the prlmo cause of all sickness, beware of It getting habitual and chronic witb you, see to it lu Um; V.irn pills v.-ili cmv yen. L U Vv to V-,W 1,11,1 i Haa r I ,.,1 t,nn.tnaa i CO MPI r.dy that will surely DCAUTIFY the Try a box and see for youp- clear the akin and romova all blotches from tho fao, self. 25 Cents a box. ZZLD DY AU. DRUGGISTS, Or sent by mail upon receipt of price l.y Prentiss ChemicU and Manufacturing Co., 406 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. a g rren.iss itectiryiutf pins euro constipation Premiss KotU'ylng pills euro constipation jgfr ! Prentiss Rectifying pills c im conatl nation Pontius !!"! ilyiux pi Ha cure constipation IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT '. im'itiiiiiftt iSgi in i A NARROW ESCAPE! How it Happened. ADDRESS A LETTER OR POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney, P. 0. Box 463. Washinaton, D. C. Honorably discharged fnldiers and snllors who served ninety days, or over, In the late war, are entitled, i! now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability was caused bv service or not, aud rejriirdless of their pecuniary circumstances. WlUOWSof such soldieraaud sailors a reentitled (if not remarried) whet her soldier's death was due to army service oi not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows DotJ!U'.V,?ly,a tl,eir 'abor are entitled if the soldier's death TUld'ic to service. IHILBRIN are entitled (if under sixteen years) in almost all cases where there was no widow, or she has since died or remarried. PARENTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier died in service, or from effeei. of service., and they are now dependent upon their own labor for sup. navy make n0 difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or i Sold,"sof n5 latewnr, pensioned under one law, may apply for hither rates under other laws, without losins; auy rights. Thousands of soldiers drawing from $2 to $10 per morth under the old lav- .re entitled to nlcner rales uuder new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but also for others, whether due to service or not. i??'2'cr! '.V'1 "or disabled in line of duty in regular army or navy since the war are also entitled, whether discharged for disabilityor not. M. ii- wi'f ;.'idow,'.'.of ",e H,nck Hawk. Creek. Cherokee and Seminole or Flor ida Indian ar of 1X3 to 1843, ar entitled under a recent act. or dependem War ,0,ul"and lheir w'dws alsoentltled, if sixty-two years of are or disabled Old Id claims eomnlpted ttnA rtl!n,i .u.:..j later laws or not. ' wtiether pension has been granted under Address, KM Ior "w na iniormation. Nocharee for advice. No fee unless successful. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, WASHINGTON, D. C P. O. Box 463. Oittco monev out of mr corurr.- " gatton," sulci Rev. Tonia. 'Ms like pull- for gale by T. W. Ayerc, Jr. r ' . . "tlultu. It 1CICC The fnllnwlnremrUhl. vn. In . 1..'. .v. lo.t lVi-.i T"" "'"-""k ouunneu ior soldiers and sailors of the late war Who n ,,, i , v irai tut, irou, r. r or a lonp time 1 had a terrible pain at my heart, which Hut- I ivrvu niiumi incessantly, i nau no appetite and could not sleep. 1 would be compelled to alt up in bed ana belch gas from my stom ach until 1 thought every minute would be my last. There was a feeling of oppression about my heart, and I was afraid to draw a full breath. 1 couldn't 6weep a room with out sitting down and resting; but, thank God, by the help of New Heart Cure all that Is past and I feel like another woman. Be fore usIuk the New Heart Cure I had taken different so-called remedies and been treated by doctors without any benefit until I waa both discouraged and disgusted, lly husband bought me a bottle of Dr.' Sew Heart i ure, ana am nappy to say 1 never regretted It, aa 1 now have a splendid appetite and aleepwell. 1 weighed U5 pounds hen I be- fan taking tbe remedy, and now I weifh 1X4. ta effect In my case baa been truly marvel ous. It f :ir surpasses any other njedtcine I have ever taken or any bene tit 1 ever re ceived fnvn phvstelans." Mrs. Earrjfltaxr. Pottsvllle. l'a.. October It lx9i Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure Is ao'd on a posi tive guarantee by I druggists, or by tbe Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lnd.. on receipt of price, W per bottle, tii bottles $5, .tpreas pre paid. This great discovery by an eminent ik miiai m ueart uioase, contains naitAer 15 11 Is, Dawson S Iyons, ATTO 1 N EYS AT LAW, All basuipss titlHiiilerl to in a tirnmtt HnrT sntiafactory manner. Notaries Public atul Cnllfctors. OKF.CE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. BF.ITNER, OREGON Htlo PolUnn NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER CAI. 1 AT OPT