Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 29, 1894, Image 4

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It is absolutely, positively and distinctively differ
ent in FLAVOR from any other Plug Tobacco now on
the market. A trial will convince the most skeptical
of this fact.
The largest seller of any similar shape and style
on earth, which proves that it has caught the pop
ular taste, and pleases the people.
It possesses mere qualities of intrinsic value than
any other Plug Tobacco produced.
The P. J. Sorg Company
There was nevrr h time in the history
of onr country wben Ike deuiiuid for
inventioog nod imurovenieutB in tlie art
Bid aeieneei generally whs so great hp
now. The onuveuienoes of mankind in
the (Hotory nnd workshop, Ihe houHebold
and on the furra, nn well us in oflieml
life, require oouliniiHl nceesB ous to the
appurtenance and implimmils of each
in order to save ltib. r, time aud expense.
The political oIiiiuvh iu the adinimtttra
on goTerumeiit dues not affect the
progress of Ihe Aojerieiin inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the exitittK iKfioienotes, dues not
permit the nff.iirs ot government to de
ter him (mm quickly onnouiviog the
reme ly to overouuio exieting disorepiiti
ole Too great oare onimot be ex-r
o'a d in cuuoaiug a competent nnd skill
ful attorney to prepare and proseoule
an application fur piiteiif. Valuable in
terests bave been lout aud destroyed in
innumerable itiHtwiens bv the employ
ment of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is t Liu ndvloe applicable to
those who adopt the "No intent, tin
pay" eyatein. Inventors who enlruHt
their btiHiuuHS to this ohiHH of attorneys
do so at iiiiiuiiP'ut link, as the breadth
and streu,lh of ihe patent is never con
sidered iu view of a quick endeavor to
get uu allowance and ohtuiu the ft e.
John Vi eddet buiu, (Jeueral Maniigei,
01 F street, N. V.,Bhhmiiiou, D. J
lepreseu iug a large number ot impor
tant duily and weekly pupem, and gen
eral periodicals of the eoitntiy, was in
stituted to liruliOt its uatrous from the
unsafe methods heretofore employeo
in this Hue of business. The said Com
pany is ptepared to lake charge ot all
patent btiHiness tnlruxted to it for rea
ouahle Ii-tw, ami prepare aud proaeoute
applications gHueratly, inaiudiug me
ohanioal luvt-utioUH, deHto paleula,
traile-titHtk, latiele, copyiights, interfer
ences. iiifi'ingeiueiitH, valtdi.y reporle,
and gives ecpt-mul at'enioii to n j eti d
cases. It in alHo prepared to entdr into
oonipetition with any Him Iu seounug
foreign patenta.
Write for instructions anil advice.
John KDiiKiim itN.
OlH F Si feet,
P. 0. l!ox 885. aatitugtnu, 1). 0.
Ore vyou
a. VVienclAa
e cause cx
"IvAereaVs 1
Are you willing to work fortbecnvisr
of Protection in placing reliable Infor
inatiun in tho hands ul your aciiuuir..
If you are, you should be Identified
the american
Protective tariff leac.;.:,
138 w. 23o It,, New York
Cut thli notice out and tend U to lh j
Stating your position, and arts a betping hand.
A.Mri"! it l.'it'T or i-.-M 1 c
tub 1"ii:nm m.4iti o:ii.y,
JOHN w?u'KHtfUr.N, MAtinuing Attorney.
P.O. Ho x ItiJ. WAstUM; U'N, D, C.
TH'Vs.ONM i'lUK't'tiKD FOH
soldis, WIDOWS,
A!-', r '. .-tii "rrs mil Sailor hUhM-i In ,,,' ln of
d(v in (tic rt'wiilnr Annvor Nf v lnrrilh' wr.
Purvlvcrn of Hn- hiiltioi war of 1K.-J ! ISiJ, ;imt
their " Idi'Wtt, no w entitled O'dMiid reVm-d i-Ulni
a nMdi'tltv. T-'ouaands entitled to Mcitcr nitif
ftfift f r now lawj, No charge for advice. S : tee
Until ixicekttrul.
ti .t: i
ra FAIR,
From San Franciico to other points In Cali
fornia will be allowed purchnscrs of special
Mlilwintor Fair tickets at the following round
trip rnrcu:
Tofltaiiom under ftO miles from Han Fran
oiHco. one and one-third one way fare.
To MutlmiH 150 miles or moro from Bail
FranolHCo.one nnd one fifth ono way fare,
Fur exact ratt'B and lull Information inquire
of J. B. Klrkland, Ulat. I'as. agent at VA First
St., Portland, nr., or address the undersigned
Hen. Tralilc Manager. (ieu. PaHs. Agt
Him Kraui'lm'fi, Calif,
E. P. KUliKKM, A. G. F. & K A.,
Portland, Oregon.
I I H mm tm and loit vlulitj
A jwcliapi of our treat-
man! for WMknind
decav. nerToui dibilltr
and toat vitality aant nt tor la canU
. pfittai-a.
R. WARD INSTUTUTE, 120 N. 9th St. BT. LOCIS. la
Halary anrtiiicnttea paid wvskly from
FnnantQtpoHltlon. Kxclualve territory.
Eipcrlunco unnecuaaury. I'ecullar
adTaotniraatobag-fnnara. Liberal
otMnmiMlon to looal pi
tlmt agx'ttta. Lkifeit
trrowara of olaon,
nuraarr W f0rt!o on-hard,
lawn and ganlrn.
Wo want you now, while
fruit industry u an
important. Qood ohno fr
dvancement. Outfit and full par-
iUlan free. HHOWN WKOS. CO., nur-
vinan. Tortlnnd, 'r. (ThiBUOUOCU
roliahle. Nninn thta paper, ma.
Every patriotic citizen should give hla
persunal etlort and Intluence to increase
the ci rculatton uf hit home paper which
trachea the American policy ol Protec
tion. It la hla duty to aid in this respect
in evory way possible. After the home
paper is taken care olt why not sub.
scrib-i lor Ihe AMtatcAN Economist,
puhli iSed by the American Protective
Tuiiir League I One ol ita correspon
dents aayai "No true American can
get along without It. I conaider It the
gt eat est and truest political teacher la
tie United Statee."
Send postal card request for free
stmplecopy. Addreaa Wilbur F.Wake,
man, General Soavttrjr, I J J West 231)
St, w York.
SiM (H'tright, no rnt. no royalty. Admitted
to Cil, Villttiif or Tounlrr. NtHnlfHl iu t-vtiry
iiiMiir, ltoi', (ori Hiid nftii-w. llrvatMt couvn-
AirciitN niikf hum aA lo ftn.
thm iti it ub ilein- nipniii a miik ui all the
iimi-lih rn. 1 me in-trument. noto work
Htilmr, nny tlitvt'. lVmpltta, rrnAy (or
uw whttn hui rd Cuu rn tutt up hi m , uo.
unvar out of ontcr, no rcfpt r nit, lt- a I ta
fin i' rrniiiM. A nony iuir. rt'
W. P. Harrison & Co., Citra 10, Columbus. 0
one fAtNLiaa tmtmrr
kl.lfr. K . .if In
biisiucw. 'lituta. 11m
Qf l4UMtiua ttlauk .nd book (rM. Call
in - . ih. u.
It. Uicu, Mo.
I mnm iirtii.
Saved Her Life.
Mrs. 0. J. Wooldridge, of Wortham,
Texas, saved the life nf Iut child hy the
use of Ayer's Cherry I'ectoral. b
'One of my children had Croup. The
case was attended by our physician, nnd wai
upposed to lie wtdl under control. One
night I was startled bv Hie child's hard
breath injft and on going to it found It stran
gling. It had nearly censed to breathe.
Realizing that the child's nlai niintr condition
had become possible in spire of the medicines
given, I reasoned Mint such remedies would
e of no avail. Having part of a bottle ol
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Jn the house, I gnve
the child three (loses, at. short intervals, and
anxiously waited results. From the moment
the Pectoral was given, the child's breathing
grew easier, and, in a shrt time, she was
sleeping quietly nnd breathing naturally.
The child Is alive and wdl to-d;tv. tmd 1 do
not hesitate to say that Ayer's Cherry Sec
toral saved her life."
Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr. J.C.Ayr&Co., Lowell, Hum.
Prompt to act, cure to cur
An Indiana Lawyer's IMscovcry After Se
curing a Counterfeiter's Acquittal.
Several years afro, when Judge
Francis J. Reinhard, the well-known
German lawyer of Indiana polib, was a
young but enthusiastic attorney
practicing at Crown Point, says tho
Indianapolis Sentinel, ho was called in
to defend a man charged with circu
lating counterfeit money. Ho tallied
with the accused several times in jail
and became impressed with the idea
that tho man was honest and was
litterally bcin-j outraged fcy the
authorities. Jlr. Itcinhard entered
into tho case with characteristic earn
estness and prepared h mself thorough
ly to make the defense. When the
case came to preliminary hearing tho
lawyer made a torrille fight and se
cured the discharge of his client. Out
side the courtroom, after the trial, the
client buttonholed Lawyer Reinhard
and, leading him into an alley out of
sight of the gaping crowd, paid him
his fee with ten silver dollars. Then
with tears in his eyes ho thanked the
lawyer and went his way. Mr. Uein
hard immediately proceeded to the
ofilce of a friend to wl om ho owed a
debt of sixty-five cent:? nnd tendered
one of his newly-made dollars.
"Say, Frank," said tho friend, after
an investigation of tho monay, "this
dollar is counterfeit."
"You're certainly mistaken." replied
Lawyer Itcinhard, "I just took it as
part of a fee from n man whom I am
confident is honent and perfectly relia
ble. I am not easily mistaken in my
estimate of the character of my clients. "
"That may all be so," replied tho
friend; "but this money is spurious
just the same, and to prove it we will
just go over to the bank."
Thereupon tho gentlemen went to
the bank, not far away, and laid down
the dollar, asking for change. The
teller, an elderly and conservative
man, adjusted a monocle to his eye,
gazed long and earnestly at the coin
and then shoved it back through the
window with the remark:
"Gentlemen, wo don't take such
money as that here. It is a rank coun
terfeit." Judge Remhurd at that time, as now,
was very gentlemanly in diction and
manner, but he couldn't help himself,
and with the one expression: "Well,
I'll be d d," turned on his heel and
went out on the street. Every last one
of the silver dollars he hud worked so
hard to earn was a counterfeit, and
within a short time thereafter his hon
est client was sent to the prison south
for five years for making and circulat
ing crooked money.
They Take Tarns In Chiislng; the Fleet
footed Juek Xtabhlts
"Did you ever see a pack of coyotes
a-rustliu' for grub?" asked an old miner
of a reporter of the Moreno (Col.) In
dicator. "I've lived on the desert for
nigh onto thirty years," he resumed,
"and seed many a queer sight, but coy
otes a-rustlin' for grub bents them all.
Them animals nrn ns well trained as
any body of soldiers ever was under
lien. Grant. They elect a captain,
whether by drawing straws or by bal
lot, I don't recollect off-hand. Just at
daylight a reveille calls tho pack to
gether, and they come yelpir,' and
howliu' over the desert like a lot of
things possessed, their appetites sharp
ened by the crisp air and eager for
their regular diet of jerked rabbit
meat. The avnnt-couriers sn:ff around
among the sngebmdi nnd grouseweed,
while the rest of the bnnd form into a
big circle, sometimes spremlin' out on
the plain over a radius of two or three
miles. The couriers head n iack rabbit
in the circle and the coyote nearest
takes up tho chase. i
"You know a jack-rabbit can run ten
times fasten than a coyote, and' when
the one in pursuit gets tuckered out
the next one takes up the chaso, and so
on till the jack falls down dead from
exhaustion. Then tho whole pack leap
onto him, their jaws r.nappin' like
shecpbhules in shearin' time. Then
when the jack is disposed of another
reveille is sounded aud the pack nguin
forms Into a circle and the circus is
kept up until every ono of the yclpin'
yeller devils has satisfied his appetite,
sometimes killin' hundreds of jacks
nnd cottontails for one meal, fur a coy
ote can eat a jack as big as himself
and then look asif he was clean starved
to death. I was clean through the late
unpleasantness with Gen. Grant, and I
know what scientific gcueralin' is, aud
them coyotes know as much as any
soldiers that ever lived about army
tactics. The commuuder in chief is
usually the oldest covote in the pack,
and he sits on a knoll where ho can
give orders to his lieutenant i and aids,
and what they don't know about nm
buscudes, miineuverin' and Held tactics
ain't worth kuowin'."
Th. rreililt-ut's Right, tn ('tn?r.B. i
Thi- prrsiiloiit of tlto l iiltctl States
hns no ponionnl rights in tin- liimse of
rvprOM'iitativos, rays tho V, iii.liuiirtoii
Tost, llo inn iii'iui it mossum-a. but it
is not oblipri'il t.) oxti'iiil any i-ourtt-sios
in tho way of qnurti-rs on t!io tloor.
No doubt ho would bo courteously
treated If he should com, but he u.ver i
has come during th irouular iearlsla
tiro sessions and probably never will,
liut in the senate it is different. The
relations between the president and
the upper chamber are close and con
fidential. It passes upon his nomina
tions, and can be very agreeable or
disagreeable if it sets out. There is a
president's room there, and he has a
right to come into the chamber and
deliver his message in person if he
sees fit. President Madison appeared
in the senate frequently. Curing ex
ecutive osessions there is a chair for
the president beside the vice presi
dent's, though it docs not get warmed
with any frequency. It is one of the
traditions of the senate that the presi
dent has a right to take possession of
the vice president's chair while he is
delivering a message, but no president
has ever availed himself of the right,
and that small boon is still left the
second officer of the government.
The Kulns of Two Ore.t Prehistoric Cities
Found in Central Asia.
In central and eastern Asia there
lies an unexplored region full of inter
est, and to the arclueologist especially,
says the Pittsburgh Dispatch. A great
traveler and clever writer, the Russian
Gen. Prjevalsky, speaking of the oasis
of Tchertchen, situated in the great
table lands hemmed in by the there un
broken wall of the Himalayas, says
that close to it are the ruins of two
great cities, the oldest of which, ac
cording to local tradition, was de
stroyed three thousand years ago, and
the other by the Mongolians in the
tenth century of our era. The em
placement of the two cities is now cov
ered, owing to the shifting sands and
desert winds, with strange and hetero
geneous relics, broken china, kitchen
utensils and human bones. The na
tives often find copper and gold coins,
ingots, diamonds and turquoises, and.
what is most remarkable, broken glass.
Collins of some undecaying wood or
material are there also, within which
beautifully preserved embalmed bodies
are found. The male mummies are all
enormously tall, powerfully built men.
with long, wavy hair. A vault was
found with twelve dead men sitting in
it. Another time in a seperate coffin a
young girl was found by us. Her eyes
were closed with golden disks and the
jaws held firm by a golden circlet run
ning from under the chin across the
top of the head. Clad in a narrow
woolen garment, her bosom was cov
ered with golden stars, her feet being
left naked. To this the lecturer adds
that all along the way on the River
rchertehen they heard legends about
twenty-three towns buried years ago
by the sands of tho desert. The same
tradition exists on the Lob-nor and in
the oasis of Kcrva.
Mrau. Illavatsky, who was in the
earlier part of her life a great and in
defatigable traveler, covering more
ground in a given time than is usually
accomplished by even those of the
sterner and more enduring sex, bears
witness also to those ancient ruins,
which she openly avers are prehistoric;
the pages of her works also make fre
quent reference to other ruins of an
cient character scattered throughout
the desert regions of Central Asia. She
hints, too, at buried crypts and under
ground vaults in the desert of Gobi,
in particular, in which are stored many
of the preserved records of the ages.
However this may be, the ruins de
scribed are certainly in place awaiting
the organized efforts of science to re
cover for the world a long-forgotten
page in the history of the peoples of the
globe. Or, as in the case of Troy,
private enterprise may step in and,
continuing the investigations begun
by the Russian traveler, read this rid
dle of a bygone civilization aright.
The Pretty Act of the Sweet-Natured
Empress nf Japan.
The empress of Japan, being that
sweetest of all creatures, a womanly
woman, has upon many occasions open
ly evinced her deep interest in the wee
oues of Japan, giving freely to all in
stitutions that exist to benefit them in
any way even practicing all sorts of
touching little economies that she may
be able to swell her contributions to
certain churities that most interest
The conduct of this Ideal woman up
on a certain sad occasion her devoted
I subjects are never weary of describing.
Prince Iwaukura, fearless Japanese
leader in tho momentous days of the
crisis from which the lovely archi
pelago is still trembling in Its sub
sidence to what seems assured stabili
tylay dying in his yashiki. The
empress announced her intention of
paying Iwaukura a visit in person.
The poor prince, weak, and, as I have
said, about to die, was thrown into a
dangerous state of excitement upon re
ceiving the news, but he managed to
borrow from some hidden nervous force
sutUcient strength to grasp his writing
box and brushes aud to paint her an ur
gent but most respectful request not to
think of coming to him.
He forced upon her as excuse for de
clining so great an honor the fact of
his rupully-approaching death, and his
consequent iuability to acknowledge
her visit with even a sixteenth part of
the homage it demanded. He begged
her to kindly consider how ill he must
be when it remained nn impossibility
to throw off the malady even for her
entertainment In reply, winged with
speed, came a dear little missive whose
import was as follows:
"I come not as your empress, but as
the daughter of your fond well wisher
and coadjutor, sad as your own anx
ious friend."
Shorn of all ostentation and display,
the empress arrived and remained be
side her grateful subject until his final
Some years ago, when the imperial
palace was burned, the unselfish em
press, amid all the excitement and dis
comfort site was for the nonce called
upon to endure in a hasty flight to a
comfortless old yashilta, thinking first
of her subjects' natural concern for her
comfort, sat down and wrote them a
duinty little rnyme, which proclaimed
as erroneous the report that she had
changed her residence. It coyly as
serted that her home had always been
in the henrts of her people, and that
she sincerely hoped that neither by
Uame nor cold could she be driven from
the dear abode. N. Y. Journal.
Hk who forprets his own friends
meanly to follow those of a higher de
gree is a snob. ThacUeray.
Tuk devil knew not what he did
when he made man politic; he crossed
biiusoJf by it. Shakespeare.
Do sot accustom yourself to consider
debt only an inconrenience; you wiU
find It a calamity.-Johnaon. i
MENTAL 1 !() $1 I STRONG n
81. Hammerly, a well-knnwn business man
of Rillsboro, Va., sends this testimony to
the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla: "Several
vears ago, l nurt my leg, tlie injury teaymir
a sore which led to erysipelas. My sufferings
were extreme, my leg, from the knee totlie
ankle, being a solUI sore, wlilcli befian to ex-
tend to otlier parts of the body. Aftertrying
various remedies, I beuati taklnc Ayer's
Barsaparllla, and, before 1 had finished the
first bottle, I experienced ureal relief: the
second bottle effected a complete cure."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J . C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass
Cures others,wiH cure you
convince the
skeotic and coint the
way which if followed leads to
Has been put up In a
proprietary form since
378. and has been used
for Tea re nrtortothat time
to private practice. It 1b no untried nostrum, of
-doubtful reputation, but a genuine epecilic for
a very prevalent disease. Thousands of men, of
all tiRoa, bave at euuie time In life brought on
nervous debility and exhaustion, with organic
weakness, by over brain work, excesses, too fre
tjuent Indulgence or Indiscretion and vicious
habits, and it Is to theie that we offer a remedy
that will, by its direct action upon the seat of tho
disease, stop the drain and restore the patient to
-vigorous health and strength.
Our methud of introducing Prof. Harris' Pastille
treatment 1b one which commends Itself to all
sensible persons for the reason that we supply It
upon their judgment of ita'value. We ask of our
patrons nothing In the way of expense beyond a,
postal enrd and a two cent postage stamp. The
pustul enrd to be used In sending us their full ad
dress and the postage stamp for the letter return
ing the statement of their case for which we
supply them with a question blank, to be tilled
out and an envelope aUdreed to ourselves for
nsi in reti'm'rir it when filled.
I jHS 1 ment on blank we prepare
W Mmf eight days' treatment and for
ward It by mall and prepay
woen we receive tne state-
postage thereon and along
with the eight days' treatment
txv,,.... wlthttieeigi
XAtAAlififf we send full directions for
Thet.ei.tmentin no way Interferes with
s person's attention to business, aud oauBea no
pain or Inconvenience in any way.
We are so positive that Itwlll give perfect satis
faction that we leave the matter of sending orders
entirely with those using the free trial treatment.
Having sntisned those sending for trial packages
of our ability to benefit their sexual condition we
feel that they are more largely interested than
ourselves In continuing the use of the Pastilles,
liven then we do notattemptto rob them' by de
manding high prices. On the contrary, we make
the prices as low aB possible, and the snme to all.
They are as follows: 13 for one month; 45 for
two months; 17 for three months.
These prices secure
the delivery of the
Pastilles by mall. If
desired by express we
leave the patient to
pay ihe charges. For
ftTflf ton van rat trM
hi.fuiitiei.inMttHlwid J..-- onernted our
business upon this plan with satisfactory results.
wn asK an persona needing tiy.atment mr any
of the secret ills which come to mankind through
a violation of nature's laws to send us their ad
drees on postal card or by letter1 and allow us to
convince them that PROF. HA KRIS' SOLr
merit and are what they need.
All communications confidential and should be
addressed to
m HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists
" .lOBcekman St., NEW YORK 0ITT, V.Y.
I ft GO worthof lovely Music torForty;
m- J) III.. Centt. consisting of ioo pages 7
" B full size Sheet Music of tie--
latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular 3
y selections, both vocal and Instrumental,
fc gotten up In the most elegant manner. In-
eluding four large size Portraits.
y- CARMENCITA, the Spanish Dancer,
Z fADEREWSKI, the Great Pianist,
y adducs all oMDcna to
Broadway Theatre Bid?., New York City.
lame as used bv thou janda of woman all over tb
United States, In tho .TLD DOCTORS private mail
pr lot Ice, for 98 years, and not a slngl 3 bad remit
Money returned It not as repreuanted. Send m
Oeutn (stamps) tor sealed particular.
DS. WAEP UIGTIinTl, 120 U. SMi St., St. Loull. Wo
25 Tears Fxperienee In treating all vart
ties of Kupturtj e.mbies us to giurantoe 9
ront lv cure. Question Blank: aud Bool
iree, can or write.
W Pino Street, . - St. tOUIS, MO
R,riiini1 Uln n.i,,A.r..n.nlh V,
Reduced 1A to 9. nitmdi r.rm-nth. Ki
tirrtng, no Incotv en ence, I o b ,l retultl, no 1HTW-1H
drui;.. '1 ri'.tmentP'Tlrctlv hnrnilt'i, .lid i'ricrlr coufl
d.oti.L Question 111 and H00V I ree. Call or write.
int. 11. u. nuns, &2 l'.na ttreet, bt.lui, Mo.
Substantial Rewards for Those WhoM
Answers are Correct
A man mw. fnt.r1 a prison wh WSJ 0OQBjH6af
I cnmlenuietl criminal Od maklriK a requeni to bt
!ontHu-tt Inm the nrewnce nf the nnonied man.
'iMtor was infonrnni that none htii relativra were iienuit
d U tet the pri-oner The Twitnr mid : " himiheri
md si iter hute 1 none, but lbt niAni (jibe prtioaer'sj
tther h my father on.
He was t once taken to the prlaontf. Now, what r
ation was trie nnsnner to the visitor!
Te Atfrkniltumt Publiihing Company wfll glv $0
fewr lor itis w me pervnn semiing ins nri correct an
iwer: MJ0 to the second ; 3rri. 2S0; h, $100: 5th,
and over 10,000 other reward. conisi ini of pianos,
W-ns, UtdlM ami rents fold aod silver watchsa, tilvst
kertioea diamond rinn. eta
To the person srmlinn the last correct tawwvr will bt
riven a nish-'oneu iiiano, to Uie neit to tne laci a be
il orgn, and h next 6,000 will receive valuable priasv
rf ilrerware, Ac.
Rl'l.KS -01 All amrwen mnttt be arat by mail, am?
Dear poa'mark nut latrr than Iec. 31. ' (2) Th re wil
fte no thariw whatever to enter ihis win petition, but al
vho compete are eipected to wnri one dollar tor til
Doiitha, suhft-rii'tlun to either The Ladikh, Homi
Maoazink or The Caviiaw AuRirut.Tr hist twt
it the choices' ilhi-trated t-eriodicw) of tbe day 43
4.11 prim- winners will ! fpec-ed to awlst u in etteml
af our circulation. (41 The flrnt corm t annuel m-eiec
winWr i ooeiDisrk taken in all raee as dat 4 reo ipt
o as to five every one an equal rham-e. no matter wh n
or th may reside!, will secure the first prin; th
ircind, Uieneit pnte, ind to on
The Ao titer li i rist is an oM etaMihd ernceni
and n. rttes auifie nieans to enable it Unarryoui al
t proRiuvea. (bead for printed lul of former prm
wirnem )
Jypira The followinn well-known gent Ipt-mi havs
sonnnitni to act ss jinitfr. and will it.tti hf irn
are fairly awardrd : Con'm-di-re I sku t tt-rvt netoi
Paloutt i LitifD Kirtniirn. l,.tertorotih. ant air VV
borough Wsir ail moorr wvm.
Botruoo, Prsuieut Tidhs rrni nfi (.(.'BJwmjr, feter
'en: pan
ma, Attal
boTOoatk, CtetMttv
m 23 feS S-'
peitiiE m flffiiiiF
C With all bsdcoDsequerjces.irraDguarr, iof
urrRy. nervous ex Item I, I ervi.us debinir
nacatural discharges Ivtt manhood, dfipond. ncjr. inflt
O'Mtora rry, wasting awav of the ergaas, c-ria nl.' a.id
rapid 'y eared by safe and eaj meth -d . Cures nosttivel
fuaran'eea. Queti.oD li.aak and Book fro, t'allorwrlt,
120 N. Ninth St.. ST. LOUIS. M0.
DR.DODDfi3 Cure oc
isry owner o. a hor limu'd kerp
It no Hand. It ma av- uu in vt
valuttDlo animal- 0.. pat-k wi 1
cure ciab- 'o ieu t-awi. frice Vl.Uu.
feut by tnaii o axpreii. Our Ac
count linos, w icli cent. ins hints t
table krepen, m,t1l d tree
H. k Pine St.
St. Louia, alo
The Old Reliable
Ktabll'lied38T"ars. Treotsmnloorfnin 1",
married or blnxle, In cases of expoMirft,
abuses, excesses or Improprieties. SKILL
GUARANTEED. Board ami apartments
fur-lshod when desired. Quesuou Blauls
aud BooK trea. Call or write.
laar OiisasesCLKED w hou
hout th use ol
knit. Question Blank snd nook free. UaJJ
rit JJU. 11. is, ISliT'lH.
812 Pine St. Bv. JLouU. Mo,
tuc?aifulpraetice. Treat mi
Th wont f ormi poiL
tlvelr cared 39 yean
reatmaat confldentla'. Curet
by mall or at ofnee. Twrmalow, Question Blank am
Book tm. Call or wrlu. DR. WAR t INSTITUTE;
120 N. 6th SUSt.Louli.Mo
ie lUrrfc LADY, employed ornnempToyetf
wlQ M IT LtNi can r ake I . f r a lew hours wyrk eact
day. Kplary f PommlSBlon. 910 eamplea free Addrrs.
H. BtNiAMIN It CO., 822 Pine it., St LOUlt, Mo.
Op. Hush's Belts & Appliances
An eleetro-.nive.nic n.tterf am-
bo .ieuioto modicted.
Belts, Snspensorie., Spi
nal Appliii"c.-sf Abduiu
iitMl Supporters, Vests,
""i m Timnina f'.r-
Cares Rhenmatlsm, Liver and Klrlney
'oniplaints, Dyspepsia, Errors of YxHtfi,
jost Manho'Hl, NervnusneHS, Sexual Wenk
,ess, and allTroiilil-s i'l Mit'e or , einale.
nestlon Blauk aud Book free. Call or
Volta-Medica Appliance Co.,
.28 Fine Street. SI. LOUIS. BIO.
Foot-Prints on the Path to Ilralth.
EveryoDe nffditiR a doctor's adviof
should read one of Dr. Foote's dimf
pamphlets on "Old Eyes," "Onnp,"
,'Rupture," 'TliimosiB," "Vniicocele,"
Disease nf men, Disense of W. men, tun'
learn lh hest meHns of wl cine. 51
Hill Pub. Co., 129 Eatt 2Sth bt., New
While yon keep your sutraoription paid up yn
can keep your brand in fret-of ctiarf,
Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Honwa G(i on lef
ehoutder; cattle HHme od left hip, under bit oit
rifiht enr, aiiil upper bit ou the left; range. Mor
row county.
Armstrong, J. 0 Alpine, Or. T with bar nn
der it on Jrtft ehoalder of horeeB; cuttie sauii
on left hip.
Alliaon.O.D., Eight Mile, Or.-Tattle brand.
O D on left hip and hnrsee aanie brand on rilit
shoulder, liaiiRe, Kin! it Mile.
AdkinB, J. J., Heppner, Or. HorceB, JA con
DSuted on lettiaiik: cattle, aameon left hip,
Bartholampw, A. Alpine, fir. Horapa
branded 7 E on either shonldor. liane in Mo -row
Bleaknian, Geo., Hardman, Or. Horaes, a fla
'.rleft shoulder; cattle name on ritfht-HhouldfM
hannieter, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
d H on loft hip and thih: aplit in each ear.
Brenner, Pt-ter, imi eenerry Oreuoii IiorneR
branded PB on lef t shoulder. Cuttle same on
right Hiae.
Bnrke, M St 0, Lon t'reek, Or (in cattle.
MAY connected on left bip, ciopoft left ear, un
der half crop off right. Horeee, same brand on
letft shoulder. Itange in Grant and Morrow
HroBman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle B on the left Bide.
Left ear half crop nd right ear npper slope.
Barton, Wm,, H- ppner, Or. -lloraeB, J Bon
right thigh, cattle, same on right hip; split in
each ear.
Brown. Isa, Lexington, Or. Horse IB on the
right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor
row county.
Brown, J, C, Heppner. Or. Hornf8, circle
f with dot in ne ter on left hip; cattie, name.
Brown, W, J., Lena, OreRon. Hones VV bar
over it. on the left shoulder. Cattle same ou left
Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand or 1 ngh hip cattle, same, with up it in
each ear.
Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shonluer; cattle, same on left liiu.
Bn.wnlee, W. J., Fox .Or Cattle. JB connected
on lef t aide; crop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece cnt out on right ear: on luires same
brand on the left thigh; Hang) iu Fox valley.
Grant county,
l arenei- Warren, Wagner, Or. fiorees brand
ed O on right stifle; rattle (three bars) on
right ribs, crop and Bplit in each ear. Range in
Grant and Morrow counties.
Cain.li)., Caleb.Or. Y l on horsea on left stifle
0 with quarter circle over it, on left nhouluer
and on left stifle on all colts n Her 5 years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 6 years. Ail
range in Grant county.
Clark, Wm. H.. Let a. Or. Horse WHO con
nee ted, on left shoulder: cattle same on right
hip. lta ge Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cate, ('has. H Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Kange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
('wil, Wm.. Douglas. Or.: horses J- on lef
shoulder; ca'tle same on left hip, waddles on
each jaw and two bita in the right ear.
Curl, X. H John bay-. Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Kange in Grant
county. On sheep, inverted A aud spear point
on shoulder. Far markoi ewes, crop ou l.ft ear
pnuched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop iu
right and under half crop in left ear. All rang
iu Grant countv.
Cook, A. J ..Lena, Or .Horses, 9() on right shonl
Jer Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square
crop off left and split in right.
Currin. K. Currinavilie, Or. -Horses, on
left e title.
Cox Kd. 8., Hardman, Or. Cattle, C witl
r in center; horses, t't on left ip.
Cochran, H. Monument. Grant Co, Or.
Uorses branded circle with lai beneath, on lefi
shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, marl
under slope both ears and dewlap,
Chapin, H., Bartlnian, Or.Horpea branrten
on riiit lup, I 'at tie hrttmied the same. Al
brai.ds (I on hoiscs iiNht thigh: tv t e s t
biand on right nhuuldei, aid cut iff iuu uf
right ear
Dickens, Ebb Horses braided with three
tin eo. fort t-n left Mifie Cattle u- on leftside.
Douglass, W. M , Gallows). Or. t ante. U I' on
right auiu.swa low-fork iu each ear; horse. K D
on left hip.
Douglas, O. T., Douarlae, Or Horcee TD on
the i .glit stifle; cattle same on right hip.
til, L b o. bout., DtruKiae, r. tinrirt brand
ed k.L en left niiouUter, cattle name uu loft
hip. hole n right ear.
Elliott . Wah.. Heppner, Or. Diamond tm
right ehtruluVr,
tmeij, t . H., Hardman, Or. Hoi see brand-d
v) (tevtrstfJ i villi laii on left shou iler ; i-at-UeMtnie
ul li h hip. bai'ge in alorn-w i-oui.ty.
tiefk, JaclLboii, liHpi'iifr, Ui. tior. .r
vonnected ui riitht shouhler: cattle sauie or
right hip. Kar mark, bole in right and croi
off left.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; hore. F with bar under on right
Florence, B. P. Heppner, Or Horses, F on
right shot Idei. cattle, i on right top or rhitrh.
trench, Georgw, Ilfppi.r. Ur. ( attie branded
WF, with bar over it. on left side; crop ott left
ear. Lorst-b, same brai d on It-ti hip.
Gay, heurj , Ueppner, Or. OA If on lef i
Gilman-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Foe
il, Or. Horswt. anchor b on left shoulder; vent.
saueonieit stitte. i at tie, same ou both hu
ear marks, cnip off right ear ai.d underbit in Ifft
Kan tie in
(i ill tain, Gra
, Grant. Lrta.k su d Morrow
Gentry, Elmer, Echo. Or Hordes branded h.
8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stinY
Hangein Morrow and LmatillarHnntiee.
Ha)es. Geo.. Liena, Or, brand Jll connected
with quarter circl over it. on let t shoulder.
Hiatt A. B., Kidgtt, Or. tattle, roui d-top
with quaiter circle ut der it nn the n;ht hip
Uaitge in Morn-w and L niaiillaitinnttea.
Hinton is Jeuks. Hamilton. Or stUe. two l a. t
on either hip; crop in right ear aitd split tn lef i
Horses, J on right thigh. Baiigeiu 'ni count j
H'Khen, Hiunel. Waaer, Or-J" (T V
connecteit)on uuht shoulder on hort-s; on cattle
on right hip and on left side, swallow fork it
right ear and slit in left. Kangw in Hayauwk
district. Morrow oocintr.
nals. Milton, Wagwr. Or.-Harm branded
- . in le with peiallel tails) on left shoulder.
etile same on left hip also large circle on left
rtIHall. Edwin. John Day.Or. Cattle K H on right
hip; horses same on right shoulder, hangein
Grant connty.
Howard, J L, r-alioway. Or.-Honee, (cross
witti bar above it) ou right shoulder; cattle
-ameoii lett side. Kange in Morrow and Uma
tilla counties.
Hughes. Mat, Heppner, Or. Horsee, shaded
heart on the left shoulder. Kange Morrow Co.
Hnnsttker, B . W agner. Or. -Hones, tf on left
ehoulifr. cm tie. Aon left hit-.
Hardisty, Albert, Nye, Oregon HorBee,A H
connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left
hip, crop off left ear,
Humphrey, j 01 Hardman, Or. Horses, H on
let tlhi.k
Htijtw, J. M.. Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass
on left shouldei cattle, same on right hip.
Huston. Lot her. Light Mile, Or, florae Hon
the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat.
tie same n lft hip. Hantre in Morrow county.
Ivy, Alfred, Long ('reek. Or Cattle I Don
right hip, crop off left ear and bit in right. Horses
same brand on left shoulder Kange n Grant
J nrs. Harry, HeppnT, Or HorseB branded
H J on the left Bhoulder: cattle baanried J on
riglii hip, hIko undfei bit in It ft ear. Kange in
Ik. t u iow c uniy .
Jnnkin, a, tti., Heppner, Or Horses, horse,
slate J on left shoulder, ('attie, tbe earns.
Itange on Kight Mile.
Johnson, elJX Lena, ur. Horses, circle r on
left stiiie; cattle, same on right hip, under half
crot hi right and eulit in left ear
Jenkins, D W.,Mt. Vernon, Or, J on horses on
left shoulder; on cattle, J on lef t hip and two
smooth crops oo both ears. Kange in Fox and
Hear valleys
heuuy, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
KNY on left hip cattle same and orop off left
-at : under rthitte nn the right
hirk J. T., Heppner. Or. Horses 60 en left
honlder: cattle, nil on left hip.
hirk. J C, Heppner. Or. Horses, 17 on either
dank: cattle 11 on right side.
Kirk. Jesse, Heppner, Or.; horse 11 on left
'Lonlder; cattle same on tight side, underbit on
right etr.
Kumberland.W. G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on
uattleon right and left sides, swadow fork in left
jar and under ciop in right ear, Horees same
rand ol left shoulder. Kange in Grant conntv
Loften, Btepnen, I ox, Or, 8 L on left hip
n cat He. crop and split on right ear. HorseB
anie brand on left shoulder. Kange Grant
Lietialien, John W., 1H Or. Horses
bramted hati-cucle JL connected on left slioul
ier. ( attie. earn, on le hiu. Kange, near Lex
nut on
Leahey. J. W Heppner Or.-HorBes branded
LanoAo b it Bhoujder; eettl same on left
hip, vttUleovL-r r.tht ye, three slits in rjght
Lord. George, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
double H coi.uecu . .Sometimes called a
wing H. on let! shoulder.
aiarkliam. A. AL, Heppner, Or. Cattle large
M on left side both ears cropped, and split in
I io h Horses M on left hip. Kange, Clark's
t Minor. Oscar, ueppner, nr. rattle, M D on
right hip; horse, Al on left shoulder,
Morgan, B. N Heppner, Or. Horses, M 1
"ii let i hIiouIi1. cattle same on left hip.
McCuuiber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses, M with
ai over on right shoulder.
Morgan. Thus., Heppner, Or. Horees, circle
I on left shoiUderand left thigh; cattle, '& on
ight thigh.
Mitcliell. Oscar, lfine, Or. Horses, 77 on right
' io; cattle, 77 on right side.
McClaren, D. G., Brownsville, Or, Horses,
figure Son each shoulder, cattle, M2 on hn
Mct'arty, David H. Koho Or. Horses branded
DM connected, on the left Bhoulder; cattle same
on hip and side.
McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in
each ear; horses same brand ou left stifle.
McHhI, w. i., rMiiiiiion.Or. On Uorens. H
with half circle under on left shoulderjun Cattle,
lour bars connected on top on the right side
Kange in Grant County.
Neui. Andrew. Lone Kock.Or. Horses A N con
iiecusl on left shoulder: cattle same on both hips,
IWlyke, L., Milverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on
ieft thigl : cHitle.same on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, ( Hnjon City, Or. A 9 on cattle
on left hip: on horses, same ou lef t thigh, Kange
in Grant county
Oiler, Perry. Lexington, Or. P O on left
Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP connected on ieft hip; horses on left stills
and wartle on nose, hange in Grant county.
Pearum, Olave, Kipht Mile, Or. Horees, quar
ter circle shield uu left shoulder and i4 on left
hip. ( attie, fork in lef; ear, right cropped. 24
on left hip. Hang on Eight Mile.
Parkei & Gleason, Hardman.Or, HorseB IP on
I' ft .shoulder.
P per, tri e t, Lexington. Or.-Hordes brand
e wfc (L h connected) oi left shoulder ; cattle
me on right hip. Kange, Morrow oounty.
i iper, J. H., Ltjxiiigton. Or. -Horses, Jtf con
nected oi left shwulder; cattle, same on left hip.
under hi1 in each ear.
Petty s. A. C., lone, Or,; horses diamond P oo
- shoulder; cuttle, J H J connected, on the
left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the
Powell, John T Dayville, Or Horses, J P coiu
uec eti on left shoulder. Cattle OK connected on
left hip, two under half crops, ou& on each ear,
wHttle under throat. Kai gem Grant county.
liood. Andrew. Hardman, Or. Horses, square
crop, with quarter-circle over it on left stifle.
Bellinger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, C B ou
left shoiiidbj.
bice, Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence on leli shoulder; oattle, DAN on
right shoulder. Kange near Hardman.
itoyse, Auittn, Ueppner, Or Horses, plain V on
right hip and crop off right ear. Kange in Mor
onwuiuw. , umwim, aauie orana reversea on
row county.
Hush BroB., Heppner, Or. Horses brandod X
nn the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip,
isrop ofl left ear aud dewlap on neck. Kango in
Morrow and adjoining counties.
Bust, William, Kidge, Or. Horses K oi
left shoulder; cattle, li on left hip, crop off
right ear, underbit on left ear. Bheep. K ou
weather, round crop off righ ear. U;tnge Uma
tiliaand Morrow c mnties.
lieaney, Andrew, Lexingtou, Or. HorBea
branded A It on right Bhoulder, vent quarter
circle over brand; cattle same on right hip.
liiiiige -Morrow county.
Koyse, Wm. 11, Dairyville, Or Hit connects.
witii quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip
and crop off right ear and split in left. Hornei
ame brand on left bhoulder. Kange in Morrow
Grant and Gilliam counties.
Hector. J. W.. Heppner, Or. HorseB, JO oa
loft shoulder. Caitlo, right hip.
i-pickiiall, J. W-, Gooseberry, Or. Horses
branded iil on left Bhoulder; lange in Morrow
bailing, C C Heppner, Or Horees branded
on left shoulder; cuttle same on left hip.
bwaggan, B. F., Lexington, Or. Horses
with dash under it ou left stifle, cattle H with
uaBh under it ou right hip, crop off right ear and
waudled on right hmd leg, Kange in Alorrow,
Gilliam and Umatilla couuties.
bwaggart, A. L.,Athena. Or Horees branded 3
on lelt shoulder; uettiesame on left hip. Crop
on ear, wattle ou left hind leg,
btraight W. K, Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
J b on lei stihe; cattle J Son left hip, swallow
fork in righ ear. underbit iu left.
bapp.'lhos., Heppner, Or. Horses, S A F on
lett hip; cat tit same on left hip.
bhrier.Johu, Fox, Or. NO connected on
horses uu right hip; caitie, same on right hip,
crop .tt right ear and under bit in left ear. Kange
in Uraiit ctuuty.
bnnth Bros., bubanville, Or. Horses, branded
H. L. on shoulder; cattie, ameonleft shonlder.
bquires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
J bun left shoulder; eat lie the same, also nose
waudie. Kange in Morrow and Gilliam counties.
btephens, V. A., iiardmun, Or-; horses HSon
right stifle; cattle h.-rizoutaf L on the right side
bievensou, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattie, H
on rigtii iu.; swallow-fork in left ear.
bwaggan, G. Vt ., Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on
lett siiuuiUr ; cattie, 44 on left hip.
bperry , L. G ., Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
lett hip, orop off right and underbit in left year,
dwiap; horses V ton left shoulder.
lliuiupson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, g on
tell siiouiu- r; cattle, 2 on left shoulder.
lip, eu.b.T.,Lnierprise,Or. Horses, C-on left
luiuerK. W., Heppner, Or.-SmaH capital T
lelt shouiUui, horses; cattle same on left hin
with opiit in both ears.
IhirntuL, H. M., lone, Or. Horses branded
h I couiiecttHi on lett stifle; shewp Bame brand.
Vanuerpoul, H. X. Lena, Or; Horses HV con.
iievted ou right shoulder .cattle, same on right
Wal bridge. Wm.. Heppuer. Or. Horses, U. L.
ou the lett shouider; cattie same on right hip.
oi o. oil lelt ear aud right ear lopped.
W.tboii, Jonn Q Salem or Tleppner, Or.
Hontes branded Jy on the left shoulder. Kange
Morrow count.
Vt- arreu, B. t aieb. Or Cattle W with quarter
circle over it, ou ieft side, split iu right ear.
Hon-en Miiue brad on left shoulder. Kaiigeiu
Gram couuty.
V right, bilas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
b VS on the right hip. square crop ott right ear
aiiU spl.l in lelt.
V ad, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
ace ot pau.ee on leit shouider and left hip
( attie brauden same on left side and left hip,
Vi ells. A. b., Heppner, Or. Horses, on Isf
shoulder- cat) w tnuu
Woifiuger, John, John Day City, Or On horses
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep,
bit in both ears. Kange in Grant and Malhner
com i tie.
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, UP
connected on lef t shoulder.
V.atkine, Lishe. Heppner, Or. Horses branded
U k. ouni.ectet. on left stifle.
Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on
right tlogh, ho. in left ear; hones, W on right
tiouluer. Minit same on left shoulder.
Whittier btum., nuMugion, Baker Co.. Or -Hon
branded W B ctnncted on left houlder
Williams, vaaco, Uamuton, Or. Quarter cir
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and
horse. Kange Grant connty.
Williams. J O. Umg Creek. Or-Horses, quar
ter circle over three bre on left hip; cattle same
mt .lit in Miu-h enr lUuige m Grant c-Qnty
Wira, A A . eppner, Or.-Horses mnningA A
..n shoulder: attie. earn nght h,p. "
Wslker FJirabpth A Sons, Hardman Or -Mile
branued (L W coin iec ted j EW on left
jide ho-vs mae on right shoulder. J. W
VV lkerscst. san.eon lelt hip, horses same
unv1 uVuIdt"r Ali rND lB Morrow eonm?