THAT MAN, A.. jV. JAYNE, Will "Get There" As prueotitltiK Attorney, we vent, vote FOE ELLIS, A Protectionist. Won't We t Ile'H All IH&lit. A VOTE FOB J. S. HOOT II BY Is A 'ote for PROTECTION AND PROSPERITY. tIOXEST FRANK GILLIAM rOB ASSESSOR SVPPOBT C. E. WOLVEIITON yon YES, A.W.GOWAN IS OCR NEXT JOINT SBNATOM. J. F. WILLIS FOR THBAHUHKU. IS THE Popular 0. indict, to He your business to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner, Patronize those who patronize von. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for bll or her communication. No correspondence will be pubiiibed unless the writer l real name is signed as an evidence of food faith. , REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Congress, Second District. W. R. ELLIS, of Heppner. For Governor, W. P. LORD, of Salem. For Secretary of State, H, R. KINCAID, of Eugene. For State Treasurer, PHIL. MET8CHAN, of Grant County. For Supreme Judge, C.E. WOLVEKTON, of Albany. For Attorney-General, C. M. IDLE MAN, of Portland. For Supt. Public Instruction, Q. M. IRWIN, of Union. For Btate Printer, W. H. LEEDS, of Ashland. ' For Prosecuting Attorney, 7th Dlst, A. A. JAYNE, of Arlington. For Member Board of Equalization, W. C. WILLS, of Crook County. For it. Sen. of Grant, Harney and Morrow Co'i A. W. GOWAN, of Burns. KEPCMLICAN COUNT V TICKET. For Representative, J. 8. BOOTUBY, of Lexington. For Sheriff, G. W. HARRINGTON, of Heppner. For Clerk, F. J. HALLOCK, of Heppner. For Treasurer, FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner. For commissioner, J. L. HOWARD, of Galloway. For Assessor, J. F. WILLIS, of Lexington. , For School Superintendent, MISS ANNA J. BALSIGER, of lone. For Surveyor, GEO. W. LORD, of Ella. For Coroner, T. W. AYERS, JR., ot Heppner. For Justice of the 1st District, For Constable of 1st District, JAS. HARDMAN. For JllBllco of 2nd District, I, It. KSTUK. For Constable of 2nd District, MAX HI DIM. K. For Justice of 3rd District, For Constable of 3rd District, For Justice of 4th District, L. W. BARN KIT. For Constable of 4th District, C. C. BOON. For Justice offith District, A. G. BARTHOLOMEW. For Constable of 6th District, J. L. HOWARD. JUSTICES AND CONSTAIII.KB. For Jiistlco of cilh District, K. L. FliliULANl). For Constable ninth District, N. 8. WHETSTONE. Uallock, llnrriut'ton uml Qilliuin too. Balhiokii, Lord nnd Ayers are on our tioket. Don't forgot Uootliliy, Howard uud Willia. HTitiKfNo minors in the Cripple oreek region are rioting, K. L. Fhrki.and Btid N. H. Whetstone shouldn't be forgotten. Vote the republican tioket sti night. This ia a rcpuulionn year. liuxzz, the ex-ooniriBMiiin, lias been found guilty of ollVriiii; a bribe . J. 13. Ckadlehadoh, one ot the beat editors in tbe etnle, lias charire of The Dalles Obroniolo. J. F. Willis ii the right man for asses sor. He will do the work himself and in strictly Brat-ohms mnnuer. PitENbKituAHT, the naatisBiu of Carter Harrison, will go to the iuxane asylum. This will not satisfy the people. J. 8. Booth hy is the proper person to represent Morrow o. unity in the statt legislature. No l'ennuyer in bis. Bs careful bow you deposit your bal lot. We all want better times, and we oa only Ret II by going buck to tbe eld way ot doing things. Frank Gilliam, Morrow oounty's next treasurer, bas been identified with Mor row oonnty tor years past, ami is thor oughly reliable and honest. Tui republican candidate for clerk has never been accused ot baring offered to (use nor to trade any one ot his fellow candidates off for his own benefit. Mr. Ellis bas always been a friend to an open river, and, in connection with Mr. Hermann, cau do effective work in this liue during the next session. T-M Kalit bas a flue card with his pioture od it, bat be forgets that the people of tbe first diatriot wants protection. Ellis is just as good a silver man as any ot bem, and be is protectionist besides. In fdk is more of a geutleman than Jayne, nays or iDters the Reoord. More ot a moralist, says the same paper. This is getting it stout, don't yon think? Any person who knows Dnfur ill aree with tbe Gazette that he is a . clever old man, but bis morals are nut a particular ly prominent thing in his makeup. He is a gentleman, but does be out-rank Jayne? Not by a long-shot. His quali fications ore no better than Jayue's, and judging from bis record ss a lawyer, not as good. Mr. Jayne was so unfortunate as to lose h s right band about eighteen months ago, and yet tbis does not inter fere wilb bis duties. He writes a nice band, uses a typewriter quite profioient ly, and more tban that ia capable of put ting to good nse tbe wisdom and learning of a well-drilled mind. This is tbe kind of a man Jayne iB, and the voters recog nize it. The Gazette believes that our young repnblicans allowed their enthusiasm to oarry them a little too far last Monday, though we have not heard any criti cisms from tbe pops or demo-pops about the way tbe republicans were treated at Lexington, Orange Hall and Eight Mile. Neither bave we beard them objecting to tbe faot that when Pen- noyer's name was mention d at Horr's meeting at Albina recently, tbe pops and demo-pops came nearly raising tbe roof for fully two minutes. These little matters seemed to have esOBped obser vation. Tna Baker Blade says that "Haley is in town." And also adds that if be would "oome down a notch or two from bis aristocratic perob and mingle more freely with the bone and sinew of the country tbe toiling masses aud up builders of tbis great Western country be would poll a much larger vote on June 4 but still not large enough to got there by any means." Congressman Ellis is far from being the idle and irresponsible person "in con gress his enemies would bave tbe public believe. Ho bus done good and oareful work for Oregon, has proven himself a wide awake and energetio man. He is right on the tariff and his financial views are sound. H should be sent back to ornithine his efforts in Oregon's behalf. Uhromele. The insinuation is made elsewhere in these oolomns that the Gazette is "stand ing in" with tbe present county admin istration. We deny it emphatically. Why tbe semi-annual statement baa not been made, we do not know. We have heard it spoken of several times, but it never oame to tbe printer. F, J. Hallouk bas been there before as olerk, He was tbe first deputy, and got out the first records in our oounty. lie is well posted on common law, is accurate, accommodating and etriotly honorable. Our voters oannot do better than to make Freddy our next clerk. Tub present representative in oongress from this district, Hon. W, K. Ellis, is a strong advocate of an "open river" and tbe construction of the Nicaragua oannl. And instead of campaigning he is at tending to his duties in congress. This is what the voters want. Tub qualifications of Hon. C. E. Wolyerton for supreme judge are un questioned. His reputation as a judge of law is not surpassed by that of any other attorney in tbe whole state of Oregon, and personally be is above reproach. Ex. The old soldier who wrote up from Lexington recently is not a very promi nent one. What is his record? Does he belong to the G. A. R, ; and if not, why not? Bootbby's war reooril is one of which any man ought to be proud. Nearly every paper in the distriot is supporting Jayne for prosecuting at torney. Jayne is a poor man and the people are with him. They know a competent liuiti, n man of brains, of strict integrity nnd good morals. Gboiuib Hahkinuton, plain George, the republican candidate for sheriff, will got there. Uo was tbe first sheriff of Morrow oonnty and bo oondncted the affairs of the oftice Hint he ueeds no rec ommendation lit our bauds. Miss Annie Balsiokii is one of our leading instructors, and, it elected, will grace the snperiutendency of our comity, by improving the local echoed system. This is very necessary in our section. POLITICAL JOTS. It will be to tbe interest of every tax payer in the 7th judicial distriot to eleot Don, A. A. Jayue for prosecuting attor ney. Me was a most pleasant and agreeable gentleman, and being one of the most able, and successful lawyers in the state, there is uo reason why be should not be elected prosecuting at torney by a rousing majority. Autelope Herald. Hon. A. A. Jayne the republican nom inee for prosecuting attorney, is a man whOBhould and undoubtedly will get the vote aud support of every republi can in tbe 7th judicial district. Mr. Jayne is a prominent attorney of Gil liam county, and his ability as a lawyer is recognized throughout Eastern Oregon. He does not put himself tip as a professional office seeker, but ou ac count of his peculiar fitness to till the positiou, he received the nomination in a rank republican distriot by a unani mous vote. This alone is reoommen- dation euough to eleot him by ao over whelming majority. This is exactly the kind of a majority Mr. Javue will roll up on the 4ifi of June. Autelope Herald . Iloou'a and only Hood's. Are you weak and weary, overworked and tired? Hood's Sarsaparilla is just the medicine you need to purify and quicken your blood and to give you appetite aud strength. If yon decide lo take floods Barsaparilladonot be induced lo buy any other. Any effort to substi tute another remedy is proof of tbe mem or uood s. NASHY. CHAPTER III. SEOOKD SKHIOHS. The Hon. Joe Gips n is out ltrtiuiieer iug fur the oris of Co. treasurer. Hope he won't git it, ao be don't expect it. Hour nomiknee for Representative will not speak in behalf ov hour nwen party. The Skool Meetin in lexititou rezulted iu the leotin ov one ov the most promi nent an active bizinez men iuthedc.striot last Monday. It took tbe united eforts ov some ov the cburoh and pops together to down that old publican, besides they bad to get the young man's mother to oome an vote fur him. Tbe populist party met iu muss on last Mundy in Hepuer, After tbe bouse wus oalled to order tbe furst thing on tbe program wns a tune by the Kev. T. J. Gulopoway, plade ou the hand-origan. If there bod bin a rnunky then the furst seen would bave bin oomplete. The Rev. T. J. to represent the pore ov this country, tbe munky to represent the Ouninguess of tbe peph s party and the origan to represent the bole party ss kalainity bowlers. I wus to town to bear that grate man Guvnor Paynower speechify, an it is tbe same old story about us Dimocrats an Publicans. That wus all that be could talk about. Now we Dimocrats lected him to tbe ofla of Guvnor in good futh an we do not like fur him to abuze, bemean an kick us while we are down just bekase we are down. We do not kare bow much be kicks an abuzes tbe Publican's K ff, but 9 qts. ov waiter an 1 qt. ov milk is pretty bard on the kuff if it is a Fublicun Kaff, but we notis tbe knifis not busted yet. An that kute advertisin dodge at the lust that kept the klimax. Aud all there talk wus about the other purtys. And it lz generly konsidered that if a man don't talk about anything else but bis neybors be is not thot much ov. There is a kontiugenl ov Koxey's army in konrse of konstruction down on Klarks Kunyou, and their kuptin is a mnn by the name of Hank Parsons. We all no that a parson had otter be a gud man. Tbe wa it kome about was about this way. A few nites ago as a shivaree gaug wuz a goin borne from Mr. ov a bushel's place, down on Klark Kanyon, Tha stopt at the Parson'sjhouse nn give him a few rounds with their bells au pans an flnuly arozed him in bis sweet baoheler slumburs, an he oome out ov doors to see what tbe racket was, forget tin that be bad nothin on bis person but his nnmensbunables, and they told him that there was a Co. of Koxey's army down to lexinton an ast bim if be wan not one too an be sad he wuz, au they ast him it there was any more in close around that be could get to go with him an he said be need that Joe Friend would go witb him. So the croud left him an atter tha left he went in tbe house an put on his cloze and got on a horse an went to a Crabtree to hire bim to take onre of his stock while he was witb Koxey's army and after securin Mr. Crabtree's services, he next went to see bis friend Jo. Jo was found aud the Parson asked bim if he would go with him to jine Koxey's army. An bis freud Jo sed be would go. An the next thing was to get some guns; the I'.irson asked Jo if be had a gun. Jo Bed no, but he noed where bs oood get one. An then they started to lexinton to meet the Kouipany of Koxey's army. Arrivin at lexiutou and not Uml in any komrads, they thot of goin to see their GRAND Master, Profit, Priest and King, (P. E Sign) and after konsullin witb bim for a time somethiu less than 2 hours, tba konkluded it was only a little joke plade on them by tbe Co. of Shivareers, and llnaly reached home about day time in tbe inornin, a wizer but knot a hapier man. Now Bro. Parson, let me give yon a little advioe (advice is so very cheap as there is no tariff on it an I kno that yon are a free trader au yon want everything on tbe free list.) Nevkh hun aftek sradders. Yes, go, Oapt. Parsons, go to Koxey. We oan git along w ithout sioh as you. I will tell U somethiu now, Mister Editur, that I want yon to keep seoret fur a few daze. I have bin iu a trauoe fur 7 days, 111 hours an 37j minutes, an I will tell yon where T have bin. I have knot bin to hell nor heaven az Brn. Dam pm an has, nor have I bin on a Moter line, nor did I have a red bed lite to conduct my weary feet on the way to that haven ov external rest. But I bave bin up Hull River, an I wil tel U in my next letter who I saw there. I saw places prepared for a lot ov men Bn some wimmen. I think I will go in another trance about next Monday, wbioh will lust about lung enough to see tbe people's party ov tbis Co. snode under. Yors truly, V. Nasuy. WAXEM'S PKOVEKHS. Rum statesmen air born grate ; sum bav grateness thrust upon them and sum buy it. A wise oandidute will let a voter olieet him in a boss trade. Tbe Amerikin eagle aiu't fer sale, but sum nv bis batohiu is. No party's priusipuls can staud against bard times. Holdina party together aiu't nothin to holdiu tbe oonutry together. A politisban burnt got much use tor the Hag except to shoo voters up to the polls with it. Thar woodcut he euny less talk on the tarif et wiuiuieu was iu pollitics. CEDAR I'OSl'S. 60,000 cedar posts for sale. For further particulars aud prices, address Hanna A Wolfobd, 8 fi. Uood River, Or. PEOPLE'S PARTY EDITED BY W. F. COOK, HARDMAN, OR. All matter intended for this eolumn sbould be addressed to its editor, as the (iaette has no authority to publish same without his consent Thin column Munys exclusively to the People s Party, o Morrow county, and will be used by them as they see fit. The management of the Gazette Will in no way be responsible for any thing that may appear therein. STATE TICKET. Governor, Nathan Pieroe. State Treasurer, R. Caldwell. Secretary of State, Ira Wakefieid. Supt. Public Instruction, T. 0. Jory. Attorney General, M. L. Olmstead, State Printer, George M. OrtoD. Supreme Judge, R. P. Boise. Congressman Sec. Dist., Joe Waldrop. Jt. Sen., Morrow, Grant and Harney, George Gilbert. seventh judicial distbiot. Pros. Attorney, E. P. Sine. Board of Equalization, B. F. Searoy. COUNTY TICKET. Representative, B. F. King. Sheriff, Joseph C. Hayes, Clerk, C. M. Hogue. School Supt., Miss Addie Conjee. Assessor, W. B. Ewing. County Commissioner, Wm. Gilliam. Treasurer, J.L.Gibson. Surveyor, Cbas. Ingraham. Coroner, J. M. Nunamaker. ANOTHER CAMPAIGN LIB. To Editou People's Pakty Column : I see in the last issue of tbe Gazette, in tbe Peoples Party Column, a communica tion written by some democrat who says be would not vote for a man who will sell his principles for tbe sake of office, nor for anyone that will stand in with such a man. He also says that be heard that certain demoomts were going over the county with Hayes and Morrow whisky. Now I will say that it there was any democrat doing such work, it was without my knowledge or conseut, and anyone tell ing anything to the contrary tells that wuioh is absolutely false, as I am not standing in with morrow. As for him using Morrow whisky, I oim't say, for be is running hisown boat without my assistance. J. V. Mates. WHO LIES, PENNOYKK OU CAIiUSLE, SCOTT, KTAL.? The Weekly Oregonian of May 4th makes a very weak plea for tbe National Banks. Tbe editor Btarts ont by ac cusing Gov. Peiinoyer of making a false in regard to the mode of establishing said banks. Tbe governor said in substance that the banker pawned his bonds to the government as security for the notes issued to the bank. Here is what be Buid, "Tbe government now loans money only to the national banks. When he wants money he goes to the government aud pawns bis bonds at nine-tenths tboir fuoe value. He receives bia money and leaves bonds in pawn." This tbe editor of tbe Oregonian Bays is false, saying that, "Tbe government lends no money to the banks. It bus no money to lend." Tbe editor then goes on to say "It (the government) permits every man or association who can buy 350,000 worth ot bonds to issue $45,000 in circulating notes. These noies are issued by tbe banks and must be redeemed by them, tbe bonds being deposited in the treasury to secure redemption. Any one at all acquainted with this matter can see at a glance bow deceptive is tbe idea conveyed in tbe above language. "Tbe government lends no money to tbe banks. It has none to lend." This is news indeed. The bankers themselves ought to thnaV- Mr. Scott for tbis infor mation. Where do tbe bankers get their notes? Why they issue them of course, the government can't make money you know. Carlisle says bo; listen: "This is a great and powerful government, but tbere is one thing it cannot do, it oannot create money." The above words were uttered before the Chamber of Gommeroe, New York. Nov. 21, 1803. So you see Harvey is right uocordiag to Carlisle. News ain't it? The banks can create money but tbe government cannot. Tbe fountain is getting shove ite source. So this banking bnsiness is a private institution so far as the issuing of its notes are ooncerned. The government has but little to do with it exoept to bold their bonds for them and pay them interest on them, and in case tbe bank should fail, redeem their notes for them. No wonder tbe publio mind is be fogged on this money question when stu b dootriues are taught through tbe lending preps and by those high in authority. If the government cannot ooin (oraale) money how oan it i.elegate such power to oorporft'ions? Does not the constitution declare that congress shall have power to ooin money and regulate its value. But our modern Shylock political economist deolare that we, jhe people, of tbis great nation eantwt oreate money. The title to the National Banking law passed by oon gress June 3, 1864, reads as follows: "An act to provide a national on renoy secured by a pledge of United States bonds and to provide for tbe circulation and redemption tboreof." The title ot this act declares that these notes are a "national currency" issued to the bank by authority of tbe government as Bny oue cau see by turn iug to Sec 2 of our national banking laws which provide that tbe Comptroller shall issue notes to the bank equal to 90 uer cent of tbe par value nf tbe bonds deposited as seourity for said notes. So this national bank onrrenoy is furnished (issued) to the banks by the government as Gov. Pennoyer says. In other words it is loaned to the banks by the govern ment. These notes are signed by tbe bauk officers and they then circnlate as money. Mr. Carlisle says that tbe U. S. government has not tbe power to create money, and Harvey Scott, who runs a gold-bng organ in Portland, virtually says tbe tame thing. Carlisle knows better. So does Mr. Scott. They are both base deoeivers. evidently in tbe employ of Wall street to help deceive the people on the finan cial question. Listen to Carlisle again in his speech to the bankers and brokers of Wall Street "There are some things however, which tbe government oan do for the establishment and preservation ot a sonnd and stable onrrenoy. It can suspend or limit the coinage of either metal. Queer, ain't it, that tbe govern ment oannot create money and yet it can "suspend or limit tbe coinage of either metal." Gold and silver are of oourse the "metals" referred to. If the government baa the power to "suspend or limit" the coinage of gold end silver and as neither of tbe metals are money until they are ooined or receive the government stamp, any more than is copper or nickel, the government has tbe power to put its stamp upon any material it may see fit aud declare it money as it had done over and over again. The Oregonian echoing the voice of Carlisle says the government oannot loan money, "It bus none to lend." For downright brazen lying the Wall street gang "take the onke." The government does oreute money and loan it to the bankers at about tbe oost of printing, eto , one per cent. The only seourity the government will eocept is U. S. bonds wbiah tho Comptroller holds in trust or "pawn" as Pennover says, as security for such a loan. As said at the head of these remarks, who lies. C. COMMUNICATION TO TAXPAVEHS. To the Editou: The statement bus been repeatedly oiroulated over tbe county, and especi al! in this section, that Mr. Morrow the democratic nominee for re-eleotion, is tbe only one of the three nominees that bas tbe neoessary qualifications to fill tbe offioe of oonnty clerk ot tbis oounty, and some have even bad the gall to say that he Is in reality tbe only efficient and qualified olerk the county bas ever bad. Now in justice to Fred Hullook, I think it might not only be said that he opened np tbe first set of clerk's books for the county but bas since initiated every olerk the county has had, having served as a deputy for a time under all of tbem. It has also been said that we should eleot Morrow beoause bis judgment on all legal papers is excellent, and that be is also well versed ou the law relative to tbe duties of a county clerk. Tbis statement sounds well on the fuoe, but will it bear investigation? I say no. He has not only negleoted his duties, bat has actually violuted the law in one instance, for wbioh be is liable to indict ment and fine. This is the law relative to publishing a semi-annual statement of the financial condition of tbe county, tor the benefit of the taxpayers and residents of said county. No such statement has been published for more tban two years, although I understand tbe present sheriff has always made out bis statements and turned them over to the olerk, as the law requires and often insisted on tbe publication of tbe same. But bas it been done? Taxpayers, what do you know of the financial con dition ot your oounty ? Hnve you ever seen Bny published statement ot tbe same during the present term? Of oourse if you should ask the ever oblig ing (?) official who now holds down the clerk's ohair about our county's financial condition the reply would be, "Oh b G d, we're getting nearer out of debt every day." Havn't you heard him say this? But far better authority I think would be tbe length of time scrip is out before being redeemed. Sheriff Noble is authority for the statement that scrip was at one time redeemed in a little more than six months atter being issued. Today I know of several pieces that have been issued and registered for nearly two years, and have not yet been redeemed. T. W. Ayers, Jr., of your city, I understand, has a pieoe that bas been ont for a year and eight months. Taxpayers, does this look like we are getting nearer out of debt every day, with or without an oath, just as you like? In Multnomah oonnty last foil I remember that the oonnty offioials were indioted and fined for not publish ing their statement within a week of the time as prescribed by law. Tbis I believe, was brought about by an in vestigation by a committee of One Hundred who wanted to know tbe exaot condition of tbe oonnty financially. Why bave yon newspaper men said nothing of tbis? Is it possible that you are standing in with Morrow in bis ad ministration of extravaganoe? Aooord ing to the laws of our state, as enforced down in Multnomah oonnty, the olerk ib liable to a fine of $25 for every time he has failed to publish the financial state ment. Let us see to it that the next grand jury investigates tbis matter. And in tue meantime oitizens and tax payers, let us put a stop to tbis extrava gaooe by electing a man who will show up the present financial condition of our oonnty, manage the affairs ot this oounty in an economical manner, and publish a semi-annual statement of the oordition of our oonnty as prescribed by law. An Independent Voter. Persons who sympathize with tbe afflicted will rejoice with D. E. Carr, of 1235 Harrison street, Kansas City. He is an old sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism, but has not heretofore been troubled in this climate. Last winter be went up into Wisoonsin, and in oonse quenoe bas had another attack. "It oame upon' me again very acute and severe," be said. "My joints swelled and beoame inflamed; sore to touch or almost look at. Cpon the urgent re quest of my mother-in-law I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm to reduce tbe swelling and ease the pain, and to my agreeable surprise it did botb. I bave used three fifty-cent bottles and believe it to be tbe finest thing for rheumatism, paius end swelling extent. " For sale by Slocum Johusou Drug Co. To think "nothing ails you" is symptom of dyspepsia. Take Simmons Liver Regulator. oooooooooo World-wide, means world-tried. The high reputation and enormous sale of ,Beecham's Pills (Worth a Guine a BoxJ (Tasteless) reflect the wisdom of two generations. u s cents a box. oooooooooo- City ! rPHIS Popular Hostelry h&s again I been re-opened and will be run in first class style. Me tils outl Rooms tit l3oiiiUn Prices. Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. Tbe Lightest, Strongest and P. C. THOMPSON FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claim9 against the government is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care aud skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careles9 attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY. 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D.C. p.o. box 463. JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. W Cut this out and send It with your Imsui. . Preutias Ktciltylug pills euro uuuatlputiuQ Prentiss Bectlfylug pills cure constipation PRENTISS RECTIFYING PILL n Alo-ost all pills and mortlclue produce ccnstlpatton, here Is a pill mat cures torpid liver, biliousness, rhouraatlsm, indigestion, sick headache aud kidney aud liver tnublea without griping or leaving any trace ot CONSTIPATION, which is the prime cause of all sickness, !wareot It getting habitual and chronic with you, see to it in time ; these pills will cure yen. L A T B I" f L-fl, ORFNTISS RECTIFYING PILL. gA 8 S jf" because it is the only sate and harmless Best' E uasa mr remedy that will surely BEAUTIFY 'he COMPLEXION clear the skin and remove all blotches self. 23 Cents a box. SOLD EY ALL DRUGGISTS, Or sent by mail upon receipt of prtco hy Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., 406 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. Prentiss Rectifying pills cure constipation PrentlBs Rectifying pills cure conatlpatlon IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ADDRESS A LETTER OB POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P. O. Box 463. Washington, D. C. Honorably discharged soldiers nnd sailors who served ninety days, or over, in the late war are entitled, if now partiallyor wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability was caused bv service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances. WIDOWSof such soldiers and ssilorsareentilled (if not remarried) whether soldier's death was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death was due to service CHILDREN are entitled (if under siiteen years) in almost all cases where there wa no widow, or she has since died or remarried. PARENTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier died In service, or from effects of service, and t hey are now dependent upon their own labor for sup port. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died lo late war or in regular army or Uiiutlnlnl,'?ihtt'Ui aai" n! 'aW may "Pply for hlber raU under otker Thousands of soldiers drawing from $: to io per month under the old lav are entitled to tSZttZS&S" f dis'bil"i ft- " but ntl&XX&ffitlSl resrulararmyor navy, war er. also Survivors and their widows, of the HI ark Hawk. Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flor Ids Indian War. of I83S to 1849, areemltled under recent act. or dependent. "nd thC'r w'dows lsoentltled, if suty.two yeari of age or disabled hterl2wlaornoCtmP,etedandKl,Itm",obtained' w''leth Vio has been granted under fVJUlP" "P'ntd "4 settlement seenred. If rejection Improper or illegal. .votChaefrn;i.apnedrJ.1!Char'!e 0bUined for 'ldi" d ' "ho Send for law, and information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY. JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P.O. Box 463. WASHINGTON, D. G EMlis, Dawson & Iyons, ATTORNEYS All business attended to manner. iotaries OFFICE IN XATIOXAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, Hotel. I m JO O O o (J) C: Co c; r- Co Easiest Running Mower Made. COMPANY, Agents. l-Temiss Bectifylug pllla cure constipation Prentiss Rectifying pilla cure constipation from the face. Try a box and see tor youc- I'rentiss Routlfylng pills cure const! pation Prentiss Rectifying pills cure constipation AT LAW. in s prompt nnd satisfactory Poblic and Collectors. OEEGON