fcMve jour busies to Beppner pep$le and therefore ataist to build up Bepp ner. Patronize those who patronize Vint, We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for hit or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer real name is signed as au evidence of good faith. Did son ever Read about the Jj& Man who Hid Mb Light under A bushel r J& Yes? well That is like Doing business Without advertising. JU All the Snide gohemee In the country Will not acoomplisb JEJ Half a8 much As a good ad. In a (rood, live. Legitimate newspaper, J3 One that la read By the people, And that owns JSl Ite own Soul; that U-e its spiice Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. NOT A GOOD GUESSER. In an interview published m the Tele gram of the lt inst., Gov. Pennoyer said in part: "We concede Morrow and Gilliam counties to the republicans. Mr. Ellis lives up there, and there is a Certain amount of home pride in tbeir candidate. Besides, it is a wool growing country where the tariff ouib some figure, but iu Wallowa, Union, Baker and Umaiilla the populista are overwhelmingly in ihe atoemlency. Ii will be olnae, but we think we will curry Hueiman and Malheur. The flood prevented me from making a oanvaBS of Wasco oounty, but my in'ormation is that Wbboo will go for the populists on the elate and ouugrensiouul tiokets." Subsequent remits show how the Gov. has been deoeived. He should read the frog story in ibis isbub uml refleot tout we caui.ut judge the d ex ret of success lb nt will attend the tff irta ol a politic ui party by the noise it makes. . While the reports from all ports ol the stale, as well as Ihe results in this oounty, are most gratifying to repubii cans, etiaikbt republicans are asking eaoh other why the party should allow a single man on the opposition tiokeu to be elected. There is no good excuse for defeating Fred (Jalluik, which the people of this oouuly will learn in the "swett subsiqueully." Morrow oouutj is republican oVdrwhelmiugly as we have ' often asserted, aud none but republicans should have been elected, considering the fact (but our man tot clerk is the peer of any man that ever giaoed Ihe tQloe of county clerk, Mr. J. W. Morrow nut exoepteJ. CihT. MoFiriT, editor of the Telegram, an ex-Confederate soldier, though today one i'f the trui at putriots In the oouutry, deplores that a minister of the gospel, or any one else, Bhould ntter such remaika as attended the unveiling ol the Confederate monument at Itioli. mond, Va., on the 8O1I1 ult. The ltev. It C. Cave delivered Ihe oration on thai occasion, uud it was replete with Hoillheru sentiment of the CD's. The Union I'ueillc Is the only line from this st'etiou that is opeu East ol Hpokane and Pendleton. While the outlook is rather dismal on the coast, (or that oompaiy, particularly on the Columbia river, they arc, nil iu all, more fortunate t bun either the Northern 01 Great Northern routes. Til it Living Issue says that the oyoloue at Lung Oietk was the first ol the kind iu Ki.su ru Oiegun. This it. not correct. Only a fow years ago, Lexingtou this oounty, was badly torn up by a cyclone, aud oue person was killed. Tim majority iu fuvor of the republi cans still grows la'gcr aa the returns from the various counties ouiue to baud. It is worse than a Waterloo, more significant than a onmuinu political landslide it iB a regular avalauoho. A PKOiDito Ilnrruou boom is being sprung in the Eist. Tne New York Tribuue is is working for him uud Johu 0. New is miiniiging hia oauipnigu. Ed. Hill and a man named Parker were takeu from the Coltx. Wash., jail oo the second inst., by a mob. llill was shot aud Paiker banged. On the 30th ult., at Marabfield, Wis., passe, ger traiu was wrecked killiug a Dumber ut passengers, aud maimiug a great many moro. . Gbant and Morrow gave Gowan over BOO plurality, which settles tbe matter in favor of Gowan, with scuds of votes to spare. Hon. J. II. IUlky is a mighty good man, but be is a drninorat and that nooouuts for his electiou to atay at home. mmrnrn Ellis has passed a bill making tbe Handley line the true Northern boun dary of the Warm Springs reservation. Tub Cripple creek regiou iu 0 dorado is enjoylug a regular war between law und order and the strikers. THF FLOOP, Beau alj I'afct l.'ernrdK On tho 4th fust, Qji to the Portland Hotel. We glean the following from the East Oregoman o: tbe 4th inst. ,bs regards tbe ooniilion of the flood in Portland: Tweuly-two streetB, between Front and Yamhill and Thirteenth and Marshall, are more or less under water. Front street is iuundated from Yamhill north to tbe rwer; First street, from Morrison to the river; Second Btreet, from near Alder to tne river; Thud, except in the center of tbe Btreet, where the pavement is raised, from Stark north; Fourth, from Oak north; Fifth, north of Ankeny to the river; Sixth, from Eurnside north; Seventh, north of Ankeny; Eighth, from Burnside to tbe river; Paik street, Glisan north; Tenth, north of Hoy t; Eleventh, from Johnson to tbe river; Twelfth, oortb of Nortbop; and Thirteenth, frim Marshall north. Yamhill street is underwater at Front; Morrison m far west as First ; Alder to near Second; Washington to half way between Second and Third; Stark to Third; Ohs- to Fourth; Pine to Fifth; Ash to Fftb; Ankeny to Seventh; Bum side to Eighth; Couch to Park; Everett to Park; Flanders to Park; Glisan to west of Park ; Hoyt to Tenth; living to Eleventh; Johusou to Eleventh; Kear ney to Twelfth; Lovejoj to Twelfth; Northrup to west of Twelfth, and Mar shall to Thirteeuih. Iu Umatilla, Henry Means' store is full of water up to tbe seoood gash iu tbe first floor windows, and tbe school bouse has four feet of water in it. Over ut Wallula people bare moved out, and as many places railroad iron has been used to anchor bmldiogs from floating asy. Mail has begun to arrive viatbeSoond and Spokane, and passengers will go to Portland by tbe same route. Tbe road is now open east of Huntington . A private diip,itch to a citizen of Pen dleton says tbut in lbe Dalles tiere is light feet of water iu tbe Umatilla House, and that the water bus reached the Portland Hotel in Portland. Water Kal log. Portland, Oregon, June 6. News has been received from the upper Columbia region which indicates that tbe worst of the flood is over. The Willamette is falling, and the Columbia is stationary. Iu this cty tbe water will probabiy reach thirtv-three feet by noo.i. On Front street tbe water is deep enough lor the navigatiou of large sized river orsft. At Ash street the water is eeven iud a half feet deep. Many docks have disappeared aud are only kept from dialing by heavy loads of machinery, "to., stored there. On the east side oue oau ootint dozdns of buildings in the flooded district ready to go down. At The Dulles the river is 52.3 feet above low water mark. The only bouses doiog business are tbe groceries and markets. Water is nearly tbree feet deep on tbe floor of the postcflice, and s swift cur rent is running through the town, it is feared that many buildings will be washed from tbeir (ouudutiouF. Hotels are in water to tbe top of the ground story. Thirty blocks are under water, aud a rise of a few mora feet will iuun- dnte the entire portion of tbe town under the bluffs. Memaloose island, the burial place of the Indiuns for many years, is almost entirely under water, aud hundred of skeletons are being washed awuy. The Way of It. A gentleman who is largely interested iu railways on the PiioiUo Coast pro pounded a very plausible theory to the blast Oregouian Tuesday evening con cerning the immense floods whiob are uow devastating the West, and especial ly tbe Columbia river valley. During past yeais there has beau a great amount of timber out from tbe mountains at the head ut tbe Suake and Columbia and their tributaries. This exposes to tbe warm ruys of the sun in the spring the tremet doits deposits of snow which otherwise wonld be weeks in melting. whereas now they are carried away in a few days, flooding the valleys aud bring ing destruction to property aud ofteu death to hiimun beinga. A oase in poiut is tbe history of Ger many in Buffering from aud tlnall) obviating tbe terrible droughts of former )fara. The forests were out down from tbe higher latitudes and as a conse quence the water all ran off lu the-early spring, leaving none gradually to dis tribute itself over the valleys iu tbe summer months The effect was to bring on droughts, aud iluully it was deemed ueoessary that the government take a baud and provide for the plant ing anew of the forests which hud beeu destroyed. After a term of years when ihe trees hud attained a growth, the droughts were prevented aud moisture again was supplied during the summer. 'Ihe denuding of the mountains will online the same sudden melting of snow iu Ihe West, und while causing great floods, also endanger the fullest buocc-s of irrigation proj-eta. E. 0. Flood Notes. Quite a number of lleppuer people went down on the tiaiu Suuday to view the Columbia, the Gazette being repre sented. The river was a sight, tbuitgh at tbat time it bad falleu about oue and oue half feet, aud at latest accounts was still going dowu. At Willows Junction the water was near tbe track, aud Willows statiou was covered with wate' to the depth of several feet. The pump house is gone and the Bectlou house was floating. Not a quarter of a mile of good track is left between Willows Juucliou and Arlington, aud below there is even wone, ties aud rails being goue in many places. Between Willows Jucotlou and Umatilla tbe railroad has fared better and oiu easily be put iu couditiou for truffle It is likely that Willows Juuctiou will be made the terminus and laudiug for boais till the road is opeu again. It look like old times to see boats on j opposite Willows which ia covered w ith I water, tiia irrigating whwl is gone, tbe orchard ruined and tbe bouso badly damaged. Above tbat pliioe another fine ranch bas bon inundated. All along the river ranchers hnv? suffered consideiably. It is rrported that a bouse pi.ssed Arlirgton Saturday with a man on tup shouting for help. A rescuing party left immediately and he was probably taken oft C. B. Brooks, Albert right and Fred Allison came up on Sunday's traiu. By transferring at Cascades and The Dulles, they made it through by boat, landing off tbe Almota at Willows Junction Saturday. It ia thought that some oue was drowned near the mouth of the creek late last week. Fresh wagon tracks were traced to tbe water's edge, and indications are that wagou, horses and man all went down together. Word oomes up from Grants that the water formed a onrrent through tbe town taking out the distillery and many other buildings. J lie lost will be great. Drift bos almost censed coming down tbe river which indicates that the upper streams are falling. Willow orei-k bas assumed ite normal condition tip at Heppner, but dowu at its mouth it is navigable for steam boats for fully half a mile. OFFICIAL RETURNS. Tiles! Piles! Itching Piles. STMriviMS Moisture j intense and stinging, most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed lo continue tu mors form, which often bleed aud ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Swaynk's Ointment stops tLe itching and bleedim heals ulceration, aud in m ist cases re moves the tumors. At druggists, or bj mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne A Sor., Philadelphia. s 1 r. THE WEjI'F.KN PKIMUOGIL- We are in n ceipi of our slate f-cbi-ol any of the former The paper this nuntu f tbe II ay riin hn paper. It fiMfc! numb rs it vahi . cvntaus mao new and valuable features. The illus trated series on the schools of the stale is introduced by a paper on the Friendi Polytechnic Institute at Saieni. O:aov. These papers cannot fail to be of ureal value both to the schools bd to hi public. There are also several fine article by our beBt writers snd ILe dpRrinjuiU "Current Eveuts,""SHturdH) Thoughts.'' "Educational News" "The Oracle AnBwera, Correspondents," etc , each ooutain much valuable reading for teachers or parents. The in maziue hB about 50 pages of matter, well printed and arranged. We pronounce ihe Western PedHuoitue tbp best educa tional monthly on tbe onset. Everyone of our readers should have the paper if tbey are at all interested in education. No teacher school direo tor or student can Eel along well with out it. We will receive subscript. onf HtthiB office. Price only 81 00 a year. When deHired we will send the Western Pedagogue and Hhzette one y ear to one uddreRB for 83.00 Call and examinf "ample copies. Teachers, directors and parents, now is the. time to t-ubbcrihe. tf THF.Y CHEAT SCOUNDRELS. Books Street Fakirs Who Sell llnrmless Under False Pretenses. Even the itinerant vendors of small wares on the streets, who usually dis pose of their little novelties and what nots so readily, have had to resort to practices quite objectionable this sea son, remarlis Country Gentleman. For instance, here is a man who baa an armful of paper-covered booits to ecll. The book is a very light piece of fic tion, a talo of love, written by some embryonic and ambitious scribbler. It has no literary pretensions, and is meritorious iu no way. except that it Is innocent of all grossncss and ob scenity. A child might read it with out rislc of irritating its moral epi dermis. Such a hoolc would not tempt one man in a thousand, even ut the nominal charge of live cents a copy. Indeed, the same boohs are being of fered from a peddler's cart, two blocks above, at that price, with scant suc cess. The vendor in question has been long at his trade. Intrigue is neces sary. Throwing his heavy coat about tbe books, thus covering them from view with the exception of their red backs, he moves cautiously' and slowly across tbe street and bade again. No policeman (it is apparently a police man that he is trying to evade) being in sight, he exclaims in a fitting tone for the occasion: "Fifteen cents, gents; help yourselves. Suppressed edition of the latest craze. Don't stop, gents; move right along." Humanity pricks up its ears. Hero Is question able literature for sale. The imagina tion appeals to tho grosser instincts, and a youth slips fifteen cents into the extended hand and pulls a book from the pack. "Help yourselves and move right along. Don't collect a crowd. Use care, now, and pass along," excit edly continues the impostor. A gray haired nuin drops a copy Into his over coat pocket without looking ut the title. The example becomes con tagious, victims increase, und soon tho stock in trade is disposed of. Produce $2 HO and get tho Gztte fm one year. Nice family paper, aud bul ly to paper cabins. No pill or nauseating potbm, but a pleasant tonic aud laxative is Simmons Live Kegulatnr. So simple and yet alwav effioaeions iu all bilious disorders is Simmons Liver Regulator. O. L. Fattbkkon is eleoted joiut repre sentative of Grant and Harney by at ,ut, .,uor nTer aHll) least 300 plurality. i Tbe agent at Arlington has ranch Covered with a Tasteless and Soluble Coating. BEECHAM'S PILLS are a nutrvalloaa AntidoU for Wealt Stomach, SICK HEAD ACHE, Impair ed Oliree-Uon.Csa. arjr (r Disorder. 0 ed Llnr, also to be especially ffiratoos end remedial by FCMILI HfPFEBEBSB. Ot oil druxgiais Price 11 osntaa box. UweewwaMWwww mi CANDIDATES. .Fbr Governor. William Oallowavf... James Kennedy.' W. P. Lord" Nathan Plercef For Supreme Judge. A. 8. Bennett-f K. P. Boi..t T. P. Ha. kleman -. ... Chas. Wolverton ... For Secretary of State. H. R. Klucald F. McKereher Chas. Nlcnellt Ira Wakefield For Slate Treasurer. K. V. Coir) well! T. L. Davidnont Phil. Metschan I. I. Richardson For Attorney GeivraU C. J. Bnghl W. H. HoImPBt C. M. Idleraan M. L. Olmsteadl For Supt. Ptibl-C Inttruc. Helen Harfordy (). M. Irwin T. J. Jorevt D V. 8. Reed For State Printer. W. H. Leeds- J. H. Mi KibbenJ .. . Jchn O'Brieuf O. M. Ortoul For Congress tnd Dist. W. R. Ellis- A. F. Miller J. H. Raleyf . Joseph Waldrop. For Pros. AttvTill Ihst. . B. Dufurt A. A Javne E. P Sine! Fo' Mm . ,irci of Eciml T H.LerollHtt". . . B. K. .-().!, , ;. For Jrvnj Sf-nttlsn A W t.rour," tief,:-e t-i her!.: For l?itvtjtrii'jitim ) II , J B.irnr,rn B F Kir: ' Ft C'lm utt i't.ik r .1. Hk. if.rl" J W . Kr.rr.n-f For Slutf J 1" H ;.; J J V t'Wt'Ci V Tr(wr fTenl i-uiium. - J L tWiT.i. J R innwrt Ant.e P::f (.r" . -A.id:. Or,, ft; CtiTtnK'.tiinrrtirr. Wir. i-i.iir: . . . J L Hlc! J H rVaraoBt. Fif J st, i". b e!m: V C- VoOauvT Fi'r 5a. irt--. .. . l-crataii; D H. Jiiitii-.it . .. ti. w Loru. . For (Vvf. I . Avers. Jr' r b c. - & v rrif . -q?i,J.5';-!? ? i ? i ? g " 9 - 3 :i:l ; : 1 : ; : . I 10 3 19 46 56 41 7 10 8 10 10 14 8 10 1 .... 4 1 5 4 2 1 2f, 19 m 51 116 55 24 15 37 SO 3fi 7 14 Ti M 18 86 11 3D 4 8 5 17 HO 61 2 11 4 23 4 23 62 71 46 7 12 17 14 11 14 8 20 45 10 S3 8 52 35 7 8 1 S ill 1 2 2 . l.l 8 2 5 I 1 21 23 61 47 111 53 25 14 38 30 34 8 11 26 . n 21 69 52 118 58 23 16 39 29 38 7 15 29 ' 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 it 3 23 43 58 40 7 10 8 11 8 13 7 12 60 11 34 12 28 41 7 3 17 59 61 2 2 1 4B 12 33 10 23 40 8 4 15 57 63 2 2 2 ia 3 '4 44 58 40 7 10 9 10 10 13 7 13 6 22 60 51 120 54 23 15 11 31 34 7 15 30 3.1 5 4 6 1 1 ... 1 .... 1 2 ... 1 3 4 7 . . 1.2 2 2 ... 1 15 3 22 46 64 36 7 9 8 11 12 11 7 15 22 59 49 114 23 16 38 30 86 7 14 25 50 11. 34 11 J3 44 7 4 IS 57 57 3 J 5 t .... 2 1 6 3 1 - S 3 ... 8 ! tj 21 59 51 110 52 22 16 37 30 36 6 u 215 j Ji 13 82 9 21 3 s 1' 58 5H 2 2 1 20 3 22 18 64 45 8 10 8 j 11 111 in 7 15 ! is 2: fO I 50 113 56 22 1:' 37 ! 31 I l:i SO ii "l ! 2 I 1 I 4 3 i 2 .... Ii : 15 8 t 23 ! 44 j 57 7 , ' 7 ! 11 in j 12 j a 14 : j 46 J 11 I SI j 13 1 24 41 9 : I . 18 , , SO 2 ! 3 2 jj 27 i 21 j 60 ! 52 129 60 21 i I3 : 43 29 37 j 13 29 ii M i 13 j i 19 46 9 ; 5 16 61 59 3 2 3 : i t ' '. 4S ' M 7 ) I 11 U 13 13 4 15 i w ' . ISO : 6 21 ; 13 39 3t 34 6 14 28 36 i 11 : at) IS i ST 10 14 50 57 3 3 3 VI ' ; ' 4 M ! 41 t! 7 10 10 13 7 13 : 4k i 11 St in H 41 5 ' 4 17 53 61 2 J ... 87 a 4 11 J , 21 , 1'- ! 40 - 7 14 31 : i i 1 ' w 5f m 44 lili f7 ! M i 14 J 40 32 35 9 13 24 1 4f: 1' I1 i ftf S I 12 58 61 2 2 1 S; 8 Si Si 4S i ; 1- i 11 11 12 7 21 4 i f n flf T 4 s 4 5 2 10 1 13 ; I" V.S i : 14 : 44 34 9 M 22 M tf 41. 4f & tS 12 - 16 : 7 "0 4 7 12 K H 4. ST ' 21 ' , I 34 7 l4 12 S en S in , ! 5 54 49 2 1 .... 15 : liW M I li ! W I 36! IS 24 14 8 36 1.1, It Sf .111 W ! 19 ! 10 29 42 31 9 13 24 el IS ee ' m 5S 2 in i 10 , 29 58 64 1 2 9 27 Si Si . 29 I J ! : 1 12 13 8 13 r SS ' S- H -1 ii I 15 i 41 23 41 8 12 27 si 1. 'at 2 ii 20 5 1 ! 4 M 17 2 1 .... SS 4" 6.1 9 I-' j 19 22 18 13 8 21 r ;- ' 4 ; 44 S i SO 22 17 43 32 35 11 15 1 2 V 56 12 24 i 44 14 3 11 56 67 2 2 . ... If. I ! 11 54 S! I 44 S 7 11 13 5 10 5 36 4- i: : S4 ' 15 : 3S 1 43 8 20 69 64 4 3 3 2f 1 to 52 le; ' 54 22 18 38 31 33 s 16 16 1 ; 2 j ST 43 7 10 5 10 9 11 3 25 4; i: 2S S ' IT ! SO 8 1 13 51 51 2 1 1 i 25 65 TT ! 47 7 16 14 21 20 12 8 24 1 5i 42 106 60 22 U 37 29 30 9 13 19 45 11 2f 15 ' 35 49 8 2 12 53 72 5 3 2 1 1 St. 45 ; 67 40 8 11 15 12 5 8 5 14 2 : id 49 ; 94 49 22 11 37 31 30 10 H 28 S! 9) 9T 12 108 31 2fi 61 60 I 73 19 21 43 - City ! Hotel. THIS Popular Hostelry has again 1 been re-opened and will be run in first class style. Meals nod Kooms ot Popular Prices. Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. c: 1 Co "1 m O o D in The Lightest, Strongest and Easiest liunniiig Mower Made. P. C THOMPSON COMPANY, Agents. FOR INVENTIONS. 155 "Republican: Penuvret: 1 Populist; Prohibitionist. FOURTH OF JULY, 1894, Will be s great day in Eastern Oregon ! - W I I Y ? Beoaase, all tbe aandidates who are floating down Salt River, will have returned home by tbe shortest route. When they learn of the GREAT BARGAIN SAIvE ! Of General Merchandise taking plaoe at McFarland Mercantile Co.'s Mammoth ' ' Retail Store ! They will make a "bee line" for it at a "Nancy Hanks" gait. WHAT ? MoFarlnnrl Mercantile Co , of Heppner, selling ont at coat ? Yes, we offer our wuole stooK at lowest wholesale prices, for CASH ONLY, in order to be ready for our Fall purchases. These goods are all New, Clean, Fiist-Class Articles and bought in the best markets in the United States. We wish to exchange them for your money. A Chance of a Life Time to Buy Goods At Cost or Lower ! D'ess Goods, White Goods, Linens, Embroderies, Handkerchiefs, Towels, in fan is Cups. Bonnets and Cloaks, Corsets, Kid Glnves, Silk Gloves and Mitts. FlHimels, blankets, Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Knit Goods, Silks Satins, Velvets. Killing Gloves, RUck and Colored Hose, Dress Linings, Stays, Silk Thread and i wist, lYuittiug larns, aaiony larns, j ancy uooas, eto. Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slippers, At prices never thought of. Call and see. One hundred pairs ohild's heavy lace shoes way down. Men's and Boy's Clothing, Overeuirta. Gloves, etc. Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Hals, Caps, Underwear, White Shirts, Silk Neckwear, Hosiery, Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Razors, Table Bnd Pocket Uutlery, Silver plated ware (knives, forks and spoons) Carving Sets, Trunks, Va lises, etc. Our whole store will be a Big Bargain Counter During the coming Summer Months. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because 118 of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents, loo mucn care cannot De exercisea in employing competeni anu reli able solicitors tc procure patents, for the value of a pateut depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct ln terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to gether with a brief description of the important features, aud you will be at once advised as to the best course tc pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rigt ts, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to uf for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. A Full Stnok ol Hardware, Cook and Heating Stoves, Tinware, Bnokets, Milk Pails, Parrn, OnokiDg Uteoails, CnffeB Pots, Tea Pots, Stove Boilers, Wash Tubs, Brooms, Brushes, Graniteware, Bults and Washers, Plow Single Trees, Carpenter Tools (all kinds) Garden Tools, Roof Plates, Stove Pipe, Nails, Horse Shoes, Bar Imn, Blasting Powder, Hanging and Stand Lamps, G'assware, Crookery, T ilet Sets, S one Jars, Lamp Chimnevs, Lantern Globles, Lanterns, Wioks, Oliver Chilled Plows, Gann Plows, Hay Rakes Mowers, Mitohell Wagons, Hacks, Buck Boards, Carta, Harrows, Seed Drills, at cost until present stock is sold. Saddles and Harness, Kines and Shot Guus, eto. Come in and make your selections before the assortment is broken. Save your money by buying at our store, A full line ot Groceries at cut prioes, until close of this sale. ONLY SPOT CASH gets goods AT COST. Country trade solicited. It will pay yon to travel hundreds of miles to lav in your supplies at our prioes. Don't let friendship for any firm cause you to tai yourself these hard times. Mail orders carefully filled. Call and be oonvineed ; ;nh trouoie to snow gooas. "WE MEAT BUSnsTESS ! This Barguiu Sale oonimenoed Mouday, June 4th, 1894. mmm MERCANTILE COM THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D.& e.o. box 63 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. S- Cut this out and send It with your l-ui. J Preutibd KtcurvTut ulll3 euro coualiualiuu l'routlas Koctllvluii iilllscureconstlDatlon Prentlsa Rectifying plllacure constipation Prentiss Bectltylug pills euro cottstlpatloa PRENTi ni SS RECTIFYING PILL CURES A n Almost all pills and medicine produce ccnstlpatlon. here is a pl'.l tutu cures torpid liver, biliousness, rheumatism, lntllestlon, sick headache and kidney aud liver tnubles without griping or leaving any trace of CONSTIPATION, which Is the prime cause of all sickness, beware ot: it getting habitual and chronic with you. see to It lu time; those pills will cure ycu. Lff. W fj F8"1 Crs' BF,FNTISS RECTIFYING PILL. J3 $ i ""'ia because Is Ihe only onto and harmless B U ELSE? I fcssagj Wjrromody that will surelv rr a I itipy tho S ma v a i V El S hm L A clear the skin and remove all blotches Xrom the faoo. Try a box and see tor your- vcuib a, vox, C3LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Or sent by mail upon receipt of prtco hy Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., 406 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. lllutl I'l'!"1'' '''I!3 CL"' C0113lll''"'"u rroutiss Kwrtirylng 1,111s curocoustlpation Prentiss Rectifying pills c ir constlpatlnn Pmntlas Rfclllylng plllacure constipation IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ADDRESS A X.ETTEB OR POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney, P. 0. BOX 463. Washinntnn. D. C. war. disability LEGAL BLANKS. GazXofficem at.the The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP MANCHKMT1CH, UNQLAND A. W PITTERSflS. A6ENT. pneoftt.eBe.t tn Ltl-e World Land For Sale. ISO sores over in Wilmm nrHirie. A nond slock ranch an. "ill be fold olieap. Call t Quc.ie office for psrtionlm and terms tz. By nsinu Hull's Hair R;-oewor, gray, taiied or discolnred hair senme the natural color of youth, aud grows luxuri ant and strong, pleasing everybody. are entulS FVr t ,s,0,diersuaniJ '""o "ho served ninety days, or over, in the late Jl?7 Partlyor wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disab w"?."s.cAtv.se.rv":? or not, and rennrdless of their pecuniary circumstance.. j.f.. ""eh soldiers and sailorsareentitlcil (if not remarried) whether soldier'sdeatll SSdeVn?? ,erv'.r ot. now dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows CHIlDKENr, 'JhJ'hT, ?borre cntiUtd if soldier's death was due to service Wido w.hReasas7ncUd!edoi,fremarrt itt a'mSt U "S" Whe " .ARE!iT9arVlti"''.d if so'dier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier died In uw iihout isi'S uud" one law' may app,y for h,ebw rat" Md othw fci-Ji? n.dt i soW,er" i rawing from $2 to $to per month under the old la-i- ,re entitled to StelasSl,rw,, of disabiIiti" f" "de.1u0t r'lVr the " Survivors, and their widows, of the HlackHswk r Ida Indian Wara of 18.18 to 18413, r. entitled unda;f,?k' Cherokee and SenUnoimS Mexican Waxsoiaiersandthrir mlHnu. .i.rev recent act. . or dependent. ggeatttled. if sixty-two years of age or disab! ji 1 1 1 p 1 1 ii 1 1 ii 1 1 m a . Jster laws or not. TBettiement obtained, wtiether pension has been granted tinder Rejected rlni amuir" . CertificateJP ""lenient secured, if rejection improper or illegal. iHtfteroiiin.'CLad iMh"S' ""tained for soldiers and sailors of tbe lat? war who " 'n"rm""n- N charse for advice- No f " ccessful. Address. THE PRESS CI MtM rnuDAKiv J0 WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, WASHINGTON, D.C P. O. Box 463. EUlis, Dawson & Lyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HEPPNER, All business attended to in a prompt snd satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. OREGON iP lttersoD NOTARY PUBLIC ' CONVEYANCER AX optics jr Tt A