SWEETEST 1 TOUGHEST! RICHEST! PLUG TOBACCO I It is absolutely, positively and distinctively differ ent in FLAVOR from any other Plug Tobacco now or the market. A trial will convince the most skeptical of this fact. The largest seller of any similar shape and style on earth, which proves that it lias caught the pop ular taste, and pleases the people. It possesses mere qualities of intrinsic value than any other Plug Tobacco produced. DO NOT FAIL TO GIVE IT A TRIAL, WE KNOW YOU WILL LIKE IT. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE The R J. Sorg Company MIDDLETOWN, OHIO. PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. There was never a time in the history of our couutry when the denmnd f' inventions hd1 improvements in the art nil sciences gerjerHlly wag 8o great af now. Tiie ooDveuicnees o( mankind if the fuotory and workshop, the household and on the frm, as well as in oflleiiil life, require ooutinnnl access one to tin appurteuauoe and implimeuts of eacl in order to save labor, time uud expense. The political ouauifB iu the administra on etiveruiiient does not affect the progress of the American inveutor, win being on the alert, aud ready to pur ceive the existing di fimeuoies, dues no' permit the. all'.iira of government to lie ter bun from quickly oonoeiviiiK th. leme ly to overoome exiatinK disorepun eie Too great oare ouuuot be exer o:s i1 in choosing a corapoteut aud ekill ''.i attorney to prepare and prosecute an application for pateut. Valuable in terosis have been lust ami destroyed i . innumerable iueUnoes bv the ewploj ment of iuoompeteut ouiinscl, and peciully is t Lia advioe nppliouhle to tliOBb who adopt the "No patent, no pay" sjHleni. Inventors who entrust their business lo Hub oluss of altornej do so at imminent risk, as tho breadth and strength of the patent is never con sidered iu view of a quick eudeavor tu fe an allowance and olitaiu the fee. THE HtESd CLAIMS COMPANY, John Vi eililei burn, Oeuerul Maoiiger, 618 1'' street, N . W., anhiiigton, 1). C, represen ing a large uninber of impor tant daily aud weekly papers, aud gen eral periodicals of the eouutry, was in stituted to uroUct lis natrons from the nusate methods heretofore employed in this line of business. The said Cou pauy is prepared to tako charge of all pateut business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, anil prepare and prosecute applications generally, iuoluding nie ohaniual inventions, design patents, trade-murks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and gives especial attenion to rtjectrd cases. It is also prepared to eutur into competition with any Urui iu securing foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice. John Wkdiikhiu hn. lilH V til reel, P. 0. Box 385. asliuiKton, D. C. pnlif TnlHI A iwn-'lsse ol our trait LULL I 11 1 U I " ' ' wssknssl Slid rnrr iinn., d,r,yi .,,, j,i,miy I 1 1 la mm sod loit vitality .! Inw for II oeuti lioat.i... vR. WARD INSTUTUTE, 120 Mil St, ST. 10115, SO. GOOD AUVICIS. Every patriotic cltlren should give his personal eflort and influence to Increase the circulation ot his home paper which teaches tho American policy of Protec tion. It is his duty lo aid in this respect in evory way possible. After the homo paper is taken car of, why not sub. scritxi (or the Amhican Economist, publlihed by the American Protective TariiTI-eaguaf On of its correspon dents says I "No trua American can get along without it. 1 consider it tha greatest and truest political teacher In tha United States." Bond postal card request for fr samplscopy. Addraaa Wilbur F.Wak. man, Gon.rml Bocrvtiry, IJJ Wast ajd St, Maw Yark. IF YOU WANT INFORMATION AB CUT Till1: ru: 1 F)Hi WSDDi-KBUNN, .i. Boh JOift. - i(innuin9 Atlorney, WASUlNislOX.D.U. SOI-OlcPS, WIDOWS, CHILOUCN. P ft RK NTS. AUn, i o''ci-H iitnl Srittnr tMsMi'i-Ml In nt lint")f Aur in t?'f ri'KUlar nnv T Nn1 ml it or vnr yi.ll lVi'M Mt ! llrtl'M- HI--.r W2 I ' 11'.'. tll-'if I'iOWH, HUH' flltitlfll t ' ii Hllit rt'Vflfil l-litt'.li!. II -hi'ihliv If.'iian'nlK rulHU'il lo liKiiff r Mt if-awii (i.rni1 1wj. )f 4irf far lvloi . tin1 r GREATLY REDUCED RATES MADE BV THE Pacific FOR THE CALIFORNIA SOUND THIP TICKETS DAY.S. (1001) KOK M Portland to Sao Francisco AND RETURN- $27.51) -EXCURSION TUIl'8 From Ban Francisco to other points III Cali fornia will be allowed purchasers of special Midwinter Pair tickets at the following ronnd trlp rates: To stations under ISO miles from Han Fran cisco, one unci one-third one way fare. To stations 150 miles or more from San Francisco, one and one fifth one way fare. For exact rotes and lull information inquire olJ. H. Klrklaud, Dial, l'afs. agent at 1:14 Flrsl it , Portland, dr., or address tho undersigned. IllCH D OKAY, T. 11. GOODMAN, Uen. Trallic Malinger. Uen. I'ass. Agt. Htm Francisco, Calif. K. P. ROC1KUS, A. O. K. & P. A., Portland, Oregon (Dbce (oa cause c; PrcfceeiV'xcm Are you willing to work for the cause of Protection in placing reliable Infor mation in the hands of your acquain tauccs? If you are, you should be identified 'with the american Protective tariff league. 138 W. 230 ST., NIV YORK. Cut this notice out and send II to the Uurus, staling; your position, and gtve a helping tnual. 'PILES; . t. vitwi wan tftmim I (toiu buiim-u. FiKulk. l lot with ui null, n i"" """" nitl.m flla.uk iid tiookfr.. Call" writ. int. it. iti ma. 632 Pine Strout. t. Luu.a, mo, ' Exporlt'iio uiitieooMiiry. Pcunr oomiullon lo locl part . .... t rT'l Com- Kraw.r. ua u,wu,riW IT pletO nnrtsry D fortbeorfhitrd. took. -rV WT n ud inlfn w Wewsvnt yoMnow.wnu th fml induitry It ELECTRIC TELEPHONE Rnld iv.tritilit, no rem, no royalty. Aitnpll o I'll. Vlllimeor Country. N-'ln tn ivry home, ilior. More '.nil imi OrvMOwl ,'ouven- leiu-w unit t"t .rrnrnnrnnn. Aaelim Diultr from SA loS10rH. flay, Ouo in m i, ilH-e meana Mti lo nil the iieU-Mi'-m. 1 in. in-lruuifnu, no toyn, work, mi, wlipra, Buy illt.!.''.-. I'oini'lwle. ri!j for u, lmu nhit'l t-tl I'.n h. inn un ty Htiy i iiis U..VM ont of ont,T, no rn'rmt, U.I. k ttni. nrrioitr.t. A luoli.y mi"'r WrC. W. P. Hsrrlion It Co., Citr 10, Columbus, O- liANii For Sai.k. 4S0 acres over 'n Wilson orairie. A Bood slock ranch .in.. Kill be fold cheap. Call at Gu.'.c.ie offioe fiT particulars and terms lira nn A Gentleman Who formerly resided lo Connecticut, but who now resides In Honolulu, writes : "For 20 years past, ray wife and 1 have used Aver ' Hair Vigor, aud we attribute to It the dark hair which she and I now have, while hun dreds of our acquaint ances, ten or a dozen years youngei than we, are either gray-headed, white, or bald. When asked how our hair has retained its color and fullness, we reply, ' By the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor nothing else.' " "In 1868, my affianced was nearly bald, and the hair "m kept (ail ing out every day. I induced her to use Arer's Hair Vigor, and very soon. It not only checked any further loss of hair, but produced an entirely new growth, which has remained luxuriant and glossy to this day. I can recommend this preparation to all in need of a genuine hair-restorer. It is all that it Is claimed to be." Autouio Alarruu, Bastrop, Tex. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR COURAGE IN SURGERY. Why Experienced l'ractltloners Are Cool While Operating. An old surpcon, cng-ag-ed for the mo ment in dissecting a cold roast quail, and maliinp, itmiist.be confessed, only an indiiTeront job of it, hud been lis tening incidentally to the conversation of his table companions who were dis cussing the calmness and nerve dis played by the average practitioner dur ing surgical operations, says the New York Herald. Both agreed that the poise and coolness shown by surgeons at times were extraorainary anu nuru to understand. 'Now, friends, if you will permit me," interrupted the surgeon at this point, "I would like to tell you that there is nothing extraordinary about it The 'nerve,' as you call it, of the surgeon under such circumstances is the most natural thing in the worm. ft is not a display of calmness which has been nut on for that occasion, or an exhibition of courage summoned up for an unusual emergency, hut simply the normal demeanor of a practical, matter-of-fact man who knows what he has to do and how he is going to do it. The trouble with many people who marvel at what they call a surgeon s courage is that they fail utterly to comprehend the conditions under which he performs his work. They magine that lie is experimenting, or that he doesn't know his ground, or that he will cut something that he ought not to cut. Nothing could be further from tho facts. iNo movement n science or mechanics is preceded by a more accurate foreknowledge of its results than tho average operation in surgery. There is no such tiling as guesswork about it. The operator knows he is performing an operation which is based upon an exact science. lie follows rules which apply to all cases, and is secure in tnc commence that causes which have produced cer tain effects in given instances will do so in all others. "Why, then, should there be any need in his work for extraordinary courage? Thero are cases, of course, so critical or so unusual us to excite even the calmest and most self-contained operator, and when these are under treatment the surgeon's powers of self-control are frequently taxed to their utmost limit. To the man who, such a case, can wield the knife without a tremor, when life itself de pends upon the accuracy nnd delicacy of his touch, we must award the praise due to real heroes. I'.ut in the aver age case, say of amputation or of skull fracture involving cranial operations, the surgeon neither needs nor possesses more than the courage of an intelli gent, sincere man, who knows his duty and has learned how to perform it. His technical knowledge of anatomy and its methodical habit of work ac custom him to conditions which alarm and excite non-professional minds, and he goes about his task with a certain quiet, vigorous, assertive confidence in the result of his movements winch the observer is quite likely to mistake for a marvelous courage summoned up for that particular occasion, it is courage of a certain sort, I confess the cour age of absolute cotiildeiice in the in fallibility of the science he repre sents." ALI-BEN-ALI, THE COBBLER. How II. Lost til. Wives and III. Faith at the Same Time. Ali-lien-Ali was and is a renegade, lie believes In three gods, anil drinks spirits of wine, corn and rye. He also believes that women have souls and that, while there nrc many houris in heaven, there are more in lu ll. When the muezzin calls to prayer he puts his thumb to his nose and spreads his lin gers out, which is his Turkish way of expressing derision. Once upon a time he owned seven slaves, four of whom were white. Great men were his friends. Now he cobbles shoes, says Vance Thompson in the New York Ad vertiser. He might have been a happy man to this day had it not been for that devil of an Alcibiades. Ali-bcn-Ali was sit ting on his feet, looking through the open door out on the blue waters of the liosporus and the low sandy shore beyond w hen the Greek came up. lie was a low-browed Greek, lie was peddling slippers with long rod points which curled over like rams' horns. Ali was absorbed in thinking of his seven female slaves, lie kicked the Greek In tho back violently two or three times, but otherwise ignored his presence. The subtle Greek departed. Under his low brow ho devised this revenge. He wrote a lcttt-r to the sultan. "We'll see about this," said the sul tan. "Mesronr, oft with Uen Ali's head and bring me his seven nice wives." Mesrour returned in half an hour, the seven slaves, of whom four were white, trailing after him. "lien All is dead," he said. Mesronr lied, lien Ali, by bribes hail secured his escape and. disguised as a bale of tobacco, was stored awuy in a hold of a vessel bound for New York, lie is in New York now to prove that this tale is no lie. He cobbl shoes, spirits. At timoa ho drlnUs strong Then he curses tho com- mander of th faithful and Aiclblados, ! the low-brovred Greek The sultan lb a Mohammedan, and him Hen Ali curses; the Greelc is a Christian and is cursed of lien Ali. i In tiie Austrian Army. The polyglot character of the Aus trian army was abundantly shown the other day when the ancient custom of solemnly swearing in the recruits in the presence of the troops was revived, after having been discontinued since 1818. In Vienna alone the formula of oath to the colors had to be adminis tered and read out in nine languages, to-wit: German, Hungarian, Croatian, Uohemian, Polish, Ruthenian, Rou manian, Servian and Turkish, while the religious part of the ceremony was conducted by Roman Catholic, Greek Catholic and Greek orthodox priests, Protestant pastors, Jewi&h rabbis and Mahometan ulema. GULLS ARE SACRED IN UTAH. Why Grutftfiil Mormons Impose a Fin. for KilliiiK the lllrd. Most interesting of the birds that we saw on our dail' way to the pas ture, says a writer in the Atlantic, were the gulls, great, beautiful, snowy creatures, who looked strangely out of place so far away from the seashore. .Stranger, too, than their change of residence was their change of man ners, from the wild, unapproachable sea birds, soaring and diving and ap parently spending their lives on wings. From this high place in our thoughts, from this realm of poetry and my story, to come down almost to the tame ness of the barnyard fowl is a marvel ous transformation, and one is tempt ed to believe the solemn announce ment of the Salt Lake prophet that the Lord sent them to his chosen people. The occasion of this alleged special favor to the Latter Day Saints was the advent about twenty years ago of clouds of grasshoppers, before which the crops of the western states and territories were destroyed as by fire. It was then, in their hour of greatest need, when the food upon which de pended a whole people was threatened, that these beautiful winged messengers appeared. In large flocks they came, from no one knows where, and settled like so many sparrows all over the land, devouring almost without ceasing the hosts of the foe. The crops were saved, and all Deseret re joiced. Was it any wonder that a peo ple trained to regaril the head of their church as the direct representative of the highest should believe these to he really birds of God, and should ac cordingly cherish them? Well would it be for themselves if other Christian peoples were equally believing, and protected aud cherished other winged messengers sent just as truly to pre tcct their crops. The shrewd man who wielded the destinies of his people be side the Salt lake secured the future usefulness o. what they considered the miraculous visitation by fixing a pen alty of five dollars upon the head ol every gull in the territory. And now, the birds having found congenial nest ing places on solitary islands in the lake, their descendants are so fearless and so tame that they habitually fol low the plow like a flock of chickens, rising from almost under the feet of the indifferent horses and settling down at once in the furrow behind, seeking out grubs and larviu and mice and moles that the plow has disturbed in its passage. The Mormon cultiva tor has sense enough to appreciate such service and no man or boy dreams of lifting a finger against his best friend. Extraordinary indeed was this sight to eyes accustomed to seeing every bird that attempts to render such like service shot and snared and swept from the face of the earth. Our hearts warmed toward the "Sons of Zion," and our respect for their intel ligence increased as we hurried down to the field to see this latter-day won der. FUN rut JAPS. Street Venders Go Ahout with Charcoal Stoves on Which Children Hake Cakes. Japan has been frequently referred to us the "Children's Paradise," and with considerable justice, for in no other country is childhood made so much of, and are children surrounded by so many devices for their amuse ment. In every town, according to Dr. V. I). Eastlake in the Popular Science Monthly, there are numbers of street ventlers and hawkers whose sole cus tomers are children. tine class of these venders carry two charcoal stoves, or furnaces, swung in the conventional manner of the country from the ends- of a pole which rests across the shoulder. Arriving at a con venient corner, the load is put down, and a group of eager children quickly gather. For the moderate sum of one or two rin the children are supplied with a tiny cup of sweetened batter and a spoon. Thus equipped, they proceed to bake their own cookies on the smooth iron top of the stoves, fash ioning the dainties into whatever shape they please, and, when they are crisp and brown, devouring them. The ame vender also devotes his skill to children. His "stock in trade" consists , of dried reeds and a quantity of niidzu arac. a sort of malt paste. Some of the amc is put on the end of a reed and is molded or blown into some fantastic shape bv the vender. The young cus tomer dictates as to the figure, and butterflies, flowers, gourds, or what not are shaped from the sweet paste The children, after having satisfied their tasto for artistic design, eat the finished work, the reed handle prevent ing their fingers from becoming sticky. There is another of the child amnsers that can be seen in the streets of Tokio or any other Jupnnese city. This arti san mottis fruits, llowcrs anil vege tables from colored rice-flower dough, and does his work so deftly that it is really dliileult to distinguish the artifl cial from the real fruit. This universal love and regard for children is also displayed at every temple festival, where numerous booths, gay with toys, flags and games. form always a prominent feature. INTERESTING FIGURES. The public and private indebtedness of the world is estimated to be 8U0, 000,000.000. Thi Merrimao river is said to move more machinery than any other stream in the world. AT the present rate of increase there will be ltf0.000.000 people in the United States in fiftV jeara. ... . . . . IN the construction of the Suez canal 80.000,000 cubic ynrtls of material were excavated by 80,000 laborers. Potatoes first appear in history in 1503. In 1S9S the United States raised 301,000,000 bushels. In 1684 the world raised T9.000.000 tons. A Bright Lad, Ten years ol age, but who declines to give his name to the public, makes this authorized, confidential statement to as : "When I was one year old, my mamma died of consumption. The doctor said that I, too, would soon die, and all our neighbors thought that even If I did not die, 1 would never be able to walk, because I was so weak and puny. A gathering formed and broke under my arm. 1 hurt my finger and It gathered and threw out pieces of bone. If I hurt myself so as to break the skin, It was sure tn become a running sore. 1 had to take lots of medicine, but nothing has done me so much good as Ayer's Sarsapa rtlla. It has made me well aud strong." X. D. M., Norcaiur, Kans. AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Or. J. 0. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others, will cure you convince the slcentic and toint the way which if followed leads to .'JM.lrI.llM!lf!ffin.',lj71 Prof. HARRIS' SOLUBLE MEDICATED Pastille Has been put up tn a pruprieiary lurra since 178. and bas been used. fn private practice. It is no untried nostrum, of doubtful reputation, but a penulne Bpeclllo for a very prevaleat disease. Thousands of men, of for vears Drlor to thut time all Bfres, have at some time In iiie Drougnt on nervous dubility and exhaustion, with organic wetikness, by over brain work, exceuBea, too fre quent indulgence or indiscretion and vicious habits, and it iB to tbeae that we offer a remedy that will, by Us direct action upon the sent of the disease, stop the drain and restore the patient to Vllionjus health and strength. Ounnethodof introducing Prof. HarrlB'Pastillo treatment is one which commends itnelf to all sensible persons for the reason that we supply It upon their Judgment of Its value. We auk of our patrons nothing in the way of expense beyond a postal curd and a two cent postage stamp. The poatul card to be used In send 'iig ub their full ad dress and tie postago Btttmp for the letter return ing the statement of their case for which we Bupply them wlib a question blank, to be tilled out and an envelope addressed to ourBelvesfor nso In roturntrgit when tilled. When we receive me Biaie ment on blank we prepare eight days' treatment and for ward it, bv mnll and prepay THUE postage thereon and along TTvrv with theetgbt days' treatment XALJiAtiE. we send full directions for using. The t. ei.tment in no way lntertereB wun a person's attention to business, and causes no pain or inconvenience in any way. We are so positive that itwlll give perfect sntls faction tlui t we leave the matter of sending orders entirely with those using the free trial treatment. Having sutfslied those sending for trial puckapes of our ability to benefit their sexual condition wo fee thnt they are more largely Interested thnn ourselves In continuing the use of the l'astilh'a. Even then we do not attempt to rob them byde mftndfnghlghprlceB. On the contrary, we make the prices as low as possible, and the snmeto nil. Thoy are aa follows: fi for one month; $5 for two months; $7 for three months. These prices secure the delivery of the Pastilles by mall. If desired by express we leave the ptitient to pay the charges. For over ten years we have operated our fcuslnesB upon this plan with satisfactory results. weasKail persons neeuinn weuum-m, iur any of the secret ills which come to mankind through a violation of nature's laws to send us their ad dress on postal enrd or by letter and nllow us to convince them that PROF. HAICRIH' SOL,, X Itl.K MKHK'ATKU PASTILLES huve merit and are what they need. All communications confidential and should be addressed to The KARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists 1 99Beekman St., NEW YORK CITY, .T. its I nOO worth of lovely Music tor Forty w full size Sheet Music of :lie- latest, brlghtest.'liveiiest and most popular selections, both vocal and Instrumental, -3 gotten up in the most elegant manner, in ciuuing lour large sue portraits. rAUtHtwSKI, the Ureat Pianist, ADELIHA PATTt and uiuutc eel lau ,u mrrrtlia THE NEW YORK MUSICALECHO CO. 2 Broadway Theatre Bldg., New York Gty. jpC CANVASSERS WANTED. Aooncaa all orders to THB OLD DOCTOR'S LADIES' FAVORITE. ALWAYS RELIABLE and Dorfootly SAPS. Ti united States. In tha ?LU uootoks BrivRie man practice, tor SB years, and not a slnglj bad result money returned 11 not as repreeeiiwu. v cents tstamps) lor sealed particulars. OS. WASH KSIIISIS, 120 H. IV.Ml St., St. belli. Ms SS Tears' Kxporionra In treating all vnrl Haann.'iintimfl:mlilpn LiS t(l CU.irsnteO f poltlvq cure. (Question Blank: auU Boo) tree, call or write, VOLTA-MEDICO APPLIANCE CO., 1W Pine Street, BT. LOUIS, MO Reduced IMo M n iundi rer mnth. No tmrring, no iutx-men ente, o l.iii rem Hi, no ntnwmt driiir. I rent ment p-mt'tl v nnrmit'si ftua rnoTiT coun rkotit Queition ftl pJinn-l Hook Call or write. DR. U. B. EL TTd,8it2i'.ne6tttt6t.Louu) Ma $50 A YEAR FOR LIFE c t. i i r . ft,AcA UL..J puusuiiiiiai kcwbi us iui iiiubb " Answers arc Correct A mtn ones mtn1 prison when via eonfltMi I conileanip! criminal. On tusking a request to b xmtluchxl into Ui1 prwno of th dnomsa niaa, thl risitor wm iufornied thai none but reltiw were inniv d lo th prinonsr. The iitor uid : ' Brotherl ndiiitri hsvf lnnntbut tlmnui (LhsprisoDeral atnor t my (kiner son. He wm at once taken to the prisons. Now whMls ' stioo ou tiii? prisoner to tn visitorr The AgTiculturot Pn Wishing Compuny will ftvs $W Wr for life to the person sending the flrrt correct sa nrer; 1500 to the second ; 3rd. $2bQ; 4ih, $100: Stb, f0, and over 10,000 other rewards, consin Ing of plaoos, wgans, Udtes and gents gold sod silver wstcbss, sUvst services, ilimond ring, etc To the person sending the hfcM eorreet saiwer will bl tiTen high-toned piano, to the neit to the tut s beautfc Hi! ortrsn. ud die ocil &.000 wul rrceirt ttvlusbls nrlssi yt niWerware, tic , Rt'I.ES -(1) Alt snirwwrs mint he ent hf nail, im Dear posrwsrk not later than Dec. SI. (?) Tb re wj t no -bnre whatever to enter this competition, but afc ho complete are expeoupd to s nd one dollar tor sii noiha. suhstTiption to either Tub Lapiss, Horn atAUABixt or Ths CNiiiAM Aorkvlti Kin iw f the choiceK illiWrated periodicals of the day. (S ng our circulation. (41 The first correvtanswei reoem JZ,f,J?& I or sh msy lrsnl.1, will sire th. fim pru.; tlx ' Ircnnd. th nrtt pnr. snj so on. Tu a.ibici-iti kist i u old rstsMi,hd cone. SBil JHVS.m SJIU'I. Disn. to rosi'ir 11 u mrry uui its n.Qiist. ISsiid for printed lul of tornicr ptm Jt m:s. Th. fnllosrintt sr.n-.nown (prdit-wi hsr, KinnirJ r..,',T,r.,i to set ss Jiul.l, sn.i .ill u.ai iw rtfc-, swtniM : t .'iimi Hii.r. t stnfi (ttt'Kirot L'nf o' T..,m. r, t. r 'rrt orou.h. Slxt Ur W. , ISZgSSSfVSSi SSSSi I nnw ru Co. avil P.i,borous. t J rus AsB ii mi VHRIGOGELE W SUM enrrpy. nervoui item t, i ivuui delmitJi nnuturaidiftchtgrt lvwt manhood, deapondrncr, nflU Bintoni rry. waiting iiv ol tha irgt, wrta nW a.id rpil y cured by Mlcand wry meth .d . Curci poittWely gu&ran'ceO. QuecLon Biank and JJookfro. Call or writ. DR. WARD INSTITUTE. 120 N. Ninth St.. ST. LOUIS. M0. 2i OLIC IN HOUSES. Uvrty owner o' a how ili.m d kp it on hand. It m v(. th.; iif. ol l vaLuti animal Oi, pnuK-Re wi I cuw etulu 'oientasM. i'rue SlAt Rent Uv mail o cLrc. Our Ac count U"ok, w iiiit'iuUlniliiotl .....i,.k,,s.irr m.,Udfre 8t. LOCU, MO The Old Reliable married or slnme, in cases w abuses, excesses or Improprieties, skill GUARANTEED. Hoard anil apartments furlshed when desired. Question Ulault and lloot freo. Call or write. CANCER t: IDl'tnKB CUtFI) w In. ut 1 AHD OTBE0 ALIQUANT ute ol iknife Question Blank nnU Hook fppe. lau or wrlta Dli. U. II. Itl'TTS, 822 Pine 8t bt. i-OUlfl, MO. SYPHILIS uc-wifu lntact.ee. Treatn The wont formi port. tlvflr cired 38 Tcarf imaotconfldtntla1. Curei by mall or a', office. Tcrmalow. Queihon Blank am tiookfrt. Callor wrlle. OR WAR J INSTITUTE. 120 N. 9th St..St.Louii.M0 WANTED. I1C IWECV ANY LADY, employed or unemployed , Al J A II LCI.! can i-aketJ.uf' r a lew tiouri work each day. Pflarvp-commifion. eamplei trea AadriDB Dp. Hash's Belts & Appliances An electro-gf ivanic tunery m- ,S3&g BMts, Suspensories gpf. nal Appliances, ADaomi lul Supporters Vestg, Drawers, Oflico Caps, Insoles, etc. fltifna TUiAnmat.ifim. Liver and KlnTlCT JoinplnintH, Dyapepali, Error ot Youth, ost maniioort, ervousnew, itexuna ess, and all Troubles la Mule or i emale. uestion iSianu aim nous tree, vuii wi rito. Volta-Medica Appliance uo., 33 Pine Street - ST. LOUIS MO. Foot-Prints on tiie Path to Health. Everyone needing a doctor's advice hould read one of Dr. Foote's dime pamphlets od "Old Eyes," "Croup," Rnpture," "Phimosis," "Varicocele," Disease of meD, Disense of Women, and earn the best means of snl -cure. V1 Hill Pub. Co., 129 East 28th St., New York. STOCK BRANDS. While rou keopyonr subscription paid ur yc can keep your brand iu freo(f cltdrtrt-. Alhn. T. J., lone, Or. Hnrseu G( on lef' imildHr: cntUe "ftme on left hip. umlr hit on riglit eHr, ami upper bit on the luft; riiiigo. Mor row conuty. Armstrong, J. 0., Alpine, Or. T with bar on er n ou left Bhooluer or iioreeB-, cm tie biuuc m left hip. Allison. O. D.. Eicht Mile. Or. Cattle brnnd. O D on left hip and horses name brand on rinht shoulder, Kange, Eight Mile. Adkins, J. J., Ileppner, Or. HorfiflB, JA con nected on lei t flank; cattle, same on left hip. Hartholampw. A. G.. All'ino. Or. Horses branded 7 E un either shoulder. Kanxe in Mo - row uountv Bleakman, Geo., Hnrdman, Or. Horses, a flaw m left shoulder: cattle same on right shoulder h-aimister. J , W.. Hanlman. ur. t attle brand- d B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. U T...,,- a, . I, t II . branded PB ou lef t shoulder, Oattle 8;itue on right siuo. Huike, M 8t C, Long freek, Or On cattle, MAY connected on left nip. ciopoff left ear. un der half crop oft right. HorsoB, same brand on letft shoulder, itange in urunc ana ill or row county. lirosman, Jerryijenat ur. Horses branded 7 l rieht Bhouluer: cattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop nd right ear npper elope. tiarton. wm.. u pener. ur. iiorsoB. o lion right thigh, cattle, same on right hip; split in each ear. Brown. Isa. Lexington, Or, Horses IB on the right stifle; cattle same ou right hip; range, Mor row county. Hrown. J. t;.. Hennner. ur. Horses, circle with dot in ce ter on tert hip; cattle, same. Brown, w. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses bar over It, on the lett shoulder, uattie sume on let) hip. Hover, w . HepDner. ur. iiorses. noi brand or ngh hip cattle, same, with split in eaen ear. Bore. P. O.. HepDner. Or. Horses. P B on left snooiuer: came. Baineon len hin, Brownlee. W. J.. Uox.Or ( attle. JH connected on lef t side: cron on left ear and two Bnlitaand middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left thigh; Kange in Fox valley, wrant counry, I arsner W arren. Waener. Dr. Horse hi-Rim. ed O on right stifle; cattle (three barB) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Kange m j ran tana morrow counties. Cain.E.. ( aJeb.(r. Y lJ on hones on left stifle D with Quarter circle oyer it.ou left shoulder and on lett stine on all colts u der r years: on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range in Grant county. ( lark. Win. ii.. Let a. Ur. Horse WHO con nected, on left shoulder: cattle Name on right hip. Kai ge Morrow and Umatilla counties. I, ate. i has. ii.. Vinson or L-ena. ur. Horses H C on right Bhoulder; cattle same on tight hip. Uange Morrow and Umatilla counties. l.BL'il. W m.. Uouelas. Ur.: liornen J on laf shoulder; cat tie same on left hip, waddles on each jaw and two bits in the right ear. run. i. ti.. donn uai. nr. iioub e cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear, Itange in Grant county. On Bhep, inverted A and spear point on stu older. Ear markoJ ewes, crop uu left ear puucneu upper on in right, wotners. crop in right and under half crop in left ear. All rang iu Grant conutv. Cook, A. J. ,Lena.Or. Horses, 90on right shoul der Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square urup vu mil huu aunt in rigiii. Cumu.it, I., CurruiBViile, Ur. Horses. 00 on left stifle. Cox Ed. 8., Hardman, Or. Cattle, C wit! 1 in center: horees. CE on left Sip. Cochran, K. E Monument, Grant Co, Or. Horeeo bi an tied circle with bai beneath, on left shoulder; cattle uame brand on both hips, mark under Blope both ears and dewlap. Chapiu, H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded on right hip. Cattle brauded the aame. Ali brhnds 1 1 on horses tight thigh; cute 8 t biandon right shouldei, ai.d cut iff end of right ear Lickens, Ebt) Horses braided with three tin en forlt on Ifft stitte. Cattle ea-nt- on left Bide. Oouglass, W. M .Gallowai, ur. i attie, tt L'uu right side.swa low-fork iu each ear; horsee, K i on left hip. Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or Horees TD ou the tight stifle; cattle same ou right hip. Eh, J. B. Jl Hons, Douglas, Ui. Horoes brand ed LL on left shoulder, cattle aame on lefi hin. hoi ir riuht ear. ! iuuou. aiu.. ueppner, jt, isiainona on right shouldi tmety, l . 8., Hardmsn. Or.-Horses brandt-d ') reyt.rt.td t. stub ttinj on lelt Hhou der ; rat- tie tara.til llhi hip. hkUKe m Morrow coni't)'. Heek, Jackbolt, tteoouer, UI. rlorie, il cutiutictMt ui. right shoulder: cattle saoie on riKht hip. Ear mark, bole iu nuht and crot' oti left. fc'l.,r..,ioa I.. A.. Ftpimner. Or. Curttn. I.F nr. ' rl,u nlV uorowo .uu uu luiwor uu rini shoulder. Florence. 8. P. Hetipner. Or Horse., F on riutit snot idei ; cattie. i on riRht hip or thigh. Trenrh, Georo, Hetipner, Or. rattle brauded WF, with bar oTet it. on left side: crop off lefl ear. tiorset, same brand on lett hip. (iay. Henry, Heppuer, Or. tiAX on left shoulder. Oilman-French, Iud and Lire Stock Co.. Fo sii. Or. Horeee, anchor B on left shoulder; Tent, san e on lef t stifle. Cattle, same on both hirie ear marks, crop oft richl ear and cnderliit iu left KaUkte in (iilliam. Grant, Crook ai.d Morrow oountiea Gentry, Elmer, Echo. Or -Hordes brsnded B. 8. with a quarter circle over it, ou left stide Kanin Morniw aud I'matiluconnttee. Hajes. Geo., Lena. Or, brand J H connected with quarter circle over it. on lett shoulder. Hiatt A. B., Kidnv, Or.-t tittle, round-top with qnarter circle under it on the nht hip. HanKe in Morrow and I niatilln couoiiea. Hmton 4 Jenks. Hamiltoii. or t aitle. two h.:i on either hip; crop in right ear and si. lit in lefl. Horses, Jon risrht thigh. Hangein Grant county Hiihe, Simuel. Warner, Or-J" ('' coniietHed)on tight shoulder on hor; on cattle, on risrht hip and ou left side, .wallow fork it right ear ud slit in left. Rang, in Hajstjwk district. Morrow ootrnlv. Bllll roots mnlo or fom il". Hi Hale, Milton. Wagner. Or.-Horses hranded -i- .yiri'le wite parallel tailB) on Mt shoulder. ettle same on lefi hip also large circle on left . . Hall Edwin, John tay,Or. Cattle E Hon right hip; horHH same on right shoulder, bangein Grant county. Howard, J L, alloway. Or. Hornes, (cross with bur above it) ou right shoulder: cattle mh ma on lelt side. Kange in Morrow and Uma tilla counties. Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horse, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Itange Morrow Co. Huneaker, B i , Wagner, Or. -Horses, V on left -iinil(lr. ca tie. 9 on left hip. Hardimy, Albert, Ne, Oregon Horses, A H connt'cted. on left shoulder; Cattle on the left iiip.crop off left ear, Humphreys, j Hard man, Or. Horses, H on let Hank Hayes, J. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, wineglass on Ir-ft hhouldei cattle, same oq right hip, Huston. Luther, Eight Mile, Or. Horse H od the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat tie name mi lft hip. Hhuka in Morrow county. Ivy. Alfred, Long Creek, Or Cattle I D on right hip, crop off left ear and bit in right. Horses same brand on left shoulder liange n Grunt (WHIIltV J. . nn, Hsrry, Heppner, Or Horsrs branded IT J on the left shoulder: cattle baanded J on right hi)-. Mleo undvibit in left ear. Uange in H.nnow c amy. Junkin, b. MM Heppner, Or Horses, horse t.hoe J on lefl shoulder. Cattle, the sams, Itange on Eight Mile. Johnson, telix. Lena, Or. Horses, circleT on left Btihe; cattle, same on right hip, under half drop in neni ana bpih in leu ear JnikiiiB, D W.,iSlt. Vernon,Or. J on horses on left shoahier; on cattle. J on left hio and two smooth crops on both ears. Kange in Fox and near vaii-iw hennj, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horse branded KM on lefi hip cattle same and crop off left i; tindfi U on the right Um I 1' 11. iU..-nn. an t hip. hirk. J c, Heppner, Or. Horses. 17 on either rtaiik; cattle 11 on right side. Kirk. Jesse, Heppner, Or.; horse 11 on left tikoQider; cattle same on tight side, nnderbit on ight ear. Kumberland.W. G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on -aula ou right and left sides, swallow fork in 1 ft rar and under ciop in right ear. Horses same 'irand on left shoulder. Kange in Grant couutv. Lofteti, Btepnen, fox, Or. ti L on left hip n cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses same biand on left shoulder. Uange Grant uouiitV. Lifuallen, Jolui W., LQ- f"- Or, Horses bmnued halt-on cle J L connected on left shoal. uti. Cattle, sanit on lefi hip. Kange, near Lex ington Leakey. J. W Heppner Or.-Horsee branded Lain) Ao it-it Bhou,der; oettie same on left hip, wattle ovtr Tifcht ye, three sliu in r.glit ear. Lord. George, Heppner, Or, Horses branded uumuib u coi.necu nometimea called a swinti H. on left shoulder. Markham.A. M.. Heppuer, Or. Cattle large M on left side both ears cropped, and Bplit In bo h Horses M on left hip. Itange. Clark's canyon. Minor, OBcar, neppner, Or. Tattle, M D on right hip; horsa M on lef t shoulder. Morgan, a. N.. Heppner, Or. Horses M ) on IfU should! cattle same on left hip. McCutnber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. M with lat over on right shoulder. Morgan. Thou., Heppner, Or. Horses, oirole T on loft shoulder and left thigh: cattle, Z on light thigh, Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right tan; oattte, 77 on right side. MH'iaren, D. O., Brownsville, Or, Horses, figure f) on each shoulder, cattle. M2on hin McCany. Uavid H. U.oho Ur. Horses branded DM connected, on tho lef t shoulder; cattle same un hip and side. McGirr, Krank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe with top-cork on cattle on ribs and under in each ear; horeoB same brand on left stifle. Mclialdj', w. naujiiiim.Or. un Horses. M with half Circle under on left shoulder; un cattle, four bars connected on top on the right side Itange 'ii Gram County. Neat.Andrew, Lone Uock.Or. Horsea A N crtn. uected on left shoulder; cattle same on both bins. iNurdyke. E.. Mil varton. Or -Hnr. A.rni. i n left thigh: ca'tle. same on left hip. wjivw , uwui, v anyon t ity, Ur. A 8 on cattle ,m left hip; on horses, same on lef t thigh. Kange Oilei. Perrv. IiMxinirrn n u r sl.ou.de,. " ' v m OJp. Merman. Piairio Citv rif nn nrttia n LP connected on left hin: h,irkn tm lff ni'i Ha and wari.le on nose. Uangu iu Giant oounty. Poarson, Oiuve, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, quar itr wreie snieiii on Jeit shoulder and m on left hip. i utile, fork in lef; ear, right crooned. 24 in loft hip. Uangi on Eight Mile. I'arker it GlHiiMfin. Muni,,,..,, 1 1- u,.., i u ! fi shoulder. ' ' r''.wi'e t, Lexington. Or.-Hordes brand ..L (L L conuecled) in luff NhimiHAr ,utla i- nie on right hip. Kange, Morrow count. uper.d. u., Luxiuiftun, ur.-Horsee, JE con. ICCleli Ol left bhwllldHr: nut I la mimo ..n loft kit. under bi in each ear. I'etu-s, A. c, lone, Or.; horses diamond P on - SllUUlllHr: Out I I A .1 ll .1 n.nn.iil fl,.. Ipft hip. uipur elope iu left ear aud Siiu in the tight. Powell, John T Dayville, Or Horses, .1 P Con ner edou left Bhoulder. Cattle OK counected on left hip, two under half orops, oue on each ear, wattle underthroat. Km gein Giant county. noou. Andrew, Hardman, Or. Hoi-ses, squara cron, with quarter-circle over it on loft Btirie. Keninger, Chns, Heppuer. Or, Horses, C K on left bliouldei. liice. Van, Hard man, Or.; horses, three panel worm fence on left shoulder; cattle, DAN oo right shoulder. Kange near Hardmau. Kuyse, Aaron, Heppner, Ur Horses, plain V on left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed ou right hip and crop off right ear. liange in Mor Itush Bros., Heppner, Or.-Horses branded 5 un the riglu shoulder; cattle, IX on the left tup, crop oil left ear and dewlap on neck, itange in Morrow and adjoining counties. Knot, William, Kidge, Or. Horses B o lefl shoulder; cattle, il on left hip, crop ofl right ear, underliit on left ear. Bheep. it on weathers, round orop off righ ear. liange Lma tillaand Motiowc mutiee. heHuey, Andrew. Lexington, Or. Horses branded A 11 uu right Bhoulder, vent quarter circle over brand; cattlo aame ou right hip. liani e Morrow county. ii. y., VVm. H, LiHiryville, Or HH oonnectet wun quarter cirele over Uip ou oattleon hghthip and crop ot) right ear and split in left. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Itange in ilorrow Oiamaiiu Gilliam counties. lleclur. J. W.. ileppner. Or. Horses, JO ot lefl shoulder. Caitie, o on right hip. Spicknall. J. W., Gooseberry, Or.-Horses branded ill on left shoulder ; lange in Morrow county. Bailing, C C Heppner, Or Horsea branded on lelt shuulder; cattle same on left hip. Swaggan, H. F., Lexington. Or. Horses with dash under it ou lefi stifle, cattle H with uanli under il on right hip, crop off right ear and wauuieu uu rigni nind leg. itauge in Morrow, Gllliamand buiatilla cuuuties, Bv.Kggart, A. L., Athena, Or. Horses brandpr1 2 on loll auoulder; cettleBame on left hip. Crop on ear, wattle uu left bind leg, btraight W. K, Heppner, Or. Horses shaded J b ou let. slitle; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow fork in ngtn ear, uuderbit in left, bapp. Thus., Heppuer, Or. Horses, B A P on lett tup; calUt same on left hip. bhrier.Jolm, Fox, Or.-MJ oonneoted on horses on right hip; oauie, nam. on right hip crop un riglu ear and under bit in left ear. Bangs in lirant cuunly. Smith Bros., bnsanville, Or. Horses, branded tl. L. uusnoulder; cattle, ame on lef t shoulder. buuires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded JSuuleti shoulder; catile the aame, also nose waudle. Kange in Morrow and Gilliam oo jnties. bleplieus, V. A., llardoiali. Or-; borsee 8H on riglu siihe; cuttle uututuutal L un the right side Skjvbubuu, Airs A. J., Heppner, Or. CatUs. 8 on rigid iu,; swallow-fork in left ear. bwaggart, G. W ., Heppner, Or. Horses 44 on lett snouide ; cattle, 44 un left hip bperry, K. G., Heppuer, Or. - Uattie W () on lett uip, crop utT ngul and uuderbit iu left your, dewiap; burses V, t, on left shoulder. llioinpsou, J. A., Heppner, Or.-Horses, 8 on lelt .noaio, r; oaltle, i ou left shoulder. lipi.eu,.S.T.,F.n.erpriBe.Or.-HurBes. 0-on left shoulder. 'lurnsr h. W., Heppner, 0r.-8majl oapital T lelt shuuluei horses; oaltle soma on left hio with spin in bolb ears. ihorutou. H. M., lone, Or.-Horses branded H I connected ou left slitle; sheep same brand. Vanderpool, H. T.. Lena, Or,Horees HV oon. necUHl uu right shoulder;oatUe. same on right Walbridge, Wm.. Heppuer, Or. Horses, 0. L. uu the left suouider; caiUe same on right hip. Drop i,n lef t ear aud ngbt tar lui.ped. VtUBon.Jouu Q,, 8alem or fleppner, Or. Uorsus brauded Jo on Uie left shoulder, itaum Morn-w coui.ti. i arreu. W it. ( 'aleb, Or-CatUe W with quarter circle over it, ou left side, split iu riglilear tloires name braurl ou left Hl,nirin. o..n J Grautcouuu. ""'" W right bilas A Heppner, Or. Cattle branded 8 W on the right hip. square orop on right ear anil spl t lu lef t, V, ade, Henry, Heppner. Or.-Horses branded acs ol .paue. on leu shoulder and left hiti I sltlB brandwl I same on left side and left hip. V. eUs. A. 8., Heppner, Or.-Horses, .. on let shulUder- call e same ' ,CL Woinnger, John, John Day City.Or-Otl horses Uires parallel bars on left shonioler; 7 on ZeT bit ui both ears. Itange in Grant and Matt counties. .uiuer Woodward, John. Heppner, Or. Horsea rip connected on left shoulder. "uw, UP Watkins, Laehe. Heppner, Or.-Horsee branded Ct counectet, on left stitie. unuiuea Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Tattla W nn r,ghi llugh.hou in left ear; horteTw on' nght nhouldei. oni. sanjeon left shoulder. V biltier rut., nanmgion. baker To n Horse, branded ft B connSti MtaftaxUir" Williams vasco, naimlton. Or.-Onarter m. cle over three bars on left hip, bc2 c555l and horses. Itange Grant outmti. a Williams. J O. Long Creek nB.. ter nrcie over rhnu Ku 1 , , orsea, qoar ...n .il. T""" ."",nip;eattJ. sam. and slit in each ear. . .... mi., uu. sam. liange in Grant oonntv A- A., i eppner, llr.-Horw ninniMA A on shoulder: 1'attle. same on right hip. 1 Wren. A HiilKer l. l.ahofh 0- . ide. hor. s connecte.il e'tv il W- Iker's cat'l fame on right stioiilrtei- i ii. san, eon lt, Ki i " on efi shoulder, aii rL ir'""" TB i th. rUtht shooloV-