Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 08, 1894, Image 2

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City v Hotel.
Crine I'orr business io Htppntr peopie
and therefore curixt to build up ' tiiyp
ner. Patronize -those- irtio -patronize
- A t a.
We hold each and every correiipondent re
sponsible for his or her roiiuiuiiiii-atiim. No
correspondence ttiU'be' fiifuilshed -unles the
writer 8 real uaine in Digued us au evidence oX
good faith.
Did jtpu ever
Read about the
Han who
Hid hit
Light nnder
A buBbelT
Yesf well
That le like
Doing bnine w
Wit-boat advertieinK.
All the
v Snide cheme -In
the country
Will Dot Bcoomplish
" Hull ua much
As a Ood ad.
Io a good, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that"'""' " "
Is read
By tbe people,
And that owns
It own
.. Boul; that -Uaet
its apnea
Like merohnndifie,
Worth Hollar'
, For dollar. ,. ,.
Who bo orjimrz iiimi doenijvt count?
Loud by 15,000. . Ah fnl isn't itf. Yes.
Awlul nine. , ... , -
. mil ;, h . ..
Criptlic' creeK, ' Uolormlo, is uuder
martial law.
How does (he rppnlilionn majority
in Morrow county suit. yhnV'" """
All tbe boys got there but Ilnllook.
and girls too on our snlq. ' '
Fbom, latpst.i, lepoilti, Grant, county
went ovi'rwbflininuly republican.. , .
Kli.ih bus curried the srooud oun
gresi'ionnl district by a larger plnruhty
than butoio: "
Tim republican ptineplo of profecftlun
to Amenonu Industries bus been strongly
enilorted iu Ormon. . .,
Uallcck cut Muiri' lust plurality
down from 633 to 86 Not bud for a boy,
and a poor boy nt Mint, is II?
Tob reptiblici.LB never lind such
peiftct orKiiiuz itmii in Una oounty
before. The tkctiuu ehows the result ol
it . .. ..
TBAvric on the Ui, - Northern and
Northern I'nuiOa railroads i much
interfered with on ' nooount of biyh
water. .
1!EN KkeIkY pioputPHtd findColgiite's
remains, the uiiioiliiui.te miriilierof the
Carlin party ho was Iff t In the Bitter
Hoot mountains lust winter."
Hour one remiukid on,, the street
yeBteiday that the populist gut mup.
No. Ihry gut two constablra and three
justion. " Unti'l n b Hum of ibis victory.
Uei;avn is iiiiit-i voiing to novf
ri'stond to minernl locution and entry
all the mim rul lundx iu the lluhi nini
mining dut'rH't. njihln the liuuts uf Hie
Cacciide range and lorext rmcrve iu
Oregon.- t " "
TllK president hei uin Io bs Hi perfeut
aoonril with Carlisle on tiie Inntl ho far
as it rebates to sog'ir. In New York,
however, the income tut feature is not
popular, and Hill mil cuiilinuu to fight It
with all his illicit.
- I
Uayh, lliiwlhciiue and Howe, three
young n n who litimbiri&d a store iu
The Dalles recently aucceeded iu reach
ing the Cascades where Hays was found
dead from the ill cts of a guualmt
wound iu the groin. Tht otheiseseaped.
Tim campaign Mlnoii .Morrow comity
has just pHst thnuitth will leave traces
of bitterness that uiny never he eff toed.
And it is prohuble Hint it has all been
caused by ihe act-iof over i-ahins dinnie.
Personalities re to be deploied, a it if
rare case If it does any one any par
ticular fcood. aud we kiiow that much
harm results frmu it.
Mo.ndai's eleotiuu patted (D quietly,
only one or two sliuht dieturhnuces
oocurnng, which, iu every case, pap be
traced tu a too .iheral uss of the anient.
It is the Ciniflle's opiuinn that when
men so far lorget theuiselvta ss to fall
out with each other over ehciiou
difference, they irHoulii sput thrmigh
a Bogardus kicking Biiichiue for'ahoul
two hours apiece, and the aggressor UueJ
in every iustauoe. ,
v..., ;
IViiihur to Itnelf. " ,
8o eminently successful bus Hood's
Haisapanlla been th many leading
eilil'Hs fn m all over the Unile'fl StHtee
furnit-b teaiimi'iiiala of cures which
eem alm s min cuhnia. Ilnod's Mama
panlla la uot au acoideut, but the. fruit
of iudnatry and atndy. It possesses
merit "peculiar to itself.' "
For Iiepuhlicunism
The Republican State, District
County anj Congressional
' Ticket HlecteJ ; With ,
. one '..l:3tcepti'uri. ".'
Gowun.i;arrlefi , lluriow .and (Irimt by a
Large Vote anil liU Klectlna Is Aimufed. 1
"" Kills Slrnhirly Knderwd. ' ' ""
In the llmf issiio the Gnzette rooster
crowed loudly over Hie splendid victor
iu Morrow county, but in this issue our
eagle pcrenuii over the. good news as
Hie returns of one lUiillblii lin mujorit
nfier another is reported. ' ' '
' From tho oflioiul rotilrne1 whioh appear
elsewhere in tin sj columns, it will be
"Ceo that the state ticket in , Morrow
county received pluralities running all
the way from 1(17 to 212. Juyue, the
candidate for prosecuting attorney On
the republican ticket, got there by a
plurality of 277, having a majority over
both parties.
. Ellis has a plurality of 190, Buley
ruuning third man with only 21(1 votes.
Wuldrop ran ahead of Ruley 119 votes.
TliV) county ticket 6 me in with phi
rahties raugiug from 8 to 155 votes
Qownn has a plurality of 185, while
Wills, for member of board of cqiiuli
iiition. bus 2(18 plurality, J. VV. Morrow
is the only democrut elected, OomitiK
out with 35 plurality. The pnpulinix
came out without u mun, though their
candidate, for sheriff, Joe Iluyes, ran
surprisingly close to Geo. H irringion .
Hep irts from Grant oounty indicate
a clean sweep for tbe republican ticket.
As fur bb heard from, Gowun bus 276
plurality, I'attersnn 2li and Mlis 272.
These reports include the preoiuots of
Uuyviile, Mnrysville, Canyon, John
l)uy, Prairie, Bear Valley, Mt. Vernon,
Ite and Wagner. ' The remainder' will
probably increase the pluralities.
News from Umatilla couuty indicates
that the whole republican county ticket
ll elected, with the eioeption of Miss
Woodruff, populist, who is reelected.
Ruley Will not Curry the couuty aud
1 Bth ok, for state senator, is defeated.
Tbe republic in state, ticket, will have
pluralities rauuing from 12,000 to 15,000.
while Ellis nod Hermann will be re
eleoted by linger pluralities" thuu they
received two years ago, ""
Gilliam county elects tho full' repiib- j
Mean ticket except sheriff, and Sherman
County ditto.exoopt BUrvejoc. ., , . . i
It is a great victory lor the eanse of
protec'ion, and shows conclnsively that
good orglilnZitlnu o'liiiits'
'Jt'Hrit'KK AND t'OMST.VHi.y.s.
The folloniug. uru the pluralities on
juatices anil ouiiatublcs:1 1 list. 1, A: G
bartholomew. ,1. P., H p , 75; I. L
How ard, C, Hep'.,' 83.' list. 2, C. F. '
Joins, J r., Tup., 21); W, 1). Iugrtim.
C, Top., 110. Dist. 3. V. A. Stevens,
.1. 1'., Fop , 35; J. A. Uurdinan, O., Hep ,
3. Dist. 4, J. M. White, J. I'., Top., 8;
.1. A. Liellllllen, Of lVo.,' lil." Dint. 5,
1' J. CbHc, J; V, iMn; 41; OhK B
Hiierry, O , 1ciU ; 71 " Olst." 6. B. L.
Freehold, J. I'.. Hep.; U; K . H. "NVhet
stone, C, Hi p., '26. , u , ,, ,,
Catuiili Vuioiot' be riiretl '"' ""
with local applicitiovs, as they cuuvol
reach the eefil of thedisease, Oalarih is
a blood or constitutional disease, hint iu
oiiler to cure it vioi must' take internal
remedies. ' iluil a Caturrh Ciire la taken
inierniillv,' ami Set dlreCrtiy iSn the blood
and mnooiis snrfiices. rliibXitUrrh Cii'e
is not a quack mMh llt. ll w-ae pre
scribed tiv tnmot ihe b st phvsifliauaiti
this oountrv for )asv sd w a- reulr
preaeri;tion. it is "Oiimtaissd of ths
best Ionics known, combined with the
tx'st blood pun tier, ai ling . directly on
the uiunous. am faces,, The perfeut
combination of .the two ingredients. i
what produces such wonderful result in
curing Catarrh. Send fur leatimouialr,
F. .1. CHENEY A CO., Prop-., Toledo, (J.
Sold by'Drhifgial's, price 7oo.
'"" Uney"spear cononilclly.
Money efonomiCjJlvspent is not nl
wajs tudicTrraaly spent. V h f Simply
becaiiH a cheap aitnffe often requ ice
inor money spent ou ifstojee it in
repair tlian it would cost'lo purchase
the best. 'We.juhntifnoj.u.re nothing but
tbe best gas anduuotriie engines in the
market, and rwuli iirm-t it. Send Inr
IIIIEAT ; VliTliliV.
! eatalojiiiiS'. riijiKTi iSc Bky Tyi k Fooxd
i ry, Front" Aid, rNS"., Portland, Or.
t Sioimonif LivlienurKtor, liear in
mind, is not an experiment. , It en
dbrsed by thonsands.
.j,.. ..i .-. .1 ''i
For Populism and
Hlgli tVnter ' llflnw uiuV ' Much ' Dnmaue
Unite BiuiiiiPMx Pni-tiuii of Town
. . lliloulat, d.
I he Dalles; May 31. The Columbia
river at The Da los haa reached the
biiihent point in in uiy e,ais, beiug 53.2
feet. .ub'Ve .low water mark,, and still
rising, Last Mond iy inoi iiiug ' the
lowest portion of Second street wap
covered with wiiter, nuil nil the mer
chants on Firat street made preparations
to move. The w.atijr r!-e steadily all
day, and nil. Wednesday, it reached the
railroad truck on First street. Wedues
day morning at n ion the UinutiHa house
was inaoCmalble, and all of First street
was under wider. The water has risen
steadily and is yet rising, a distance of
three blocks ot Second street beiuK
covered. .Culunlalinns based ou repoits
from Uinatillu indicule u rise of nt least
three feet' yet." 'This will iiiundute
almost the entire biiaiueas poition of
the town, as well us a iarge part of the
residence portion.,, All , Saooud street
residents, are moving, back to higher
irround. The Colombia hotel has
opened ft dining room' in a tent, aud
every couceivnble device is resorted to,
to enable people who are druwued out
(o in an uk o, until they outi return to their
places of business. The damage will be
very considerable; but oanuot be esti
muted. The Uuiou Paaitiii rouudhouse
bus several feet 'of water on tbe U or,
and t lie engines hitve all been removed to
an elevated piece of, sidetrack iu the
east end of town, where they will be
secure for a while. The railroad track
is washed out east of flood River and
uear Grants, and all railroad commuui
oatiou is shut off. Thi-re bus been no
mail now for two Jiije, uud.no prospect
for one soon.
The fisheries at The Dalles rapids are
the heaviest losers by the U od;' quite a
number of Wheels hnviug been curried
away." Bom fet Bros, have lost three
wheels,' which . 0 st ' ubrmt, S1O0OO;
Wniuns Bros. Just four, anil J. H- .TulTe,
of Celilo, one The loss of lbs s-ue in's
catch of sabri'in will amonut to a ereat
dea . 'The ciirreul is very rapid, Bud its
surface' Is thickly Covered with drift
wood aud fl uitiiig debris.
Businesa is suspended, aud tbe at
tention of every one . is directed to
saving the property of tlmae ill the sub
merged district; It is Ihb first time in
many years that bouts have beeu used
in tbe streets, but today the prinoipal
ujcaus of transportutiou throughout the
huiiuess part of town is in boats 1'he
wuter will ranob "Third- street today.
Fortunately, there is no current runnfnu
through the towu.or the loss wnuld be
Very much greeier. The wuguu roads to
the eus are covered in places, luakiutf
egress almost impossible. Tub blockade
is prevaiiliug sliipue-iil of strawberries,
and, - uuless - the trains etart within a
short time, the greater portion of the
Crop will be lost, aud entail a verj
heavy losa'on the growers.
,., All, former Uoiids are. aurpusHed, the
river beiug higher limn at any time in
Ihe memory of the oldest inhabitants,
with one exeepiiiui J. Crate, w tp has
beeu Iu Ti e Dalles since IS 17, stales
t lint one year the wuUt was up to the
site ot the .Methodist church, about lj
feet blither than the present mark. Ou
Thursday considerable current sot In'
on First si reel, and large quantities of
d. lit ot all kinds were Oarii.d over the
eutire ., suliuierged district, tiidewalks
are being ,fl rated to the surface aud
carried sway despite great load of rock
tbut were placed to hold them down
The laundries 'are a 1 under water. The
armory of oouipaiiy G is inundated,, All
the Cuited Stfites prop r y stored there
Was moved... The hea, Quarter of the
Third regimeut is threatened, aud
rise ot a tew 4nol)i will compel a re
moval of all the qunrteittiiister's stores
It it not'twKaible to Compute the amount
I of the 4)unjAgui but will re very great.,
" Winans Bros. Inst aupther, fijhwheel
Wedoed a.nil,,T.lJ'e, at Celilo, also
had cue .curried aav. This innke-i 10
wheels ttnit -have leen carried iiWay
causing a diretit toss of ab nit 830,000,
It will very seriously affect the sitlmon
catch" ' Taft.'s cannery at Celilo is in
great jang-r, and may. be swept away.
All statiuuary wheels are iu peril.- Those
built on Hat boats are the only Ones' not
being tT-raaged, as by' ooiistsut watch'
fnlnpd th'-y tfaft bs kept out 'of the way
of the "dritt jiiod tr-iugesj,. currents
None of the tUucrie ate eatuhiug auy
salmon now. ., . ,
Nearly all , jb, reatauraut drowsed
out )nve,, erected cheap board structure
? s ? 5 ? ! ; -2 ? ! !r ? 2
C! ? -j j 1 ! a I Z ' s -
CAKDIDATE1 5 3 i 5 o 5 .: K
For Governor. ' s - ' . Y .
William Oallowayt ... jo 3 119 46 41 7 10 8 10 10 11 8 16--
Jainel Kenuedy&. . . .. . i 4 1 & 4 .... 2 1 IS
W. V. Lord 26 19 '.9 SI 111 65 21 IS 37 30 36 7 14 tiV 516 167
Nathan Plerce 66 13 36 11 30 44 8 5 17 60 61 i S 4 349
For Supreme Judge, , j . ,
. Ji. 8. BenntUt j. o. ' .4 23. S2 .-71 46 i 7 12, f! U U. M -8 20 :J2i l .
R. P. BoiiJ g 8 22 35 7 3 9 03 60 1 2 2 '."JO
- T. P. Haikleman ..... - 1 -H - 2 h .... 4--- 14-
Cha. Wolverinn t 23 61 47 111 53 26 11 3S 30 34 8 14 26 j 6 8 186
For Secretory of. state, I
H. It. Klurairl J 21 59 52 118 58 23 16 39 29 38 7 15 29 1 531 203
T. HcKn-ber4 . i .1 .4 ,.1 . 2, . 1 3 13
Chai Slenellf. if 3 23 43 58 40 7 10 8 11 8 13 7 12 , 85H
Ira Wakefield. ..'...'.'.. g n 'M 12 2 41 7 3 17 5tl 61 2 2 I 3:'8
For Stale Treasurer. . 1
K. P. Caldwell: A 12 33 10 23 40 8 4 lj 57 fi.1 2 2 2 317
T. Ii. DavlrtsoiiT ....... ,a 3 24 44 '58 '4(1 7 10 9 10 10 13 7 13 266
"Pldl. Uettehati ...... ne ' 60 51- 120- 54 23 15 41 31 34 7 15 00 529 212
I. I. Kir liardMin? 3 1 5 4 6 1 1 1 1 : 25
' For Attorney Central.
C. J. BriglilJ : 5 . 1 3 4 7 . .. 1 2 2 2 1' 25
W. H. Holtm-st ,f 3 22 46 64 ,86 7 9 8 11 12 11 1 1$. 266
-C. M. Idlenian i ' ,w 49 111 35 23 16 31 :l 36 7 14 25 514 188
M. I,. Olmneadt.. ' 50 II 34' 11 23 44 7 1 1 57 57 3 2 3 326
For Supt. Publte Inetnie. ....
Helen Harford) 1 .2 1 ii 3 ' 1 8 2 3 3 .... 27
(1. M. Irwtn 27 21 39 51 110 R2 22 10 31 30 36 8 14 26 ' 5C9 203
T. 1:. JorevI 44 13 3" - 9 21 a 3 17 M m 2 2 1 m
D V. S. K'eedf. J(l 3 , 22 48 64 45 8 11 10 In . 7 la j Sl
For Slnie Printer.
,.W. H.Ueilt:... -.v...... . 22 50 113 56 22 15 37 31 ;t'J 8- 13 30 1 588 2113
J. H. McKlbben ., 1 ...... 2. 1 4 3 ... ....... 2 ; 13
" Jclin O'Brlent ll 3 23 44 57 38 7 9 1 7 11 10 12 1; 14 i 256
0. M. Orlnnl 11 31 13' 24 41 Is 2 3 2 ! 319
For CoHgreaelnd Diet.- ........ I
W. K. Ellis 27 21 60 52 129 60 24 W 37 8 13 29 549 190
. A. F. Miller) '....':.:... 1 ... 2 '2 ... 1 .... .. 2 .... 8
J. H. Halert- 1', 3 13 38-08 M 4 1" 6 8 9 12 7 14 H -
Joseph Waldropt. - 50 13 38 19, a5 ,46 9 n 16 61 .59 3 2 3. i 359
For Pros. Atiu-lth DM. '
.. B. Dufurt 1 52 43 1 1 T 7 It U 13 13 ,4 15 i860
A. A. Jayne , i" 35 60 130 68 21 18 39 36- 34 6 14 28 562 277
K. P. Sluel as 10 30 8 18 87 10 4 14 50 57 8 3 3 I 285
For Urm. Hoard ot Equal. ' , !
T. II. Lafolletlr.. ,, 3.. 23 49 61-4 1 7 8 7 1 0 10 13 7 13 I 269
B. K. seareyt A 11 ; 10 22 41 8 4 17 53 61 2 2 .. 1 311
W. !. Wills '..' 27 21 59 48 112' '69 21 12 40 33 36 7 14 31 .619 208
For Joint Senator . .
A. W. (Jniyan g 23 , 60 44 102 57 21 14 40 32 35 9 18 24 502 1S5
1. enrKe Gilbert! 46 9 29 10 18 36 8 2 12 , 58 61 2 2 1 299
Frank KelloKKf......... 21 2 25 51 81-48 6 12 U H 9 12 7 21 317
For Representative.
J. ll. Brnwnt 4 2 B 19 30 17 4 2 4 5 2 10 1 IS 119
, J. S BiKithby 25 21 58 47 112 58 23 14 44 29 34 9 13 22 soil 17
B. F. lilnat 64 -13 43 58 65 12 12 16 57 70 4 7 12 492
For County Clerk.
F. J. Halloek 23 16 44 40 91 57 21 8 29 28 34 7 11 lj 124
V. M. IlKKoet. ... BS 9 40 5 10 26 6 1 6 54 49 2 1 ... 216
1. W. Murruwt, .. ....... 32 U 29 66 103 5.1 12 19 32 18 21 14 8 36 459 35
For Sheriff.
O.W.Harrington...:. 25 16 33 49 111 50 19 10 28 22 31 9 IS 24 441 8
J.U. Huyenl 41 12 44 30,, 1 M 62 13 "1 29 58 64 1 2 9 433
J. J. MeUeef 27 9 39 32 32 29 7 8 6 19 12 13 8 13 254
For Treasurer. ' "
Frank lillllam 27 22 57 61 135 5 21 '5 41 23 41 8 12 26 513 181
J. L. Oibamit....,..,. ... 31 11 26 2 11 20 5 1 4 54 47 2 1 .... 21.1 .
J. H. Sluinns-f.': . 27 i 33 47 66 63 9 li 19 22 18 1!) 8 21 362
For Sellout Snpli . . .
Anna BiImkm. ..,,.. .27 22 49 45 89.50 22 17 43 32 3.5 11 15 12 469 118
.- Addle Colllw-t .'. .. 50 10 .56 12 21 44 14 3 U 50 01 2 2 ... 8.11
Martha Neville 16 3 u 54 '88 44 S V U 13 5 10 S 36 301
For L'omml&tiioneT. ., , , I . .
Wm. (illllauit 48 12 34 15 3 2 4 3 8 20- 04 4 -S 'sit, '
, J. L. Howard . I........ 26 21 f8 52 107 54 22 W 38 31 33 16 16 ftno 1.55
J. 11. fearaenf 19 3 ltl 42 57- -4 7 ul 5 10 9 11 3 25 263
For A xscssur. - ' ,
. W. B. KwiliKt .. 42 12 2S 3 IY SO' t "13 51 Si" "2 1 T 8110 '
W. U. MeUariyf.. 1 . 26 6 2S f 77-47 ,7 16 14 21 20 12 8 21 368
J. F. H ints 86 18 69 ,42 106 . 60. ii 11 37 29 37 "9 I.T 19 487' '1
For Surveyor. - i. r-.
C. W. liiKTahaml.-' 48 11 26 If, -: 8 2 12 58 72 ,5 3 2 316
D. II. Jenkilist 13 4 30 4.1 67 10 8 11 15 .12, 6.8. 14 l2X8i-''
11. W, Lord ,26 - 20 50 , 49 94 49 22 14 37 81 30 10 14 28 474 1128
For Coroner. ' ;l- ' '
T. W.,Ayej, Jr. 55 31 J.9a..,97 JlK2 JlDB. 31 26 61 60. . 73 j 19 21 43.JW1 . ..
Kcpubliean; f Democrat; Populist; ) Prohibitionist.
sbove the danger-line and are opened
again. . The damage , to the railroad
track and properties will be very heavy.
The telegraph wires are down, and there
is nb knowledge of tho estebt add
number 'ot the breaks and wasuont!
The boats of the D. ,P. qp. are
the only menus at getting out. There
has been no mail since Sunday, and last
evening the first OreoronianB for several
days oame. The eleotrio light plant is
submerged and the town is in darkness.'
l'KO,U JlQHT,,,Mll1li. , ,
, . We have not-seen any news from
Eight Mile for a good while, sol will
drop you a few lines.
We have not bad much, good growing
weather -this spring. Crops are some
what buokward, but we hope they may
come oat all rlgllt. ' People don't seem
to be very down-hearted about hard
times iu this part of the woods.
Ohm. Iugraham is digging a well on
the lower part of his ration. ' He -is
going to build a house also. It looks a
little suspiciuus. T think he has tiikeh
a tumble to , himself., , . , ,,,,,,,,
It might be a good idea for some of
those young oouverta to-tuke a lesson iu
seeiug themselves as others see them,
and nut let their h-ads swell quite so
big,. and not bold such a stiff neck. ,, .,
..S.ime of ns are suuimer-fallowiog,
some are standing around wondering
where the next day's grub is coming
from,'Biime sittiug aroiiid ;-6 a.their feYfces
wearing the old pitalies off their .pants,
waiting for sums ot tbeir noh relations
to die so they oau tt their, share.
They will theo be able to buy inme
ohewiug tiibacoo and renew the patohes
on their Sunday pants. '
We have n good school here and a
good, oompetent teacher, Miss Ooulee. '
We have prayer meeting every Tues
liiy pight. Oh, bayeu't we got a dandy ,
class-leader some times He has to
wear a very large had. The Christians
are takiug great interest in their prayer-
nieetiu -s. There are as mar y lis eignt or
ten some nights. We need Oampman
here to revive things up a little.
Bud says he is all solid on the Hidge.
I hoie you are; you have' btjeo single
long enough, but as you said, be your
owu j udge. , , , .
A ',V. Saliog and Wea Branon took a
Kind of the latler's wheat to Arlington
aud got thirty-four cents a bushel for
Little Olub and thirty six for Blue
Stem wheat. Looks Tike Heppner -'could
do something similar. , , . ,,, ,,
, The wheat looks fine they fny' iXbvo
toward Arlington. The people are
farming on a large scale down that way.
There w ill be a go d many Eight Mile
people who will take their, wheat to
Arlington where they can get better
prices for it aud gel g rods cheaper. " "
Later We have had a prod fain and
crops are booming up id good shape.
We expect a large harvest how that
everything is favorable., , ., ,,. .,
Eiort Mttn. Or., May 26, 1S94.
Tbe nip of a poisooom soaks is tin.
tight remove from swing more okuger-
niis than Ihe poison of scrotal in ihe
blood. A.ver's tiarsaparilla panties the
vital, .fluid, expel all . poisonous sub
stances, and supplies the elements of
life, health and strength... ,.,, , ., .
Boils, ahceaaes, tumors, ,snd. eveo
calipers,' are the result of t cat oral
V'ff'rt of the sVetem trt'expefthe polsona
which tbe liver Bud kidneys hate tailed
to re i -OTP'. 'imV Sarssparilla' stimu
lates alt th organs to proper uretorm
anppol tbeir fnnetions.
The Studebaker wagon heads tbem all.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee'B. a -
" Hardware" did ybii sayT Why,' yes
at P. C. Thompsou & Oo.'s stand, and the
place for bargains, a
The Keeley Institute, at Koreut Grove
onrf?s liquor; dptum,"1 moCpliiiie," Cdca'ine
and tobaoco habit. Hee ad.
The Palace is the leading hotel in the
oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone, a
' If' you want to' buy" groceries', and
bread stuff obeap, go to the Enterprise
Grocery. Kirk & Kuhl, proprietors, ft
The general mercnandise establish
ment formerly owned by Oofllri & McFar
land, has lately changed hands, now be
ing under the-control add -management
of Tbe MoFarland Mercantile Company,
whioh continues business at the old stand
with a larger stock than ever. a
Persons wtio -'sympathize with tbe
afflioted will rejoioe with D. E. Carr, of
'235, Harrison street,, Kansas City. ; He
is an old sufferer from inflammatory
rheumatism, but has nut heretofore been
troubled in this climate: 1 LaBt winter be
went up into Wisoonsin, and in conse
quence; has bad another, attack. ."It
came upon, ma again, very acute and
severet" be said." "My joints swelled
and beoame inflamed; sore to touch or
Rlninst look at." Upon the 'Urgent re-'
quest" of my ' mother-lti lHW'' I tried
Uhamberlaiu's Pain Balm to, reduce the
swelling and ease the pain, and- to my
agreeable surprise it. did both. I have
used three fifty-cent botttes and believe
it to be the finest thing for ; rheumatism,
pains and fwellir rxtant." For. sale, by.
Slocum- Johnson Drng Co.
.TUB,. . W..KSTJ3BN. f KDi(W US. ,
We are in .receipt of the MBy , D umber
of our etste school paper, , It exceed
any of the- former -numbers it - valiir.
Tbe paper -this- month contains -many
new BBd vfcldable' feHtOr'." -The' illus
trated series' on t he sctiools qt tli' state,
is introduced, by, s paper ou the Friends,
Polytechnic Institute at Salem. Oregon.
These' paper cannot fail "to" We of ftreat'
value'both to the' sq'dols ' Bn V to , the
public. ,, , i ,., , ...
"Tbere are also several tine articles
by onr best' writers' Mid tb dt-parttteuts
"Current Eve'ntB,,'"Satu'rdByiThonght8','J
"Kduoational News" 'The Oracle
Answers, " Corresponcrentsj'Vete.r esob
oontain much valuable rending fpr
teachers or parents. The magazine
hs about 50., fjages of matter, well
printed and arrangeaT" We nfonbiince
tbe Western Pedagogue the best ' educa
tional monthly on the oosst.
Everyone.of our readers should 'bays'
the paper it they are at all interested
in education. No teacher school direc
tor or sttirienr-eaii'Cet along- well with
out it. We, will, receive euliaccipi.ons
at this office. Price only $1. 00 a year.
When desired we will send the Western
Pedagogue And (tgje(teone year to one
address ..for, $3.00, Call and examine
sample qnoies. Teaobefs, direotors Rnd
,A gfenj irgamsje Ji"B jnst cm-
menod at .the "TTiTarfauT Meroautiie"
Go's, bio aiere. Evervihing at o.wt. lor.
cash, until f.Jl .stock is.laiduv tie.".il."
"K.UI1 J i ji iu ll IV. Vi.
The high reputation
i and'enormous sale of
Wta a Guinca
8 reflect the wisdom of Q
two generations. " O
ss cats a boa.
THIS Popular Hostelry h;s again . .
I been re-opened and will be run
in first class style. ' .. ,
lealsfi and Rooms at Popular
:Tlie Lightest, Strongest and
Equal with the interest of those having claims against tho government is
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli
able solicitors tc procure patents, for the value of a patent dependsgreatly, if not
entirely, upon the care aud skill of the attorney.
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys,
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
tamed counsel expert in patent practice, ana tnereiore are prepareu io ,
Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
, Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to
gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once
advised as to t.l;c best course k, pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
others are infringing on your rijrt ts, or if vou are charged with infringement by
others, submit the matter to u for a reliable OPINION before acting on the
matter.. ,, '....... ' " " .-" "
p.o. eox 463 -jOKN WEDDER3URN, Managing Attorney.
t W Cut this out and send It with your h"""' , ,
Pruutisd iviuyiu iUti uuro cuboiipuLiuu
Preutlss BectifyluB puis euro coxiRtiiifiUtta
rif ' ri CURE5 ,
Alrrost all pilla and medicine produce ccistipatlon, here Is a rt it cures torpid
liver, blUouancBs. jioumatiam, laUi-oBUou, sick headache and kidney and liver
tnublea without erlplng or leaving any. trace ot CONSTIPATION, which
laths prima cause ot nil nicintras, Scv.aa! or It soiling habitual and chronic with you,
seo to It In time; tlicno pilla villcure cu. ..- .
bmL Vi3 1 fl1 svbonauno'it 13 the only srito and harmless
m ft Waif I SmsB tea' remedy that will surely nHAUTlFY the
d a
d c
u u.
s a.
clear the skin and remove nil blotches
self. 35 Cents a box
Or awnt by mall upon receipt of price by - .. ...
Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturin?; Co.,
Prentiss Kectllylug jiilla cure conallpallou ProuUss llo.-lHyiji.. ..ills euro consttimtlon
.Prentl..BectlfyinB,,llt3cireeoprtlpallonPrentlMa mvlllyVfe-yilllcco
JOHN WEDDERBURfl. Managing Attorney,
P.O. Box 463. Washington, D. C.
.r.P?,r blr.dlsch"frf'l soldiers and sailors who served nlnely days, or over, inthe late war
are entitled, if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability
was due to "mv service mn
was aue io army service 01 not, if o,v dependent upon the r own lBhor for snnnort Widows
widSWsV yearS) i0 almost wb'ere there wa. no ,
PARENTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child. provMed mildlee HUA In
USiSS'K KnhI.?edtt?det De laW' PP'rto' Wh rate, nnder oth "
Thousands of soldicradcawing from $2 to $10 per moMh nnder the aid lsn-an ntit1ed In
.n,i!Sdd,w7eherTiSarieadbfor iaUW -r .r also
ordeVendTn.19 widows al.o.n'tltl'ed'rir.Utyiw.yearf aEeord.,.bW
riTrlcliiimeKiMKnl.l.J ..J ..IH..A ....
-v . - v.jy,mu ituu tcu:enrr'ji obtained
iave lost their oricinal Mri oou"ned
ocuu iwr laws ana iniormation.
P.O. BOX 463 i.l.,,,,,! .
- Illlsi, DnwsomSs Iyons,
All tmine alterrlerl- to in ft urompt Rnrl Bntisfactory
mauuer. Notaries Public hliJ fjollectors.
HEPPXEH, ' : , : . : OREGON
Otis Patterson
Mrs. Tom Bradley,. Prop. . .
Easiest ItunniDg Mower Made.
COMPANY, Agents.
i-it'iiiibS liuciiiyiug jjlllticuiecouBtipatlou
I'feiittr8 KuctUying pHla'ctiroctniHtlf)anmi
from tho ton,
' Try a box and see tor youp.
w.iether pension has been granted under"
". if rejection Improper or Hie.!
lor soldiers .and aailora of the laU v
war who
Kocharireforitvl Mn r. . . ,
aim; rnuDowv
.. iu,eu,.,.., L .
..Tinjninijiuri, V, I
'-iKOPPleat.-i .
. 1 4