Notice to aovkutibkhs. rHOSK desiring the insertion of display ads or(jhaiiKif name, must get their copy It' not later titan Monday evening for Tnesdav'. edition, or Thursday evening for Fridays edi 'on. Tub i'ATTEBsuN rtmumiFuCo. . . . . NOTICE. X. The sum of five cents per line will b. charged for "cards of thanks." "resolution! o respect, lists of wedding presents and donors aud obituary notices, (other than those the edit, or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and uoticesr.f speelal meetings for whateverpnrpose 2. Notices of church and society and allothe' entertainment from which revenue It to be de rived, sha.l be charged for at the rate of flvt cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and madekuown upon application. 8 hold eB('n lnl every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer's real name Is signed as an evidence 01 good faith. L- P. KISHKK, NKWRPAI'KR ADVKRTIS- log .Agent.. 'it Mi-rvhHUts txi'liaiiec. ban Krancisco, Is onr authorized agent. This paper is IteH on lile in bis odice. . ,.. 1IME TABLE, Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek, John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows ; Every day at 6 a. m.. except Sunday. Arrives every day at 6 p.m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior country. .,i J- DELEVAN, Prop. Thill Cohn, Ageut. Give your busmen to Heppner mopie, and therefore as.iit lo build up Hepp ner. Patronize those teio patronize you. '"' ' VICTORY! Here and There. Oh, republicans have done their duty, Elected their leaders true, Won it all wlthoutdrink or booly, So they have no cause to rue. Election now is over, yeB, the race is run, And many hearts are aching, the republican having fun. , Oh, doesn't it amuse you, to sec the republican gain, And the small amount of deramles Buffering such palu. . Bill Brown is over from Lone Ruck. Arnold W. Balsiger is up rum Iutie to day. J oo Lurkmnn aud wife are over from Lena toddy. W. A. Biddlo was in from Gojseberry Wednesday. ... T. J. Allyn and wife were in 1 Wednes day irom hive. Cnna.' McDowell returned Tuesday from Monument. . . Jne Suliiig cume in from Eight Mile Wednesday luHt, Cash JRj chard was in town last week from Lone Bock . Artbnr Siiii'n will olean watches at the red noed price of $1. Oo to C.irlw'a and get a two-bit hair cut. The obeapest iu town. D. A Porier, one of Lexington's fore most citizen, oalled on us Wednesday last. Geo.. Baavis came in from Grant county yesterday, and will shortly go below. Now that the politioal fluht is oer everyone should agaiu settle down to business. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner Pills, assist digestion, cure headache. Try a box. Hood's Pills oure nausea,' sick head aohe, indigestion, hiliousiiesa, bold by all druggets. . Those that have oounty scrip for sale Bhould cull on (ieoige Cuuaer at The 1'irst National Bank. 2 tf. Photographs $1.50 pel dczen at Sbep pard's gallery, near opera house, north Main St., Heppuer, Ore. 26if. Green Mathews has opened np bis barber shop, ut-xt door to Hayes Bros Bbaves, etc, on tap as nsual. Baptist, Association is now i i progress here, with a goodly number of ministers present.- Anioug them we note Uev Bailey, of Dayton, Wash. Echo stage leaves Heppner for Euho Tuesdajs, Tnordys and Saturdajs. Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days. Fare, one wbj, S2.50. PhillCohn, Bgent,.A., Andrews, Prop. JbfC Royse is down from Dayton, and will accompany K v. B uley aud family over to Pritieville, where theyaie movinn from Dayton. All will remain at Uepp ner till tlie cloBe ut the Baptist Associa tion.. . ' '.' Pbill Cohu and F. 0. Bneknum lefl Wedueed iy for Aril gtoii, nv rai d, but learning that they cmld catch a bout at The D.dles, left, iiuiuediately for that point. Phill will go on Uowu to 'Frisco before returning., Pole Thompson' got bick from The Dulles Wednesday. When he left towu there were eight, .'feet i f wafer in the Umatilla House, and news rom below gave five and 6ue-blf feet of water iu the St. Charles h. t-1, Portland. A. C. Carle, nf Bois City. 8 'D of T. J. Carle, of lone, has purchased Gid Halt's barb-r nhop, and will hereafter have liberie of th Same'. Don't over look him for a first class hair out, shave or shampoo. Hair cuttiug Zo cents. We learn that the Oazptte has beende layed in reaubing subscribers. We shall endeavor to remedy this as soon as pos sible. No mail, can reaoh the lower country bv wav of rait nt present, ' but pointB on stage lines should not be so anected 8unken eyes, e pallid complpxiorj, and disfiguring -eruptions,.. ,.ndioate that tliera in something wrone wilhiu. ' Expel the lurking foe to health, .by pnrifvmg the , blood with. ..Aye'", owsapanim Cures erysipelas, eczema, salt, theum pimples aud blotches, , . The reunlar subscription price of the Bemi-Werkly (jaz-ite is $2 50 atid the regular price ot iha Weekly Or' uonian is 81.60. Any mte- Bubt-cribiug lot the Gazette , and psyii.g for one. year in advance ran tet both the Gaze'le and Weekly Oregouiaii for S3."" All old sno senbera paying their eulwc-io'ions for one year iu advance will be entitled to the s.'ine. ' "' A lady at Tiwleys, La., was very sick with bilious colic then M. U Tisler, a prominent merchant of the town , gave her a 'bonis of Chamberlain's Uoli'-, Cholera and ' Diarrhoea Remedy. He says she was well in forty miuutee afi-r taking the first float. For sl' by 8looum-J"hnon Dnig Cu ' Dr S. F. Scott, B ue Ridge. Harr'son Co., Mo., eayi-: "Kor whooping congli Coamb-rlaiu'sOnUKh R-mdy is excel lent." By usinti it f;eely the riieae is deprived oi all danaeron" onsr.quwnces There is uo d inger in giving the IVntedy to babies, as it contains Dotbing iujuri ous. 50 cent bottles forsale by tJlocum Johnscm Drug Co. Lrf.:w,,.,, ,. ,-. -reWjyjasasiaaaa A, O. Carle, of Boise City, Idaho, has puruhased (he tonsorial parlor formerly wi.ed by Old Halt, at the Matlock "iiildiiig uext door to oimou's blaok--milh shop, where be invites the patron igenf all who desire strictly first class vol k at reasonable prioea. Haircut. iliveorRhampoo,23cents each.- Give him a cll. tiuch weather as we are having now will produce fine crops, to which any one must admit onr farmers are entitled. The Gazette has serious doubts if i-uouub hands can be secured to harvest I he crops of this lection this year. Sam Cochran's little girl fell off a horse Tuesday lst, while on her way to school near Monument, receiving severe injuries. She wbb hurt a few years ago and is subject to epilepsy. J. O. Mevgs, one of Gooseberry's italwart republicans, was in Heppner Weduesday, Since the blockade, mails have been very irregular.' We hope that tbiB wilt not liiBt long. ' J as. Ross was over from the south eastern part of the county to vote the first of the week. ..... Vic and Louis Grosbeug came in 8uuday from the John Day neighbor hood. ...... - Wanted A few more customers for the home laundry. Mountain House. ' Thk Flood Saturday's Oregonian, the latest news from below, states that Khar p," Rurr'ell & Oo.'s place on Front street, Portland, has 33 inches of water on the Front floor,. --Temporary sidewalks ' have ' been erected in the flooded district, but boats are used for street crossings t- 10 oeuts per head. Entei prising Vteam " launoV, owners navigated Front street until stopped by .iroiiert.yowneis.tlteUoojuiotioueauBedby the propellers threateuiugtododamageto buildingi. The Northern Pacific is wash ed but between Portland and Taeoma, aud "till communication ' out off. The Union Pacific, however, is endeavoring to get the Harvest Q teen np the rapids at Oas'oidep,'aud it successful, will by trsnKferriig at Cascades and Oelilo establish a line of boats between Port land .and Wailula .Oiiuneotirig ,.withthe Snake river boats. At The Dalles, the water is up tu tu.e. top of the .irat story windows of the Umatilla house. The whole business portion of the town is flooded, the , electric light .. plant, is submerged apd the. town, is in utter da'kueas. At Ijoth , Portland and The iJalles men are earning from .35 to $15 per day savmg property, bauling pas sengers io boats, eta. .The amouut of damage done OAnuot , be estimated Such a fl ioA has. never before .been experienced, with one exception in 1837 tbe water was about fifteen feet higher in The D-dles, but the country was sparsely Be it led and no particular damage was done. However, it is not aulicipated that the flood ' will do more tliau temporarily iucuuveuience Heppner busiuens men, tie their stocks will be b irdlv depleted before trtffio is resumed. The only disaster (?) that may betall us is a beer famine, but venders of that popular beverage are preparing fnr' tbe worst. '1 be greatest inconvenience comes from being cut iff from the hews of the outside world. At . The Dalles and Arlington, great piles of mail matter are stacked up, running up to many tons. Death of Thos. Bbadlbx. Near miduiiiht last Tuesday eve, Thomas Bradley passed to the unknown, aged 4t years, 11 months and 6 days. . De ceased bad beeu ill for several days at the City hotel, which was opened by Mrs Bradley about tbe first of the month, and it was thought he would recover till late Tuesday ' evening1 when" dangerouB symptoms ' were noticed. Everything possible was done, but at 11:45 he expired from heart failure. Deceased was born in Bloomfield, N. J, but. was raised tn California. In 1878 he was married to. Miss, Julia Minkler, tod since has resided most of the time in Oregon. He was a straightforward, big hearted man, aud had friends wherever be was known, all of whom will regret to hear i f his death. The interment occurred on Wednesday afternoon io tbe Heppner cemetery, services being, held at tbe bouse and grave by Rev. Adkins. "Toe ' Jdnb.. Numbeb. Toilettes for June will . be acceptable to its fair patrons, the early summer styles form ing the subject of its delightful illustra tions. " Tailor made suits, wraps, children's specialties, Bkirt trimmings, bodices aud fanoy artioles are noticeable among it contents. These are designed for the use of all classes, but will be found particularly useful to ladies who are preparing new dresses for summer travel. This magazine seems to be every day growing iu favor with women generally, is rrfind and perfect modes aided to its marvelous cheapness con tributing to make it an universal family magnziue. It can be obtained from all uewsde tlers, nr direot from TOILETTES FUBLI8HINGCO., 126 West 23rd St., New. York. Single oo ies 20 cents: Yearly subscrlplions 81-50. Thb Columbia. The Columbia river was lisiug rapidly at last reports. Much drift wood is noticeable, and oooasionally houses, barns, fencing, etc., are seen. Cbas. Jones, who got up from Arlington on election day, reports that the Almota is now navigating the river between Celilo and Wailula. It is expected that the Heppner branch will resume operations todav, making connebiion with the boat. It is not likely that the main line will be open for some weeks yet, for even after tbe water rVoedes, it will take some time to make repairs to road bed and track. (Re ports today say that the river is falling, but the train wifl not leave as expected.) Sqlibbel Poison. Beo Ewaggart has a new kiud of squirrel poison which is a dead shot oa squirrels. It is for sale at Phill Conn's, at tbe low figure of $1 per galloD, io bulk. Tbis poison is guaran teed, or money will be refunded. It ie somt-tbing that squirrels will eat, eve. i at this time of tbe year. Now is tbe time to kill tbem. Macbike Oils. Peolaod & Co. have on band a fine assortment of machine oils, forests cheap."' ! ',"J,..'. ;TT-B-jr.-cao Hi 6. Judye I'ecli Dyspepsia M r s . J ud g e" P eck' n s H cw !.,.She. Wat 'Cured'.!... Sufferers from ltysjwiisiit.stUoulJ.itfjKl-th foK towiujE letter,, trmn Air. ,11, M.J'eclv, wife of judge Peok.n Justice at TracyCil;, m:U a wrttor connected with tlie AW)fiai"r1 PivVis: '" '""By a deep sense of uratiMulti. far U;o Kr;it benefit I hare received from iho use of IkkI's 8nr;iiHrtiU. 1 hiiVt Ikmmi led to write th follow.' iiilC HtAtemuut for the bwierit. of suffrrer who rriHjr b similnrly afflicted. For 15 years tiiive been a great suffert;r from dynpni;i and Heart "Trouble. M Almost rerything t aw would distress me. T tried different treatments aiid" medicines, 'but failed to realize relief. -Two years iiffo a friend preYttHed apou tn" t try ITood'i 8afs jtp"arilla." The flrat buttle .1 jtoticed lielped nie, so l ooi Unued tkin it It did me so much good that my friends spoke of Uia imjroYniaW 1 bar recelTed such great benefit from it Utat Gladly Recommend It I now have an excellent appetite and nothing t eat ever distresses me. It also keeps up my Hood's'Cures flesh and strcnfUi.. 1 cannot praise Hood's Barsaparllli too much." Mils. II. M. l'Kt'll, Tracy. California, (let HOOU'D. - Hood's Pills are hand made, and perieot in proportion and appearance. 23c. a box. ... Wool Matters. Geo Davie, wool bnyer for S. Knsbland & Co , of 'Frisoo, returned from Pendleton Wedtesday by the way of Echo. Mr. Davis is bere to bay wool on the same basis as be bought the Anson Wright end J. N. Elder clips, and this is considered tbe top prioe. All the wools bought bere by Mr. Davia this season, so (ar, cannot be gotten out on account of high water, and it is more than likely that it will be six weeks or two months before any wools at this place can be moved. With this in view it will be seen that Mr. Davis is paying a very high figure for clips at tbis market, yet be does not hesitate to oontinne paying tbe very beat figure. Everybody knows Geo. Davis, and they also know that t,bey will be treated right when they deal with hinj."""- Children's Day. On last Sunday .at J. J. Adkins' grove, tbe Union Snbbatb Hobools, of Morrow oounty, held a picnic in honor of Children's Day Althougb rain interfered much with the ocoaeion, it was a most enj lyable affair. There were present from Heppner, Mr and Mrs. Geo. Oonser, Prof. W. h. dating. Misses Julia Hart, Jennie Wier, Rev. Farrisb, Miss Effle Warren, and others' whom our informant did not remember. Some hoodlums . . caused Miss Elsie Farmer's horse to throw ber, injuring her badly, but beyond tbis and the rain and hail-Btorm, nothing oo ourred to mar tbe pleasures of the day. Counoii. Sbssion. On last Tuesday eve council . met in special meeting, May Borg presiding and all councilmen present. . . . . '. .' . . Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved... .....Bills allowed: A. T. McNay, $2; Wm. Gor don, 82; F. J. Hallook, $16.66 On motion , , White's . Dramatic Co. were allowed to play, for the benefit of the hose oompaDies without license'.. Bridges aoross Willow oreek ordered repaired. .... Dog and ; rOud poll ta ordered collected.. .... .Finance' com mittee empowered to settle business with E. J. 81oonm regarding notes due town.... Cunooil adjourned.' , , Marbie'd. On.l'June'.3'.i894, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the close of services io Clark's canyon; ooourred the marrlnge of Mr. Isaiah Wren and Miss Mary Shiok, Rev.' it." BrftmbIef dffloltittn'gr",rh'e" Gazette extends congratulations. The play to be produced this evening at the opera bouse tonight is very simi lar to VTen Nights in a Bar Bonra." It is a highly moral play and deserves no suob criticism as passed oo by the Rec ord. Besides it is a benefit play, our fireompauies to be tbe gainers. ' .i ...... ..a CroHahiK the Atlantic. . Usually involves sea sioknese. When tbe waves play pitch and toss with you, strong indeed must be the stomach that can. etaud it without revolting. Tour ists, oommeroinl travelers, yatobsmen, mariners, all testify that Hostetler's Stomach Bitters is the best remedy for ibe nausea experienced in rough weather on tbe water. Nervous and weakly travelers by land oTteu snffet- frorjo" some thine akin ttMh'rs, and Hud inthe Bitters its surest remedy, ho disorder of the stomach, liver or bowels is so obstinate that it may not be overcme by the prompt-end thorough remedy. Equally efficacious is it for chills and fever, kidney and rheumatic troubles and nervousness.' Emigrants to the frontier should provide themselves with tbis fine medioal safeguard against tbe effects of vicissitudes, i of .. . climate, , hardship, exposure and fatigue. WtilW -.. I I it I "! .',.1... 1 Produce $2 SO.aod get.the. Gazette tor one year. Nice family paper, and bu. ly to paper cabins. . I suffered (rom biliousness, indigestion etc., Simmons liiver Begnlator Cured after doctors failed. -W, D. Bird. "How to Cure All rJkln Diseases.' ' Simply spply ""Swsyne'a Ointment No internal tnedioine' required. Cures tetter, eozrjna, Uub, al'. o oiions on tbe face, bands, nose, Ac, leaving the skin clear, white and healthly, IU great healing and curative powers are possess ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug gist for 8wajneJs Ointment.; ew 1 jr. Moot of our ailments come from a disordered liver which Himmuns Liver Regulator cures. You cannot do effective work without clear bead, and for this take Himmoos Liver Regulator. ' Dyspepsia in all its forma is not only relieved but cured by Simmons Liver EeguleroT - - .... . . . FOR SJLXjE' ST ' Gilliam A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY ! ,T"',".eir 'jW'h.wqphet'"' lias, " lujJ. dpiyn , tbe maxim ,pf, . ., ., , ,71, "Never., put off. till tomorrow . what cau be done -""today." If J'on want bfli'gniiiB today, if yon need the' ' ' ' " uecetsities of life'iii" the linn o Dry Goodfi, Genta', Fur- ..'oishiqg'UotMpKv'Ti'aukB,' Valiaee, etc, at prices never,. . , before pfferedin Heppner,eil ou L. Bluruputlial, Bucces- . ... sor to J.. H. Koliuun, Cor. May aud Maiu streets. GR EXT ,13 AXKHUFT S ALE ! This stock will fihnrtly be inerenBvd, howerer, by a 'well-se'ei'ted' lot nf goods,' direct troin Portland., Kemember tluit theso prices have imui: been equalled iu Hpppnerv Bw-lm. h, JIluWEmHaL Heppner, Oregon. . HEEP PLEASE SEND US YOUR NAME, : - -AND ADDRESS. . ' : .: THE ONLY' WAY' YOU CAN SG01II YOtllt CdOOL! :mWhy Pay Freight t Wool Scourino 6 Packini Co. "..'- PENDLETON, OREGON Annual Convention iRU COUNTY SOUK HOm pSVi. THURSDAY, JUNE 14, A'fifrtod prtgrftra lBbfel'nK'prep'arefl, eon!Hng of Music, Kecitatioua, psftays, fjlept (teaini "and papers oh vartrtirt stAjectB of Interest to Hmitlay Bchout workers. ' ' ' ' ltill', (,BRINQ yVMlIjiL,TEC 13 A.M Ii , 'A large' general table-will be proridud for the accommodation of those in ' attend'artce.' '' ' Bun day sohookaro requested' to have tendenti to wear erape ontiieir left arin. aut.ol PBOGRAM: M0 OPBNINO SONQ. ... ' '.'.'.,'.!' .,,.B,Y T1IK. AL'DllCNCK.i Opening PraVEu.,. , ... , 'i . f-.iy.. M.-ItBvi'OENisoN' . Song...., ,M. E. Soi'tii, Sunday School: : KCLOOY ON THE LIFE Of J. H. Kl.Y liEV. F. C. AltKlNS. ' 86no. . ,'. , , , . M. E. Sunday School, A brief history of nnflfiy"Si.l0l)l'worfe','liV regard ' " toltsKfOwlh' :::::::: S. Q. Vouno, Song .' - ..Liberty Hunuay Hciiuoi.. -TUB IMITT'OP I'A-BENTS to TH-fc HrNIAY SCHOOL.,. ...II. C, GAY, . ,. FOLLOWED R.Y MllH. 11. F. Ua'O.iS. 1 Koso . ..... . ,. .Jioculas Sunday schuol. "' SONU, '.'!,.,...',..'..'.. ' BAlTtST SUNDAY gCIIOOI..' , RlPORTSnfrOH) all tbc.Siimlay Scliooli of tfie County. Bono. ..... .... Eight Mile Sunday School. Vai.di! or A Normal Trainino Glass I. W, Shipley, , '..FOLLOWED Y. J. K. Kl.Y.,., . . , , . Sono... .j , j.u.-i I.eikot Sunday School, How pan t Stcoac BtrrrER Attendance m our , Bukuay Schools?.... Mihs Wier, follow by a. H. Kino. . '' 86: . .' " . .V.': . ;rt .; . . i-.' j..hiloh Sunday Suhool. The Sunday School Tut Auxiliary of ths nui'HrH ' "' ' ' ' '.'. ..' '.':" "..Mr. M. I.. Frksch, followed by Mr. Uayer. Sono 'r "' :'',..,'.'.. BY thk audience. , ,T,he Finance question. " ' . ...,'.B. F. IIevlaND,' ..yoLLOED BY MRS. pMEAO. Sons Influence of the Sunday School OV Pociftt .::' ' "" ' ' ' I.'., .:. Mr. T. W. avlbsajio t. S. Uornr. 'CLOMNO'SOHO . . '.:' .. m'l .., .; BY THE AUDIENCE. . , ., 2. jt 3. f - - ".trCT;'-j-':;fasa &; 33isbee, . xxisPFsrxmroB.; MEN AFFORD TO RUN SHEEP, on All Your. Dt. ",'"",;;;'" of the their banners drapetl iti mournitig and Buperin- roapect fdr onr late PfOHhle'nt, J. B. Ely. ' ' S 6; A; M . ' BY tllE At:DINC. 1 Only Fiiet-CleFs bMt-l in lieii'iicr:' ' liiiiUijin , Viif rj ipr,..I' l' C(ti(; tiitlt, ,, ll.roULboul. I'pff Pcei niLCflBiH id lot IL imvt-lltitt lUl llC. 4. CbuiKoue trtaliutiit dfibuttd tbe oouu , tiy Leojjle. ... .' MES. M. VON CADOW. rfoprietr ' Why ..Don't You Call on the New Firm at the old Van Dnyii ffnnd ? You will certainly be surprised at .the low pripes in -.y Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and ; . , A Complete Line of Groceries. COME IN AND SEE US No trouble to show gods nrd give pnVpH.' . i . ; ,,,, ' ' Eespectfuiu' Yovns, ..,..,. HOENOE & WARRKIsf. They All Get Something. ROM a bushel of-Corn, a distiller gets fcnr''gklW8,p'VbfskCT 7" vr,..,.w mo Huvviiuneui getsaa.uu : tlje farmer who raised the corn gets 40 cents ; the railroad gels $1.01) ; 'tb man'a, ,' facturer gets $4.00; the retailer gets I7.00'; the consumer, gets six months, aud tbe policeman gets puid for ruuiiitig hiiu iu. ' 'Yo'l ,Ket something Ux if you ruu in and see the'new lines'of Dress Goodswe open Out this week-you'II get 'an, agreeable surprise and perhaps a dress. We have opened 15 cases of new dress materials and .laces that left the other side of the fUh pond only four weeks ago. M IF i :: C. IIUUI,, ' 0n May Street, opprjeite Pataoe Hotel. ' hi "v OF1 vrri-r fi ii OREGON t diiki'I'v aim m le and fancy:.., Drocc . . A foil line of eboloe Pfe, CakeB usually kept in Urnt-clasi bakery store. try then. Land Patents ' ,7tantl patents aqpured lor Contested' Cases ' ' Contestod cases intelligently and skillfully handled, ,,.' Old Claims and Disputes :.-.,. .-' y "". " Old olaima and disputes Bpeedily settled! ' Contests;;; ;;;- ;:;;; ; L.J LlHL":.. ' , Ik'twoeo individuals baTina oo&fliotinir olairoa nnder thi 'aiirjaultaral land uU mm. umri uiriiuhuln ouoer ine minernl Laws Bnil ntrrioultaml olaimaptB; and Uo ,betwen eira tuta. nn lnr any of tbe public U4 hsr pd the KHilrOAIl nomnSIIIPI Bill! tlioir oranto. a u.,,1 --..I .l' 1 i i tiie bwiimp-J-iand and school Land Graois. ,t ,, ,,. " Bppclalty made of aecarjns patents in the shortest poaaibla fop aettlers who have complied wtb tbe laws rindi-r tybioh their entries wrre fflHiie, and "bo are annoyed and worried by delya ill the iRPiie of their patents, caused by Trifliue IrreKuiBritiea which can bs easily aud speedily removed. . , ,.fty10. lao Kiyeo, in all matters relatinft t Ibe public land",' especially on points arising nnder tbe new laws wbipb have been recently passed providing for tbe disposal of Ibe public domain. . .,' ... . T. . - ! . 1 1 1 ,. . .... J"" yur muu (isirni in a uurry ii yon want yonr Isnil tmainese, or any charaoler, attended to by skillful and Oi.mpeteul attorneys, and promptly dis Doeed of. write to ' PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, .'."'"John Wedderburn, Gen. Man., ' P. O. Bor, 885. ;; 1 ' ' , ,," ! Washington, D. 0. B.J. SLOCUM, HAS - Tk ipcy.;.lr the KrowDSville Mi Hills. And has on hands afuH line of their jroods InolndlnK suite, blankets, woolens, etc. "' H Is also prepared to lake measuroa for suits. Z :;.;;;;; , ;:;, Palace .Hotel Building v, '"" ' ' ' i " " - . .a Heppner. Oregon, ). FOOTK'B HAND-BOOK OP HEALTH HINTS AMD READY RECHMtf, W Is ttw tltl of a vrr ralvll book tht gives a irraat amount of Information of tb Utmort JmportutM to varybydy, oungernlu tbalr dally tublU of Katuu, Drlnkln, Dressing, .to.. What to Et, ,,, Bow to Eat It. ' ThtnntoDo, ' Things to Avoid. Perils of Bummer, Jnnaenr. pf Plants, tMsjupatlon ftjrlnvalWs, Alcohol as a Iood and a kledlcli... Baperfluous Hair, now w Dreams, ? lingers of Kissing. Kestnrtiig the Drowned, Contagious Disease. Malarial Afflictions. verVstlng Uuue, levsnUug Near SllirUtod- How to Avoid Them! trouo-to J-reveuT " ' 1 eotUatloo, mss, Kierdse, IT TKLLfl MOW TO f IBK Black Eyes, Rolls, Burn. CliUlhlalna, Cold Feet, Corns. Conghs, Cholera, Dlarrnosa, Diphtheria, Dysentery, DandruS, Dyspepsia, Karache, Foiona, Fetid Feet, ftickles, Headache, Uloooogh, Hives, Uoarseness, Itching, lullumed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning Molea, Pimples, Pllea. KUsumaUsin, Klugwonu, Mooring, Stammering. Sore Kyes, Sore Mouth,' Bore Nipples, More Tbroe,t,,untroke, Htlnga tuid Iuseut Ultes, Sweating Peet, Toothache Uloeal Wart, Whooping Coua. Wqrmi lo Cbildroo. IT WILL tA VU lHCTOa MILLS. " HTAII new lODaeriberi and prompt renewals duringthe month of Jane will be presented with a free eopy of thie as a preminni. " '" "". .!..... .. wnwmwu,, .,..,B jHeppuer, Oregon. For the Cure oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits' It is located at Forest Grove, Or,, , . ! , 77ie Most Beautiful Town on the Coast: ' Csll at tho'bAZFTTi office for particulars, strictly confidential. Treatment private aud sura cure. Proprietor rv More. They will keep ob band a f rill line of " ' i .. n i and Bread; io fsot everjlbiDB that ii Tbay will aell ebeap foi cash. Call and ' T " . ";; ;;-;;-- "- Bettlors in the 'sho'rtest fiofisiblo time, ' SECURED n 1 in T TSI.M ABOUT ..-.i . ... -.i,.,. ....,..!,.. Panultm of tbe Skin, ' Csre of Teth, SathlngBest Wav. Afler-DlniMr rVapt. ., . Imngsand Lang Diseases, Jifocto of Tohao, How to Avoid them Cure for Intemperance, ' Clothing, What to Wear, Heads., Canse A Cure, ' " SUI.ll U n eJtc. a t I O Uet Kid Of LlM