Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 12, 1894, Image 3

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    ' r 7V'
NOT10P. TO AUVKli'UbtKa.
IMIDBi: desirlnK the insertion of display ail! ,
or change of sumo, must get their copy ii
not later than Monday evening lor Tuesday'!
edition, or Thursday evening for Kridaya edi
ion. The PiTTBEsoN PububhikqCo.
1. Tho mm of Ave cent per line will be
charged for "cards of thants," "resolutions oi
respect." lists of wedding presents and donors
ud obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) ami
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose
2. Notices of church and society and allothet
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of flvi
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
aponalble for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer s real name is signed as an evidence ol
good faith. 4
ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange.
Ban Francisco, is onr authorized agent. Tnif
paper is r ept ou Die in bis onice.
Stage for Fardman, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and 'Jauyou City, leaves as follows :
Every day at 6 a. m except Sunday,
Arriveseverydayate p. m., except Monday,
The cheapest, quickest and bust line to or
from the interior country.
J. 6. DELEVAN, Prop.
Phill Cohn, Agent.
' Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
J. N. Elder is reported quite ill.
Qid Halt left this mormux fur Pea
dletou. Arthur Smith will clean watches at
the reduced price ot $1.
Miss JcDuie Kincmid, ot Iorie, is conva
lescing from u severe illness.
Go to Curie's nud net a two-bit hail
cut. The cheHpest iu town.
F. O. Buckiium and Wm. Hagbeh
arrived from The Dalles (Saturday.
E. O.: J. B. Keeney, of Camas
Prairie, is iu town after the-election.
Wanted A few more customers foi
(be home laundry , Mouutain House.
Hood's Pills do uot purg, pain nr ((ripe,
but aot promptly, easily and efficit-uil)
Mail Sunday and yesterday, but m
further trail's till next 1'iiday. How
do you like it?
Without a doubt Simmons Livei
Regulator will cure you. It una cured
Take Simmons Liver Regulator to
remove the bile, clear tue head and
restore digestion.
Those that have county scrip for sale
should cull on (ieorge Conner at The
First National Bank. 2 tf.
Photographs $1.50 pel dc zon at Sbep
pard's gullery, near opera houBe, north
Main St., Heppuer, Oie. 26i(.
Green Mai Lews bus opened up his
btttber shop, next door to HayeB Dros
Shaves, etc., ou lap as usual.
Tbe Union Put" fie on the Columbia is
damaged about $j, 01)0,000. It will be
monlhs before traffic ia resumed 1 8
before .
Cbas. Jones got baok from Pendleton
Friday. He reports that trains are
running irregulailv an the Union Pacific
east of Pendleton.
Tbe hiah water at Arlington came up
to tbe Bile of H. Heppuer's old ware
bouse, while across the nvar the Weaver
bouse and baru were taken out entirely.
A great bargain sale has just o u
menoed at tbe MtFarlnuil Mercantile
Co's. big store Everyiniug ai oust for
oasb, until f, II stock is laid in. See "Ad."
Walt Richardson, Frank Huberts and
Frank Kogeis have gone Co The Dulles
to woik at carpentering. Alter the
flood recedes there will be pleuty to do.
Echo stage leaves Heppuer for Echo
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days. Fare, one way, 1,2.50. Phill Oohu,
agent, A. Andrews, Prop.
The Troy laundry was burned last
week at Portland, several Chinamen
perishing in the flames Tbe propria
tor, Mr. Richurdsuu, was Beverely burn
ed. The oause of the fire was an ex
plosion of gasolene.
Next Saturday and Sunday, tbe 16tb
and 17th iusts , Elder Howard will be
here and hold Quarterly meetiug at the
M. E. oburch, bun til. Will also preach
on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. All
are invited.
E. O.: Mrs. Mark P. John isurned
today from a viBit to Hepiner, her
former home. Mrs. John came up bi
team from Echo, having oomefrum Hepp
uer by stage. Her Portland visit was
necessarily given up.
At a session of tbe school board
Saturday last, the old corps of teachers
was reemployed, with one exception,
Miss AddieCoulee being selected to take
charge of Boom 2. The next year's term
will be niue months, salaries the same as
last year.
The Harvest Queen was reported as
sunk while beiiu takeu over the fall",
but tbe (Jczjtte learns that it was not
damaged materially, it has sitice been
ratsed and takm over safely. Iu a few
days the Union Puoitio will have a full
line of boats in operation.
At the first indication of disorder, the
deranged or enfeebled couditiou of tbe
stomach, liver, or bowels, should be
promptly rectified by Ayer's Catnartic
Pills. These Pills di not gripe, are
perfectly sale to take, and remove all
tendency to liver and bowel complaints
"Is this hot enough for you?" is a
Billy question; but if ynn meet a man
who complains of sufficing from ihe
heat, teo to one you will dud, ou inquiry
that he does not use Ayer's Sarsapa iiia
to tone up his system and free bis blood
from irritating humors.
Eieht teams came in from Arlington
Saturday with 30,000 pouu.ls of freight.
They were in oharge of Jaa. Fritoe,
Tom Driahell-jlllwrt. Willis, Lee Caot-
well, Jas. Mir.i,i vvhLE10"'' Sherman
Shaw and fibers. This
bound foftJunnner hv rail, but
"y """JfLinrl.
A. u. uarie. oi w v;iy, mni". un
purchased the tonsorial parlor formerly
owned by Old Hatt, at the Mitlnck
building nex dour to nimon's blaok
Bmitb shop, where he invitee the pat on
age of all who desire strmlly flrat class
work at reasonable prioes. Haireut.
shave or shampoo, 25 cents each. O've
him B call.
The regular subscription price of tbe
Semi-Weekly Gaz-tte is $2 50 and tbe
regular price of the Weekly Oregonian
is 81.50. Anyone subscribing for the
Gazette and paying for one year in
advance can get both the Gazette and
Weeklv Orpconian for S3. All old sub
scribers paying their snbsc-io'inns for
one year in advance will be entitledto
tbe same.
Several errors crept into the official
returns as published in our last isnie, so
we republish the returns in this issue
that our readers may h-ve the same
correctly. However, the err"rs did not
affect tbe pluralities with but one
exception, that being A. A. Jtyne.
republican candi late for pn BN-ntifg
attorney, whose plurality was raised to
279, an inoreue of two.
es the rounds thunly: A member of
the party went into a restaurant in
Portland, aod saw ou the printed list
that there were on hand some frogs' legs.
Now frogs' legs were new to him as an
article of diet hud so tbe member of the
parly oalled a waiter and ordered some.
They were good. But when the bill
ciame, be fouud that tbey were nigh
f 1 50 per plate. Bage and indignation
were stamped uuuji-takably on tut
oounteuanoe of the member oi the afore
said party. The proprietor rea
soned with him that frogs' legs were
scarce and therefore their legs came
high, and the outcome was that a
bargain was struck between the two for
all the member of the party oould
bring the restaurant proprietor, at two
bits per pair. The former went borne
and prepared to drain a pond near his
house from which nightly came noists
w ich seemed to indicate thousands of
frogs. The big four-horse wagon was
baoked up to the pond, and tbe water
was run off. The frogs did not oount
out according to expectatioa. In faot,
only six frogs were fouud, and conse
quently only Bix pair of legs. "Gee
whilikics," said tbe man-. ' I thought
tbeie were dead loads of frogs in that
pond, from the noise toey made." Tbe
story applies to the populists, and
explains why Gov. Pennoyer thought
nis party hud evoy thing.
Sw aggart'it Squikbkij Poison. Ben
waggai t while up from his farm yester
Iay informed us that he was still manu
f.ioiurmg his tquirrel poison. Up tt
late he has pot 200 gallons on thi
uiaiketund it has nearly all been dis
posed of under a guarantee, and as yei
u.me has been returued, and many are
.be flattering reports be has received
relative to the same. Mr. Bwaggart left
ibis moruing for Walla Walla where he
will plaoe bis poison on tbe market and
also secure more drugs for tbe manu
facture of the same, as be bus purchased
all in stock at our local drug stores.
From all reports this is by far the most
. tt'.uiive tquirrel poison ever used by
the faimers of this couuty, and Mr.
bwaggart will undoubtedly find ready
sule for it over in Walla Walla country.
From Gilliam OorjijTY. The following
are the mjorities given the state,
district, congressional and couuty
tickets in Gilliam county: W. R. Ellis
220; W. P. Lord 198; C. E. Wolverton
35; tt. E. Kiuoaid 192; Phill Metschan
184; 0 M. Idlemau 178; G. M. Irwin
156; W. H. Leeds 202; A. A. Jayne
209; V. C. Wills 196; J. E. David, rep
resentalive, 113; SV. J. Mariner, county
judge, 297; E M.Clymer, commissioner,
174; W. L. Wiloox, sheriff, 97; Jay P.
Lucas, clerk, 302; S. B, Barker, treasurer!
271; M. O. Clarke, assessor, 75; J. L.
Hill, surveyor, 363; W. W. Kennedy,
supiremendeut, 155; W. A, G lodwin,
ooroner, 49. Every man rcoeiviug a
plurality iu Gilliam county is a repub
lican except Wilcox, chosen to succeed
himself as sheriff, who ia a democrat.
Bad Luck. -Four apple teams came
in Saturday from John Day, having
beeu delayed on tbe trip several weeks
by high water in tbe Jobu Day, Bnd
bad roads generally. The fruit ai rived
in very bad oondition, as did the two
loads which came in oyer a week ago.
Mr. Powell, tbe representative of the
Butte commission house, having left
for home, and it being impossible owing
to high water in tbe Columbia and
damage to road-bed and track to ship
any part of tbe fruit, Diok Ambler, the
owner, left this morning for Pendleton
with a wagon-load of tbe best which had
been sorted from the wreok, Jas.
Fristoe asoompanied Ambler and will
return with some freight for Heppuer
On tub Histbiomo Boards. On last
Friday eve at tbe opera bouse, White's
Dramatio Co. rendered before quite a
large and appreciative audience, tbe
drama, "The Gambler's wife," or "Never
Too Late to Repent." This company
has the best talent that evtr graoed a
Heppner stage, and on this occasion
each and every one did themselves
credit. The ending is Darticularly good
and all tient away praising the play.
Ou next Friday evening, the same
company will produoe "The Curse of
Rum," followed by Dan Wolf's,"Land
ed," a langbab e farce. It is hardly
neoessary for this paper to say that all
who attend next Friday evening will be
benefitted as well as entertained.
The Count From Grant. Reports
from Grant, including all but one pre
cinct, give the fo'lowing vote: Con
gressional Ellis 802, Raley 383, Wal
drop 341; Joint Senator Go wan 719,
Kellogg 385, Gilbert 357; Joint Repre
sentativePatterson 766, Dustin 436,
Steauh 208. Harney county without
doubt gave pluralities for Kellogg and
Dustin, but from latest reports was
conceded not to be large enough to over
come tbe heavy vole of Grant in favor
of Patterson, and of Morrow and Grant
for Gowan. The republicans have also
elected ?XSry m!in 00 tne ooaD'y ticket
in Grant.
pQLiBBKt. Poison. Ben 'rlw',ert has
a new kind of squirrel poison which lb
dead shot on squirrels. It is for sale at
Phill Cnhu's. at tbe low figure of $1 per
gallon, in bulk. This poison is guaran
teed, or money will be refunded. It is
something that squirrels will eat, even
at this time ot tbe year. Now is the
time to kill them.
Machine Oils. Penland fe Co. have
on hand a fine assortment of maobine
oils, for sale cheap.
KcoDnmy and Strrngth-
Valuable vegetable remedies are used
in the preparation of Hood s Sarsapa-
rilla iu such a peculiar manner as to re
tain i ha full medicinal value of everv
! ingredient. Thus Hind's Sarsaparilla
oomhines economy and strengtn and is
l.enulv remedy of whioh 1UU Uoses
One Dollar" is true. Be sore to get
Well and Happy
Thank to Hood's Saraaparlila Dull
Headaches That Tired Feeling.
Mr. W. H. Tales
San Francisco, C'al.
" One of the greatest-mistakes people make is
to lock the door after the horse Is stolen, or in
other words, to wait until they are sick In bud
before they do anything for the poor hody.
Neither my wife nor myself were real sick ; I
attended to my business, and my wtfe to her
household duties dally. But we had dull, heavy
headaches, and a little oveT-eicrtlon would Urn
Ui greatly, and my appetite was very poor. So
we took three bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
and the result was perfectly satisfactory. 1 be
lieve Hood's Sarsaparilla
Saved Us a Severe Sickness
And a big doctor's bill. It people would only
remember that ' an ounce of prevention Is worth
a pound ot cure,' there would he less sufferinc
la the world. My advice to all who do not feel
well Is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla according to
directions, and you will be well and happy."
W. U. Tolbs, 115 12th St., San Francisco, CaL
Hood's Pills cure all Ilrer Ills, constipation,
biliousness, Jaundice, lick headache, Indigestion.
(chapter iiii.)
The leckshun is over an no won is
hurt only tbe pops. It semed to be
publioan day.
rah-rah for Billy to-morrow, he got
there if it did take lots of Kollateral.
Ask Joe Hany it the publioans will
their wuz more Btuf uzed here both to
by votes an drink than uzual ou sioh
that Saint clair went up to lexinton
an Dd a fine ov 85 au kosts fur tbe sake
ov tellin a pore wider what he thot ov
nor ded husban. be didnt pay enufl
be'd otter pade $100 an 5 yeers la tbe
hog pen .
i understan that the pops leoted their
gustioe and Konstubal iu lexinton
presinkt. au if tba did sumbody mite
bav to be whooped. They wuz prepard
to fire tbe auvels an whin the uews kum
that tbe pubs bad ganed the day they
draped ther beds.
i bav kum out ov that tranoe al rite
just in tim to see the pops soode under in
gud shape, an the sickest set ov fellus
U ever sawed, wel their is seetg pre
pared fur al ov tbe pops up at tbe bed
ov salt River, i can see them in my
mind a grate herd beded by tbe grate
King (without a Krown) poddlin up
Salt river, it is a bard rode to travel,
but tbe pops must go, au tbeir is hour
Dimoorats, tew, the best men in the
boat an tha are al a goin but Billy
to-Morrow an his stuf. but the pops
wont fuze, au we wil bav to go it alone,
an tbeir so sum ov the publioans that
wanted to go along in tbe same boat
but tbe pops wont fuze,
tbe Morrow Oo. delegats to Salt Riyer
ar slowly goin up tbe river to meet the
Umatila delegatin beded by Natben
Pearce with Joe Wall-drop as 1st. lent.,
and P. E. Sign has got the promis ot a
com. as 2d lent, an tba expect to mete
gov Paynauyer sum wber on tbe river.
then tbeir wil be a grate moelin, but
tbey wont fuze.
V. Sabbt.
Iown, Or., June,7' 1894.
Who is tbe Wisest Man?
A wise man is one who always acts
wisely. What wiser things can a man
do than purobasn a Hercules Gas Engine
for bis ranch, printing office or maohine
shop? Send for oatalogne. Palmkr &
Rey Type Foundry, Front & Alder Sts.,
Portland, Oregon.
The Studebaker wagon heads them all,
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
"Hardware" did you say? Why, yes
at P. C. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the
plaoe for bargains. a
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
oures liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine
and tobaoco habit. Bee ad. "
The Palace is the leading hotel in tbe
city. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided tor everyone, a
If you want to buy groceries, and
bread stuff cheap, go to tbe Enterprise
Grocery. Kirk & Kuhl, proprietors, a
Tbe general mercnandise establish
ment formerly owned by Coffin & McFar-
land, baa lately changed hands, now be
ing nnder tbe oontrol and management
of The MoFarland Mercantile Compenv,
which continues business at the old stand
with a larger stook than ever. a
A Bohemian's Offer In Regard to the
Church Bell.
. A little missionary church was being
built in a western town, says the Home
Missionary, and Mr. Plumb, one of the
active workers, or perhaps the mission'
ary himself, had occasion to go into a
blacksmith shop to get some rods. The
blac'ifjmith was a Bohemian who could
not speSk worQ of Englsh, and
another old BOT.emian, Pete by name,
was called in as interpreter.
After Mr. Plumb's business with the
blacksmith had been attended to, Pete
entered into conversation on his OWP
"What you call him, eh goes boom
boom?" he asked, motioning with his
hand in the direction of the church.
"Bell," said Mr. Plumb.
"Bell, bell yes, yes," said the Bohe
mian. "Well, I like to hear that bell,
makes me t'ink of my hornet my moth
er. Old heathen, old sinner I am, but
I got some ehiMrens. I want my chil
drena to be goot I want to hear that
bell ring three times every day morn
ing, noon, night, for my childrens. I
gif ten dollars seven dollars to man to
ring that bell, and tree dollars for
wear and toar of the bell."
It is the Headquarters!
paints. Drugs OUa, Glass, foi.
let Artloee, Patent Medlotnea,
Office of all stages running
TT great philosopher has laid down the maxim of
I "Never put off till tomorrow what can be done
today." If yon want bargains today, if you need the
necessities of life in the line of Dry Goods, Gents' Fur
nishings, Clothing, Trunks, Valises, etc., at prices never
before offered in Heppner, call on L. Blumenthal, succes
sor to J. H. Kolman, Cor. May and Main streets.
This stock will Bhortly be increased, however, by a well-se'ected lot of goods, direct from
Portland. Remember that these priceB have never been equalled in Heppner.
sw-lm. L. BLUMENIHaL, Heppner, Oregon.
mom vom moon!
Why Pay Freight on all Your Dirt.
Pendleton Wool Scouring $ Packing Co..
Annual Convention of the .w-
A good program is being prepared, consisting of Music, Recitations, Essays, Select Reading's
and papers on various subjects of interest to Sunday school workers.
A large general table will be provided for the accommodation of those in attendance.
Sunday schools are requested to have
tendents to wear crape on their left arm, out of reapect for our late President, J. B. Ely. 3-6,
Opening Bono Bv the Audience.
Openinc! Prayeb Kev. Denison.
Sono .' M. E. South, Sunday 8chool.
Sono M. E. Sunday Hchool.
A brief history of Sunday School work, In regard
toltserowth 1. Q. Young.
Sono Liberty Sunday School.
The Duty op Parents to the Sunday School H. C. Gay,
followed by Mrs. H. F. Brioob.
Sono Douolas Sunday School.
wv DINNKU.wv
1 P. M.
Sono Baptist Sunday School.
Reports from all the Sunday Schools of the County.
Sono Eight Mile Sunday School.
Value of a Normal Tkainino Class J. W. Shipley,
followed by J. K. Ely.
Sono Lexington Sunday School.
How can we Secure a Better Attendance in our
Sunday Schools? Miss Wier, followed by A. T. King.
Bono Siiiloh 8unday School.
The Sunday School the auxiliary of the Church
Mr. M. L. French, followed by Mr. Sa yer.
Sono By the Audience.
The Finance Question B. F. Hevland,
followed by Mrs. Smead.
Bono By the Audience.
Influence of the Sunday School on Society
Mr. T. W. A vers and H. S. Hornek.
Closing Sono By the audience.
Pabent "What is the difference be
tween the regular and the irregular
Greek verbs?" Tommy " You get
twice as many lickings learning the
irregular ones."
Visitor "Don't you wish you had a
little brother, Bobby?" Bobby "Well,
'long about peach time, I think one lit
tle boy in a family is enough; but, 'long
about spanking time, there ought to be
two of us."
Amy Ashpih-atz (crushing the next
door little girl with a display of her
knowledge of style) "Wen you eat
yer meal at night do you call it dinner
or supper?" Tessle (of the alley tene
ment) "We calls it lucky."
Safety in Distance. Johnnie, of
Chicago "Pop, how far is New York
from here?"' Father "About a thou
sand miles." Johnnie "I guess that's
w hy New York talks about us so loud
and mean." Detroit Free Press.
Pbfxisp: Maiden Aunt (trying to
amuse Kate, who has come to spend
the day) "Oh, see puscy washing her
face!" Infant (with scorn) ,c;he's not
washing her face. Bbe's washing ber
feet and wiping them on her face."
Matches and Matches. Johnnie
"Mamma, I heard the preacher say to
day that matches were made in Heaven.
Is it so?" Mamma "Of course. Why
not?" Johnnie "Well, I don't see any
use for matchM. There's no night
out of Ileppner.
PHIL. COHN, Proprietor.
their banners draped in mourning and Superin
A. M.
. . ... I ...
How They Are flflnff Improved M Ou
I'ivlHzutlon Advance.
Capt. John .1. Dalton is writing a
little book that is calculated to show
the improvement in ordinary everyday
expressions that is continually going
on, says the Cleveland l'laln Dealer.
Capt. Dalton has (riven the subject a
(food deal of thought and attention,
having talked with several centenari
ans to (ret a correct idea of the style of
conversation in vofjue fifty, sixty or
seventy-five years utfo, and also min
t'led with the people that you are
likely to meet at a political caucus at
the present time. Here are a few ex
cerpts from Mr. Dalton'a admirable
little book:
Style of 18S5: "Will you join me?"
Improved in 1893 to: "Come on, and
we'll blow one off."
Style of 1850: "My luck has been
distressing-ly bad of late." The mod
em expression: "I've lieen traveling1
on me uppers for two or three weeks."
Style of 18-15: "I never was more sin
cere in my life." The present way:
"Dat (rocs, see?"
ritylc of IsOO: "I fear I lingered too
lonj; ot the wine table last evening."
Altered in 18'j to: "I shot in too many
geesers last eve."
Style of ctiliinial days: "My adver
sary was easily vanquished." The mod
ern thing: "1 guess I didn't do a thing
with that guy."
Why Don't You
Call on the New Firm at the old Van Dnyn stand ?
You will certainly be surprised at the low prices in
Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and
A Complete Line of Groceries.
No trouble to show poods and give prices.
Respectfully Yours,
They All Get Something.
"PROM a buahel of corn, a distiller gets four gallons of whiskey,
which retails at $16.00. The government gets $3.60 ; the farmer
who raised the corn rets 40 r-Antn tha railvrmrl nnta i nn . .
, '
facturer gets $4.00 ; the retailer
montus, ana tne policeman gets pnni for running him iu.
You'll get sometliiug too if you ruu iu and see tbe new lines of
Dress Goods we open out this week you'll get an agreeable surprise
and DerhaDS a dress. We have nnnnprf lf r.t r,o, a,-. ,(..,.;i.
and laces that left the other side of
The -Keeley Institute
O. ETJHL, Proprietor
The Enterprise Bakery aod Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. They will keepon hand a full line of
Groceries aod Provisions.
A full line of oboloe Pies, Cakes and Bread j in faot everything that is
usually kent in a flrst-rlAso ImlrArv erira Tl.it, ..n . ' u ,, .
try them.
Land Patents
Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time.
Contested Cases
Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
Between individuals havine conflicting claims under the agricultural land
laws, and those between olaimsuta under the Mineral Laws and agricultural
claimants; and also between claimants undor any of tbe pnblialand Uws and the
Uailroad companies and their grantees, and the states and their grantees, under
tue bwnmp-Land and Hehoul-Land Grams.
Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers
who have complied with the laws nnder whioh their entries were mnde, and who
are annoyed and worried by deUys in the issue of their patents, caused by Trifling
Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed.
Advice also given in all matters relating t the ptiblio lands, especially on
points arising nnder tbe new laws whiob have been recently passed providing for
tbe disposal of tbe publio domain.
If yoa want your land patent in a hurry if you want your land business, of
any charaoter, attended to by skillful and oompetent attorneys, and promptly dis
posed of, write to
John Wedderburn, Gen. Man.,
P. O. Box, 885.
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
u tl title of a Try valnsblt book that fives a great amount of information of tba Utmo!
Importance to Irarrbodr, eonwrnlng their dally habits of Eating, Drlnkln, Dressing, eto,
What to Eat,
Bow to lit ft.
Things to Do,
Thlrii to AtoM,
Perlii of Summer,
Infloene of Plants,
uocupauon lor invalids,
Alcohol aa a food and a
eupemuoua rialr,
now to Breathe. Remorlnff Hume
nemonng Name,
Danger! of KlMlng, Keatorlng the Drowned,
Ventilation, neat, Bxerclae,
IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Black Eyea, BoUa, Burns, Chfllblatas, Cold Feat, Conn,
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dyaontery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Karache, Felon!, Fetid
Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarsenem, Itching, Inflamed Breaati, Ivy Poisoning,
Holes, Plmplel, PIIm, KheumatUm, Kingworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Kres, Sore Mouth,
Bore Nlpplea, gore Throat, Sunatroke, Sting! and Iuaect Bltea, Sweating Feet, Toothache, Ulcers.
Waxta, Whooping Cough, Worms ia Children. IT WILL SA VK DOOTOH8 HILLS
tT"All new subscribers and prompt renewals dunogtbe month of Jnoe wil) be
prevented with a tree oopyof Ibis as a premium.
t -Sul- VX.VW , IUD UJaiJU-
gets $7.00; the consumer gets six
the fish pond only four weeks ago.
Sfe OO.
Urpner, Oregon
For the Cure ol
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Foreit Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Cull tt the Gazrttb offloe for partlonlari.
cure confld,utia, TfMUaent private and aura
' tMU- Kim' Bna
Washington, 1). 0.
Etc, Etc
Trust Busts
Parasites of the Skin,
naming nest Way.
After-Dinner Iapa,
i - ookj and Lung Dfaeaaea, Effects of Tobacco,
llnw tn Avnlri Thbn r.... . . .
Clothing, What to tfear, Headache, Canae A Cure,
Contairlnna Mhiui u.i.j.i . ttn .
Contagious Dtseasas,