Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 08, 1894, Image 4

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There was sever a time in tbe history
of oar couutry when tbe demand for
inventions and improvements in tbe arts
and Boienaes generally was so (treat as
now. The conveniences of mankind in
the factory and workshop, tbe bounebold
and on the farm, as well us in ofSeial
life, require oontiDual access ons to tbe
appurtenance and impliments of each
in order to save labor, timeand expense.
The political obanire io tbe ailinimstra
on government does not affect tbo
progress of the American inventor, who
being on the alert, nud ready to per
ceive tbe existing deficiencies, dues not
permit the affairs of government to de
ter bim from quickly conceiving the
reme ly to overcome existing discrepaa
oies Too great oare onnnot be exer
o'S' d in oboosiug a oompetent and skill-
f'".i attorney to prepare and proseoul
an application for patent. Valuable in
teres'a have been lost and destroyed
innumerable instances bv the employ
merit of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is His sdvioe applicable tc
those who adopt the "No patent, ni
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
tbeir business to tbis class of attorney
do so at imminent risk, as tbe bread 1 1.
and strength of tbe patent is never eon
aidered in view of a quick endeavor ti
pet an allowance hm? obtain the ft
John Vieddeibiim, general Manaiiei
018 r street, N . W., m-lnngum, D. U
repiesen ing a lartie uumlier of impir
taut daily and wet-fcly peper. and gen
eral periodicals of the eoiintry. was in
etituted to oroti ot its outruns from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of bnsiuess. Tbe said Con-
pany is prepared to take charge of al
patent business fiitriihled to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute
applications generally, moulding me
obauioal inventions, iIphiuii imfr-nl,
trade-marks, hibeln, copyiiuhts, interfer
ences. Infringements, validity report-.
and iives especial iitfeliion to rijirtid
cases. Jt ts also prepared to ent.tr nil
competition wilb Buy liim in BTOiiriiii-
foreign patents.
Write for irstrnrtions Bnd advice.
John Wkddkiibi iih.
1.18 1'' Street,
P. 0. Box 3S5. Washington, D. 0,
fttff- TnH A pacVanfl of ur treat
LULL I nlul nunli. r wcnktiemarid
I llhh and loit vlUllty Mitt fiw (or ) oeuti
punt, vs.
Every patriotic citizen should give bis
personal effort and inlluence to increase
the circulation ul his home paper which
teaches the American policy of Protec
tion. It la his duty to aid in this respect
in evory way possible. ' Alter the home
paper la taken cars of, why not sub.
crib! for the Amkiican Economist,
publiihed by the American Protective
Tariff Leagua? Ona of lis correspon
dents says i "No true American can
get along without It I consider it Ilia
greatest and truest political teacher in
the United Status."
6end postal card request for free
sample copy. Address Wilbur F.Wuke
man, General Socnituy, 135 West a jd
St, Mew York.
?e won
a VWrvdAo
1rAe cause oj$
0 (Xmcneaw
"lu'Yeres'Vs ?
Are you willing to work furtlier.msr
of Protection In placing reliable In for
mution in the hands uf your acijunir..
tuuees ?
If you are, you should he Idcntilii-il
The American
protective tariff league,
135 W. 23D ST., New YORK
Cut lid. notice out anil irnd II tu ttir l.-.i)-u-
Stating yuur Hi.ltlnn, and iflvr tielplnii liand.
nil-: rrtiss
1. 4 I in lOHIMW,
Mnnaying Attorney.
WAKIllNiilVN.U. c.
A!r., f .r :.,.i.hrK nn.l HdHort i11hhM.'1 in tint Mmnf
liny in Hit- regular Arm v or Nn v tinre itn' wnr
HurvK.ri of In-tmn war of Itfct'j t.i Ihvj, imrt
Un'Ir IiN.'mi, now ftnltlfii oiii mul rWivttit rl.tlnii
a Hn'rl,itiv. I'liiiiiniiula entitle) In tili-licr miuH
i'iiil r ! -pwLis'j. No clia rau fur iov. . . u-i'
tllllll lUUVCWiful.
.i-rfl In on paini-KB. lr.hn.iil
mm ul lull, r, Ion or 1014
I from bii.ior... lTl.tul., I'lc. ,
1 J tin. alio ci-rrd. -41 y.r. pa
, 5' U. B. bl TTS,
' I m Ptne Stroet. st. Louis, Mo.
"How to Chit All bkln Piiwkh,-..'
Hiruply apply "Swayne's Ointment."
No iliternnl meilicine requireil. Cures
tetter. eoz"mn. iloh. sM 'rnnii.ins ou tbe
fnoe, banits, nose, Ac., lenvitm the f k in
olenr, white snil besltblv. Its trreHt
bealinfr ami ourHlive powers are possess
ed by no oiher remedy. Ask oiir i1rK
. gist for hwaj ne's Ointment. sw 1 yr
Land For Sale. 480 sores over 'n
Wilson nrinrie. A 11001I stock rsnch 111.
will hs pohl chesp ('nil t Oh;f le
office for particiiUrs smi terms ..
Dl'epepsia in all its fi-tniN is not only
relieved but eared bv Simmons Liver
l-ir'.(. It'll
. Dhnntnif ?rm
TC ft
ROt'ND Tl'.ll'
Portland to Sao Francisco
From 8nn Franciiico to other polntH in Tali-
fornia will be allowed piirchftcers of apecial
Midwinter Fair tlcketH at the following round
trip rated:
To stations under 150 miles from San Fran
i'Ibco, one and one-third one way fare.
To stations ISO miles or more from San
Franclflpo, one and one fifth one way fare.
For exact rates and full Information inquire
of J. B. Klrbland, Di. Pan. agent at 1.14 First
4t., Portland, Or., or addreHS the underHlfimed
(Jen. TruHlc Manaeer. (Jen. Pans. Agt.
81111 Franeluco, Calif.
E. P. ROGERS, A. O. F. 4 I'. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
Uablt Is the Strongest Influenes of Our
The warden of one of our state peni
tentiaries said to n visitor thirt almost
tho first expression of dissatisfaction
on tno part of u now prisoner was
called forth by tbo routine and mo
notony of prison life, says ouths
Koine, men show intense feelinff
against it for tho first few weeks of
their confinement; but after two or
three years, it seems, in some cases, as
if they could not do without it. The
warden had known discharged pris
oners to return and ask for work in
side, just "to get hack to the regular
ity of prison life."
Captains of seagoing vessels and
officers of the army observe the same
tnut of human nature. The discipline,
the inflexible routine, which are irk
some to tne raw recruit and to the
sailor in his earlier voyages, obtain so
firm a hold on their minds and habits
that they prefer not to live outside of
them. Jack goes back to bis ship and
the soldier reenlists until each grows
gray, or death takes them.
Some of Iloimparte's marshulH, men
of low birth, had learned in tbeir
youth vulgar tricks of the eye, the
hand, grimaces and foolish laughter.
Even the emperor, and his brothers
and sisters, were not guiltless of such
habits, lie could not rid them of
these signs of childish vulgarity. They
could not rid themselves of them. He
could make them kings and queens,
and they could bundle their scepters
right royally; hut old hubits ruled
them stilt.
A century n'io John Vaux, u young
man making "tbe grand tour," wrote:
'I was impatient to plunge into the
dissipation of 1'aris. I had not, how
ever, counted on the hold which old
habits had on me. They bad been
leanly. Kvery net, word or familiar
custom of my pure English life at
home held me now like an iron cord. I
uibl not plunge into the foul depths.
1 wished to do it, hut could not."
There arc few young men who do
not wish to make their lives solid and
enduring. Let them remember that
this inexorable natural law is equally
strong in good as in bad habits.
Every high, pure aim In his father or
mother; every honest, modest custom
of a young man's home; the cleanly
life of his boyhood; tbo prayers he
learned; tbe habits of reverence, of
kind, unselfish action these are as so
many stones in the rampart which
shall defend him in middle age from
storm uiul ruin.
lUn I ituriN
AultuAl and
.Iftj Foaml I'p
Near tile 1'ule.
It is n matter of surprise to all who,
for the first time, have any experience
in high northern latitudes, to note the
great ahuudnni'c of insect life in
Alaska. Tlie writer of tbis paragraph
was especially interested in noting tho
large amount of htrviu uiul other low-
conditions of animal life which was
carried down from the ineltiiigglneiers
into tho rivers and streums which
tlowed from them. It is to this that
we have to attribute the greut nbuu
daneeof the higher formsof animal life
which prevails. Kish especially are In
such quuutity near tbe const, attracted
by this abundance, that it seems like
repeating tho tales of Huron Mun
chausen to tho listener. Tho vounc
ion of the writer, who was w ith him
n this expedition, was, with a couple
of Indians in a bout, able to drive
salmon into narrow creeks in such
abundance that the boat could he
driven ngainM the fish in their en
deavors to escape. They could have
been dragged up in shoals by any-
strong and ordinary net. In the
nrlier history of Colorado very much
stress was laid on the fact that Fre
mont saw a bee on one of the high ele
vations while crossing tbe llocky
mountains. Lieut, l'eurv, in his re
cent expeditions to North tlreenlaivd,
found a bumble bee on tbe north coast
f tlreenlaud tho highest point of
land yet reached by a human being so
far as known. This explorer suites
tbut not oulv bees but other insects
abound as soon as the spring fairly
opeus. Flowers of many kinds are
particularly beautiful and abundant,
affording a good chance for honev and
lieu-collecting Insects to lav up
rich stores in advance of their long
arc 1 10 winters.
A Gentleman
Who formerly resided In Connecticut, but
who now resides in Honolulu, writes: "For
20 years past, my wife
and 1 have used Acer's
llalr Vigor, and e
amllHite m it the dark
hair which she and I
now have, while hun
dreds ot our acquaiut
auces, ten or a dozen
yean younger tuau we,
are either gray-hemled,
white, or bald. When
JT r Ji asked liow our hair has
tfttt "iFl retained Its color and
"J fullness, we reply, ' By
the use ul Aver's Hair
Vigor nothing else.' "
"In 1868, my affianced
was nearlv hald. and
IMSSi'5r.ss5?" I ?m the hair
!?V kept fall
g T-?im&rtti mg out
WieS&7:Z&&&i every
day. I
I n d u ced
Ayer's Hair Vigor, and very soon, It not
only checked any further loss of hair, but
produced an entirely new growth, which has
remained luxuriant and itlossy to this day.
I can recommend this preparation to all In
need of a genuine lialr-restorer. It Is all
that It Is claimed to be." Antonio Alarrun,
Bastrop, Tez.
Ksely Comss from Cnolle and Kennedy
from f rlneidich.
Klely, or Keely, and sometimes the
name is written Cayley, but according
to the Iioston Post, more correctly
OTCceley or O'Kiely, is a name derived
from Caoile, an individual of the same
blood as the O'Donovaus of Munster,
and is written O'Caoile and MacCaoile,
pronounced like O'Keoley and Mac
Kceley. Mac Tire was chief of
Ui-Mac-C'aoilo at the time of the
English invasion of Ireland and,
according to old annalists, slew
Raymond Lo tiros. Ii is name still
survives in the name of the village
liaile-Mae-Tire, now Castlemartyr, in
County Cork. The name Kennedy, or
more correctly written O'Kennedy, is
derived from Crineidigb or Crinneidigh
(pronounced Kennedy) the king of
Munster and futhcr of Iirian Iioromha
(Iirien Uoru.) The septs of O'Hegan,
in Irish O'Uiagain, O'C.thasaigh, angli
cized O'Cttsey, and O'Twomey or O'Too-
mey, in Irish O'Tuama, are also de
scended from Donehuan, pronounced
like Donnegan. The name MaeXeill,
or MeNcil, originated with one of the
progenitors of the O liuairc (now writ
ten O'Honrkc), prince of Hrefiiey fam
ily. It signifies son of Neill (formerly
written Niall.) The name has been
anglicized to Neilson and Nelson. This
name is different from O'Neill, which
isderived from Niall of the Nine Hos
tages, king of lrclund in the fourth
Coyle, MacCawmcl, MncCawell and
Cawmil are derived from Fearach, a
brother of Murtagh Mor MacEarea
(Murta More MeOarna), the one hun
dred and thirty-first monarch of Ire
laud. This Fearach had a son named
in Irish Cathmaoill (pronounced Caw
mill), whose son took thu name Mac
Catbmhaoill (signifying son of Cath
mhoill). The Clan Campbell, of Ire
land, had the same common progen
itor, und the name is pronounced to
tbe present day Cawmell in many parts
of Ireland. The name is derived from
the Irish word catli, a battle, and
maoill, a heap. Caullield is from the
same root; so also is tho name Cagh
well and several other corruptions of
the old Clan Cathmhaoill. The elan
were located in Ulster, where many
representatives yet remain. The name
Hegarty, O'llagarty and Ilaggnrty
is of Irish origin, and written
O'U'Eigcheartaigb (pronounced O'llag
arty). The name Desmond has its or
igin in the Irish word Deus-.Mluinihan
(pronounced Dasvooan) which was
afterward anglicised to Desmond, und
means South Munster. Some of the
owners of the name have tried to Nor
malize it into D'lisinond. Dillon, Le
Dillon and Diluane Is traced back in
Irish history to an individual named
Eochnn Dilmhnin (Eoghan Dilwinn)
who lied to France in ancient times,
and one of whose descendants, Robert
Eo Dillon, or Dillion, returned with
Derniod MaeMurrough at t.io time of
the Norman conquest of Ireland. He
was afterward given n large territory
in Leinster, which his descendants
held until tbe reign of Queen Eliza
beth. The Dillon family have been fa
mous in Irish history for the pai.t three
hundred years. A number of tlu.'in
were chiefs of the Irish brigade in the
service of France, in which there was a
Dillon regiment.
Two Noble-lleurleil (jlrl W ho Facvd the
llorrnr. of 11 .llurtlcr.
They were sisters, these two, nt the
moment in uwful peril, ami they were
ulone in the house in their extremity,
says the Free Press.
"Here," sniil the elder one. hunilin
her sister 11 deadly looking dirlc, '-is a
knife, llcthinlt you you can use if,1"
"I hethinU me 1 can." replied the
younger gr with chattering teeth,
"hut oh, Celeste, is there no way but
She had read "Virciiuus."
"None; metlunks I hear him move."
"S'do I. lie is strnpirlinpf toeseape."
"Open the cellar door cautiously. I
have oiled the hinires. 1 will stand
here and hold the lijrht. Courapre. brave
(firl! Hist! 1 can hear him stir."
"Now may the fates defend us,"
whispered the fc'irl with the knife, "and
save nio from a dentil ignoble. What
vital part shall 1 strike, Celeste?"
"tlive it to him in the neck, aister.
Hut soft, is yonder Iljfht the jocund orb
of day, and hus tho niyht faded into
morrow '.r'
"Nuy, that is the electric lighten the
comer which has just showed its hand.
I (jo now to kill him. Yes, 1 have said ,
it. to k-k-liill him!" I
The brave, heroic, beautiful pirl I
plunged down the stairs into the 1
opaque semi-durkness, and in a moment
a terrific shriek -Celeste at once rec
ognized the brand told that all was
"Are you briiiK-ing him up?" asked
the girl at the head of the cellar stairs
in a voice alike ou both sides.
"Yes by hand," came the ghostly
whisper. '
The next moment he was dropped on
the floor, and tho sisters threw them
selves into each other's arms, while
ahrielt after shriek clove the purple dis
tance of the night.
They bud murdered a mom 1
How Jolly Jack Loves to Decorate
His Body.
Tattooing Still Flourishes as Profusion,
Especially Among the Man-o'-Wers
Men It l Nut I'alnlul. Nor Is
It Very Beautiful.
How or where the custom originated,
it is hard to say, but it is certain that
about nine-tenths of the seafaring men
of tho world are tattooed on some parts
of their bodies. Among the uncivilized
of almost every clime this custom of
marking and defacing the body has
been quite common, and it is very
pronaoie tnat the sailors, in their
cruises to foreign lands untraveled by
civilized people, picked up the custom.
In my experience among sailors, writes
Dion Williams in the Washington
Star, I have often noticed the many
queer devices tattooed all over the
bodies, or on some part of these hardy
good-natured fellows that love "a life
on tho ocean wave" better than the
dry land.
It is probably among men-o'-war's
men that the custom is most near
ly universal, and there is scarcely
n ship in the navy but has some blue
jacket aboard who is an artist with
the tattooing needle. It is said that
the Chinese are the most expert at this
queer trade, and their designs are
often artistic that is, artistic in the
sense of the dragon and snake style of
art peculiar to Japan and China.
lhe outfit of a tattooing artist con
sists of a few needle points stuck in
the end of a fine stick, forming a sort
of steel comb, a few sticks of India
ink, generally black, blue and red, and
a few mixing cups, and always a book
of samples in which are crudely drawn
in chalk the flashing designs that the
artist is able to make. Seated on
ditty box or the deck, the artist first
takes the arm or the place to be
tattooed and draws in ink the design
to be made. He then draws the skin
tightly and with the steel needle points
punctures the skin along the design
first dipping the needle points into the
color to be used. The operation is not
particularly painful, no more so than
sticking a sharp needle through the
skin, which, if anyone tries to do with
deliberation, he will find not particu
larly painful. The place tattooed then
becomes sore to an extent depending
upon the size of the design and the
place tattooed, but it generally com
pletely heals within ten days, and the
design in colors is indelibly incorpo
rated into the skin. There is no known
means of removing it after it is once
on, except to remove the skin tattooed,
which would, of course, leave a severe
On board a man-of-war in the early
morning after reveille the men all
over the decks take off their clothing
and wash themselves, and it is then
that I have found the best opportunity
to notice the queer designs in tattooing
on back, breast, legs and arms. The
designs are rich in variety as well as
execution. Here, for instance, is a
grizzled old tar with mossy breast,
whose buck is covered with a ship un
der full sail, with the men on herdecks
ten times too big for proper propor
tions. Another has on his breast a
picture which his fond imagination
paints into the glorious fight in Mobile
bay, with Farragut and the Hartford
in the foreground and cannon bellow
ing red clouds of fire all around. The
old jackey points with pride to it and
tells an admiring crowd of young ap
prentice boys, who stand around, of
that glorious summer day when Farra
gut, ever dear to the navy as their I
"Grand Old Admiral, said; "D n the
torpedoes," and led the squadron to
victory in the old Hartford. She was
then the pride of the navy, and now is
being rebuilt to be put in active serv
ice, according to an act of congress,
which provides for keeping the Hart
ford and Kearsarge in the service in
commemoration of their gallant record
in the civil wav.
Many bluejackets have a picture of
the crucifixion tattooed upon them,
though one whom I saw with it cover
ing the whole of his back seemed little
fitted to bear so devout an ornament,
for when another sailor stepped on his
bare foot such torrents of real sailor
profanity came from his mouth that
there could be little doubt that he had
forgotten the day of repentance when
he had the cross tattooed on his back.
These large designs cause such a great
expanse of skin to become irritated
that they become quite painful if done
all at once, so they are generally done
in sections, sometimes so unskillfullv
that the marks show, making a sort of
checkerboard picture. Some of the de
signs are very grotesque. I remember
one very well done, one of a monkey on
a man's leg, that always caused a smile
among those who saw it. The blue
jackets often have pictures of their
sweethearts tattooed on their arms or
breast, and it makes little difference
if the sweetheart herself changes from
time to time, for the picture will look
as much like one as another, and the
wearer's imagination w ill do the rest.
How lllntory Mlclit llitve lleen ( h inneil.
An interesting "incident" of the
career of the great Napoleon has been
brought to light by 1'rof. Kambaud,
who lias just been rewarded for his
"History of Russia" with the cross of
the T.egion of Honor, lionaparte, as is
well known, was at one time disgusted
with the slowness of his promotion
and entertained serious thoughts of di
recting his talents into other channels.
Jiow M. Unmbaud tells us that Na
poleon applied for service in the Rus
sian army, but that the petition which
he hud addressed to Zaborowski was
rejected, as Catherine II. would not
admit foreign officers on the same
standing as that which they occupied
in thei.- own country. Napoleon would
have had to accept an inferior rank,
and this he refused to do. If 1'rof.
Rambuud be correctly informed, and if
lionaparte had taken service in Rus
sia, the whole course of the history of
the century would have been changed
and a whole vista of curious possibil
ities would have been opened.
A t mulerVut Feat.
Two Americans in the employment
of the government of British Columbia
recently accomplished n feut hitherto
deemed impossible by crossing the Sel
kirk mountains in the depth of winter.
The object of the trip was to asccrtuin
if it were possible to layout a pack
and cattle trail over the range from
(olden to Kalso. The men traveled
one hundred and fifty miles on snow
shoes, lifty miles over the wildest
mountain country, where glaciers
abounded. They found a pass at an
altitude of six thousand five hundred
feet that is practicable for cattle and
puck trains in summer. The thermom
eter was below zero during- most of th
trip, which ivc'iipled nearly a month. '
A Bright
Ten years of Sge.but whodecllnesto give his
name to the public, makes this authorized,
confidential statement to us:
"When I was one year old, my mamma died
of consumption. The doctor said that I,
too, would soon die, and all our neighbors
thought that even if I did not die, I would
never be able to walk, because I was so
weak and puny. A gathering formed and
broke under my arm. I hurt my finger and
It gathered and threw out pieces of bone.
If I hurt myself so as to break the skin, It
was sure to become a running sure. I had
to take lots of medicine, but nothing has
ope me so much good as Avar's Barsapa-
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Or. J. 0. Aver k Co, Lowell, Hut.
Cures others, will cure you
couviuce the
skentic and noint the
wavwhichif followed leads to
Has been put up In a
1878. find hntt linen hhpiI
um r hi rv Tiirni kiiita
for vears iirlnr tnthnr. tlnm
In private prat'ti'je. It Is no untried nostrum, of
cioubtful reputation, but a Pennine aiiecilio for
ft vtirv Drevnlent disease. Thousanda of men. nt
mi mj;uh, liavw ut tmiuu lime in ine prougnt on
MTvotis debility and exhaustion, with orunnto
wffnkneas, by over brain work, eioeBses,Uio fre
(ait'ut luduiKence or indiscretion and vicious
::ibltf, and it is to thee tbat we offer a remedy
that will, by its dlreet action upon the soat of the
u-.sease, stop tne drain ana restore tbe patient to
viiuroiin hcultli and strength.
Our method of introdiirhifcf Prnf TTnrtHn'PnnHila
trentnient is one which commends itself to alt
Berifilble persons for the reason that we supply it
upon their judgment of its value. Weasit of our
mrons nouiing in tne way of expense beyond a
stul unrd and a two cent postage Binmp. The
ostul curd to bo used in send nu us their full ad
dress and the pontage stamp for the letter return
ing tho statement of their case for which we
Piipply them wUh a question blank, to be tilled
O'lt and nn envelope addressed, to ourselves fur
in retMrTiM'Kltwnen niied.
When we receive the state
ment on hjiink we prepare
elifhtdays treatment and for
.ffilAli postage thereon and along
Qgpvgf-B with theeigbt days' treatment
JJtUIUUifi. we Bend full directions for
'Ihet.eittmentin no wav Interferes with
a person's attention to business, and causes nn
pain or inconvenience in any way.
We aro so positive that itwlll give perfect satis
faction that we leave the matter of sending orders
entirely with those usln the free trial treatment,
litivtnir sfitlsfled those Ben din a forti-lnl nnnkfiuf
of our ability to benefit their sexual condition we
fool thfit they are more largely interested thnn
ourselves In continuing the use of-, the Pastilles.
Even then we do notattemptto rob them byde
immding high priceB. On the contrary, we make
the prices as lowns possible, and the snmetonll.
They are as follows: (3 for one month; $6 for
two months; $7 for three months. .
These prices secure
the delivery of the
rastmes oy mail, u
desired by express we
leave the patient to
pay the charges. For
over ten years we
have ODernted mip
. .imikh ; .until
business upon this plan with satisfactory results.
Wousknll persons needing trentnient for nnv
Of the secret Ills which come to mankind through
a violation of nature's laws to send ns their ad
dress un postal card or by letter and allow lis to
convince them that PROF. Ill II It IN' SOL.
merit una are what they need.
AW communications oonildentlal and should bo
arldresHoil to
TNe HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists
SOBockman St., HEW YORK CITY, N. Y.
PADERCWSKI, the Great Pianist,
ttucLin rniti ana
Broadway Theatre Bldf., New York City. 12
ALWAYS RELIABLE and perfectly 8AF3. Tt-
trims as uaed by thou lands of woman all over tbe
'nited States, in tfia LD DOCTOliB privnte mull
pnotteo, for 39 yeae, and not a tinglj bod remilt
Money rt-turnpd it not as represented. Bend
Oenii (stamps) ior fcoaled partioulars.
Of. WAEP INSTITUTE. 123 K. Ulstb St., 6t. Louli. U
35 Venrn KxpRrienoe In trentfnp, all vnii
ties ot liupfuroe.uiiiit'S us t KUarnnta s
positive cure. Question. Blank aud Boo)
free. Call or write.
323 Pine Street, - - ST. LOUIS, MO
Rfdured 15 to 55 pounds r" tmnth. No --
rarving, no i neon 'en en.'e, i o bid results, rm nuwiia
dm. '1 r.atiuent pTfecily hnrroN'Si aud I'ricflv cutl
deatiaL tjueption BI "k an 1 H..k tree. Call or write.-
DK. U. Ii. BL"11'S,&l'.uebtreetlbt.LouiStMa
Substantial Rewards for Those WhoM
Answers are Correct
A man nnr-e entered a priaon where tv eooflned
t ciiMctitneil cr'tnitial n making a requeai u b
ruiiK'Nii into (he pi-caenee of the dimmed man, thl
'Uitor waa informed that none but relatiea were i-ermitr
ed to e the prisoner The Tiailor aaid : " Brothers
inj Vetera hare I none, but that oiaa'i (ibe priaooer a
ather t- my father' son."
He wns at om-e taken to the prteonet. New, what r
mr jirimnifr io me lBIIorf
Tt-e Aitrieulturist PilIimhins; Company wfll (jlw t0
ear for life to the nereoo aendinf the flret correct an
iwer: frVW to the second: 3rd 50; ih, fl00: 5th.
M. and oter lO.ttO othr rewards, ooniistrn of piano,
irtntna, la'liee and rente f4d acd aii er wauJiea, aUvet
rKe, diamond rinee, etc
To the teron sendtna the laat correct aninrer will bt
ptpn a hi:h-toned iiano. to thf next to the last a beauti
Nil orKn. and 'he ueu 6,000 will receive valuaUe prtm
f i)t'rware. Ac
KV'I.Ks ( All answeri irnwt be ent hy mail. anf
er poe-mark n.i laierthan lec. 31. 13 (2) Th re wil
v no iharjre whaiett-r ui -nierihie coinpetttion, but al
aho i on. pete ire einecu-d to et-ml one dollar tor an
voi'thn, iulni.tion to either Tut liAPirm Horn
MitiAzisa or Thk Cavimn AoRH'f lti klht twt
f the ciioicvsr illiptratwl i eriolii'als of tbe day. $
411 p nnerf aill 1 rr M to twmt nn m t itrnd
UK our cirv'itlatiun. (4t The dm oomit ai-onet n-feut
st-ndcr iMwimark taken in all ra?ea i" date ol rec tpi
tc aa to cive excrj one an eoual rhan-e, mo naut-r hrn
w nr rh may res-dfl, will eevure Uie first fnw; lfa
vond, th" net piie, and an on
Thi: AttKici-iTt-maT ta an old estal H-hd concern
and poe?s arni'le B'fan." to enat !e it tt-.artout al
t prTti!iea. (Send ior printed list of liriutr pfixe
Jt l tiH. The f"H-'!rs: T-rll-tn.-! pn1' r wj han
nrt-tt to ai't a ji.iiv s, ai! s't -tv it;u li.rvt
are ta ry awanU-.! : Cmnv-loM (aii-u't npr'eu
0tU-on 1. ,.,. s:,.am. ,f i, ,i n-.-M , n.t Y,r W
Kv.Wrion l"!-- w e;i uti- s t i- i.n'M'y( IVtcr
fcormii h K."(er U n op- r Vt:r! Adieta, Aya .
nxri atrt f v r. il.'uti. lvrrixjr-er. ii.da i
1 1 .
B -re -gy Jtg 3
r: IftO wrth of lovely Music for Forty
d I U ' ' en'8, consisting of ioo papes
latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular
selections, both vocal and Instrumental, -j
gotten up in the most elegant manner, fn
eluding tour larne size Portraits,
CAHMENCITA. the SnnI. Onnc... ZZS
With ail bad ronienrnTfi. atrmniruarr. inn Of
'cri-fry, Tirrvnua ex itcma t, i ervoui debility,
ont-tural tiiKaaric Ifrt mobood, uVtpoodi ncy, inflt
a.i-fom rry, waiting awav of the orjfaai, crta til.- and
ap:hy cured by safe and a-y meth -d . Cttrca positively
lua.-aE'ctd. ue. on B auk and Hook free. Call or writ.
120 N. Ninth St.. ST. LOUIS. HO.
llitUII.hu. III". ...t i.ie ii. ,.. 4
V8:uaImc nr.3tn.3- O-.t: 11. i i
finrn .-irti loleu v.sl-s. fiice
fccJl bv inali o tsprcss. Our Ac
count l:.)uk, w lr-t cuiitin. Uutatc
stasia kc uci6. n !l tl m.
H. .Ji-.JAiliN t"- Pin. 8t,
ST. LODLft, fttO
The Old Reliable
Bstabllhod38yars. Trentsuanloprim l,
married or single la cases oC expopurn,
abuses, exessea or Improprieties. SKILL
GUARANTEED. Jioard and apartments
fur"lshed when desired. Question liiank
aud Boole free. Call or write.
'knife Question Hlank and Rnnlt lr. Cs.ll
tit th i use ot
or writ JJU. ti. It. UirTTS,
632 Pine St Bi. LOUIS, MO.
W D II I a The wont forma pod,
I T ii I LI OtWely cared 39 jearf
suc enfulprftct.ee. Treatment eonfldentle'. furei
by mail or at office. Terms low. Question Blank au
Book f rea. Call ox wrlta.
120 N. 9th St..St.Loui,Wo
flCIUrCrir ANT LADY, employed or unemployed ,
lw n ll LLtVt can i ake I, isf- r a few hours work each
lay. Pflaryp'commlnslon. tlO samples free Addr.-is
H. BtNJAMiN & CO., 822 Plneot.,St.LOul,Mo.
t 4 m 4 a w mm
Df. Rash's Belts & Appliances
ramrrnnsrr9m An electro-rlvame hittcry em
ffrtHltfWVi ho.ind into mediated!
.it-iiM ntinicniiuiiwt,
nnl Appliuiicfg, Abcloin
lmil Supporters, Vests,
Drawers, OJUco Caps,
IiiHoies, etc,
Dni-pa 1?llAlnnnHtii. IIvhk mirl TT t tl-nnwt
omplaintH, lypfipiia, Krrors cf Y-uith,
ost Manhond, Nervousneg, sexual Wenk.
P8s, and allTrouhlB in Malo nr j emale,
tiestiou Blank, aud Book free. Call or
Volta-Medica Appliance Co.,
rJ3 Fine Street. to!. LOUIS. BIO.
Foot-Priiifson tlioPatli to Henlth.
Everyone neavu n doctin's H(v!
should read one uf Dr. Fontf'H dimt
pnmphleta on "Old Ejch," "Crnnp,"
Rupture," 'I)inio-'iN," Vnticf.celt',"
Disenpe uf itiHi, Discupe of V nitn, hm
if'arn hf best mpatiR (if pmf-. 1
Hill Puh. tin.. V2Q K,r, 9,Kil Kt . ' u
mud juu umi' "in mutfiut union pfllU Up JTt
can keep your brand in frwof rhHr." ,
Alljn. 1. J., lone, Dr. Hornee (JfJ nn Iff
niiimniwi wiiiib Mtiiic (HI n-II nip, undf r bit (H;
riKhteitr, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor-
mui niiniitv
ArmBtronf- J. , Alpino, Or.-T with bar ua
tier ti ou left ahoalder of horses; cattlo siudo
n left hip.
Ailing n T
shoulder. Kauge, KiKht Mile.
Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horf-os, JA iorj
uemod on le't flank; cutUc; KAmeoD lefi hip.
Bartholnmew, A. G., Alpine, Or. HnrsPB
oramled 7 E either Bliouhier. ltnnne in Mo -row
Bleftkman, Geo., HardinHn, Or. Ilnm'R, a flat
"i lpft phoulrtpr: cattle ame on rilit t-tiotilijpr
raiinifiter, J. W., Hanlman. Or. Cnttle brand--d
B on left hip and thtrh : split in each ear.
Kmmer reter, i,ot weherrj- Oregon-Horace
hrandfd PR nn fr a wm ,lu. (-.,.)., .
right sioe.
ma v ' a ' iK .t:re'k- Or On cattle.
der half crop off riRht. HorHPH, same brand on
letft shoulder. liaiige in Grant and Morrow
JiuBuitui, uurrv, iA;unt ur. norsefl hrandpd 7
on nghi shoulder; cattle H on tlie left side
Left ear half nrmi nil riisht am- n.,,.- i
Harton, Wm H ppner, Or. -ilorfles, J B on
right thjgti, cattle, aume on nsht hip; aplit in
each ear.
Brown. lea, Lexington, Or. Horse IB on the
rli'ht Ktirlo- fn tla atima nn -i ,.. i.;.. . ii
..r, - - .. ttsnnuipi raiitio, mor
row county.
brown, J. c., Heppner. Or.-Horses, cirelp
withdot m ne. ter on loft hip; catHe. shitih
Rrnwti VV I 1 n .. 3 ..
"Kuii. nornes w nar
" C1 i u itiuBiioMmtT. uaiueuameon left
Boyer, W. G.. Heppner, Or.-llorBes, hoi
each ear.
I l r rt -,
ijui!, i . v., noppner, ur. norses, H Bon left
i ft i fitue, j M connecied
" ' 1C" two splits and
middle mere nut mil nn naht atit.. . ... i
Grant county,
Co runt... U.mar - ri ,
edOon right BtiHe ; rattle three barH) on
It runt and lliimi o,..,.,.;.
( ain.fc., Oaleb,4r.- If lou honseson left stifle
U Wlfli (inwrtMr nireln two it ..n l..r ..t i .. .
and on left etirle on all colts n der R years; on
, uuism uver years. All
ranim in (irnt nimntu
i4arK, win. n., Lei a, Or.-BurBei. WHO con-
net'ted. on lefr mhonhtur- 1.011I.. .... .
hip. liB- ge SJorrow and Umatilla counrieH.
Late, I has. It., yinaon or Lena, Or. Horses
; v' "".1,B"1 1 t-m m name on right hi
Hane ftiorrow and Umat ll h noin,t.uu
r iu.ii u, m n,.,...i.. 1 1. . 1 . .
shouldur; ca'tle same on left hip, waddles on
" ui., UURIBO, JI Ilf'rHHH ,1, IITI I AT
each hip on cattle, ewallow fork und niwir h.t
m ntihtear. split in left ear. liange in Grant
. 1 "u "vr wi vtrieo A mni spear point
ou shoulder, tar markoii ewes, crop 011 left ear
punched upper bit in riitht. WHihwrw r.... in
ritfht r)i1 niiflur ku If nr...n 1.. . In
n V' nt HiMiwirw, au ra"gM
Cook, A. J..Lena.()r. BnrneR a ion rit,t i.,.i
der. faitle sameon r.ghthip: ear mark souare
crop off left and split in right.
Curnu.K. (Jurrinsvilie, Or. -Horses. on
left Ktitlo.
C01 Kil. H., Hanlman, Or.-Caitle, C will
r in center; horses. I't un left 'up.
iH.nin.ii, i. muiiumeni, uratiT lo, Or.-
M,nu wuii iiai Deiieaih, on ieri
shoulder; cattle i-auie brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears anil ilewhio.
imimi, n.j jjHninian. ur. iiorses brandwi
- v.. ..mi , oujc uimuumi 1 lie same, AJJ
braiids t I on horses light thinh: ctl t e b
uitmuou rigni snouiuei, aid cut ill tud of
nht ear
uichena, r.bb Horses braided with three
vtL-ieu iuri ou ien s 1 1 n e 1 Hiue t-a ne on left side
f.uHioon. if . m ,V1Hlllwa. T. I BUIW. U L'lHl
null! huIh. HVh htiB.fiLrli til UUr.h Is... IJ 1
vai, iiuibob. It U
011 left hin
Douglas, O. T., Douelas, Or llori-es TD on
the right stifle; cattle same on right hip
Eh. J. H. A Son h..nVii.. nr m.. 1 .
ed tX. in left nhouloer, cattle wune on left
hip. hole ir riglit ear.
Kllioti . U ahh. hfiii.nai- n. n: 1
rUht .hoaldw. -""-"' 'u
'"'1,1.1).. llRrrlnisn. Or. Hoioi-s bnii.drd
limmd.l ilh mil n left !,u dor; ri.
tieaIl,B ul ll.,hi hip. titti irti u. Alurri.w i-.,ui,t
Klt.k. Jt.,-uHt.i,. HH u. 1 . . .
couupc-led ut riBiit elioulder; cnrtlc iwme i'.i,
riKht bip. Earuiiu-k. hole in right and cmi.
on left.
.,lnco. L-A., Ilepi.ner, Or.-('attle, LF on
.houldef: """" D
Florence. S. P. Bnnf C u t-
right shot Ide. ; cattle, b on right hip or f hirh
trench George, Ht-ppunr. ur( artte hrar.d'ed
r, with bur over it. on left side: rri. ur.
tar. liorsb, same brand 0:1 Utt hip
, ; ' vu leu
Ciilman-French, Land and Lire Stock Co Foi
sil. Or. Horses, anchor b ,n left shuuhier; Vent,
nan eon left stitle. t altle, Mune on U.th hipt;
ear marks, crop off right ear and onderhit in U-ft
liantte m GiUiam, Grant, Irook ai.d Morrow
count ies
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or.-Horiw brsmled h.
b. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle
Barge tn Morrow and I niatillactnntiee.
Hajes. tieo.. L?na, Or, Brand J Ii connected
with quarter circl ottr it, on led shoulder.
Hiatt A. B., Bulge, Or.- attle. mund-top K
witli quarter circle under it ou the n:ht hip
Kan ire in Jlnrrow and I matills it.nntie.
U. A 1. I.. :i. ..
iiiit.u tf oiikis unuiiiiiiu.vir i ai lie. 1 wo (s;i
on either hip; cn.p in right ear ai d pJn id left
Hunuw J in riirhl thih lio.- ... I : . .
. ...... .p,... .Sc 111 ni . i wuui)
eouHei'ted)on right ti.oulderon ht.m-s;on cattle
nn riiilil hinanrl .... I.. ,,-J
oght mt and tilt is left. Kug in Uinuci
dirtriot, Morrow eooavr.
6S . 1!
Htila. Milton, Whkubi, Or. HoraM branoVd
I -i- (nnde with parallel tails) on l-f shoulder,
j t pltlesame on left hip aieo large circle on left
1 side.
I nail Edwin. John Dttj.Or. 'attle IH on right
I hip; horses same ou right Bhouldor. range in
Graut county.
Hownrd, J L, - slloway. Or. Horses, -f- (cimbs
with bur atx've it) on right shoulder; cattle
hiieon ieJt side. Uun in Morrow and Cma
tilla counties.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, tahaded
heart on the left shoulder. Bauge Morrow Co.
H unsaker, B . Wagner, Or. Horses, 9 on left
sin. 11 hter. a tie. 0 on left hip.
Hardisty, Albert, Nye, Oregon Horses, A H
connected, ou left shoulder; CatUeon the left
hip, crop off loft ear.
Ii umphrva, j il. Hardman, Or. Horses, H on
lef ttajik
Hayos, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass
on left shotildei cattle, same on right bip.
HuBton, Luther, tight Mile, Or. Horse H on
the left shoulderand heart on the left stifle Cat.
tlenajiieon left hip. Kan ire in Morrow county.
Ivy, Alfred, Long Oreek, Or Oattle I Don
right hip, cropofi left ear and bit in right. Horses
same brand on left shoulder liange n Grant
J'inrs. Ham. HennnT. Or Rnmpa KmnrloH
P J n the ltf t shoulder; cattle lutanded J on
right hip, elso undtu hit in left ear. liange in
V01 row c unty.
Junkin.b. Ai., Heppner, Or Horses, horse.
Hhoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the same,
Kanue on Liuhi Blile.
JoliUbun, relix Lena, Or. HoreeB, circleTon
left sufce; cattle, same on right hip, under half
crop i" right and split in left ear
Jenkins, i) W.,lt. Vornon,Ur. J on horseson
left shoulder; on cattle, J on left hip and two
smooth crops on both ears, liange in Fox and
Hear valk-jH
Bennj, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
KM ou left hip cattle same and crop off left
to; under Hhie on :he riitht
Mrk J.T., Heppner. Or.-Horeee 89 on left
-il.ouliler; cat t le, nil 011 left hip.
hirk. J C, Heppner. Or. horses. 17 on either
iiaiikiuattle 17 on right side.
Kirk Jesse, Heppner. Or.; horsef 11 on left
lUoulder; cattle same on light side, underbit on
nghi ear.
kumberlaud. W. G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on
cattle on right and left sides, swallow fork in left
ear and under ciop in right ear. Horses same
i.nmd on left shoulder, liange in Grant countv.
Loften, BteptieD, I ox, Or.-H L on left hip
i-n cattle, crop and split n right ear. Horses
name brand on left shoulder, liange Grant
countv. '
Lieuallen, John W L " Or -Horses
briomed half-ciicle JL connected on leftshoul-
ingtoi 8IiU1, U iefl hiu KuQBe' near
I lrhAy,J' ;ePP5 Or.-Horses branded
1, aim Ao lt-it shoulder; cettie same on left
hip, wattle over rht ye, three alita in right
LtHil, (jeore, Hvppuer, Or. Hon
! t? ..." .zj"
i Jhrklmm. A. Al., Xeppuer, Or. I
S On lofi uirl,, (.,),
Lord, George, Heppner. Or.-Horses branded
called a
""J-" '""I'l;-ciflln mwe on left hiu. '
Morrmil.ei- Jh8 A, lioho, Or.-HorOB. H with
i-Ki over on rinlit slinulilur.
.Horwii. il,0 nepuur, Or.-Horeen, oirnle
1 ik-V'i rlli'lh "li,h: oat,1- a
Mitiilioil.OHTOr.loiiB, Or.-Horeca, 77 on right
Ul-; entile, 77 ou riKhtsido.
JIl-( iiiren. 1) (,., limwueville, Or.-Horeec
t inure 5 ., tuich w,lder. cuttle. M2 on hin '
Mc( rly. Uavid ll. IScho Ur. Horeen brandtai
'hrpKildrde.0" "'" lefuhuul'J"r: cattle 8amo
Mi-liirr, ti-nk, Fox Valley, Or.-Mulo shoa
loh ".t;C';rk"n CH"l"l"n tinder b,
micli ear; hornus name bruud 011 leit etirle.
k , r fl'fi'r'r 0,1 1ifl l""rJler;or, uattlf,
N r,l T ll h''lMr: ue on bothhipa.
Iefl il,,Vi ,Z,i i ",r-!"i. oucle 7 on
Oliwr,Jo..li. ( anjon City. Or. -A Son oaltle
.liou'.lei. rrJ'' LB,I"8'U11- Or.-I' O on
. pip, Hennnn, I'mirie Citv. (ir ii ..i.
, Mla',t;lr'S '",t1.hi'' h""9 on left etiH,
left I " l"f.'..,l"'' .r,Kht "ropued. M
I- fl Smnlder. "'"'"""'"."'.-Horsoe IP on
V VwiH"8 '' LM!il1,S'".Or--Hor-e8 brand-
..re oniL:M"l',',,n;l'll'!,)"' -attle
ineon lgl t hip. hnnge, Morrow county,
l iper, J . Jl , LIlll)!lull 0 -lioreee, con.
uiX" bi.' irr" 08tU6' -
h'fj hiu,ni,i,er8i0i,ein left ear and eliB in the
lec loi Iefl ehouhie,-. i lai lie OK connected on
left hip. iwo under half crops, one on eachei.r
iluod Amirew, Har.lu.an. Ur.-n,-8e, e'.nai-a
let! " ii "Slim . ' lle'"",M' Ur.-au.wi, C xt on
l)ur ll,,,,i . ,
NKhi ehoulder. KauKe near Hardman.
Ituyee, Aaron, lieppi.er, Ur iloreae, plain V on
fowcoumj-. "'',0"r',!''lear- KanKe Uo
i,U,l ehriBri",S"iII'FP1""'' Of'-Horses branded S
S,o oft ff' h"aTi c",ltle' 1X on th 'f""P
11 rniwaidadjoim!,K counties.
net, VVilliam, UltiBe, Or.-Horaen K oa
rill ?'"";lllr: , Hle' 14 left hip, crop oa
rmht ear, underbit on left ear. tiheep. It on
t.llaandilorrowcmutieB.'' Uma
bramTwf'A J,BW- . '-"innton, Or.-Horne.
iS 1 .nK'" BlMmidor, vent quarter
Ju ' '' L,"'ri)le, Or-Hlt oonnectw.
and crop oil rwht ear aud split in left. Horee!
same brand ou left shoulder. Kange in MorroT
(jraiitandljilliKincoiinuoB. morrow
l.eoli.1-. J. W., Heppner. (Jr-Hnr. Tn ...
left, holder. Ca,Ue,oun right hi '
braSdC,aRlU.-.,,J-.-'hiG,reb6r''' Horse,
counl "Mulder; lange in Morrow
.fcia'!!I1f, C,(i HeJ'un8r,Or-HoreB branded
01. lt.1t BiiouJuer; cattle same on left hip
awajigarl, ll. L,e,mKton, Or.-Horso.
with dash under it 011 left stitle. cattle SiTilh
raudiedJoru,r,,r'i,''tiU?' ""V off
auUiedou right hind eg. fiauge in Morrow
U.Uiuuialid oniatilla counties sorrow,
BwhKgart, A. ...Athena. Or.-Horees brandeH a
union shoulder; celllesaine on left hlorCroD
un ear, wattle on left Mud leg '
Straight W . IS., Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
J b ou lei, "tiUeicatUeJs'on effhiTswaOlow
toi-k in ngh ear. underuit in left "wallow
napp. 1 hos., lieppuur, Or. Horses H A P
let! hip; cam, au,e on left hip" '
hliner.Johu, loi, Ur.-MJ connooted on
horses on r.ght hip; came, same on righThip
r-aotruurr,"uunUBrbui''i6't'i?' s
llTol' if' "f.',81""""'"'. Or. Horses, branded
ll.Aoi.Bi.ouhleri calt.e, aine on lef t shouldeT
bquires, Jamos, Arlinstou, Or,; horaa i brande,!
JU on left BUoul.ler; catlle the aaie?lso nose
UV 'rfw (iamcolS
ou r.gl I.,,'; sw.wlioTkTn 'left ear B
bviaggarl. U. W.. Heppner, Or -HBes M on
lell ,,uu,Ue ; cattle. 44 un left hip ' U
bperrj, Jt. (,., Heppner, Or. i Tattle W r
let! I,iu. ,;r.,i. .,ir ....... ...', ' , V '""16 V (j on
dewiup; horses VvTou Tsf, Zulder.m
.huuiuei. "'"' --""rses, u-on left
luiuer K. W Heppner, Or.-Sinall capital I
'VlXTu'bor."111" & "5
Z on' nZoVri
Walhrirtiw Wm u
W.1W, Jonn U.: -ffi' or-'Spner
Wb?""TiJ0,'u lllocSSer.
. .. i-.iJiiy,
VarreU. H. I 'nlah. ('...i. nr
c.rt,e over U, on W," ,ir" iuT,'.6
Uri.1,1 Tit. 1 t ....
s Ci ,,' . '"I'Pner. or. Catt e branded
al0pl,un leit' """ """" "
shoulder- can . ai on lef
Woitinger, John. John Day City,Or-On horse.
Sift K'ri'A?.
oountiea. " "ul at'a aiihner
Woouward, John, Heppner. Or. Horses np
con necied on left shoulder. -nurses, uf
Natkins, Lishe. Heppner, Or -Unrrn. hr.nj i
lit connecter uu left .uds! branded
Wallace, l -harles, Portland, Or. -Tattle w
nghi ili.gh.hu., in Iefl earTh.rwi Tu? 2 ?1
houlaei. M.i... same on left Khould'er
Willi.n.. .. . '.
. i reeir. Or Home, n
ter circle oier three bars on left hrT, rr?f ' 2
i'd silt in each ear. Kaiim iViSiS: rattJe M
. . . iHMiire in (.rant CHintv
. quar
1 Nuns
ul. "Ll'.'K Hardman Or-
ai,.- i, " connected) KW on lef
te1-','' " ,' Moulder. J.w-
tl ,niM(p iM rrow conctv
TsXr&t0tZZr'--n brand)